THE - SCRANTON THIBTTNE-FBTDAT MORNTN'O SEPTEMBER 18, 1896, CARBONDALE, tReader ni steam not that aflvartiM. mnt, order for lob work, ana Itrmi tor Publication left at the atabllahmtnt of Btiannon ft Co., newadealera. North Mala -, win receive prompt auenuoos open (ram a a. m. to 10 p. m. MINES WERE IDLE. The Driver Hoys Wanted to Co to I be Columbian' I'ii-uic. ' There whs no work done in any of the milieu about thin eltv vHtfrin r. iu th driver boys took a day oft and thus cauxetl the Phut down. Th boy had haurd. of thp extensive preparations that the Columbia Hose company were making for their picnic at Anthracite park and determined, to participate. The absence of the driver boys from work also threw out the mlnero, who are very Indlfnant as they are already on short time and a day's waKeM mukes quite a difference in Hie month's sal ary. THE STILL WATER DAM. It Will Be of Ureal Benefit to Thin City. U would seem that the work just com pleted by the Delaware and Hudson company of damming up the Lacka wanna river at Stillwater will result in greatly beneilttinsf this city. A pond will be formed two miles long and the water will lie held by very strong mas onry so that the channel of the river tan be kept clean through the summer, as the water from the full and spring rains can be kept back until needed. This supply has beoome necessary for operating the collieries below the city. Mr. I'nm-irs Condition Ncriouo. The condition of John J. Farrell, of Wyoming street, who Is Janitor at the lilth school building, is very serious. Some llmo ago whilo at his duties at the schoul. Mr. Farivll caught his hand on a piece of wood, breaking a bone in the wrist and also running; a sliver In the thumb. The Injuries were dressed by a physician but since then blood poisoning; hns set In, and it is I'ot expected that he will live. The Mormons Energetic. The Jloriuons are evidently deter mined to make some converts in this Place. Judging from the energetic man ner In which they are working. Yes terday they commenced to nuike a house to house canvass, and at each place left tracts in which the principles of their religion are dwelt on. The tracts are written In conversational form and conclude with the articles of faith of th church. t'onl in Cnuann. The operations of borhiK which the JMaware and Hudson are having done in Canann are attracting much atten tion Jn this city, and several people have gone to visit the place. As yet tt Is not known what the results are hut the fnet that the company is se curing options on the land In that sec tion and that ullicliilx ure on the spot every day makes one believe that val uable tlnds have been made. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Francis JM'arty, of Scranton, Is vl Iting friends in this city. Joseph (lurrel, of Hyde T'ark, Is the Kiiest of rriend In this city. M. P. Fly mi, of Scninton, called on friends In town I his week. .Miss Hriduet Mullaily l.-rt yesterday for a short visit In, X. . A. 1,. Curney and family, who are visiting In Jlinghumton, will return home Saturday. Mrs. Charles Tucker Is suffering with a facial abscess. Mesdames T. ( ltublnson. K. H. Will lams. Thomas Kvans, S. S. Hards. D. V. Humphrey iyul J. C. Benscoler, of (his city, were the guests or Mrs. Will lam F.dgur. of Providence, Wednesday. Mrs. S. I). Uaker is spending a few days Willi friends in Clifford. W. T. Collins, of tferunton, spent yes terday with friends In tills city. The Fortnightly club met at Airs. W. (. Scuiry's Wednesday evening. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Pres byterian church nift at Mrs. J.K. Burr's Wednesday afternoon. Miss (iertrude Gorman, of New York city. Is the guest of Miss Lizzie Mc llolioUKll. of Pike street. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cramer have gone to housekeeping on Laurel street. Mis. Henry Searle. of Plttston, is the guest or her sister, Mrs. tieorge Lews ley, on High street. Miss Lizize Ilea ley, who has spent the past two weeks in Oneonta, has re turned home. .lames Alurrln will leave for George town university Saturday. Miss Lyla Stewart returned yester day afternoon take charge of the re hearsals for the Klrmess. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. .Hunt left yester day for Asbury Park. Will Wutt attended the race meet of the West End Wheelmen at West Side park. Miss Sadie Quintan has returned from a mouths' visit with her parents at Keene'p, Miss Proakstone, of Wllkes-TSarre, was the guest of Sirs. JL S. Holton on Wednesday. Miss liella Williams has returned from Crystal Lake. She will visit for a shot time and then go to her home in Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cramer will leave for Philadelphia soon, where they will make tiieir home. Mr. (iramer intends to fljrsue the study of law at the 1'nl versTty of Pennsylvania. ARCH BALD. On Tuesday morning Miss Bridget Mc Donnell, of the Kast Side, and P. J. ANNUAL GUT PRICE REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS Jint read our prices and compare then with any and all of the other attempts) 25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50c Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65c Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75c. Brussels Carpets, Now 57c ' 95c Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Alio quantity of Body Brussels lengths t from to ao yard In each piece at about one ' hall price to clone. j.scortliirs.-urA Carpets and Wail Paper Dealer. . TERMS Cath oa the Above deed. . ' Lally, of Laurel street, were united In marriage In St. Thomas- church. The ceremony, which took place at 9.30 o'clock, was witnessed by many friends of the young cojiple. As the bridal party entered the church the strains of the wedding march In Lohengrin told of their approach. Rev. 8. J.. Comer ford, pastor of St. Thomas' churcu, per formed the mnrrlage ceremony. The groom was attended by his cousin. James T. Kearney, and Miss Jennie Loughney, of Moosic, attended the bride. The bride and bridesmaid were elegantly dressed in white silk, with IMiint. lace trimming. A reception nt tlm home of the bride's parents was held after the marriage and breakfast was served to a number of guests. At noon the bridal party left on a tour which will Include a visit to Philadel phia and Washington. On their return they will live on Salem street. The bride is a daughter of Patrick McDon nell, the well known merchant. She Is an esteemed young lady and is very popular among her associates. Mr. Lally Is a well known and respected young resident of this borough. The many friends of the young couple will wish them all munenr of happiness. On Wednesday next Miss Tessie Oil gallon, of South Main street, will be married to James McDonnell, of Salem street. On Wednesday, Sept. SO. Miss Annie Llnde nnd P. J. CnlTrey will be married. Mrs. John Black and daughter. Mrs. John Sampson, and grandsons, FrrSJk Lack and Lack Sampson, have re turned from the seashore, where they spent the summer. MONTROSE. P. P. Gallagher, of Seneca Falls, hns accepted a position as clerk at the Tar bell House. Mr. Oallgher hns been in Montrose but a short time, but has al ready made many friends. llnrdon Hinds Is still chier clerk. D. D. DePew and son, TIarry, left yes terday for Nazareth, Pa., where the latter enters Naxareth Hall for the coming year. Mr. UePew expects to remain awny from home for several days. The committee of Democrats met Oilman Nash, Stephen Jonuh Nortlmip and others of the Popullstic party in Montrose yesterday nnd tried to refuse. Dennis Casey, of Susquehanna, says that he did not fuse, but refused nnd f when Dennis says "that's what" lie j means that Susquehnnna borough has j again triumphed in Democratic, politics and while it means lion est Olllette for register and recorder it does mean that the wiser and more prudent Dem ocrats have decided that fusion would mean confusion In the genera) result. So Stephen Jonah Norlhrup has pulled in his hole and Nash has crawled Into his tubing and the Populists will con tinue to sing live silver carols with a uii-cent dollar accompaniment. George H. Watrous Is in New oik city. A meeting of the Springville ll.-Mn-ev and llobart club occurred on Wednesday night and 147 names were subscribed to the roll. W. D. D. Alney, the speaker of the evening, entertained the audience with spectacular evidenc es of what the Wllson-Clormnn bill has done. He was cheered to the echo. Mr. Alney, aside from Ills being chairman f the county committee, Is a Republi can from stem to stem and his enter ing the local field is a mailer which should cause Republicans to congratu late themselves. W. B. Olllette. of, New Milford, was In Montrose yesterday. FOREST C1TV. Tlio Junior leusue of the Methodist church will give a luncheon at the parsonage hall this evening. The fol lowing is the William of Fare: Tabby's first course. Glory of Man and Woman, All Heads and no Feet, Out of the Way. Blackberry Juice. A Son of Noah, and many other delicacies. Arthur May has resumed ins at limes at Dickinson college, Carlisle. Pa. The Wayne county fair will he held at Honesdale Sept. lis. ."' and Oct. 1 in all Its glittering effulgence or glory. T. I'. MeCurmlck and broiher. the en terprising grocers, are making prepara tions for Improvements In their-place of business. The building which they now occupy will be raised about four feel higher than it now stands, an ud dltloii will be extended from the rear of the building ami the basement V enlarged and titled up In modern slyle. for (heir grocery. This change has been made necessary by their Increas ing trade, and their business has out grown their present quarters. iiiirtv. ninth iiiiiuuil Harford fair will be held at Harford Sept. 23 and 1M. M. P. O' Connor and F. J. White, of Binghnmion, were In town yesterday. I Land Agent McCormie. of the -111- j side company, was in this borough yes- ! terday. Aim Scratitonians in town yes- terdav T. J. Kelly, H. M. Dates- I man and A! J. n Malley. A large number of persons iroin mis i1m,i the excursion yesterday to Lake Poyntello for the benefit ol the Pleasant Mount Catholic ciiurcn. il. M. Patterson, of Carbondale. was a Forest City visitor yesterday. NEW Ml LI OKI). Our citizens have been cautioned not to use more "city water" than neces sary on account of the scarcity of the stuff." A base ball game Is to be played here this nfternoou between Susquehanna and the home team. Miss Josln Todd, of Scranton, is visit ing friends in town. The reunion of the Jennings family will take place at the home of David Jennings In New Milford township on Wednesday. Sept. 2::. Mrs. Charles Page, of Tingley, Pa., is working for Mrs. Herb Brown. Tunoll Morse, of Ithaca, is home for a few days. H. J. Oleason has been visiting with friends In New York state this week. ' J. B. O'Bilen Is making some repairs on his house on Chinch street, John Moses, of Clifford, had a barn destroyed by fire last Snturday. The Brush reunion will be held at Brushvllle Saturday, Sept. 2. Mrs. W. D. Knapp. of Detroit. Mich., visited friends in town last week. MOOSIC. For the raft two months numerous roliberlns have been ronunitted In Moosic and vicinity, but were so small that nothing much was thought about It at the time. On Wednesday evening they were repeated. The Moosic Cash store, owned and operated by Messrs. Winters and Dymond, were the suffer ers, this time to the extent of a lot of shoes and miscellaneous articles. The thieves secured entrance through the rear doors of the building. Dr. R. S. Watson has a suite of rooms over the store, but was not disturbed during the evening. Mrs. Q. W. Lauer, of Avoca, was a caller In town. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Thoma Kills, sr., on Mloooka avenue FACTORY VILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Elienberger are spending a wek at Stroudaburg While there theV will take lu the Strcudsburg fair and Mr. Ellenbtjrger will try his piscatorial skill In the Dela ware river for bass. He v. o. L, Severson, of Plymouth, was a caller iu towu Monday. Our MuKinley e'nU paraded last Tues day evening for the ttrst time In their new uniforms, which consists of torch, cap and cape, of the red, white and blue order: and certainly look very neat and patriotic. The club has a membership of about 150, and their appearance In pencral on the street waa very line. Their marching was good under the captu.ncy of J. Wesley Reynolds, and the excellent music furnished for the occasion was by Keystone band. The glitter of the Stars and Stripes from be neath the glare of each members' torch kindled tho ilame of enthusiasm that has been smouldering beneath the breast of every true and honest Ameri can citizen for the past four years, and all along the line of march it burst forth iu one continuous cheer for McKinley and sound money. While out on parade th. club (-topped and serenaded the faculty of Keystone Academy, and called for u speech from the head of the school. After, some delay this gen tleman came ftrward and said that he was too much surprised to make a speeon, but said he was neither silver nor gold, bill a living fountain of pure, cold water. The speaker of the even ing, .lai.iin J. H. Hair.'lton, esq., of S ranto:i, t.tly entertained an audience of several hundred people (including iranv U.biesi for one hour and a quar trr on the money and tariff questions. The m! lie's vas delivered in front of Republican headquarters, the crowd be iaj ku ,'arge that they were obliged to retire f'oci the hall to the street. The next ratir.r.etion meeting th i-lur- will iioltl will be or. Wednesday night. Sept. sn. Able speakers will be on bund tor the occasion. Hon. John Wanamaker, ex-postmaster general, will address the public on the political question at Tunkhnnnock on Friday, Sept. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wadsworth. of Blnghumton, N, V spent Sunday in town. Any one wishing to become n mem- i ber of our McKinley club can do so by reporting to President Charles Gard ner ami getting a uniform. II. C. McKenztc. of Scranton. and Richard Holgate. of L Plume, attend ed the mass meeting Tuesday night. Through the courteous invitation of Charles Gardner a Jolly party enjoyed a day's outing last Friday at Buld Mount. The fortunate parties were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner. Mrs. A. J. iSllmore. Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. Fallot, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Watklns. Rev. J. H. Wilbur and wife. Mr. and Mrs. J. I,. Harding, Rev. Mr. Rellly. Rev. Jacobs and wife, the Misses Clara Gardner, Martha Pike, i.MP Wilbur, Master Fred Wilbur and Professor Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James and Mrs. James Hrayton, of Pawtucket. R. I., are visiting frlenda-aa.l relatives in town. .. Bruce Reynolds and Harry OartTnw are up at Montrose visiting their chum, Charlie Klinefelter, who has accepted a position there as druggist. I.ou Harding, of this place, has re sumed his studies at State college. Among those who attended the One hundred mid Thirty-second regiment reunion at Scranton Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Reynolds, L. D. Kemnierer and wife and Heury Itey- holl.i w.,.1 WltV Wednesday evening our town was th scene of u. very exciting runaway. Lynn Holgate. of Lu Plume, entered Bliss & Hunt's store on Main street, leaving his team of ponies outside. They became frightened and ran at u great speed up towards the Last 1 'nance hotel, breaking several street lamps on their way. The horses were Dually stopped, however, after sustain ing some injuries. P. B. Walter has returned from a visit with friends at St. Puul. Rosea Gurr has returned to Belle iV.iite, where he will attend State col lege. L. D. Kemmerer, who has been con fined to his home for the past mouth, is again able to be on our streets ugaln. Mr. und Mrs. J. D. furyl. who have been visUing friends in town, have re turned to their home In Scranton. There will be a lecture at the Meth odist church Ibis evening by u native of Bulgaria. i will illustrate his lecture by means of stereopticon views. Admission free. TAYLOR. The ciiut.'itu produced last evfliing uniliT the auspices of the ('. H. t;. of the l 'ill vary Baptist church was largely iittt-nded und the children performed their pr.rts in an excellent manner. It will be given iiKtiln this evening. The borough council will hold a meet ing it evening. There ure a number of cases of ty phoid fever in town. The Old Forge school directors have given the contract for the new graded school a I. Old Forge to a contractor from Luzerne county ut a cost of $16, tinil. Samuel Dnvis, of Ohio, and Mrs. Francis1, of Wyoming, who have been visiting their cousin. Mrs. I). M. Davis. of the First ward, have returned home. The Taylor Keds will Journey to Green Ridge this afternoon and battle for sunreinacy with the Senators of that place. Morris or Shields will pitch for the Iteds. Lackawanna council. No. St, Junior Order of I'nlted American Mechanics, held a smoker last evening at Its meet ing, and wa enjoyed by ail those wno attended. Great preparations are being made for the. fair of the Union band on Sept. 13. The eisteddfod committee have com pleted Its programme, which will be submitted to the (ilee club at their next rehearsal. MOSCOW. Walter Runyon, of Long Island City, Is the guest of R. J. Cannon. Jessie Hourne is spending a few weeks with friends In 8cranton. Miss Martha Hllsbee, of New York. Is visiting her brother, Pliilnndcr Slls bee. Owen Carr. of Green Ridge, had his Constipation' Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Inili- Mood? geiuou, bad Usie. coaled tongue, sick headache, lie soiunia, etc. Hood's Pills Pills cure constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. All druggists. Pre Da red by C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell,' Mas. I The only puis la take with Hood's garsaparllla. "A Good Lay your foundation with "Battle Ax," It is the corner stone of economy. It is the one tobacco that is both BIG and GOOD. There is no better. There is no other 5-cent clucr as larire. j I Try it and sec h-g broken oi n Saturday. He is at the ukcle. W. F. Clements. home of his Mrs. Klbert xrt Hathrill Is seriously ill. Alius Grac Voinbacker visited her uncle, OhesW Kwarts, in Stroudsburg lust week. J. M. Noadt nnd family returned from Stroudsburg last Saturday. Mrs. Ceoie Ringham was the guest of her si.s,er. Mrs. K. Hathrill, . on Wednesday, Ja-epi. ta..-.. ,n Vw T week. . Mra. A. D. Pavld, who is ina,. hosuital In Scranton, is slowly iniprtiv- Ing. - 1 Miss Nettie Krgood. who hns been spending a few weeks with her sister. Mia. O. M. Lancaster, in Moosic, re turned home Wednesday. WUUum Page and sou, Joseph, and i n.. Mr Hurtmati, of PeckvUle, spent Sunday at the home or Air. und Mrs. V. M. Rage. Fred Simpson and Miss Ruth Gard ner spent Saturday in Hyde Hulk as the guests of Miss Muble Yost. Mr. and Mis. W. L. Carr. of Green Ridge, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clements on Monday. J. E. Loveland has purchased Jerry Buck's property. Mr. Buck will soon A large party of friends tendered Mrs. Ohauncy Xouck a very enjoyable sur prise parly last Tuesday evening, the occasion being her blrthduy. Games and amusements were indulged iu until a late hour, when refreshments were served. All present hud a most de lightful time. Rheumatism Relieved in il Hours. "MYSTIC CURE" for RHEUMA TISM and NEURALGIA relieves in three hours. Its action upon the sys tem Is marvelous und mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease quickly disappears. The first dose great benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Curl Lorenz, druggist, 418 Lackawanna ave. nue. Scranton. " TME IDEAL AMERICAN 1KIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Tb ttuperbiv Appointed nnd C'vnnnodious steel StenniMi'pi. NORTHWEST ANl NORTHLAND, Amuriciia through and ihrougli, UBVe Buftalo TiK-xdnv mid Fridays .Jo p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit. Alatklnac. The Sua. Duluth, and Western Points, iwsamg all places of interact by daylight In connection with THE OREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, It fnrms th moat direct route, and frum ev ery point of enraparitun, the most delightful ana oomrortacie one roiuniiuii, m. ram, iirAttt Vuli Hnlntia. Putto. Snokane and Pa- cine coast. The onlv transcontinental line rnnning the fatuous buffet, library. obwrTa. tion car. , New a; hour train for Portlnnd via Spokane. MOTH. I.APAVLTTE. Lake Mlnnetonka, lomllos from Mmneapolif, largest and most beautiul resort in the weat. 'Jickettand any information of nuy agent or A. A. UBARIi, Uenural PaweiifcRr agent, Buffalo, N. Y. mum ii shoes 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. WATCH OUR Great ;) -v.-L -TOMORROW. 7 0 Foundation." for yourself. 1 YOU CAN WAGERa 16 TO 1 can 'giVfi tailor in Scranton that noiuhvili better fit and low a price. q4 CUD HIS ARE POPU We make our own gar ments in our own shop under our own supervision. W. J. DAVIS, 1'Are'E'un.fa.nVe- HAVE YOU HEARD OF FOR FLOORS? Will uhsolutcly Jo away with the Dust Nuisance of Stores, School Houses. Halls nnd all Pub lie Maces. No more SprinkliuK. no more Scrubbing. ... We can show merits of the goods mi our wn floors. It will puy you to investigate. FQOTE iSIU CO.. AGENTS. I!9 WASHINGTON IVENUL TA SOMETHING tt Announcemen S.G. KERR, SON &CQ NOVELTIES IX EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FLOOR COVER ING, ,NCU WNU CMU,tWTM)NS WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, SAVON NERIES, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, ENGLISH AND ' DOMESTIC BRUSSELS. New and Handsome Effect In MATTELINE, JAPANESE and CHINESE MATTINGS. Our complete line in every grade for the Fall Trade haa bean received, An inspection will be Instructive and to your advantage. CLEARING SALE Consisting of short lengths in TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVETS MOQUETTES, AXMINSTER CARPETS, suitable for Ruga, ' lengths of li, IJ and I yarda. Prices, 85cta., 60cta., ' 7Scts,. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 each. S. G. KERR, Opposite Main F ntranr. to the Wyoming Mouse. TH DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCANTON AND WILKE8-BABHE. p X.a-Xr. VT Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD j THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital. Surplus, Undivided Profits. Special attention given to Business and Persona! Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. . WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, ;iata Steel, Toe anf &uk . . NRVERSLIP CALKS, WAGONMAKERS' SUPPLIES. S B1TTEHBENDER EVERY WOMAN SoineUaiM nWi a rellabl.. onttaly, mtalaUu rfwv J1" 00 thenareitdruiaaaeiildbeiuea. llyou wanl the beat, gal Dr. Peal's For aai by JOHN H. PHELPS. Spruea Street Scranton. Pa. in ii i mnmtmmmmm v w i IKf i nil i Jt-i And proper appreciation of dollars and cents is what iudiiccs so many men of refinement, econom ically inclined, to seek here lor all Clothes nleds. Clothes- wearing men arc realizing more and more every day that we have the choicest styles, largest assortments, the ability and inclination to ivc the lowest prices you can possibly get on goods of like value, besides giving to all who are entitled to credit the advantage of This combination has brought us gratilying results. See how we've grown in the past year. Such success doesu't come by accident it is a mat ter of merit. t CUR KEW DEPARTMENT OPENS SHORTLY. SON & CO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue WING MACHINERY. UMeraJ Office: SCIUNTON, PA. $200,000 300,000 64,000 ALL SIZES OF Horse -Jboes BLACKMt. -irv CO,, SCRANTON. PA. Pennyroyal Plllo Pharmaciat, cor. Wyoming Avaoua and t t t 225-227 Wyoming Avenue SYSTEM I- . ... .1- .
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