5e SCBAOTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 80, 1890j WHITNEY'S WEEKLY . . BUDGETOF NEWS Thrill Idj Adventure of Tom Saunders, the Bear Hunter. OF INTEREST TO THE RAILROADERS The Uell Buzzard t'uust'n t'onstcrna tiuu Among Superstition People. Cliiel' Million utehes a Swindler. A Uliuilise nl the Field' of Politico. Suwrd OH Sundries and Bit of County News. Bi.eilal to the Sorunton Tribune. SiiMitiehunnu, Sept. SO. Turn Paun diis, Wiisipu liiiiina enmity's famous limn nr. lias just retunii'il horn frnm u Ijeur-nlii.vlntf tour tlmumli .Nevada, uml lit- Mis mmit! womlerful Htorles of uiiveiiture Kinee It'UYlui? h'mie. ills lust exploit leads like roiiuinee. While lldiiiB towunls Cloud Peak, lie hail Koiic only three miles when lie diseov-ert-d two enormous srlzzlies down ill a horse-shoe eanyon. He left Ids pony, Went to the eanyon wall und opened tile on the Ki'lzzlies. The bears were tiju yards away. Tom's lirst shot wounded one of the monsters, und the Voiiiuled one Immediately ut tucked the other hear. They I'oiiKht ilespeiutely Uu- lifteen minutes. It was a terrllde encounter. The lieasts would strike. Idle und roll around, Klviiitf frightful K l owls, enough to seare u fellow, even lil the top of the canyon. The wounded heur was vuiuiuished ly its antagonist, which was shot by Tom. They were I1..U1 ferocious looking uulmuls, und the two Would weinh over II.'MIU pounds. Their tusks measured three Inches, claws four Inches, feet fifteen inches, Und the hears were twelve feet lontf. leuviiiK these two dead bears, Tom walked over 11 thine, not more thun u mile uwuy, and encountered four more Imuis. two black and two silver tip. They dlil not see Tom, and his position was u kooiI one, on the lee, and near a nlee.sniootli erairof eranlte. Slipping on a pair of iiimci tirins. he was soon on the top of the Kianite knoh, ,"ii) feet above (p.roiiml. He opened tire immediately, at only 2ihj yards, and killed two the tirst s 4fV , and soon had them rolling down 1 ne mountain together. It was un excltinif time. The four hears made a terrible noise. Huwlin? nnd deep erowls. mingled with keen reports from the rllle, echoed nnd re-eehoed, rnukiut; a Konnd rivalling the very hall of pundenioiilum Itself. In a few mo ments ull was ipllet, save the pnsc.InK breezes through the pine lionshs and a tew sipiullliiK ravens. Tom listened closely for more hear, nnd could occa sionally hear the peculiar whistle uiross the. opposite mountain. Hut none were In sight. After seeing a huge eagle swoop down among the pines to catch a grouse, Tom descend ed from his rocky knob and ventured up to the bears. There they all lay In o heap, all dead, and in the gulch to gether. The six bears would weigh 7.1100 pounds. Toin started on Monday for the great North Woods, in search df deer, RAILROAD POT-rOURRI. Seven hundred Erie railroad em ployes at Meadville have organized a sound money club. lilamond lodge. No. 6, Ladles' Auxil iary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineers. on-Saturday evening gave 11 IwiKjuet in honor of Mrs. W. A. Mur l.jck, of Chicago, grand president of the uuxiliary. Among the out-of-town guests present were: Mesdames It. A. Craft. C. II. Pimmlck and W. Hyatt ond Mr. O. H. Dlmmlck, of Oarbondule. The tenth anual ball of Keystone lodge, No. 208, Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen, will be held in Hogan onera house, October "0. The Idle reports Increased passen ger tiallle between New York and Chi cago. RAILROAD IMPROVEMENTS, ETC. It Is said that the new scheme of the Erie of running their engines from Jer sey City to Husguehanno, is proving very disastrous to the locomotives, which are not receiving the care they I Diamonds China Ware, Musical Instrumer.'j, Lamps, Bric-a-Brac, Statues. Everything known in the Jeweler's line will be placed under the hammer. AUCTION. All goods must go to the highest bidder. On account of hard times and the necessity of those having valuables to raise money, our safes are crowded. We must turn these valuables into cash, and we have decided, after mature deliberation, to let them go to the highest bidder. This is not an every. day opportunity. The goods wert left for small sums of money. fltitf iob Starts Thursday, October From 9 a. m. to Don't delay, DA VI DOW BRO did when they only ran over one divi sion. The Erie has recently put In 12.7SO tons of eighty and ninety pound attei In their track, reballosted. seventy miles of track, and has been replacing old and light cars, as they become un serviceable, with modern cars, The estimate has been made that the "Sfi.Uitt railroad employ e ot the com pany receive annually $200,01)0,000 in wages, or less than J:t00 per year each. The Kite has equipped Its mail card with Rlass protectors at the doors, which enable the postal clerks t lMk uhead for mall pounches at the Mail' ph where the train does not stop, without the liability of getting their eyes full ot cinders and dust. PARAOItAPH NEWS BITS. The funeral of Mrs. Hiram Bush, a highly resiieetod resident, oceuired on Sunday afternoon. The interment oc curred on Monday, at Cooperstovn, N. Y. The body of James McNern, a cap tractor, was found llouting in the North river. In New York, one day of lust week. He hud been robbed und mur dered. He was formerly nnd for seV" eral years a resident of Jacis.n, this county. The nutumn leaf excursion from Scranton to Kiverslde Park, Lanesbor", on Friday last, was not largely attend ed, and It Is repotted that l'rect;ir Brown, of Scranton, lost unite a sum by the venture. The exclusion wus too late in the season. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Potter, for very many years highly esteemed lesldents of Siisiiuc huunu. ure removing to Scranton. Mav good luck att.-nd them In the Hlectrlc City. The funeral or Vllllam Wadsv.rth, nn old and esteemed resident of Lanes boro, occurred on Monday. 1TUKLY POLITICAL. We are within a few weeks of proh nlde universal bankruptcy r a re turn to universal prosperity. We inus decidu the Issue by ballots. All those In favor of voting against the best thought nnd the beat opinion, backed by the history and ex perience of ull the most eullghteued nations of the earth all who wish to live in indolence und Kiverty the re mainder of their days, should vote for unlimited ci .louse of sliver. All those who desire to pay the debts or the na tion in dollars worth a hundred cents each: ull those who want dollars as good as the liest. and each dollar as good us any other dollar: all those who Jove their country and despise the politician who arrays laws against class, audi section ugalnst section all those vB believe in American labor nnd America for Americans, will vote for honest money, and on the fourth day of March next that splendid specimen of American soldier. Ameri can citizen, and American statesman, the advance agent of prosperity, Wil liam McKlnlcy. will man our political ship with American s:;ll.irs and sail Into the harbor of peace, plenty and prosperity. TUB BELLED BUZZARD. The famous "bell buzard," which Is known all over the country, and which was seen along the Delaware river, near Cocheston, last month, was last week Seen near West Chester. The bird curries a large sleigh bell, which is at tached to its wing, and when Hying it can be heard a long distance. It has been seen at many points in the state for several years, and Is believed to be one of the oldest of its species. It has given much uneasiness to superstitious people. CAUGHT A SWINDLER. Chief of Police McMahon on Friday evening arrested a young man, who gave his name us J. B. Lyon, on west bound train 10, at this