THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1896. 8 GARBONDALE. IJleaders will please note that advertise, menu, order for Job work, and Items for publication left at the establishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; of . lice open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. FINE ENTERTAINMENT. An Evening of Music and Literature at the Methodist Church. An audience which filled the lecture room of the Methodist church enjoyed the musical and literary entertainment Riven on Mundav evenlnff under the management of Mrs. W. G. Scurry and Hies Olina Herring. Misses Itena Daley and Olma Herring rendered a piano duet, followed by a cornet solo by George Ackennan. played in a very pli-asing manner. George D. Darte, of Vilki'S-liarre, favored the audience with a recitation which was so well received that he was recalled three times and rewarded with warm ap plause. Mrs. Hannah Leonard gave a solo with her accustomed good taste and plcasMns voice. Miss Ida Snyder, with Mrs. Leonard, sang the duet, "Till We Meet Again." Professor Carl Hess ler rendered a violin solo from Greig (a.) "Cradle Song: (b.) "Gypsy Dance." An amateur orchestra irovo several Holections, which were highly enjoyed. The members of the orchestra ure as follows: Mrs. W. G. Scurry, A. L. Vandermavk and Jessie Jones, bunjo Isls: Misses Grace Hathiiwuy and Alice Hutler, guitar; D. L. Crane and Lyman Smith, violinists. The proceeds of this Bueeesslul entertainment were devoted to the t'und of the Yount' Lady Work ers. An Instructor for Athletic tilth. The Carbimdale Athletic club ara considering the question of securing an instructor. Since Daley departed the club has been without an instructor. At a special meeting of the club to night the name of .Michael Hreslin will be considered as their candidate. Ho lia3 had some ten years experience as tin instructor in all that relates to ath letics. He Is recommended by t ..e Xavler Athletic club, the American Athletic club and other like organiza tions. He was also a noted trainer in the J. J. Corbett School of fhysicul Culture. Ccrmnnin's Fair. The Germanla fair will open this evening in V. V. Watt's building on Church street. The following is the programme to be rendered: "Ideal March," H. W. Harris), Cramer, Wil son and Hunt; tenor solo, "Manner of the Sea," (Elmer Grean). Willie opie; '"Hastus on Parade," (Henry Mills), Hunt and .Wilson; "Selection by the Tom Cat," quartette; Faustina waltz; Italian waltz; buck dance, Charles Vail; "Trilby" cornet solo, William Cramer. Orchestral accompaniment. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Mrs. Juliet A. M. Reynolds, of Ter race street, was a visitor in Scranton last week. Miss Kate Byrnes, of Washington street, left for New York yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Mutl'l have been visiting the former's uncle, William Iiuild, in Peckvllle. The ladies of the Baptist rhureh will Serve supper In the chapel this evening. Cleon Hrijrirsg, of Dkiison Hill, met with a painiul accident yesterday. A large pane of glass fell on him, making a deep stusIi in his thigh. Mrs. William McLaln, of Lincoln ave nue, Is suffurins from a severe attack of neuralgia of the heart anil lungs. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wickwire, who riave been enjoying the hospitalities of friends in Honesdale, have returned home. Miss Alice Butler was a visitor in Beranton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry, of Bel mont street, are visiting friends in Lansingliurg. N. Y. Miss May McDonald, of South Main street, is entertainlnrr Miss Anna May Doyle, of Wllkes-Marre. Mrs. StoutenRer, of Washington strj'et, was In Scranton yesterday. Willie Burke, of ArohbaUl, spent Monday eveninc with Mr. and Mrs. Mahady. Dominlck Sanchlneo. who was oper ated on at the hospital for appendicitis several weeks ago, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimier were Ftomach, sometimes called waterlmisl?, mill burning pain, distress, nausea, dyspepsia, are cured by Hood's ffarsa parilla. This it accomplishes because, with its wonderful power its a blnoil pm-ilier. Hood's ur.saparill.i gently tones anil strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorates the liver, create nn appetite, gives refreshing sleep, and rui.-es the health tone. In ciiscs oi dyspepsia and indigestion it Beenis to have a magic touch. " " For over 12 years I suffered from soar Stomach with severe pain across my shoulders, and great distress. I had violent nausea which would leave me very weak and taint, difficult to get my breath. These spells came oftener and more severe. I did not receive any lasting benefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from a trial of Hood's Snrsaparilla, that I took several bottles and mean to always keep it in the bouse. I am now able to do all my own work, which for six years I have been unable to do. My husband and son have also been greatly bene fited by Hood's Sarsaparilla for pains in the back, and after the grip. I gladly recommend this grand blood medicine." Mrs. Petes Bubbt, Leominster, Mass. lnldn Sarsaparilla Is tlie One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, tl. mj , , rtMf fl,re R" '-twr Ills and nOOUS PUIS Bick Headache, ascent. CARPET: FOR FALL TRACE. All the latest, from a 20; In. grain to the best Wilton. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, all widths and prices. Window Shades and Curtains, all the latest novelties. Funcv Itockiiia Chairs, nnliol. stcred ill plush, tapestry and hroc utelle. Also u tins collection of cobbler seats, and our price ul ways the lowest. J. SCOTT US, ' Carpels, Vail Paps and Driperlei 418 UCIUWAIIfU VL guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Rice, of Scranton, last week. M. K. Harnden spent Sunday with friends In Waverly, N. Y. The ladles of Trinity church will serve supper at the rectory from S to 8 o'clock this evening. Mrs. J. E. Bone and daughter, of Oneonta, N. Y., have been visiting friends in town. Mrs. W. P. Gregory and Mrs. J. P. A. Tlngley leave to-duy for a trip to New York City. Dr. Reed Burns, of Scranton, was In town yesterday. Miss Julia Laughlln is visiting friends in Nuw York. Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Meaker will en tertain a number of friends this even ing at their home on Lincoln avenue. Archie Turnbull had three fingers of his right hand crushed yesterday morn ing by a cellar door falling on it. Mr. and Mrs. Decker, of Clifford, will soon move into the house which they have lately purchased, corner of Spring and Washington streets. The dlagra of Wendllng's lecture, "Unseen localities," which Is to be giv en Thursday evening, opened yesterday morning. The lecture will not begin until S.30, which will give people the opportunity of attendins their regular Thursday evening services. Lucretia Lodge, Daughters of Re bekah, will hold a basket social at Odd Fellows hall, South Church street, this evening. George Tendleton. who has been vis iting in Stonington, Conn., has return ed home. Mrs. Louis Cardella, of North Main street, has developed symptoms of ap pendicitis, and a consultation of phy sicians was held yesterday afternoon. Mrs. William Jones, of Vandilng, spent yesterday with friends In this city. THVr LAW HOOK j Of course can bo. printed at some i other otllee, but if you want a good I job done quickly by expert work men, you'd better consult The Trib une job department. Its facilities for this k.nd of work are unsur passed in Northeastern Pennsylva- I l nia. Let us submit estimates. AVOCA. Horoee Frederic! will leave In a few days to reside in Heading. Mrs. J. Curran and son, William, at tended the funeral of Cella Boyle at Scranton yesterday. John, the 3-year-old son of Mrs. Edith Lampman, was seriously injured on Monday afternoon by falling into a pail of boiling water. On Monday evening thieves broke Into J. F. Scott's barber shop and suc ceeded in carrying olT several razors strops and brushes. The raiders have not yet been caught. The contract of furnishing fuel for the borounrh schools has been awarded to John Doran. of the West Side. Kev. N. G. Parke will occupy the pul pit of the Langcllffe church on next Sunday. Miss Ella TI,tuo, a nurse In the Lacl;- awnnna hospital at Scranton. spent yesterday with her parents on the est Side. Kev. P. J. Golden, of Williamsport, was a visitor In town yesterday. The death of Patrick Doherty oc curred yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness. Deceased was about CO years old and Is survived by a wife and nine children. Funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon. Inter ment will be made in St. Mary's ceme tery. Mrs. Edith Anderson, of Green Ridge, spent yesterday with Mrs. Mark Bus ley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simons, of Wilkes-Ilarre, have returned home af ter a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clark. About twenty-seven members of the Sons of St. George of this place at tended a banquet nt Wyoming on Mon day evening. They were guests of the Wyoming lodge. The Columbia orchestra will conduct a social in Herbert's hall this evening. The leap year dance given by the ladies of the town tomorrow evening promises to be one of the most brilliant events of the season. Supper will 'be served by Mrs. M. A. Golden. JKU.MYN. The primary class of the Congrega tional Sunday school will give an en tertainment on next Friday evening, and a supper will be served by the young ladles of the Sunday school at the close of the entertainment. For supper and entertainment the fee Is 10 cents. The programme: Song, "Tick, Tock," three tiny tots: recitation. "The Japanese Doll," Cora Jones; recitation, "My Dolly," Maggie Lewis; dialogue, "Grandma and Grandpa." Bobble Sur dlval and Maud Grilliths: recitation. Hobble Mittens," George hums: reci tation, Ethel Yates; recitation. Mary and Dinah O'Mcrret; song, "Mother, I Am Dying," May Saylo; recitation. Dolly s Bedtime, Lizzie Hadley; dia logue, "Saptain and Soldiers," live lit tle boys; song, May Surdivnl; recita tion, "Days of the Week." Gertie Wlv- ole; recitation, Lottie Lewis; song, "The Kobins," tiny tots; recitation, "The Market Woman," Bessie Jones; recita tion, "Dolly's Lesson," Cora Yates; recitation, "Japanese Maids," Bessie Jones, May Solgle and Cora Grilliths; recitation, Washing, Alice Jones; "Plumber Song," three little girls; reci tation, "Polly's Vaccination," Annie Evans; recitation, "Mamma's Helper," Mary A. Hill; recitation. "Bessie's Troubles," It. Yendle; dialogue, Mary and Annie Evans; song, three little girls: recitation, "Trials," Lizzize Lewis. Something new for the Jprmynitc3 at the Primitive Methodist church to night. A faggot supper will be held by the Ladies' Aid society for the bene fit of the church. Ail nre Invited. Henry Hadley, of Mayfield, mndo a business trip to Scranton yesterday. TAYI.OU. This evening the fair of the Taylor band will commence. The committee which has had charge of the affair have labored hard and earnestly to make it a BUecess, of which It surely will be. The rink Is tastefully decorated In nil colors, and there are many brnutitul and costly articles to be chanced off during the fair. It is hoped that all will respond freely and help the cause along, for a more gallant lot of band men are not to be found. The Union band will open up the fair this evening and on 'Saturday evening we will have the pleasure of hearing the great Bau er's, of Scranton, ull for the admission of ten cents; and besides a barrel of (lour will be given as a donr prize each evening to the holder of the lucky ad mission tieket. TIip children's rho'v of the Calvary Baptist church will have a rehearsal this evening at the church. All mem bers are requested to be present, and also those who wish to Join. Attention of the Traction company has been called to the condition of the road of which they agreed to repair, and yesterday the borough oifielals made them toe the mark by stopping the cars from running through the bor ough. The Independent Social club con ducted a largely attended social at Weber's rink on Monday evening. The Taylor band paraded the princi pal streets of this place nnd Mlnooka on Monday evening ndvertialng their fair, which will be opened this evening ut Weber's rink. WAVEKLY. Mrs. N. C. Mackey, wife of Representative-elect Dr. Nathan C. Mackey, and son Rorrer, have returned from a visit with relatives at Camptown. Our burgess, Ed. J. Stone, has been awarded a silver medal as a reward of i HATS fv ' 413 We can't sell all the hats worn in Scranton, but we come so near doing it that you'd think ours the only millinery store in town. It is the only real millinery store, W e buy more and sell more Millinery Goods, Trimmed Hats and Bonnets than all the other stores combined. That's one of the reasons we can, and do sell cheaper at retail than other stores can buy at wholesale. There's no reason for not being suited in a hat here; you have an immense assort ment of the very latest styles to select from. The prices are about half what other stores ask. Our trimmers are the best money can procure; every one an artist, and YOU CAN GET YOUR MONEY BACK if what you bny doesn't suit you. Special Handsomer, Richer, Prc-tUcr Kats at half the price of any other store in this city. 2;) Trimmed Velvet Hats every one a beauty, trimmed with from 4 to 0 ostrich plumes, Rib bon, ornaments and aigrettes could not be purchased elsewhere under $0.00. Our price $2.98 200 Trimmed Felt Hats trimmed in the very latest style; nil finest materia!! ; could not lie duplicated anywhere under 11.00. Our price .98 HOO Imported Models fine silk vel vet hats, everyone a gem of the mil liners' skill, not one of which could be purchased elsewhere less thun $10.00 to JIS.OO. Our price $4.98 Hundreds of Children's Hats, all the latest and best styles. '.)sc $1.25 and $1.50 413 LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. genius by John Wedderburn company Miss Kuth Perry is visited friends at Scranton. of Wns-'hington. D. C, for the invention of his anti-Rattler and Thill coupler for wagons and buggies. (Jeorge Clifford, who has been ill, Is convalescing. Since election real estate here Is look ing up.' Several parties from Scranton have made bids for eligible sites for building purposes. James F. Lawrence, of Holllsterville, Wayne county, ppent Saturday anil Sunday wilh his former comrade. Cap tain Oeorge F. Warner. Hoth had served in Compnny fl. Kighth Ullonois cavalry, and had not seen one another for thirty years. Saturday evening Comarado Lawrence was initiated a member of George Fell Post, No. 307, O. A. It. M. W. Miss, who had been a promin ent merchant here, has removed with his family to Factoryville, where he has entered in business. Rev. A. S. I'.rown. of Norwich, Con., accompanied by Frank Rose, also of Norwich, Conn., a singer of nntional re nown, are conducting very successful revival meetings nightly at the Haptlst church. Rev. John Cnvannugh, of the Free Methodist church, has a novel way of bringing sinners and recreant church goers to his church. He takes his stand opposite the Waverly house and then blows his bugle which draws a crowd. He then says a prayer and sings several hymns, nnd after ad dressing his congregation for n few minutes, invites them to his church. FOREST CITY. K. V. Williams nnd wife, of Rech land, N. J., nre visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. I). Morgan. An alarm of lire brought the flee companies out aain on Monday even ing. The fire was in Vanillins;. The small ear repair shop at the I). Si 11. colliery In some mnnner caught fire. The services of our firemen were not needed, as the fire wns easily extin guished by the Vandling hose com pany. On Monday evening the miners who went to New York Inst month and took part In the parade met at the parlors nf the Hillside fire department. Mr. W. W. InUs, of Scranton, was also present. The object nf th" meeting wan n very unique one. The men were un der his care during their lessons in drilling nnd while they were on parade in the city. The efficient manner in which Mr. Inglis trained them and handled them while on parade made such nn Impression on their minds that they decided to make him a present of something which would be useful to him In future. A purchasing commit tee was chosen and a handsome rocker made of Hungarian manic, with a leather finish, was selected. The chair was presented to Mr. Inglis in behalf of the men by Mr. M. I). Evans, who made a very nent nnd effective speech, to which Mr. Inglis responded with much feuiins'. Several short npcenes were made by those present, all of whom Epoke In the highest possible language of Mr. Inglis' abilities in the military line. James Canavan, employed as a driv er in the H. & H. mines, received ser ious Injuries while at work on Tuesday rooming. He was squeezed between mine cars. HOXKSDALK. F. S. rtcnedict. of C'reen Ridge, was a Visitor here on Mnndus. Miss Kdith Decker is spending a week with Scranton and Clark's Green friends. . The Metropolitan Insurance company have abandoned their Honesdale olflce. Fred Whitney, of the Honesdale Na tional bank, is on a vacation in New York state for the benefit of his health. The annua! ball nnd supper of the Red Men will take place on Thanksgiv ing evening in the nrmory. The High School and Peeleyvlile teams will play a game of foot ball on the silk mill grounds next Saturday. The free reading room in the Presby terian chapfl Is open from 2 to 10 p. in, The tables are supplied with an abund ance of reading matter to the use of which all ?re welcome. Wesley C.ardner. Klrk Rose. Dr. Pow ell. Fred Starbuck, Mart Kimble and H. T. Menner were among a party of TRIMMED mm mt k MILLIMERY, LACKAWANNA AVENUI 'Bargains This Week: I'ntiimmed Felt Hats All the latest shapes in English Wool Felt Hats. Elsewhere 50c.; here at 29c All the latest Bhares In Camel's Hair and velvet bound Felt Hats. Elsewhere 75c; here at 39c Fine French Fur Felt Hats, in new Shanes; sold elsewhere at $1.50, here at 75c Some new shapes, exclusive styles, not to bo found In any other store, worth J2.00; here at.. 98c Trimmed Walking Hats and Sailors, sold resularly at $1.25 and $1.50, here at 48c Children's Felt Tains newest shapes, every color, finest quality; worm i.ou, nere at. 50c Ribbons The greatest sale of Ribbons we have ever had. 5.000 yards change able Taffeta Ribbon in all the Mrs. E. A. Searle, mother of Attor ney Searle, will spend the winter In California. hunters who returned from Pike coun ty yesterday with three deer as a re sult" of their sport. The Bhlrt factory of John Woodln will now be known as the Honesdale Shirt company. William Smith, of See leyvllle, and others have associated themselves with Mr. Woodln. E. T. Craven, of Scranton, is manager. For ty workmen are now employed and more are to be added. MOOSIC. The Ladles Aid society of the Meth odist Episcopal church will have a tur key supper and dinner on Thanksgiv ing Day. All are cordially invited to attend. S. V. Corby spent Sunday among friends In Mill City, Wyoming county. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Foulks have re turned from a visit among friends in the western part of the state. John liirmingham, of Oak Hill, Is rapidly getting better. Dr. 8. S. W'at son is the attending physician. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ten viaifir. liputun a ON THE LINE OF THE udi run R'Y are located the finest Ashing and hunting grounds In the world. Descriptive booiu on application. Tickets to all points in llaine, Canada and. Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis'.. 3t. Paul, Canadian and t'nlted Slates Northwent. Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoraa, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all thi-ought trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of familios may bo had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. Art 353 Broadway , New York. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN .STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The huiiruly Appointed and Commodiom I Stemunliipi NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Americfcti through uitdlhrungh. leave linlliilo 'I ii' wiav mid Friday 9-Jo p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac, The Soo, Duluth, mid Wttcrn Points, pnsalnif all plucea of Intel ot by uayllkbt In connoctloa " THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forirm thu moot direct route, unci from ev rry point of ci nij arison. the most delightful anil coinfnrtal )e one to M lnn-ii polls. St. Paul. Ureat fall, Helena, toll-.-. Miolcane aud Pa tifli: coaat. The otlr tracM-entinautal. ine running tit laraoca buffet, library, observe tiou car. Y- U7 hour train for Portland via Hpokana. HOTEL LAPAVETTE. Lake Mlnnetonka, 16 miles from M tinfupollf, largest and must leantinl resort in the west. 1 icketaand niiy information of nnr agent or A. A. 11I.AUL, (Jeuerul l'asaeuucr atfeut, Buffalo, N. Y. POULTRY Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, 'Fresh Every Day. ALSCL Pheasants, Quail, Prairie Chickens, Wild Ducks, 1 1 PHSfJfflllt ill FREE. newest effects. No. 0 worth 35c. a yard, here at 17c 5,000 yards new plaid Ribbon in all the latest combinations. Pure silk, best quality. No. 60, worth 38c, here at 19c yd 6,000 yards, all silk satin Rib bon in every color, No. 60. The greatest bargain ever offered. Worth C0c, here at 19c yd 6,000 wards black figured Rib bon, all silk, the best quality No. 60; worth 50c., here at 19c yd Feathers and Flowers Rich Black Ostrich Plumes, worth 35c, here at .' 19c Rich Rlack Ostrich Plumes, worth 50c, here at 25c Finest black and colored Os trich Plumes, worth $1.00, here at 48c Richest Ostrich Plumes, very large and full, worth $1.50, here at 75c 413 LACKAWANNA AVE., SCRANTON. This Is a Free Country It is your privilege to wear ready made clothing if you wish to, but don't you know that we make Suits and Overcoats for $15 that you can't match in ready mades for that price. All gtades of goods proportionately low. The riost Complete Tailoring Establishment In Scranton. Wl DAVI ' Wyoming Avt. l. UrWlO, Arcade Building. GREAT SLUMP IN III IB He been predicted all through the season Just past. THIS IS THE WAV ' HL'MBERS HAVE BEEN REDUCED. 