13 THE SCRANTON TBIBTTNE SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 189. GARBONDALE. pttadfrw wffi please net that adTTtU" mnts, order for Job work, and Items tor publication left at the establishment at Shannon Co., newsdealers. North Mala Twt. will receive prompt attention; of ice open from t a. m. to 10 p. m. A LUTHERAN CHURCH. Many Families Moving to This City for Organization. Tlio mnny Gorman residents of this city will be glad to hear that there are plrnns iiroKpeotR of a Lutheran church beina; established In this city. A prominent German citizen Is the puurcp of the Information and It can le relied upo:i as beins reliable. Carbon dale offers a wide field for auch a church and there Is no Uoubt but what ii would flourish and grow In a few years. Over thirty families who have been ppoken to are anxious for the church and promise their support. It is proposed to hire a place for hold ing services at first, but as the ;-onjrre-Ration becomes larger a property will be purchased and a nultablo building erected. The services will be In the German laguage.and as there are many Germans in this city and suburbs the proposed organization will probably b a success. WISH BRYAN TO SPEAK. Tln Cnrbondaln Silver Clnb M ill F.u tlcnvor to Nccnre Their Leader. The Curbondule silver club are mak ing preparations for an active cam paign In thia city and have ulready aroused considerable enthusiasm. At their meeting Thursday night they had a large attendance and an effort will be made to swell the number before next meeting. The club is working linnl to have Its presidential candidate to speak In this city. The secretary has been Instruct ed to write to State Chairman German, asking him to endeavor to make ar rangements by which the silver leader might pae through this city on his trip through the coal region. Martin McQnade Hero. The ball players who represented this city In the state league are evidently fond of this pluce, as they are constant ly returning. The latest to arrive is Martin McQuade. former left fielder. McQuade says he is glad to get back, as this place seems more like a home to him than any place he has yet struck. He Is obliged to stop playing for the season, owing to a bad sprain which .he liaa sustained. Since leaving here he has been playing fust ball fur Lancas ter. New York has had an eye on Mc Quade and will probably give him a good offer. The Field Day Prixe. The prizes which will be awarded to the winners in today-a contests at Alumni purls have arrived and are In deed worth every effort on the part of the young athletes to win them. They consist ot htindsome gold medals upon which nre inscribed the events In which they are offered. The second prizes will consist mainly of books and a silk ban ner will be awarded the team winning the relay race. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Michael Bagley, of Brooklyn street, leaves today for several days' visit at Moscow. Mr. and Mr. T. E. Jepson have re turned from Vtlca, N. Y., wher they have been spending sevral weekr. Miss Mary O'Malley, of Pittston, Is the guest of Miss Lizzie Earlcy on Seventh avenue. Mr. and airs. John Orchard and daughter spent yesterday In Hones dale. Miss Kate Saltry, of Providence, la visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Hughes. H. O. Watrous, esq., spent yesterday In Scranton. James Rutherfoid, proprietor of the Globe store. Is in New York city pur chasing his full and winter stock. Miss Kate E. Hayden, of Green Tildfe-e, Is visiting her cousins, the Misses l.oretta and .Samii Cuxu, on the "West Side. Mrs. Mary Stevenson, of Carnegie, Pa., and Miss Mat tic Hoffman, of Mar tinsburg. mv the guests of thier ulster, Mrs. H. J. Hucken berry, on Salem ave nue. Henry T.ee. of Cleveland, Ohio, for merly of this city, Is visiting friends In this place. Miss Marietta Donovan Is visiting her sUter, Mrs. YV. H. Breese, of Lincoln avenue. Miss r.ertha Hathaway Is visiting friends out of town. Misses Jessie Boyd and Eolle Ilisted are visiting friends In Mooslc. Mrs. John Dimock and family, who huve been spending several weeks In Wnymurt, have returned home. Mrs. Harry Tcik will leave Monday for (.Memo, AVayne county, where she w 111 be the guest of friends for a month. Miss Charlotte Tonkin, of Laurel HtreH. who has been at Ocean Grove for the pust mouth, arrived lione yester day. Mr. and Mrs. William Shannon and daughter Helen are spending the week at Lakeview cottage, Crystal Lake. James Doyle, who has been employed by K. P. Patterson ft Sons, has resigned his position and will return to Way mart, his former home. Mrs. Frank Smith, of Garfield avenue, is visiting Mrs. Crogo, of Scranton. Mrs. Michael Dixon, of Cottage street, Is the guest of friends In Syracuse. Miss Dora Surke, of Oneonta, N. Y.. who has been visiting In this city for the last month, will return to her home today. Mr. and Mrs. Colbnugh. of Wllkes Harre, are the guests of Mrs. William Jsgar. of this city. Miss Delia Williams, who has been visiting in this city, has gone to Scran- ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANTSALEOF CARPETS Just read our prices and compare thesa with any and all of the other attempts: 25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35a Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50a Ingrain Carpsts, Now 35c 65a Brussels Carpets, Now 39c 75a Brussels Carpets, Now 57c 95a Brussels Carpets, Now... ...75c AIM a quantity of body Brussels tengttas from s to so yards la each piece at about Mr. half price to cloie. j.sconWs,,9A Cirpeii tad Wall Piper Dealer. TERMS Cash M taw Aheve deed. ton where she will Join her parents, who will mukc that city their home. Mis. J. R. Vanderbilt. of Easton. Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Rettew. on John street. . PECKV1L1X. The following cyclists took a run on their wheels to the electric city Wednes day evening: Miss Morris, of Scranton; Miss Carrie Wise, Wilkea-Barre: Misses Stella Arnold and Emma Barnes, Messrs. Rob. Barnes, Fred Benjamin and Arthur Thompson. Miss Carrie Wise, of Wilkes-Barre, Is visiting relatives In town. The Free Kindergarten schools at Dolph's and the Ontario store will open on Monday morning, September 7, with the Misses Lena and Emma Barnes as teachers. The employes of the Grassy Island, Delaware and Hudson colliery will be paid this afternoon. A regular meeting of the Blakely board of health will be held at the council rooms this evening. The Grassy Island ;trly fund will hold a picnic this afternoon. Mrs. Henry Carroll, of Nanllcoke. was a caller on friends In town yester day. Cora Beatrice Tultle. the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle. died at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Guard, on Main street, last Thursday evening. The remains will be taken to South Gibson for burial this morning. Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman de sire to extend thanks to all who so kindly assisted them during the sick ness and death of their child this past week. Services as usual In the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow. Preach ing morning and evening. Theme for morning, "Power How to Get It." Evening, "The Signs and Causes of Spiritual Sleep, and Why We Should Awake." ' There will be a dime social held In the Methodist Episcopal church pur lors on Monday evening. September 7, under tho auspices of the Epworth lengue. A good time Is promised to all who attend. Leonard Slmpklns and Albert Chap man will leave on Tuesday morning lor Wyoming Seminary, where they will pursue a course of study. Frank Steele, of Honesdale. was a visitor at the Methodist Episcopal par sonage Thursday. Miss Kate Brader. of Scranton, visit ed Miss Sophie Simokins yesterday. Services at the Baptist church Sep tember 6, 1S96. Morning services at 10:30. Subject. "Behold the Lamb of God That Taketh Away the Sins of the World." Sunday school ut ":3 p. m. Evening service at 7:30. "Subject, "Vh" Then, Are We Better Than FOREST CITY. The got pel tent meetings which are being held ill Midway Grove by Evan gelist Moore and wife, are well attend ed. A large number of persons have been converted. Mrs. J. W. Maxey and children are visiting relatives In Scranton. The ofliclal ballot at the November election this fall will bo about two feet wide by three feet long. There will be nine columns, each representing a different shade of political belief. Mrs. Samuel Owens, of Clifford, and Miss Emma Daniels, of Huzleton, vis ited friends In this pluce recently . In one of the New York state towns a dealer offers a Mexican silver dollar, two I 'nlied States lo-cent pieces and a knife, all for mie dollur of American money. "Garry Owen" wlh Tony Farrell In the initial role, will be the attraction at the Opera House. Tuesday evening. It is reported by good authority that the Carbondale Traction company will extend its line through this borough before winter If the borough legislators will grant a franchise. The Hillside Coal and Iron company are about to open their machine shop and car shop at No. 2 mine.. This with the Electric plant fur hauling coal In the mines and lighting the mines with Incandescent lights, really makes this the up-to-dute mine In the Lackawanna valley. The gospel tent meetings under Evangelist G. D. Moore and his wife, are meeting with the confidence favor of God's blessing. The meetings are conducted In a quiet way, and yet there are new converts every night. The Jefferson Branch I'nlon of the Christian Endeavor societies met here last Wednesday at the Invitation of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church and was instrumental of arousing new Interest In this soul-suviug work, some twvnty-flv pTofesisiieT conversion in the evnig service. JERMYX. The last sad rites over the remains of Mrs. Patrick Mulherin were held Thursday afternoon. A high mass of requiem was observed In Sacred Heart church, which was attended by a large number of sorrowing friends. Inter ment was made In the Archbald ceme tery. George Merritt. Richard Gendall, Thomas Jopllnir. Nicholas Walsh und Frank Cain, of this place, will partici pate in the Held day i-ports at Alumni Park this afternoon. Miss Edith Davis, of Main street, is Visiting friends al Wilkes-Unn-e. Mrs. J. H. Wh'-eler, Misses Lucy, Eva and Vernie and Master Morton Whee ler attended a reunion of the Calleudar family at Thompson yesterday. Miss Dora Tennis is spending several days with Wllkes-Barre friends. The members of the Episcopal Sunduy school enjoyed a trolley ride to Anthracite park Thursday, where they picnicked and spent the day. Invitations for the annual clam bake to be held at Chapman Lake Septem ber 11 huve been received by parties in town. TAYLOR. Miss Alice Evans, of Dickson, visited friends here on Thursday. The services at the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow will be conducted Ht the usuul time. The pastor. Dr. H. H. Harris, will preach at 10.30 on "Christ Healing the Nobleman's Son,"' and In the evening on "The Waters Turned Into Wine." John Bundle left Thursday morning for Vermont, Wyoming county, where he will teach in the public school. The Anthracite Glee club left this morning for Shamokin, where they will compete for the J250 prize. The com petitive pieces are "The Crusaders" and "The Young Musicians." Mrs. H. Brownfleld is seriously 111 at her home on North Main street. The game this afternoon between the Mlnooka team and the Reds promises to be very interesting, Judging from the Reds' record so far this season. Num ber of games played 24. of these nine teen on their own grounds, and lost 1; played Ave from home and lost three, and those by close scores. The game this afternoon will take place on the Mlnooka grounds at 2.30 pt m. ' A large delegation from Camp 178 and 833, P. O. 8. of A., will attend the Highest of ail ia Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report II V ABJHl?JTEI.Y PURE clam bnke and picnic of Camp 528 at Bald Mount this evening. The party will leave, the corner of Main avenue nA Tn,.irnii ntre. Hvd Park, at C.oO o'clock. The Taylor cornet band will I accompany the party and Inspire their i hearts witn some pouiar music uuriug the trip. Miss Margaret Van Camp, of Hyde Park, was a visitor with friends in this place on Thursday evening. A surprise party was tendered Miss Ethel Jones at her home on Storr's street, Thursday evening. An enjoy able evening was spent until a late hour, ufter which refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Elsie Carey, Mary and Annie Sherers. Sadie Richards. Addle Goodwin, Annie Shoemaker, Kate Gallagher, Annie Ble secker, Jessie May Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. Archie Jones, of Hyde Park; Ethel. Bertha and Llzsle Jones and Messrs. Richard Watkins, William Davis. Sam uel Gordon, David Davis, Stanley Mil ler, Harry Wlnslow, Joe Goodwin. Jonn Griffiths. Edward and Harry Sweet and Patrick Ludgate. MONTROSE. Ex-Sheriff B. F. McKune and I C. Benson, of Susquehanna, are regis tered at the Tarbell House. The county commissioners, Jeremiah Stevens, Thomas W. Atkinson and George McKeeby. were in session yes terday. William MeCausland, of Mansfield. Is visiting his brother, R. James MeCaus land, of South Main street. Miss Abble E. Mack, of Binghamton, Is the guest of her brother, Theodore F. Mack, of Lake avenue. Stanley Newton, son of Dr. C. R. New ton, has returned to Factoryvllle, where he will attend the Keystone Academy. Miss Jean Taylor will soon enter Bucknell university. Hon. and Mrs. J. Brewster McCol lum. Hon. and Mrs. D. W. Searle, Mr. and Mrs. Searle MeCollum and Miss McCollum and Miss Euphrasia Keller and Mrs. IS. A. Watkins are at the Mc Collum cottage. Silver Lake. The vestry of St. Paul's church re cently met and, adopted the following resolutions Whereas, In the dispensa tion of God's providences whereby it Is wisely and mercifully ordered and pro vided that all men may pass from this earthly and troubled lite to a higher and happier that "this corruptible must put on Incorruptlon and this mor tal must put on Immortality" Mr. Asur Lathrop, for many years a vestryman and senior warden, has been removed from our midst, we hereby testify, and enter upon the permanent records of this church, as the expression of our deep sense of loss at his departure, and our high appreciation of his long, con stant and efficient services as a mem ber of this vestry, of his manly Chris tian character, of his activity, public spirit, and business enterprises Joined with equal devotion as a communicant of this church to its spiritual Interests, and to the general welfare of the com munity in which his long and useful life was passed. Also, that a copy of these resolutions be presented to his surviving family with the assurance of our most sincere sympathies with them in this our mutual bereavement. A. B. Burns. Secretary. A meeting of the Montrose and Uiidgewater McKlnley and Hobartcluh was held Saturday evening, at the office of Lott & Maxey, and the following committees were appointed, to act with out further notice: Executive, B. E. James, S. S. Wright, H. F. Bcardslev, H. D. Jones, W. W. Reynolds; finance, G. C. Burns. C. F. Watrous, O. A. Gil bert, F. E. Barron, John Harrington, W. O. Roach. George A. Baldwin; on speakers. W. D. B. Alney, H. L. Beach, J. R. Beebe; music, E. N. Barney, W. A. TlUworth. George Sprout, S. G. ran cher, V. H. Maxey; torches and banners, . E. Taylor. S. A. Dawley. C. F. Wat rous. J. F. Foran, B. F. Jones, T. E. Parrow. Mrs. R. T. Howell and daughter, Mrs. H. O. Gere, sister and niece of Grocery man J. F. Cooper, are visitors at the latter's residence on Lincoln avenue. Olin B. Tlngley, employed in the large wholesale tea and coffee house of M. N. Titman, at Buffalo, spent last Sunday nt the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tina-ley. Editor Howell, of the New Milford Advertiser, was an Interested onlooker at the recent Democratic convention. A VOL A. The death of Thomas Langan occur red at his residence In Pittston town ship yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock, after a lingering illness of pulmonary trouble. Deceased was about 40 years of age and is survived by a wife and two children. The funeral will tukf place on Sunday afternoon. Interment will be made In Pittston oemtery. The death of Mrs. Daniel Sweeney occurred yesterday morning at 3 o'clock at the residence of her daughter. Mis. William Salmon, of the North End. Deceased tame to this town about three weeks ago accompanied by her daughter, Sarah, for tho purpose of recuperating hi health. On Thursday evening she was suddenly seized with paralysis, since which time she grad ually failed until death relieved her of her sufferings. The remains were prepared for buriul and removed to her late home in Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, yesterday afternoon, accom panied by a numbering of sorrowing friends. She is survived by a husband and three daughters, Mrs. William Sal mon. Kate and Sarah, and one sister, Mrs. B. Moran, of this place. Inter ment will be In Schuylkill. Rev. G. N. Makely, of Brooklyn, was a visitor in town this week. Miss Besise Shepherd, of Dunmore, Is tho guest of Miss Mame Cranston. Miss Kate Brennan will return to Philadelphia after a month's visit with friends in town. Misses Mary Brown and Lizzie Deck er are visiting friends in Truckvllle. Miss Alice Cardon. of Pittston, Is visiting friends in town. WYOMING. Miss Olive Babson, who has been vis iting friends here- for the past few weeks, left for her home in Washing ton, D. C, Thursday. H. H. and A. C. Antrim, agents at the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern depot, are entertaining their ne phew, Leander Parson, of Lock Haven. Thursday evening a crowd gathered at the corner of Sixth street and Wy oming avenue, and an old lady, who chanced to coma along, was compelled to leave the sidewalk ad take the street. The people In that vicinity have talked to the) parties on different ooca- sions, only to receive Jeers and insults. Now they are asking the burgess to take some steps to break up the corner loafing. Constable Parrlsh was In town Fri day subpnaening witnesses to go be fore the grand Jury Tuesday In the case of Vanscov and Stanton. J. V. Baker wishes to thank the pub lic for the assistance rendered him at the death of his wife. CLARK'S SUMMIT. John Pallman had the misfortune to lose one of his horses one day this week. Mrs. William Juston is visiting her sister at Bradford county. Miss Katie Atherton left Wednesday to attend the Stroudsburg Normal school. Mrs. Charles Dally is staying with her father at East Lemon, while her mother makes a visit to her daughter, Belle, in the west. Edgar Shlck Is moving in his new house, which is nearly completed. Mr. and Mrs. Elery Thornhy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stanton have returned from a few days' outing in the coun try. Woodlawn Park Is becoming quite a town of Itself. It was opened only about a year ago and now it can boast of ten new houses and more cellars be ing dug. There are only two empty houses to rent on Woodlawn now. A slight frost visited the Summit this week, but no dumage resulted. NICHOLSON. Last Mondny the Patriotic Order Sous of America placed a new flag on the school house, whicli duty they per form annually. Leo Boyle will attend Cann's school in Scranton this winter. Frost was seen Wednesday morning in this place, but no damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster, of Fac toryvllle, commented housekeeping this week. Nicholson water supply gave out Thursday morning on account of dry weather. Judge Dunham and ex-Congressman Jorden, of Tunkhannock, were in town Thursday. Courtney Avery, of Auburn, N. Y., Is visiting friends and relatives In this section. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Titus went to Wllkes-Barre Monday on learning that Cum "Cures talk "in favor Talk ot Hood's Sarsaparilla, as for no other medi cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, convincing language ot grateful men and women, constitute Us most effective ad vertising. Many ot these cures are mar velous. They have won the confidence ot the people; nave given Hood's Sarsapa rilla the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary tor Its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparillais known by the cures it hal made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures ot rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures ot dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh cures which prove lnlOdl' Sarsaparilla Is tlie best in fact the Ouc True Blood Purifier. u r-kMi eure "VPr 1s! "y to flOOU S FlilS take, easy tooperute.Miu. THE FALLBUYfNG SEASON IS AT HAND An unusual opportunity to buy all our shoes at the manufacturers for spot cash en ables us to help you to the best shoes ever had for the money. Wonders in Ladies' Shoes. Nearly all the styles. Prices lower than ever. Think of it, Ladies Fine Shoes, Genuine Dongola Button Shoes, all styles, toes and widths, at $1.5o. You would have to 'pay $2.50 elsewhere foi them. Our $2.00 Ladies', fine Shoes are of the best make and we guarantee every pair of them to be the best $2.00 Shoe in the city. Our stock of $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Hens' Fine Shoes are of the best make and we will guarantee every pair to. give satisfaction or money will be refunded. Ladies and Youths' Shoes at all prices from 75c to $2 00 Misses' and Children's Shoes and Slip pers at prices that will open your eyes. We have a few pair of Ladies's Shoes left at 50c Bear in mind that we are the greatest Popular One-Price Shoe House in Scranton. Call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere. Remember there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. MYER DAVIDOW, 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. ONE PRICE TO ALL. their son. W'. E. Titus, was III. They returned Thursday and report im provement in their sons condition. M. Shields, Jr., having a large quan tity of stone on hand, hus closed his quarries in this place and at New Mil ford for a period of two weeks at least. Father Farrell Is entertaining his sis ter. Miss Margaret Farrell, of Wilkes Barre. Rev. O. R. Beardsley. of Oswego. Is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. L. N. Shields. George F. Spraguc owns a farm on the margin of Lake Nicholson. He 1 contemplating the erection of a hotel for summer boarders another season. OI.I) ToRUE. Miss Sue Kerr, of Trenton, N. J., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. G. Frank, has returned home. Thomas Ward left (his week to re sume his studies at the Stroudsburg Normal school. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Funk are visit ing in Philadelphia. James Shrigley, of Yostvllle. was calling on friends on Thursday. If the Baby Is Tatting Teeth. Mrs, Wlnslow:; Soothing Smtp h keen used for over Fifty Years by Mil ?:;ns of Mothen for t:.elr Children while Teething, with Perfect Success It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums .' Hays all Pain, Cures Wind Colto and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Boh) by Druggists In every part ot the, world Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Wlnslow Pootbing Syrup," and take no othr kind. Twen'y-flve cents a bottle. W. J. DAVIS, PIONEER IN POPDLAR PRICED TAILORING Is gratified to anuouace that he has been obliged to doable his tailorinp facilities as a result of the people's appreciation of his methods. We will mention these methods once more:' None but all Wool Goods In Stock No Cheap tailors employed. One Price to all . Every garment cut, tried on and made in the building by the best me chanics. Every customer must be satisfied before we ask him to take a garment. This is a complete tailoring estab lishment; suits made from Ju.oo to 540.00 and all cheap. OUR GREAT AXT1D0TE FOR HARD TIMES All wool suits, newest pat terns, well made and trimmed to order, 515.00 W. J. DAVIS, -tSBSaWr l! Notice to Publishers qpHE TRIBUNE is now prepared to fill orders for composition on newspapers, books, pamphlets or other pub lications at moderate rates. Address, Business! jyj anager. S. 0 . KERB, SON & CO. Upholstery Department. Business depression in Europe has forced some extra ordinary values in Lace Curtains on the market very early. Our orders were among the first filled and we can therefore ffer you the following extraordinary bargains: NOTTINGHAM. 28 pair 3 yds. long at 50c, worth .5 pair 3 yds. long at 75c, worth 0 pair yds. long at $1.00, worth IRISH POINT. 10 pair at $1.50, worth -10 pair at 2.00, w orth - -10 pair at 3.50, worth - OVELTIES in Cluny, SASH MATERIALS. Silks, Swiss, rluslins, and CLEARANCE SALE. 50 Samplaa Lacs Curtain, oholca at 25c Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming House. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. PVL. Maamtaoter.ni of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, I.UISIINH AKD PUUPING MACHINERY. STEINWAY BON'S . . 4ckMwledgd tne Leading PIANOS DECKER BROS., KRANICHB BACHB and ethera. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and ' Music Books. urchaur will always find a complete stock and at prices a lew as the qual ity ot the instrument w'.U permit at 3. 11. n nusic STORE. 117 Wyoming Art. - Scranton THE IDPAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY, rba buperuly Auiolntid and Commodious f te 1 gtcAmfthitJA, NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND. mrricun through and -hr High. '"TV Hnlt'Nlo 'I u koi vM KrlfNyn o Jo p.m. 'or Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo. uululh, and Western Points, passing all ; .u e of intui.it by dayliglit In eouooctiun UTHE dREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forms the mint diroct rout., oad from er. try pUiit of comparison, the most delightful nid comfortable on. t Minneapolis, M. Paul, trout Fnlln, Holnna, Futte. MpoKano and Pa ciflo ecast. The onlv transcontinental line running the famous buffet, library, obserra tion car. New 07 hour train for Portland via Spokan. HOTEL LAPAYKTTE. Lake Mlnnetonka. I) Hill, from Miunatolif, largest and must besuttul resort in tlift west. tickets and any inforiration of nny ngent or A. A. HEARD, General Paskenger agent, iluffalo, N. V. A t A WORD TO IIAIIPlf ABIIItIA II O M NhT..nV INK MHJ O IllWIIeasI VIIIIIIM alllalli The object of these little talks is to get you in terested in and acquainted with this best clothes store. When you come to find out what good, de pendable thoroughly-made clothing we sell at much less than usual prices for inferior grades, and when 'ou wish it give you liberal credit, you'll be sorry you didn't know us long ago. X t t We've! T 1 HITS if ' Since we started the Clothing Department Sept. 9th, 1S95, it has had a wonderful growth and there's only one way to account for it. We give the best values. Nothing else would lead men to buy here. There's no scarcity of stores. It's not a case of "Hobson's choice." People can buy else where if they want to but they don't want to when they become acquainted with $ .75 1.00 1.50 $2.25 3.00 5.00 Antique. Arabian and Brus- Lace by the Pair or yard. ilna, cholcaat23c. LackawannaAYenue. QeacraJOfflca: SCRANTON, PA. MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth 65c to $1; choice for 50c. Worth $1.28 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, worth S.SO, at $2.80. Worth $2.50. at $1.78. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Hull Price. Genuine Kogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives at reduced prices. En graved free. Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers. Cake Haskcts, etc., finest plate, new " styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domsstio us and of all sties, Including Buckwheat and Ulrdseye, delivered In any part ot the eitjl at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor. Commonwealth building, room No. (J telephone No. 2624 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272. will be promptly attended to. Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. m t r a 1 1 nr. ruunu Out. 218, 225 and 227 Wyoming v- Avenue. CLOSING SALE KRErau
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers