THE SCBANTON TIUBUJJE TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1896. CARBONOALE. (K'sflr wm plnn not that aflvsvrMse. B.'rnts. orders for Job work. an Urn, tor Publication left at the establishment pt shannon Co.. newsdealers. North Msit atreet. will rec4lv prompt attention: lice oien trjm S a. m. to 10 p. m. I A NARROW ESCAPE. llriiki-iatiu Jobn W. Smith Badly In jured ou Ibr llailroud. Jolin W. Smith, n brakemnn on the Ivlnwnre ami Hul."n rallrond. wns lutiily injured ytsU-nluy rnorniiis and ivnmvwl to his at No. 4 ou the irravliv road. tthwi tin- train whs near i he Marvine M.uft ft Serunton. in jiin.plr. from the enstiao he found himself ilireetlv in tiont of a north lioiid train. His es. n;e from instant i.utli tvr.s almost miraculous. He fell with sront force between the rails, but ill- engine rolled him forward until the ti'itiii was stopped. Ur. 1 K. Jenkins made a careful examination of the in jured man ond it is hotieil tliat he U not injured internally though sufEeiinsr iii-iii a dtslorn tod shoulder and many cuts ar.d bruises over lhe whol body. THE Ml'SJCAL ITALIANS. Ki iiittuiiiiitioH ol Ibe oluiubin liiiml I.nt Saturday F.veniut:. i in Saturday evening a rneetlntf was li Id to eonplder Hie (iiiesllon of re organizing tli? Polumbiiit b.-inil, and fifteen names of youiiB men interested were received and others will join, so i hut the band will ! organized, with some twenty ymitur men. nil tinder twenty- one years of tx: Samuel I'litiliano. formerly of 111" Mozart bund, is nuieli Interested ill the ent oriirlse, and Sir. liubiicl PiiKliaiio, Willi oth ers, will me eveiy effort t' make; li a y ucceyy. RAILROAD MEN AT CHURCH. Sermon Delivered A0i iate lor Their Meinorijil liny. A memorial day sermon was deliver ed on Sunday evenlna: by the pastor, llev. Oliurles, lo the railroad men ot this oily. The discourse was able and fcl-innent on "Our Individual Ke xjoninbllliy." Wednesday the llailroad men's ttu' luorial ilay will be observed by the different fraternities and brothci lmods when the trraves of Iheir departed comrades will be decorated. GERMAN LUTHERAN SERVICES. Vfry l'.ncoiuni:iiig Prospects lor ft I liurch Oi'itauiation. The Itev. Mr. ICIii'lii&er was welcomed on Sunday innrnluir by a eonsxefration much larger thun that of the previous Sunday, mid the prooeots are pii eminmintr for the establishment of a Lutheran church. The board of missions have taken a deep interest iii the enterprise and will no doubt render pecuniary assistance. Ilaiupict lor Mitchell II rue Co. Mr. Andrew Mitchell has extended ait Invitation to the hose company bearing1 bis name, to spend Friday afternoon and evening at his cottnse nt Crystal lake. The company have unanimously aeoepted the KenerouH Invitation ex tending a vote of thanks. There will be un exhibition drill by the company on the lawn of Air. Mitchell's residence and In the evening I lit? festivities will enaasre their nttcntion. t' intern I of .Mrs. Ilarrclt. The funeral services of Mrs. Harrett .ere Itiririly uttended on Sunday af ernoon nt St. Hose church. The Kt-v. r'uther T. V. Coffey ollk'iated. The re miins were Interred in tst. Kose'n eeme ry. The funeral was largely attend ed by friends of the deceased. Services nt the (iospcl TVnl. The tent lately placed on Maple ave nue was tilled on Sunday evening- by ii large audience who listened to an earnest address by Mrs. .Moore. There lias been manifested a very deep Inter est lu these services for the people and they will be cuntinue there for the present. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Apnea Philhin, of Hcrantrm. who has been the ffuest of friends in this city, has returned home. Miss A. Nelson, of New York, is vis Itlng her parents' home on Pike street. She is accompanied by her friend. Miss .1. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Georso F. Kimball ar in Cleveland, Ohio. W. T. Reeves and Mrs. McCawl.y. of New York city, are visiting at the home of Joseph I'owderly on Soutli Ter race street. Dr. H. '. Y.'heeler is on n business trip to New York city. He left Sat urday and w ill probably return tomor row. Miss Ellon Tteed Mend), of Winchest er, has returned from her summer va vation and re-opened th Simpson kindergarten. She is assisted by Miss Anna Hewison. Mr. and Mrs. Oeortre Kilborn, of T.rooklyn, N. Y., are the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Hose, of Wyoming street. Dominion Sanclierieo. who lias been suffering with nppendirliis, was ope rated upon at Emergency hospital this i 1 1 v yesterday. The engagement of James II. Funl. of the Miners' and Mec hanics' Saving bank, and Miss Jessie K. Watt, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watt, is an nounced. Mrs. S. It. Swlntle gave a r. o'clock t"a. In honor of her guests. Mrs. AV. H. Manser and daughter, Julia, of l'leus nnt Mount, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William I'iel uro spend ing the week with friends in Ilones- llale. MJss Ilattie Frank, a former resi dent of this city, now il mission work er In New York city. Is visiting friends In lov n. H. l. Mow.", who lias been a guest nt the home of S. Singer, on South Main street for the past week, has re turned home. Morris Leveno spent Sunday with friends in Wilkes-Harre. Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. 1'aUerson spent Fuuday with friends In Seranton. Teter A. Larkin has resigned Ills o tjltlon on the Herald force and on Mod- ANNUAL CUT PRICE REfflSANT SALEJF CARPETS .lu.t read our prices and compare them wltb any and all nt the other attempt.: 25a Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c. Ingrain Car?3!s; Now 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpa!?, Now 35c B5& Erusssis Carpats, .Now 39c 7fa, Erusssis Carets, Now 57c S5& Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Alto a uurntity of Body Bmel length from a to so yard In each piece at about one hnlt price to close. J. SCOTTlNGLfS; iii, . CApeis an! Will r'ap?r Daaler. TfeRMS-Caak on the Above Uoods. day next will enter the College of Phy sicians and Surgeons of baitiniore. Ex-County Treasurer D. V. Powell and wife were the guests of the lat ter's sister, Mrs. Richard Lloyd, of this city, Saturday. Miss Green, of Brooklyn. N. Y Is be ing entertained by Mr. and Mrs. John lialstead, of Wyoming street. . F. . I. Ooates, of Patterson. X. J., spent Sunday with I- M. Smith. Edwin Moon, sr., Fpent Sunday In Wilkes-Rarre. Miss May I.ynott. of the West Side, is visiting her cousin. Miss Nellie ilaughan, of Seranton. AVOI.A. At tho regular meeting of the Lanc clifTe Christina Endeavor society the l' dlowing olllcers were l cted: Miss Jernle Whytc, pesi.Ient; Tho:::aj Purns.; Jennie Y un-?, secretary: Tl o:'. dammit, tr -a-ure." Ma: gar t U nnlman. cone p. n iln? secretary; J. K. t! ergo. Wlub m Ma jor. Misses Agnes Hegjjar an l Lizzie Porthwick weie elecitd deletaies to the state convent. on. The Sons of Tempeiance will con duct a banquet and entertainment In u'Mallcy's hall on Thursday evening. At about 4 o'clock on Saturday morning lightning struck the house oc cupied by Hugh ,.od.oiil. situated on Packer street, und owned by James Johns, of Jtichnii;nilale. The entire structure wns destroyed 'n a few minutes and Air. C.c.nlwiu saved inly a few article of fur ill tire. l.uckllv none of the membws of the family sleeping upstairs, as that part of the buiidlng was enveloped in Ham, before discovered. Mr. tloodwln car ried a small insurance on his furni ture. Mr. John's loss Is covered by in su ranee. A p geon shoot took place ytsterdav afternoon in Ihipout between Fraiik Webb, of tills lace, and Thomas Mur ray, of Pockviile. for a purse of JiiO. The contest resulted In favor of Mr. Webb, he having kllbd nine out of eleven birds. The winner is a skilled maiksniaii and has already won sev eral matches during the pant few months. The shont was witnessed by several bundled spectators. K. .1. McDonald, of Sera m on. is seri ously ill nt the home of his mother in the North End. Horn To Mr. und Mrs. Cornelius Os borne, on Sept. SI. a daughter; and to Mr. and Mrs. James Slattery, on Sept. M. twin daughters. The Popular will cross bats with the Sugar Notch team on the Wiljces Itarre grounds on Eii lay afternoon for a purse of $K;0. Messrs. James I into and M. J. L!os ley nttended a socl?ty convention .it Vatiam!e last evenifg. The inarr'age of Mls Ka.ts llgan. of this plaoe. ami John Morrlssey, of Wllkcs-Harte. will lake place on Wednesday afternoon at St. Mary's church. Mrs. J. Dav has retuin-d to New York city after a few wieks' visit at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchc 1. I). 1). Davis Is erecting u double tenement house on Lincoln Hill. D. J. Hums has returned home af ter spending several months in Anu ennia. Montana. Hev. J. J. MeCnbe will deliver i sermon tnnight at the forty hours' de votion at Plttston. Mrs. Frank Pierce, of West Titts tou, spent Sunday at the residence of her sister, Mrs. N. Hoskins. WYO.MINC. James Phillips, who hud his leg smashed several years ago in the Ex eier mine, had an opeiullon performed Sunday by Drs. Hays nnd Harton. His leg had become so painful and break ing out with running sores that they thought It best to break it anew which they did, nnd cut out a piece of the affected bone and then reset the member. They claimed the leg had not been properly set as the cause of the trouble. A tire broke otit lu Kloe's company patch yesterday about noon in a double block on Fairvlew street, occupied by Edward Mechlin and Samuel Courtney. The tire was supposed lo have caught from the chimney In Mrs. Courtney's absence. Nothing could be done to save the building as there was no water to be had suflioleiil to extinguish the flames. All of tho furniture on the first floor was saved. The building wiw totally destroyed and partially covered by lnsuiunce. A game of ball was played Sunday by the Wyoming team and Swayers on Swayer's ball grounds. The Wyom ing team would huve had an easy walk over had it not been that the umpire was like a handle to a jug: as it wns the score stood 12 to In favor of the Swayers. John Perkins was very busy yester day getting ready for the West Pitts ton 1'ulr. VAXDLINi;. A business meeting of the Literary, Debate and Musical society will bi held in the bnsenient of the church this evening when the election of iflleevg will take place. Arrangements up? be ing made for a debate on tho money question l be held under the auspies of the above mentioned society. Much Interest prevails throughout ttiis vicin ity on this question and no doub: the subject will be handled intelligently by the participants. Miss Lizzie Lavin is seriously ill with inflammatory rheumatism. Airs. Henry Caller was a visitor in Caibondale Saturday. A. E. Nieol spent Sunday Willi his parents in Arohhuld. Alias Dora Probst, of Arohbald, oalbd on friends here Thursday. The young people of Vandling will be pleased to Ileal' that the reading '.' "'111 in connection with the I. it era rv sr i ety 1ms been opened after being closed for the summer. A Itepublii aii mans meeting was held in I'nioinlale lasi Tuesday evening. A unrulier ot oersoiis from this place were present. William Hryd n. csrp, our popular townsman, wns the prin cipal speaker of the evening and not it tew were the compliments he receiv ed on the excellent speech he deliv ered. NICHOLSON. Jir. and Mrs. lieiijumiii "!nrdner. of Hoiiesdale. were i-ullltig on relatives and friends in lliis )hev last S.iturduy. A. K. llogers. of Hcraiiton. s!enl the Sn blip 1I1 with bis wire's parents, Ijr. nnd .Mrs. II. N. Kelley. .M. .M. WUlinins. Fred flnh. Kd. I'.ricbt nnd Kltner llinklie started Sun day on their bikes for Maiisiield. I'a.. to at n nd the fair belnit held there this week. F.lttier !. llacon vlyiled I he Kleetrle City yesterday. Ur. and Mrs. Itrowu are entertaining Mrs. Hrown's fai-cuts, .Mr. and Mrs. Wack, of New Jersey. - I 'OK EST CITY. The dcaih of Kate, wife of cx-Pres!-ilent of the Council Patrick Cleary, occurred yesterday morning shortly af ter midnight. Although Mrs. Cleary had been ill of a comnlication of dis eases for about four weeks, during which time her suffering was Intense, still her illness, like all the trials and tribulations of her life, was borne throughout with iutlencc. Her Influ ence was always for good, and her gentle, kind and loving disposition made her especially dear to those who knew her best. Her loss Is keenly felt by her husband, who with six children, via: Annie, Joe, Willie, John. Ambrose and Fred a'id the deceased's mother, Mrs. Ann Neary, three Misters, Mrs. Thomas Kearns, N'era and Barah Neary, and three brothers, Peter and Thomas, of Carbondale, and John Neary, of Old Forge, survive her. Mra. Cleary was about 35 years of age aji4 a member of the Lodlee' Catholic Ben- evolent association, of St. Rose'i Cath olic church, Carbondale. - The funeral will be held Wednesday, niass beltig relebrated at St. Agnes' church at a. m. The cortege leaving on the Erie train at S.3t for Carbondale. 11 u rial In St. 1 Jose's cemetery. Miss Jessie Osgood, of Windsor, N. Y., Is the guest of her uncle, F. J. Os good. John Tobias, of South Gibson, a stu dent in the medical department ot the University of Pennsylvania, visited JB. F. Maxey Sunday. L. O. Oranibs. of Hoiiesdale, was a visitor in town yesterday. T. Ft. Evans, of Seranton, was In the i borough yesterday. T. f!. Thomas, of Wilkes-Barre, who i Is taking a course in mining and civil engineering at Lehigh university, was I the guest of his uncle, W. . Thomas, j of this borough, Sunday. j ULVI'IIAM. The funeral of James Moran. of 1 Punrrore strut, w o iled ot. Friday! 1 :t t, loo!-: pla e yesterday mo'n ng ut j 10 i 'olo. k. .- la;g number of f en Is gatl ered at l.U borne and view d ih' r-i. ains. 'i he coneg then p oceeded to St. Patrick's church, where rervl 'es were conducted by Rev. J. M. Smoul ter. Intel ment was made in St. Pat l ii k's cemetery. The pall b arers w. re Michael Foley, Edward Howard. John Uogan. Michael Dempsey, Lawrence lbiwurd and Allcha"! Hester, of Hyde Park. William Jones, a miner In No." 2 col liery, was quite ser onsly Irjured whlli? at work ltnd. evening by a till of top coal. The injured man was removed lo his home in Plukeiy, where lie re ceived metllcul utteiuiiiii. Willi ins' IJuslness e "liege was formally ofet.i-d In the Father Alat hew hull lust evening. Several speak ers lelivored uddivsses and delightful fnevdo wns rendered during the even ivg ty Itauer's oiche-tia of Seranton. The colli ge will o)ien tpduy for the tegular eoursi. .Miss Alary Carbine has returned homo offer n two weeks visit With friends- at Wilkes-Hurre. The funernl of Leslie, the little son of Mr. and Airs. Henjamin Parry, in curred Saturday aficri.oon from the family home on llell street and was largely attended. The remains were burled Jn I'nion cemetery. The McKinley-Hotatt club of the Second ward, lilakely. will meet this evening in Owen's hull. District At torney John K. Jones will address the meiting. hcv. Father Coffey, of Carb'jndal. . was u call. I ut the parochial lesidenc yesterday. The marriage of Allss Maine Wulker. of tills place, to James McDonald, of Duninore, will take place in St. Pat rick'M church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Miss Voorhees delivered ii very In structive lecture in the Olyphunt Busi ness college last evening. . . I'ECKVIl.l.i:. A large gathering of ladies met at the home of Airs. Mason Pickering last Friday morning from which they were conveyed by wagons over the hills to -the pleasant home of Air. and Mrs. Charles Curtis, at Elinhursl, where they were cordially received and a bountiful repast prepared by the hostess was In waiting for them, after which they ail enjoyed themselves roaming around taking in the sights of the beautiful scenery, after which they returned to the house, where they spent the remainder of the day in singing, music ami other amusements. Those Present were: Airs. William Vanderfort. Mrs. John Williams, Mrs. Cteorge Tiffany. Airs. S. AI. Rogers, Mrs. W. C. Warner, Airs. George A. Bell. Airs. W. Foster. Airs. Joseph O. Hell, Alr. Tucket", Airs. Emma Kendall, Airs. W. Kestell. Airs. D. S. Stearns, Airs. V.. P. Traviss, Mrs. W. J. Jermyn. Airs. H. E. Alaines, Airs. Clarence Williams, Mrs. S. C. Simpklns. Mrs. Edwnrd Bar ber. Airs. W. W. Peters. Airs. A. A. Swingle. Airs. Aiason Pickering and Alaster Joseph Bell. Mr. and Airs. Henry Lloyd, of Kings ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. William Warner. Miss Funny Curtis, of the West End, Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents iliec. tiou and iK-ruiits food to ferment and putrlfy in the stomach. Theu toluw diziuess. headache. Iiiioiuinu. iiL'i viiiKuess, and, II not relii'veil. bilious feT or blood poituning. Hood's I'jlU stimulate the stomach, Pills rouse the liver, cure lieadm-he. dizziness, eon stlpatinn, etc. -.1 cents, told hv nil ilriwg-'ts. The onl I'ilU to take wttli Hood's Hursaparilla. 0 To Criticism If they don't fit prop Pants fn Ord r, Suits $M.OO To Measure, U m " Made In uur own Tailor Shop, rifclit here un the pKmlkev GREAT ATLANTIC PANTS CO., 31 9 Lackawanna Ave. Complexion Preserved OR. HCBRA'S VIOLA CREAM i V Removes Freckles. Plmolts. Liver Mai.,. blsoUissds. fcuiiburn ana Ten, and tv ewroa the tkia to l i oriyi- I , mil fresiines. proAueinit L.kin to l' i orly A y'ri'U'm i s prortueititf m&S&Sj OKSsT.' I healthy cnm-Mtir V?tJv-- ttruiri.irtnatl I c!Mar una oealttif enm r?nvlnn. finnpriortoattfi-A rrepnrations and p-tiertiy hmnile'j. At all orugsist:,or mailed iorSOtta, Uud tot Clioular. VIOLA SKIN 0AP h isrir la:sii si a rlu t-Jtl-flss Ms UMquslrd Sir th toikf, ftfi. vilfcaat ft Html tut iSc aurv-ry. AbMlntHv jurt mat rMkau) SMlt cftica. Axintjrt, prtee 2i Crrrts. r. C. BITTNER 4. CO.. Tci.cdo. a For wle by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN IT. PHELPS. Seranton. Pa. etNeeatce er thc HisHtsr Msmoai. Avnieams minuLinnniiK Mi.vti you "iminnu raTHMMViiinnnn HWDACHEi Imbalir will care Jon. A wonUertuI beon to suffprer, from Celrle, Son Tkrul, saaneaesw isrwaeaisis. nrHAY FETBtX. Afrt imnrrtuittrrtltf. AnsOletriit nm.ilr. rnn.nliHifc In mm In iweket, rear to n oa Srrt lnmratlnn of cola. Caatlaaes) t7es Kirecle Ftnssssst Care. 9mlsfft:UontiisraateduraMtnerrofanil(d. Prltsa. a rtm. Trial frre at Pnuifllts. tteeaaered Balk HI esets. 1. ft, asUUf HfrT Ans aims, tuk, 1 1. 4. crt7ramcA.vraB MPNTUfil Tae sarest and safest reverlr far tflavninui. allskiadlMases.JCcsi-aia.ltok.a-W; rtaeamM ores, Ituras. Cnis. Wrarlerttsl ran i rorPlf.Clt. Prlee. 94 esa. at Irrae ail i taorDj-BMilDrsFti'it. Aitdr'teasaaove. Dai For aale by MATTHEWS BROS, and TORN II. PHELPS. Seranton. Pa. Hoods! if Puis ue I $0.00 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Mm Is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Peters. Mm Caroline Cobb, of Canaan, spent Sunday with her brother, Joseph Croup The second quarterly conference w:ll be held In the Alethodist Episcopal church next Wednesday evening. Pre siding Elder Thorpe will be present. An oyster super and entertainment will be held after the conference by the Young People's society In the lecture room. Professor Richards, an elocu tionist of Seranton, Will be present. An attempt was made last Saturday night to burcarllze the Morgan com pany's store at 'this pluce by trying to gain admittance by cutting out the paunel of the buck door. Mr. Lin tern, the bookkeeper, who sleeps In the store, heard them and fired two shots at them and scared them uwiiy. Mrs. Caroline Cobb, of Salem. Is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al dou Hammond, on Hickory street. TAYLOK. The foot ruee yesterday afternoon be tween Duvid Harris, of this place, and James Alulliean, of the Sibley, nt the Driving Park, for $10u a side, was won by the latter by a margin of three yards. This evening the Lackawanna lodge will meet and coiner the degrees of Hope und Charity upon twelve mem bers. . .Mrs. William B. Owens is seriously 111 at her home on Oak street. The Delaware, Luckuwautia ' and Western collieries a'1, scheduled to work six days, ten hours per day, this week. Miss Lewis, of Hyde Park, and Miss Jones.of Forest City, visited Aliss Lizzie Davis, of North Alain street, on Suu day. Alias Alary Van Buskirk left yester day fur Kansum, where she wlil teach the coming term of school. Elmer Daniels. Anthony Sohultlse, Lewis Keed, Uomer Dnvls and John Francis are home from Gettysburg, where they have been attending the state council session of the Junior Or der Putted American Atechunlcs. Henry Reese and Richard Bray, of Prlceburg, visited friends in this place on Sunday evening. A largo number from here attended the laying of the eorner-stoue of St. Lawrence church at Old Force, on Sun day. The Independent Social club will con duct Its regular weekly dance ut Web er's rink this evening. The sweet strains of the Taylor baud's music could be heard for miles around Sunday morning as they went marching to Old Forge to participate DUPONT'S MIMING, BL1STI3G AND SPORTING )aj)ufactnre4 at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county, Pa., and at W'll - tnlngton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District IIS WVOMINO AVKNLE. Scranlon, Pa, Third National Bank Buililins. AGENCIES : THOS. FORD Plttston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH A SON. Plymouth. Pa. E. V. MULLIGAN, Wllkea-Iiarre. Pa. Agents for tho Hrpuuno Cliemlcid Com a&av's HUa Explosives. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbsrs, Cauli flower, Horsa -Radish Root, 9 Pickling Onions, Ginger F.cot, Red Cabb2, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, DHL THR IDFAL AiYlFHICAN TIP NOkTIILkN MbAMSHIP COMPANY. The bnpir iy Appi iuti d nnd (. Dim ilioos tp 1 r-tenmti:pi. NOKTiiWhiiT AND NOHIIILANI), .m'-ricu tin f-iig-r and .hr . jr'i. teHve Bnltiil ; 11 Mbiv- .mil t'riil. ys 70 p.m. for Cleveland. Detroit, .Vacklnac. I hi- ico. Ouiuth, rud M e.lern fuir.ts, 1 lor uii I la en of iiilt-rou by iU) lilit In cumo liuu THE Okt'AT NOKTHKRN RAILWAY, it fortus the ui'wt i..rei-t loi.r. nml tie-u er ery p int of n.iiiitriiH.ii, the nrnn di liiil.tfiil aud c infortnl 1- 011 . t 7' iiiiii ap-illM. M I 'mil, Ureut Falls liolenu. 1 utto. Spokane Bil l Pa cific roan). 1'Lo tnini-iontiiieiitHl line running the tamons buffet, lll.rury, oburva tion car. N"ew (IT hour trs'n for portlund vin Rpokon". HOI EL LAPAYLI Tti. Lake Atinnetonka, i miles from in lim-apolif, lurite-ii nnd must bi-Hiitiul ri'hori in the went. 'ticket ssnrl nny iiiforniation of any ugentor A. A. HKAKD, ttenernl PuMMaiver aReiit, Buflnlo, N. Y. POWDER GREAT SHOE 0AR6AINS At 307 Lackawanna Ave. 7'2 pulr Uidie' t'ino Kami Sewed Extension Moled Shoes, nil n.imie loo button, woith 1.50 to Our special price, - $!.! Indies Street Hlioeo Tor Wm jinir Ml' Fine SltncH. witiaro toe, Sfii.OO, for Child's Shoes, .1 to 8 wedge heel 1,000 pair Men's Dress Shoes at Men's Patent Leather Shoe at Men's $3 00 and H00 Shoes at Buy's High Out School Shoe", worth f Boy's Dress Hlioos at Youth's Dress Bhoes from WE WANT you to be free with us. Come in and go out. With our stock and efforts to please you can't help to make us the most popular Shoe House in town. Remem ber there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. MYER -:- 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. In the laying of the corner stone at the St. Lawrence church. , Miss Myrtle Taylor, who has been visiting Miss Grace Lowry, of North Main avenue, for the past week, has returned to her home in Tompkins Vllle. Miss Lizzie Winters, who has been visiting at Winti.n fer the past .few days, has returnid home. This afternoon the foot race between Joseph tieiikle, of this place, and Mi chael Joyce, of Mlnooku, takes pluce at the Driving park for $U0 a side. - .MOOSIC. Another robbery occurred Saturday evening at some unknown hour, the sufferers being Aliss Jessie Brown, Who runs n millinery establishment and Ciiele Sam's posiotllcu. Nothing of value was taken from the postorliee but goods (o the value of l,rp were tak en from the millinery establishment. Air. and Mrs. J. Al. Robertson spent Sunday among friend's In Archibald. Charles Aic.Milan, of Avui-u. was u caller In town yosierduv. Mr. James A. Hand Is drawn on the jury for this week und W. L. Anthony for f.ext week. YOU CAN WAGER 16 TO 1 That no tailor in Seranton can give 3011 a better fit and that none will give you as low a price. We make our own gar ments in our own shop under our own supervision. W I rAVI5 lis Wyoming Ave. ... w. . . Arcaae Building. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL, Coal of the best quality for domestlo use and of all aixes. Including Buckwheat and Ulrdneyp. delivered in any part of the city at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor, Commonwealth buililins;, room No. I; telephone No. 2?4, or at thft mine, tele phone No. 272, will bo promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. AYLESYVORT1TS MEAT MARKET Tlic Filial in the It) The latest improved turnisli ings and apparatus lor kecpin; meat, ttittcr and egs. 223 Wyoming Avenue. 2 v. ; J 3, What .'arah rvrl-s-d ..' buttou, white ntitcli i tiff, worth 1. 10 !ISc Worth $i. if. 1,19 2AtO 1.25 - 8Sc Sc. tu $1.25,, for DAVIDOW ii FURNITURE GOVERgftSGS. V"e invite attention to our new line of EK0CATELLES, SILK DAMASK, WOOL rn Ml'l'STUHS, SATIX DGKBY, ETC., C0IID, (JIMP, FUINGES, ETC. I'he most complete. line in the city. REMNANTS Of choice goods worth $1 50, $ 2.00 and 13 per yard, from oae to tiinjc.yards iu length, at 50c, jiou and 5150 per yaid. BliuiatCk given on ail kinds of uphoUtei iog. i S. G. KERR, SON & CO. CARPETS AND DRAPERIES, 408 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKE8-BARRC, K. MaiMifMturar of I nnnmnf ivr.q. Sbtinnpn FncrinpQ RnilnrQ WWIIIVIIIUV) VIUIIVIlUI I lalllllWWI WUIIWIVI HOISTING AKO PUUFING MACHINERY. OMeraJ Offices SCRANTON. PA U I sT TPV M A TW aar a -a. OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X.L. Steel, ' flllAAS Toe and Side Weight iliLv NEVERSLIP CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. BITTENBENDER I For aale by JOHN H. F HE. LPS, Fharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenua and Spruce Street. Serantan, Pa. DOLLAR CATCHING is done by the observaut people people who see, think, and remember. We wish you to see what we have to say here, to think about it, remember it. We've Added a i W're going to sell stoves and tinware. We can't j expect to sell to yon who are now buying such things at (other places unless we undersell these other places make it an inducement tor you to change. We've about Soo -square feet in this department. We've stocked it with a grade of goods that only economical housewives will want, and we've put the prices where quality-wise women cannot resist buying. Come if only to look. NOTE I Stoves and Tinware sold on Credit like Furniture. Carpets and Clothing. 44444444 ,V as. T A V - A Tir 1 -ski a a e; w i-ski bsi ALL SIZES OF CO., SCRANTON, PA. When In doubt what to use foe Nervous Debility, Loss of rower. Impoicncy, Atrophy, Varicocele an4 other weaknesses, from any cause, use Sexioe Pills. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. I r ullMtt-7. wok imwi rMU hutlv. Mailed foT1.0U;Gboes&.00. With $0.00 orders we five a fruarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO, Cleveland, O. Horse New Department (IN BASEMENT) 225,227 AND 218 WYOMING AVENUE 444 440400
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