V THE SCBAXTON TH1BITNE THU J t S DAT MORNING, SEFl'EMBEB IT, IS96. RACY COLLECTION OF WHITNEYETTES Short, Sharp and Incisive Paragraphs of Susquehanna News. PENCIL GLINTS AND GLEANINGS The AUectine Story of a Man, a Hat and a Snnke--Mr. Kelley's Novel Campaign Tour-Auio dimming' Fkih Catch lleateu Hands Down by a Delaware WaltouiuuOlher Trno Tail's. Special ('urresponJciire of The Tribune. Susnuehiuina, Sjit. 15. White James Cannon, of Hallstead, was ot work In the pump house at tlm artesian well, a few nights 'slncA, ht was surprised to see an olrl rat, with sevoral young emits, rim out of tho stove. Thinking that ho had found ;i rat's rifst, he iokcd a stirk Into the stow; but Instead of rats Puin in out, there enifrgrii a larse Maok tsnake. Gannon struck tho snake with a Mlok, which was broken without Injury to tlit ri'iiti:-. A lively race between man mi-l snake cnnm-d, which was won iy :;nnon, who llnnlly kilted the ivp tilc It measured livo let in length. A NOYKIj CANAL TP.TP. Mrs. Sarah IJIrieh Kelley nnd Kdltor liainfs, of Jlimesdale, raniliilate for ire.:i(Jent and vlep-presldent, resjiee tively, of the new National Iieform I'arty, have deed led 11 win a novel elec tioneering trip along tlie Telaware and Hudson eaual, fi'nui Ilnnesdale to Kmiilout. While in New York, recently. I.i lluiij? 'han?, who is tlm linaneial .iel;ev 01 th new party, out of Kiati tinie fi.r Kdlfor Haines' udvoeaey ot the 'hlni'se system of tinntiee, chartered tlie li.tavare and Hudson')) steam launch, in which tlie trip will he ninde. The hunt will !e deeorated with dan ti is, with such i'lscriptiniis as "Sarah I'lili h Ki'ld-y's Slronuthening Powder Are l'liexccllcd for M'hi.t. Tired l'Vcl iii!," snd "ik Kinir. one Country, 1 1110 Silver l.idlhir und the llonesdiilc Inde pendent Km-evcr." I-'ifly f'hitiese lan-ti-rns, idiiiatej liy l.l 1 1 uiifS li.'injr. Will iilnniinale tlie emit nt night. There will he mi Iniiinl an organelle, and a plioiinmaph will produce, a few 1 i 1 1 1 -li.-tie s dies. Mrs. Kelley will electri fy Hie uudiciiccs by leelting soine of her rii;inal puenis and Jtn-'r Haines' recent uniipie fditiirials on tlie currency am) t:n iff (iiiestioiis. will be r 'produced on a larse screen by a manic lantern. The at will stall 011 .Monday 11. M, the lirst i;iand rally lieing held at White Mills 11 the evening. The tour will be com pleted in two weeks, when the cninli- lates will proceed to Albany, wlier--life'r Haines w ill make an address lioni Hie steps of the capitol, and lake up a collection. Tin grand triumphal lour will he the political seiiHaliuii nl" the am puii;n. A WKA I! V K 1.IKK. While MtuVcriiig temporary aberration of mind, Kilnumd Heebe, a young far iner, residing in Windsor township, J'.ioome ciiuiily, New Turk, coniniitlejl suicide by shooting himself in 11 grove near his home, Jle is survived by h family. The luiieral occurred lit Witl b isville oil Monday. St).li: All iNSTKIt I'.ASS. At t'oliinibian grove, up the river, a few' days nince, t'ongressmaii Amos .1. Cumuiiiigs caught from tlie river a black bass weighting lie veil nnd one half pounds. That was u good lish. I '.ill 11 monster striped buss, weighing Ihirleen mid one-halt' pounds, and measuring tlility-oiio inches in length, was caught in tlie 1 dn Ware, river, near Sparrowsburg, a few evening since, by Alva. Van Ktten. Jt was the largest bass ever taken from the Jielnwaiv river in that section. OI'T Oh' Tlll-I OUHINAitY. According to the jtiughaiiiton -l.ulilicaii there was u light Hurry of snow In Hint city mio evening of last week. At the recent si hool election in the Kent district, Windsor township, tin) district olllcers elected Were all Indies, iticliidi'iK truslec. clerk and collector. In (lie language of the Keverend Jasper, "1 he world do move." A I.aiie.sboro man has sent P.rc'r Hearst, of the New York Morninc Journal, who manages to run a silver piine, from the proceeds of a newspa per, $1 to help along tlie great Popo ciallc cause. The combat deepens. Ararat hunters are chasing over the hills uu uncanny animal, suppukPd to lie a panther. I Hasting a huge rock near Steven's T'oiut, several days since, somo blue stone iiuarrymeii woro surprised lo saa s' Veial frogs Jump from a crevice of a boulder, where they have probably px Isted for centuries. They will be hand ed over to some college museum. AVIIENCK CAM JO THIS SNA K VI. A few days ago Sherman Kcors killed a rattlesnake in Walton, measuring about four feet in length nnd having nine rattles. The reptile was discov ered by Airs. Veers, who 'went to her vvoodhouse to get some wood. She heard a peeliar, lihdng sound, and the snake durtid out from the- pile of wood, just a few inches from lier hand. Itutllesnakes have not been seen in Walton before in a quarter of a cen tury. P.AILUOAD FLOTSAM. Kd II. Molts' book, "llctwevn the Ocean and the Great Lakes History ot the Great Lakes." wil soon appear. It will be fully illustrated. Tlie rumor that Isaac Bond, the Krle'H popular master mechanic hero, lias resigned, has no foundation In fact. The "stove conimitteen" may guess ngaln. Superintendent Dowe, of the Krie's Jefferson division, came over rrom Car bondale on Saturday evening, along ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANT SftlE OF CARPETS Just read our prlcrsand compare then with any and all al the other attempt: 25c Ingrain Carpels, Now 18c 35c Ingrain Carpets, flaw 25c 50a Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65a Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75a Brussels Carpets,. Now 57c S5c Brussels Carpets, Now 75c AIm a quantity ul Body Brussels lengths I rum a to ao yard in each piece at about one hall price to close. J. SCOTT INCLIS, Lack! Ava Carpets and Wall Papsr Dealer. TERMS Caah aa the Afeava 0oo4a. with a thousand other Hepublica lis, to attend the big rally. Mr. Dowe Is a good railroad man, and a J.epiibllcun from way-back. The Krle'B Jefferson division employes on Saturday received their 100-cent dol lars .from the paymaster. Keystone lodge No. 208, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, will hold its annual ball in Hogan Opera House on Fliady evening, October 10. Every Erie employe In this place on Thursday received from New York a circular letter, treating on the currency questions of the hour. The campaign of education Is now on. The. Erie has made a contract with the Fruit Growers' Association to handle nil their fruit. Whole trains of grapes are now passing eastward. The Rogers I.ocomotlvo Works In Paterson, are turning out several ten wheel passenger locomotives for the Erie. Tlie Jefferson division is one of the best paying arteries of the great Krie system. There Is un excellent coal business on the Jefferson branch, and the Erie and the Delaware and Hudson trainmen rejoice and are exceedingly glad. NEWS MATTERS. The Susquehanna river is very mud dy today, and it Is surmised that the astute editor of tlie Windsor Standard has been taking a bath. The last lime ho took a bath, some years since, the water was roiley front Windsor to the Chesapeake Kay, and all of the fish were killed. On Saturday t'linrleq linmey, of nrnndt, was arrested and brought he fore Justice Tiffany, In this place, charged with obstructing and hindering Constable iProler In muking an arrest. He was held in ball in lor his ap pearance before the grand jury. Sarah Holhert, of Sievens' l'oint, was arrested and brought before Justice Tiffany on Monday, charged by her mother with foi nlcal Ion. She was, in default of gL'nn bail, taken lo the Mont rose jail. A l.iinesboro man has invented a new style boat. Jt is expected (hut be wil climb dams and run wherever it is a liltlo moist. HOME NOT EH I'E 'I'M:. Hon. Amos Cummings lias returned to N-MV York, lie will leave New York for liufi'alu, with the Tamumny bracers to day. Editor Ciuser, of the Montrose Iem oeral. was in town on Saturday look ing to his congressional fences. He was urged lo riiiiain in town until evening, and ulteint the It. publican ralitic.ilion meeting, but pleaded a prior engagement. Editor W. I . It. Ainey, of Muni n is, one nf the wide-invake licpuhlic.ius of the county, came over on Saturday i veiling nnd helped whoop Vr up for Mckinley, I lobar! and sound money. Register and Recorder Samuel S. W riy III. of Montrose, one of the best political managers in seventeen coun ties, was in town mi Saturday eve ning. He was much In evidence at tlie rutiticaliuii meeting. IN Srsgi'EHANN.V COI'NTV. The lannlng Industry in Susquehan na i utility Is at low ebb. The tannin-; combine shut up the small concerns. And hemlock bulk is as scarce as silver Republicans. Hallsteail has ojg.mlvied .1 ltryan club for want of older diversion. Rev. .1. Manville has been In stalled pastor ot the JIuiTord Congre gational church. The New York papers tell us that "Adam liooilsell." of Susquehanna county, linn eoutriliuteil a $HK check to the P.i .van campaign fund. Adam's name is a sine guarantee. Unit the check is a good one. After n shut-down of Several weeks. I lie Hallstead Milk mill has resumed iiperal ions. FACTS BOII.EH DOWN. There appears lo be no silver tiles on Maine. When he Coiner: to Sernntoii, of course Urol her Hryau w ill tell th ! miners why lie voted for free coal. Judge Kiillcrton, of I'ort Jervis. and ex-Auditor lieiieral .b-rtiiiie 1'.. Nibs. of Well-dun Iclivcred rousing speeches he fore 1."w Republicans In Hogan opera house on Snturdiiy evo i.ing. Ther) w ill be no uncertain sound from the hills of old Susquehanna ciiiiniy in November. In honoring William Council, Lack awanna county will honor herself. In these latter days too few men of Mr. Council's (haianter und ability ar Sent to congress. it Is evident that Mr. 1 try an lias a chance to do some "missionary work" in -Maine ere the ides of November. TUESDAY'S TIDINHS. The Tammany ttgers will go spin ning through here today, en route to liiiflalo. We nmy catch a speech from a rear cor. Several ilrundt young men have re. turned from u successful decr-slayina; trip to the North woods. Windsor's uliled aggregation of bnse balllsts hss gone glimmering. It was good While it lived. Tlie "iicv woman'' is all right, but the o'd woman can dig potatoes With lie assistance of a 10 year-old lad, Mrs Jeremlaii Sice, of Steven's Point, aged TO yeaiB, on Thursday dug 45 bushel:) of potatoes In nine hours R. S. Searle, of Montrose, has been appointed by tlovernor Hastings a del egate to the Fanners' National con gress of the T'nited States, to be hcl-1 In Indianapolis Nov. 10-13. Whitney. I-OK EST CITV. Airs. Joseph Lewis, a much respected resident (if this place, died Tuesday i v-'iilng at C o'clock. The cause of her death was stomach trouble. She was Hi years of age. and was formerly a resident of Scranton. T. V. Powdorlyi Jr., of Carbondale. one of (he most populnr knights of the grip that visit this place, was here yesterday. Those that want to hear nn Inter esting lecture should attend the Aleth odtst Episcopal church this evening to hear Kov. Antralng Azliredian, the Armenian. David Evans and Charles Einpet. of (libson, were In this borough yester day. Business called Emerson J. Miller, of White's Valley, to this place yes terday. N. H. Caryl will visit Scranton friends today. MOOSIC Mrs. James A. Hand was n caller iu Scranton ycsterdHy afternoon. The trustees of the Aloosic AIthod Ist Episcopal church will hold an oyster supper and entertainment tonight in tlie parlors of the church. All nre cor dially Invited to come and partake. Price of supper. SS cents. Mrs. L. A. Lindermuth was a caller In Scranton yesterday. .Mrs, W. H. Swetland, of Wllkei Rarre, was visiting at the home ot L F. Price yesterday. CARBOHDALE. f Readers will pleaaa not that atlrtl aients, order for Job work, and Horns for Subllcatlon left at the establishment ot hannon A Co., newsdealers, North Mala treet. will receive prompt attentloa; of ce open from a. m. to 10 p. m. EDWARD THOMPSON ARRESTED. lie Thrashed a Young Bojr at Wilson Creek Mine At the instance of David Cushlne, Al derman Jones Issued a warant yester day against Edward Thompson, charg ing him with assault and battery. Roth persons are employed at the Wil son Creek mines and Tuesday they quar reled over a whlD. This ended in blows in which Cushlne got he worst, so he hied himself off to the alderman's for revenge. The defendant is a full grown man while Cushlne is quite young. Thomp son has been placed under bonds to ki-ep the peace. Stephens-Fouler Wedding. A large assembly gathered yester day illuming at the Methodist church to witness the solemn service which joined .Miss Ei dine D. Fowler to F. Nicholas Stephens. Tlie decorations of potted plants, flowers and ferns were very elaborate. The marriage was solemnized by the Rev. Dr. Plnce, as sisted by the Itev. Air. Edgar, of Provi dence, a former pastor. The bride wore n traveling dress of green and gray mixture, with hat lo match, and carried a bouquet ot pink roses. Shu entered tlie church leaning on her lather's urm und was met at the ultnr by the groom. Miss Rose Slrickland pivslded t the organ. Messrs. Heed Fowler, Boyd Fowler, tierlhli-r Dix and Philin Felts acted as ushers. After a wedding tour of about two weeks, Air. and Airs. Ste phens will welcome their friends) to their home on Canaan street. Mr-. Mnrdiall Buried. The remains of All's. Thomas Mar shall were yesterday placed In the loinii. The funeral took plnce from St. Ros's church, wle-re Rev. W. A. Nenl on celebrated requiem mass. The ser mon, which was Very touching, was also pleached by Father Nealon. Th pall-beurers were Peter Cronin. John l.ititTy, Peter AlcUerinott, Patrick Ale Cabe, James Alorrisy und Patrick Powderly. The remains were Interred in St. Ruse cemetery. Preparations lor tlie Kiiincs, Tlie Coluniblas expect to give their ft-ionus one of the t'uiesl performances ever seen ill this city. Preparations are progressing for eight performances of tlie Kiriness, six nights and two mati nee!;. No pains or expense will be spared in order to make it a grand suc cess. Several of (lie social clubs will be represented, und a lurge number will attend the llrst rehearsal today. WOie-lliiiuniek Nuptial. Alexander "l. Wylle surprised his many Curbondals friends yesterday by a quiet wedding al Hie Presby teriuii church in Archbuld. w here he was unit ed to Airs. E. Valeria Dtmnilek by Rev. A. W. Reeeher. The wedding whs quietly arranged and a surprise to their friends. After a short visit in New York and vicinity they will return and reside in tills city. LOCAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Aliss Al arga ret Clarkson, who him been spending the summer in Benton, has returned home Mrs P. E. Bunnell is confined lo her bed with pleurisy. Alisses Alary Devlne and Rrldget Sul livan, of Forty-second street, nr the guests of friends In Wilkes-Harre. Aliss Alary o'lirudy left yesterday for New York where she will buy goods for the fall millinery trade. Aliss Adeline Richards, of Hyde Park, is visiting friends In town. Aliss Daisy Aloore. of Wllkes-Rarre, Is being entertained by Alls. P. C. Ol ver. Joseph Krumt, wife and son, left yes terday for a visit with friends in Urand Rapids. Mich. The Alamie Piccolo corps fair opens In the Watt building this evening. Frank P. Kelly will make the opening speech. Mrs. Harriet Raynor and daughter, Miss Gertrude, left yesterday for Bridgeport, Conn., whc bey Will Visit relatives. Rev. und Mrs. William Edgar, of Providence, were Iu town yesterday. Air. Edgar assisted at the Stephens Fowler wedding. Aliss Minnie Cowles, of Lincoln ave nue, will visit with Stroudsburg and Scranton friends the next three weeks. Miss Kate Enulley, of Blnghamton. Is a guest tit tho home of Sanitary Of ficer Barrett. Miss Jennie Rose, who has been vis it lug Aliss Jessie Watt on Church street returned to her home in Carthage Tuesday. Aliss Al arga ret McDonnell nnd sister, Sadie, or Scranton, and Miss Sadie M alley, of Archbuld, spent Monday in this city at the home of Miss Kittie Pun-ell, on Pike street. Aliss Marlon Crane left for Scran ton yesterday. Sh will visit nt the home of her uncle, W. W. Lathrope. J. W. Dimock and family, Warren Ellis and family and John Copt hind visited In South Canaan and Way mart yeseterday. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Bailey, of Canaan street, and Mrs. John Foster, of Mitch ell avenue, left yesterday for a short visit In New York und Brooklyn. Airs. M. R. Wood, of Washington, t. C., who has been visiting her niece, Aliss Herring, lias returned home. Mrs. W. P. Oregory and Miss Cath erine Orady attended tin! opening of Woods' business college, Tuesday. Aliss Emma Pennlman will leave for Philadelphia today to continue the study of art. Aliss E. Fern Sherman, of Blngham ton. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jesse J. Rounds, of Washington street. Miss Minnie Morris, of New York, city, who has been vlsitlnff friends la town, returned home this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. E. Morsa and asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar lo flood's Pills. Htnall in tire, tasteless, efllcieut, tbnrouiih. As one nun InlOOdl said: " Yon nerer know jrou , m m m have taken s pill till it U an Oill over." 20e. C. I. Hood Co., I 1 1 S Proprietors, Lowell, Han. I tie oal pill to take witi Hood's BanasarlUa. . Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 11 e J&C50LQJTEILY PURE Miss Carrie Morss are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Richmond, Dickson, this week. Miss Maggie Onllagher. of Scranton, la visiting Atiss Alary Alorrlson, on Bel mont street. Miss Mary Watt is visiting frlenda In Wilkes-Barre. PECKVILLK. Mr. and Mrs. Helriegel, of Scranton, and Mrs. Watty, of Alount Cobb, are visiting the latter's son, Charles Watty. Mrs. Hollister, of Holllstervllle, U visiting at the home of her son, J. P. Hollister. of Hickory street. Miss Nora Pickering has returned home after un extended visit with rela tives at Susquehanna. Airs. Alary Campbell, of Bradford, and Airs. Charles Sutter, of Lehigh, are visiting at the homes of their brothers, John and Homer Egnllsh. Our public schools will not be opened mi Monday, Sept. 21, as stated in last 'Itiesday's Republican, but will start on Alonday, Sept. 8. Miss Phoebe Croup and Master At wood Bitters, of Iter wick, are visiting at the homo of Dr. und Alia. Johu B. 1 1 rover. Oreat sympathy Is being expressed here for the serious illness of one of our former pastors, Rev. J. H. Sweet, of Hyde Park. The Central Wheelmen's concert and soelul in which so much interest has been manifested for Hie past few weeks, was held at the club rooms In the ( band Army of the Republic- hall last Tuesday evening. Tlie hull was nicely decorated by the boys and the appear ance was very charming and attracted much attention, especially the bunting that was strung iu the center of the hall, bearing on the top of it a bicycle. The programme, us litis been published, wus carried out most successfully. The Citizens' band of Jermyn, under the di rection of Professor E. Stevens, was present and discoursed some very tine music. Dancing was Indulged in later und refreshments were served. Those present were lieorge Roberts, Addle Sw ingle, ullle Kennedy, Elmer Roberts, Air. und .Mrs. Wllllum Peck. Alisses Km mu and Ellia Peck, Cussie and Jennie Williams, Aliss Uilmoie, of Jerinyn; Air. Atherluii. Aliss Reynolds, Aliss Lena Barnes, Aliss Renu Hay, Aliss Cooper, of Scluiilou; Aliss .Miller, of Pittstou; Air. uud Airs. Frank Peck, Air. and Airs, tlenrge A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. John Bena, Air. und .Mrs. .Maple Hell. Aliss Mat tie Pickering. Richard Reese, E. A. Will lams. Air. uud Airs. Charles Diiken und daughter Stella, Mr. und Airs. William Allen, Dr. und Airs. .1. B. (i rover. Aliss Etta Build. Air. and Airs. Herb .Mcl'or inick. Air. and Airs. John Day, Robert i, intern. Aliss Alice Hell, Aliss Oruce lini'licr. Havld Shay, Aliss Stella Wude inaii, Air. and .Mi's. Thomas Solomon, of Jermyn; Aliss Eulu Tin'uny. E. J. Barth old. Air. and. Airs. Joseph It. Hell. Mr. and Airs. C. H. Beutlys, James AY. Smith, A. V. Kl.er, Aliss Bertha Peck, Mr. Bryden and Juy Barrett. J. D. Peck left Tuesday for a few Weeks' vlsil with his sou in Iowa. The Ladies' Aid society of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. John S. Reese this morning at IU o'clock. AVOCA. The death of Samuel Reiinett, aged 10 years, occurred at tie residence of his purents in the North End after a few weeks illness of pneumonia. De ceased was a promising young man, of exemplary character and a favorite among Ids companions. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 'i o'clock. The Sons of St. tieorge of which deceased had been a member, will ullend the funeral in a body. In terment was made iu Old Forge ceme tery. Airs. Robinson and daughter, lonu. of Pittstou, spent Tuesday at the New tin residence. William English, of Philadelphia, is Visiting friends in town. Mathew Helley, of New York city, spent Tii(?sday nt the residence of his sister, Mrs. James Walsh. A very pretty wedding was solem nized at the cathedral yesterday after noon, the contracting parties being Archbald McQueen, a prominent young man of this place, and Miss Kllen Thomas, of Scranton. The bride and her attendant, Aliss Alary Dohcrty, wore artistically designed gowns and carried bouquets. The groom was wailed upon by Dr. J. J. Doherty, of this place. After the ceremony, the bridal party repnlred to the homo of the groom on the West Side where a reception was tenderd their many friends. The Aloosic Popular will cross bats with the Hickorys ot Jermyn, on the latter's grounds on Saturday after noon. Solomon Deeble is doing jury duty this week. On Monday evening burglars at tempted to effect nn entrance Into S. Block's clothing store but they were frustrated in their designs by Jason Harris, who lives over the store. A few shots were tired but the burglars es caped wUhout injury. Thomas Curry, outside foreman of the Florence colliery, will resign Ills position on October 1, to enter as a student in Woods business college. Airs. Sarah Nealon. of Scranton, spent Tuesday nt the residence of her sister, Airs. J. F. Conaboy. Alias Lizzie Mitchell Is visiting friends lu 'jermyn. ut the Academy last evening. nessed the production of "Atyles Aroon" at he Academy last evening. The Sons of Temperance are request ed to meet this evening at their reguftr meeting as business of importance will be transacted. M. F. O'Brien has offered a $5 gold piece which he will chance off In Ills pool parlors at a date not yet deter mined. Each player receives a coupon which entitles him to chance on the coin. JI'RMYN. On Friday. Sept. 2.".. the Rev. W. T. Crown, pastor of the First Baptist church, will be publicly ordained, T!.e set vices will be very interesting, and It is expected a large ministerial gather ing will be present on the occasion. A committee from the congregation has been appointed to make arrangements for the event. Florence, the little daughter of su perintendent and Mrs. Oebhardt, at the powder mills, is suffering from a severe attack of diphtheria. local branch of the Farmers' Al- liance held a very successful supper and entertainment in their hall on Main street last evening. The Ladies' Aid society of the Aleth odist Episcopal church will hold a sup per in the lecture room of the church tills evening, beginning at S o'clock. The admission Is ir cents. A big quoit pitching contest will take plac in this borough Saturduy. All the best pitchers from Forest City to Wilkes-Barre are expected to be pres ent and compete. NICHOLSON. Late Sunday evening two men were discovered In the yard or the Presby terian Alanse, breaking the shrubbery. Som parties gave chase, but wer inmlilo to overtake them. One of tho marauders had his coat oft and dropiied it. It was picked up and tak en care of. No ono has called to claim it n yet. 1-ou Alulenix has a pony and cart nnd drives in town nearly every eve ning. Wednesday he got too much flre water nnd was running his pony through the streets, when Constable Hillings captured man and pony, put lug' the former in the lockup and Hie latter In the barn. Last evening he was released on paying a line o $1 anil costs. Mrs. Charles Butts, of Scrantnn, Is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. und Airs. T. P. Thurber. Miss Northrup, of Dalton, has re sumed her music class lu this place, after having had a few weeks' vaca tion. At a regular meeting of the Wo men's) Christian Temperance union the following resolutions were adopt ed: wVeivns, It has pleased our Heavenly Fat he? r to remuvo our Is-loved sister, Mrs. Altti-v Bund, we how lu humble siiliinlsfion to the Divine Will, who does ull things well, afloiiliug us tlie consulailoa that the Cbrlstiun example of our departed sis ter is lelt to as all a. rich legacy; there fore, Kesolved, That as the Women's Chris tian TeniiiHia nee union has Ion I a good and railht nl nieinliei-, one whose cheerful pres ence ami wise counsels were an inspiration lo all. and w hile our hearts gu out ill sym pathy to the bereaved ones, we can but say It Is the Ijord's doing. Kesulveil, That we hold a memorial ser vice nil Tuesday evening Sept. 'JJ, und I hat a copy of Ihese resolutions be printed in Oi" several newspapers and a Copy KiVr ii to the bereaved family. Mrs. !. 11. mi Woert, Mrs. i:. I,. 1 my, N Aliss (iraeo Warner, Committee. Nlcliolm.n, Sept. IS, 1S!KS. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Through lli columns of your pa per 1. with all the members ut the fam ily wish to extend to the neighbors and of our deceased wife and inolher, our -sincere thanks for the very many earn est (vblenees of respect expressed hy their kindness in willingly assisting III ev eiy way tu lighten I lie burden of cure and Ki'ief Willi which I he fainly has been "f llieled; und must especially do WH lle knowledgd thw evidence of repeset ex pressed by tlie very many und lieuiitifut (lowers presented by friends which leaves u life-long impression upon us. Yours, A. .'. Bond. Dr. Deletion's "V iluliing Narsu parilla Fills," Contain all the virtues of the liquid Sursaparillas lu a concentrated form, and being candy coated are delightful to take. Combined with the Sarsaparllla are other extremely valuable blood and nerve remedies, which render them nt once the greatest, blood purifier and blood, maker as well as the most power ful nerve builder known. Their magi cal powers to cure all nervous diseases, nervous weakness, nervous headache, hysteria, loss of vital power, falling health, etc., nre pleasing und wonder ful. Frice 50 cents and $1.00. Sold by Curl Lorenz. 41X Lackawanna avenue, druggist, Scranton. TMJRIMSo YOU CAN WAGER 16 TO 1 That no tailor ' in Scrautou can give you a better fit and that none will give you as low a price. We make our cwu gar ments iu our own shop uuder our own supervision. Wl llAVK sis Wyoming A v. mJ. Urt V 1J, Arcade Building. Our Store Will Be Closed Today On Account of Holiday. .affcsw SPECMU i w w is I) iJn S. G. KERR, SON & CO. 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO own ANTON AND WILKES-KANHE, FA Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING ACID PIHNG MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. WE CARRY Burden, Phoenix, American, Juniata Steel, X. L. Steel, SilOPQ Toe and Side Weight HAV NEVERSL1P CALKS, BLACKSMITH AND WAOONMAKERSV SUPPLIES. B1TTENBENDER I For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. t" 1 .''H-'. V WE GIVE YOU THREE DOLLARS and EIGHTY-FIVE CENTS A That's the fact of J cut 3.85 off of the price of $12.75 Morris Chairs. 1.' Full Morris 'Imir - Polished Oak Adjusted to Jinny Position - Sure comfort Laro t'tislnontj a lour Covering lirubs Rod ut Daclc aud Cantered $3.50 HAVE YOU RUGS 26 Inches Wide, 54 30 Inches Wide, 60 OUR NEW DEPARTMENT OPENS SHORTLY. HiS 10 Pair $1.50, from $2.25 10 Pair 2.G0, from 100 8 Pair 2.50, from 150 7 Pair 3.00, from 4.00 10 Pair 5.00. from 8.00 Toeso Ire ill Nsw Goods. Onyx Tables SPECIAL PRICE The Best Value Ever Offered In Scrauton ALL SIZES OF Horse CO., SCRANTON, Pfl. When In doubt whit to uu for Nervous Debility. Loss of Power. Imioiency,Atrophv, Varicocele ana other weaknesses, from any cause, use esine Fills. Drains checked und lull vigor quickly restored. If fifcleetrd. . orb troublM mall f.ttlT. Mailed lor $l.(".l;tlboicJ J.VUU. With $.V00 orders we Rive a guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenu and kxO 1 the long and short of it it the truth of it, We Placed on Sale ThisWeeK at ENOUGH? Inches Long, $1.39. Inches Long, $1.69. WYOMING AVENUE 25 MORRIS CHAIRS $8.90 1 p J:
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