TIIE SCKAXTOX TBIBUXE SATURDAY MORNING, " OCTOBER 10, 189G. 12 I 0ARBON0ALL in-a lors will ploasp note that nilvprtlsc m. niH. or.lcra for Job work, ami Items for ! ui lii aiion lilt lit the establishment ot Snannun Co., n w?ilealera. North Jlam i.ti.-.;t. will i.-i-cive inomiit uttenlloli; or-lin- oiu'il lrom 8 a. Hi. to 10 p. m.J FOOTBALL THIS AFTERNOON. I t.ul.1 Httwccn the llisli School it nd I lie Crystal Atlilolio. The Ili'4;h School eleven were unuMtf to secure a panic with any nutsiil team !..; to.lav no they will play tlu Oystd AtMciies of this city. The AtliU-.i.-a ,vre tlct'entecl I.y the llieh school cev . r.-:l iwkn aixo and uatiiially they will iiy li: r.l tor a victory tmlay. The lino ..r the U-.ins wi;l he as followx: it'itli fcy::ool. iiail I '. v 'illy IVli'Ileton... l- Jl until.... i'i-y;nl Aihletie Club. ..(il.te,- lit' lit imii'I... .1. II miiU'd ..riirlit. t:u-;.le, ..rivjat tint ... ...Mitch I .... Wu.s!t ....Millard ...McLean ..HimIkW ..Cl'illlKlll ..JuhtU'in I lni kt'hlii cry left cml. 'i:;m- iiuartei -bai'k Vni i-injrtuii ..rijdit half-hack.. .. Honey l-vrli-s left half-back Cordon. J. Muriln full ba k Isgar WILLIE AUX WELL'S LESSON. The M'titMiN l.i'M. II ol ii isoy's i'iny int: with .If ntclics, Willie Maxwell, the yon or Mr. "Wil liain Maxwell, was seriously burned j.'ntentay as tile r-siilt of a lluhted ma ich which In: held in his hand while vnirniiis from school, lie was env I od in his bntniimr clothes when Tliom.'iH l!o!nies, of Simt'sn;i, who was fortunately iia::s;nu, succeeded ill cx lintiisliiOK' the liaioes. He was badly burned about the neck and arms, and was taken to his home, where he Is now under tile care of lr. I'. K. J-'tik ins. City .Helical Society. The icirnlar business meetlnir of thh or "aiov.atioii w as held at the Hotel American mi Thirnduy evening nnd was ..iiunled by His. iiailey, (i.llis. Niles, .'cnkiiis, .V. hoi I r. Kel y and Shields, Ai lafy in.-nts are to be made it' Jins-si)..- , r n lecture nil niiernsi opy by Dr. I.. W'lH'au, nf Sornnton. Drs. Wheel-M-niel Nile- were mpo'nteil the com mittee of iivianK' inentH. Tim lee 11 e w.ll luolial.ly be Riven next Thursday I VIMllllK. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Mrs. M. ,T. Tavis has ret timed from Wilkos-HaiTP and Scranioii, where she has been speiulinir the past two months. -Miss Mann; .Morrison, of liobuoni sireei. lias returned from Niagara Kalis and Si. Catherine's church, where she has bet 11 for the past week. I'r. V. .1. I.owry was tailed to Kll !ale yesii rilay by the serious illness of his luiht r. Mrs. ji'Kii.--t C-ili.irdl, of South Main street, has iv-Hireed from it visit with friends in Now Vol I; and llrooklyn. Mia. 1 ,1. 'iiiiKiin aiul son, William, have fvuinicd from a visit with friends in Ohio. Mrs. Kate Wi-i;;nt and son, Itaymond, are visit iiiK In I'hilacl 'lphia. Mrs. Oriswiild, fif Chica'.ro. Til., Is vls iiinu her cousin, Mrs. Woodward, of l;ivt r si reel. Miss Millie Jtoran, who has been ron linej lo her honii! by Illness, Is able tn in'' about ,ri;.valn. Mrs. Thomas ivtti.nrew spent yester ilav in I ilvphaiit. Mm. Walter Scurry and Miss Helen Slurry, of Washington street, are 111 I'l'llndolphia. Ho, I. S. S. .Tones, .Tames Xicbolson, I Mini"! Uoblnscn nnd William Thomp son, f.f this city, attended the races at Wrllvino yesterday. Miss Winnie- Taylor, of Wayne street, ! visit ;nt? friends in Scranton. 1'iitriek O'Connor, of hlnghamton, was In this city yesierday. Itev. Mr. Jones, of l.lan Rost, AVales, w ill preach in this Welsh liaptist church lovnoirow nl'teriHion and evening. Misses Anna I'.nblen and Alice Jor dan have (.rone to Wilkes-IJarre where they will visit friends. M'sh Lillian Tinker has returned from a visit with friends In Scranton. K" I'm her Murphy, of oiyphnnt. Infests lli(! Mootl of lminntlity. Il njipi'strs in varied foritis. Init is fotveil to yieKI to Iloinl's Snisiiiiiii-illii. which I:u-iiic3 ami vilnli.es Hie lilood nntl euros till filch tlicnst's. LV'iul this: " In September, 1SU1, 1 made a misstep and injured ray ankle. Very soon afterwards, ..vo inches ncrosi formed and in walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my bout on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not cet any relict and had lo stop work. I read of a cure ot a similar case by Hood's Sarsnparilla nnd concluded to try it. Before I had taken all of two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My a now well and I linve been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased in weight and am in better ht-nlth. I cannot nay enough in praise tt Hood's Sarsapa rilla." Mrs. 11. Blake, 8o. Berwick, Rio. This and other similar cures prove that Sarsaparilla T the One True Blood Pnriflor. All drujtplsti. ?I. IT. rurcd only by C. I. Hood A Co., Luw.-ll. Mast. (I -! tlir liest fiiinilyi'atliartle I lOCU S HiilS und liver stimulant. lUc- ftrlMLCBI PRICE EES8MT SUEOF CARPETS Jut rend our prlcrs and compare them with any and all ol the other attempts: 25c. Ingraii Carpels, New 18c 35c. (ngraii Carpals, Naw 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpa's, Now 35c 60c Erusssls Carpats, Now 39c 75c Erusscis C3r?3ts, Now 57c 5c Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Aikoa quantity ol Body Bru3el lentrthf (mm a to jo yards In each piece at about one half price to close. J.SCOTT HCLIS, Lack! An Carpets and Will Pap:r Dealer. . TERMS-Cosa oa the Above Qoods. . fula SOS f3 Cl ia I Hoods nn.1 Itev. M. J. I.ynott, or Jorniyn, were visitors in town yesterday. j ne n "oil a uusiness uoiipko literary society held a meeting last evenl'iK when a verv interesting nroerainnie was rendered. - AKCHKALl). A Deniocratio rally was held In O'ltora s hall un Thursday ev;nl: R. Adilresses weru made by T. F. Conroy, ot Pottsvllte, and Kdward Merrlfl Id. and D. J. Ueedy, of Scranton. Jann st i McAnilrew, president of the ISiyail nnd Sewall club presided and tin re was a lar?o crowd present. Misses Mary Hnlbln and May Mo Oreal, of Scranton, returned home yF terday afttr havlnff spent a week with friends here. Division Xo. , Ancient Order of Hi bernians will hold a Brand entertain ment at Father Mnthew Opjia In u on Moiu'ay evening. A proijramme coiiHlstinK of reoltations. vocal, and In strumental sell ct. on will be p'e-ent-ed. The talent besides iiicliulir.fr innry Sifted youns people from this place will also include several well known entertainers from tail of town. liven lefore the national cumpalvrn Is over candidate.' are being iianied for the various borfiuith tilltces to be 1111 d at the February ilivtion. This e'ectioi will be ff more than ordinary import ance beeaus.' tlnie is a tax culacl.ir and hui'Kess t' be elUMcn in mlditlon to three coiiiiciimili. three school di rectors and minor otlicers. For tie oilices of lui!i.-i s.i aid lax c II co" I hero are many eindldatiM niinel. 'I'll voters of Archlial 1 have always ak n an Interest in the local election nnd tin1 cumin?; elect i n will lie no exception to the rule. - . WILKES-BARRE NEWS. Matters ul' Interest Noted Oiiiing One Hay in l.ucine. The t.eailcr says thai in till llki lihooil the SLUilon Axle Works company will erect a roliini; mill for its own use. The urraiiKon.ents are not coinpleh il nor Hie time for starting same ilelinile ly stated, but it is safe lo surmise that before uiiotie r yiar rolls around the thine; will lie in active operation. There are reasons, h'iist, the machinery is nil on the ground, and lias been since the plant was moved lure from Au burn, .'