THE SUREST WAY TO GET TRADE IS TO ADVERTISE FOR IT IN THE TRIBUTE: . Bryan Helped to Hake the Wilson Bill He Said That Would Bring Pros perity. Did It? EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SSCKANTOX, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2 5, 189K. TWO CENTS A COPY a ii no tics AND THE That National politics Interfere ilh truile is known to every American, and nt no time In the nation's history has this fact been no apparent as now. Hanks refuse the ordinary courtesies and accom modations to their best customers, gilt-edge securities go begging for loans, and commercial poirs, which, tinder ordinary conditions would he ns good as gold, is worth less for Immediate use, and the monev question s the cause of It all. Under these conditions, when manufacturers or Jobbers are pinched, there Is hut one help for them, and that Is to realize for spot cash In th -ir stocks so that they may tide over the present awful stringency. I We Had An Offer Last week from n large Importer und Jobber to sell us silks amount ing to a limited sum nt a tremend ous discount for cash on purchase, and as we knew the stock to be one of the richest in the country, took advantage of the offer, although stocks were full for the season. Tnw, 'fesiay, We place the first portion of this marvellous purchuse on sale. Here are the facts: 1T pieces till silk TalYeta-Armurcs. Full line of lovely new combination effects. Full as good as usually sells for fclVac Sale Price, 42 l-2c li) ploos handsome Pekln r.rornde silks in the very newest of fash ion's ways, floods that could not be sold under ordinary way for less than Tic. Sale Price, 63c Lot III 12 piei-os Cheney Bros. best Print ed Warp Taffeta silks, in striking and elegant styles thut are new, novel and beautiful. Worth not less than 3d. 25. Sate Price, 79c Lot IV. 10 pieces Irredeseent Taffeta silks in exquisite color harmonies that lenve nothing to be desired. Cheap est we ever knew silks of this qual ity sold at was 75c. Sale Price, 62 l-2c 8 pieces Kplnglo Chameleon silks. In rich, subdued triple tones, with contrasting foliage and figure ef fects. These represent the latest Parisian novelties, and are beauti ful beyond description. The select New York stores are getting $1 7J for exactly the sanu goodd. Sale Price, $1.10 10 pieces T.lack Gross drain Bro cades. Kvery pattern Is new and the silk Is of standard 110 quality 4 pieces 22-inch Ulack Silk IJhad ames. Superb finish and worth at least 80c. Sale Price, 75c 4 pieces Rlack Satin Duchess, 20 inches wide and value for 73c. Sale Price, 53c The quantities specified. above can not be added to at these figures, and when sold out the bargain op portunity Is pone. Sale Price, 53c G'LO.BE Son vi it Market MAJOR M'KINLEY IS STILL ELOQUENT Inspiring Addresses Made to Delegations Yesterday. ARGUMENTS BASED ON SOUND SENSE legislation Cannot Create Value. The Only Wnv to Get Wealth Is by I.iibor-'l'n-Nfut Arlair Is Not n Par tisan t'uinpuiguThr Issues Bc Tore tin; Voter. Canton. O., Oct. 22. The first delega tion to rail on Major McKinley today was from Creston, Ohio. It cume at l"..-rt and numbered about 200. Major McKinley. in addressing this delegu , tioii, sulci: I see you have not lost your earnest. ncss and enthusiasm for the great doc ' nines of the Republican party. We can I not by legislation In this country make I values; we cannot by any legerdermaln I of nuance make sotm thing out of noth ing. The only way to g t wealth Is by 1.1 i nor. anil anybody who teaches any other i doctrine Is a false teacher and not the j friend of American citizenship, or of our i American homes. There is no such thing s enduing wealth by the mere breitii or congress, c ongress can no a gooo hm things, but It cannot make you rich by debasing the money or th country, und It cannot make the country rieli by giving us dollars that are only worth ft! cents each and stamping them dollars. (Ap plause.) Now, eontrress can help the country, but ll must be by wise legislation, earing for the products, the labor, the farms and the men of our people, by protecting them against the produc ts of people liv ing in other lands. (Great apph,u:c.) A large delegation from Medina coun ty. thio, numbering more than l.u"t, called at 12.H0. There were bands and u good glee club with It, which sang pop ular campaign songs while the throng was mnndiiiig Into Major McKinley' yin-d. The delegation was nn enthusi astic one, and gave Major McKinley a rousing reception when he rose to speak. TO MKD1.VA COUNTY DELEGATION. In addressing the delegation from Medina county und Beret, Major Mc Kinley said: Tills Is not n partisan campaign, it rises altogether above that. It is a campaign, as I v'l-iv 1:. for the Culled tftntes, its honor, lis crclit, Us currency. Us wel fare, and 1 wel'-ome the assistance which comes to our cause from every qm-rter of the country from men who hereafter haw not been identified with us In parly association. My fellow citizens, flu-re Is more In volved in this campaign than the qiic.stioti of ciirieiR-y. There is the question of whether It Is to be a government by law. j whether the law is to be siimvmc over all. win I In I- 'lie courts of Ibis country which urt a shield and anchor for us In . times of trouble, are sustaincil or become the mere creatures of a party caucus, j Away with It. (Applause.) This Is a gov. crnnirnt of law and the people will render . a venlct on the third day of November 1 sustaining both law and courts. ! From llarnesvilb'. Belmont oniniy, some smaller towns in the neighboring , count ics of Noble und Gurnsey, the j next deli galion came. It wast niiide up . of workiiiginen. farmers find millers. and It contained nearly a thousand vot ers. ISSL'KS OK T11K CAMPAIGN. In addressing this deb-yullon. Major McKinley said: Krictly slated, my fellow citizens, what is this great contention ubmil that is en gaging Hie atlenlion of sevenly million of people lo the exclusion of everything else? What is II all about? Kirst. shall j we have an honest Hollar worth 100 c-enl.-', ; or shall we adopt as our standard a dollar : worth only 2 rents? ' Second Snail we pay the obligations of 1 Hit government as we have always paid tin m In the highest form of money known to the civilized world? Third Shall we now enter upon the Is. silence of a depreciated paper money as proposed by the Chicago Democratic plat form '.' Konrth Shall this government by liw be sustained under the law and through the courts created by law? Fifth Shall we continue the partial free trade policy which was Inaugurated by tile lection of lvi2, or shall we restore that grand protective policy under which tor more than thirty years wo lived and had such groat prosperity? . I lake it the peoide nbout me nre op posed to debasing the money of the coun try, and 1 take it no man In Ohio wants tiie obligations of the Cnlted Slates ills, honored to the extent of a single farthing. MARIETTA DKLKGATTOX. The P.arnesville delegation was close ly followed by a great one from Ma rietta, Ohio, which Included some vis itors from Morgan county. The Ma rietta delegation cumins from Hip first settlement in the whole northwest and n county rich in historical associations nnd suggestion, caused Major .McKin ley to recall some nunies, incidents end events of the past. He further a!d: .My fellow ountrymen, may r. ::'. be Inspired hy the same blessed :tr.!:,'. r.-,' pa triotism that moved the tsrnnd :' I v. -it men who founded our government, nnd we have In the contest now noon us that wlii'-h commands Ihe highest pHlrintism and noblest aspirations of American citi zenship, our honor is impugned; our cur rency Is threatened; our courts are as sailed; the very fabric ot our government i is hivulvnl In the controversy which we ! must settle one week from next Tuesday. I This is not a partisan contest; it Is a con ! test built upon genuine patriotism and j looking to genuine Americanism. No dan ger can ever come to this republic so long ns we carry the American flag in tmr hands nnd keep it in our hearts, and I speak to all my fellow citizens of Ohio j when I say that this is the year when you are lo determine, each for himself. whether or not he wants a 52-cent dollar or u UK' cent dollar; whether or not he wants a re turn to that prosperity from which he ran nvvay In ISfti, and whether or not he wants to continue that Industrial nollcy which increases the debts of the government and l dehts of the people, and want and destito. I tl.m f r. ..ll t.t nuf ,.rirl. Ifrlua nr 'Wc. want protection" and "We want McKin ley.") In this great contest the Republican party has been designated to carry the banner that represents those great princi ples, (a voice, "Gloty to God") and men of all political pnrtleg this year are rallying around that banner because It embraces what thev believe is for the best of the people and the glory of the great re public. Not one third of the Marietta people had moved away when a delegation of seven hundred voters from Guernsey county .Indiana, marched up. QUESTION OF MONEY. In addressing the Indiana delegation Major McKinley spoke as follows: A government lor the people winch rests upon the consent of the government Is a government that can be made by the peo ple lo express Just such policies as they believe will besl subserve their own in terests. You will have an opportunity one week from next Tuesday to express by your Individual ballots what you think of the great questions that divide us this year. They are questions which ought not to be troublesome in rightful determi nation. The question aa to whether good money or poor money Is wanted should not create doubt in any mind. We want good money, good at home and good abroad, and good all the time, and wiien we huve parted with our work and labor, or our products, we want something In return of stable value, and that is the kind of money we have now gold, sil ver and paper all alike, all equal In pur chasing and debt paying power, made good by the government of the United Si .tcs ts; trouble Is not with money; 1 . ii,i ,. ant something to do. It is lost J iii we want back. (Cries of I.") it Is the lost market that the f Ji iie r wants back again. It Is our splen did home market that has buen surren- dered. This is all there is to this question so far as the tariff and finance are con cerned. It is not a lack of money, bill a lack of markets. What we want to do is to get tinck that confidence and we cannot do it unless you defeat the parly that destroyed that confidence. It Is all in your own hands. 1 know the people of Indi ana are in favor of law and order and of honesty. (Cries of "Ami of Major Mo Kinley.'') You are In favor of goo J money, good limes and good markets. You know how you lost some of them and you know the direct route to set them back again, and if you do not follow In that wnyj I shall be veiy much surprised. M'KINLEV'S PROSPECTS. Srnator tinny Corsiders Tbnt His r.lcclion is Assured. Pittsburg, Oct. 22. Senator Quay passed through Pittsburg today on his way to his home in Beaver where he will rest a couple of clays. He said that Major McKinley' election Is assured. "I have said he would have 2"' voles In the electoral collcijc. and 1 still stick to that, ulthougb I regard thai esli uinte as loo low. The campaign is run ning along in excellent shape, but we will not relax a stroke until the night before election, as It would never do to lose points nt the eleventh hour." BUTCHERED BY BUSHMEN. Members of an Austrian Scientific Parly Are Massacred by Savages on the South Sea IsladJs. San Francisco, Oct. 22. News of thu massacre of part of an Austrian scien tific party on the Island of Guudul rnnas. in the Solomon roup. reach d this city today by the steamer Mouowa. The party left Sydney to cruise about and visit the Solomon islur.ds In scien tific researches in the Austrian man-of-war Albatross. They had visited all the isl.s except Guudulcanas, on which there is a mountain called the Lion's heud. The party walked to reach tne summit and hired native gulden. They started for the summit on the fifth of August. In the party were Buron I I'oiilton Von Norbreck, Lieutenant V. liudick, two midshipmen, one boy ( nn mod Do Buefort. twenty sullors, two servants and two native guides. Afier two days march one of the midshipmen and seven sailors re- , turned as they became too fatigued to proceed fan her. The day nfter they left Ihe camp, the burtui. Lieutenant i Budlck,, seven sailors and two ser vants, staled up the mountain. Sev eral biisiiincii met them on the way and j joined the expedition, but as they were i without arms no particular attention I was paid to them. The baron was In : the lead all the way and ns he neared , the top of the mountain, a bushman. ! w ho ap'n .ireil to be u chief, was scut j by the I ii. As he appeared, two ' shots w. n- lir -d lower down the.niotin- I tain f'oin the direction of the camp. The shots seemed to be a signal for the chief to attack the boron's party. Bushmen from a score of places at once rushed out and the baron wus struck ou the neck with a tomahawk, while a crowd of btishmi-ii attacked the rest of the pally with clubs. The native win had cut down the ban hi was promptly shot by n sailor Lieutenant Budlck ulso put bis revolver lo good use. A sailor had lo prol"ct hints -If with a tomahawk In- had wresied from a native. The oilier sailors were well armed and the biisliinen finally had to ' retreat In the woods, many of hem I wounded. It was thought th- baron would recover, but he gi.uliiullv sank after had walked bai-k to the i-ampund died in three limns. The siglil when die party returned to the camp was a bloody one. Midship man Ue B-aufort had been cut to death and three sailors and a native guide had ulso been killed. Six sailors and one guide had been wotimjcd. The news was sent to Cuptnin Mnu lock of the Albatross uml a relief party was sent und a safe return was made to the ship. After the Injured men had been taken aboard the Albatross Cap tain MnulocU started lor Cookt.nvn and thence the Albatross will go to Sydney. WHEAT TUMBLES AGAIN. Scenes of Wild Excitement in the Chicago Pit Rush of the Sellers. Chicago. Oct. 22. D'-cember wheat took another bl;- inr.ibl- nn the board of trade today and the wild excite ment on 'Chun!.',- which accompanied the collapse hindered on a panic. There was a fail of -'::t cents from yesterday ;! closing price, exceeding the advance for any day since the sensationfil up ward movement betvun in this country and abroad. Lale in ihe day tln-ro was a recovery and the highest point dur ing the morning session was 74'.., cents. The closing price wa.s 70'i cents. To wards the closing hour ihe slump was so rapid Ihnt drops of a cent and more found no bidders. The pi'i"e went from 7- to 71 Vi cents In five minutes. The scenes In the pit were such as board of trade history hits made of them. There was a frantic rushof sellers on the strength of n rumor that Cud nhy had .joined Armour in unloading his holdings. Thousands of bushels were dumped on the market, but there were no buyers who could keep pace with the quantify offered. There were some heavy losses. , The main cause of ihe decline was said to be failure to secure advances from the banks for buying cash wheat. PIPE LINE VICTORIOUS. They Jlny Now Irny Pipes I'mler I)., J.. and , Kiiilriinil Tracks. Trenton. N. J., Oct. 22. Vice Chan cellor Kmery rendered a decision to day in favor of the United Stutes Pipe Line company In the proceeding for in junction brought by the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad company to restrain the other company from laying their oil pipes under their tracks In Warren county. The pipe line company will go on now with the construction of their line to the Boa board. Work of Piccou "-'hols. Afbury Park, N. J.. Oct. 21 Some of the best pigeon shots in the country saw the live bird m.iti-h at Hikwood park to day between Phil Baly, Jr.. of Long Brunch, and J. S. Winston, of Washing ton, I ml. Kach man shot at lua blrdj for a purse. $2nn of which was put up by Mr. Daly and $147 by Mr. Winston. The match was won by Daly, who killed VI birds to Winston's bti. Federation of Musicians. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 22. This morning the national convention of musicians, which has been in session In this city lor three days, effected an organization to be known as tln American Koderntton of Musicians. This brings about a complete affiliation with tbe American Federation of Labor. Next Meeting nt Hcrnnton. Philadelphia, Oct. 22. The sixteenth an. nuul eouncll of the synod of the Philadel phia and New York Reformed Episcopal church, which began here yesterday, to day decided to hold the nest annual meet ing at Boranton. CARLISLE TALKS ON THE SITUATION An Eloquent Address Delivered at Cov ington, Kentucky. POSITION OF GOLD DEMOCRATS The Spcuker t'luiui That They Have Nut Deserted the Tarty, but Intimate-. That the Bryanites llave Appropriated Their Title--Uc-marks ou l'rce Cuiuugu Covington, Ky., Oct. 22. John G. Car lisle, secretary of the treasury, spoke this evening at Odd Fellows' hall in the Interest of Bound money Democracy. The hall is not a large one but had it been ten times us lurse it would not huve held those who cume to hear the secretary. Ituinors had been circulat ed thut an attempt, would be made to 1 . JOHN C. CARLISLK. break up the meet lug. , There was a disorderly element present In the rear of the hall, who hissed loudly as Mr. Carlisle appeared on the stage. The majority of Ihe audience, however, were In sympathy with the speaker and drowned the hisses in vociferous cheer ing. The disturbers compelled the sec retary to stop several times during the early part of his speech, but were fin ally quieted, by Mayor Hhinock and with the execution of a few Isolated yells for Bryun no further trouble oc curred. A counter demonstration wns held by the silverites in the street in I'rniil of the building, but it in no way Interfered with the meeting Inside the ball. During the interruption in the earlier part of the mooting the secretary re quested those who did not care to hour Iii in speuk lo leave the hall. SKCULTAltY CABLISLK'S ICKMAKK Secretary Carlisle begun his address by sayinif: I have come here lo spcaK ill behalf of I eiiu.,-ialic. candid. lies pledged tu the principles of u Deuioeialie platform, and in purpose is to discuss some of the pending political questions from a purely 1 leiiiin ratlc standpoint. We ore not Ite piiblieans, or Popnlisls, or fnsioiiisls; we are simply plain, old-fashioned Democrats, without any modern adulterations In our locti'ines. or nay Populislic of commiiuisi Ic appendages lo our organization. Then he proceeded to nnalyize what I lie principles of Democracy Wore ineuning American Democracy not ' that wild, turbulent, and destructive form of Democracy, which has been imported from abroad and which Is so nearly allied lo anarchy that It is al most impossible lo distinguish one from the other." of the candidates of the nutioiiul Democracy he said: John M. Palmer nnd Simon B. liin-kner are not strangers to the American people; they were not discovered yesterday by the bewildered delegates to a political con. venlion, and they will not be forgotl--n when the sound and fury of this remark able campaign have subsided. They are sol di rs and statesmen, ripe with tliu ex pt rleiice derived from long public ser vice at crucial periods In our history, and they stand conspicuously In this contest for law and order, for the inviolability if contracts, lor the independence and man hood of all classes of our people, for just and equal taxation for public purposes only, for a sound and stable currency, and for Ihe maintenance of the national an. thorlty und national honor under all cir cumstances. BF.GABDING TDK NOMINATION. in regard to the question of the reg ularity of their nominution he said: Lei us Inquire for a momeiy how f ir considerations of regularity ale inlluen - ing the actions of our critics in this cam paign. The nominations made at Chicago have been partially repudiated hy thu very men who m ule them in a majority of the slates in the union. The national and state coininitlces apoplnted to carry on tile campaign and pledged to the support of the nominees of the Chicago convention to the support of one just as much as to the support of the other have In 2B or 27 stales deliberately entered into arrange mcius and combinations to deprive one of the nominees of a large num lie r of elect oral votes and give them lo another can. illdLite not nomlnnteil by that convention, nor hv any other convention even pretend leif to be Democratic: and yet these gen tlemen have the assurance to call us traitors, and the presidential candidate himself, who has countenanced and en couraged Ihe sacrifice of his associate on his ticket, whose nomination was as regu. lar as his own, tells us that we cannot "get back Into the Democratic parly un less we come in sackcloth and ashes." Gentlemen, we nre not out of the Dem ocratic party, and we do not Intend to go out or be put out. THE PAST PLATFORMS. Then he discussed what past Demo cratic platforms had been in the finan cial question contrasting them with the Chicago declaration in favor of the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1. He continued: Notwithstanding all that has been said, or may be hereafter said to the contrary, we hime now a distinct monetary system of our own, freely adopted by our own legislation without dictation from, or con siiltnlion with, any other nation in the world: and we have the right and the power to change It, or abolish It altogether whenever we choose-. -The excited orators who are traversing tho land In every di rection vexing the ears of the people with a. reiteration of the statement that there Is some uarty or some body of men in this country denying the right or author ity ot tne i nueu mates to cnange us monetary system without the consent of some other nation, are simply evading the real questions at issue and misrepresent ing the position of their opponents, for the purpose of making unworthy appeals to the passions and prejudices of their alllPS. The question Is not whether the United Slates ulone have the power to adopt free coinage and silver monometallism, but whether. In view of our own domestic conditions and Interests, and of our ex tensive commercial and financial relations with the other great civilized nations of tho world. It would be good policy and good fulth to make such a radical change In our currency and such a wholesale le pudlntion of our obligations. It Is not a question of power; it is not a question of nntionnl independence; but It is a question of national prosperity and national honor. EFFECTS OF FREE COINAGE. Secretary Carlisle proceeded to dis cuss at length the economic effects ot free silver coinage. In opposition to any such policy as that proposed by the Chicago and Pop ulista convention he urged that by hold P) ing fast to the best money the people would always have the best things that money could buy. Let us preserve the credit and honor of your country and we will always have tho respect und confidence of Ihe world and can command its surplus capital on the most favorable terms for the development of our resources and Ihe Improvement of our social conditions. Let us see to It that labor is not cheated with a false token and that the farmer' shall not be required to exchange his products for a depreciated currency. Let us preserve for the use of all the people the dollar of our fathers, u dollar worth lot) cents every where. Turning to other parts of the plat form, Mr. Carlisle said: That the people were threatened with a social and political revolution of the gravest kind, a revolution which If suc cessful, would subvert the fundamental principles upon which the government was founded, tax the private Industries ef the people out of existence and convert our system Into a socialistic despotism. When to this extravagant and demoraliz ing scheme wns added that other revolu tionary feature of the Chicago platform, tiie substantial avowal of a purpoe to make ihe Judiciary part of tho political machine by reconstructing Ihe supreme court in order to dictate its judgments upon questions of constitutional law, a, plan of operations was proposed more dangerous to our Institutions than was ever suggested by any party in the past. In concluding his remarks concerning money, Mr. Carlisle said: if not artificially obstructed by bad local laws, or hy war or other adverse In lluenees, the supply of good money would always maintain its proper relation to tho demand of every country, because, when the volume becomes unduly depressed In one place, the deficiency will be Immedi ately made good from other places where Ihe demand is not great and where tho profits of it are not so large. What do we tee going on at this very moment? By reason of excessive accumu lation of money at the financial centers of Knrope, the high rates of Interest pre vailing at New York and elsewhere in this country and the condition of our in. lernational trade, more than sixty mil lions in gold have been brought here dur ing the last two months, and it is still coining. I can assure our suspicious friends that there Is nothing artificial in this movement of gold that it is the na tural and iicccssuryaresult of the existing financial conditions on the opposite side of the Atlantic and that It will cease whenever the equilibrium is substantially restored, whether that Is before or afler the elction, it will certainly cease after Ihe election whether the equilibrium is restored or not. If the people of the Unit ed Stales by their votes inaugurate tho pclicy of free coinage at the ratio of Pi to 1, and the gold which favorable balances and prolilable rates of Interest have 1 e ci ntly brought to our shores will depart from us us rapidly us the fastest ships an curry It across the ocean. Our treas ury reserve will be Immediately exhausted, the gold held by the people und financial Institutions will cease to he used as money, the circulation will be suddenly and eiior-moil.-dy curtailed not only by the with drawal of gold, but on account of the in evitable panic which will prevail in every part of tiie coital ry. and we shall enter at once upon a long period of suffering and distress iinpnrnlelleil In our history. Un til I have not lost all confidence in Ihe in. tclllaeiice und puirlolism of the American people and I cannot believe that they will deliberately Incur the risk of Industrial and commercial ruin, merely for tbe pur pose of making a financial experiment which Is opposed to all dictates of sound reason and condemned by the experience of ull mankind. PRINCETON RECEPTION. President and Mrs. Cleveland Among the fluests Prof. Fisher's Talk on Theology. Princeton, X. J Oct. 22. After the formul exercises of the sesqtii-centen-nial were over a reception was tendered to President and Mrs. Cleveland, ami over a thousand of the alumni nnd guests of tin- university enjoyed the privlle of taking the president by the band. At 11 o'clock the president nnd party, escorted by the Philadelphia city troop left for -Washington. In the evening a banquet was given to the visiting delegates, prominent alumni and the faculty of the univer sity, in the Casino building. In all 27N covers were In Id and never in the history, of American uninersiiles has there been an assemblage of so many learned und distinguished men met in convlval fellowship. After the ban quet Hon. Charles K. Green, acting as toastmaster, introduced the following upcnkers who responded to toasts: "National Science," Professor A. A. W. Hubrech. Utrecht university; "Theology," Professor G. P. Fisher Yale; "Physical Sciences," Professor La Fietiison, John Hopkins; "Litera ture." Professor Edward Dowden, Dub lin university; "Higher Education," Hon. W. F. Harris. Washington, D. C; "History," Professor Baldwin Smiih, formerly of Oxford university; "Mathe matics," Professor Felix Klein, Uni versity of Gtitti-nherg; "Philosophy." Professor Andrew Seth, University of i Edinburg; "Jurisprudence," Hon. W. B. liornblower. New lork. Professor Fisher In responding to his toast said: There Is an extreme philosophical scepll elsm occasionally to be met witn which remands theology to the realm of things obsolete, lowering it to the rank of as trolcgy. If theology were to perish at the hands of the sciences to which, indirectly at least, It has given blrlh. It would be an Instance of a pun nt developed by its own olispring. lint this abolition of theology can never take place. Religion can never disappear save by the mutilation, if not the destruction of human nature. So trie are the familiar words of Bacon, "a little philosophy int-llneth men's minds to nthe-l.-ni, but depth in philosophy brlngelh men's minds about lo religion." Theo logians are now shut up to the bare incul cations of truth formulated In other days. New fields ure constantly opening which they are challenged to enter and explore. Sooner or later Ihe student of theology ou the one hand and the student of other sciences on the other, will learn, so far as they have not learned alreudy, to recog nize the fact that they are at work in a common cause. Steamship Arrival. New York. Oct. 22. Arrived: Germanic from Liverpool and Queenstown, Kara mania from Mediterranean ports. Ar rived out: Ftirst Bismarck at Plymouth, Trave at Bremerhaveii, Britannic at (Jut-enstown. Sailed for New York: Fnl da from Genoa. Mississippi from Ixindon. Sighted: Persia, from Xew York for Hamburg, passed Isle of Wight; Mohawk from New York for London, passed Liz ard; Spaarndam, from Rotterdam for New York, passed the Isle, of Wight. the m:vs this mounlvu. Weather Indications Todsyt Cloudy; Rain Probable. 1 Major MrKlnley's Numerous Pointed Addresses. Secretary Carlisle Pays His Respects to Bryanites. Large Republican Meeting at Car dale. 2 Bryan's Indiana Tour. 3 (Local) Both Branches of Councils Meet. Criminal Court Matters. 4 Edltorinl. Bryun's Misstatements Dissected, S (Local) Republican Rully on the nouin nine. Reunion of Ex-Prisoners ot War. 6 Wall Street Rovlew and Market Re ports. 7 Suburban Happenings, Newt Up and Down th Valley, MONSTER MEETING IN CARBONDALE Congressman Stone and A. J. Cilborn Were the Speakers. OPERA HOUSE COULD HOLD NO MORE Immense Crowd and the Greatest EnlhuHinsm-Cbuirnian Kimbull Maid It Was the (ireatcst Political Gathering Kver Seen in Tbnt Citv. Cheers lor County Ticket and John F. Reynolds, the Legislative Can didnle. Special to the Scrunton Tribune. Carbondule, Oct. 22. Tonight's Re publican rally In the opera house was described by the chairman. Oenrir- S Kimball, In his opening remarks, as the Kieuicsi political gathering ever held in the city of Carbondule. And it wns too. The speeches, the enthusiasm and the Immensity of the audience sub stantiates in every way the sweeping statement. Hon. W. A. Stone, congressman from the Allegheny district, and A. J. Col born, Scranton's gifted voumr orator. were the speakers. Mr. Stone was first introduced. He said in part: "I feel we have a great duty to per form. The occasion demands the up rising of just such a stamp of men as those that took the noble work of lStil In hand. "I want to enll your attention to the campaign of 1S92, when the Democrats told us that all we needed to secure good times was free trade. Then the Repub licans helped the Democrats to elect Cleveland. This year the Democrats will help the Republicans to elect Mc Kinley. We do not want nny more free trade in this country. We do not want free silver because we cannot have free silver without free trade. We have tried the free trade curlsts for four years. We are too sick and weak to stand a second dose of their bad last ing medicines. Four years ago this country was prosperous. It was never so prosperous before. But we wanted to improve It. We know the result. Men out of work cared for by chnrtjv, nil the outcome ot the working of the Wilson tariff bill. "We nre now on the eve of the elec tion. You are to decide w hether we are to continue under the present ruinous tariff measure or whether we ure to have a return to the McKinley bill and prosperity. We have every advantage in tills country in (he mutter of pro duction overall the other rout rles of the world. Foreign nations with cheaper labor only can compete with us. A protective tiirilT Is l lie only hope of keeping our wages from descending to the plane of thut of foreign countries. "Tbe proposition lo have two mone tary standards is an absurdity and it Is equally absurd to suy that the gov ernment can fix the vulue of a sliver dollur, by merely stamping It a dol lar. The law of supply and demand legiilutes the price of every commo dity and when there Is un over-production prices fall. Kent-iit the law of supidv and demand and then the free silverites pronositlons may receive some consideration. Until it is re Pealed. It will continue to control the price of silver and every other pro duct. We want but one Standard and correct measure. You cannot have two stanards." Mr. Colborn wns next Introduced, and was most enthusiastically received. During his s.ieeoh he was often com pelled to pause on account of the cheer ing. Afler un eloquent treatment of the vital questions of the campaign he re ferred to the county ticket, and as each name was mentioned there was a burst of applause that fairly shook the building. Chairman Kimball also occasioned a sto-m of applause bw his mention of the name of John F. Reynolds, the legislative candidate in the Fourth dis trict. The meeting closed with three rousing cheers for the sneakers and the candidates. THE CZAR IS PACIFIC. lie Desires the Turkish Question Settled Without liloodshed. London, Oct. 22. The Tarls corre spondent of the Dally News reports that he hears that the Czar's visit to Queen Victoria at Balmoral resulted In Russia. England and France agree ing upon the basis of a policy in Japnn and China while the Levantine. Medit erranean and Afrk-un questions are being arranged. "The Czar wants the results obtained without bloodshed," says the corre spondent, "and is supported bv Italy and Austria. The Sultan Is likely to die hard, but he will be obliged to yield." THE SULTAN RAISINQ MONEV. Levies foil Tax on Mussulmans nod. Increases Other Imposts. Constantinople. Oct. 22. An irade has been Issued levying a poll tax of five piastres per head on all Mussul mans and increasing the ttas-s on sheep, public works and education by one to one and a hnlf per cent. These taxes, with the revenue from the five projected monopolies, will, it Is esti mated, produce G.20iV100, which will be used for military purposes. These military preparations In con nection with the tone of the Turkish press ngainst Armeniuns, have excited comment. THREW EGGS AT THE SPEAKER. Columbus, Ohio, Colored Moil, Kc scut n I'rco Silver Speech. Columbus. O.. Oct. 22. George E. Tay lor, a colored editor of Iowa, was billed to speak for free silver In the Eleventh ward of this city tonight. it is a stiong colored ward. He had scarcely begun when eggs begun to fly from the crowd. Tht speaker leaped from the platform and was escorted to his carriage by police oilicers. The neighborhood is the toughest in the city. No arrests were made. Crnwlord's Case Continued. St. Louis, Oct. 22. At the request of the attorneys for the prosecution, the case of Dugal Crawford, charged with violating the corrupt practices act, by Intimidating the employes of his dry goods establish ment, in regard to their political prefer ences, was continued until Oct. 28. They Give I'p Ihe right. Providence, R. I., Oct. 22. The Dem ocratic stale central committee held its first meeting since July 22 .today and virtually gave up the light for their presi-. ilentlul ticket. It Is said there Is no money iu the treasury. The Herald's tVrnllier l orecnst. New York, 'Oct. 22.-ln the Middle States today fair to partly cloudy, slightly warmer weather and light to fresh south erly winds will prevail and followed by ruin In the night, the winds becoming southeasterly, possibly dungerous. On Saturday cloudy weather will prevail, with rain; slight temperature changes; colder at night and high winds on the coast as the Texas storm movss eaiu rINLEYS icr Majesty's Corset . . . The O rent est HEALTH GIVER and HKAUTI K1ER of t'nu riuL'Kt! ever. Produced. To have on EXQUTSTTK FIGURE an I learn what a PERKKCTLV FITTING CORSKT really Is. MRS. A. RUTH, The Expert Fitter of Her Majesty's Cor set commences one week's engagement ot our store, on Monday, ( let. IShh, and end. lag on Saturday, Oct. 24th. It will give her great pelasure to explain the many merits of this celebrated Corset, nnd give fittings, thus Illustrating without doubt the ex pii ite figure and long grace ful waist It will create. We also desire lo call special attention to Her .Majesty's Corset made In extra long walsi, which is without doubt the longest walsled and most exquisitely formed Cor set ever produced. We desire it tu be distinctly understood that ladles will not be expected to pur chase a Corset after a titling Is made un less they hq desire. Engagements for fittings enn be made with .Mrs. Ruth by muil or telegraph. We keep a complete assortment of Her Majesty's Corsets In all qualities, also In High and Low Bust and Extra Long Waist. We also have on exhibition a line of Hor Majesty's Corsets, made of satin ot the most beautiful designs; these goods are very light in weight and comfortable. We highly recommend this Corset, and feel confident that ladles will receive, from wearing It, Berfect Satisfaction. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Busy 0o Busy Selling Fall Faotwear. Every department com plete, wholesale and re tail , LEWIWtEELY&MVBES 114 AND 116 WYOMING AVE. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP FINE WEIH CAN BE SEEN AT m SPRUCE STREET When you pay for Jewelry you might a well get the best. A One line of Novelties for Ladle an! Gentlemen, W. J. Weichel 408 Spruce St. MATTHEWS BROTHERS Allelic lai Freicl Zinc, Enamel Paiifs, Carriage Paints, leynoMs' Pore C&te, EeyEoMs9 Wood FMsX Crockett's Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure MfiSed pili GTvanteei
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