TI1E SCRAXTOX TKIBtLNE THURSDAY MOENIHG, SEPTEMBER 17, 1890, NATIONAL CIRCUIT RACE MEETING Attracted Large Nomber of Fast Riders to Wltkes-Barre. BALD, SANGER AND MANY OTHERS They Took Part in the Professional 'outrttKcranton Had Several Jiiders in the Amateur Kvcots and lliejr Made (loot! ShofiU6-Sum-lunriei of the Various Race. Bpeciul to tho Scranlon Tribune. Wllkes-Barr. Sept. lfi.-Thfl Xatlon ul circuit pace meet here today. unJor tlie tiUNpicos ot tlie Wst Slrtu Whi-cl-niun, wus a grand nurresM. The man agement Aran lirst class, weather perfect, rsrinK very fust, and the at-t'-ndatint fully tlve tlioipi.-iiid. . A better fiVld of ridel's was never Lrottclit toRftht-r. Among tin prn fi'ssluniils who competed were: 12. Hit Id, Tnuuuie 1 :mlT. Walter S:iiiji;i, Tom Cooper, .1. Kiurbiifk. 12. S. Acker. Out linker, Kay McDonald. .Minion buvis. I.. A. Culliihiiti, F. .1. Jenny, J. A. New house. F. II. Alli-n, Arthur tlurdincr, tto Kt-lglcr, I'at f ri'unnor, u,ven Kimble, Churles WIN. Jri-d Longhead, A. L. Kennedy, A. .Mi-ileus, F. MoKfirlaiid, Otto Maya mid Carroll It. .lark. In the amateur events were fliirh riders lis ('.' W. Kriek, ". i. lJuiiKlas, lolni H. Corser, H. V. Tlmi'tie, A. 1"'. I litl'einl. riir. 1;J. Creamy, Onirics I 'olelliall. Kubel t Willie, Leu Keller, W ill Mc.Mi. luc.-l, .1. X. Harry and a H' ore more. HALF .MlI.K ri:NT. ilo filler, 12. S. Arker. 1'Yod 1.. .iii'lti'.id, Tjhii Cooper, Aiiliur !arrt iner, J,. A. I oloman, J. A. Newlioiise, Waller SaiiKer and Jay Katoil qitrtll li il fur the one-hair mile open profes sional. Hie linal of liii-li wax pared ly A. C, Merli ns, i.f Louisville, Ky. Wwlimiso cailiiht Hie pace, the fdlioivi Mrliieinsr tin behind In single tile un til Hie quarter idi wan reaehed, when the JunsliiiK for a irood plaee to sprint from took plaee. They hwiiiib into the Mreteh in u Imneh. ZelKler, Sanger, liaidiuer and Cooper to the front. A ihsperata linisli followed. y.eier, 'iardiner and ('neper fotiKlit It out nil the way to the l.ipe, iinislilrit; in the ul love order. No event of the day S' enied to nt tiael iiuire Interest than the one-mile niiiutt.-lir. II was ridden In two lieitti. I'urxer, Iilft'endirfer, While. Krlek, Thorne and Keller Rettinfir places for the tlnal. It was In this event that K. V. While ami licit Keller, the youiijr Sera n ton riders, surprised the fast ones by winuiiifr Heeoud and third prizes respectively, 1 hereby ilel'eutinK 'n'ser and Doiisluss, who are consid ered two of the very fast'-nt amateurs on the traek today. Ml F F 12 CAl'tlHT T1IK I 'At '12. I iffrtiderfer, of KiiiKluimtoii, i iiucht the paee.-lle riders xtl'lllKllllf oil he lilnd In one, two, three niiler, Krlek .lumped at the last quarter, elnsely lol ..ed h.V White, Cursor and Keller. The linisli was a whirlwind, mid It looked us though they would linish In the uhovo order, )mt when n few feet from the tape, Keller, of Seranton, d"veliiped a. wonderful sprint, Penting Cursor out. for third by half a wheel. Krh k llrst White seeond. The Serau tun eiuitineent It. ike lose nhout Ihis time and cheered the favorites lo the echo. The professional event of Ihe day, viz. the one-mile open, clearly demonstrat ed Hie fact that Kddie Hal l isn't a has been, ns many claim. Tlie following men llael up fur the linal In this event: 12. C. Raid, Arthur Gardiner, I.. A. Cul lahan, Tom Iiutler, Fred J.nnirhead, 12. S. Acker, Tom Cooper, Jay I2aton and otto KclRlcr. It was paced by Merlons and Wells on sinnles. each rider taking the pace fur one halt mile. It was a meat rnce. the finish hrlnslns the audi ence to their feet. The entire bunch rwuiig Into tlie stretch together, lined cnmplelely across the track, linld lln Islied lirst with one of his old-tlmn "corkscrew sprints," closely followed by Longhead, Iiutler and Callahan. Ha Id's win was a popular one. It especially 1 pleased Sanser, who cheered the White Flyer like mad, nnd afterwards nearly li iiege j hiin to death. VICTORY FOR KIUCK. Krick won the two-nille lap nmateur with eleven points, with DoiirIuss sec ond and Corser and Thorne tie for third. Corser would undoubtedly have done better hnd he not fell on the third lap. badly wrecking his wheel, enm pelliiifc him to withdraw with still an other lap, in which was a chance to ml re. Jie was riding In good form nnd would most certainly have scored main. An umnslriR feature In the one-half mile state championship occurred at the tape before starting. Only League of American Wheelmen members can ride In such events. About a dozen riders lined up for the start. Referee 1'iiee u.'ked each rider "if he was a l"anue member," and It was found that only four of tlie lot were members, con sequently only four riders started. Krick had what Is commonly known as h "cinch," winning out ca?ily. No Seranton riders were In the event. The long mark man wan too much for the short mark rider In the one-mile .amateur handicap, Stnrdevant, n Wilkes-rarre man, winning from the lin-yard mark. Thorne, of Itinsthum ton, was second from forty-five yards, with Krlek third from scratch. The two-mile handicap for profes sionals was another case of poor handi capping. The short mark men never caiiKht to "far-a-wcys." Sanger and iurdincr rode from the scratch and rode well. Ion, catching the lirst hunch very handily, but the limit bunch was loo far away, both scratch men riding Into it on tin- home stretch, but too late to set through. Williamson, of Niaguru p'alls, won llrst from 15 yards. Willi Clinton W. liavis, of ItufTalo, second, fr nn the same mark. f. M. I'rice, of Seranton, was ref eree, and did his work well and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. : TI1K SITMMARIH3. I One-mile novlee-TM-l Vrown. Vllkes Ilurre wen: X. W. llcrnlordiot. Plymouth, . -on.l: K. J. Unslun. Wilkes-liurre, third. Time 2 : 2-3. Iliilf-niil" open fpro.) First heat. 'Mto eiKler, won; 12. 8. Acker, second: Fre.l I ..in-,' h on. I." third. Time, LIS. Seninl l-.al Tarn t'ooiT. won; Arthur rtanliier, eeond; I.. A. t.'alhihiin. third. Time l.pi. Third heal. I. A. Newliouse, won: Walter SurniPr, seroiel; Jar Kulon, third. Time, 1 14 x-.'i Kiiml heal, into JWslw won f'tvt: Waller H'i!!er, second ."'; ATthnr i .r.lner. third Time, l.ns in tnlle open (amaleiir) First heat. J. It. I'orser, won; A. F. 1 MtTemlerfer. sec ond: IS. V. While, third; Charles Cideman, fourth. Time. 2.:& '-it. Second heat. C. . Krlrk, won; i. W. Thorne. second: M. K Keiler. Jhlrd: W. 1. TKiiiKlnss. fourth. Time. 2.3' Final heiil, '. W. Kriek, won: It. White, eeund; Jt. F. Keller, .''tii'rd. Tlm Half-mile, io)f0. N. Harry, Herwlek, won:. J. J. wVber, Pfttstnn. second; Hen ry sUll, MJneiV JLliUH, third. Time, l.tt i-i. One-mile open professional First hent, K. C. Kjdd. won; An loir i:inlner. sec ond: U A. CHllelian. third. Time, 2.31 2-5. Si-ond heat. Tom Bailer, won: Fred l.oH head. seeond: K. fi. Acker, third. Time. 2.30 S-S. Third heat. Tom Cooper, won: Juy Katon. second; Otto ZeiKler. thinl. Time, 2 .14 2-5. Final heat, E. C. Bald, won 1100); Fred Iincheail, second itZO): Tom Kntler. third (.'); L. A. Callahan, fourth (si'ii). Time, S.oJ. Two-mile lap (amateur! O. W. Krick, won; W. G. JJouitlas, second; J. B. Cor ser and George Thorne, tie for third. Time. 6.H. Half-mile state championship C. W. Krick, won in 1.H3 2-.T. Two-mile handicap (professional) W. II. Willinmson, won (1H0); C. W. lavis, sec ond tiO; H. C. Clarke, third (Mil); George Bowler, fourth $2U). Time, 4.3ii. One-mile handicap (amateur) Robert Sturdevant, won (110 yards): Ueoree Thorne, second (IS yards); C. V. Kriek. third (scratchi; W. G. Douglas, foiinh (13 yards). Time. 2.11 5-5. Otto Zeigler broke the paced half mile state record, dointr the distance hi f.5 Mat. if. I. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Percentage Kerord. v. v. n l'.c n.iltiiiic.T'e l.'l : .PC Cleveland 121, 7i ! .ii"J Cincinnati 12:! 7.". Is .till Chicago l.'l 70 .'.' ..V.'i iu:nii K ;x r." .'.'..i flltsMirg 1-2 t;:l .Vi .."hi I'liiladelphU 122 liJ .t! New York Irt t:, Kl .Ki Hrooklvn 12:i f" :.s .11, Washinxtoa 12:! it '2' .I:n St. Louis 12.; XI . vt .':' lxiuisville 122 ::i M X.'i ( inciuiiiilUriltxbiiri;. riltsbiii'K. Sept. 1C. -Cincinnati won both names lmni Mil tuns toilay. ruliliing it la on the home team hy shut tint; lliem out I nice. Score: First name.- R.lf.K. I'ltt-dniitf a o n a a n o oo.. u ii I Cincinnati Iiivuiiiiillvil- II ' 0 Uatieries llastinns, Jlughey find Mer rill; Khiues and Cray. Umpire Sheridan. heei.ml bailie .-i.H.I2. rirtihins flOOOOft 0 00u 3 1 Cincinnati IIVIIIH lli)0-i U 1 ia t teries II aw ley and SiiKden; lwyer and iray. 1'mplre Sheridan. Host on-iiaitimoi e. Bali im ore, Sept. IK. Median's eriorj t:ae toilay's Kauio to 1-IohIoii. "Joe'' Cor becl pllch 'd the last four inning, and hat one hit was inado off him. Score: H.11.12. Hall imoi'o 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0- ii II 2 Itnstuii a 2 2 .1 I 0 0 0 0 8 1.1 I Hattrh s -I'nad, Curbett and Hobinsoli ; Sllvetls and Gaiisel, t'mpire Lynch. le vela nd-Cir cutto, Cl.-veland, O., Sept. Pi. Cleveland won la a wulk in Iii!m's game Willi Chicago. The play wag marked by continual wran uliiof on the part of Ansou whu took ex ception lo Kmslie's declshiiiH ul every o)i portiiuity. Score: Jl.lf.K. Cleveland 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 ft 0 - I 8 I Chleaao it a l n 0 o no a 1 4 .'I Hatierii-Ciipiy and Zlinmer; (Jrillilli and Jioiiohae. I'mplre-12mslie. IMiiladelphia-.Vcw York. New Vork. Si'Ul. hi. - Tlie New Vorks. Kirrine; oiie or two men, could do noth- Imc with Cnrsev'H pij.'hlng today, while I he 'hlludclihias hii Meekiu fi ly uad Played superior ball. The K.mic ahoiiliilej In Hue plays, lielehanly, Thompson, .Icy. and liavis carried on the Iiiiiioih. Score: lt.ir.12. New Yol k 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0- 2 II 1 l'hila.lelphia 2 0 0 0 0 10 12-1)12 1 HatliTies .Mockin and Wilson; Carsey nadilrady. l'mpire I lorniinit. At Washhiglim R.11.12. W ashiiiKloa 0 2 1 0 2 0 ft 0 II 17 2 llrooklyu 0 0 0 2 II a 0 2 II 3 Batteries- .Mercer and Farrell; Stein and Burrlll. I'mpii-e lleydler. FOR THE STEINERT Cll. l irst Three liiimes will liegiu iu Iiullulo Tomorrow. New York, Sept. 111. I'resldent Tow ers, of the F.astorn league of profes sional base ball clubs, slated to u re porter of the Cnlled Associated l'resses today' that the" Kanieu bclweeii the Providence nnd Buffalo clubs for the Steinert cup have been scheduled as fol lows: At linfTalo Sept. 1" ! and 20. nnd ot Providence Sept. ".'I. 24 nnd 21!, the loca tion for the seventh game. If necessary, to be decided by lot. I'mplres Cuffney nnd Hwartwood have been selected to olllcbite at the series. - - . -. ' AMATEUR BALL NOTES The Nonpnriels of I'rlccburg defeated the fireen llldgn Stars In n. byosely played game by the score of 17 to 7. The features of the game was the pitching of Moses, of the Nonparlels, having fourteen strike outs to his credit. The Nonparlels of I'riceburg challenge