. V. That siime machinery will be usi'd and only a buildiiiK Is neces sary. It is concluded by the otllclals of tile company that tin' cost of carrylnur the linislied !.i' M f ill steel for axles is KTcator than if the steel was rolled here from bidets. Ib-nce a saving'. The rollinir mill will increase the w.-rk-inc; force about lifiy men. It is found Hint even if anthracite is more expen sive here than is biiuminous coal in Ohio, st'll tlv iv would be h saviiiK in Irokrht bills on the rolled Steel. Coal in Ohio of the size needi d is from T to ." cents a ton. Aniliraeite in bin k wheat sine is !m cents n Ion and yet it will be some helo and it is Imped It will be a so. The axle works' year b pen September I. end Just now It is unlet. Mr. (llllnm. secretary and treas urer, hopes lor a little boom in the m ar future. The Wilkes-llarre Musical associa tion held n nieetlm; Thursday in the of llii1 of Colonel C. liow Doupheriy in reference to Alexander nnd his Ninth Ki-ffimeut bnnd. A communication was received from J. W. Ooran. president of i he bnnd oixnnization, statins that they had decided to keep Alexander lu re even though the Music association did nothliiK in the matter of cancelling its indebtedness to him, but KURgested Hint a committee r.ppolnted from both associations to formulate some plan so thut the professor's back salary could le paid and provision he made for the future. The Musical association decided tit the outset to have Trot. Alexander remain here, and its execu tive committee was instructed to meet the band committee on Monday next to decide upon some plan of rnlsiiiR thr professor's back salary, which amounts lo nearly $1,000. 1'1'CKVILLi:. Joseph MeMuincs, who has been In disposed for the past ten days, Is slow ly improving. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. D. Peck, returne 1 1-isd Thursday from an extended visit with tclntives In luv:t. John Wntne will ipend Sunday ut Nnntieoke. (.ieorp-o Tiffany has been confined to the hotirfe lor the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert MeCormick nnd ilniiKhter. Heat rice, will leuvo next 1 Monday to upend u week in New York city. There will be services as usual ill the .Methodist Kpleopal elmrch tomorrow. ITeuehiiiK by the pas'of. It.'V. S. C. Slmpkins at 10.:'.l u. 111., nnd 7 p. m. Theme for the limrnins sermon, "The I'ather (ilorilied in the Sun;" evi-tiinj!, . "Cln-lsl'H Invitntlon to the World." Sunday mhool ut 2.M and Kpwnrth I l-i-ajrue nt t! p. in. A eordinl invitation I Is e:;lenileil to nil. ! Uev. S. C Sinipkii.s nnd dauuliler, Jlb-s Sophie, are In Ulns;h;iinlon. N. V.. alii ndiiiv the conference convention of the Kpwoflh l.eaHU.'. Mrs. !?. l'. SiiiipUins nml ilMttliter. Miss lli-l.a. in i-om (usiiy with Mrs. A. A. Su iiiuel. nt tended th." Christ ian Kn deiivor ennveiuhm in Scranton Thurs day and Friday. Services nt the liaplist church tomor row will be us follows: lT-'Hchintj nt lD.ai 11. in.. Mibject, "I'mii'tice;" Suncluy school ut 2,:!n p. in.; evening sermon ut 7. subject, "The I'liui acter of Jona than." The s-'iilijecl for the Sunday morning service at the I'l-.'sbyleiinii church will be "Take Heed Mow Ye IKar." Ill the evening at 7 n'clo. k there will be u Chrisiian Kndeitvur fully nt which there will be seccril Hpeukerx from Scinntoii. Also KM"d sinjrins. OLD IORGi: Aifn-i Av iy. uf Nmv York. 1 n v i im- I'l ii-mlH li.-rc this w. i k. A H-y. m-ohl child of Mr. ur.d Mr. fi'nt'Mi-ii ill .1 Thurs'day of tnem- I'l U MI1IM 'l i up. Tlic third qoart tly n-ccth ir will Ij lu-ld !it llu- Ilrii-k fhiin il St'.i. Uiy niorn-ins.-. Siiiu'ny svlmiil w.ll b Ki'i t nni o'clock nii'l 4rt :ii')i!nu; ut 1.;:n. UraUc ci St. v.iiit luivc plin-ed ;i ii.'v furiiai-i' In tin- hu--i'iii.-iU of tlielr siore. See our window Tor wonderful valum In FALL SUITINGS. We have just secured n lot of plrg.mt pat tern In th newest chock nnd ilaii!s the finest goods mutle In this country. Thee goods will be mode to measure for fc'XOO per suit, elegantly trimmed, put up in the LATEST STYLES nnd guaranteed to Qt, nml would eoxt ynu ; J3.-..00 to $40.00 elsewhere. Our eompetltors auk how It's done. We nnswer In three words: "Men," "Methods" nnd "Money." These Roods will probably not Inst a week: wo will have no more of them at these prices, but we have, and will always have, An Elegant Assortment of all wool suitings, made to measure, from $14.00 up goods that you could not dupli cate In ready-made for any less. WT- I rtAVIC an Wyoming; Aw. .v l ArcoUe Building, i m TUNKHANHOQK. The litigation over the mortjrape up on the s.lk sp.-ol works was end d th s week by a decision of the Supreme court, which reverses the decision of the lower court. This is a metier which has been banning lire for some time, toere being noout $fi.t00 involved. When the spool works, which were erected unci operated by Mack & Miller under the firm name of Tunkh.imiock Maliu laeturin(f company, were sold at as signee's sale, Hon. William M. Test was appelated audlior lo di; tribute the fund. The iiestlon arose as to whether a 4.00(i niorisage, lu-M oy Will am N. Ueynolds, was divested by the sale, some legal tec hntealities entering Into the matter. .Mr. I'ost decided that it was not divesL-d, but objection being raised, il was carried Ir.to the lower court end this opinion reversed. It was then tppialid to the Supreme court, which now cever'-s the lower court and sustains Mr. Post's opinion, l'.y paying in.- mortgage out of the fund il is reduce I to such an extent thut Judgments bad; of the mortgage to tile sum of alf ut $r.uuo are rendered Wet l bless. Tie- new I'm nil m e and uiidei tuking establishment of Clifford Ai Cook, which is in course of oi-ctiou on W.-uren street, will be ready f business about tin tilst of next un f '.h. The front, which is to In; of steel and plate tin's, has not yet arrived from the factory. The Christum Kialeavorers of the Presbyterian church held u social l".-t evening, u feature of which was a Ker b's of storciiptiooii views of the Caia combs. oroM nleil by Hie paslor, IJev. S. C. Hodge. Mrs. A. AI. M-iyl.ee is heli.l-s. the resit of a fall from a slepladder. She Is nearly eighty, and il is doubtful if she will recover. KAILKOAD lil AIHI.ICS. A new older on the Lehigh Valley compels the use of soft coal on till freight and local passenger trains dur ing the winter season. The through passenger tiains will use anthracite exclusively. 1 lie Montrose road is carrying about li.li cms of milk tier day now, though tile market is said to be uiisilall.v dull for this season of Hie year. Shippers pay one ami a half cents per ipiart. The Lehigh Valley paymaster will cover tills division on Friday, the pith. Asa 1. Hlakoslee, the energetic, pas senger and freight ngent of the Mont rose, spends a good deal of his time in pi rsonal r.iiinagement of the line, since his father, th" persldent of til- rotnl, is ill feeble henllll. A couple of traveling passenger agents of Hie Lehigh Valley were here this week working up interest In the excursion lo i 'anion, and will be here again on .Monday. The exclusion train wiM be fine lu ce at 7. 1 1 p. ni., Thurs day next, and the Montiose train will connect. VICINITV NEWS. Mrs. John P.lnkeslcc was burled at Lynn on Wednesday. She was a young lady, the daughter of the late I). J. O'.Ve'l. Cliainpluvlre. the French murderer, who died in Jail, was burled at Liu cy ville, and not at Auburn, us several cm ref pendents have erroneously slated. Neither was he n Itoninn Catholic, and the funer.-il service was not conducted by a priest. Aleshoppen has peventeen members of the Winans family Hint vote the Democratic ticket. II Biynn is elected, he will have to give nt least one post olliee to the Winans family. The annual reunion of the Trelbl" family was held nt the home of Charles .layne, in Knton township, on Thurs day. The family consists of the mother. Airs. Sarah Tl. ible, thiitcen children nnd numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. OTHIilt SCKAPS. The infant child of Air. and Airs. MYER. SHOE HOUSE, 307 Lackawanna Ave. in yE ARE DETERHINED to make today one of i w Aever have the manufacturers throughout the country been so anxious to dis pose of their stocks to people who would pay them spot cash; never in our ex perience have we bought so wonderfully cheap. Read the following substan tial facts no glittering exaggeracions and you will see success, our constantly increasing business. Dollar i i nree t Fortunate circumstances euabled us to buy 500 pair ladies' hand-sewed Shoes, worth 53.00, for $1.49; sizes 2 to 7. 350 pair Men's Fine Calf Sho?s, all toss, worth $3, Today's Spscial Price, $1.49. 200 pair Misses' Fine School Shoes, worth S2.oo, at 81-09. ' Misses' Heavy. School Shoes, sizes n to 2, worth $r.25, for 79 cents. Child's Heivy Shoes, only SO cents and 75 cants. Boys' School Shoes, 75 cents, $1.00 and $1.25. Veritable Sensational Prices On High Grade Footwear. . Men's Fine Calf Hand-sewed Shoes, regular price the Men's $4 shoesfor $2.50. Men's $3 shoes for $2.00. Men's SI . 25 dress shoes only 95 cents. Ladies' fine shoes, 50c., 75c, $1, $2 and $3. Hisses' fine school shoes, 75c, $1 and $1.50. E WANT TO IflPRESS THE FACT upon your mind tint wlii'e we underse"l all other houses that deal in shoes, our goods are hisrh Trade ani'lhorouirhlv relia- ble. It is only by our spot cash buying that th; special pries wj mika you are possible. Call andexamine our jjooJs before buying elsewhere, and make our store your headquar ters. No trouble to show goods, SOLE AGENTS FOR STACY, ADAMS & COS, GRAY BROS.' Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report kil Clinton Fclton will be buried today. It died of dropsy of Hi" l.rain. Austin I. Carey, Frank H. Carey and Fred. Potter are nt Itinghamton at tending the.Epworth League conven tion. Fast Tioga Ktivit. which has been in a rocky condition ever since the sewer ditches were due. has been regiaded. C. C. Aliller lills a linif bushel with thirty-five Northern Spy apples. Coun ty Commissioner Wlicclcck boas-ts cf larger ones still. Ldward L. Ilalger. a worthy To wunda citizen, went cciiay reading "Coin's Financii.l Si-hool." And there are others. The Wyoming County Agricultural society is said to dm out of debt and has MOO in the tl. 'usury. It has t.l ways been a hard task to make ends meet with it heretofore. Dame For tune has never smiled on the institu tion very much. NICHOLSON The fair at Wcllsviil must be cuiiie mi intei.