I TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TIIITRSDAT MORNING, NOVEMBER 2C, 1896. P.33!! to Wasr SUITS and OVERCOATS. Just as good M as any sweu merchant tail or would make for 3-ou at a saving of ONE-HALF. 0ARB0H0ALE, tnoad.TS will please note that nrtvrtl. nienls, orders for Job work. nn1 Item for 'jhlli-allnii left at the establishment or :im.noii ''.. newsdealers. North Mam ni.-eet, will receive prompt ntteiiiion; ul Iku .,., n from X :u In. to 1U p. in.) PLEASING RLCLPTION. A l.ariif Number til People. tJiithiT lit .Mr. Nprnecr. IJi'MilriHM'i At ( lit- n "Mcnce of ('. K. Sinner, on l.lihulu nvniiii'. a ivivi'li"n was Kiv n liy -ilaiiit-v U. I', l'atti i-siin. A. I.. it I I ' . HI mill O. I-:. SlrtlnT nil Tll'S- .i.iv all.Ti 1. Niaily ::') (jin-stn j.,nl Hi... .HTiil.in. I'll I, -st 11 1 i fill mail si, ,11 una 1 1 . c -. I cl ill a clllirilllll.H iiian- 111 1, tin- Kirlt'ti ami imraij iiinu'h sniila x. pink i.is.'s, khiuihI I'ln' ami potted il. nits in .mi :it alaiii'l iii' liil' tin- ilium:: n.m was Linlicllii-lu il Willi llll VS.IIllllWlllllllH. 'I ll, lii'Slt'ssi-H vcrr assiste'l in re f..iinu lli.-.i- sin sis l.y .M.'H'luini S.'lil:v-',"i' iiml Mc.Mulleii. of S. ianliai; Valur, ..f Ilk. x-l .arn ; S. A. .M- Jllllli'll. !. M. I'attrlSnll, ( (. M.lllll unit .1. K. I'.urr, if tliix rlt.v. .M.i'iiiK Hi'' "llt-.il-liiw 11 nests llii'li v. I-" pi. Hi nt .l"Silau'S Law . Siini""'". I'liillips. Kin', ll'iv.'ll, Mi-l'liiv. An drews, Srlilam-r. .M .i nlleii and Mat thews, of Siiaiilnii: -M ilitil'ni'l. I Jen kins, I mi'lap.l. Jleiiner a ml li'lz. "f luii,.ilii.': fair, nl IVekville: SliieM-i iiml Kii nil. of J.Tinyn: Waller ami i.awirii' 0 Walter, of Wilkes-llunv. DEATH CF HAZARD RIVENBUKG. larliiimlalo I.om's One ol" Hit .Host I 10 111 iur lit HiitinrsM Jim. The sail Inl.'I'.i'C'iK lias ri m lieil (Ills cilvnl' tin' ileaili of Uazanl Kivi'iilmi'K. lli' I. It lirl.i'inl;ile n liltii' iimie Ilian a w.'ik i!".n Willi Mis. Ki viiliwi"-! ami Mr. dl'ii:". il. I'"V tin' i'oiitli. Iiooini;- to iv-i-'vi iis Iie.illli, lint on Til' .-lay nmni i. . " I'a.-s.-ml uway al JarkKunvill", y: "la. Ho ha'l ln"-n n vrnniiiii'iit business Tiriii in this rity for ovir twenty-live y.ais; for many years, h.- was i -: 1 1 n -rivi ly cnmiKi'il in Hit' retail im al Imsi lirss, ami was known niul n sii' i ti'il as a man of sliii t inl"i;riiy ami ii'i!.;lil I'l im i."y. He was horn 111 I !iv. nlii'l.l o'-r lil'ly-siN- yea I'd ao, Imt liai! lii'.'.l for iiiiiily lliiiiy y.ars In l'ai'l".mlal". His will', two sons ami a ili: imlii'T moifin his loss. His inotlni. Mrs. I i'l 11 Uivi'iilnii of .I' l iiiyn. si ill snrviv. s. TI10 n inains aro i xn'i'li''l to iviu li llim city lliis rvnin;,'. i II "II tin' al I'a'iu;.'-m.-'nts for tin; fuiu-'inl w ill lie aniioun. -td. CFFICCRS ELECTUD lly .llcmlicr l' l.mrrtiti I.oilsr, ItmiuliKTi ol Ki licl.ali. An lnU'i'i;stini; niii'tiiiLr of Iauri'tla l.iil-;,- was In M on Tms'lay ivniiiK w In n t o canili'lnt.'n iiv inil int'-'l. T.inl.v-i 'ln liulii s In bountiful or i. nial 10. tunii'S, pai tii ipati il in tin; ix t'l riS' s. uilii irs wore oli'clril ni follows: Xo Mu uian l, Mrs. I-'ml In.: viit' Kianil, Jlis. Krank l.inhvl: ri'roriliii'.r S"iii tury, Mrs. V. HiiKhrs; linamc s.'c lflaM'. (!. W. Illili.s: tiriisurir. Alrn. N;. navl'V; tnisti'c. Mis. Krank U'.'lls. Th" Installation e xin isi s will lit' In -11 Tuisilay. Inn: 1. whrii 1'i'pnl.v ; 1 a Ti.l .Master .Mrs. I'heolie Slp lllii'in, nl Si ranioii, will prcslil". l.oilircs from I.' luliliorimT towns will part ieipn le In the rxiMi isi's. nml the Patriarch's Mil Vitaiit iseort w ill he or. sent nml join in tin; interest inn m ension I Drntli ol His. HrouncM. Ypsferilay afternoon al 2.".n o'eloek, nt her home on Smith ("hnn h stieet. Hi" Kpirit of Mrs. M. i t i'.row nell passoil in Its eternal limin '. S'he ha. I been sn! feiimr for marly a year with heart trouble. Mrs. Uiownell was a woman iossesseil of exe llent riuaiifes, a kooiI filelnl ami kinil neifilibor, ami she will l'o gi'i'iilly inisseil. She was a ilannli ter of Airs. .lolia f'oui trliihl. of South Canaan stroi t, anil was about 2'J years oM. The keystone Social. An elaborate bamiliet was sol veil by Hie Keystone Social club at their rooms in Tuesday evi niniv. which w as en Joyed by about lull members and friends. Several guests I'riiui Seran ton wen; present. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Aliss Kula Can v. w ho has been the piiest nf relatives in TiinUbaiiii.u k. has l'ctlll'lleil holile. Air. and Airs. L,. C. Wetheii '. ol' Wayne street, left yontordav for i,iy tona, Florida, w hei" tlier w ill spend the vlnt'i Air. W'ethi rby has been mi invalid for some lime ami it is Imped that the change of climate will be ben eficial to him. Jos. pli Cawiey. of Pitlston. called on friends in town Tuesilav even'oiv'. Aliss Ll..le Farrell, of Maylb Id. who fins been the guest of Aliss Alary JO. Cannon, has returned home. Miss Alary o'Coniiell left vesterdav Visa a s? FOR FALL TRADE, AH the latest, from u 20o. In-grai-i to tlic best Wilton Oil Cloths and l.iiiii'icunis. all widths and prices. Window Shades nud Curtains, ull the latest novelties. I'ancv Kockiiitf Chairs, uphol stered in plush, tapestry and hroc itteilc. Als' a liiu collection of cilihler seals, and our price al ways the lowest. J. SCOTT KIS, Carpels, Will Papers and Drajjcriei i ' 419 LACKAWANNA AVL Spruce a en ta p - for a short vlr.lt with Mlrs Ua Mur Iihy, f Scranton. Miss Mamie Downing, of lieech Iakc, Is the Kuest of friends In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond, of Harford, are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. W. J. Lowry. They expect to Bpend part of the winter in this city. Mrs. Juliet A. M. Reynolds, of Ter raee street, will entertain at dinner today Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rose and son. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reynolds find daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Churles Oralner and William Roberts. Miss Mary Iiulaud Is visiting friends in I'ittstun. Mrs. James Honey and Mrs. John Tlllsley were visitors In Seranton this week. Mrs. Bridget Mechan, of Brooklyn street, left Tuesday for a visit In Jer sey City and Nuw York. Clarence F. Chatfield, of Oweffo, N. T., who lian been visitlni: Mr. C. F. Rose, of W'yomins street, returned home yesterday morning. Mr. Friek. of Jionisburg, Is v'l tlni? his son, Kusineer Fiiik, of Wyoming btreet. Miss Kate TVrlsht, of Sixth avenue, who has been visiting in l'hiladelphla, has returned home. Mrs. N. K. Rlee, of Scranton, called on friends in town Tuesday. Thanksgiving services at the Sec ond l'rLHbyturian church. Upper l'-el-iiinnt street,' Thursday nt 3.311 p. in., after which a chicken-nie supper will be served and In the evening the Junior Knileavor sueietv will glye an enter tainment. The public is invited. Miss Minnie Dennis will sp'-nd Thanksgiving nt her home in Doyd's Mills. Rev. K. J. Dalsley Is entertaining his brother, Charles liulsley, of lSrooklyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Kyte and dauchters. Misses Minnie and Killth, of West I'itts tun, are guests at the home of Al. A. Harrison, of Washington street. Mr. ami Airs. J. K. .Morgan, of Wash ington street, will spend Thanksgiving with friends in Susquehanna. i'l ck vi 1.1.1;. The Ladles' Aid society of the T'res byt. iian church will serve a Thanks Kiving dinner in the church parlors this af Hi iii'ini anil cveni'iir. These ladies are noti d lor their very excellent dinners and the one to night will in no way be an exception. Supper will be seivid from r to ln.::n o'clock ami for the normal sum of ;."i cents. The billowing bill of faro has been selected by Hi. in ami will be ipiile elaborate: Roast turkey, chicken, while potatoes, suiit l'olal.'is, turnips, while bread, Hi'Mmi brown bread, celery, piekl. s, olives, cranberries, plum pudding, pumpkin pie, tea, coffee, giapes, ban amis, oian.'.es. .Mr. and Airs. Lewis Flagg, of Chi cago, are visililiT at the Inniie of Air. and Airs. John Knglisli. on Alain street. Leonard Siinpkins and Albert Chap man, two students of Wyoming sem inal. v, aeeoiniMinieil by .Minion A. Sud dolh. a fellow student, are home to spend the Thanksgiving with their pa rents. Mrs. John Warne, of Hickory street. has been inillsi.osed for tile past few I days. A young lady boarder arrived to help eat Hie Thanksgiving turkey with Mr. and .Mrs. Ccorgu lieniuiing last Tues day. Air. and Alls. Stephen Cairns was called to Sand:- l.tun on account of Airs. Cairns' father, last Tuesday . Ib rbeit Frear had his foot severely hint while at work at lh Manville mine lust Tuesday. Air. ami Airs. James Kd wards mid family, of Scranton, will visit today at H;e home of A!r. and .Mrs. William K' si. II. The followinrr nri Hie oli'u ers of Kingsbiii v lodge. Free and Accepted Masons, lor Hie ensiling year: Wor shipful master, John K. l'.urkliiser; senior warden. K. J. Jiatihold: junior wanl'ii. Robert Jones; secretary, Frank L. ..niliu:i: treasurer. Klmor H. Iieainn: trustees, Frank M. Wil liams. Alexander Frew. Frank D. Simp son; rcpiesentativc to the Klatnl lodge, II. II. Alatthowson. - - MCHOI.SON. The Ficlnl Tuesday evening In honor of Air. and Airs. L. Shields was a Veiy enjoyable affair. A large number of their friends asseni'd d at the opera bouse. Alusie was furnished by the Nicholson orchestra of six pieces. At 11 o'clock an elegant lunch was served by the ladies. Air. and Airs. Shields admitted that they would like to have another one before departing for Alans He!. I on Friday next. Harry (lardiier, of Factory villi', and Will Cnpwell, of Scranton. were present. Alts. Henry Harding. Miss Wilson. Aliss llenii'tt and Aliss Jayne. all of Fin Joryx ille. called yesterday nl the art studio of Miss Stella Steinhack to make arrangements for painting les sons every Thursday at Faetoryville. The usual Thanksgiving dinner will be si rved at the I'resbytei Ian church today, where nil who desire a good din ner can obtain one for 2,". cents. Hairy Williams, of Kingston Seniin arv, is home for Thanksgiving. Air. ami Alts. C. I!. Williams will si" ml Hie day at Clark's Summit with Air. and Mrs. H. 1'. Wilcox. Dr. and .Mrs Fiey, of Scranbm. will take dinner with Airs. Laura Walker. TAYI.OK. Air. nnd Airs. Richard Kvans visited Hyde 1 'ail: Tuesday evening. Th" .Methodist Calvary Haptlst and the Presbyterian churches will unite in holding Thanksgiving services this morning. The services will be held at the Presbyterian church at lti.:!n a. in. K. v. I r. II. II. Harris will preach the sermon. The fdneinl services over the remains of Hie late Steven Roberts took place yesterday afternoon from Hi" home of bis nephew in liellevue. and was at tended by n large concourse of sympa thizing trienils. Interment was ina.li; at tlie Forest Home cemetery. .Messrs. Martin liillivnry and Joseph !. iikic. of this place, will go to Strouds biirg with the Scranton liusiinss col lege team where they will play on the foot bail eleven against the team of that place. IIAI.I.SH.AI). Chaneey 'isterhoul is III. The liH-nibeiship tliereinometi.' at the Raiiioad Young Ali us Christian asso ciation now stands at thirty-seven. Senator John Land is. of Laneastir. Pa., was in town on business on Wednesday. William J. Pike will re' urn lo Wash ington, I'. O., next Wednesday. K. A. Sands, of iSingiinmton, N. Y., was In town the first of the week. The I'osiiel meeting in the Itailroad Young Men's Christian association hall next Sunday afternoon will be for men only, and will be addressed by fiey. Joseph Culcoiigh, of I'tisonville. pa. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Knileaviir of the Presbyterian church will hold a social at Hie home of Cieoree Hatlielil on Pine street Fri day evening. Revival meetings are being conduct ed in the Velhodist church this week. John O'p.ri.-n spent Sunday with friends In Scranton. oi.l ioh;i:. Til" ladies of the Ln wreneevllle Coli Mngutloiiiil church will serve a supper this evening in the basement of the church. A pleasing programme has been prepared for th" evening. The contest will close. A gents' geld will eh. a Indies' gold watch and a parlor suit.' will lie given nway. Price of the sup per. 2ii cents. All are Invited. Henry Harding will be a candidate for tax collector, subject to the Repub lican caucus. ilruce Knapp, of Jerniyn, spent Sun day nt the home of his mother. John A. Wood has returned after, a week's visit to New York Absolutely Pure. The r Careful Housewife will use no other. JI'KMYX. Herbert Yost and Miss Elizabeth Swallow took out their inarriase li cence yesterday, and will be Joined In wedlock todav at the home of Air. Helms. Rev. Air. lirown, of the First l'.aptist church will otliciate. A five entertainment will be given nt the Methodist Fpiseopal church to nighl. All are invited. At the meeting of the Order of For esters of America, No. 75, last Friday evening, a badge given by the lodge bearing the emblem of the society was ib.iiieed nfT by its members, for the Lent tit of the widow' and orphans of the late I Livid F.vans. The lucky number wuk held by .Martin Woyles. liu billowing are those who reg istered at Fixer's lintel yesterday: P Wall, Itiiighamlon; Hiiijamin Faudler DuudatT; F. L. Moon. Scott; Dan Pock, Scott; 11. 1'. Aleml, Scott; John Mc Kay, Luzerne; W. K. Conners. K. H. Jerniyn, W. J. Alorgan and T. .1. Cole man, of Scranton. Thomas Hopkins left yesterday for the I tench, where he will remain for u few days. Airs. David F.vuns sincerely thanks the members of the Order of Foresters of Atui.'.ica, No. 73, for the benevolent spirit tiny have shown toward her since the ilcath of her husband. fli" Catholic church will have mass at s u. m., St. John's church, I0.3U u m., and the Congregational, 10.30. All are invili il to attend. owing to Hie complicated stale of ti fi'airs In Cuba. Ceuerai Weyler will not be able to be present at the chick en sui'i ei in the parlors of the First Haptist i iiurch this eveiilus; but no one iicid Htav away on that uccount for ewiMhmg will pass off just the sinie. Supper will be served from 5 o'clock p. in. for 25 cents. No supper will be sirveil after 11.30 p. in. The eutttii Iniiiciit will begin at S p. m. The programme like the supper, Is full of good tilings, one you taste, Hie other you hear. You should elijiiy both. The programme lollows; PART I. Anthem. "Lift l'p Your Heads. Oh, Yo Hates." liavir Rev. W. II. F. lirown I Ulel. S' leeted, Aliss Allie .Moon, and Miss l.lzzlu Newton, of 'iirbiiinlale. Recitation, seb ete.l. Miss ('.race Williams, of Carbon. lale Solo, with gulliir aeeoiiii'Hiiiuient, llaiiie Xinlle, the boy urtist of ileranton Vocal solo, .Miss Nellie lei in w, of Seranton Intermission, "Hiinglag In the Tithes." PA HT II. Solo, selected. Miss Lucy Johnson, of Clifford Iteiit.itiuii, "Ili'ih Noon," J. Hamlin, of Faetoryville Hrin.lo soln Harlie Zlntlu Sung. "Th'' i Hd Parson's Story," H"v. Thomas Hamilton, of Montrose Itn itallon. selected.. Aliss dace Williams Harmonica solo, J. D. Myers, of Seranton Votal solo Aiiss Ni Hie lleUr.iw Aiaii.liilin end ipillur du.-t, H.irlle y.liule ami Harry Frease Anthem, "Am I a Soldier?-' ciiuir OLYl'IIANl. Aliss Sarah Williams and Nathan Dodgeii were iiiielly married Inst i veiling at the residence of Ri-v. John Williams, nastor or the Calvinistic .Methodist church, who performed the ceremony. The luid" and her ult'-nd-ant, Aliss Alice Phillips, wer.4 attired in dark green costiiiiv s trimmed with black satin. David Thntuns was the groomsman. After the iiieinony the bridal pa:ty were driven to Hie home of Hie bride's sister, in Iilak'.iy, wheie a reception was held. A number from hero attended the Young Men's Institute social at Scran ton last evening. Roy Kelly returned hojne from Mans field yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with Ids parents. The l"d!cs of the Primitive Method ist church will serve a turkey supper in Million's hall this evening. Ambrose, the ii-year-old child of Mr. nnd Airs. W. Y. Williams, of Lacka wanna street, died Tuesday evening after a short illness of membraneous croup. The funcial will take place this afternoon. Internn-iit will be made In tin; Catholic cemetery. A number nf young people gathered at the home of Aliss Carrie Norman last evening to ctlehrato her ninth lib tlulsiy. ( lames and other diversions made the hours pass iiui. kly until about 10 o'clock, when they returned to their homes. Aliss Carrie was the recipltiit of many pretty and usiful gifts. N. L. Kennedy, of V.'yomlng Semin ary, came home yesterday to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy, of Hlakely. A large auillene . appreciated the good programme provided at the Rusipie hanna Street linntlst church Tuesday evening. A neat sum wan realized. At her heme on D. laware street Aliss I!i rtha (loodrich hospitably enter tained a large number of her friends. A delightful time was had by all pres ent. Ocorge, th' young son nf Airs. fleo. Weaver, diei! Tuesday afternoon of diphtheria. The funeral occurred yes terday afternoon. P. V. O'AIalley was In Carbondale last evening. A young son of 'Squire Hobnn, of Dimninre street, Is ill with diphtheria. The Standard bnnd held thi ir first Annual social in the Club of 'll.Vs hall last evening. Previous to the social Liver Oils Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, cotistl iciii.iii. simr sioiii.'ii h. IniliL'i'stioii are nroini'tlv cured by Hood's 1111.4. They do their work ood's easily nml tlioronnlily. 'II. Rest niter dinner 'pills. H" 116 sneeiits. All druggists. w Prepared by C. I. lloml & Co., Iiwull, Mass. The only PIU to take with Rood's BarsuparliUu the band paraded the streets in their new uniforms. Miss Mamie Foote, of Archbald. vls ttfcd friends at this place yesterday. If the llaby I Cattiag Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'B Soothing Syrup has been used for over Jlfty years by mll llons of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures Wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and call for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bdttle. la almost here. That turkey you're going to have, of course, is young and and fat, but looks are sometimes de ceiving. To insure a well-cooked tur key, whether young or old, fat or poor, buy a ft Mokes the Toughest Turkey Tender. FOOTE I SHEAR CO.. 119 WASHINGTON AVENU1 THE WEATHER Is so variable that one never knows whether It will rain, shine or snow the next min ute. A reliuble mackintosh Is almost a lleces sity. We have them ranging from $1.7i to $15 In price. Th colors and styles uro vu ried. Other rainy day parapher nalia you will lind here at rea sonable prices 305 Lack Av. H INFANT HEALTH ti K SENT FREE Y A littlo bonk that should be Inevety h J. Iiomu, Issued by the inunufacturvii. j.' pj iho f Y ban Borden tanie Brand n H Condensed Milk N. Y. Condensed Milk Co. , ..... y 71 Endson Street, Hew York W THICK CONRAD, HATTER E HANDLE FOOTWEAR OF ALL SORTS, ex clusively, and make of the same name. fli 1 307 Lackawanna Ave. ARYKLOUS values in M cver-iiicreasiiisr business of the store, the threat outlet the determination to sell goods lower than any other shcx- store in the city, have tironitited us to buy more liberally than ever. I he enormous crowds, the big suc r' of rmr business is an evidence that our push, our pluck and enterprise, our buying goods spot cash are appreciated ly LADIES' SHOES 48 pairs Ladies' Dongoh Si. 25. or 50c. 12S pair Ladies' Hand-sewed Shoes, worth $3.00, for $1.3). We also have a lartre and T'-ros.' hand turn make, at 1 , and L. 1EHS HOES 200 pair Glen's Calf Shoes, for the street wear, all toes am si.-.es. woi'lh St. CO. for 08c. 72 pair Men's Iland-si wed Shoes, all lace, regular price the world over Sum to St.w. our price only Sixi. We have a large and Leather at prices 2, 3. :4 Boys' and Youths' School Shoes 125 pair Hoys' Shoes, sizes 3 to 51, worth $1.25, for 75c. 24 pair Youths' Shoes at 6yc. Misses nnd Children's Shoes and Slippers at prices 40c. 50c. 75c. and !si, up to !p2. The above are only a few impress the fact upon vour lar I 'rice Shoe House in Scranton, and although we undersell all other houses that deal in shoes, our goods are strictly high grade and thoroughly reliable and money to any one that is not iiivite vott to call and examine and make our store your show goods and you will surely save money by it. 307 LACKAWAWNA AVENUE. This Is a Free Country It is your privilege to wear ready made clothing if you wish to, but don't you know that we make Suits and Overcoats for $15 that you can't match in reedy' inades for that price. All giadcs of goods proportionately low. The (lost Complete Tailoring Establishment la Scranton. W1 flAVI m Wyoming Ave. l. Ut V IZ, Arcade Building. ORIENTAL RUGS . CARPETS Oriental Rugs, Oriental Carpets, Oriental Rugs, Oriental Carpets, Oriental Rugs. This week we will sell any of your choice at exactly half the price to be' able to raise a certain sum. China and Japanese ware at cost. MICHAELIAN BROS. & CO,, 124 Washington Ave. E. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer: of th Celebrated CAPACITY! 100,000 Barrels per Annum no mistake with other houses liitfli grade Shoes. The constant, for spot cash and selling them for tne punnc I'utton Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, worth fine stock of Ladies' Shoes in (Iray prices $2, $3, $4 and $5, in A, li, C, well selected stock of Men's l'atent and ?5. Macy, .ciams cc t.o. s make of our great bargains. We want to mind that we are the greatest Popu warranted. e will refund the satisfied w ith their purchase. We our goods before buying elsewhere headquarters. There is no trouble to 111 rvi i i i nnnnr innnr unnr II. KERR'S. Carpets, Draperies, We want you to see our date." We are not selling goods "at cost" do not intend to, but we are offering values we have never been able to offer before in our twenty-three years in. the business. Bring in the size of your room. Come and see us if you don't want to buy. We want you to see our stock, our store, and our method of doing business. The DEPARTMENT Is alone worthy of your inspection. New novelties ia LACE CURTAINS. Point dc Paris, lsicniicims, Irish Point, Etc. S. G. KERR, rX. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed JAMES MOIR, Hoa Mov4 ta HI Nw Quarter, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entruc on tide next to Flrpt National Bauk. tie uaa now in Comprising oTrjrtliliig req'ilnltn for fine atorolmnt Tailoriuv. Anil thn aame can b. ahown tu mlvuntKu in bis iplen dlaly tilted up rvuma. k SPECIAL INVITATION If Bxtendtd to All Header! ol The Trlb. ne to Call oo "OLD RELIABLE" In Hlf New Biulncaa Homo- MT. PLEASANT COAL AT R ETA I U. Coal of thn best quality far domcntlo line and of all aizei. Including: buckwheat nnd birilepye, delivered In any part of th city at the lowest price. Orders received at th Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. ti telephone No. 2624 or at the mln.. tele, phono No. 272. will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. aa syi THE MP.Rr.HDNT TAILOR CANADIAN PACIFIC R I IIU IIIU11 Vllllll I HUH VII I T lit I . I AT 4 . TMIT. I.I 1 1 , t GOLD FRAMED G Show S ? c Windows j EstabMsd 23 Yean stock. It is new, "up-to Brussels, SON & CO., on Interest Deposits. ON THE LINE OF THE are located tha finest Ashing and hunting grounds in tha world. Descriptive book on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, . Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United Stutea Northwest, Vunvouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-clasa tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further information, time tables, ato on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 333 Broadway, New York. k1 REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a i Wall Man ISthDay.'ffliJ Of Me. THE GP6AT ,10th tjfb proxlnve the nhovw result ln'30 ilnys. It sett pnwiiriully and quickly. Curfs wben all others talL Yoiiuu nn'U will ri'miin thi lr lout manhood, aud old rupn will recover their youthful vixor by UMlnff ItMVIVO. It iUlcklyandiiurelymilorrsNprvou ni-HB, Lost Vitality, IiuiMrucy, Mulitly Kiuiiwionsj liMt Power, Failiiur Mi tnory, WaHtiim Diseasns, and all fflV't'tH of M'lf-abufe or excowiand indiMrretioD. v. hicb iiubtn one for Bttuly, bunineu or snsiTlaRe, II not mi ly rurpH by nartinu at the wat of diseasa, bill In nun at n-rtr tonic and blood builder, brlnK inn back thu pink Blow to pale cheek and re atoiiiiK thn lire of youth. It wardH off Innanity and Consumption. Iuaifit on having KKVlVttino other. It can be carried ln vent poeki-t. By mail, . I .(Ml pr paekase, or iU for WS.OO, with a post Jvo written Bjunritntee to core or refund hn money. Circular true. Addreas . Mr DICINE CO.. B3 River St.. CHICAGO. T' lor Sato by MATTHEWS DK09., Drug Cist scrunion. Pn. mm lstUoj.fflJ is This Rocker siW sat Aff t T- uyrinanKsgivinguiienng SEE HOW WE FIGURE IT: Cost of Rocker. S4.00 A. J Our Profit, .01 OUR PRICE, $4.01 Until Saturday, Nov. 28. TH OF IT A rocker like ac comnanvincr illus- tratiou, upholstered in brocatelle, plush, coiduroy aud ve 4& lour, all colors oak or mahogany, $4.01. Another Surprise 34 CENTS. 225-227-218 Wyoming Aenn3. V
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