THE SCIl ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING.- OCTOBER 20, 189fl. ARMENIANS ARRIVE IN NEW YORK CITY One Hundred and Slxtyseven Reflates In the Party. ARE GIVEN A HEARTY WELCOME Krccived ou Kllif Ialnm. by Hepre xentutive Church WrUcr-IIoho-ku Citizens Send a ProtestSome Jorxey People Who Do Not Want the rorcicner to Locate in Their ii-iuity. New York, Oct. 19. One hundred and sixlv-seveii Armenians who embarited ut hvulutjmj, arrived on the Nethcr land line steamship Ubdam today and v.eie at once tian-sfflTid to Kills IhI uiul, when they were examined ly the health authorities nnrt the inspector ot Iminnratiuii. There fas one family of xixteen, cotnpused of husband, wife, i hitdren, uncle, aunt ami cousin. The Armenians, as a rule, were well disetl, inti'lliKent looking, and did not u Plica r to have suffered any privation. Thoy were met at Kills Island by rep-ie.-ijntativen of the Salvation Army and members from the YVomens riuisuinii Temperance I'ttion and a representa tive of .Miss Clara Barton of the Hod Cross society. The refugees were liroupcd und photographed and Inter viewed by newspaper representatives. A protest from the residents and tax payers of ilohokus, N. J., was present ed to Commissioner of Immigration S.-nm-r. This protest stated that "for om time past men and women, dress ed In the uniform of tno Salvation Army, had been engaged 111 systematic In-KKiiitf in support and maintenance of a hord of Armenians, the same buinir ulkns and paupers, and we protest against the said nllens and paupers being sent Into this community." THE LETTER OF WELCOME. Another letter was from the Ilev. J. N. Tromper, pastor of the Christian Keform church, at Kamseys, N. J., where it is proposed to colonize the Ar menian refugees. 1'aslor Tromper says iliut he has been requested by his con gregation to extend the sympathies of his church and congregation to the movement to colonize the refugees. Dr. Senner said that he was not In a position to state whether the 107 ref ugees would be admitted to the coun try or sent back. He will reserve his decision until he has hoard both sides of the question, and may possibly re fer them later to the secretary of the t reasury. Colonel Holland, secretary of the Sal vation Army, American Relief depart ment, arrived at Ellis Island at noon, accompanied by lirigadier Fox. Knslgn Kemp, Knslgn Garabed, two Arnieninn interpreters, and several members of tho Women's Christian Temperance union. Colonel Holland went at once before the Hoard of Special Enquiry uml stated that the refugees were not paupers, and that they would not be colonized at Ramsey's. Ho said, how ever, that Ramseys would be used as a distributing point, and that the Ar menians would be drafted from there lo farmers and placed on the farms of tho Salvation army officers. Conse quently, he snld, they would not be paupers, nor likely to become a public charge. The board of special enquiry referred tho matter to Commissioner Senner, who sent the papers to the sec retp.ry of the treasury. LONDON'S PROTEST. Gladstone's Opinion us to the Action of Powers on Turkish Question. London, Oct. 10. A meeting called for the purpose of protesting against tV.e Turkish atrocities was held in St. .lames' hall. London, this evening, un der the chairmanship of Right Rev. Kdv.ard Stuart Talbot, D. D., bishop of Rochester. The hall was crowded to lis fullest capacity. A letter from Mr. Trlr.dstone was r?ad In which the ex prime minister declared that it would be a wild paradox to say that the en forcement of British treaty rights to stop the systematic massacres in Tur key would provoke hostilities from the powers. He added that It would be abandon ing duty and prudence to advertise be forehand for tho ears of the great assassin that rartlsan action was lim ited to what the most backward of the six powers deemed suliicient. Tf the fundamental distrust of Great Britain and the belief that she Is pursuing a selfish policy in the eastern Medltter ranean causes some of the powers to be backward, that was a matter that deserved to be gravely considered. John Williams, M. P., n day or two ago forwarded to Lord Salisbury a reso lution adopted by the Baptists of Great Britain, expressing regret at the in action of the powers and hope that the government would speedily and ft'lly explain their position In regard to Turkey. To this Lord Salisbury has replied, saying that he is unable to speak freely of the matter. Great Britain, he says. Is not taking any isolated action In Constantinople and it is therefore obvious that there are objections to his speaking with freedom upon the suDieci wnicn wotiifi not exist it tireat Britain were acting independently of tne otner European powers. At first Ill-health creeps up slowlv. but at last it conies at a ealloD and I the rider is death, Of all known forma of ill-health and .disease, coniump tion is the most insidious. Its ap proach is slow and sstealthy. But at the last death comes with a rush. Consumption has been frequently pronounced incurable. It is not It may be stopped warded off at almost any stage. But if the sufferer neglects to take tne proper remedy in the proper way, death is swift and certain. ' Consumption like almost nil manner of disease has its inception in a trio of all embracing disorders. Ther are "imper fect digestion," "irregular bowels," and "impure blood." They are triplets. One is dependent for existence upon the other. Cure one, cure all. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the best of all known remedies for this disorder. It corrects dis ordered digestion, invigorates the liver, regulates the bowels, makes the blood pure. nd the nerves strong. It is the great blood- maker and flesh-builder. It makes the muscles firm and springy. It soothes and invigorates the nerves. It tones up body ana Drain, it cures nmety-eigat per cent, of all cases of consumption. Mrs. Rebecca F. Gardner, of Grafton, York Co., Vs., write: " When I wal married I weigh ed one hundred and twenty-five pounds. I was inaen sick ana reaucea in neaitn ana oroae out with a disease which my doctor aaid was eczema. He treated mv disease but failed to do me any rood, aud I fell awnv to oo pounds. I began us. tin Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and thAnlr r.oH and vou. I beffnn toimnrov. When I began taking the ' Discovery ' my weight was 90 potions ana now 1 weign 140 potinas ana nave onlv taken two bottles. I cannot aav too notch .alro'ut the medicine. Mv husband ia one of tht 'happiest men in the world. He aaya I look younger than I did the 6rst time he ever saw me, and that was fifteen years ago. Well, doctor. I am a well woman, and do alt of my housework, tend to my fowls and cow and do some work in me garden, u is a miracle mat 1 am curea." Henlth and happiness formed a partner ship in the garden of Eden. It has never neen mssoivea. von cannot nave one witn otit the other. Constipation is the usual cause of ill-health. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tinv. snorar-coated nannies. Thev cure constipation. One Is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. They ever gripe, vrugxisu sen went. PRINCETON HANDICAP. Winuers nt the Eleventh Annual Meeting vf the Athletes. Princeton. N. J.. Oct 19. The elev enth annual fall handicap games of the Princeton Track association were held this afternoon. Conditions were favor able for good time, excepting In the sprints. Great interest was manifest ed in the half mile run, in which Kil Patrick and Cregan were entered. The attendance was about 1,200. The events were as follows: Four hundred and forty yard dash (freshmen scratch), won by Jarvls; Cloney second. Time, 66 1-5 seconds. Half-mile run, Kilpatrick. scratch, won; Cregan. 20 yards, second; Palm er, 25 yards, third. Time 1.57 2-5, beat ing tjie Princeton record made by loy by two steonds. One-fourth mile bicycle race, scratch, A. Jamison won; Hand ine, second; Halght. third. Time, 35 4-5. Two hundred and twenty yard hur dle, Junes, scratch, won; Yea Its, PI yards, second; Narkneus, 10 yards, third. Time 27 seconds. Throwing IB-pound hammer, Crnlg, 15 feet, won; actual throw, ill feet, 1' inches; Ayers, second; Potter, third. High jump, Carroll. 3 inches, won; actual jump, 5 feet 10 inches; Weber, second Craig, third. Running broad Jump, Craln, IS Inches, wen; actual jump, IS feet 10 inches; Bottger. second; A. Wilson, third. One-mile bicycle. A. Jamison, 45 yards, won: Halght, 45 yards, second; .MacFarland. scratch, third. Time. 2.:S. One hundred-yard dash, Jones, 8-i yards, won; H. "Jsimleson. 2ij yards, second; Lane, scratch, third. Time, 10 1-5. one hundred and twenty-yard hur dle. Carter. 43 yards, won; Axson, scratch, second: Harkness, scratch, third. Time. 18 2-5. Putting IC-pound shot. Craig. 4 feet, won: actual put. 38 feet Inch: Ayers, 4 feet, second; King. 4 feet, third. Pole vault. Strayer. 10 inch's, won with a vault of 10 feet 4 inches: Train er. 6 Inches, second; Goldschmidt, 14 Inches, third. One-mile run. J. P. Cregan. scratch, won; Palmer, 52 yards, second: Golds bury. 60 yards, third. Time, 4.3S. Cre gan ran a beautiful race, crossing the tape 150 yards ahead of Palmer. Two hundred and twenty-yard dash. H. Robb, 73 yards, won; Kilpatrick. G yards, second: J. II. Jnmieson, 3 yards, third. Time, 23 2-5. CONTESTED NOMINATIONS. Decisions Itendercd by the Court nt llnrrishurg. Harrlsburg, Pa., Oct. 19. The court has announced decisions in contested nomination papers as follows: Till brook vs. Semmens, Eighth Allegeheny legislative district, Scmmetis certifi cate declared Invalid. George B. Stucker. Eleventh legisla tive district, Harrisburg, Invalid; Jacob F. Klugh, congress, Fourteenth con gressional district, invalid; Saunders vs. Roberts, Second Philadelphia legis lative district, certificates of both de clared invalid; Saunders nomination papers valid; William D. Pholen, sec retary of the commonwealth to require him to certify his nomination as 0 Jeli'ersonian Democrat, forty-third district, court Indicates that amended certillcate should be filed und the nom ination certified. Roger and Sterr vs. Laubach and Hoover, Twentv-sevenlh legislative district. Philadelphia, both certificates declared invalid, but nom ination papers of Sterr and Roger de clared valid; those of Heisler and Lau bach invalid. Brown vs. Walton Fifty eighth senatorial district. Philadelphia. Walton's certificate valid and nomina tion paper Invalid; Brown's nomination paper valid. Throop vs. Nicks. Twen tieth congressional district. Both nom ination papers declared with right ot Hicks to amend his party title and change the party name. Objections to nomination papers of Crow and com bine party, including electors and other nominations, declared invalid. HISTORIC FLAG UP FOR M'KINLEY. One First I'scd nt the Fall of Kick mond liaised in New York. New York, Oct. 19. Tho firms of Black, Starr & Frost, jewelers, and Davis & Stanford, photographers, who occupy the diagonally opposite corners of Fifth avenue and Twentv-elghth street, this afternoon united In the raising of an American flag In honor of McKlnley and Hobart and honest money. The flag Is a historic one. having been made for the old firm of Ball, Black & Co., at Prince street and Broatway, two years before the fall of Richmond. Mr. Black was determined it should never be used until the war ended, and It was never flung to the breeze until Richmond fell. In April. 1S65. Since serving on that occasion. It was not afterward used until the celebra tion in honor of the successful laying of the Atlantic cable In 1S66. It was last unrurieci on the occasion of Gen eral Grant's second election to the presidency. The flag Is an immense one, Deing 75 by 31 feet In s ze. It Is worthy of note that Democrats and Republicans in the two firms have united in raising the flag. PALMER ON FEDERAL TROOPS. Snys Chicago's Fire and the Hiot of sir 1 n ere not Aualogous. Mobile, Aln.. Oct. 19. Generals Pal mer and Buckner and their party ar rived here from Montgomery yesterday and were met at the depot by n coin- t-u m.v i.oiouei u. rj. ringer, presiuent the local Palmer and Buckner club. On the way clown from Montgotm the Indianapolis nominees made sin addresses at Evergreen nnd Greenvii where large crowds had gatheied .1 I... I..l 1 T . -, t Kieei inein. The nominees were received tonight in the Princess theater, the largest in the city, by an audience which in point of enthusiasm surpassed any other that has gathered here this campaign. General Palmer devoted the greater part of his address to defining the posi tion he took at the time of tht Chicago me nun reierence 10 ine sending fodoml to,.,,,... , V. 1 . i.., i , of . ..a iiiin hi went' Grant, he having been criticised 1 rtltrht n flir,, 1... ..n..n.. nil last fe'-i ,,,, ;iMMi uy u roer wpeitner in this city. He said he had never been ker in oivui- 01 lecierni interierence in affairs of the states, and that the t fi (m . . t lulu ...! .t... " . . the hi- v.. ..-,.--1 titiu mi- lire 01 I presented entirely different phases the question. 1871 of PRESIDENT LYMAN'S LETTER. Warns Irishmen to Have Nothing to Do with Patrick Forney' Scheme. New York. Oct. 19. President Lv man of the Irish National Alliance, furnishes the following statement to the United Associated Presses with a re quest that It be sent to its papers: New York, Oct. 19. To Irishmen at homo and abroad: A circular is being sent broadcast throughout Ireland and Great Brilnln by a body styling itself the "Irish Republi can Federation," calling for subscriptions and asking Irishmen to a pledge subscrib ing to Its principles and a willingness to take up arms. My name Is set forth ns president of cms federation in which a man en II I in, himself Patrick Feency seems to bo tho prime mover. I have not given authority to any person to so use my name, and 'I hereby warn Irishmen to have nothing to do with this Irish Republican Federa tion. It appears to me lo be either an other stupid scheme of the British home ofllce, or the work of some unwise per son. , . . William Lyman. ELOPED WITH A C0XEY FOLLOWER. Prominent Man's Wife and Young Bon Leave Their Home. Hyattsvllle, Md., Oct. 19. Mrs. Chas. Mcllhenny, wife of one of the best known residents here, and her 10-year THE LEIEfl 124-126 Wyoming Avi Will place on sale the following extra ordinary values and we can safely say the goods we place before the public are 25 per cent, cheaper than same class of merchandise can be purchased elsewhere. We can olso assure you that every dollar's worth of our stock Is new and all of it She latest styles and newest . ideas and at prices that should attract atteu- tlon. 5 gross Curntena, skin and complexion soap, regular price 25e. per cake; Leader's Price, 3 cakes for 24c, and every purchaser of 3 cakes receives a premium, choice between '4 dozen silver plated forks, table spuon3, 14 dozen tea spoons, or 1 migur shell und 1 butter knife. One lot of fancy Silks, goods usually retail at 75c. and 85c. a yard; choice of tiny 49c. 100 remnants fine Dress Goods, In lengths running from two to live yards, at about 25c. on the dollar. H5 pieces nil-wool fancy Dress Good, these goods sold early In the seuson at 45c. and 5Uc; Leader's Price, 25c. 25 pieces fancy lioucle Dress Good, In all the newest colorings, retail all over the country at 50c; Leader's Price, -37c. 75 pieces plain and figured Black Diess Goods, guaranteed every thread wool, in three lots; Lot one, worth 50c; Leader's Price, 25c. Lot two, worth 60c; Leader's Price, 29c. Lot three, worth 80c; Leader's Price, 39c. Children's Cloth Caps. Leader's Price, We. Children's Cloth Caps, Leader's Price, 25c. Fancy Hals, for misses and children; Leader's Price, 39c. and 49c. Ladies' Alpines nt 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, and 9Sc. These goods are 25 per cent, less than regular prices. 20 pieces 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, regu lar price, 16c; Leader's Price, 12!ic 25 pieces yard-wide Blenched Muslin, regular price, 6M-c; Leader's Price, 4c. 50 pair extra heavy 10-4 grey and white Blankets, $1.25 kind; Leader's Price, 85c. 50 Ladles' Beaver Capes, braid trimmed and velvet collar, worth $2.00; Leader's Price, $1.19. 25 Ladles Beaver single and double Capes, nicely trimmed, worth $3.00; Leader's Price, $1.99. IS Ladles' Plush Capes, fur trimmed, lined throughout, worth $4.00; Lead er's Price. $2.99. 24 Ladles' Black Beaver Jackets, new collar and sleeves, all sizes, worth $4.50; Leader's Price, $2.74. 30 ladies figured Brllllantlne Skirts, Until throughout and velveteen bound, worth $1.49; Leader's Price, 95c. 4 dozen ladles' fancy Flennelette Skirts, nicely made, worth 35c; Leader's Price, 25c. ." dozen ladies' fine Dressing Sacques, In eiderdown and fancy trimmed flan nelette, worth $1.00; Leader's Priee, 6'Jc. 10 dozen ladies' Muslin Gowns, mother hubburd yoke and cambric ruffle, worth 50c; Leaders Price, 35c. 20 dozen ladies' Muslin Skirts, with cluster of tucks and wide hem, worth 50c; Leader's Price, 29c. 100 ladies' heavy ribbed Vests and Pants, fleece lined vests, long sleeves, all sizes, worth 25c; Lead er's Price, 15c "6 dozen men's heavy white nnd natural Merino Shirts and Drawers, in all sizes, worth 39c.; Leader's Price, 25c. 100 26-Inch Silk Gloria Umbrellas, with paragon frame, steel rod and hard wood stick, every one warranted, worth $1.49; Leader's Price, 9Sc 5 gross Castile Soap, large size bars; Leader's Price, 4c, old son have disappeared. At the same time there disappeared a Swede named Boden. Mrs. Mcllhenny Is the daugh ter of the late General Schoepf, of the I'nited States army, whose family ulso residi's here. Boden was one of those left stranded here when Coxey's army disbanded. Mr. Mcllhenny out of sympathy gave him employment, but yesterday he dis charged him because of his too great familiarity at the house. A H-areh Is being made for the two in Baltimore, but it Is believed they have gone to New York, where they expect to take a steamer Tor Sweden. BUFFALO BILL IS ARRESTED. t'hnrged with Giving Ilia Show W ith out n Proper License. ' St. Joseph, Mo Oct. 19. Hecause "lluffalo lfill" tried to run his wild west performance uh a "side show" he was arrested here last night. The charge agninst the douRhty RUide and scout was failure to procure a proper llrense. The permit he se cured was for a "side show," whereas the 1)111 boards describe hla perform ance as no "side show," but the "Krcat est show on earth." The police magistrate called "BtifTalo Bill's" attention to tho fact that there Is all the difference between hla show and a "side show." He also Informed him that there was a difference of IL'30 duo the city, the difference between the tin license for a "side show'.' and the $2.10 which must be paid vi a circus and equestrian exhibition, as St. Joseph ; otllclals style a. ny "greatest show on1 earth." I "UufTnlo Bill" asked for a continu ance of his case In order to prove his. case nnd hire counsel. Oil Market. : I Oil City, Oct; 19. There wei? no quota-1 tion on option oil today. Creult balance. THE SPRING BROOK WATER SUPPLY COMPANY ! THIRTY YEAR 5 FER CENT. FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS, FREE FROM TAXES. INTEREST PAYABLE APRIL 1 AND OCTOBER I Tbe Spring: Brook Water Supply Company offers to the pub lic ONE IllXURED THOUSAND D0LL1KS of tbe above described bonds. The company furn isbes tbe entire water supply of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys, from Scran ton to Nanticoke, Including, amaug others, the follow ing cities and boroughs, to wit: Wilkes-Barre, Pittston, We4 rittston, Avon, Durjea, Wjo mlns,Luzerne, Kingston, Edwardsvllle, Parsons, Miner's Mills, South WIIkes-Barre, Ashley,i Sugar Notch, Warrior Run, etc. ine bonds are secured by mortgage on the entire The ompany has no hesitation bonds as a safe and desirable investment. The history of the companies in the system shows that water tions and disturbances that affect indusirial and railroal enterprises. A thor ough investigation of the Wilkes-Btrre system, ovcring a period of forty-five years, shows an annual increase over tin previous year, without exception, and this through a period covering several tiuancial panics and the Civil War. Tbe company is takinj care of the increased growth of the valley In its demand lor a good and pure water supply, a sufficient number of bonds being held in the treasury tor this purpose. Scale I proposals will be received for the whole, or any part of the bonds oilcred, until Wednesday, October 2ttth, i8i6, at to o'ebek a. ui., at its office, at Scranton, or anv of the fjllawii; banlts, wh;rd further information, if desired, may also be obtained: SEC9XI) NATIONAL BANK, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. PEOPLE'S BANK, Wilke s-Barre, Pa. Flltvr NATIONAL BANK. Pittston, Pa. .MINEIW SAVINGS liANK, Pittston, Pa. DEPOSIT AND SAVINS BANK, KiiuUoa, Pa. SCitA.MTJV SAVING 4 B INK & TSUiT CI, Sainton, Pa. THIRD NATIONAL BANK, Scranton, Pa. . MAXWELL & Git WE , B uilieiN, ID Llbsrty St., New York. All bids should b: addressed to TIl3 S;)rln? BrOlli W.lter SUI)lj Company. The company reserves the right to reject any or all bids and all bonds for which bids are accepted are Oct. :8tu. The officers and directors of th; ci nuiy are as follows: L. A. Wutreft, President, ' J. Hotter Mnvwnll, Pres. C. It. It. of N.J. ('. I). Simpson, (ipo. F. Hnkcr,Prc.lst National llnnk,N.V l.rmtiel Amcriiiiin, Vice Pres. W. F. II illstca J,(icn.H m.l).,Iy. St W.K. It T. II. Wnlliins, Secretary. John Welles llollcnbuck. Samuel T. Peters. Hubert C. Aiams, Treasurer. 1 Morgan B. Williams. THE SP.1IN3 B33JX WATH SUPPLY COMPANY, By L. A. WATKKS, President JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Ha Moved t HI Ntw Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on ild next to Firat National Dank. He una now in a 8 Comprieiug everything req ileUe for One klerehant Tailuiinir. And the same eau be shown to edvuntaite In hi iplcn diuly fined np rwoma. A SPECIAL INVITATION b extended to All Readers of The Trlb tine to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI New Biulnas Horn a WHEELS ( mm BICYCLES. ON AND AFTER SEPT. 1ST, 1800, WE will i Sot all of tlie following wheels we may have in stork at Jobl er's Frires : Wolf American, Pierce, lvcr-Jolinson. Waverly and Fi athf rstone Line. Tliia ia an opportunity to not a tood wheel cheap. We still have the famous "Crawford," a wheel that runs as liuht and eofy md wears iqnal to sny 1(0 machine ou the n nrket. Come and ate what we can d fcr yon iu our line. E. II. 321 SPRUCE SI. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NOkl Hi: KIN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tbe bupernly Auto:iitcd nnd Commodious ' te 1 IStPHtnships. NORTHWEST AM) NORTHLAND, A nunc:. n through and lhronKli, leave Buffalo 1 u Sclavs end Fridiiys 0.30 p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo. Dululh, ami Western Points, passing all plueea ot interest by uuyliuht In connection with THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the most direct rnt.te, and from er fry point of comparison, the most delightful and oomfortal 1 one t Minneapolis, (it. I'aul, lirnat Falls, Helena, Fntte. Spokane and Pa I'ifto coast. The onlv tmnr-rontineiilal line running the lamoua bullet, library, observa tion car. New 117 hour tra'n for Portland vin Spokane, HOTEL LAFAYETTE, Lake Minnt-tonka. IB miles from JVniineapolif, largest and roust Leantiul resort in I lie weat. 'J icketsand any information of any agent or A. A. HKAltU, (ieueral Pasaeuger agent, Buffalo, N. Y. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remove Freckles, Pimple. Liver Molee. Bieekiiead, tivnbara aud Ten. and ru. (tore tho iliin to its oriel- .f- uai nesnnesa, proouoing ajrt-j dear and healthy com-?. preparations and perfectly hnrmless. At art WugKlst3,orinailediorS0ct. bend lor Circular, VIOLA 8K1N 80AP "Ur liwanarabls a a rtia imrllf lug Soap, uaeqinlta tar th toll, and wltaoal a rival luff th aurocty. atwolalclr part maA 4tlkaty aavdl eataa. At dnwiiita, Prlee 21 GeMe. a. C. BITTNKR. O.. Tot.coo. O. For salt) by MATTHEWS Ttltog. and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa. I Gail Borden i i CONDENSED I1ILK 9 For M years the kadln brand. It 1 th ' 2 at and th most economical. Z A PERFECT FOOD FOR INFANTS fill lie system. in ofl'cring and recommending thse companies are free from the fluctua to be paid for within five days after A CMAT SLUIP IN i ci m Ha been predicted all through the season lust past. THIS IS THE WAY HL'MBERS HAVE BEEN REDUCED, 06 Price. '07 Price. Roadster, $110.GO $115.00 Tourist, 112.50 117.53 Lady Number, 117.50 122.50 Racer, 125.00 150.00 Prices seem high, but then you knov it's IIUMBtK QUALITY. CHASE & FARRAR 515 Lindsn Street. WCA AXLE CREASE. BST ID IHt W0RLO fOD HtkVI WtCOSS NEW YORK CARRIAGE CREASE. ton ugh j moons and mm carmms BOSTON COACH AXLE OIL, CHCAPSR AHDBCTJER 7 HAM W10R 0H STANDARD LEATHER OIL I y BEST UATHCR PRCSCRVER IHJhYji0RID Ituntna tiAnntas vil. TH BIST HARNESS OIL DADE! RUDDY HARVESTER OIL. I FINE HE AVI BUD1 fOR FAR ytOHINERf 'liHITF SEtVtltO MACHINE OH cun tin. ELECTRIC fffti turmoil TWO Cli f , Coach and Carriage Candle FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON. PA. E. ROBINSON'S SONS' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer of tho Celebrated CAPACITVi 100,000 Barrels per Annum i BiXoVr STABLE and FARM J ECIAIJES 1M Grand Repiibl Rallies Will Be Held as Follows: OAK HALL, GREEN RIDGE, Tuesday eve. liilig, Oct. 20th, 1S96. Speakers of the evening will be John M. Harris, esq., A. J. Colborn, esq., and others. 1 ODD FELLOWS' HALL, DUN MORE, Friday, Oct. 23d, 1S96. Speakers of the evening wil I be Hon. B. F. Hughes, of Philadelphia; R. A. Zimmerman, esq., E. H. Shurtleff, esq., and John F. Reynolds, esq. The issues of the campaign will be discussed in the fullest manner by able and eloquent orators. Let no person neglect the opportunity of being fully informed upon the questions at issue. All are earnestly and most cordially in vited to attend. ' 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending ilarch 1, 1896 Total Product of The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Washburn, Crosby's Superlative is sold everywhere from tho fcZ..4-ln ,1 1 1 I 1.. woriu IEGARGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X. L. Steel, Toe and Side Weight NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. IDER k THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-GARRE, PA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, KQiSTiNG AMD PIM'ING MACHINERY. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce) Street, Scranton, Pa. ees bt Txe HiiHtsf Meoieat Aimtemmre Id 2L:it i3 l.u.rrt Fill i-uro ou. A fri. V3 On-wuiiiicrfiil boon to auffrren W f ( vrl j from C'ulde, tnre "rii:-n..t. iLiflnrnr:!, RraaclaUli . orll.lTr TEVKlt. irril. iiuptr'iiitr rdic. An efuetefi. In nwlrpt. roarty to n on tli .t inriifituon of colu. fnutlnncti lr.o T.fTrcte I'ermitnenc fur. Pntiifiictl'nciiTimntc'(ir rUinnoyrefuiKU d. Prlr. Slrta U'rial fror nt Driest. IttvisttnroU mail. Ju coat. 1. D. CUSlilA ix, Imi Rims, Uich., U. 3. i I Tin' aurivn atiu rafpKt remfy 'f i wm inJU ai akhuliwnten, IVrpmit. l'i-b.:-: HbMiim.f'.i fnrc. !'.urtia..Cnfri. Wonderful rei ru iorPH.FS. Vi 'lee.Vficte.nt UniK- R a t ' 'tior tir ri.U pre; 1 'rirti...nsiiltoTi. K5 Fop alo by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN II. PHELPS. Fcrrtnton. Pa. BLANK BOOKS Or all kinds, manufactured at ahotf Mtica, at Tlic Tribune Ofllce. icao ttfefl J 1 J A.t - M A ALL SIZES OF orse hoes . pa. n Wheel In doubt what to use for Nervous Debility. Lose of Fewer. 1 m potency. Atrbphy.Varicocele and other weaknesses, from any cause, use Sexine Fills. Drains checked anil full viRor quickly restored. If Q-SltHtrd . turn IntablM rrult faullv. Mailed ior$l.u);Ubuxes(r.OU. With &.00 orders we ffivea iruaramee 10 cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, U. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenua ana FMapanl.l L3EVIV& Irttui ui.. ev RESTORES VITALITY. Made a B 1 f 11 . , 1.1 Day. VI Weil Man 4 15th Day. of Me. ir;t UKMr aoth Day. FnSXJOZS Xt23iIEX"X" proilurp thoriliovc rei-ulU in 110 ilnra. It act powerfully ndniiirkly. Cures when allothenifail. Vontiimenvillr-iiain tbmr lot manhood, and old i.n ii will rcromr tlii ir ynututul viuor by uaini l!!:VIVO. It qiiiikiv and surely rentoreaMervoue iipks. I.Oht Vitality, inipoti lie)-. Miihtly Kruisaloiu Lmt l'ownr. Falliua Hi mory. ttVtiua IJiei asea. aa II ffl'.ctH of wlf .nbuw or ciri-naud iudlHrretlon "Uivli uullts oi for a inly Ii.isiu.bii or marriaje. II CONNELL H S SCRANTON t'A 1 'll !' xk isfimrat tiprketnnle and blond builder, oritur .') bai'k tbe pink glow to riln rhcrlts and re-. to: in thn fire ot youth. It wards off laKanity md loDKuniptlon. Inaist on having IIKVIVO.BO jthT. It can be carried In vst poi'kot. By mail, : 1 .DO per package or si for S3.00, with s poai ''vo written Ruarantco to rnre or renindi euionpy. Circular free. Iddresa MroiCiKE CO. R? r. St.. CHICAGO. 11 For Sale by MATTHEWS BROS Drag alat aarantoa. Pa.
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