station. Lyon Bold John Wichham. a Middletown bonlface, a forged check for $S5. In Lyon's valise were found a few bricks, some soiled linen, and a letter Inform ing Lyons that a $S5 check awaited him at he Langfurd House, in Susque hanna. A letter, containing a check, was found at the Langford House. Chief McMahon believes thescheme was to present the check in payment for a hotel bill, receive the balance in cash und decamp. The fellow ' admitted that his name was Harry Raymond Rhodes, but refused to give his place of residence. Mr. Wichhum came here on Saturday and took the prisoner to Middletown. The Susquehanna County Women's Christian Temperance Union conven DP ninanuiiiunnNHiniinimniHiiiHiHieiii Thousands and Thousands of Dollars of ini 1 UIIHIWIIUVI IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIiiliBillllllilllllll AUCTION llllimilllUlllllllllllUUIIIIIIllllSIIIIUEItSKI 12 m.; from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.; from 7. p. m. to 10 p. m. come at once. Everybody invited to our great auction. BiiiiniKiiuiiiimniiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiMitci tion will be held today and tomorrow fsvf Forest City. The receipts or Harford fair wvm about $1,600. It is rumored that Cwbondule gentle men will prospect for cuu.1 at Union date. The Hallstead Are department has decided to have no parade this year. A mission is being uonducted In the Frlendavllte Catholio church by Paa sionlst Fathers. The Bend-annual meeting of the Sus quehanna County Medical society will be held in New Milford, October 8. There comes ou the wings of the morning a rumor that another effort will soon be made In Brooklyn, to dis cover oil. Forest City Llthunians are said to favor free silver. Some people look for pots of gold at the ends of a rainbow. It is to be hoiH-d that our Llthunlan fellow-citizens know why they fuvor free silver. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. It Is remarked that John Boyd Thacher's campaign button will bear the portrait of a snull inert dividing time with a medal neglected. Strange, isn't It, that the business men In general, and the manufactur ers never fear a Republican victory! A campaign without u torch light procession and a circus without a pa rade are good things on the dead quiet. A lending New Vork daily devoted two good columns to a discussion of the pocket In a woman's dress, which Is proof positive that ull of the blankety blank funis are not sitting In edltorlul chairs In country newspaper unices. While yelling for Bryan a few even ings ugo, a lireut iieiid mun dislocated his jaw and half a dozen doctors have since unsusccessfully endeavored to get it Into pluce.aguln. This ought to serve as a terrible warning to severul oratorical people in Susquehanna und elsewhere. "The stutesmnn has an easv lot. But its beuuly will not puss. So long as fond constituents Kc. i tramping down his grass." SAWED OFF SUN D KISS. I.onsdule, this county., is preparing for its annual home show. A number of Susquehanna county people will take lu the Luckawanna county excursion to Canton. John Boyd Timelier having slumped, lightning may strike our old friend, Amos J. Cummlngs. Amos wouldn't mind leading the forlorn hope to glory and the (political) grave. In the event of his securing the con gressional nomination, Bre'r Cruser, of the Montrose Democrat, has made a solemn, double and twisted vow not to open a "bar'l." The Woman's Relief Corps, O. A. R., will hold a district convention In Sus quehanna October "7. Albert O. Eustubro.-k, formerly of Susquehanna, died at Mount Alton, Pa., on Friday morning. While coasting a Lansboro hill on Sunday, an Afton young mnn, nnmect :ielvfrpn. v.n:i thrown from his bicycle and seriously I Canawacta Chapter, O. E. P.. will this evening repeat its ntock initatlnn. n la Lease. WHITNEY. u'litlnuelpbia Provision Market. Philadelphia. Sept. 29. Provisions were In moderate Jobbing demand and llrm. We quote: City smoked beef, 11a 12c: beef hams, $ 1 6. 50a 1 .7."i. as to average; pork, family, l(M1i).S; hams, 9. P. cured, in tierces, HHalWic; do. smoked, lt)V.o ll".e as to average; sides, ribbed. In salt, Aaf'ie.; do. do. smoked, 4a5e.; shoulder', plckle-eured, S'.a5:'c.: do. do. smoked, ti',a tftic: picnic hams, 8. P. cured, fr'ja'S'ic.; do. do. smoked, BaiHo.; bellies, In pickle, according to average, loose, aHiid'ie.: breakfast bacon, "a'So., as to brand and average; lard, pore, city retined, In tierces, 4u.al-c; do. do. u" in tubs, I'Ha.'c. : do. butchers', loose, SPiu (. : city tallow. In hogsheads, II'MM country do., L'vjiiSi'., as to quulity, und cakes, 3 V. Chicago Live Stock, Union Stock Yards, Sept. 29.-Cattlp Murket steady; common, extra steers, $3.3Ha5; Mockers and feeders, f2.50a3.tlil; cows and hulls, tfi.2ilnn.2ii; calves. tUuti.lo; Texans, (2.40u3; western rangers, $2.1r,a:t.S0. Hogs Receipts, 19.000 head; market easier; heavy packing and shipping lots. t2.Kia3.3.ri; common to choice mixed, $2.9.a:).o0; choice assorted, $:l.40a3.50; light. .'tit3..V; plgg, t.:i a3.45. Sheep Kecelpts, 20,000 hem); market steady; Inferior to choice, J1.7.'ia:i; lambs, t3a4.75. (Ml Market. Oil City, Sept. 29.-Optlon oil closed at 1l7'-j bid; credit balances, IIS. rif I Si yiWNWIII mm MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, Sept. 30. There was a slight recession in prices at the open ing of business at the stock exchange this morning, owing to the lower quo tations from London. The general list .yielded H to per cent., while Man hattan decline 1 to 8t4 and Tobacco 1 to The foreign houses were moderate sellers of the International stocks and this contributed to the weakness of the market. It soon be came apparent, however, that the of ferings were being promptly absorbed, for despite the bear pressure the mar ket begun to improve and speedily re covered the early decline. The an nouncement of the shipment of over two million Hollars In gold from Syd ney to San Francisco and a reduction in the price of gold from Sydney to San Francisco and a reduction in the price of gold bars in Loudon caused an improvement. The latter, It was con tended, would offset in a measure the recent rise In Sterling exchange rutes. Prices for stocks In consequence moved up anywhere from k(Q'W per cent. Manhattan, the tSrungers, Western Union, the Coalers. Sugar, iAiulsvllle and Nashville, Atchison and Missouri Pucltie were prominent lu the rise. Neur the close Sugar declined to 1117, checking the advancing tendency. The murket in the Una! dealings was steady to Hi in. Net changes show guins of 'i (q t Hj per cent. The total sules were mo:' I. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL. LKN & CO.. stock brokers, Mtur build ing, rooms Toj-iuti. Open- High- Low- Clos- log. est st Ing. Am. Tobacco Co .... G2'i 2'i !!' Wt Am. Cotton ull 13'4 I'' iJ'j Am. Sag. Re'g Co ..Ill's 1124 1111, 112 Atoli.. To. & U. Fe .. I2't 13', 13M, Can. Soiltl 40'.. 4iH... Iii-S, Chts. & Ohio 15', 15(2 15'. lf'.i Chicago das )2'j fi.1 ti2'(. C'h I.-. & N. W 9ii Sli'i 9 tMg Chic, 14. g 6S'(. 71 liS'i 7oV, fiilc. Mil. & St. P .. 7u 72 7o'i 71, Chic. R. I. P til'4 3'4 til'4 34 Uelawnre Hud ...I'-UMj 124U, 124'i, 124'i l., L. Hi W 153't 13'a lf.3'4, ICi'a Mist. & C. K 5: 5i i-.eiieral Klectrlc .... W'j !l 2s' l.uke Shore Wt 147 UC 147 l.ouls. A Nusli 41", 43 41 , 42i M. K. It Texus. Pr .. 23 24'4 2.S', 24' .Manhattan Ele t;U W, 89 .Mo. Pacific 20', 21", 2o'i 21 Nat. Cordage 4; 4', 47, 4'i N. J. Central 103 lut'i 104 N. V.. L. K. & W .... 14 14-' 14 14 N. Y., S. & W S'-i ', ; N. Y.. S. & W Pr .. 23 23 22 U 2j Nor. Paciilc 13'i 134 I3'i 13'J (int. & West 1 14', 13Si H: Ouiuliu ".! 39 "si, Pailtlc Mall 21 I9 nj rhll. & Keud 19:' lr'i 17", Soul hern K. R Wt K H Southern K. K Pr.. 2'IU 21--4 23 21 Term., C. & Iron .... 22' & 23'4 22'i 2."4 Texas Pai ltic 7:' 7'a Union Pacific 11-4 7', ir4 7'i Wabash. Hi- 15 1V'S 15 15', West. Union S3 hl'ij Kl dl W. I. a' A H'i li 1! U. S. Leather, Pr .... 5fji... 5', RS!i at CHICAOO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. WHEAT. Open.- High- Low Clos. log. cfS. eat. ii'.g. December 17' 7r, tiil'i fiiii May 70't 71 Hit7 OATS. December 17'i 17'i 17'i 171, .May Itfs, W'n l'J:, !( CORN. December 22- 2."i 21 21 .May 25',a S 25 25 LARD. December 3.S5 3.87 3.S3 3.85 Januarv 4.12 4.12 4.U7 4.07 PORK. January 7.07 7.07 C.97 7.00 New York Produce Market. New York, Sept. 29. Flour Firm, mod erately active, unchanged. Vt heat yillet easier, steady: f. o. b.. 75'-Jiu5 ic. : un graded red, 64a7fic. ; No. 1 northern, 72Vsa 72'V; options closed, weak; Hay, 7c: September, 70e. ; October, 70'ic, ; Novem ber, 7t:lc.; December, 72(0. Corn Spots null, easier; wo. 2, ziy,t elevator; i'sas'c. afloat; options were active and weak; Sep. tember and October, 27c; December, gKlgc; May, 31c. Oats Spots fairly active, stronger; options moderately active, firm; aepiemuer, ZV4C; ucioner, 211c; uerem her, 22c: spot prices, No. 2, 21c; No. white, 24'ic; No. 2 Chicago, 22c; No. 3, life.: No. 3 white, 22c; mixed western. lB!ia23c; white do., 2029'i,c. Provisions tjulet, steady, unchangeil. l.ard KuhRt; western steam, t4.18; city, W.17; Septem ber, a. 11, nominal; retined, dull; South American, $4.75; compound, 37,u4c, Mut ter Kuliiy active, fancy tirm: state duirv, 10a15c; do. creamery, llaltic; western dairy, 7'iallc; do. creamerv, llallic; do. factory, 7al0';.c; Klglus, c; tmltutlon eieuinery, raito 1 J Pint vs if 0 riai 3 0 UG Wfl 0 AUCTION 1st, BROKERS AND V JEWELERS, THE I! 1 1 1 M ONLY fl Every dollar's worth of damaged goods, no mattter how slight that damage may be, will be sold at any price, as th stock must be disposed of to make room for hundreds of cases of Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' and Children's Wraps, Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Dress Trimmings, Millinery Goods and hundreds of other things too numerous to mention. The greatest slaughter in price that we have made during our entire sale will take place now. Announcement of our opening will be given in the near future. A lot of display Show Cases for sale at one-quarter of cost. LEBECK & ICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices LIST NO. 1. Bisffalo Pdr.;3 '98, $36 Imperial '96. Erie '95. 45 Prince '93, 36 Sterns '94, 35 Columbia '93, 25 Cleveland '94, '25 Covealrj '93, 15 These are all fitted with pneumatic tires and are In good running order. CHASE & FARRAR BICYCLE SURGEONS, S'sH Linden Street. Opp. Court House. FOR THE FASTEST WHEEL ON EARTH, No Matter Who Ridss It. 3. F. KELLER, ON A SPALDING AT THE National Meat at Wilkes-Barre, SEPTEMBER 16, W the only man (with one exception') out ot ineoutu Bcmntou puna that wou iinythlnK, teittiUK out eome ot the fastest men on the circuit. Again we nay, get a (Spalding and l.e nappy. C. M, FLOREMgt. KEEP COMFORTABLE And You Will be Happy. I he way to keep your home comfoi ta- lie at thisseusjn. of the year - is tu buy one of our Gas or Oil Heaters Just the thiniz for your dinliiz room in the morning, or your bath room, und in (act uny place you want a little heat without htai t itig your furnace or boiler. We have over -Ml styles sizes of nu i heaters, und 10 or more of Oil Heaters. Without utiestion the bust assortment in the city. FOOTE 5 SHEAR CO,, 119 WfiSKINGTO.I AlO'JL CALL UP 3682i DIYIIDM1H1C CO. nrinr P B WE ARE STILL ROOTING ftf WW I J r UIUU LEADE 124 AND 126 WYOMING AVE. Beg to Announce to the Public That 2,000,000 BARRELS Made and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch 1, 1896; Total Product of 111 The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels,' Largest Run on Record. ' .Vashburn, Crosby's Superlative Is sold everywhere from th Pacific Coast to ht. John's, New Foundland, and in England, Ireland and Scotland very largely, and is recognized as the best flour In the world. MEGABGEL WHOLESALE AGENTS. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO. . U. L CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance, It new and well furnished and OPENED TO THE PUBLIC THE YEAR HOUND, is located midway between Binghamton ant Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna KnllroH'1, nix miles from D.. L. & W. K. R. at Alford Station, and live mile. rrom Montrose; capacity eiirhtv-nve. three minulea' walk from railroad atatlon. House situated 100 feet from the lake. wide veranda extends the entire lencth 01 me nouse, wniun is iuu iee. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to (Juests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this respect me Auironuucu ana Catskill Mountains. Fine irrovcs. clenty of shade and beauti ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion. swlnprs, croquet (tronnds, etc. COt.D SPR1NQ WATER AND l'LBNTY UP MII.K. Kates $7 to $io Per Week. $1.50 Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on V., L. & W. lines. Porter meets ull trains. MERCHANT TAILORING l ull l.iue of Cloths in Full and Winter Styles, JSlb.J7. No meas ures sent to New York Sweat Shops for $li.Ol to $14.00, No Shoddy Wool. Every Garment nude in this city. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED D. BECK. 337 Adams Avs. ON THE LINE OF THE Ciiii pacific n are located the finest fishing and hunting Crounds In the) Vorld. Descriptive booits on application. Tickets to all points in Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Canadian and United BtatoH Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping end Dining Gars attached to all throuht tmlns. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families msy bo had with second-class tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc on application to P HI DAYS lit CORIN DU FONT'S INNING, BUSTING IND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Itllla) Luierne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRYBELIN.Jp. General Agent for the Wyoming Distrlet' US WYOMINO AVBNUB. Scranton, Pft Third National Bank Building'. AGENCIES; THOS. FORD. Pittston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A SON, Plymouth, Pi E. W. MULLIGAN. Wllkus-Barra Pa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Coma any'B Ulsh Explosives. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbers, Cauli flower, Horse -Radish Root, O Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, Dill. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a MthDwWjwp of Me. TKE CP6AT aoth flay. proilueps tbe above result lo'KO flays. It a tiowerttlllrauduiiicklv. Cures whfn allulhettif lauua mau will mum tbeir lout manhood. and o n... iciuin .urn ivmuiiu W iu.iiiu, it inucsiy sua surely reatorcs M ni-Ms, Lout Vitality, lmpntncy, NUUtly Emli Lost Power. Kuillni Mtniorv. Wutinii D1ms WhlUU Unfits OIlS for fltlldv. bllHiuum fir tnftrri is at rent nervtt tonlo and lilond hndld. iDII ha. k Ihn nlnk ...I. .1. .. sionni us llrn of youth. It wards off and Consumption. Insist on hiving RKV oilier, it can he carried In vest socket, i.iwpcrpicSaKf. or six !or3.00, ' KnuQa suHnnics 10 Faro the money. Circular tree. Address GONNELL POWDER VllOlf!1M OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 1(1 MERIDIAN STREET. U. W. COlLLVg.Msnflger. 217 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. INI sal by MATTHEWS B eroaaway, New York! .waataaj fa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers