Second Edition Second $ Edition - i TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS, SCK ANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, ibOff. TWO CENTS A COPY - I. BIG TIDAL WAVE McKinley and Hobart Sweep the Country East, West, North and South. Scarcely a Fragment Left of the Once Defiant Column of the Dem ocratic Party. SOLID SOUTH SMASHED TO PIECES The Candidate of Protection, Honest Honey and Prosperity Retains AH His Expected Strength in the North and Hast, Pockets Every Doubtful State in the fliddle West Except Kansas and Perhaps Nebraska, Walks Off with Wyoming, Captures California, and Secures the Electoral Votes of Delaware, Haryland, Kentucky and Tennessee The Host Sanguine Estimates Bid Fair to Be Exceeded by the Realization as the Glad News Pours In. A tidal wave! This exrains the whole thins In a nutshell. The South Is shattered, Virginia Is conceded to McKinley ty 15.000; Mary hind Is his by from 20,000 to L'il.OOO; Delaware registers Its electoral choice with the party of honest and efllclent fuvernment; West Virginia, afior many futile attempts, at lust land in the right camp by 1".000 votes to the good: Kentucky repudiates the repu diation by 10,000 to 15,000 plurality, and even Tennessee joins In the chorus with a Republican excess of nearly the unit' proportions. In the so-called doubtful middle Vest, Indiana's wholesome verdict Is 20,0tw for sound money; Michigan's looks as If It would exceed 50,000; In Il linois McKinley carries Cook county by 60.000 and the state by 150,000, in suring the defeat of John P. Altgeld; Minnesota and the Pakotas stand In line, Nebraska is wavering, with latest returns pointing to a Republican vic tory, and only Kansas seems still wed ded to Its Popullstic Idols. , In the fur West, Wyoming, California nd Oregon are safe, and Washington trembles In the balance. In fact, not to be too prolix about It, the nation has rallied in every section to the defence of Its own best interests. And Pennsylvania still leads the glor ious column with 300,000 Republican plurality 25,000 better than New York. M'KINLEY'S ELECTION ASSURED. Joseph Manley and Secretary Os borne Wire Congratulations. Secretary Osborne, of the Republican national committee, has wired Mc Kinley from New York as follows: "The Indications are that New York city will give you 23,000 plurality; Mich igan 30,000; Chicago 100,000; Baltimore 15.000 and New York state 275,000." Secretary Osborne of the Republican national committee, has also issued following the statement. "Reports Hhow that we have carried West Vir ginia by 25,000 majority and New York by 300,000. In Iowa the plurality will be 80,000. The Republican majority will be 15,000 in Baltimore and 10.000 in Maryland. Tennessee has gone Re publican by 20,000; Massachusetts by 100,000 and Ohio will give McKinley the largest plurality ever known. We ex pect to carry Virginia, and Illinois will Rive a great majority. We are confid ent of Kentucky. MrKlnlev II -bart will be i-lMcted .vbh- it' a .Jr.ub" ' Jcseph A. A' inloy. . t :".l ' j in.. it- I RiclClrit;- Ms coup it. 'alii o i I Certs'ln t-leei ion. ;ct !, 'liOj.irne Wired Hannt at Clew !aud that ittj electoral votes are already assured, with chances for 103 more. Claim Oregon. Chicago, Nov. 3. The Tribune (Re publican) claims Oregon for McKinley by a small majority. I')cccds Itnnnn's L'stimiitc. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 3. Chairman Hanna has just telegraphed the New York Times as follows: "The result as indicated at this time will exceed our estimates. M. A. Hanna." Stone Concedes McK. nicy's Flection. St. Louis, Nov. 3. Governor Stone, of Missouri, member of the Democratic national committee, concedes the elec tion of McKinley. ELECTORAL VOTE. McKinley. Bryan. A luli.i ma i Arkansas g I'aliforniu Colorado 4 Connecticut G Delaware 3 Florid, 1 4 (lenrgia vj blul.o ;i Illinois 24 Indiana f ir Iowa 13 Kansas M Kentucky 13 Louisiana g .Maine t Maryland 8 Massachusetts 15 MichiKan 14 . Minnesota 9 Mississippi 9 Missouri 17 Montana 3 Xabranka 8 Nevada 3 New Hampshire 4 New Jersey K New York 30 North Carolina 11 North Dakota 3 Ohio ! Oregon 4 Pennsylvania 32 Rhode Island 4 South Carolina 9 South Dakota 4 Tennessee 12 Texas in Ctah 3 Vermont 4 Virginia 12 Washington 4 West Virginia 6 Wisconsin 12 Wyoming 3 Total , 309 138 Majority for McKlnleyl 171 M'KINLEY HEARS THE NEWS. Returns Received by Private Mire at His Home ia Canton. Canton, Ohio, Nov. 3. Major McKin ley received returns In various parts of the house. Early In the evening he sat In his sturiy, where he heard the news of hi'-- no, li n. After dinner he 1 ,o m'. mid ihi dining room and sat t;i cri.i ( huh- near lite head of the in.. ;- v. hich had been converted Into a desk for the Ulirm of returns. Major McKinley heard the news with his usual calm demeanor. He sat quietly while the first news of the great battle came in, and smoked his after dinner cigar. He became interested as the news became more copious and de llnite and kept up a running comment on the subjects of the report. Major -McKinley Is uncommonly well Inform ed in practical politics, and carries in his mind the salient results for sev eral years back in till important States. His study was given over to the news paper; correspondents, ami the returns were read aloud to them after they had been scanned by the Major. Around the long table at the end of which Major McKinley sat. were Judge Day, Judge Baldwin, Charles Miller. Or. Manches ter, Major McKlnley's pastor, and the correspondents of the press associa tions. When a I'nited Press bulletin announced that the New York Journal had conceded the election of McKinley a cheer swept through the house, and his usually pallid face was slightly Hushed. Mia friends crowded about him and- pressed upon him their con gratulations, but Major McKinley re fused to take anything for granted, and said he would not assume he was elect ed until the actual returns warranted it. He declined to let telegrams of con gratulations be sent out by the news papers until he felt absolutely certain of his election, for the reason that he did not want the senders of the con gratulatory messages to feel embar rassed in case he happened to be de feated. At midnight the bells sounded the as sembly, three bands hastened to the public square, and in ten minutes there were assembled thousands of jubilant people who united in singing Praise iod, from whom all blessings llo." Mrs. McKinley, who had been con fined to her lied for a week, sat ur to night for the llrst time. She had a doz en ladles with her. Mother McKinley, Miss Helen McKinley, Miss Mabel Mc Kinley, Mrs. Henry C. Hoyst and Mrs. lieorge K. Fease, Miss Eva Phillips, were anions the ladies who heard the news with Mrs. McKinley. Little Mary Colby, a child of unusual talent, as an entertainer, and a niece of Mrs. Hoyst and Mrs.. McKlnley's nearest friend, sang, played, recited and danced at various times during the evening for Mrs. McKinley and her guests. Major McKinley went from time to time into the drawing room to chat for a mo ment with his wife, mother and other ladies. Major McKinley did not seem to lake much interest in glaringly prem ature congratulations. "Very good, very good," said Major McKinley when the declaration of the Republican State Central Committee of Illinois was read, announcing a sweeping victory in the State and the defeat of Altgeld. AT M'KINLEY'S HOME. The Presidentelect Receives Congratu lalions fiom Various Sources. Large Majorities Claimed. Canton, Nov. 3. H. C. Paine wires Major McKinley that the national com mittee claims the following states, the majorities appended: Ohio, 50.000; Indiana. 40,000; Michi gan. 40,000; Wisconsin. 80,000; Illinois, 100,000; Iowa. ; Nebraska, 15.000; Minnesota, 35.000; Kentucky, 20,000. MeKinley carries his ward by 291. This ward gave Cleveland 103. A dispatch to McKinley from Will lain Hahn. at Chicago, says Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Kentucky and Tennessee are safe for McKinley. Major McKinley received this tele gram : Paterson, N. J., Nov. S. Congratula tions with all my heart on the glorious achievement under your magnificent lead ership. The manhood of the republic has asserted Itself snd the nation's honor and integrity will never again be assulled by the same forces. Mrs. Hobart Joins me in congratulations. Garret A. Hobart. MORGAN WILLIAMS ELECTED. Luzerne County Also Rolls I'p Large Majority Tor McKinley. Special to The Tribune. Wilkes-Rarre. Pa.. Nov. 3. Luzerne county will give McKinley a plurality of 4.000. Morgan 15. Williams. Republican, delented John M. Oarinan. Democrat, by over 3,i", and Robinson, Republi can, is elected sheriff by 2.500. The Re publican nominees have been elected in live of the six legislative districts of the county. Victory in May lie. Speclul to The Tribune. Honesdale. Nov. ;!. The entire Republi can ticket of Wayne county will b elid ed with the exception of sheriff and pro thonolary. results in latter contests b I nit still in doubt. Mo Doubt of McKlnley's Election. Sprluglhdd, III.. Nov. 3.-S.nator John M. Palmer was nsl:e for his opinion lu day regarding lhe pollllcal situation. Tl'.tf senator said tie was worn out campaign ing and had no doubt of Mapor Mi Kill icy' election and the triumph of sound moiu-y. other than this hicoiill not pdi as he hail not laid any attention lu It. Disorder nt Chicago. I'lileago. Nov. 3. A crod of Poles pa raded tlie streets in the Hixteenth ward, carrying on a pole an efligy suppowd to represent MeKinley. They became so dis orderly thut the police were called to dis pose of them. Runners of .McKinley were also illsplayed from pole In the Twentv sixth wurii, but were suou taken down. Ilrcckinridgc Kleclcd. New York, Nov. 3. The Herald says McKinley carries Kentucky by IYMU0 plur ality anil a majority of Ncoublicun rep resentatives are elected. Rreckinrldue has been elected to the house of represen tatives. Declines to He Intcriicuel. Cleveland, O., Nov. 3. Mark llannn re fuses to see any newspaper men. Many have Importuned him for an interview to night without effect. Crow Elected. Philadelphia. Nov. 3. The Republican citv committee conceit- Crow's election for sheriff .by at least Ij.nmj majority. Ma nicy's Claim as to Congress. New York, Nov. 3. Joseph It. Manley says the Republican will have 2 rep resentatives in congress. M innesota's Large Inrality. Npw York, Nov. 3. The Times say that McKlnlev has carried Minnesota by M, UW plurality. Ohio Rcpnblicna by lOO.OOO. New York. Nov. 3. A Journal special says Ohio is probably Republican by 1W, 000 majority. liryan Carries Arkansas. New York, Nov. S. The Time bulletin says Bryan carries Arkansas by 4e,'n. WEATHER FORECAST. Forecast for Kastern Pennsylvania, generally fair during the day with in creasing c'oudiness Wednesday night; southerly winds. For western Pennsyl vania, generally fair, followed by Increas ing cloudii.ess Wednesday afternoon, fresh southerly winds. PENNSYLVANIA'S BIG MAJORITIES Republican Gains la Every County Throughout the State. EMPHATIC DEMAND FOR PROTECTION Auti-Combiue Ticket in Philadelphia Successful-!. uzerne t'ouuty Elects' Morgan li. William to Congress and Gives McKinley and Hobart Large Pluralities--- Veritable Tidal Wave. Late despatches received this morn ing Indicate that the Keystone stale will break all records in yesterday's emphatic indorsement of sound money and protection. McKinley and Ho bart's pluralities are estimated at 300, 000 In the state and with few excep tions large Republican gains have been apparent on the local tickets in various counties. Detailed vote and tallies follow: Harrisburg, Nov. 3. Pennsylvania voted today for presidential electors, 30 congressmen, including 2 at large, and for a legislature and half of the state senate. The only sharp local right which attracted state Interest was in Philadlephla where the anti Combine Republicans fused with the Democrats to defeat Samuel Ashhridge, the Combine candidate for sheriff. The anti-Combine candidate was Alex. Crow, Jr.. whose election Is claimed by a majority of 15,000. County returns received are as fol lows: Blair county McKinley 4,600 plural ity, Republican gain 2,4.r8. Hicks, Re publican for congress, 2,f00 plurality. Stineman. Republican, for Senator. 4.000 plurality. Patterson, Republican and Morrow, Republican, of represen tatives, 4,600 each plurality. Carbon county (lives Bryan 300 plu rality. Republican gain 62. Barber, Dcmoornt. for congress, 100 plurality; Weiler, Democrat, for representative, 1.000 plurality. Ticga county McKinley 4,000 plu rality, Republican gain of 215. Packer, Republican, for congress, 3,000 plurality: Merrick, Republican, for senator, 4,0oft plurality; Smith, Republican, and Young, Republican, for representatives, 4.0U0 plurality. Monroe county Rryan 1.400 plurality; Republican gain 2.1s. Rather, Demo crat, for congress, 900 plurality: Place, Democrat, for representative, 500 plu rality. Lancaster county McKinley K,0i)0 plurality. Republican gain of f,,200. Lancaster city gives McKinley about 1,800 plurality. York county Probably small Dem ocratic plurality. Heavy Democratic losses are npparent. York city prob ably Republican by 400 plurality. Montgomery county gives McKlnlev 4.MI0 plurality. Hi publican gain of 4,:20. Wanger, Republican, for congress, 4,700 plurality. Parker, Kshbach, Krantz, Sexton and Leas, all Republi cans for representatives, each about 4.300 plurality. Dauphin county gives McKinley 7.800 plurality, Republican gain of 4,310. Olmstead, Republican, for congress, 7.62 plurality; MoCarroll, Republican, for senator, 7.500 plurality; Heaghy, Keen and Kelfer, Republicans, for rep resentatives, 4.500 each plurality. Kun kle, Republican, city district, for rep resentative, 3.200 plurality. Potter county gives McKinley 900 plurality, a Republican gain of 2S4. Packer, Rep., for congress, 850 plurali ty: Merrick, Rep., for senator. 900 plur ality; Wells. Rep., for representative, MW plurality. York county Gives Bryan 300 plural ity, a Republican gain of 3.470. Bradford county C.Ives McKinley 1. 000 plurality, a Republican gain of 33. McXamara, Dem., for congress, 1,200 plurality. Smith and Williams, Rep., for representatives, SUO plurality. Pike county Hives Bryan 600 plural ity, Republican gain of "3; Barber, Dem., for. congress, 600 plurality; Kess ler. Dem., for representative. 600 plur ality. Berks county gives Bryan 5.000 plur ality, u Republican guln of 3,525; Kr muntrout, Dem., for congress, 5,000 plurality; Miller, Dem., for senator, 4.500 plurality: Ludeti and West. Reps., for representatives from Reading, 700 plurality; Spatz, Rhode and Welhle, (Detns..) are elected from the county by 5.000 plurality. Allegheny county McKinley will carry county Including the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny by about 40, onu plurality, a Republican gain of 25. 070. Kvery Republican senatorial and legislative candidate hut one and every county otllcer will have about the same majority. Bucks county gives McKinley 2.000 plurality, u Republican gain of 2.100; Wanger, Rep., for congress, 2.300 plur ality. Funk, Rice and Patterson, Reps., for representatives, about 2,000 each plurality. Huntingdon county gives McKinley 2.ik0 plurality, a Republican gain of OM. Million, Rep., for congress, l.flco plurality: Chisholm. Rep., fur senator, I.O.Mi Dlurality. P. M. Lvttle and John H. Bare, Republicans, for represent lves, each I..VW plurality. Snyder county gives McKinley 9'0 plurality. Republican gain of 106. Ma han. Rep., for congress. 1.000 plurality; llumniei. Rep., for senator, S75 plurali ty; Hermnn, Rep., for representative, 8(H) plurality. Our Victory Means Good Times. Sullivan county Rryan 200 plurality. Republican gain 10:1. Walsh, Demo crat, for congress, 200 plurality. Thomas Ciahan. Democrat, for repres entative, doubtful plurality. Philadelphia, Nov. 3. McKlnley's plurality in Pennsylvania will ap proach 300.000. Of this Philadelphia contributes about 125.0U0. Northampton county gives Rryan 1.01)0 plurality, a Republican gain of 2.428. Klrkpatrick, Republican, for congress 3is) plurality. Hunt. Leh Brown, Democrat, for representatives, are elected. Montour county gives Bryan 350 plu rality. Republican, gain or 410. Walsh, Democrat, for congress. 250 plurality; Welliver. Democrat, for representative, 200 plurality. Blair county corrected, gives McKin ley 4.000 plurality. Adams county gives Mckinley 400 plurality, a Republican gain of 732. Hollar, Republican, for congress, 400 plurality. Centre county gives McKinley 200 plu rality, a Republican gain of 1,126. Arnold. Republican, for congress, 100 plurality; Womelsdorf and Curtin, Republicans, for representatives, un deniably elected. Fulton county gives Rryan 75 plural ity, a Republican gain of 217. Kearns. Republican, for congress. 50 plurality; Cook. Democrat, for representative, 00 plurality. McKean county gives McKinley 2,500 plurality, a Republican gain of 1.749. Stone, Republican, for congress, 2.500 plurality; Merrick, Republican, for senator, 1.500 plurality; North and Dempsey, Republicans, for representa tives, 2.500 plurality. Wayne county gives McKinley 300 plurality, a Republican gain of 525. Codding, Republican, for congress, 300 plurality. Cnderwood and K'.y. Re publican, for representatives, 100 plu rality. Warren county gives McKinley 1.800 plurality. 11 Republican gain of 607; Stone. Republican, for congress, 1,900 plurality: ParshalL Republican, for representative, Rirtfl plurality. Schuylkill county At midnight with one-fourth of the county heard from, Republican chairman claims Schuyl kill will give McKinley 2.500 plurality, 11 Republican gain of 4.751. Brumm, Republican, for congress, 2.000 plural ity; Loesch. Republican, for senator, 1,500 plurality. Representatives Orme. Schrink and Wilman, Republicans, 1.000 plurality, Kehler, 600 plurality; Wyatt 200 plurality; Kershner doubt ful. Democrats concede everything to Republicans except one county official and one representative. City charter of Pottsville is defeated by 2,000. Bedford county Uives McKinley 1, 5.000 plurality, a Republican gain of 948. Coddington, Republican, for con gress, 5,200 plurality; Mitchell, Repub lican, for senator, and Plolctt, Kdmls ton and Manley, Republicans, for re presentatives, are elected. Luzerne county gives McKinley 3,000 plurality, a Republican gain of 4.611. The Republicans also elect Williams for congress; Scott for senator, and Roberts for the legislature. Clinton county gives McKinley 3,500 plurality, a Republican gain of 850. Schuylkill gives McKinley 3.000 plur ality, a Jlepubllcan gain of 6,521. Brum, Republican, for congress, 2,500 plural ity; Loach, Republican, for senator. 1,200 plurality; entire county ticket is elected. Armstrong county gives McKinley 2,000 plurality, a Republican gain of 803. Robblnn, Republican, for congress. 2,000 plurality; Meredith, Independent Republican for Senator. 2,000 plurality: Learner and McNee, Republicans, for representatives, 2.000 plurality. Chester county gives McKinley, 6,000 plurality, a gain of 2.860; Butler, for congress, 5,200 plurality; Snyder, Re publican, for senator, 6,000 plurality; Jefferls, Moore, Marshall and Phillips, Republicans, fur representatives, 6,000 plurality. ALABAMA. Montgomery. Nov. 3. Presidential electors and 9 congressmen were elected today. State olllcers were elected in September. Returns up to midnight were meagre, but they indicate a plur ality for Bryan of 40.000. The congres sional delegation will be composed of 8 Democrats and 1 Populist. ARKANSAS. Little Rock. Nov. 3. Presidential elec tors and 6 congressmen were voted for today. The election of state otlicinls was held in September. Returns are slow In coming In. The Democratic committee claims 50.000 plurality foir Btyan and the election of 6 Democratic congressmen. CALIFORNIA. Sacramento, Nov. 3. California voted today for presidential electors, a state assembly and half of the state S"iiate; also, 7 congressmen. Returns Indicate the election of 4 Democrats, 2 Republi cans and 1 PopuliHt to congress. The vote mi electors is close. Insullic ei t 'on was nt hand at 9 o'cli c't to justify a delinite estimute. but the lb publicuTi stalte commit toe claims the state. OLOR ADO. Ih nver. Nov. 3. Colorado today Voted for a governor, full state ticket, legisla ture, and - congressmen. The candi dates for governor were: Alva Adams, sliver Rep.-Detll.; Morton S. Bailey, Pop.-National silver; fjeorge Allen, McKinley Rep.; W. A. Marsh, Pro.; Peter H, Hirsch. Socialist-Labor; David H. Walte, Middle-of-the-road Pop. Adams, for governor, has 3ii,ti00 plur ality, and the Bryan electoral ticket Continued on Page 2.) A CLEAN All Republican Candidates in the County Elected by Unprece dented Majorities. ELL National and Congressional Tickets Receive a Plurality of Be tween 5,000 and 6,000. ALEX. CONNELL WINS A HARD FIGHT So Do Reynolds and Mackey, and the Hajority for Farr Is Greater Than It Ever Was Indications Point to the Election of Demuth and Costello Respectively as the flinority Commissioner and Auditor Every Voting District in the County So Far Heard from Broke Its Record in the Number of Votes Polled Scenes and Incidents of the Day Big Crowd Hears and Cheers the Glad Tidings as the Tribune Stereopticon Dis played Them Expressions from the Respective County ChairmenTown Wild with Enthusiasm. William t'onnell McKiuley (l ies Roberts , H. V. Roberts A. E. Kiefer Fred L. Ward John R Farr A. T. t'onnell 3ob.n F. Reynolds Dr. N. C. Mackey CHAIRMAN THOMAS'" LETTER. I Kdltor of The Tribune. Sir: There is not the slightest doubt nboiil the electlun of the entire Republi can ticket. Seventy-seven districts of the county from which complete returns have been received up to this hour give Willhuu Council, our candidate for con gress. l7:!:l Votes and Merrillcld "i.iW-'. f'onneir majority in these districts over Alerrltleld Is 5.121. McKlnley's plurality will be almost as large as Council's. The Republican candidates for congrcssmen-nt-lurge and for county commissioner and county auditor all have big pluralities and 1 can safely say that all four of the Republican legislative candidates are elected. John 11. Thomas, Chairman of the Republican County Com mittee Scranlon, Pa., Nov. 1, 2 a. m. It Is the most pronounced Republican sweep ever recorded in Lackawanna county. Out of K. districts heard from at 2 o'clock, 77 districts give Conned a ma jority over Merrillcld of 5.121. McKln ley's majority over Bryan will not equal the Connell figures. The two Republican county commis sioners and two auditors are unques tionably elected by safe majorities. The indications are that Costello. Democrat, will be the minority county auditor. AVhich Democratic candidate will get the minority cnmmlsisoner shlp cannot be positively determined, though the figures seem to favor De muth. I All four legislative districts are claimed by John II. Thomas, chairman of the Republican county committee. Farr's election Is certain In the First. Ills majority will reach l.Snit. Alex. Conncll's majority in the Second is es timated at 800. Mr. Connell received the returns while surrounded by a party of rela tives and friends at his home on Clay avenue. Early this morning he said for publication In The Tribune: "I am eminently satisfied with the result, locally and otherwise. My ma jority will, I believe, be from 3,000 to SWEEP S III 5,500 4,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 8,000 1,784 1,183 800 600 CHAIRMAN JENNINGS' LETTER. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Prom the returns t have receive! up to this hour I am not willing to admit thut Bryan's cause is a Inst one, neither am I prepared to say that our candidata for congress Is defeated. I .a Bar haa less votes than Farr In the 1'lrst legislative district, but the result In the Second i still in doubt. I believe that Judge has been elected In the Third district and Fudden In the Fourth. It has not been possible up to this time to do any accurate figuring on the vote for commissioner and auditor, but I think that we will elect two of each. T. J. Jennings, Chairman of the County Committee. Scranton, Pa.. Nov. 4. 2 a, ni. 5,000. and the Indications are that the whole Republican county ticket will b elected. McKlnley's electoral vote will hardly fal below S00. Throughout the country Republican principles have been upheld, and Lackawanna county hus done all that we could hope fur it to do." The Tribune's first special edition on sale on the streets at midnight gave the correct general substance of the result at home and throughout the I'nited States. There were not enough papers printed to supply the demand for th-m. The present edition contains facts and figures received up to 2.30 o'clock and will veiy closely compare with returns that will appear in the Regular morning Issue at 6 o'clock. The crowd which thronged the Re publican county commmittee head quarters In the Armory on Adams ave nue cheered Itself hoarse long before 11 o'clock. Kven at that early hour thcra was no doubt about the sweeping Re publican gains for McKinley, Connell and the candidates for county commis sioners and auditors. Only the legis lative fights were deemed uncertain during the early hours, but at mid- 1 (Continued on Pace 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers