The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 29, 1896, Page 9, Image 9

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Prom Ocean to Ocean Through the
Queen's Dominion.
Origin, History, Cost an Advantages
of the Canadian Pacific Railway,
Oae of the. Uicatcst Systems on
EarthThe Sprightly Young City of
Written for The Tribune.
A railway from the Atlantic to the
raclHc, all the way on British soil, was
long the dream of a few of the earliest
settlers of Canada. The dream of the
few became In time the hope of the
many, and In 1867 the government of the
Dominion of Canada set about the build
ing of a trans-continentul .railway,
which was the most important single
factor in forming the confederation of
the British North American provinces.
It was afterward found to be a mil
itary as well as a political necessity
and Is now a growing commercial neces
sity. It was an undertaking of such
vast proportions that the richest em
pire of Europe might well hesitate to
enter upon it. Three thousand miles
of railway surveys were made, largely
through a country unexplored, but ow
ing to political Jealousies, party strife
and change of government the work
was so blocked that In 18S0, by common
consent. It was decided to surrender
the outlay, machinery, etc., to a private
company on condition that the remain
ing 1,920 miles of railway Bhould be
completed within ten years. For this
the railway company was to receive
from the government $25,000,000 In gold
and 25,000,000 acres of agricultural land.
The two sections commenced by the
government (425 miles between Wlnne
peg and Lake Superior and another 213
miles eastward from Faclllc coast Into
British Columbia, together with a
branch line ojt slxty.-five miles In opera
tion from Wlnnepeg southward to the
boundary line of . the United States)
should be finished by the government
and given to the new company in addi
tion to its subsidies in money and lands,
and the entire railway when completed
was to become the property of the new
Consequently in 1881, the Canadian
Paclflo Railway company was organ
ized and, accepting the conditions of
' the government, set about Its task vig
orously from both ends of the line to
ward each other and met at Craig Ella
Chle, in Eagle Pas In the gold range
of montains on November 7, 1885, when
the last rail was laid on the main line
and the present company, though not
yet five years old, came into possession
of 4,315 miles, of railway, one of the
longest, if not the largest continuous
line In the world. Extending from Que
bec across the continent to the Pacific
This road was really constructed In
four sections, two by the company, and
two by the government. The Lake
Superior section was one of the hardest
to build, rivaling in obstructions and
requirement of skilful engineering that
The highest endorsement given
Universally accepted by conserva
tive, discriminating home-keepers.
r They know the great importance
of wholesome food; they realize
the risk of the packing house lard.
portion lying through the montains of
British Columbia. It is said while this
section was under construction an
army of rom 10,000 to 12,000 men were
employcdf with work with from 1.500
to 2.0CO teams of horses and in the win
ter, this force of animals was
augumented by about 300 teams of
More than 300 miles of the main line
wer cut through solid rock. No less
than fourteen streams were divested
from these natural beds. In some cases
by tunneling through the solid rock.
The mountains were pierced by scores
of tunnels and innumerable rivers were
crossed by iron or wooden bridges.
Some 1,000 feet long, and one bridge
29 feet above the montain stream It
spans. Upwards of $100,000,000 was ex
pended on the main line up to January
1, 18S5, independent of $55,000,000 dis
bursed by the government.
The late able prime minister of Cana
da, Sir John Macdonald, was a strong
friend of the railway project from the
first, and together with his co-workers.
Sir Donald Smith, Sir V. C. Van Home,
now president, and Lord Stephens, and
other eminent Canadians, the great
work was brought to an early comple
tion, and this national highway of
Canada, the latest American trans
continental railway, Is one of the mar
vels of the day, which every Canadian
joints with pardonable pride.
' There is something heroic in the tem
per of these men who planned and
pushed to completion this gigantic en
terprise. From their resolutions, this
long line has come Into existence.
They spared no outlay of treasure In
breaking down all natural obstacles,
overcoming mountain ranges, impenet
rable canons and formidable rivers, to
join by bands of steel Vancouver. Its
AVestern (Pacific) terminus, (with Que
bec and Halifax, Its Eastern (Atlantic)
terminus, thus, forming a broad com
mercial route from ocean to ocean.
To these railway magnates more than
to all other agencies combined does
the Dominion of Canada owe a debt
of gratitude for her subsequent and
prospective development. I repeat that
this great iron girdle of five thousand
miles, including the branches, has giv
en a magnetic impulse to the field,
the mines and the manufactories of
this once modest plodding colony of
Great Britain, transforming it Into an
energetic nation with great plans and
hopes and aspirations.
The Canadian Pacific is the only
road In Canada using the block sys
tem, and giving a direct route to the
East and branch lines nnectlng with
the railway system of the United
States, thus becoming a powerful com
petitor with American rnads. It If.
too, the strongest road, being heavily
subsidized formerly by both the Can
adian and imperial governments and
now claims the proud distinction as
the only trans-continental line on th;
American continent with no mortgages
oi' Indebtedness. It 1b purely a nation
al enterprise, its ownership being al
most wholly in Canadian and British
It is said no country In the world
Is better served by railways than is
this great dominion which comprises
over 15,000 miles. Every place of im
portance has its railway station or
two. The three principal systems are
the Canadian Pacific, with Its C.TfiT
miles; Grand Trunk, 3.156 miles, and
Intercolonial, (including the Prince
Pacific Territory.J
Edward Island railway), 1,353 miles.
The rest of the mileage Is made up
of smaller lines in the various prov
inces. The total "paid In" capital
amounted in 1892 to $845,000,000, of
which the dominion and local govern
ments and municipalities have con
tributed $185,200,000. The Canadian Pa
cific system embraces much more than
its main line, its eastern extensions
reaching to St. John, N. B.; Halifax,
N. S.; Cape Breton, etc., while numer
ous branches connect the trunk road
with the chief American cities.
This great highway from ocean to
ocean, serves the treble purpose of
political union, business intercourse
and the imperial government, as a
military road. With British fleets
commanding both the Atlantic and
Pacific ends of the line, Halifax the
North Atlantic station and Esqulmalt,
the Pacific, both troops and munitions
of war could be transported (in the
event of difficulties in her eastern do
minions) to China, Japan and India,
In less time and with much less risk
than by any other route. There arc
large coal fields near each of theso
ports and graving docks capable of
holding the largest vessels, giving
value to the railway and adding
strength to the empire. Another ob
ject lesson for our American govern
ment. Vancouver Is the Pacific terminus of
this Canadian Pacific railway, and also
the point of embarkation for their
steamship lines between Vancouver,
China and Japan, San Francisco, Aus
tralia, Honolulu and also Alaska and
Puet Sound ports. The city owes Its
rapid prosperity to these important pro
jects, and Is destined to be one of the
largest cities on the Pacific coast for
as its great advantages are entirely be
yond the realm of speculation and
doubt. It is beautifully located on a
peninsular (Burrard Inlet on the east
and English Bay on the west), and has
every advantage that a fine harbor can
afford. It is surrounded by a country
of rare beauty and the climate Is milder
than that of Delaware, being backed
by the cascade range of mountains near
at hand at the north, the mountains of
Vancouver Island across the Gulf of
Georgia at the west, the Olympics at the
southwest, with the eternal snow cap
ped Mount Baker looming up to a height
of over two miles at the southeast. In
fact it Is protected on every side while
enjoying the sea breezes from the Strait
of Georgia.
The situation is most perfect as re
gards plcturesqueness, harbor facilities,
commercial advantages and natural
drainage. The land slopes gradually
to the csea, rendering drainage easy,
and In two directions the city permits
Indefinite expansion. It has an Inex
haustible fresh water supply, brought
across the bay from a lake In a ravine
of one of the neighboring heights. The
city which had no population In 1881,
has today 20,000 inhabitants. Its won
derful growth Is a matter of history
and has almost no parallel.
A great conflagration In June, 1886,
from a surrounding forest swept away
the young wooden city every house but
one, but before the embers died, mater
ials for rebuilding were on their way,
and In place of wooden structures there
arose rapidly grand edifices of granite,
iron and brick. The city is now laid
out on a magnificent scale. Its resi
dences, business blocks, hotels, churches
and public buildings of all classes would
be creditable to any city in the east,
Refuse worthless imitations of
Aid a
The genuine is sold everywhere in
tins of one, three and five pounds,
with trade marks Cottolene" and steers
'Jiead in cotton plant wreath-OX every tin.
' ' , Hade only bf
; CtUcac, Hew York, - rklladelohia, Pittsburgh.
.. . . ............ .
Br Courtesy of tht New York Evangelist,
It has many miles of well laid streets,
macadlmlzed with bituminous rock.
They are generously lighted with gas
and electricity. Electric cars run In
the principal thoroughfares and the ser
vice extends to New Westminister,
twelve miles distant on the Frazer riv
er. Lining the harbor are extensive
wharves and numerous warehouses.
There are several fine churches, opera
house and hotels. The principal one is
Hotel Vancouver, one of the hostetries
owned by the Canadian Pacific, and it
Is only just to say that In comfort lux
ury and refinement of service this hotel
equals any on the continent Our five
days' stay here was luxury in the ex
treme. Every tourist may profitably
and comfortably spend a week at Van
couver. Opportunities for sport are un
limited here. , Mountain goats, bear
and deer are found In the hills along the
Inlet; trout fishing in the mountain
streams, and sea fishing in endless va
rlety. Its streets combine frontier and
sea-faring, back woods, European,
American and Oriental conditions and
people. For Instance, one curio shop
sells basket work, silver and slate carv
ings, brought In canoes by the coast
Indians, and at the next door all the
Orient Is set before you by Chinese and
Japanese traders, who add to their stock
by each arriving steamer. A mountain
of tea chests is unloaded from each
empress, and a mountain of sacked flour
and cotton in bales takes their place.
Stanley Park comprises nine miles of
carriage road through the forest prime
valsome as dense as a tropical jungle,
some a street of trim villas with beau
tifully kept lawns and gardens, and
some where the Douglass spruce grows
to 200 even 300 feet high.
Special mention should be- made of
the regular Canadian Pacific Trans
pacific Royal Mall steamship servico
to China and Japan. The three mag
nificent steel steamships employed are
called the "Empress of India," '"Em
press of . China," and ."Empress of
Japan." The latter being In port dur
ing our visit to Vancouver, wo visited
it with much Interest and courteously
shown through it. They are all unl
formly built, of 6,000 tons burden,
staunch, speedy and capacious, and
are under contract with the Imperial
government to carry the royal mall.
They are 485 feet long, 51 feet breadth
of beam, and tho only twin screw
steamships on the Pacific. They are
of 10,000 horse power, have triple ex
pension engines and steam nineteen
knots, or nearly twenty-two .miles an
hour. The cabins are large and roomy
and contain all the modern Improve
ments and no expense has been spar
ed In their luxurious fittings. The
promenades are extensive and free
from obstructions. The saloons, smok
ing rooms, social hall, and all passen
ger accommodations are amid ships,
and surpasses most anything we have
ever seen afloat. These vessels are
lighted throughout by electricity. In
a word modern marine architecture
has in these palaces excelled Itself.
These steamships are heavily sub
sidized, receiving $1,000 each trip,
They are ostensibly merchant vessels
and passenger ships, but so heavily
built as to be easily utilized or con
verted into war ships at short notice,
Another instance of British fore
thought that our American govern
ment may well emulate. In our next
we resume our travels eastward over
this great national highway.
Contract Let. to Furnish Buffalonlans
' ; ' ' With Motive Power. '
Progress Making in the Effort to
Utilize the Enormous Power Going
to Waste OvertheJalls-'Elcctricity
Already Being Provided.
W. E. Curtis, in CIiIcsko Record.
Niagara Falls, N. T., Aug. 3. Tho
world has been watching with Interest
the development of the great scheme of
which Nicola Tesla. Is the scientific
apostle, and Francis Lynde Stetson, !..
the law partner of tho president, and
a group of New York millionaires, who
are interested In the advancement of
applied science, the financial promoters.
to utilize the vast power that Is carried
over the falls of Niagara for industrial
enterprises. An insignificant portion of
that power has been used for years by
local manufacturers to run flour and
paper mills, and there hns sprung up
around the falls a few large etsabiish
ments to which the water has been di
verted. But the great problem that has
engaged the attention of electrlcical
and hydraulic engineers is to concen
trate and grasp that mighty force in
such a manner as to transmit it to the
neighboring cities, and ultimately to
New York by some method that will be
economical. Electricians find no diffi
culty In seizing the power, but until re
cently the economic side of the question
has presented obstacles that human in
genuity has not been able to surmount.
Last week, however, the first contract
wbb made to furnish motive force to the
people of Buffalo.
Several millions of dollars have been
expended in the construction of a tun
nel, one mile and a half long, which
takes the water from Niagara river,
about a mile above the town, and re
leases it Just below the falls, and In the
erection of a plant which Is capable of
generating 15,000 horse power from its
This Is experimental, but the results
thus far have been so successful as to
justify the company In proceeding to an
enlargement of Its plant to the full
capacity proposed, which is 120,000 horso
power. This will be done gradually. In
the light of experience. Of the 15,000
horse power at present Installed, 10,000
Is already leased to companies that have
erected manufacturing establishments
In the Immediate neighborhood, and 5,
000 is held In reserve for emergencies,
ready for Instant use, In case of an ac
cident to the remainder of tho machln
ery. It was the intention of the com
pany to furnish power from the original
plant to the manufacturers of Buffalo,
but there seems to have boon a lack, of
confidence on their part, and it was
given to local companies that were more
credulous. .
The Niagara Power Company, ns it Is
called, now furnishes electricity to the
tramway between Buffalo and the falls,
to tho Pittsburg Reduction company,
that manufactures aluminium tho
Carborundum company that makes ab
rasives, tho Acetylene Lighting Com
pany, that makes calcium of carbide,
to a sod-ash fnctory, and the com
panies that light tho city of Niagara
Falls and operate the street railways.
At present tho instruction company
Is enlarging the . works so as to In
crease its capacity 15,000 horse power,
of which 10,000 will be allowed to Buffalo
and the remainder to local concerns
that have applied for it. This will be
ready by tho beginning of the next
year. A line of wire la now being
erected to Buffalo twenty-two miles
long with wires that will carry 10,
000 horse power, and polos that are
capable of sustaining twice that
Every portion of the plant is of the
most substantial and elaborate char
acter. The company has evidently
come to stay. There is nothing to sur-
pass It in any part of tho world. It
purchased a site of 1,200 acres extent
on the back of the Niagara river, a mile
or so Bouth of the falls, and has not
only leased ground to manufacturing
companies, but is building up a llttl
town that is called Echota. It hns a
terminal railway which connects these
works with all the trunk lines pns:lntr
Niagara, nnd has erected a num
ber of pretty frame cottages of rt
tractlve appearance, surrounded by
grass plats that will bo leased to
the working people employed on tho
prounds. It has given them also a beau
tiful school building that contains a
hall for entertainments, a library and
other comforts and conveniences.
There is already a population of several
hundred,' and 1,000 or more families can
be accommodated.
A company has been organized in
Buffalo, with a capital of $2,000,000,
which Is to purchase electricity by
wholesale from, the Niagara Power
company and sell It at retail to the
people of that city ns fast as It can be
supplied. The first customer, as I have
stated, Is the street railway . corpora
tion of Buffalo, of which II. II. Llttoll
Is the manager, and beginning with
the first of November It is to receive
1.000 horse-power day and night, seven
days In the week, for $40 per horse
power, or $10,000 for the year. The
contract extends for a period of ten
This company already has a splendid
plant, whiPh runs by steam and fur
nishes 7.500 horse power daily to op
erate 150 miles of trolley railway, and
under Its charter pays the city 2,4 per
rent of Its gross earnings for the priv
ilege of occupying the streets. The
officials of the company were very
courteous In showing me around Its
works, but the manager would not
tell me how much its power cost at
present nor tho nmount that will bo
saved by taking It from the Niagara
company. There must be a consldera-
I lie profit In the contract, however, or
It would not abandon its present ex
pensive plant for an experiment. Out
siders, who claim to know something
of Its affairs, says that the recent cost
to the company Is from $50 to $co a
horse power, so that the economy can
not be less than $10 or S12, or about
$75,000 a year. The company will re
quire 8,500 additional horse power from
Niagara, which will bo furnished next
The next customer for the Niagara
power will be the company that fur
nishes electric light for the city of Buf
falo. It will require 3.000 horse power
dally, and that will absorb the addi
tional 10,000 horse power which has been
contracted for next year, so that the
public will bo compelled to wait until
1S38 before It can expect to subscribe.
Mr. George Urban, of the locnl com
pany, who'was very kind in showing
me around, said. In reply to my Inquir
ies: "The power will be transmitted to
Buffalo from the falls in an alterat-
ing current form, with twenty-five
cycles or alterations to the second
Up to this time that form has been
found to be the most successful when
transmitted at a very high pressure,
say 10,000 or 11,000 volts. Arriving in
Buffalo It enters the power house of the
local company, when this voltage-will
be dropped to 400 through a 'stepdown'
transformer. Then It will pass into a
rotary transformer, also of the alter
nating type, whenlce it will bo conveyed
in a continuous current for the use of
the street railway and' other custom
ers. ...
'What will be the wastage?" "
We expect the wastage between the
power house at the falls and Buffalo, a
distance of about twenty-two miles,
will bo from 10 to 20 per cent, but that
problem can only be solved by actual
experience. Electricians are at work
endeavoring to substitute some method
for the present process that will reduce
this wastage, and we hope that sooner
or later they may lower tho maximum."
'Is electricity carried such a distance
anywhere else?"
Yes, at. Portland, Ore., and at Beat-
tie, it is carlred quite as far with no
greater wastage, and at Rome, Italy,
Bkxeen miles."
"One great point in economy which
must be taken Into consideration,"
continued Mr.' Urban, is the saving in
space, which is getting to be an im
portant matter in largo cities, where
land ia valuable and rents are high.
With this transmitted electricity man
ufacturers will not require more than
3 or 4 per cent of the room that is
necessary to place a plant that will
generate the same amount of steam
or electricity, and the economy in pay
rolls will be very great'
"Can you heat your cars by the samo
"Yes; the elecftrlc cars running be
twen Buffalo and Niagara Falls are
now heated as well as propelled from
tho new power house, and the system
Is very successful."
"What amount of power is used in
the city of Buffalo, and what does It
cost under tho present system?"
"All tha manufacturing establish
ments In that city, including the street
railway, consume about 6,000 horse
power when In full operation. Before
we went into this enterprise we' at
tempted to ascertain its cost, but
found that nobody knew; so we set
about to secure the information by
actual experiment. We made several
tests that were carefully watched. The
lowest cost we found was in an estab
lishment where they ran a compound
condensing Corliss engine of 2,000
horse power, an average of eleven
hours a day. It is one of the most
economically managed institutions in
Buffalo, and we found that it cost
them at the rate of 30 a horse power
annually. The next test was in a
flour-mill, where there is a similar
compound-condensing Corliss engine,
which runs twenty-four hours a day
for six days in the week, and that cost
at the rate of $48 a horso power. The
third test was In a department store,
where, there is an engine that fur
nishes power for the elvators. tho
electric light and other purposes, and
runs an average of ten hours in the
summer and twelve hours in the win
tcr, say six days In tho week. That
costs f,u a horso power. Then wo
went into four newspaper and print
Ing establishments that are run day
and night, and there tho cost ranged
from $100 to $140 a horse power ntr
year. We can afford to furnish all of
these establishments transmitted
power from Niagara for not more than
?4U a horse power for twcn'.y-four
nours a clay, seven days In thn week.
but we have not yet taken up the qucs.
uon or rates ror small suonlies."
I learned that a recent test had heen
made at a municipal water works In a
small town near Buffalo, where tho
steam power cost over $200 a horse
power, but this Is evidently In a mens
uro due to bad management and ex
travagance. At tho same time, every
experiment has demonstrated thnt
steam power and electricity are much
more expensive in small plnnts than
In large ones, and It is going to be a
measure of great eceonomy for tho
small manufacturers of Buffalo If they
can get their power from the Niagara
company at the rate of $-10 a horso
The people here will not venture any
predictions concerning the tlmo when
or the method by whk.-h electricity Is to
be transmitted to New York for me
chanical Pill-nose. A erent rlfnl tina
been pHnled on the subject in tho
magazines and newspapers, and I think
me impuinr impression la that tlK
Niagara company intends to offer its
power for sale in New York verv unrvn.
That was the Idea I had when I came
here, but the promoters of tho enter
prise do not contemplate) any such
Ihincr for the immprl!nl future Th.i
plant does not encourage any such
expectations. It 13 capable of 120,000
horse power as a maximum, of which
at least in per cent, must be held
rpsprvp fur nprlilontft Innvlniv ,
horse power for sale when tho limit
is reached, which may not be for sev
eral venrs. Thnt nmmlnt- r-nn eaulli
be absorbed by the city of Buffalo and
local enterprises.
It Is a serious question1, too, whether
power can be transmitted to New York
city at a cost within the limit of steam
and electricity generated on the spot.
If a current loses from 10 to 20 per cent.
In twenty miles, how much will be lost
ih E00 miles? Still a number of very
able and Ingenious brains are studying
this problem and it may be successfully
worked out
An atom of the power of Niagara was
transmitted over a wire to New York
during the recent electrical exposition
In that city and was used, to send a
message from Chauncey Iepew around
the world. This was conveyed over an
ordinary telegraph line, but was what
the operators call a freak. It added a
great dpal to the sentiment Interest cf
tho event, but was In no sense a prac
tical test.
It may therefore be assumed that,
while the plan of "harnessing" the fall
of Niagara Is successful so far as It has
ben attempted, there Is no Immediate
prospect of utilizing the 7,000,000 horse
power which Is estimated to be going
to waste there every second of time "to
turn the wheels of Industry" any farther
away than the city of Buffalo. It mny
be expected, however, that the beautiful
and elaborate plant that has been
erected here under Mr. Tesla's direction
will attract many manufacturing en
terprises. IIOW AUOt T SALARIES t
Wllkes-Iiarro Times.
The nioment the Wilkes-Barre and Wy
oming Valley Traction company is com
pelled to accept silver coin worth Just one
half Its fiice the fnreswill necessarily bo
doubled: they would .be bankrupted In
rix months unless they did. Do the work
Ingmen and clerks who patronize the dif
ferent branches by thousands every day
anticipate that their salaries would "be
correspondingly raised? Hardly.
May be hidden imperfectly by coametica sad
powders, but can only be removed per ma
ntmtly by .
It will positively remove Freckles, Ten.
Moth, Sallowness. and care nv diaeaaea of
the akin, euoh aa Pimples, Acne, Blackhead,
Olllness, aud renders the akia aoft and heart
tifuL Price $1 per bottle. For sale at
330 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Hotel Walton
Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia,
One of the moat matnlfloent hotels in the
World. Palatial In every detail.
Absolutely Fireproof.
European Plan $1.50 Upwards, .
American Plan $4 Upwards
Bituated near all the leading theatre and
railroad stations.
I. D. CRAWFORD, Manager.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New Yerk,
Opp. Grace Church. European Ptaa.
Rooms f 1.00 a Day and Upwards.
in a modest and unobtrusive way there are
few better conducted hotels in the metropolis
than the St. Denia.
The great popularity it baa acquired can
readily be traced to Its unlqne lunation, its
homelike atmosphere, the peculiar exceueno .
ot its cuisiuo ana service, and it vary modes"
ate prices.
Daily (except Sunday) via
Beginning June -T. 'M, leaving Scran
ton at 8.20 a. m., tor
Long Branch,
Ocean Grove,
Asbury Park,
Bclinar (Ocean Beach)
, Spring Lake,
Sea Girt, (to.
This will be kopt up for the entire season,
espooially for tho accommidntlon of families, '
s it will emblo passenirers to secure and r.
tain coinfortHblo Heats the entire journey,
Gen. Buperintendent, Qen. Peas. Agent.
t Celebrated Vernal
, Podere nerer fall,
as iAf and lura whn bUiA1Mbi
Vik efc eV( eUU M7i nomtmt
L . - . 1 - . 3
dl ChlrfceateF'i Fn11h Dloarad Bruit -
Pennyroyal pills
J .W '-. atara- ..Iw.ih rullahl s aieaiara satf
mond kramt in 1L il uil Coid metal lloV
iiioiM. soklcil with Mne rihtan. Talta i
no other, fttfute 4anteruu mlttUw
tionaand imittittmM. At Dtuvtfiata.ortMldaftaa.
in M-nniii for partlfnlart, irstlovmUla an)
'Miff fWr arilr." rttara
Mull. 1 (t.OOO Totimnlals. tfamu Aswr.
rhlihstfrCktlumlJ.Uaiflliion RnMPfj.
bj .ul Lit. Urintfii.u. I'kil! Vm
Wnrrcnsbiirf,', IHo., Una a Novel Street
Knilwny System
From tho Kansas City World.
Warrensburg, Mo., hns a street rail
way system end nearly three miles ot
truck, over which a street car makes a
trip once each month and not oftener.
The rond was built five years aso by,
M. Fairchtld Dowd and Frank Wood,
boom-tinio promoters, ami was part
of their scheme to make a. preat sum
mer resort of Electile Spring.-. The
built a big hotel at the springs and
a strePt car line t' and through the
principal streots of Warrensburg. Then
the collnppe came.
The franchise frranted to tho street
railway by th town council required!
that oars run ovtr the Una each month.
so to noia tne rrancnise an oia ana
rickety bob-tail car Is run out of the
barn once a month, and mules ars
attached to It to draw it over the line,
and, then It is put up In the bam to
rest another month.
The road bed of tho line has been so
disturbed by the frost) ami rains that
the rails are twisted and bent, and the
car jumps the track In polng short dis
tances a great many times. Sometimes
It takea two days to make the round
trip. Last February the ear got off
the track nnd Btuck in the mud for v
several days. When the car makes its
regular monthly rountJ.Jje people turn
out to see it and banter each, other
about it. It is considered a rich Joke
to Induce a traveling salesman or any;
other stranger to board the car.
He Introduced It at a Time When It
Produced Desired Beverage,
The late Dr. Norman Macleod was S
most facetious man, and was noted for
his love for a good joke. The follow
ing story Is told in corroboration of the
latter remark: Shortly after he had
returned from his first visit to Belmont,
It happened that he was invited to ai
dinner party In Glasgow. When he ar
rived circumstances ifi connection with
his partoral duties occurerd to prevent
him being present ot the appointed
Accordingly, on reaching the house,
dinner had been served, but was not
very far advanced. Having apologized
for his want of punctuality, the lady of
the house said those at the table would
wait a few minutes, and he would soon:
overtake them. While waiting, the
conversation turned on the doctor's
visit to the (jueen, and he was asked
several questions as to how her majesyN,
ty conducted herself at table, etc. Tha
doctor told them he would satisfy themll
all with his answers, If, in the mean-
time, they allowed him to proceed. )
Soup wag first served, then fish, and '
tho doctor partook of both. '
When the rover which contained the
latter was being removed, the doctor
casting his eyes over the table, said:
"It was just nt this stage of the dinner
tho queen said to me, "Noo, Norman, I
think ye'll be the better o' a dram.' "
The brandy, which was on the
siaeooaru, was quicKiy prouucea, ana
the doctor partook of his dram amid -.
shouts of laughter from all the guestaV