the Green Ridge Slnrs lo a game of ball on the I'ricehurg grounds Sept, 20, for a purse of I0 a. side, i ianio to commence at 2.30 o'clock. J. H. Welland, manager. Tho lilttenbender nnd Ktireka T'.nse Ball teams have Dually agreed to play at the Bnso Hall park Saturday for JuU a side. Much rivalsy exists between the two tennis. They nre made lip of some of the best nmateur players In tho county. An admission fee of la cents w'll he chared to dafray expenses of tho park. J relics will bo admitted free. The game hetwe'eii the Harmonies i.f Seranton nnd the Browns of Olyiihant, Jt iilynhant, yesterday broke up In a wran gle In the eighth Inning with the lrow:is at the bat. Cawley pliehed for the Har monies and wis hit quite freely. Cleiiry handled I he sphere for Hie Crowns. Tli score was .1 to 4 in favor of t he Harmonies when the game ended. Tlie Starlights, of Throop, challenge the llusiiers of liiiuinnre to a. game on the Starlights' grounds, Sunday. Answer in The Tiiliime. Will play it return gaiit', Jul: I dipper, captain; In w Fvaiis, inan URer. postal clerks' salaries. Hill is limited to M.il.r Possible a Milling lucreiise, lienver. Colo., Sept. Hi.- The national nssemldy of noslolliee clerks have adopleil a ela.osilied bill which makes :t material increase in all salaries. In llr.-t-elnss olllces the iniuiuuim is $iml, increasiii $1i0 each year until n maxl innni of Sl,20ii is reached. Promotion to a salary of 31.4') i-nii be cfiected Willi the recommeiidai ion of tlie post mnf lor general. In st cond-ciass lH.st.ifliei s the mial miiiii is Increased from $:io(i to t'.uo, with Increasing $100 each year until a maxi mum of $1,000 is reached. This Is nn in crease of $200 in the maximum salary. The delegates express their entire sat isfaction with Hie bill us amended. It will be submitted to tlto department and every effort will be made to secure Its passage in the next congress. - SF.WAI.L AND WATSON TO RETIRE. Judge Clarke ol'N'orlh Carolina Suga icested us a Compromise Candidate. New York. Sept. 1C From one high In the councils of the liomoeralic put ty It Is learned that as a result of the elec tion in Maine Mr. Sewall will immedi ately resign his plaee on the Iiemocratic ticket providing Tom Watson, of Geor gia, shall also withdraw from the vlee presidential candidal thus leaving the Iiemocratic and Populist national committees in Joint session to Mil the vacancy. Judge Waller Clarke, of North Caro lina, is mentioned as the most promis ing candidate to succeed Mr. Bewail, as It Is thought he would unite the warring 'factions. NEW SATURNALIA OF KHURDISH FEROCITY Helpless Armenians Are Massacred Right in Constantinople. THE POLICE MADE NO RESISTANCE It Is True That Armenian ltevolu tionisits Were the Aggressor, llav ing Intimidated the Occupants of the Ottoman Iinuk,bnt the -Hassacre was Nevertheless Most Brutal. Boston, Sept. HI. A letter dated Aug. 31 has been received in Boston describing the recent massacre there, ay follows: Last Wednesday about noon, twenty Armenian revoluntionlsts, the two leaders being Russian subjects, loaded wllh dynamite bombs and revolvers, made a rush into the Ottoman bank and kept some lll'ty persons prisoners, threatening to blow up the bank, and demanding tlie rights of the Armen ians as the condition of preserving the lives of those In thrt bank and tin; bank itself. Soldiers gathered outside uml lired into the windows. The ob ject of Hie revolutionists was not to kill or rob, but to make a demonstra tion which should show that Armen ian had charge mid pluck and make an Impression upon Europe and forcn Intervention. They probably counted the cost of massacre tu I heir own peo ple. They escaped In safety and are on their wuy, il is understood, to Kurope. v. Bui wilh their mad net began a mas sacre in this oily many times more bloody than that, of last October. The killed have getiarlly been of the poorer (lasses of Armenians only, the most serious loss of life falling upon the I Initials, or Porles. who are from the interior, living here without their fami lies. It Is not said that any were killed by the police or the soldiers, but that they did not attempt to control the tnohs. In coming to the illy Friday niornhifT it was evident I Mat I he gov ernment was master of the situation. Mobs were dispersed; quiet prevailed Willi few exceptions. -Meanwhile, front every quarter, not, however, extending1 up the Bosphorous or over Into Seit lurio, lo the Island or towns of Ste plinno way), but specially from Khans here in the idly: from Galala, from Amatla, win-re there is u large Ameri can quarter, nnd from llasskeuy, come a units of murder and pillage which ure frightful. Nearly nil the killed urn inert, not women nor children, as tlie violation of women Is not reported. At llasskeuy the police are tracing and restoring stolen goods lo some extent. Some evil work was done at Rcbek on Thursday night and on Friday tlw greater part of Hie British Hebek col ony lied lo a ship In tin? harbor, from which they returned to their home yesterday under protection of tlie British gunboat. Cockatrice, which now lies in the Bebek bay. SI'I.TAN IS SCAR I21. Berlin, Sept. IB. .V dispatch lo Hie Frankfort Xeitutig from Constantino ple, pullisheili today, says that the guard of Turkish troops on duty at. I he Vlldlz Palace, composed of four battalions of Albanians, was forcibly disarmed yeslerdtiy evening in presence of a large body of troops and was re placed by five Seraskier battalions. Constantinople, Sept. IB. owing- to I he Turkish government's communica tion to tlie embassies of the jHiwerfl In regards lo rumors of another Armenian outbreak here, the enibasises have de puted I ho foreign consuls to authorize tin- police to enter foreign houses when necessary and arrest Armenians throw ing bombs or shooting therefrom. The offer of the Turkish govern ment to furnish the embassies with guards has been declined, the foreign olllcialu preferring to rely upon the guards of bluejackets from the war ships of the powers. Since Hie Issuing" of the Hycnckaklst circular 3,000 Ar menians have been arrested, and the exodus of Armenians continues. It is feared in high quarters that n mus sulmun movement is afoot against the Sultan, and military measures on nil ex tensive scale have been adopted. London, Sept. Ifi. A Constantinople dispatch to the Times says that while the efforts of the Powers In obtain a regulation to Insure the rafety of the Armenians have thus far proved a failure, the arrest, find deportations of these people is hurried on with re doubled fury. Hotel Walton road and l ocust Street, Philadelphia. One of tho most mnguiuVant hotels iu lbs world. Filial ml in every detail. Absolutely Hreproof. European Plan $1.50 1,'pwarJs, American Plan $4 lipwards. Situated near ull tin. lending theatre and railroad station. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH I. U. CK AWFORII, Manager. JR. $330.00 Seal Skin Sacqus. Our aiuliition In to reach tlie 500,000 mark ill eireuliition, milking us the largest weekly home umguKinu in tho world. To ac complish ting wo have decided to give abso lutely free, tu each ludy obtain!)) in tiin state in which she i-enidcs the larjct number of yeiirly suhscriptiriiiq for I'd; tl. tun hold Coni runl.in by -limitary 1. IMC. tli-i tinest S-IBiUIIO Seulskln Jacket manufactured hv Henry A Newluud & Co . Petroit. ,ln addition to Ilea Uliireeeil llted oiler Wl Will p.iy 'i cents for Que 1 subscription sent in, our yearly sub scription t r.ee has bcon reduced fi nni $1.25 TO 75 CENTS. Send one cent stamped addressed wrapper for subscription blanks and free dinnplc copy of paper to " Household Publishing Co., DETROIT, MICH. krferenco; Any Hunk In Iktruil. Till: Mil: Al. AMIiKICAN TWIP NOk l lll:iN M l.AMSIIIP COAII'ANV. Tim superely AiMnmited and C'oiiiiii-.dious Ip. 1 Sterinmlcp-i. . NOIil rlWKST AINU SDK I HI. AMI, ,meric:iii through mid :hr ")!), leave llutfulo I ii'sdiiv-. Mild Krid:iysn.3o p.m. for Cleveland, llelruil, Muckinat. die Sim. bulutli, mid Vtchtrrn Points fafMii? all placen of intt'iat by daylight lneouau.'tiua TUB GUEAT MIKTIIBKN RAILWAY, it forms tlie mot direct reale. and (nun ev ery point ef cciupariHon. the most (Icliflitful and colnfoi tal I" oiu to Minneapoliii, SI Paul, (treat Tails Helen Putt". Spoane au.l IV ciile roant. The 01. 1e trtir-oniineiiTul line running the I;inioni buffet, lilirary, observa tion car. New 87 henr train for Portland vli Spokcne. HOTHL I.APAYLlTI', Lekc MinnetonUu, IB miles from tutiiienpollf, largest and must beautlul renqrt la the welt. 1 icketiand any Information of any agent or A. A. HEARD, General Paiweiiuer agent, Buffalo, N. Y. . IBM 111 FOR THE EASIEST RUNNING WHEEL ON EARTH R. A. GREGORY ON A SPALDING T KING3T01, 0.1 AUGUST 27, Took everything in sight, except the grand titan J, and ho would have taken that, too, but it wuh filled with pretty girls, and being bashful he did not want to ask them to move. Get a Spalding and be with file push at FLORETS ICYCLES At Rock-Bottom Prices. LIST NO. i. Buffalo Prince....: '86, $36 Imperial '96, 55 Erie '96, 45 Prince '96, , 36 Stems '94, 35 Columbia '93, 25 Cleveland '94, 25 Coventry '93, 15 These are nil fitted with pneuiuutto tires aud are iu good running order. CHASE & FARRAR BICYU.li SlktiLONS, Si5h Linden Street. Opp. Court House. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freeklea, Pimplet, Liver Melet, Blaekheadi, storot the Ekiu lo it orlgi- yiMjftfsA ual ireshneas, produoinu m&jS clear and healthy com- Map. W99iTy' pleilon. BiiperiortoHfi( " preparations and pcrterily harmlesi. At oil Uruggiits, or uuulcd lor SOets. fceud lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP i Hmtfr ioFoupuibto u a Ifcln puriljtDg bop, iuii1M Ibr (bo toilet, ami Kltlioiit a ilvl to (b mtMrj. AbMlutolv pun aul AtlksUdj awisl euud. at dmifiiu. Price 25 Cf itt. G. C. BITTNEft A. COTc.t.coo, O. For Ble by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. THELPS. Seranton, Pa. PUBLIC OF B f ml Seated and Unseated Lands BY THE Commissioners of Lackawanna County On MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1896, at 10 O'clock a. m. Nntlee Ih hereliy Riven in inirsimnee of the AetH of Assembly of the roinnionwr itllli of I'ennsylvaiila dlreetinn the mode of sellintr seated nnd unseated Ininls that have been in the possession ot the County Commissioners nnd remalninK unredeemed for two years and upwards, there will be exposed to public palp on the 12th day of fie. loher, A. 1). thffl, nt ten o'clock In the roronoon, nt the Arbitration Konni, in tho Court House, in the City of Seranton, tho following; properties unless the same are redeemed previous to that time, lo wit: UNSEATED LAND KOAUIN'O UUOOK TOWNSH.'": Amount ot No. ot Owners or Reputed Inscription of Property Taxes, Interest Xo. Acres, eic. Owners. Warrantee Name, AH and Costs. 1.. 4U acres. .Owner unknown Near No. 11 school house 2U 71 DICKSON CIT5T BOROUGH. 1 ' 2..4:Uaores..l. X. drier and Mra. Davis...,' Christian A. Cranham tract. SOS 07 SEATED LAND. COVINOTON TOWNSHIP. n..' 1 lot ..Marv nriiminer Tiloclt 3. lot ;r, ft 'H 1 lot ..Ida D. Kont ....Uloek 1'. lot 23 X eH i.. 1 lot ..John W. Horsey Hloek :i, lot :;1 x ,vs II.. I lot ..A. J. 1'nnlho Hlock 2, lot 21 KM 7.. 1 I'H ...lames Deacon Hlnek lot 21 8 X.. llol . . K, Morris Hloek 2, lot 13 XMt !i. . 1 lot ...MIhh .Mitry Icnnnrd Block ::. lot tl IU.. 1 let ...l. T. Jones Hock -I. lot IS X r,s II.. 1 lot ..licorKe V. lOmmons Illock 2. lot "u S M I'.'.. I lot ..Mary Yunnan Hloek 2, lot 2 , X ."'S i:i., llol ..l.lliuii Lewis I'.loek 2, lot 2:1 X .".: II.. llol ..J. W. llincs-line Illn. k 2. lot :I2 X ."X 1 let .iTIioinus Krohiler I'.loi k I. lot 2!) hi.. 1 lot ...lr.. NoniU .McDoniihl Itloek 2, lot :i X .".. 17.. I loi ..Hannah '. liobertson Bloi k 2, lot "1 X it.. I Lit ..IiMuki. .1. Thomas Illock 2, Kit 2;", X "s !.. 1 lot ..Maurfie Woodward Illock 2. lot 4 X "s 2".. I lot ...I. I,. Thomas Illock 2. lot I KJS 21. ...1 lul Catharine W. Sknibeaker Illock :!. lol 14 X 22.... t lot Mrs. J. J. Chirk Hlock 2, lot i S :: 21....1 iol Kilwufd IS. Slnilisoit Hlock I. lot 27 X .'iX 2::'-..l lol Jami s Woolsey Illock 2. lot II S ."it CAR Rf XDA I.K .2 lo!s....lViiiiimin I'ollard .1 lot W. .1. (Uynmu DI'NMOIIK 2"i....2 lots....!'. 1'. Ja lwill 20.. . I lo! .Mrs. lieei't'e Reed 27 2 loi.--.....k!v!ianls & Me.'hanlcs Rank.. y 1 lot Hciijamln Howell .'.... I lul M. !' Adams :m....2 lots Inliii .1. Campbell 11. I lot I. I. I.onii DICKSON CITY :i3....1 lol Ii. C. l.el I lol Vinbew Siislarin k 34. ...1 lol Ci.'ivlcs W'artauski :u'.....l h.t and I linni J.'iank llar.uiowski M I lot Frank M. Suva ire. I . A ( K A W A N lot iitul I house. Robert tin nliiill MAYFIKI.D ::S....l lol I'. ti r Wes!ck RANSOM TOWNSHIP :?l....?rtaeies..liihll David 4ii....!!;Ucr..tieo:ne flh-nn 41... .l a' re.'..lohii I'mvlu- " NlNKTF.i:.'TII W.'Mtn, PC It W'TON. 42.... il aires an. I 1 hoiiao. Philip UrnlV nn 1 he mountain ., 13 I lot otiii.r uiiknoivu Illock 'M. lot 7 or 8 . TW K.NTIF.TIl WARD, Sl'RANTON. 41. lot. ..James .Murphy block M. lot 03 ..... Tho forouoliiK properties will bo sold for Attet-CHA$. F. WAONER. ClerW BcrautonPf, Sept. tub, im. Ml n Will be closed all day today, Thursday, on account of a Holiday, and the Great Fire Sale will continue as heretofore. Doors will open Friday at 9 a. m. A large quantity of desirable merchandise has been placed on sale which we were unable to handleforwantof space, and at prices lower than ever. LEBECK (Nicatie t TMt Hiexwr Mioic.t Atmtoninw CATARRH Inhatkh will cure you. A tvunUertiil boon to nntfcnn f rum Cold, ttnre Th rnu t, innnenra, nroncnuii, or 11 A V FFKB. sttftnt! immtdiaterttitf. Anefticit-ni In portPt,rirtf to V on t,nt Indication of cilJ. tiitUfui!tluii rimrnntvf d or mdnoy rei unded. Prlrel 5 !. Trial frtt nt Druiaints. littered niall, W couts, 1. 1). COiBMAM, Mir., litre Wi, Mici., 0. 3. 1 KPNTMHI 'rh, ""we and eaffit iwninlr for UUL. an nkimitHfaueB. Kt Enniit. Iti-ra.aU RbcnmoUl Hi i reg. Hiirnit, Cuts. Wonderful run pti lorFII-ES. Price, 95 eta. nt Imv no j 'RUor by matl preindl, A1.1r?iu8atHTo. OH t For ealo by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN II. PHELPS, finrHnton. Pa. M rhlrflrr' Kn.ll.. lllaatenit Bra.it, Pennyroyal fills " -Vw Orlglnii! and Only Qenulue. k fiiiffjist lor ihvbtltrt Knqhth "'a-iWVX moml Hranii in mJ Hid u'-iU nit'ttllinVw fiHJiPit. Ht Khtl wiili tlut' rihtfon. 'J nko Vl La h h. Httusr daiiiierouM tnihttitu itiiit u mi imitation. At UrunRi n, or KMid 4p In .tumpi lr inirtlculKn, tL-niinooUli kni "cll-r Tar luillf, 'tn tnttf, nt iviDra Mnll. 1MMU i-nmonltli. A-ir Paper. Iih jaf p4'hainlrul4Jtk..Uu(INftll KitUUi te Id ay aU Ucai utuggiM. 