-Ming ailair. as some thut at- i mm 607, 603 AND 603 Corner Washington Avenue and rvmxrcui-s vaii:ruii.t pxiri- on.-e.l u .ut-alyli( strok. Htimi time uko anil fmir of New VJlk'a Bri-attst phyji-i-ii.ns uiui.'li-l liim. The treatment Ktven Mr. Vainlerliilt anil from nhleh he Is nv.iinint,' health wan eleel ileal. Two Culvanh- nml Kurudle ina chlneH were taken to Mr. Vanilerbill'a home, and In a short time he was able to iro to Xewnorl. li. 1. A' few year.- ao sm h a ftrokP wonll nave necii eonpnieren laiai nui eiemeny cuniK-recl, as it Is IoIik In hnnilreUs at eaneH. Not lor.i sinee n prominent physielan of St. l.onls pi-rfoimeil an operation before the .Me ileal soeleiy of thai eily restoiiim the Hpeet-h of a man who hail not spoken for three years. Some time RffO It w.-is thought that Xat Uooilwln. the famous ronuiiian. woulil lie eornpelleil to nmJereo an operation, but 1'roiessor Morton, of New York, treated him i leetrieally and there has been no lie -essity of an opera tion. John H. Hently, of ICaston, Pa., hnd what was ealleil an incurable ease of (e.ellin. Dr. ilrei-n cured him in four weeks. The whole world is ai-iiuainli-d with the discovery of the Roentgen -X R:iys and the ue lo whieh they are put. If you want to see every .electrieul op. pllimee known to the medical profession call at Dr. Green' Kleeirical Institute. Elf5' ELEOTBiOiTY IS K MB Dr. Green's Elecfro-Therapedtic Insfittife, 607, EOS and 6C9 Mears Building, Scranlon, Pa. Elevator Day and Night. Open from o a. m. to u m.; p. m. to 5 p. m ; 7. 30 p.m. to 9 p.m. DA VI DOW, Sulci tended on Thursday returned to take it In on Friday. Ogden 1. Piatt isahemt to ri tire fro.n the gents' furnishing bu In ss. This afternoon theie will be a f ot ball gn ne on the I ase ball pa- k be tween X.choUo'' aril Kiys.one tcims. A fair for il-e In n lit of the rnivc s.it-i.- t church will be held In the t-'l f.n House on Novemb- r It and (I. Ceelge 1!. AllllilUn ,of Hea l. Sus iiuehannii county. w 'S eelli.: on friends Thu'sday evet irg. The first damaging fro t was here in good earm. st Friday niorriug. li the I'al.y I Cutting Teeth. Mrs. AVinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over lifiy years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, Foftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. P.e sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. BBn-nrant num. MEAR3 BUILDING Spruce Street, Scranton, I'enna The best of references, no charge for eon sultailon, an Instllim' eiUl.ped with the latest achievements of .Morton, Kdison, Hanney. Itueku-i'll. - Mcliri.le, .Mi InOsh and others. Kleciro Static Machines, (ial vanic, r'arallc, tirrsoidal t.laKneie. ISnlvano Vnutcries, and electrodes of ev ery description. We have the finest X-Ray apparatus made. With elc'-lrlcity as n basis of treatment we are successful In cases of Uheiimatlsm, Hunt, Paralysis, Kczcmu, Tumors, Skin Troubles, IndiKestlon, Dyspepsia, the WastltiK of Aliis -les. I'oor ("irelilation, and all Ni rvous Diseases for which electricity is dolnir so mu h of late. The bloo I clot eausiiiir Apoplexy and Pnralyi-I can be dissolved and earne-1 away by proper application of Ualvanlsni and l-'aradism. Cures of Catarrh are beir.s made by the Inhalation of ozone from the Kleetro-stutic machine. We mUht mention hundreds of troubles which are nmtnr.ble to electric treatment, but space will not permit. Dr. (Jreen trrats all cases amenable to electrical treatment, is a graduate and ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has the bst of references, and will chaise noth Iri? for consulation. Those w ho cannot call should write for Information. the busiest days on record. the reasons for our wonderful . . world over 5.00; Cur price Only $3.00. Lacka. Ave. anil P. COl'S FINE SHOES. areetiiio; 61 3&P Choice assortment of the most carefully selected pat terns in the highest grade of the leading manufacturers, both domestic and foreign. Beautiful effects in combination of colors with the shades which will be fashionable in the x coming season, including mm, moss, mwi m. absinthe m resida Experience, good judgment and a perfect kuowledge of the requirements for high class furnishing, have procured a line of goods which for richness in effect, beauty and va riety of design and exquisite Wending of color have never been surpassed. riohair. Chenille, Wilton, Axminster, and Smyrna, in every size latest and most desired effects in strictly first-class goods. Imported Silk and riohair with Plain Centers and Fancy Borders, a perfect an J complete liue. An inspection of our stock will repay you. . 0. KERR, Ml THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO iMfiKSSnSKHki LISTING A3 PUPiNG MA0H!NERY. .' THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel. X. L. Steel, Toe and Side Weight NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. BITTENBENDER S for csle by JOHN H. PHELFS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. I ! PLAYED 00f 0 4, tainly i!ocsn.'t apply to the clo'.hing we sell, ecan lit you and your luiv out just as siylihlv as the tr.ctchnut iailor, jiikI Ui2 cost will he iilimit half. It is worth your while to look into the merits of this clothing store. You can't make a mistake here. In any event, we agree to give you perfect satisfaction i "i. U tX-ytnS Ii Hj Gil Lii wr x . . s V-' '- . U fer to buy on otir instalment plan. It costs t!i:m no n;nre tli.in the cash stores risk, anil the lit.le amounts tli.-y pay its each month are harJIy missed. Yott ni;! have an iilea that our prices are raised in order to make fs s;:L' in aellins on credit, lint the tollowiiii list on, lit to con vi see yon tt the c iiir.iry. Ccinpare this lit of prices with any oiia-r yen can find in Scranton. G00J Ali Wool Cheviot, t'iis'nii-rcs ami Worsteds nml ITnlinislii-il Wwsie'.ts IVjU-t All Wcol Cheviot, ('iissimeieH titid Wor.-teds ami I nfiiiHlieil Woistcds I'rst All Wo-d Cheviot, C'tisHiiueres ami Worsteils nml l.'iilitiislii'd Wotte(ls.. Good All Wool KotNoy, Jlelton and Chinchilla t)veii-ii:i'. mid risters Eotti-r All Woo! Kir-t-y. Moltoti nnd Chinchilla Ovcivoats nnd I'lsters lk-st All VoLl Ki-r-cy. Mcltou and Chinchilla Ovctvoiits uud Ulslera 408 Lacka. Ave. w Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. ALL SIZES OF orse loes CO,, SElli, PL When in doubt what to use for Nervous Debilily, Loss ol I'owcr. Impotency. Atropnv, Varicocele ai:o otlxr wcalcnrssis, trom any cause, use Scxine Fills. Drains checked anil full vijfor quickly restored. irn -scel.d. Mloil truubie. reult f-ta!1r. Mailed forSl.UI;llboxrs$.'i.(XI. With $.01) orders we Kive a Ruaranlee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. cor. Wyoming Avenue and rharmaclst, The (1 M bti'alioii about Ready-Made Clothing not titling well, is plaied out It 110 longer applies to the rinlitlv-itiatle Kind. It cer 11 - - ------ A Limsideralilc mrt of 11111 trade is with men who buy on credit. Even those who liae the money iu their pockels suuietiuics pre S 8.50 11.50 lil.OO 9.00 12.00 14.00 213, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. a CO,, H OLOTIlfNO 1 1 a.
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