96 Price. '07 Price. Roadster, $110.00 $115.00 Tourist, 112.50 117.59 HyKumber, 117.50 122.50 Uet, 125.00 150.00 Prices seem high, hut then you know it's IIUMBElt QUALITY. CHASE & FARRAR 515 Linden Street. THE MOOSIC POWDER CO., 6Q0MS I &HD 2, COM'LTH I'L'VB, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AMD RUeTS DAUB WOfUUL LAPUN RAND POWDER MVS ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Batteries, Kleetrie Exploders, for el plodluff blasts, Safety Fuse, and Repaono Chemical Co.'s EXpKXi WE WANT YOU. To examine this line of Lace Curtains, compare prices and you will admit they are the best val ues ever offered in Scranton. IRISH 20 PAIR AT $1.50 10 PAIR AT 2.00 10 PAIR AT 2.50 DOWN PILLOWS. All Sizes. Best Grade Only. TABLE COVERS. Velour, Satin Derby, Tapestry and Chenille. All sizes. RUG DEPARTMENT. 100 Smyrna Rugs, 30 inch by 60 inch, 01 Cfl 50 Axminster Rugs, 27 inch by 54 inch, uliUUi 50 Velvet Rugs, 27 In. by 54 in... $1.25 S. 6. KERMON & CO., CARPETS AND DRAPERIES. .w";.:' 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. ELECTRICITY IS KING. -I 607, 603 AND 609 Corner Washington Avenue and Th lnte ROBERT BARTHOLOW PRO FK930R Of MATERIA MEDICA. OKN UK A I. THERAPEUTIC and HYGIENE ef .1ETKRSON MEDICAL. C01.L.EOK of rhllftdnlphla. aalil In h!n Inst work on medlcnl elentrlnlty i "The time la not fur off when electricity for medical uae will take the place ef many druga with tho name rihenomenal aucreaa that ha marked the nroo-re!! ef thla aclence In the movlnn f cars lle.htln of streets and houaea and for cen'eral motive power." It was In 1790 that GAT.VANl dlacovered tho action nf enlvantsm on the nerves by experiment In" on a frog. For 106 years galvanism has continued to grow In prominence as a euro trKTefTe'RETHnnOTTr!HtT TTN-DER-BTfiOD that r. Oreen Is a graduate in medicine and fcharmacy. he has prescribed for thousar.dsW patients who have never had an applicMlr-n of electricity, hut ex perience nnd jltndy has convinced him, as It has Martom Uockwoll. Massey and oth ers of prominence that electricity Is the K1N OF MEDlCAt, REMEDIES. Boar In mind that proper electrical treatment, with first-class appliances, Is NOT PAIN FtTL. If you wish tn Vnow tho result of Dr. Green's treatment for Rl.hmimatlsm wrlto to E. E. Ilostlck. 2047 East Cumberland street. I'hllnilolphla, Pa., or care Seabury & Johnson,' New York, Dp. Green's Elecfro-Therapetitic Institute, 607, 601 and 609 Mears Building, Scranton, Pa. Elevator Day and Night Open from o a. n. to ta n. I p. n. tog p. as.; 7.30p.m. too p.m. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ' Special Attention Given to Business and Per sonal Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Extended According to Balances and Responsibility. 395 Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. aimminmmiiiesnt WHEN IT GROWS Colder you'll wish you had your heating stove. Have you seen "The Economy's" assortment. We only sell the kind that heat only the best makes. Our "BONNIE SUNSHINE" is worth your seeing. Prices range from $13.00 to $35.00 pay for it as you can it's an easy way. We mean EQUITABLE CREDIT SYSTEM." cc Extension TW: on its "last Ws" is a nuisance. Get rid of the nuisance. We sell until SATURDAY, NOV. 21, a 6-feet long Extension Table, Antique Oak Finish, at "NUFF 225-227-218 I Minns' Lan?s CrfiySF iiimiiuinuuHiiimiuiiuHiiuiiiiiciuuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Estatlisfcsi 23 Yiars POINT. All these are Y yards long, and full width. MEARS BUILDING Spruce Street, Scranton, Penna. The best of references, no oharx. for con sulfation, an Institute equipped with the latest achievements of Morton, Edison, Ranney, Rockwell, McBride, Mcintosh and others. Electro Static Machines, Gal vanic, Fnradic, Sinusoidal (Magnetic), Galvano Vauterles, and electrodes of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Kay apparatus made. With electricity as a basis of treatment we are successful In cas-e of Rheumatism flout. Paralysis, Ectema. Tumors, Sklr Troubles, Indlarestlon, Dyspepsia, the Wasting of Muscles, Poor Circulation, and all Nervous Diseases for which electricity Is doing so much of late. The blood clot causing Apoplexy and Paralysis can be dissolved and carried awny by proper application of Colvaaism and Faradlsm. Cures of Catarrh are being made by th. Inhalation of ozone from th Electro-atatlo machine. We might mention humlreds of trouble, which are amenable to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Dr. Green treats all cases amenable to electrical treatment. Is a graduate and ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has tha best of references, and will charge noth ing for consulation. Those who cannot call should wrlto for Information. . ced: COUCHES 3 Colors 20 Sprinp $4.98. Wyoming Avono'- ml HERAPEUTIC INSTITUTE Table, S
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