1'alliulibt i'a. SALE TOW NSH1P. 13 '!i II 71 HnRlifOH. ....( il umhs si reel, Slxl h war. I ....Sixth ward lefl'erson uvcinic. Sixth ward 13 Webster a Venue, Sixth ward. 4:1 Sixteeutli street, Sixth ward 47 HOROCUir. NA TOWNSH1 1 . Mooslc. .. 91 H HIIROITIH. 10 01 10 c :d rash only. JOHN DKMPTIT, K W. ROBKRT3, OILE8 ROBERTS County Cotumiuloners. 124 AND 126 WYOMING 2,000,000 Alade and Sold in Six Months, ending flarch I. 1896, Total Product of The A Mill Alone produced 1,000,000 Barrels, Largest Run on Record. Wnshbtirn. Crosby's Superlative la solJ everywhere from th Pacific Const to St. John's, New l oundlaiul. and in England. Ireland and Scotland very hu'gcly, and i recognized a the best Uoar in th world. WHOLESALE AGENTS. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domestic us and of all sizes. Including Buckwheat and Uirdseye, delivered iu any pari of th vliy at the lowest price. Orders received ut tho Offloe, first floor. Commonwealth buililiiig, room No. ii; telephone No. 2(!24 or at the mine. tle phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to.Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T.SMITH. WILLIAM S- fv'lLLAa, nail 8th Ward, Seranton ROOMS 4 AN D 5 OAS AND WATl.k CO. bUII-UINd, COEKEE WYOL'ING AVE. AND CENTER SI. OPFIfR H01"R9 Trom 7.30 a. m. to 9 p. tn. (1 tigjr liiterml.iou for dinner and uppar.) Particulstr Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt S-cttlenicat ti:::irunleeu. Votir llus! acts i yespicliuliy b-iliriltj. lelephunc 134. SPKCIAl THKttl (ill (MBS CENTRAL RAILRaAOOr NSW JgRSEY Ufginintif; .111110 IM'u. luavimj biiau ton at Jj.-"t iu ra., for l.on Jir.'incli, Ocean Crovc, Ashury lrk, )ciinar (IM'nn lViich) Spring Kakc, Sea (iirt, &o. Tli is will h kfpt. up for the ontire Ho:ism, espMfiaily I .r tin-iH-cohmi Mlution ut fnliiilit, tis it wilfctiiililc pasMctitTB t wnire and r tjiin (o-iifurtjil li c:itH tiiw ontirn journoy. l. 11. OfiH A rSKJN, 11, P. BALDWIN", Uii. SuperinliMulont. Ueu Puus. AKenU UlUPVl P WHEELS .aid BICYCLES. ON AMI AKTF.lt SF.PT. 1ST, 1HWI. WE will 1 flVrull ol tiin follnwiiiK liw! we limy liftve in stork Hi .lolil er' I'ri.-p. : NVoll'. A no in .10. l':rr", ivrr .h.linsoii, Wnverly nn.) I". alii, rxloin' Line. This is an opportunity to ni't s i i.od win-id rlii'Ui. Wo .till ba'e the I'an.oim "Crawford," u wlii'rl that rnn. nn UkUI nnd eav nud wrnr. tiiial to any in.i'hiiK on lite nmrkot. t'oti.v aud to.-, what we i'mu d 1 for you in our line. lipid, n mm 1 AVE., CORIN BARRELS DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sep tember 17, 18 and 19. MOORE & CASTNER'S rreseatatlon of Mrs, Stow.'. ' immortal . With All AcreooriM and a big Company, See The Strert Parade and Listen tu the Hand Concert in I-root ul th. Theatre. Admission JO, i!0 or 30 Cents. Two pi rforniiinreg dully. Poom open a 1..1U and 7. t'urtaiu rises at 2.2o and .l&. .CADKMY OF MUSIC, 1 V MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ji. First Klaborato Prmlitclion of the Season, CLEOPATRA With Edmund Collier a M.rc Antony, ena Alary l:miT.nn an Cleopatra, anal m ' Company ol Capable Alter. Cleopatra', pduro in Movindrla. E-rypt. Temple of Hymen Sremin. Mutuary 8. ilre. Interior of Oleopul ra'. palaro. Cleopatra, Antony and Cu'tar' Hiet.. Cleopatra', toinli. Clo.in.itra . an.d Antony, deutb. The Orieu tal il.iln-e. All m onery earrieil by company. PKICIiS-tiallery. t.sc: Balcony, 35c. 3ct Orchestra Circle, 50c; OrcheMra 75c; Parlor Chair., $1.00. .MM I What 5urab Bernhar4 My iiiiL e Us li s7 'ia xl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers