2 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 21, 1896. PELLS For Bilioueand Nervous disorder! such as Wind and Pid.1 in the Stomach, Pick iSSS. Jiddineaa.Fulla.es end Swelling after meals, Diszlu, and DrowelneseX'old Chill. Flushing S HriJof ADitii Shortness of Breath. Convenes. Blotch. on tbebkin. Disturbed Sleep. Frightful Dream, and. .U Nervona ana toms are caufKNl nv couhtipsuou, uiu v LIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Thie la no on box of these rule, ana wey win am A WONDERFUL MEDICINE BEECHAM'S PILLS, tak.n aa directed, will quickly restore females to complete health TV.. , rnm.,n. kkuvo obatrnctlona or irregularitiee of the system. For a WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION. DISORDERED LIVER they act like magic -a few doses wiU work wonders upon ths Vital organs; strengthening the Muaculir Syatarn. restoring the Ion g lout omplfxicu, bringlue back the keen edge of appolite anaaraingwitatbeResebdot Health the whole phyelc! energy of the human frame. lhoM irV Ui ta adinitl-u bv thousands. In all cl.aaea of urioty. and oua of the beat guaran. teeTto' the 5 "vous i"d Debilitated la that Bcechaaa's Fills have the Largest Sale ol any Patent Medicine In tne wona. WITHOUT A RIVAL. tuc. at Drue Store, or will be aent by U. York, poet paid, upon receipt price, duos AN UNPRECEDENTED BUSINESS BOOM Nearly 400 Establishments Have Started Up Since Election. INCREASE IN TRADE EVERYWHERE Clearing Home Exchanges Exceed Those of 1892 by 0 Per CentIn Nearly All Urnncb.es an Excessive lUse in Prices is PresentedDc mnnd Tor Freight Room. New York, Nov. 20. R. Q. Dun & Co. will say tomorrow In their weekly review of trade: The gain la volume of business con tinues entirely without precedent. More than 310 establishments have started work since the election, which were Idle, and at least 300 have increased working forces. Every day thus adds thousands to the number of those who are able to buy a week's supplies, and to make up gradually for many months of enforced economy. Already this brings (treat Increase In the volume of business and the clearing house ex changes, for the first time in several years, not only exceed those of last year by 10 per cent., but also exceed those of the same week In 1892 by 9 per cent. Business men are all anx ious to prevent anything like the fic titious excitement of last summer, and In nearly all branches an excessive rise iu prices Is presented. But with more hands at work there Is inevitably a greater demand for supplies, mater ials and products. The speculative markets have been reacting, which is also natural. Wheat hud risen with wonderful rapidity, so thut exports hud been checked by the higher prices, and realizing started a break which made the close 3g cents lower for the week. The demand for freight room, both here and on the Pacific coast. Is still so large as to disclose an extraordinary foreign demand. DECLINE IN COTTON. Cotton has declined from 8 to 7.2 cents In spite of the starting of many cotton mills, and the controlling- fact of the moment Is that reports of a yield smaller than 8,000,0tlu bales are now entirely dlsproven. The quantity now coming into sight has exceeded last year's by 820,000 bales, and It is not expected that the decrease In' the re maining months of the year will bring the aggregate below 8,600,000. In a transition period, Industries record gains slowly, but the slight decline in prices of bessemer pig iron and of fin ished products of Iron and steel is part ly due to realizing on speculative pur chases before the election, and partly to the selling of nulls by jobbers below the combination price. For most manu factured products of Iron there is a bet ter demand and a slow advance in prices. Shipment of boots and shoes for three weeks of November have been 183.027 rases, against 14,178 last year, but while the works have orders for some time ahead, neither manufacturers nor dealers are disposed to do much be cause of the uncertainty about prices, those of boots and shoes being about 11 per cent, above the lowest point. Leath er 16.3 per cent, and hides 51.4 per cent., the latter again rising at Chicago. In cotton and woolen goods no serious change appears, though there is con tinued weakness in cottons and print cloths lire a sixteenth lower. Stocks of wool purchased before and Immediate ly after the election now prevent a fur ther advance, but to Nov. 15 wool had risen 10 per cent, on the average of 104 quotations by Coates Bros, since Sept. - and much more at the west. Failures for the week have been 344 In the United States against 320 last year, and 40 in Canada against 42 last year. MUSICAL ALLIANCE. Successful Sessions of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Society Held at Fac toryville Two Fine Concerts. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Factoryvllle, Nov. 20. This even ing's grand concert closed one of the most successful meetings the Lacka wanna and Wyoming Musical alliance has ever held. The attendance has been very good, averaging a grand chorus of about eighty fine voices. The programme has been most successfully carried out under the efficient leader Fhlp of Professor Cogswell, of Mans field State Normal school, who needs no introduction to our music loving people. In Thursday evening's concert Miss Jessie Phillips Is worthy of special mention In a solo entitled "Sing, Smile, Slumber." by Gounod. Miss Phillips has a clear, strong and sweet voice, of which she has excellent control. At this evening's concert especial mention is due Alfred J. Harber, Mr. Cogswell, Mrs. Alfred E. Lister and Mrs. H. T. Jayne. In Thursday even ing's concert Professor Cogswell re sponded to a hearty encore, and sang In his genial manner "The Three Wise Men." In last night's concert Alfred J. Har ber responded with a whistling solo, and Professor Cogswell with a cornet solo, both of which were deserving of special mention. Below Is given the programmes for Thursday evening and last evening. The "Hush A-Bye Song," with violin obligato, by Cogswell, was composed especially for the New York Symphony club, and is now being sung by them. In the same programme the grand chorus entitled "Now the Evening Bells," Is from the grand opera. "A Night In Granada," and Is one of the masterpieces: THURSDAY EVENING. 1. Hymn, "Let Us Arise" Lorenx 2. Chorun from St. Paul, "But the Lord Is Mindful" Mendelssohn 5. Quartette (ladles' voices), "The Appeal" Palmer (Solo, Mrs. Ayeri.) Misses Kennedy, Gardner and Pike. 4. Chorus, "The Bright Crimson Morn" , ....Verdi E. Solo, "Sing, Smile, Slumber" ..Gounod (Violin obligator. Miss Jessie Phillips.) 6. Quartette and Chorus, "Vesper Hymn" ..; Bethoven 7. Lullaby, "Sleep, Darling, Sleep," Martin 8. Quartette (male voices), "The Sail or's Dream" Lister Messrs. Miller. Osborne Leonard, Warner. 5. Solo and chorus, "Almighty God," Mogart J'E:""8 STi"i 'VTiTf'bE. . . . :, , tt-tion. Every sufferer ia earnestly lu vited o try Annual Sale over 6,000,000 Boxes. 8. Agent, B. F. ALLEN CO., m Canal St, New irww uyv piniwww, Duet and chorus. "Oh. That I Had Wings" C'oneom Solo, "Song of the Golden Sun- ehinc" Cogswell Chorus, "The Belfry Tower"... Halloa FRIDAY EVENING. fhnrim "KVtlvnt hvmn." Ladles chorus,. "Angels' L,uiiuby, Franx Abt Solo, "The Mighty Deep". Harry Jones Airreu j. namer. Chorus, "Springtime" (Blue Dan ube waltz) Strauss Solo, "Hush-a-bye Song" (New), cogswuii lolin Obligator. Mrs. Alfred E. Lister. s. Chorus, witn auinteue. "flow me Kvenlmr Bells" Kreutzer 7. Solo, "The Echo Song" Eckel Mrs. B. T. Jayne. 8. Chorus. "The t'urnovule" Kosslnl 9. Duet, "Night Hymn at 8?a." A. Goring Thomas Mrs. Jayne and Mr. Harber. 10. Chorus, "But the Lord Is Mindful or His Own" (St. Paul).. Mendelssohn 11. Solo, "The Soldier's 8ong".Muscheroni Mr. Cogswell. 12. Hvmn. "Broad Tho' th' Atlantic Be" H. It. Palmer Among the out-of-town people at tending the alliance this week we no ticed Mrs. B. T. Jayne, Mrs. S. S. Sea mans, Walter F. Capwell, Alfred J. Harber, Mrs. J. E. Lister, Scranton; Mrs. H. B. Carpenter, New Mliford; Mrs. M. E. Blakeslee, Lynn; Miss Ber tha DeWltt. Falls; Miss Llllle E. Scho fleld. West Plttston; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thayer, Nicholson; Mrs. Dr. Van Dor en, Archbald; Professor H. E. Cogs ell, Mansfield, Willis Lenord, Justus; Mrs. E. J. Chapman, Clark's Green; W. D. Osborn, Waverly; Miss G. R. Good rich, Kingsley, Mrs. M. B. Ayers, Mont rose; E. W. Smith, East Rush. S. E. Gregory, of Lake Wlnola, fur nished the grand upright Wiser piano used In the alliance, and Miss Alice C. Northup, of this place, as the accom plished pianist for the meeting. Standing room at last evening's con cert as at a premium. OLYPIIANT. A most pleasureable event occurred on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, on the West Side, It being the fifth annivers ary of their marriage. The interior of the house was tastily decorated with plants and presented an entrancing ap peal a nee. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were the recipients of many usetul presents In wood, among them being a handsome refrigerator, a set of dining room chairs and a beautiful carved rocker. The evening was passed In dancing ana' card playing until midnight, when a delightful repast was served to the guests. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Montrose; Mrs. Mawhlney, Sayre; Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Steele, Providence; Mr. and Mrs. D T. Rhlnevault, Carbondate; Miss Georgia Smith, Syracuse, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Maple Bell, Vernle Tuttle, AUle Bell, Agnes Bell, Grace Barber, Peckvllle; Mi. and Mrs. William Adair, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Ai t, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Harris, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Crans, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mathewson, Mr. and Mrs.W. L. Schlag er, Mr. and Mrs. John Pettigrew, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Haines, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Low rey, Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheridan, Mr. and Mrs. George Barwlg, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Mitchell, Mrs. George Watts, Misses Emily and Jennie Davis, Ella Patten, Gertrude Edwards, May McNicol, May and Edith Hull. Edith Mason; D. L. Jones, T. H. Kvans, Samuel McCabe, Dr. F. L. Van Sickle. 8. M. Snook. Ar thur Wlddowtleld, Elmer Barthold. Episcopal services and Sunday school will be held In Edwards' hall, Blakely, tomorrow afternoon. Sun day school at 3 o'clock. Evening prayer and sermon at 4 o'clock. Rev. Rogers Israel, of St. Luke's parish, Scranton, will have charge. Miss Mary Nealon, of Carbondale, Is visiting relatives at this place. Miss Mamie Spelcher. of Paterson, N. J., Is the guest of Mrs. Martin Ly nott, of Dunmore street. Rev. Peter Roberts will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church to morrow morning and evening. NICHOLSON. Dr. E. S. Wheeler and Edwin Steph ens, who were hunting deer In Pike county, about two weeks, returned the first of the week, without having seen one of the coveted animals, but with greatly developed muscles of the low er limbs. The foundation for the new Univer salis! church is nearly completed, and the laying of the corner stone will take place next Tuesday afternoon with ap propriate ceremonies. One of the most tantalizing things to the Nicholson people lays In the one lone arc light in front of Shields & Hawks' stone mill. It keeps saying to one, "Wouldn't you like one of us on every street corner In the town?" Be sides this one in front, there are three arc lights within the mill. Next Sunday will be observed In all our churches as "Temperance Sunday." Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia. Nov. 20. The market con tinued quiet, but prices showed no materi al change. We quote: City smoked beef llaliic; beef hams, $17.50h18, as to age una brand; pork, family, $1ini10.50; hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, SVJuB'ic; do. smoked, luallc, as to average; sides, ribbed, in salt, 4'vat'V. ; do. do. do. smoked, 6VaoV'.; shoulders, pickle cured, SViajlic; do. do. smoked, eHaGe. ; picnic hams, S. P. cured, GHa&Hc; do. do. smoked, 6'4aM;c; bellies in pickle, according to average, loose, BV4a5ic; breakfast bacon, 7a7M.c., as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, in tierces, Ga5Vc. ; do. do. do., in tubs, Sa&Hc; do. butchers', loose, 4"-ia 4c.: city tallow, in hogsheads, 3.o.; coun try do., 2a3Hc as to quality, and cakes, 394c Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, N. Y Nov. 20. Cattle Steady; light steers, .7ua3.75. Veals Slow; Ma 6- heavy fed calves, $2.25a3.25. Hogs Ac tive, stronger; Yorkers, good to choice, 3.e0a8.65; light lots, t3.6nal.70: pigs, 3.S0a 1.85; mixedp ackers, t3.30a3.60; mediums, I3.40a3.45: extreme heavy, $3.S5a3.40. Sheep and lambs Fairly active, 10c. higher for Iambi, sheep steady to firm; good to oholce native lambs, t4.45a4.60; fair to good, $4.15u4.40 mixed sheep, good to choice, $S.25a3.60; fair to good, S4.15a4.40; mixed sheep, good to choice, t3.35a3.60; common to fair, S2.75aS. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 20. -Cattle Market firm-to lc. higher; common to extra steers, M.SOa 5.25; Blockers and feeders, t3.50a3.9S; cows and bulls, $1.50a3.76; calves, 2.7Gaf, 2u; Tex nns, I2.6ia4.2fi; western rangers, S2.30a4. Uogs Market steady; heavy packing and shipping lota, S3.05a8.35; common to choice mixed, t3.10a3.40; choice assorted, t3.20a 3.35; light, tt.3Oa3.40; plgn, t2.50a3.30. Shu Market steady; Inferior to choice, 12a 3.50; lambs, Wa4.7G. Oil Market. Oil City, Nov. 20. No quotations on op tion; credit balances closed at 115. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, Nov. 20. Speculation at the diock exenange was quiet, tne iransuc tion amounting to only lli.SH tharcs. At the opening the market was weakened by a break in American Spirits Preferred oi per cent, to w, and a runner reauc tlon of he oer uounJ in Ruined Sugar, which carded Sugar down to 1164. The loimes In the general market were con fined to narrow limits. The declining ten dency waa checked soon after the open ing by a sharp rise In Consolidated Gas from 1(3 to 167. Sugar, after its early de cline, rallied to U1 on purchases said to be for the account of a prominent bear operator. Aiier miiKlay tne marxet arm ed into dullness, but tirlcea held tolerably well. Near the close, however, the Gran, gers were pressed for sale and declined hinlK per cent. A decline In Wheat and the Tallin goff In the movement of grain had an adverse Influence. The heaviness of these Issues weakened the General list, although the pressure to sell was not pro nouncd by any means. Speculation closed weak In tone. Net changes show losses oi niv per cent. Keauing, however. 1'ioneu m nigner on tne uay. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN 4k CO.. stock broker. Mean bull Ins. rooms TOt-701 Ooen- High- Low- cio In. eat. eat. Ids'. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 764 76 764 76'4 Am, voiion im lb id lo id Am. Sugar Ref. Co.. 116 117i 116t 11M Ateh., T. & 8. Fe. ... 15 15-i 15? 144 Atch., T. & 8. Fe. Pr. 2$ 25 24 24', Ches. & Ohio 17H 17K 1V 1G Chicago Gas 7714 77M, K 7tH Chic. A N. W 105, 105 05 UK Chic, B. A Q 180S, 80i 7M4 T Chic, Mil. & St. P... 76 77 764 76?, tnic, it. i. r-ac. ,, 71 7i? tv tvtt Pel. & Hudson 128 128 128 12S Dlst. & C. F IS'4 134 12S 12H Gen. Electric 334 33 33 334 Lake Shore 15Vs 1H 154 15VJ, Louis. Nash &0 60 50 60i M. K. & Tex. Pr. .. K 28ft 2Sft 29ft Man. Elevated 97 98 97ft 97ft Mo. Pac 23ft 23ft 23ft 23ft Nut. Cordage 6ft 6ft 6ft 6ft j. central 107 107 107 107 N. Y. Central 95 96 95 95 N. Y.. 8. A W II 11 11 11 N. Y., 8. & W. Pr. ..28ft 28ft 28ft ItSft Nor. Pac 15ft 15ft 16ft 15ft Ont. & West 15ft 15ft 15ft 15ft uinuna i 43 42ft 42 Pac. Mall 27'Z 27Ti 27 27 Phil. & Reading .... 31ft 31ft 3Uft 31ft Southern R. R loft 10ft 10ft lO'.I Southern R. R. Pr. 30 30 29ft 29ft Tenn. J'. ft Iron ... 29ft 29 29 29 Texas Pacific 10ft 10ft 10ft 10ft Union Pacific 10ft 10 10ft inft Wabash 7ft 7ft 7ft 7ft Wabash Pr 17ft ' 17ft 17ft 17ft Western Union 87ft 87ft 87ft 87'4 JY- 81 8 W 1 . a. uemner 11 11 !4 U. S. Leather Pr. ... 67 67 6 66 U. 8. Rubber 24ft 24ft 24ft 24ft CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADH PRICES. WHEAT. Open.- High- Low Cloa. Ing. eat, est Inn. December 76 77 75ft 7Rft May 7ft 80ft 79 79ft OATS. December 18ft 18ft 18ft 18ft May 2lft 26ft 26ft 26ft CORN. December 22ft 23ft f2ft 22ft Aiay xuft 26'4 26ft LARD. January 3.85 3.92 3.85 3.90 May 4.07 4.12 4.07 4.10 PORK. January .' 7.32 7.52 7.32 7.42 May 7.70 7.82 7.75 7.75 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations--All Quotation Based on Par of 100. Name. Dim Dep. DIs Bank Bid. Asked. 140 ... scranton Lace curtain co National Boring ft Drilling Co .., First National Bank (50 Scranton Jar ft Stopper Co. Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton 8avlngs Bank 200 Bonta Plate Glass Co Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co. ... Third National Bank 350 60 IS 100 en 10 250 150 'so 2 SO inroop novetiy ati g. 10, Scranton Traction Co, Scranton Axle Works 15 Lack' a Trust ft Safe Dep. Co. 14S Economy Bieam Heat at Power Co BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton ft Plttston Trac. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1924 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp. 69J. Borough of Winton 0 Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scrarton Traction Co Economy Steam, II. ft P. Co.. 110 110 110 100 102 109 100 85 100 9i 1W Xcw York Produce Market. New York, Nov. 20. Flour Dull, steady, unchanged. Wheat Dull, easier; f. o. b., 93ftc; ungraded red, 82a93ftc. No. 1 north, ern, 87V; options closed weak at lfta lftc. below yesterday- January, 86ftc,; March, K7ftc; May, 84ftc; November, SlVfccc. ; lMji;mber, 84ftc. Corn Spots dull, weaker; No. 2 at 28ftc elevator; 29ftc afloat; options were less active und weak at ftaVjc. decline; November, 2S'i; December, 28c.; May, 32ftc. Oats Spots quiet, easier; options dull, weakur; De cember, 22:,ic; May, 2Dic.; spot prices. No. 2 at 22'iic; No. 2 white, 25'ic; No. 2 Chicago. 23ftc; No. 3 at 20.c; No. 3 white, 22l.u.; mixed western, 22a2lc; white do., 24a32c.; white state, 24a32c. Provi sionsSteady, quiet, firm. Butter Choice firm, moderate receipts- state dairy, 11a 19c; do. creamery, 13fta21c. ; western dairy, 8a13c.; do. creamery, 13fta22c; do. factory, 7u7fto.; Elglrs, 22c: Imitation creamery, 10ftal5c ; rolls, 10a14c. Cheese Quiet, unchanged. Eggs Firmer; stato and Pennsylvania, 22u2tic; ice house, 1'i'wH 18c; western fresh, 22a24c; do. case, S2-25a 5; southern, 22a22ftc; limed, 16ftal8c. Chicago Grain and Provision Market. Chicago, 111., Nov. 20. Futures ranged ns follows: Wheat November, 75ftc, 75',ic; December, 7tfc, 75ftc; May, 79ftc, 79ftc. Corn November, 22ftc, 22ftc; De cember, 22ftc, 22ftc; May, 26ftc, 26ftc; Uats November, 18c, 18c; December, ISftc. 184,,c.; May, 21ftc, 21fte. Mess pork December, 1C-25. S5.35; January, 7.32ft, 37.42ft; May, 37.70. t7.76. Lard-De-cc-mber. $3., t3.67ft; January, $3.85, S3.90; May, S3 07ft, 14.10. Short ribs December, tU.2ft, S3.62ft; January, 3.65, 33.70; May, 33.H7ft, 13.90. Cash quotations follow: Flour, quiet, steady; No. 2 spring wheat, 75n777c; No. 3 do., 76fta77c. b. s.: No. 2 red, SgftaSSftc.; corn, 22fta23ftc; oats, 18'ia 18ftc; rye. 36fta37c; barley, 37c. nominal; ax seed, t7.(0a7.45; timothy seed, t2.55 nom inal; mess pork. t6.40a6.45; lard, t3.70a3.75; short ribs sides, t3.50a3.S0; shoulders, tl.25a 4.50; short clear sides. t3.87ftat4; whiskey and sugars unchanged. MONEY-MAKING SECRETS. All who desire to make money easily, safe ly, quickly and regulnrlv. ahnuld send for a copy of MONEY-MAKINO SECRETS. Mar. velous and invaluable. Mailed free by request. F. 0. MORGAN. BANKER, 64 Wall St mot. New York UOAKD WANTED. AYOUNU MAN WOULD L1KK PLACE t board with private family; must b near town; atatiug prioe of board. Aldreas, n. Tribune. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ANTED -BY A EW YORK STOCK and train cnmmleion house, a corres pondent, one who Is well known, of standing, and ean control trade and willing to open an office In BcrmtJH. To eaoa a man we will c.lter superior Inducements and a privxte wire to New York. Write, CHA8, HEN BY, Rotm 1534, 80 Broad strait, New tors'. w ANTED-RELIABI.B MAN WnO CAN manage iutpreuta for well eat&li1iahe4 house on popular high grade article alroady largely ad vertiaed, and baa t9tX of his own that he can as In business; salary $12a ner month and a reasonable share of the profits; long time arrangement preferred; references. Address DKPAB'I MENT O.. ore Charles H. Fuller's Advertising Ageney, Chicago. STOCKHOLDERS' .MEETING. WUERK WILL BE AN ADJOURNED a Scranton Boddtng Co., Nov. X7th. IMS, at 10 o'clock a. m at tbelr office, 60S and SM Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton. Pa,, for the pur poie of amending br.lawa, changing date of annnai m-etlne of stockholders from Nov. lOtb to third Tuesday of Jena.-ry of each year and having the fiscal year end Dec. Slat. Auditors will be appolnt-d at thin meeting. T.a. BEATON, Secretary. , Oil CENT A WORD. WANTS) OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADS NO CHARGE. WILL BE LESS THAN z5 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. HELP WANTED MALES. 9 PER HUNDRED. CASH. PAID FOR eoileettna names: blank boot Bowing nuu names, nlth Instructions. 10c, Also list 400 other Arms wtao bar names. DAVIS CO.. Spring Valley. Minn. vv r ANTED - TRUSTWORTHY PERSON 1 to travel. alare. 1780 and aznanaea. Refers noe. Eneloae aelf-addresssd atauned envelope. MANAGER, Bos P, Chicago. AN ENERGETIC YOUNO MAN CAN 8K cure permanent position; 170 a month and expenses. Address Lock Box 848, Phila delphia, Pa, SA L3SMEX K ERCHANTS' TRAI9E; $30 a week; new, quick, good; light samples free; aide line or exclusive, Mfra., 8941 Mar ket street, Phila. tlANTED-AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK V of some simple thing to patent? Pro tect your Ideas; thev may bring you wealth. Write JONH WEDDERBURM ft CO.. Dept. C 23, Patent Attorney, Washington. D, C. for tbelr 11800 prize offer and list of JUOinTon tions wanted. WANTED AS AGENT IN EVERY SEC tlon to canvaaa: 84.00 to Si 00 a day mad ; sells at sight; also a (tan to sell Staple Goods to dealers: best side tin $76 month; salary or large commission mado: experience nnneoeasary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN very town to solicit stock subscrip tions: a monopoly ; big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C FISH ft CO, Borden Block, Chicaco, IU. HELP WANTED FEMALES. 1 ZPERIENCED SALESLADIES WANTS U i- at "THE PARIS," 400 Uokawanna venue, LADIE8-1 MAKE BIO WAGES DOING pleasant home work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp. MISS M. A 81EBBIN8, Lewreuce, Mica. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder's cak king: experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Writ for particulars at one and set benefit of holiday trad. T. & BNYDEB ft CO- Cincinnati, a WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER tio saleswomen to represent us Guaranteed fu a day without lnterferriug with other dntien. Healthlul occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp. Mango Chemical Company, No. 72 John Street, New York. FOR RENT. FOR RENT-HALF OV DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvemeota; rent reasonable; corner of Pine and Blakely streets. Dunmore. FOR SALE OR RENT. DOUBLE HOUSE. 80S AMD 807 QUINCY avenue, ton rooms each aid, and two single houses, 901 and 90S Quineev avenue. to T J' UUUQAN' Jloraf' Library NOTICE OF REMOVAL W. R. EDWARDS HAS KEMOVEb HIS llverv from Ravmond court to 124 Linden street Dead animals Removed free of charge. Telephone 97 LOST T OST-Y. M. G A. GOLD MEDAL. BK. Ij ward for return. T.J. QUINNAN, 815 Bpruoe street. t LOST-A BLACK AND WHITS BE ITER setter dog pup. four months' old and about a foot ia height; a suitable reward will be paid for return of aame to DR. JOHN L. WENTZ, 725 Madleon aveuu. 4 s Vv Ve "VV Vv c onnolly CLEARING SALE OF s9 LADSE Night Gowns at 75c, Former Price $1.25. Night Gowns at $1.00, Former Price $1.50. Night Gowns at $1.50, Former Price $2.25. Night Gowns at $2.00, Former Price $3.00, Skirts at 75 cents. Former Price $1.25. Skirts at $1.00, Former Price $1.50. Skirts at $1,25, Former Price $2.00. Corset Covers at 15c, Former Price 22c. Corset Covers at 29c, Former Price 40c. Corset Covers at 40c, Former Price 65c. - Corset Covers at 65c, Former Price $1.00. Drawers at 25c, Former Price 40c Drawers at 50c, Former Price 75c. Drawers at 65c, Former Price $1.00. Drawers at 90c, Former Price $1.50. These good 9 are in perfect condition, are of the latest style, and are from one ol the beat maniilao turers in the business. We quote these prices to close out our stock, quickly. CONNOLLY AGENTS WANTED. gntTlocal""! TRAVELINO? outfit free; big money: excluaive terri tory; uo capital; on agent cl-ai-d one day 173.40; so ran yon; our aafea aell t aigbt; city or country. ALPINE SAFE AND LOCK CO.. Cincinnati, O. ANTED PERMANENT SAMPLE Dis tributors evarvwhere: both sexes; good pay. Encloa stamp. U88aVAruAsa. CO., Chicago. WANTED-I.IVB PEOPLE IN EVERY Y locality at tlx weekly salary and si- Pinsee t take orders for Christmas Ooods. ermanent employment if right. MANUFAC TURER, P. O. Box 6008. Boston, Mas. Wi ANTED-OENERAL AOENTM IM EV. arv eonntv: also ladv canvaaaera: so ins- thing new; sure seller; apply quick. J. C rJlL,B,MT, li Adams avenue, acraaton, ra. AOENTS-WHAT ARE YOU OOIN'O TO do boat Sf Cltlsenshlp-pricell. Go ing by thousands. Address, NICHOLS, Napervlll. III. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL glod, silver, nickel ana copper electro plasters; price from S3 upward: salary and expanse paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL G1GAR8 TO DEALERS; f2S weekly and expenses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED 11 FQ CO.. 48 Van Buren St.. Chicago, SALESMAN TO CARRY RIDE LINE; 25 par cent. coimuiHkion: sample book mailed free. Addres L. N. CO., fetation L, New York. FOR SALE. JPOR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN double bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone bell, gold lined: neurit new and coat 100: will sell at a bargain. Address this week to E. W. GAYLOR, LaRayavlUe, Pa. FOR SALE-HORSE, AOED SIX YEARS, weight VOW tcucae; can b seen at llttl Pric street. . UOB SALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM r burst snd th four lota on which it stands; also the four lots adjoining: moetde slrall location in Elm burst: prices reasona ble: term easy: possession given at once. E. P. KINGSBURY. Commonwealth Building, Scranton. I'a. FURNISHED ROOM WANTED. W'anteiTXfIjk room, with heat; molsrate price. Ad dress, with particular, A. B., Triuuu ofiioe. "THE PARIS" 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue, Opposite the Wyoming. SCRANTON. PA. TODAY wc will open our store at 400-402 Lackawanna avenue, opp. the Wyoming House, as a first-class CLOAKS and MILLINERY Establishment, Exclusively. aTrimmed Hats and Ready-to-Wear Cloaks are our Specialties. NO TRASH. M Prill TM ntlfl PI1VP class ot goods at reasonable prices iHCLiuiTi anu rnL, arc .j,,, on, klnd of 00d8 we will keep. We shall never use any unluslncss-like or faking inducements in order to get your trade. We shall solicit your patronage on tbe merles of our goods, prices and honorable business dealings, We shall never trim a hat for you free of char??, as by do:n; this we would have to overcharge )0n In the trlmmlniW in order to make up tbe difference, and tills WC Will not do. All our trimmed hats will be trimmed by experienced FRENCH TRIMMERS nd not by amateurs or millinery apprentices. In our Cloak Department we shall keep nothing but Tailor-Wade Garments and sell no garment below cost in order to blind you thereby, in such a way obtain your confidence and then overcharge you on the garment yon desire to buy. 01 PRICE TO ALL ! Good Goods. Seasonable Prices. Honorable Business Dealings b our principle and thereby we expect to get your patronage and OUCe SO received, bold It, as well as the reputation of being one of the most re liable exclusive Cloak and Millinery stores in the United States. "THE PARIS" 400-402 Utter.:, avsni Opposite WjoirJng Ho Si- mm OHDERWEAR & WALLACE, REAL ESTATE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SCRANTON real eatate; convenient; central city avenue lota and bouse for sal; prices low; terms eaay; time given; title perf act; house nd apartment for rent JONES, 311 Spruce Street WANTED. SECOND-HAND FURNACE TO HEAT A hotel Call or address ANTHRACITE HOTEL, ill Wyoming av.nue. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. CORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWINO nails cured without th least pain or drawing blood Consultation and advice given free. . M. HETSKL. Chiropodist, XV Lack, awanna avenu. Ladle attended at their residence If deairrd. Charge moderate. CITY SCAVENGER. AB. BRIOGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . and ces pools: rn odor; Improved pumpa need. A, BRIOOB. Proprietor. Leave order 1109 North Main avenue, or Erckee' drag store, corner Adams and Mul berry. Telephone 4634. CLAIRVOYANT. KNOW THY FUTURE MRS. DR. STAN lev. By visiting the greatest and most celebrated and only true, reliable spiritual medium In the world, reveals your past life, describes the preaept, foretells the future, tells name in full of th on you will marry, mak.s cliarme for the auoc.se of those who have failed or are unlucky iu love affair or In buainesa; cures drinking habit. Ladlee only. Price 60o, 81 00 and up. 215 Lacka wanna avenu. aeco id floor. REDEMPTION OF BONDS. Oi-rici or Simpson ft Watkins, I Scranton, Ps , Nov. ItU. Ibis). ( JVOTICE IS HEREBY UIVUN THAT IN 1 accordance witn the provisions of the mortgage of The M omit Lookout 4'oal Com- fsny to the Scranton Mavinga Bunk and Trust ompaoy, trustor, that bonds of tbe said coal company, numbered W, 64, 46 60 and i7 have been designated by lot tuls day for redomp tlon, and will b redeemed at par and Inter est upon pniscntatlon at tbe Scranton Sav ings Band snd Trust Company. Tho Interest cease on tne abova-nunibjrsa. bonds oa D ceinber 1, 1890. THE MOUNT LOOKOUT COAL CO., BY C. D. Slill'bON, Treasurer. Wall ace - At a Great Reduction Z&h' SPECIAL NOTICES. rp HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." i You want tbia relic. Contain all of Frank Lee lie' famous old war pictures .show ing theforce In actual battle, sketched on tbe spot Two volumes, 2.001 picture. Sold on easy monthly pavm.nte. I'ellvered by ex press complete, all charge prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, t22 Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED. TrVVVVVrVVVrWVVVWVVVVVWVVVVVVVV SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG lady at general housework, M. W, THOMAS, liaoTafsyett street. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO k' man as a bottler; S year' experience; un derstands soda fountains. Addreae E, A. M., Tribnue office. SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD GBR O man girl to do general housework. 811 Birch street. SITUATION WANTP.D-BY A WIDOW AS housekeeper In email family; can giv good references. C. Q., 1340 N. Wyoming are. WANTED BITUATION BY A COLORED man a fireman: 18 year' exporlono and good reference from laat employer. Ad dress FIREMAN, 836 Dlx court. SITUATION WANTED GOOD REFER noes. Address, P, J. A 432 Oakford court. SITUATION WANTED - WASHING, O Ironing or cleanlug. MRS. KEY WOOD, Fairfield Park, Scranton, Pa. IADY BOOKKEEPER WANTS A BITL'A J tion; good reference. Address S1U, post offlc. SITUATION WANTED N EEDLE WORK done at homo or out; have my own f Inz er machine; also lace curtains cleaned. MRS. KEY WOOD Fairfield atreet. Scrauton. iilTUATION WANTED BY A BOY. AGED 9 17 good education; will work at any thing. Address immediately J. D., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD USE. ful fireman on the small engiun and boil er; would like to work; 4 yenra experience. Address J U. Barth, Lock Box 840, Wilkes. Barre, Fa CITUATION WANTED PROFESSIONAL O bookkeeper, at liberty 4 houis daily, is open to sccept an engagement, morning or evening, to work, audi, and balance a set of double uniry books, on very low terms. Ad- qress v. u I rioune omce. SITUATION WANTF.D BARKEEPER'S position wanted by sober and experienced man, capable of takmx charge, if required) f all or address FRANK LAWRENCE, 420 North blxtli street. A .1 o X o V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers