- i- V V- 8 THE SCBANTON TB1BTJNE THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER. 1, 1896. r GARBQNDALE. fRaaers wttl please not that aawrtlje. anenrs, orders for Job work, and ltima for Sublloatlon left at the establishment of nannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; (sua open from la. m. to 10 p. m. ATTEMPT AT ARSON. Wits fortunately Discovered Before Much Injury Was Done. Patrick McKenna, of Gordon ave nue, was married last evening and tn-n-mled to leave for a wedding trip, but while enjoying the festivities of the oi iHHimi a messentjer hurried In with the news of an attempt to destroy his t ore. The tire was discovered about H o'clock. A room in the second story of the building wus in tlames, but was subdued before it gained full head wav. In a corner of the room a box tilled with paper which had been sat urated with oil was found which had been the source of the tire. The room was somewhat dumaged, but the loss is not great. The incendiary Is not known but ef forts will be made to solve the mystery. Daniel Loftus, one of his men, received some Injury In his efforts to extinguish the tlames. His hands and arms were severely burned. Mr. and Sirs. Mc Kenna huve postponed their trip on ac count of the tire. Prohibition Kail y. Qulncy Lee Morrow, of Philadelphia, was the orator of the occasion when several hundred enthusiastic men and women listened to his arguments In favor of Prohibition, at the tent on .Muple avenue Tuesday evening. The iuiii did not quench the enthusiasm which was uroused by the eloquence of I lie speaker. An earnest appeal was made for the upholding of prohibition principles. Professor 11. J. Ilocken beiry, the Prohibition candidate for cuinjiess. followed the speaker of the evening with a short address. l oot Hall Contest on Saturday. .The School of the I,Hck:i wajma foot ball leu m will meet the HI nil school l.-am at Alumni park on Saturday af ternoon and a large crowd Is expected to witness t tie? contest fur supremacy. The High school have a stronger team than Inst yenr, when they were defeat ed by the Hcranton boys. The game will excite much iiileieal unci it will no Uoiilit be the best of the season. lttpublican Kallv Next Monday. The Kepuldkan clubs ore arranging for u fei.ind rally next Monday even ing al ilie opera House, when lloiuer ttreen, esq., ui I loiiesdale, mill .1. K kcynolils, esq., of this cily uml others v, III address Ilie gathering. The Mo yui't band will furnish music for the oi i asioii. The handsome buutier of ilie lucal chili w hie li was ordered some time ur.o, will then be dedicated. . lied Men Kit ft O nicer. I.uckLiwa'iinu Tribe, No. 20s", Improved Order of lied Men, rtiiH at their Wig wam on Sn It-iii aveniY Tuesday even ing When Hit! following llliets Were i Iiosi-ii lor the coming l.y-m: Sachem, 1'. K. To . :u i : senior migaiiloie, .1. H, Dawson: junior siigaiimii , Al. H. Tan puu; prophet. William Wright; trus tee, John Jione. Piccolo Corps I air. The fair whieli has been carried on for some time closed on Monday even ing, and proved successful, the amount t loined being $:i;.V7.i. It is judged that Ilie i utile proceeds Will be OVer $.11111. The money will be used lo purchase uniforms for Ilie corps. The Simpson iiinl i:rooklMi ilium corps rendered mateitju aid, mid thanks have been t. ndi ifil to these organizations. LCCAL and personal notes. Miss Madge Davenport, of Kast Windsor. N. J., who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. ('. Ia.wii, during the summer, das returned home. Thomas p. Kronnati will leave soon for liosemont, l'a., where he will be employed during the winter. Iiryun liurke is on a business visit to New york. Frank Yurrlnjrlon, of Jersey City, Is visiting his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Yairimuon. Miss Amy Kinbnck, of Cemetery street, has been visiting friends In Hoiiesilnlt'. Miss Minnie and Freeman Tallman have returned from a visit with friends In Susquehanna. Will t'arden has accepted a position as clerk with Hell & Hrown, hurdstore dealers, on Salem avenue. Mrs. ('.. W. Haines, wife of the new proprietor of Hotel Anthracite, has ar rived here from Baltimore. Mrs. 1.. K. Kettew and son. Stanley, have returned from a trip to New York city. W. L. Pryor, of Scranton, called on friends in town yesterday. Mr. ami Mrs. Gamaer and daughter, Kllzabeih, will leave in a few days for their former home. Port Jervis, N. .1. J. Burst, the North Main street jewel er. left yesterday for New York city, where he will take a course of study In occulism. IX J. Mojies, of Scranton, was In town yesterday. This evening Prof. Frank Flood will organize a dancing- class in the Watt buiiaing on t L Seorge Swi building on Church street. Swartz, of Simpson, who died buried yesterday after- noon in fit. Hose cemetery, f Mrs. James Wall, of Starracca .and Mrs. William Clum, of this city, have returned from a trip to New York city. Mrs. Klvlna Vaughn, who has been vlslttnpr relatives in town, has returned to her home In Providence. Mrs. Watson Wllsey and daughter, Pernlce, of Sidney, N. Y., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Shelley, of Salem avenue, have re turned home. Mrs. H. D. Herring Is the guest of Miss Meda Reed In Scrantoru Theodore Kmlr left yesterday morn ing for a visit In Eastern and New York. TAYLOR. Mr. and Mrs. August Kelnhardt. of this place, visited friends in Hyde Park Tuesday evening. The employe of the Archbald col liery will receive their monthly earn ings today. Kdward James, of Hyde Park, was a caller In town yesterday. Hev. Mr. Morrow will lecture In Weh-t-r's rink, Saturday evening, October 3, ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANTSALEOF CARPETS Just read our prices and compare them with any and all ot the other attempts: 25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c. Ingrain Carpsts, Now 25s 50c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65c Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75a Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 95c. Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Also a quantity ol Body Brussels lengths fruin a to so yards In each piece at about one. hall price to close. j.scoTfiNGiis.ur. larpiis &D(1 Wall Papjr Dealer. 1 bRMS-Cash on the Above Qootl. on Temperance and Prohibition. Ad mission free. All are cordially Invited. The storm did considerable damage in town Tuesday evening. A number of large window panes were blown out, and the roof of Hannick and Moore's store was also blown off. The raffle for the benefit of John Shields, jr., has been postponed until October 22. The Welsh Baptist church are pre paring to give a grand concert in No vember. Typhoid fever seems to be on the rampage in town during the past few days. The eisteddfod committee held an Im portant meeting last evening at the home of J. F. Taylor. OLYl'II ANT. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held In Owens' hall. Ulakely, Tuesday evening by the West Side McKinley and Hobart club. Oeorge I. Taylor and R. A. Zimmerman, esq., two able speakers, addressed the meeting. The funeral of the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. William Davis, of upper Dunmore street, who died on Tuesday last of diphtheria, took place yesterday afternoon. Interment was nude in Union cemetery. Miss Katie Nealon, one of the teach ers of the Central school, Is ill at her home on Dunmore street. Miss Nellie Murphy, a substitute, is teaching in her place. A farewell party was tendered Miss Tiara Mumford by a number of her friends, in the Club of '95 hall, Monday evening. A most enjoyable evening was spent In dancing. Miss Mumford left yesterday morning for Philadel phia. The Misses Sallie Stllwell. of New York; Pessie Stllwell, of Helvidere, N. J., and Carrie Bloom, of Scranton, were guests of Miss Jennie Kennedy this week. Mrs. J. Harrison, of Klmlra, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mi-Hale, of Hudson avenue, has returned home. Miss Maud Thomas, of Kingston, Is visiting relatives at this place. John Prink has returned home from Tilnghamton. Mrs. John Jones und family, of Sus quehanna, avenue, left Monday for Hal llmore. Mil., where they will reside with Mrs. Jones' son. Ir. D. W. Jones. Mrs. J. H. Murriii, of Curbondale. was the guest of Mrs. Andrew Fun-nil yesterday. Many persons from here attended the funeral of Anthony Jloian, of Dun more, yesterday. - - . JIOOSIC. A Pu-yun and Sewull club will be or ganized lu l.uftus hull on Friday even ing. Addresses will be delivered by !. Iloland and other prominent speakers of Seraiiton. The suiuier held by the Ladies' Aid society in I he basement of the I'resby tei ian church on Thursday evening wits largely ul tended. Tin y realized l:!.75. Mis. !. Kills. Mis. William Drake and Miss Amelia Porter attended tile fun eral of Mrs. Haslie, ut Avoca, yester day. Miss Louisa Salomon has returned from Lost I'reek, Schuylkill county, where she has spent the past few weeks visiting friends. James Hulls, of Miner's Mills. Is buy ing a neat little home erected here. The little daughter of Mr. mid Mrs. Walter Hinds is quite ill of cholera in fantum. liiouml Is being broken for a number of new dwellings. Messrs. James Dick and William Monie were Scrnnton callers Sulurday. Miss Jennie Dick lias uccepted a po sition ns leat her In Thornhtirsl. Jessie, the little daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Norman Mil's, is Very 111 at her home on Main street. Mr. Harry King, ln was injured In the Hillside mine about two weeks ugo, is able to be around again. Mrs. Watkius, of old Forge, spent yesterday al the Sheehan residence. A number of our townspeople attend ed the McPeak-Oshorne wedding ut West Avoca Tuesday evening. Misses Cassie Moran, Katie McGraw. Tj.1,,1 Xli.k'unvtn f,i..,u V..l..n Ml. .I.....I (Juiiin und James ltoyle enjoyed a trol ley nuc iu x nisitJii riuiuruuy cieiiilig. NICHOLSON The first meeting of the Republicans of this place, to hear the Issues of the day discussed, is announced for thla evening at the Opera house. The meet ing will lie addressed by Hon. James H. Codding, M. ('., of Towanda, and Hon. K. J. Jordan, of Tunkhannock. Catcher M. Kelley, of the Nicholson bnse ball team, was serevely pushed In the game last Monday. His left hand received a foul tip on the thumb, also one on the first and second lingers, and a split between the third and fourth fingers an inch long. He also has a stiff neck, where a runner knocked him down and sat on It, beside several minor bruises. Still he played the game out and won. Some of the young men here have or ganized a foot ball team. A team from Scranton Is expected here Saturday to play the Initial game. Mr. and Mrs. Will Latham, of Goulds boro, were the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latham, over Sunday. Mrs. Charles Nichols visited Scranton yesterday. Joe Pratt Is responsible for the fishy story this time, not the Nicholson cor respondent, when he says that over twenty tons of fish were taken from Lake Carey this season. The Kpworth league gave a soclnl at the home of Harper W. Kllng last even ing. It was well attended and all pres ent reported a social time. NEW mTlFORD. New Milford people are patronizing Montrose fair this w eek. The New Milford base ball aggrega tion were at Susquehanna Monday and did the side hill club up by the score of 8 to 6. Butterfleld, the pitcher of the visiting team, "fanned out" eighteen of his antagonists. Nathan Wellmen, of Susquehanna, is visiting In town. Miss Klizabeth Shafer, of Nichol son, is visiting friends In town. Horace Seymour, of Binghamton, Is in town. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will serve an oyster supper in the lec ture room this evening. Maurice llaydcn is home from New York on a visit. It Is reported that two schools are closed In Jackson on account of an epi demic of diphtheria. John Hoyt, is moving his family to Smlthboro. N. Y where he is conduct ing a barber business. Clurenep Washburn and wife, of this place, will go to Nuntlciike to live. Miss Hattle Van Sickle, of Montour Fails, N. Y.. Is visiting lu town . Rev. S. J. Shoomkoff, of Sophia. Bul garia, lectured at the Methodist Epis copal chinch Sunday evening on mis sion work in Bulgaria. FOREST CITY. The Women's Christian Temperance I'nioii Convention is being held in the Baptist church. The first session was held Tuesday evening and was fairly attended, considering the inclement weather. H lhe Uaby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes Hie child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists lu every part of the world. Be sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow'e Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-flvt cents m bottle, AMATEUR BASE BALL. . Scranton Keerve Defeat the liar luouit-a 7 to 0. The champion Harmonies and tbe Scranton Reserves played a good game at Athletic park yesterday afterroon. The defeated team has been successful against nearly every amateur team in the county during the season, but they seem to go in the air when they play on a good diamond. They are accus tomed to playing on the town lots, and are clever at that. "Jimmy" Dean and "Bill" Hoffner, of the Hamilton team, played wltii the Keserves, but they did not have nny chance to distinguish themselves. .Tlie features of the game were McDonaid a pitching and Coleman's batting. In the seventh inning with three men on bases, and two out. Hurst hit -what stoned to he a safe drive towari s-h o.id base, but Hrooks stopped it ie.' erly and ended the game. The scjre was as follows: RKSKRVKS. A.I. R. H. P.O. A. K. Dean, 2b 4 12 1 10 Uillerun. c 3 1 0 8 0 0 T. Brooks, ss 4 12 3 12 Hoffner, 3b 4 110 2 0 Heese, cf Sill 00 J. Posner, lb 3 1 1 6 0 2 M. Posner, If 4 0 2 0 0 0 P. Loftus, rf 4 0 11 0 1 .McDonald, p 4 111 2 1 Totals : 7 11 21 0 HA KM ON IKS. ' A.B. It. H. P.O. A. E. T. Loftus. ss 3 10 1 2 1 Coleman, 2b 4 2 I 3 2 0 (laughan, lb 4 12S 10 .Mi-Andrew, 3b 4 0 0 2 2 2 Shine, cf 2 110 0 0 (ioris, c 4 114 2 1 Sweeney, If 4 0 0 2 1 0 Hurst, p 4 0 0 0 2 1 Ciossiii, rf 3 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 32 C 7 21 12 6 Reserves 2 0 2 0 1 2 0-7 Harmonies 0 2 3 0 0 O 1 0 Kiii ned rims Reserves 2, Harmonies 2. Two-liase lit I Coleman. Sacritlce hit--McAniliew. Stolen bases hrooks, Hoff-nei-,. Reese, J. I'osner, Coleman. Left on bases Reserves N, Harmonies 9. Slri'-k out (till. ran. HolTlier. I. Loftus, M.-An-drew 2, (lulls, Swe"ttey 2, Hurst, I'rossin. Double plays-Loft us lo Coleman to (aiiivhaii. hirst on errors Reserves 4, I larntonies :t. Klrsl on balls-off Mi-Donald 4, on lliu-st .1. Hit by pitcher lotis. I'tisseil balls i.iilleian 2. Uorls I. I'mpire - Mi-(!iiIiii-ss. Time 1.30. Scorer W, R. II utiles. FAST SCRANTON MEN. I'.uru Places iu Hie Bicycle Maces ut Ullllna. Special to The Tribune. Dallas, Pa.. Sept. 30. Kiick, tile faat Ilyer of Sinking Springs, won every thing in sight iu the bicycle laces here today, but Ilie Scrantuu riders were placed in each event. The track was slow. Pollou lug are the summaries: une mile open, ID staiiers-C. W. Krl.-k, Sinking Springs, first; .1. N. Hairy. l-i-i.k, second; Ralph Dregory, Scranton, third; B. K Keller, Srlanloii, fourth. Time, 2.23. line-half mile open, 13 starters t'. W. Kilck. Hist; K. A. Up-gory, second; R. V. While, H.i union, third: Hen Keller, S. Million, fourth. Time, I.II7 ;(-.". l-'lve-inile handliup, IS starters 4.'. W. Klii-k, Mi raleli, Ui-si; R. V. While, M yitrilH, second; It. h Keller, loo yards, 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ; It. A. Cregiii-y, Kill yards, fuiirlli. Time, I.".. i:: a. Hregury got a spill In the lasl lap of the live-mile event but pluckily re mounted und got near enough to Ilie hunch to get fourth place. He whs not injured. RACING AT H0NESDALE. 1.. A. Patterson's Nellie b.WLu l irsl Prize iu the U.'tb Class. Special to The Tribune. llonesilule, Pa., Sept. 30. Following is u summary of the races at the Wayne county fair held here today: 2..MJ class, purse $200 Plrst, luld Seeker, li. .. Ridge farm. Aldeiiville; second, ike, bl. k., L. T. I'ayne, Seranton; tlilr.1. Hllizeii, g. g., Cain Lord, Kiiiimink; fourth, Kate .Medium, br. ni., P. A. Sher wood, .lerinyn; llfih, Hoxy, li. m., Kdward Cook, Houesilale; sixth. Kig Dick, Charles McAidle, Houesdale. Time, 2.41, 2.35, 2.34'. 2.3.VV 2.25 class, purse $200 First, Nellie R., L. A. Patterson, Cnrljoi.dale; second, MUDr Lee, s. g, lJavltl James, Scranton: third, Prince .M., b. s., V. l. Fletcher, Herri. 'k Centre; fourth. Daisy Bell, W. K. Cook, Hunesilale; fifth, Hlllie Brown, George liimn, Scranton. Time, 2.32, 2.3U, 2.34. Pennsylvania Defeats (i-ttysbiirg. Philadelphia, Sept. Si). Pennsylvania played its second foot ball game of the season this uflernoon and eiisily defeated tne lietiysliurg. Pennsylvania, college team by the score of 32 to 0. AMATEUR BALL NOTES The Sunsets of the South Side, de feated the Taylor Reds lo the tune of 11 10 a yesterday. The features of the game were Hastings' pitching and Rogan's hit ting. HOMEOPATHS IN SESSION. Au Interesting Paper Is Read by Dr. Pembcrton Dudley. Philadelphia, Sept. 30. A number of papers were read at the second day's session of the thirty-second annual con vention of the Homeopathic State Medical society. One of the leading asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Mood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man Hood's said: " You never know yon n have taken a pill till it is all fiTa S 8 I over." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., 1 1 S Proprietors. Lowell, Muss. The only pills to take with Hood's SursaparilU. Take No Substitute Gail Borden Eagle Brand Has slwsvs stood FIRST In tht estims. tlon of ihs'Americ.n Puiplt. No other Is . "just ms good." Scat Infant Fco4. THE CO., ROOMS I AND 2, COM LTH B'L'ITS, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND RUtUfr DALE WORKS. LAFLIN RADIO P0W0BR CO't ORANGE OUN POWDER Elsvtrls Batteries, Electric Exolodrs. for x plodlug blasts. Safety Fus, mid Bep&uo Chemical Co. 's expSe Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE papers was that of Dr. Pemberton Dud ley, president of the Pennsylvania State Board of health, upon hyglenio regulations ill this state. Dr. Dudley severely criticised "the general Indif ference to and neglect of this public duty," and said: "The greatest sani tary need under which Pennsylvania suffers today is a reasonably adequate public and legislative appreciation of the value of public health and of Its relation to the public wealth. In this particular, judging by legislative ac tion, our proud commonwealth is woe fully and discreditably behind almost all the other states In Christendom." TOM COICII'S BUI SHOT. Tom Couch, the designer of big bo gus .bars, astonished his hunting friends one duy last week by declaring that he was willing to bet that he had made the best shot on ducks that any sportsman of St. Louis ever heard of. "I didn't use a swivel gun, either," he said, "but I got thirty-seven mal lards at a single shot last fall just as they were coming in over my decoys." There were Incredulous looks, winks and remarks Indulged In, when George Mann remarked: "Now, Couch, as you are a member of the Truthful Hunting and l-'lshing club, you will be required to furnish proofs or suffer the penally of a pre varicator." "Oh, that is easy enough." said Ullfil iui n It will cost vou nothing to look through our stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Slippers. Our Low Prices 11 flii in We want you to make our store your headquarters. REMEMBER. There is notrpuble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. 30. LACKAWANNA AVE. MlERDAVIDUW ELECTRICITY -I 607. 608 AND 609 Corner Washington Avenue and Thin Institution Is littftl with tlif latest jpullunt-t-M In t-I.M-ul' tly, t-oriipriHlliK lilt? valuable ui-lile veinentH of I'l'ofegnur .Mor ton, Knikwfll, Kiiniit-y. .Mt-lntoidi, All Hi lil. KdlMOii. Kot-lilx- n und til lit I'M. und lilt- phyi-it'livi1 U"d uxKistunts uie i-omue. iHllt Ulltl IfliHlllf. I, el iih i-ull your attention to tlx- fut-tH liul III till)' Institution we huve the facili ties for producing the X Kuys piroiiK enoiiKl) to enable us lo see tliioiitih lliV tleth of Ilie liuiiiun body: tan dlHilngiiisli frutuieti of the bone, illxloi-ullon und de-furinltlt-s of the Joints, und lot-alt- metal lic Hiibxtunreit In the Mesh of Ilie body. With our superior Klei-iro-Htutlt- lnfl:i-em-e Mut hlne we ure In u posh ion to upply the Kleetro-stntie Spray, Hnth, the Klf --tru-ftalle .Masi'aKe, LoeullziiiK HolntH, tho Hensatlve Hpark ulid the Fiuukllnii: Cur rent. With our larRo Onlviuili- und Karadir I'ublliet. equipped II h a t-oiilplele t ell e w 1 1 1 -1 1 eunylnif from forty to elKhty cellH, Hlieotome, Kheo.-diit, .Mlllluininefer, I'ole, I'huuaer. I'ui-reiii, 8i e -iiir uml Indin-tlou Coils, we uie enabled to apply Cure and Interrupted i lulvanisin, and many forms of Btralght and liiiei-mpted Kui utlisni. With our spei'lul Sinusoidal l.Maicneth-) liiHtrunieiit we tun aei-uinpllHh all that run be done with thli wonderful current. With our Uulvaiiu-Cauleiy are rn ubled to perform many difficult operation that have heretofore been anxluned to the suiKeon's knife. With our urn Klect rodi-K we run reach every part of the human body. S ELECTRO Dr. Green's Elecfro-Therapeulic InsfiKife, 607, 603 and 609 Mears Building, Scranion, Pa. Couch, as he reached In his Inside pocket and produced a 6 by 8 photo graph. "There they are. I snap-shot the mallards with a camera. Great shot, wasn't it, boys?" Then there were laughs and smiles of different kinds indulged In by the party. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The Subtleties of Language. She "Dauber says he can paint ahead of anything that you have ever seen." "And I have never seen a head of anything that Fred. Dauber could ever paint." Life. The Lesser Evil. Chunk "Doesn't a 'new woman" make you feel fairly mad? Quiverful "Yes; but she's not so bad as a new baby." Oakland Times. i Sea our window for wonderful values In FALL SUITINGS. We have just secured a lot of elegant pat terns in the newest checks and plaids the flne.it goods made in this country. These goods will be made to measure for IJ3.UU per suit, elegunlly trimmed, put up In tli LATEST STYLES und guaranteed to fit, anil would cost you Wi.tW to ftii.uo elsewhere. Our competitors ak how It's done. We answer In three words: "Men," "Methods" and "Money." These goods will probably not last u week; we will have no more or them at these prices, but we have, and Will always have. An Elegant Assortment of nil wool suitings, made lo measure, from JU.OO up goods that you could not dupli cate in reudy-made for uny less. w. j. davis, .sanati: AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest in the City- The latest improved turuisti ings aud apparatus fur kecpiuu meat, butter aud egjs. 223 Wyoming Avenue. TUB IDEAL AMERICAN I KIP NURTHEKN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tli Superbly Appointed and t oiuiuttiioua ftsrl Steauiiibipi, NOUTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Ameriosn through und I hrougb, leave Bulfslti Tudvs and Fridays o.jo p.m. fur Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo. Uuluth, and Western Points, passing nil places of interest by daylight lu conuoutioa with THE (IUEAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the most direct route, and from er. ery ptdut of coiuparlsou, the must delightful and comfortable one t Minneapolis, St. Paul, Great Fulls, Helens, Butte. Kpokane and Pacini- roast. The onlv transcontinental liue running tne famous buffet, library, observa tion car. N'e 07 honr train for Portland via Spokane. HOTEL LAPAVETTE, Lake Mlnnelonke, ill miles from Minnupolit, largest und most besntiul resort in the west. 'ilckeUand any information of any agent or A. A. HEARD, Uenersl Passenger agent, Buffalo, N. Y. MEARS BUILDING, Spruce Street, Seraiiton, 1'ciinu. We haw In thin Institute the various Kyo and Kur Kleetrodes. the Kye MtiKiit't, the Nufliil inose) Kleel i-oile;, tlie Luryii Ko?toie (far the throat) the Null and Head Kleetiotli-K, the Mil.'Kuxe. Arm. Hand. I.i'jr. Koot. Alitloiiitiinl, I'rethrul, VukIiuiI. Ret'tul, Cutuphoilc uinl eveiy form of 4ili'i-ti'oiles fur iiiedb-ul use. We luiVe the Cautery Knives, Wires find Needles. We huve all tf the appliance fur pei-foriutiiK Klectrolv sis, reiiiovfnu of liaii s, Warts, .Moles, TiimorH and ull u ti nt. rmnl K'owlhs. With electi-li 1 1 y ns u basis of treatment. We are successful in cases of Kheiiniatlsiii, Uuiil. Paralysis. Kczeina. Tumors. Skin Troubles, hnlltfest Inn. Oyspcnslu, the WastliiK of Muscles, Pour Circulation, und ull Nervous Diseases for which elec tricity Is doiiiK so much of lute. The blood clot causing; Apoplexy und Paralysis can be dissolved and .Milled uwuy by proper application of ilalvuulsin und r-'ui-udiHiii. Cures of Catarrh are being made h" the Inlmhillnii of ozone from the Kleclio-stullt-mui'lilne. W iniiilil mention hundreds of troubles which are untenable to electric Ireannenl, but space will nut pel lull. l.ir. (ii'eeu ti't-iils ull i-ases amenable to electrical treatment. Is a Ki'aduule ami ex perienced practitioner of medicine, has the best of references, and will charge noth ing for consultation. Thos who cannot cull should write for Information. VEJ What Sarah Bertihard sty " is mm HERgPEUTIC I SIX ta p. n. I 7. je p.n. to 9 p.m. FUREiTURIE . COVERENCS "e invite attectioa to oar new Hae of BK0CATELLES, SILK DAMASK, WOOL TAPHSTMES, SATI DE11BY, ETC., C0IID, GIMl, FKINGE3, ETC. The most complete line in the citj. REMNANTS Of choice goods worth $s 50, $2.00 and 3 per yard, from one to three yards in length, at 50c., fi 00 and 5150 per jaid. Estimates given on all kinds of npbolstei iaj. S. G. KERR, SON CO., CARPETS AND DRAPERIES, 408 Lackawanna AYenuc THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARN E, PA, MtwufaotiKwr of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKO PUUPING MACHINERY. QMMral Offlcw 5CSANT0N,PAe THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X.L. Steel, S HIOt Toe and Side Weight lillHj NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. li For sale by JOHN H.PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. BUNDER NO FUN ABOUT IT. A There's no fun iu selling Tinware, Stoves, Comforts and Blankets so close to cost as we are now. There's no profit to speak of, either. But firriirp it nnfr this wav: Tf we ran crpt vou to conie " - J here once for such things you'll coine more than once prices must be low to induce economical people to buy here. After we get them to buy here once, we must still keep our prices under other people's, or trade will go back to them. We Don't Intend to Let Any Trade Get Away from Us As Long As They Last we'll place tf1 Q0 fifty Cobbler Rockers oil sale at - tPliuO wortnjj Cobbler Rocker, Antique Oak or Ma- tf0 HO, hogauy finish, worth $3.75; we sell at $UtuL 25 more comfort-giving Horris Chairs tfjO Qfj are 'oere, worth $12.75, our price - vOiuU That Clothing Department Of ours is growing Why shouldn't it it's no trick to do business with tbe quality of clothes at the low prices we give aud then you get time to pay for your suit besides. 4 NtiefJ ALL SIZES OF 4 Horse CO., SCRANTON, PA. When In doubt what to uit lm Nervous Debility, Loss of Power, Impotency .Atrophy, Varicocele an J other weaknesses, Irom any caue. uss Sexine Pills. Drains checkca and full vigor quickly restored. If BtglmuJ. .Kb irMSW mull hwlty. Mailed for1.00;obous$5.00. With $5.00 orders we aire a guarantee to cure or refund tne money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avonuo and 225,227)12111 1 WYOMING AVENUE. Bltvsur y.r aad Night. Upeu Ireai a, b. te u in.) i ? ... ,. Y'i 1 1 f
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