8 TIIE SCRANTON TRlBUNE-TnURSDAY MORNTNO, - NOV.EMBEB 19, 1896. Ready to Wear SUITS and OVERCOATS. Just as good as any swell merchant tail or would make for. yon at a saving of ONE-HALF. GARBONDALE. Readers will please note that advertise ments, orders for Job work, and Items for publication left at the establishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main Street, will receive prompt attention; of-iK-u open from D a. in. to 10 p. m. QUIET WEDDING. Miss Ituth Hivenbiri; nnd X. Homer Smith I'liitctl in Holy Wrillnrk. Yestertlny afternoon Miss Iluth Ktv-enbtn-K ami N. Coimr Hinilh were mar ried ut the home of the briiie's mother, Hi i s. Kmily Itivt nbtii g. ly lluv. lr. l'lace. of the Methodist church. The bride dressed In a sown uf brocaded blue and black and carried a iiuik nilicent bouquet of roses. The house whs rendered very attractive by a pro fusion of flowers. Miss Lena lironson presided at the piano, unil lit the en trance of the bridal party played Men delssohn's wedding march. Immediate ly after the Impressive ceremony a sumptuous repast was enjoyed by the friends who were present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left In the eve ning for Niagara Falls, ami then will continue their Journey to L.os Angeles, falifornlu, for the winter. As it Is probable that they nuiy reside there permanently, their departure from the city Is much regretted ly a large circle of friends. SAUL OF TARSUS. Thirty Visitor from Srranlon Hive a Fine Kiitcrlainnic nt. Thirty Btntrers from Hrrniiton, untl?r the leadership of Mr. Whitteiiiore, gave the cantata "Saul of Tarsus" on Tues day evening In the school room of the First Methodist church. They came without remuneration In order to aid the new chapel enterprise on Belmont street. Most of the visit ing party are connected with the Klin l'urk and Ureeu ltiiigo Kpworth leagues. The singing was very credit able, and the chorus was harmonious and spirited. The solo pa Us were well received. The narrative of the canlata was given nt appropriate seasons by II. H. Hcldlcman, of Scranton. After the vocal entertainment the visitors were invited to partake of a repast, and a pleasant social season was passed until time of departure for Pcranton. The generosity of those who gave their services Is much appreciated by the management of the entertainment. RECEIVED CERTIFICATES. Successful Candidates for Mine fore men and Assistant foremen. At the recent examination for fore men and assistant foremen held In this city, certificates were given as follows: Mine foremen: Isaac J!. Uenjamin, Forest City; John K. Kelly, Jessup; James'. McAndrew, Winton: John it. Jones, Peckville; William II. Martz, Scranton; Kdmund J. Thomas, uiy phnnt; Charles It. Hurnett, Jessup; Fatrick J. Hrennan, Olyphant; Tallle F. Jones, Prlceburg. Assistant mine foremen: Henry II. Illtchlngs, Henry Coles, Uenrge linvis, Scranton; Milton Iloodmacher, Marsh wood; David T. Lewis, John V. Will iams, John J. Williams, John It. Fettl grew, Olyphant. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Miss Mamie Vaughey has accepted a position as bookkeeper ut the Carbon dale steam laundry ou South Main street. Mrs. John Lannon, of Brooklyn street. Is 111 of pneumonia. Miss Klizabeth Mcrrigau, of Forest City, called on friends in town this Week. Miss Martha Hards attended a party given by Miss Inez lrey, in Dunmore, Tuesday evening. Mesdames Mary TSronw, J. E. Frown, P. A. Walker and Miss Nellie (J ltourke attended the funeral of Father McAn drew in Scranton yesterday. E. J. Shannon was the guest of fridnds in Jermyn Tuesday. Miss Minnie Howen entertained a party of young lady friends at her home on Terrace street last evening. D. J. Duncan will entertain a few friends at dinner at 6 o'clock this even ing at his home on Garlield avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George I'atterson enter tained a number of their friends ut their home on Lincoln nvenue. Airs. V. U. Ciurney, of Vestal Center, N. Y Is visiting at the home f Mr. and Mrs. A. Lt. Gurney, on Salem ave nue. George Benton called on friends In HVilkes-Barre yesterday. Mrs. Mary Jones, of Klghth avenue, who has been the guest of friends in Forest City the past week, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, of Western Australia, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace IMmock, are now visiting other relatives in this vicinity. The many friends of Mrs. Carrie lleltnes, of Canaan street, and Will lam Davis, of South Wyoming street, were much surprised to hear of their CARPETS FOR FALL TRADE. ' All the latest, from a 20c. In grain to tlic best Wilton. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, nil widths and prices. Window Shades and Curtains, all the latest novelties. Fancy Rocking Chairs, uphol stered in plush, tapestrv and hroe tt telle. Also a fine collection of cobbler seats, and our price al ways the lowest. J. SCOTT INGLIS, Carpets, Wall Papers aad Draperiei 419 LICKaWANNA AVE. marriage last evening at the Methodist Episcopal pursonage. C. H. Wilniuth and daughter. Edith, of Aldenville, ure visiting Mr. und Mrs. G. V. Hughes, of Wayne street. James J. Gorman and Jeremiah Walsh, who have been enjoying a trip to New York, Flushing and Boston, huve returned home. Miss Sarah Johnson, of Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. I'lysses Wounaeott. Mrs. Alexander Shannon la enjoying the hospitalities of friends in Way mart. Mrs. George Benton Is visiting in Forest City. Miss Klla Coleman, of Elkdule, who has been the guest of her niece. Miss Grace Hagley, has returned home. Attorney J. E. Burr is ill at his home on Lincoln avenue with rheumatism. A surprise party was held at the home of Miss Klla Dowd Tuesday even ing. Among those present were Fran ces Smith, Annie McNeil, Kate llracey, Mary Creegan, Katie Creegan, Mertle Cyphers, Lizzie Wulsh, Mary Smith, Lizzie Uracey. Christie Heller, Archie Fierce. Garfield Griffith, Frank Merkle, Will Mitchell. William Simpson. John Cushlne, John Heller, Will Drum and ill Kearney. OLYPHANT. The borough council met In regular session on Tuesday evening. The coun cilmen present were: Gannon, Galla gher, Put ten. Keegan, Flyiiu, Curran, Tinsley, Itogan, O'Halloran; absent, Davis, Dempsey, Fadden. In the ub sence of President Davis. Mr. Keegan nccupicd thu chair. Alter the readins of the minutes an ordinance was read which was prepared by Borough Attor ney O'Malley. The object of the ordin ance was to straighten out some of the ditliculties now existing in regard to the erection of the new electric plant. After much discussion the ordinance was tallied. The auditors' statement of the borough treasurer's accounts was read ami adopted. A motion to have the treasurer's bondsmen dis charged carried. A tax levy was next In order. Mr. Curran drew tip u eso lutlon which was passed as follows. Five mills for borough purposes, two mills for police, three for electric light and two to take up old bonds, making a total of twelve mills. The street commissioner's time for the month of September accepted, .wlil.-h amounted to J10S. The time for the month of October amount Ins to t'M'i was also accepted. Mr. Tinsley, of the commit tee, appointed to consult with ex-Sec-retary Cummings in regurd to handing his books over to the borough reported that Mr. Cummings said he would leave them In the hands of Councilman Gannon or the borough attorney. The olyphant Water company wanted to know if the council were going to place lire hydrants In Tiger Valley, and If so to specify the places. The street committee wns directed to net in re gard to the mnttcr. Civil Engineer Blewltt was ordered to complete the borough survey. The next topic of dis cussion was in regurd to the lighting of the borough. Mr. Keegan said that while operations were suspended at the new plant, the only wuy out would be to Install the old plant. Several other members were of the same opin ion. Mr. Patten objected to this, slat ing that, it would incur a heavy ex pense to start tip the old plant, be cause some of the machinery has been removed, nnd a complete new wiring would have to bo m.'ile. Mr. Gallagher moved that the old plant lie put in operation as soon as possible. The motion whs carried, and referred to the electric light committee. Adjourned. The funeral of Mrs. Sarah lleese oc curred Tuesday ufternooti from her late home on Fourth street, and wns large ly attended. Many beautiful Horal of ferings, the tokens of friends, were placed upon tl casket. Uev. W. S. Junes, of Hyde Park, ofllciated. In terment was ikde In Union cemetery. Miss Maine O Malley is visiting rela tives In Wilkos-iiarre. Powell, the magician, performed many clever tricks at the Fat hew Mut liew Opera house Tuesday and lust evenings before very slim audiences. 31 A YH ELD. The William Walker Hose oompntiy's fair on Tuesduy evening was largely at tended. The Andrew Mitchell Hose company of Cnrbondale was present and entertained the audience in line style. Tonight Is expected to lie the banner night. The Mozart band nnd the Columbia Hose company of Car bondale will be present, and the music furnished by them will be of a very high order. Everybody is Invited. Miss Nellie Wilcox, of Vandllng, called on her frleiMjs here yesterday. D. L. Evans, of Scranton, was circu lating among his patrons yesterday. The employes of the Ontario and Western received their October pay yesterday. George Washington Smith was ar raigned before 'Squire Atkinson, of Carbondale, yesterday, on charges of non-support and assault and battery, preferred by his wile. Nettle. The hearing took place nt It) a. m. and was very interesting. 'Sipilre Atkins n placed the costs on the defendant to the amount of fill). The foot ball team of which W. L. McLaughlin Is manager, defeated Ar thur Grilliths' tenm yesterday in one of the most interesting games of th sea son. The score was 12 to 0, but it was only the great advantage their oppo nents had in weight that kept Grilliths' team from scoring. Their playing, of fensive nnd defensive, wns of tirst-class order. The victors show great Improve ment In their playing, nnd a good g.im may be expected tomorrow, when they nre to meet the Jermyn eleven in Alumni park. The collieries of the Hillside Coal company nre Idle today. A marriage license wns taken out Tuesduy by Mr. John Owens und Miss Dinner. VAXDLINO. The employes of the Delaware and Hudson company received their month ly pay Saturday. Vundling was thrown Into a gnat state of excitement on Monday even ing by the sound of the gong at the Delaware nnd Hudson boiler room. The car shop was discovered to be on lire, caused by an overheated stove pipe. The hose company responded promptly and had the lire extinguished before much damage was done. The Ladies' Aid society of Christ Episcopal church of Forest City gave a supper nt the home of Mrs. Henry Carter Wednesday evening. James Cannvnn, a driver boy em ployed by the Delaware and Hudson company, was squeezed between n loaded cur and the pillar Tuesduy fore noon. Thomas L. Jones was a visitor in Peckville Sunday. Albert Nleoi spent Sunday with his parents in Archibald. A number of people witnessed Morri son's "Faust" in the Grand opera house at Carbondale Tuesday ni:-tht. Hubert Carter, of Carbondale, was a visitor in town Sunday. A.turkey supper will be served in the basement of the church by the Ladles' Aid society on Thanksgiving night. A cordial invitation is extended to all. TAYLOR. Misses Kate Holleran nnd Annie Houch, of Scranton. visited Miss Maine Grogan, of North Main street, on Tues day evening. Frederick Stlne, aged S4 years, died at his home in Milwaukic on Monday afternoon. He tins been a resident of Milwaukee for the last seventy years. He will be burled this morning at 10.30 a. m. Service will be held at the house. Interment will be made at the Milwau kee cemetery. Canvassers for the Street Railway organ ure at work in this borough, but are meeting with a cool reception. The Kev. Mrs. M. J. Watkins. of Factoryvllle, spent Monday with friends and relatives In this town. WILKES-GARRE. The Fete C hainpelrc. The Fete Champetre which will be given every afternoon and evening of next week at the Ninth Regiment armory in the tulk of the town and everybody is anxiously awaiting the opening. The great interest is shown in the large sale of seats reported. Over iUO young people, representing the youth and beaut v of the town, are members of the fete and are overflow ing with enthusiasm concerning each particular dam e, making the rehearsals already evenings of continual amuse ments. Miss Stewart has expressed herself very much gratilled at the re markable way the dancers have re sponded to her instructions and with the interest shown will huve every dance juTfected in time for the grand opening night, ut which the entire per formance is given. Heroic Urnniuier. It was J. I. Hearn who saved the life of little Muttie Hewitt at Ashley yesterday. Mr. J I earn is a traveling salesman and represents the Phoenix Plumbago Mining company. The lit tle girl wns standing in the wuy of a runaway team, when Mr. Hearn at the risk of his own life, seized und threw her on a hotel porch as the maddened team crashed into the porch railing. NOTES. No. 3 Engine company was called out ut s.Su yesterday morning by u still alarm to a lire in a house occupied by Mrs. Mee in Lloyd's ullcy. The loss is about $101). Klmor Bolnhard, a brakeman on the Central Kailroad of New Jersey, was killed at Muuch Chunk on Monday eve ning by being run over by his train. Mrs. Marcus Smith nnd daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fred It. Smith, are spending a week ill New York. FACTORY VILLE. Miss Lizzie Wrlgley spent last week in Scranton visiting friends und rela tives. An infant child of George Evans died last Monday night. Lou ItilVnberg, of Scranton, Is visit ing in town. V. it. Gardner was In the Electric City last Saturday, looking utter the Interests of his milk trade. The Liu knwnnna and Wyoming Mus ical Alliance opened 111 the Methodist Kpircopul church lust Tuesduy, with a good attendance, und consequently there ure a good muny strangers here as guests of our town. The programme as nrran:;ed is im exceptionally good one, and It now looks us if this will be one of the most successful musical conventions ever held in this section. Yesterday morning about 4 o'clock oilicer Harry Lindsay accidentally up set u burnlnir lamp, which scattered the burning oil over the room, and In a moment the room was enveloped in Hames, which quickly found their way to the adjoining rooms, and It was but a few minutes before the house was a mass of seething tlames. The alarm was promptly given which aroused the slumbering Inhabitants of our quiet little town. The Hose com pany experienced no little trouble In reaching the lire, us it wus u long run, and the roads are very heavy. Two streams of water were turned on the ud I' lining properties of C. Mathew soti and prevented the lire from spread ing. The family members wpv res cued In their night clothes, nnd the house and contents were totally de stroyed. The house and contents were insured for jsou. Walter F. Cupwell, of Scranton. Is attending the Musieul Alliance this week. It was plainly manifested at yester day morning's lire that our firemen need practice, nnd lots of it, too. They ought to get out on the streets in active practice at least once a week, and nnd out where they are dollclent and rem edy It nt once. John Capwell, of Scranton. spent Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Capwell. Mr. Cupwell is of the well known firm of Swurts & Capwell, of Scranton, contractors and builders. ii.vi.l.sri:.Yi. L. D. Swaycr was In the Parlor City on business ou Tuesduy. M. T. Mitchell has returned home nf ter a pleasant visit with friends and relatives at Cochection, X. J. Mrs. William Hoover nnd Mrs. L. D. Suwyer nre visiting In Klinirn, N. Y. The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western pay cur made its monthly vis it to this place lust Saturday. The cospcl meeting In the Kailroad Young Men's Christian association hall next Sunduy afternoon will be for men only, and will be addressed by John Young, of Great I5end. Mrs. lioii'jlas Mitchell has returned home after a visit with friends in Montrose. A. M. Sil kier and William Vedder have returned home from Hackestown, N. J. N. o. Major wus in Blnghumton on Tuesday. Master George Summerton sustained a severe injury w bile enguged at play with other boys Wednesday afternoon. His forehead received a deep cut, which necessitated several stitches. The infunt child or Mr. and Mrs. Putrick Burns died Wednesday morn ing, alter a lingering Illness. ' Kxtenslve repairs were made Sun day on the engine of the silk mill. David MeMoran bus returned from Green. N. Y., where he spent ten days With relatives. George Kirk, of Susquehanna, spent a few hours with B. F. Bernstein Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jacobus were the guests of friends and relatives in Scran ton the lirst of the week. Mr. and .Mrs. E. J. o'ttrlen and Mr. .1. II. Milium were culled to Little Falls, N. Y., on Tuesday by the death of a relative. The friends of Uev. L. W. Church, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will makj him a donation Thursday eve ning. The gathering will take place at the church parlors. Contractor F. H. Johnston will soon commence work on four new houses In this place. Miss Kate Gannon, of Blnghamton, is visiting her mother on DuBois street. Mrs. John Crook visited her mother in i:in;thamloii Monday. The Bupjtist society have arranged for a very Interesting lecture course during the winter. The lirst lecture will be civen this (Thursday) evening by Kev. Dr. J. W. Phillips, of Bitig hamton. JEKMYN. The election of McKlnley has brought nut many candidates for the postof tiee. In addition toThomns Joy, Thom as Walker, Edwardswlek. Charles Bell and .1. V. Nicholson, it is understood that Thomas Grilliths, Michael Hub erts have nlso entered the contest. mousness Is caused by torpid liver, hull prevents diges tion and perniit-i food tc ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hloodl insoniliiu. nervousness, and, a It not relieved, bilious fever IS) r I I 4 or blood KI inning. Hood's III I'llls stimulate the stoma til, " rouse the liver, rtire headache, dizziness, ron stinntlnn. etc 2S rents. Mil by all dmuRlsts. The only Pills to take Willi Hood's ttarsapwUla. 9 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE Chris Badger was busy yesterday se curing signatures to his petition. There are now altogether eight competitors. Thomas K. Griffiths made a busi ness trip yesterday to Scranton. Items or advertisements left, at James' drus store for the Scranton Tribune will receive prompt attention. Miss Stella Jones, who has been vis iting Miss Sampson, of Second street, returned to her home at Salem yester day. Miss Jones is a musician of great ability and also graduated with honor in elocution at Wyoming seminary. E. A. Cilmore, of Scranton, was a visitor here yesterday. TUN KUAN NOCK. Stanley Stebbins, who was principal of our high school for a number of years Is located temporarily at Ayers, Mass. The prlncipnl of their school has been sick for some time, and Mr. Stebbins will act in his place until he recovers. H. P. Northup Is at Waverly, N. Y., this week. Fred Billings and Aaron Brown were In Wilkes-Barre Tuesday. Benjamin Shannon, who was assault ed and robbed at Mctshoppen on Satur day, is reported to be no better. tin Friday of this week the Lehigh Valley will run an excursion to New York city on account of the v. ale. Princeton foot ball game. The round trip from Tunkhannock is u.lO. Tick ets good for seven days. Hurry Cassidy is visiting his sister, Mrs. William Hondley, at Plttston. Now that election is over applicants for office are falling Into line with their petitions. The postotlice Is one of the first things called to our attention and already the Republicans are in the Held. County chulrman which will be elected In November, Is an olllce of no small Importance, and will have much weight In the tide of political affairs. In the ease of Waterman vs. Cornell for the recovery of a horse, the Jury re turned a verdict In fuvor of J. H. Wat erman, the prosecutor, and Corncdl will puy $i!J.5u and the costs. Joseph Miller drove to Factoryvllle yesterday afternoon to meet his lather und mother, who ure returning from New York city. NICHOLSON. Mrs. Sarah J. Williams went to Wllkes-Barre Tuesday to spend a short time with her sons, Harry and Will iam. Mr. Edward Latham, of Gouldsboro, nnd her two children, are the guests of her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latham. Mrs. Samuel Merrill, of Scranton, it THE Ges and Electric Fixtures, The Welsbach Light At Reduced Prices. 434 Lackawanna fvr. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT R ETA I U. Cool of tho best quality for domestic use nd of all sizes. Including buckwheat nnd Birdseye, delivered In any pari of the city at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. ; telephone No. 2624, or at the mlnj. tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM.T. SMITH. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest fishing and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive boous on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minncnpoli?. St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest. Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., Ban Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with aecond-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further information, tlmo tables, eto on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 3S3 Broadway, New York. i s com co., J! HAIR CHAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. LADIES, yon can have a beautiful chain made out of your own hair at E. ID. HETZE.'S. 330 LACKftWflNNfl AVE,, SCR NTON Remember, we are the only ones here who manufacture chains from your own hair. Leave orders as early as possible. Notice To Publishers visiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. William Fioude. Mrs. W. II. Uriggs, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who has been spending a few weeks with friends at Scranton and White Haven, has returned to this place to re main a few days. Attorney S. L. Tlffanv Is attending fVourt at Tunkhannock this week on a suit between L. U. Stephens and Henry Waterman over an old gray horse which died about two years ago. iJled In Lenox, on Monday last, the youngest child of William Jerold. Fu neral was held at the Presbyterian church of this place yesterday. Inter ment In Nicholson cemetery. H. P. Wilcox, of Clark's Summit, was a caller In town yesterday. This Is a Free Country It is your privilege to wear ready made clothing if you wish to, but don't you know that we make Suits and Overcoats for $15 that you can't match In ready modes for that price. All giades of goods proportionately low. The rtoit Compute Tailoring Establishment la Scranton. W. J. DAVIS, 'ArMFd.nAr A GREAT SLUMP IN Has been predicted all through the season fust past. THIS IS THE WAY NUMBERS HAVE BEEN REDUCED. '96 Price. x '91 Prlc. Roadster, $110.00 $115.00 Tourist, 112.50 117.50 Lady Kumber. 117.50 122.50 Racer, 125.00 150.00 Prices 8ccm high, but then you know it'it UUMBLK QUALITY. CHASE & FARRAR 515 Llndan Stresl. THE I100SIC POWDER CO., BOOMS 1 1ND 2, GOM'LTH B'L'O SCRANTON, PA, MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUMfr DALE WORKS. LAFLIN RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE 3UN POWDER Electric Batteries, F.leetrlc Exnloior for ex ilodliiK Lltuttt, Safety Fun, and Repanao Chemical Co. 's HK1H EXPLOSIVES THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The F.uiierlily Appointed nnd toiuiulioiM stei-l t'Hnitdiiri'. NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Aimrirvu through und ilirniiKU. !ive Buffalo 'I in wlnt nd Kridnvs o. 30 p m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Sou. Duluth, Slid Western Points, imaaiiiK hII plat-en uf iuterest by daylight 111 connuctiua with THE flREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the most direct rui.tr, and from ev ery pulnt nt comparison, the must delightful slid enmfnrtal le one tn Minneapolis, St. Paul, Uruat Fa IK Hslcma. Hutt. hHikaue an I 1'a tiflu coast. Tlio otlv trxj outluental iue lunnlnu the lianous buffet, library, ubi ra tion car. Vew 7 ln.ur train for Portland via Spokiin HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Minnctonka, IBmilm from toiiuieaiiolif, largest and mist beantlul rcnort in the veit. 'livketsand any information of any agent or A. A. HKAKl), Uuueral l'uuouuer auuut. Buffalo, N. Y. RlR 115 THE TRIBUNE is now prepared to fill or ders for composition on newspapers, books, pamphlets, or other publications at moder ate rates. Addrm BUSINESS MANAGER. KERR'S. WE WANT YOU. To examine this line of Lace Curtains, compare prices and you will admit they are the best val ues ever offered in Scranton. IRISH 20 PAIR AT $1.50 10 PAIlt AT 2.00 10 PAIR AT 2.50 DOWN All Sizes. TABLE COVERS. Velour, Satin Derby, Tapestry and Chenille. All sizes. RUG DEPARTMENT. 100 Smyrna Rugs, 30 inch by 60 inch, ) 01 Cfl 50 Axminster Rugs, 27 inch by 54 inch, j OliJUi 50 Velvet Rugs, 27 in. by 54 in $1.25 S. G. KERMON & CO., CARPETS AND DRAPERIES. orMoc. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. ELECTDICiTV IS KIN6. DH. CBEEH'S EUETfithlHERSPEDTIC NSflTBIE 607, 608 AND 609 MEARS BUILDING Corner Washington Avenue and Sprues Street, Scranton, Penna. The Into ROBERT BARTHOLOW TRO. FESSOFt of MATERIA MEDICA. OEN ERAIj THERAPEUTICS nnd HYGIENE of JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia, said In his last work on mrdlcul electricity: "The time Is not fur off when electricity for medical use will take the place of many drugs with tho name phenomenal success that has marked the progress of this science In the moving of cars lighting of streets and houses mid for general motive power." It was In 1790 that OALVANl discovered the action of galvanism on the nerves by experiment ing on a froff. For 108 years galvanism has continued to grow In prominence as a euro tor disease. LET IT BE THOROTJC.HLY TTNDER STOOD that Dr. Green Is n graduate in medicine and pharmacy, he has prescribed for thousands of patients who have never had an application of electricity, hut ex- fierlence and study has convinced him, as t has Marton. Rockwell. Mwy and oth ers of prominence that electricity Is the KING OF MEDICAL REMEDIES. Hear In mind that proper electrical treatment, with lirat-class appliances, is NOT PA1N Fl'L. If you wish to know the result of Dr. Creen's treatment for RT.heumntlsm wrlto to E. K. Hostlck. 2047 Eaut Cumberland street. Philadelphia. Pa., or care Beabury Johnson, New York, Dr. Green's Electro-Therapeiitic Institute, 607, 603 and 609 Wears Building, Scranton, Pa. Elevator Day and Night Crcn Item o s. m. to 13 m.; 1 p, si, to 5 p. m.; 7. 30 p.m. to 0 p.m. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 3 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. uHniiiiiJBHnniumnniniiiHiiiBiiiiismiiiiiiiinnniiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNU mm t grows 3 Colder 3'ou'll wish you had your heating stove. Have you seen "The Economy's" assortment. We only sell the kind that heat only the best makes. Our "BONNIE SUNSHINE" is worth your seeing. Prices range from $13.00 to $35.00 pay for it as you can it's an easy way. We meau EQUITABLE CREDIT SYSTEM." Exiension That's on its "last legs" is a nuisance. Get rid of the nuisance. We sell until SATURDAY, NOV. 21, a 6-feet long Extension Table, Antique Oak Finish, at "NUFF CED." i B8rtl3's C 'rnMY E Miners' Lamps qG? 225-227-213 Gil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii Established 23 Years POINT. All these are 3 yards long, and full width. PILLOWS. Best Grade Only. Tho best of references, no charge for con sultation, an Institute equipped with th latest achievements of Morton, Edison, Knnney. Rockwell. McBrlde. Mcintosh nnd others. Electro Static Machines, Gal vanic, Fnradlc, Sinusoidal (Magnetic) Galvano Vauterlcs, and electrodes of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Kay apparatus made. With electricity as a basis of treatment we are successful In cases of Rheumatism Gout. Paralysis. Eczema. Tumors, Sklri Troubles, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, the Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, anil all Nervous Diseases for which electricity ' Is doing so much of late. Tho blood clot cn;islng Apoplexy an Paralysis can be dissolved and carried away by proper application of Galvanism and Farndlm. Cures of Catarrh are being made by the Inhiilntlon of ozone from the Electro-stotlo machine. We might mention hundreds of troubles which are amenable to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Dr. Green treats all cases amenable to electrical treatment. Is a graduate and ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has the best of references, and will charge noth ing for consulatlon. Those who cannot call should writs for Information. s s a COUCHES 3 Colon 20 Springs $4.98. Wyoming Arsons. Table,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers