HIE PCTIANTOX TT?irXTXE SATUBDAT MOT?XTNG, ATTCTTST 22, 189G. GARBQNDALE, J7Udr will pln not tlmi rtvrtH tnent", order, for Job work. ni1 Itoms for publli'ition loft t the mRb'.lshment of fcharnon ft Co.. newsdenWs. North Main :reet. will receive prompt attention: of fice open from I a. m. to 10 p. m. INVOLUNTARY ASCENSION. A Si-riic ralntcr's l'li::l.t Into the Air ut t!io Opera House. Ptaso Carpenter Hull, of tlx Opera Juiise. hail an existing: ex perk-nee yes-t.-r.liiy. The pconi-ry at tlio Opera house is be in;; lvtiitu lii tl iy J. Chuunrey C ill. of ?,' v York, who Is a noted set nlc artist. Hull is also an uilipt in I he business I'liil has been lli'lninir (Mil. Mr. tlill linl jnM linisheil a piece of seeneiy wliii-li lutd been hiinli-.l hrrh into t!m air, and he (!ii-"ct.vt Hull, who was wurkltlK lii'lmv to 1 ver the scene. Hull diil nut realize how heavy it was until he had It unfastened and tlien it eunie down on n run. Sir. Hull saw that the pieee would be inntpletely destroyed if it struck, so he tightened hi hold upon the rope and wns drawn up, ami the seene slowly deeended. As ho went up he was knocked iu!to hard against the .uTouves and other piects of scenery, hut luckily was not injured. After the piece had reached the floor sntVly, Huil Mid down the rope, but tittle damaged by his sudden ascension, while h had Saved a valuable piece of scenery. TENT MEETINGS DISTU2CED. A Enlist of Itouilies Will He AiTOited. Siili-eu Mnrriiiitx Out. The tent meetinira which are belntf conducted by Mr. Moore, on I.athrope avt-ntic, lmvu each nisht been disturbed by a Kaim of rowdies who gather out side and make so much noUe that it is impossible to go on witli the meetings. It is safe to say there will be no more disturbance- In that quarter as sixteen of the party have been placed under arrest. Joseph Stanton hud been secured to keep order outside the tent On Thurs day the pant;, armed with an accordeon, nrnde their appearance at the usual hour aim proceeded to raise e. rumpus, f'tan ton interfered but could do little for the whole number suddenly turned upon luiri and knocked him down. Mr. Moore heard the noise anil came out of tlie tent and mude the boys release Stan tun. .Stanton knew most of the purtles and had sixteen warrants swmn out. lie will make It warm for the offenders. JOSEPH WYNN INJURED. Foils Down n l'liijlit of Step While I I) in;; n li ite. A painful Inury was sustained by Joseph, little sou of Mr. anil Mis. Thomas 'H'ynn, of DundtUT street, while at his play Thursday afternoon, tine of the favorite pastimes of the lit t le fellow is llyiiiK a kite, and il was while doing this that the accident befell him. lie was watehlnK his kite which was high In the nlr when be walked over to the edfje of a llltvht of steps loading to the basement of the residence of Thomas O.unhlin. He hit his head up on the stone steps and received se.eial bad fills, one under the b-rt eye re iUiriug three stitches to close. STILL UNCONSCIOUS. Thomas Carroll's Condition lint Slightly laiproved. Thomas V. Carroll, who was assault ed at Kvans' hotel In Olyphant Tues day, Is still In a serious condition, al though today he is slightly improved. He Is not conscious as yet and so the story of his assault has not been lturn ed. It is ho ed that on his recovery he will be able to Rive some infoi inatlun which will lead to the arrest of the ussail.ints. It Is feared that he has sustained a fracture of the base of the skull. t'oliuiiliin No. 5 I'icnie. The annual picnic of the Columbia Iiose eompany will take place this year at Anthracite 1'ark on Sept. 17. Ar r.mcements have not been made as yet, but It Is needless to say that the picnic will lie an assured success. The com mittee who have churite of the picnic are Messrs. John Nealoii. John James, John J. lirennon, Abe Sahm and Thom as Ftunerty. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mr. ,T. rj. Thompson and Mrs. W. H. , Upon having just what you rail for when you go to buy Hood's Saroaparilla. There is no substitute for Hood's. It is on in sult to your Intelligence to try to sell you something else, Remember that all efforts to Induce you to buy an article you do not want, are based simply the desire to secure more profit. The dealer or clerk who does this cares noth ing for your welfare. He simply wants your money. Do not permit yourself to be deceived. Insist upon having Sarsapariiia AtitJoiiIjr Hood's. It It the One Trite ftlootl ruriGca Hood's Pilis sr:5;rsr'' Alii GUI PRICE Jest read our prlcesan J compare them with any and all of the other attempts: OX tmlr-', 0et HI-... 11. i.i'ii-ii.i uiijjeu, hum iou 35c. Inarah Niv.... 50c. Insraia Gsrasti. Wm 35c G5c Em-ssls Carpits, Nov SDs Ycc BrL'sssis.usrpsts, ma tl 3rtiss2'sC?iB!s, Ko?....."75 AUatt uuAntitv of Lndv Bruisls lentrfhai from a to ji yards in each pt.c at About une hail price to clitse. J.SCOTTIKCLlS.i 419 Lack. Ave Carpets and Wall Fap?r Dealer. TERMS Cask the Above Uoo4. insist Watren, of Ilelmont street, leave today for a week's visit in Seranton. Miss Mule Culberston, of Von fitoreh avenue. Seranton. is the guest of Carbondale relatives. Misses Henrietta and Nellie Camp bell, of Church street, have returned from a visit with Ilonosdale friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. HeiKsleuth enter tained a few friends at their pleasant home on Suit m avenue last evening. Misses Annie. Jlunu' and Mary Uar relt. of Vi I'a'.o. K. Y.. are the pu"sts of their cousin. Miss Anna Karrett, of Seventh uventie. Miss Liz-iie. Finlan. of Hrooklyn street, has bone to Rowland where she will spend several weeks. John Clifford, of Uiuiinore. who has been visiting in this city, has returned home. Chief of Police M:-.tlhf.v llavte. of olcnn, N'. Y.. accompanied by his wile, is the truest of his si.U; r, Mrs. II. 1'. iUirl.e, o.' Main "trcet. ir. and Mrs. Jose"h Sonnle ami roil are th" Giles's il Mr. ami Mrs. li. V. iy, on U'ti4li!n'rion rt'-e. t. Miis Maine Collins, of IHtnwie, Is the Rie st of li. r co-imp. Miss .1 nnie Collins, on the Wtt SUle. The Missus f-Vhuler nnd Cora 11 assen left jvsterday f'1'" a we. k s visit with friends at tleeiwtmvn. I'a. Miss i.uey Kaiiell. of olj phant. is the truest o Mis. 1'. II. Warren, on ltlver street. l'.rv. Kathw JudRe. of lTavh-y. wits a visitor ut St. Kose rectory yertenley. Miss Maasii' Mi-is. tt. of l.r.ioklyn street, is vlsillns itieti lM ill 1 tula d. -I-phla. Misses l.;.7.:.r Kiloatrick and Julia CoiiKlilin spent yeslei-day tut Newton Lake. The Miss: a Jennie Colli is and Irene JetiKlns, of KliifT'H n, aie the y,uests of friends in this citv. Miss Annie Mack, of I'iltrlon, ! tl-.e Rnest of Miss Sarah Mcllale. on the South Side. Miss MzKie neytiaid. of ICin.'tston. is a RUest at tile home of D. C. lleiiseoter, of Church street. The Misses Annie l.nwler and Mary Conway, of i'eckville, Hfe visitimr friends In this city. Mrs. P. I'. Perk, of Darte avenue, is visit ins Way mart friends. Miss llnttie Jackson, of Parke utreet, is the Rtiest of tionesdale fi lends. Mrs. Walter Penwaidin is speudiuR the week at Salem atleiidinsr the camp lllt-etiUR. The Cross Country club tendered a reception to the members and friends .fi Kurke's hall last i venln;?. There was a l:ii-n number oivst nt und all express themselves us liuviiiR a most pleasant time. . Mis. 1-:. .1. Mamiton, of Haines. Wayne county, is visitiiiK friends In town. Mrs Hsmiiiih Watklns, or this city, hi vIsititiR her ci.iu-.lii. Miss Kmr.ia (iamiiion, (f I'ilmote avenue. Charles Mabetis and I'aiiiily, of Hu bert street, itre visiting ut Lake Coiuo. Miss l.'en.i '.. Pay, of Peckvdle. is visiting ut Pie hiene of Mr. ami Airs. Adelbert Pay, on Laurel street. .Miss M.iry K. Mi-ilale, of Punii'ore, Is the laue.it of her cousin, Miss Amies Kihticgnn, on Sand street. 1-OKKST CITV. Tuirinfr 11 recent discussion of the I s "lie of tile du.V." a illestiull muse IIH to whether or not th" trade dolhir was u li s:il tender. The siUvi lti s turned In their fountain of authority. ,1. ('. Hoi; iin's "i lur Coin. I'lirrency und Country from A to '. inclusive." The Informa tion whs not fi.uud. Some of the let ters from "A to "' were evidently niisH hiu. There are others, An eh'itile Ih'lit iemiorarlly iilaeed near the Uavles house, was a ideasant and usi fill feature in l;i.t night's Itu liitlilieaii rally. While vlsilinif a rio.lle seelinll of Sus illehaiina county the Trilnine rorre sionfieiiNlnlervlcwed il mimlier of per sons on the eiirreiii y iUestlnii. A pow erful cm '-cut is seltine- In for MoKin ley. Tariff Is paiamHtitit. The turrc spondeiit was Infoinicd tliat there were onlv aliout three or four licninerats In the township. One of these, w In n In- 1 tervlewed, Riive as his rasiin for helnn a silverite tlmt lie was told that tin-d"i- free ceiiiatTo of silver evrylxiily would have Hi dulluia to every 1 dollar they had now. J I. J. McCorinlcl;, land aReiit for the Hillside Coal and Iron company, was in town yesterday. Kate .lordoti, of Seranton, a Rraditat' of Manslleld State Normal school, class '!i;l, is visiting ut thu homo of Daniel McC.raw. John MgRlo, the popular nut nnd fruit dealer, has declured for the free coinage of peanuts. NEW All LI OKI). Several vets from this vicinity attended the soldieis' encampment at Montrose this week. The li-irrett family reunion will be held at the home of Jlollis Barrett, (.iihson. Alts. 2fi. Professor lldson A. Uonson, of the Brooklyn craded school, und Miss I Louise Moss, of this el.ice, were niar ! rl d at the home of the bride last cv.T i Ihb-. Several frieriis were present and a liountiful repast was served. Later in the c-vciiliv; the contraethur rai ties started on a tt ifi to Niagara Kails. Mrs. A. 1). JiusKell, ot New Viirlt, is visitini; nt the home of her parents In this place. J. I'. lilllespie. of Tiinshaniton, Is vis Kins fri-.nds In town. The youiiK t' oil. of the Presli terinn church will (rive a liierary andjmisicul eiii'-riainnient In the lecture lTif.tu of their church on 'i'iniisd.iy evening of nt x t wc-ii. Siisiim liaiina our.ty ronionn riv.ne, wiil meet ill South Moiilic-e iiep1.. 2 .iijd ". Tlie sllverites of Urti-.hvllle. have or-g-.tniic.ed a Lryan cluo. The Sus'i'ieluinna t'miniy Fiirtit'-r!"' Allaini'o. will iiicnic at the linrloid fuir grounds '.Vionday, Ao.n. H. Cnmiis iii. y und wile, were in town Thursday. The ..iiuc- l.etv.'ii .Ww if J!nr.;r. .si.-, A1 ill.il .J nml fli-i-ai 1 "ml ivulicd in u score of !7 o 'M In favor of the Kchtor.d llusthra. viv.ti villi:. 8( i vl-ep at tlx- I'l-ivln f r! iti i l-.iiroh on Sunilny. It' v. . C IlVfin, jvintr, r. nim-ning fi i-virn nt I0..;ii. Tin tiic-: "I'ln-lstlarlty, Tin.- Ki-liriluii." Suiiiluy mlioul at 2.:i(: I 'injsi ia n Ktnli-n vol- Vlcf, S.ltli; fcVt'llilH', HrlVlCf, l.'.H). .Mrs. Kinmii K.'nil ill ih liftnc afti'r I'll rxl.'i.Hivi' vir.lt with frl 'ihIh ut Wilkfa i!:ntJ,.. Tho Kltti' niii.ere, I.arka ivam.a. Mount Jt'FiiU and Lii iihiUt' i-uiiit i it x will jiay tuiluy. The itifant t-lilM of A, 13. K'.r.-y tta:i tak.i tu Klxi'i- lor burial yenti-rclay. Mls Aluy ISnsSlf.li i vlKitimt t Iuii--vllle. Jlllflf Nli'.e. or tho WV'.t l l ;l. 3 ' stvlotislv ill i t w. -I'.lr:.:. Mm. ?rili'!i Ji.l;.-;: on. vl:ii kiv. hei In- j di yp'ttiil fur H'jtiif tiinf, is ltti i ir. i vln. i Jlr. utiil Mi"A. l'"ru:.l: Vei'U uiiii A. f. Ki'lir will ati'tnd the re-tinl in of tho 1 Klfgi-r liiinily at Klfiuis t'liiny. Mrs. lilclsll. r.f Vi!-.tj:t. nnd the TIInstB TivKulliH, of Aloo.'le, spent yctlciuay with AIIhk Jc-Hliie btfurna. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report MOSCOW. K.I Vnuliriint, tiaifre l"alrymiK'. I'hailes aueo-iier Pud A. S. liurlite wne.-l'-d to Tlioii-hiovt .on Sunday. .Miss Sarah Joseph, of X:.iitico!e, Is vlsitinj; her parents. Mr. and Mm. Wil liam Joseph. YV. I'. t'lemeuts fnd son. Loren. und J !:ii h'iieitei v:lle :oMil Tiusoay and eilrn c'liy lii iilu:: f t I'.Ulivdl l!:e. V. Lanoa -te;- and f-i.Hy. of Moo sie. srpeiil Sunday vriia relatives lure. A. lI.iD.iiii i- nrd i''. l:iel;.-.l-ds sp.-nt Sunday with frhiels In town. i'l. d Tui ::er. v, ho has V . u a cuest at ihc Simpson ,..ttue f..-r the p.ii't two w.'iks, r-tunud to his hoa:e hi Uioohiyn uii Moinlny. Ji.iiii Stone and luraily are vh.IllliB trieiidu here. Miss Flo Suiiford and Luby David, returned home Saturday. Mrs. A. I. Lavld Is ii:!ti seriously ill. Salel.l ent'd' ::u-i l!ll!I:l opened oil Tuesday mnniirut. J. L. McB irKel an,', family, of Cam den, N. J.. Li Nhiliui- his m-.th- r on North Main tuiei t. .Mr. 1'tid Mi.. Ausl ti tz..f l'otts- vi'le, s'lctit Sunday x.lth Mr. end -Mrs. John i yninn. :,'v:i. t'laivnce Stevens, of K!;nhur:t, fcpojii Tut.silt;.v wlh her si4ei, '. A. Mrs. S. S. Leader soeiit Thursday With friends ill l'l'iniioie. Miss Mamie Sarm'oii, of ScfR"tii nlol Miss I'olly Davis, i f Ta;. lor, are spend Iiik a week with Mrs. Ceore Uortree. Howard ami M iry Ye-.iK-T are tpend iiiK a few weeks with friends In West l'ltiston. - o- MCUOJ.SON. Mrs. Kdward l.atluiiu. of I ionlds'ioro. visited her hus'oand's iiareiits, Mr. und Mrs. Albert I.alhuiii, on Thin sday of this week. Jliis I.iZ'.le l)uft!7un, of OraiUTe, N. J., Is vlsiilnsi- his tu titer und si.Jtei s. Sir. und Mrs. Joe Maiding upent two days ut Heart l.alie this Week. Iiliss (ii-rtle Capwcll, of JJullas, lias been visiting her lii.ither. Mis. Jolin Nlveu. Khe aecomp.iide.l In r slsier. Klecla, to Anbury Pnik on Thursduy for a tve.i weeks' ntitiim. llev. Air. Van Woert is attetidlusr lump inv'tlm; at IHinock this week, itev. Francis llawke has kindly con sented t i preaeh in his pulnlt Sunday eveiiinir. A yi'tiie of ball was the uitractlon here yestetduy afternoon, the proceeds being for the I nivei-salisls' building fund, their church huvlii;? been burned two weeks URo by liRlitninif.Tiie game was played between the Merchants and Clerks. The pcore was 1.1 to In favor of the Melchunts. ' - - l: the Huby In t minis Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow':: SnothinR Fyrop tins teen used for over Fifty Years by Mil irons of Mother: for t'.ieir Children while Teethinir, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softi ns til? Gums. Allays all rain. Cures V.'ln.l Coilo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by UrtiKgista In every part of the world. He eure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslov's Eoothing Kyrup," and take no oth?r Und. Twpn'y-flvi cents a bottle. CR. KEQRA'S clear und b'. s'.iby cw.-V'Ui -7 !.""'--' prepamiioim uid peri. ctl rturmlfM. At all ui ut'tjL'u.', or in-uia k-t id u. titiid for Chualur, VIOLA CK'M SOAP l. Ilmplr InnmpuiUt u Vin ri:rlfilo;: So,Ti, uni r i---l 1 Ilio tolltt, wi.l vlllimit ft llvnl u llie nwrfiy, Kl-.iu-'ly pure ssd tfcilcataljr atia ca'.Hil. At ilmj4! f-'oe '3 Cf::t. G. C. B3T7KKFJ t, CO., Tct.EBO, O. For nnie by MATTHEWS rtUOS. and JOHN H. T'TTFT.PS, Seranton. Pa. vna mm fm Itomoves Frocilri, Pi.-splns, Liver Woias. '.iuic'-'ictur, v Stnharii an'1. Tin. rr.d tw. etr-res tb skin to lis orlti- I sQfcA-i 1,000 Pair Lacfiss' $1.25 SEC8S for COME E ARLY and avoid the rush; to say that the sale is the greatest of a!l the ; many Slice Bargains we havi oftred yon; would not be saving to; much, but we ! must say it aaia. Never in the history of the Shoe IJarpiiiia bar, th's one ever! been equalled. The Shoes are the very latest styles and the fit perfect, the stock ! of fine kid, and the best of all vs have every size you want. I'ndpr.itaud these are 1.25 I Shoes, and every pair guaranteed, for 50c. i ' . I 125 pair Ladies' Patent Leather Sirup Sandals, worth at ' 24 pair Lr.lie.;' Donola Oxfords, worth $1.00, far SQz. ! Muses' Russet Shoes only 50c. A lot of Chi-tl's Russet Oxfords, s:::;s 9 t; 13. worth Men's Ijaet Slices for PAmoit Nou;i.:$. 30 pair Men's Russet Shoes, sizes 7 to 11, at S?C. i2.oo Russet Shoes, lor $!.00. $3.00 Russets tor $1.53. $5 Rusxets for 32.50. 3,500 pair Men's Dress Shoes, all styles, Con;;r::;s and lace, yo:i pay for the same shoe, $1.35: Our Spsd&l Sais Only S3j. 125 pair Boj'.s' Shoes at 33c. t 76 pair Youths' Shoes, si;;e.s 11 to 2, at 09 C. ' CSSiTlic above are only a few of Our CrcLt Barafaiin. agents tor Stacy, Adams it Co.'s Men's Pine S.ioes and Cray Mioes. Call and examine our "-oada. You wiil surely save m show "oois. 1 ' " J 1 M III WYOMSXCi. John YVilde U rutt;'fT a f Is-foot Iro:, fence uround the foot of the Wyoming monument. The c.u.i; -jny luius.s me hMnt; filled raiihl'y by : a- men coo;iie to work at the Motti t kout mine. Miss l idy i:;-.m ami twin lrotlu-is smut tr.o duja tvith lint;- liunt. Mrs. W. .1. VI.. u.itf.. 1. :!!! nnO i.eitlre !le:-, v, I-o hav ! e l ifliiUK h :e lor til.- ' t i..o we k.-. li tinned hot ip yesterday. Misses Alary and Hunm-.n U iii:: a;e, vhdlii:;; frii i'ds teis we. i; at Hhlrk shlnny and Y.'uveiiy. The Mount l..i !:i.t.t cifipn.ny vi-n their iiisl c.-al through ilu'i- :itw ;ii ::'.. er ye.'U rUay. There will l e n i?ai,p of o;i tl:o old fuir si ou; (! h -iwe n the men of ihe tluasc-d virts, . v:!lke;-.-L!a:ro. uivl tin' ):ik l.-ave.i. f Wy erln; , t -d.. . A Dei!Mfi:t!c d-itsnt-- r! tioti v l'l ho t'.;ld th-; i-egid.i:- ..:el::-r ;dm e in the ,'e:,t ilistt!-. t oil 'atvii J.i.e. i..c. :'. be1 tv.n.a il.e ie i.se of i arid V :. : P s nil f.7 n r. T; rTv "-.Tx keCt'ilB i ra li Li ulii 'fii'd ". v.-:ib tiio wori.i, acca ;i;'t i'l . ; r.z.i,.cw.v eiiieu &...i ito '. v niiiijiai-' hnvvy p-,ie.cj tu: Hit. II'.;! , ,1 i':i!i:r..ui.i;. k 1 11 nil- i-v.:-,.-- ?-.- 1. I, :llli! !...-!; iv. i.!'.uidei!;e irr, s.- ii.J'I'iV.ti 'W I wJ wmI.iii.v8 ;ia! 1 M u .0 ll.. -c'' 7 . 1 - M :'-V.v'.i,,n,Jira! :'!ic,np. All !: pJZXr-JS.. Ji ynoi-onetoi tiii-.-,i-.i'- -J ry;? ' ?-i ?s bi-tfe tciai. v. ui. n.r- V. O fOH.-l!u ill rlll- d fret. I- i'il ninulv iccr '-t'lic-l. I'..ilnto i;u;wii)!o. f-rlr ttn (-. l';-.i.i'.a. i-t.'-' MT. PLEASANT COAL ATRETAIL, Coal of the he!1! qta.bty for ilonirstle use and of ail s'2iS. un:Iu.imn IIluJ. , :eul and Uinlscle. deliitiiei; iu any lali of Ihi cliy ut the'luwest tirlto. Order reerlvitd at the Olilfe, first floor, Commonwealth linlldine, room No. 6; telephone No. JS24 or ut the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attend?! to.lJeulers supplied at the mine. i Wl 11 n r m PEAS, GREEN CORH, CELERY, BEETS AND CARROTS, FAN CY im" AND GEK CAKTEL0UPES, WATEPJEL CIIS, CALIFORiJIA FRUITS. if. n. fih m & in William s mum, Alderman 8iii Ward, Seranton ROOMS4ANQ5 OAS AND WATER CO. BUU.DiNO, CCRiiES YOKING AVE. ArlD CENIER SI OPF1CK HOl'RS from 7.M n. m. to 9 p. m. (1 hour inturiuiiisioii for dinner m.uO UPpor.; Partlcutnr Attention (liven to Collection. Prompt ettl..lt.lt liuaraiiiesd. Vour bunf oess in if cspecttully SMiciUd. 1 ertphuue ir.4. O v d Q QUE . PUS!! TO ALL; PROSPERITY ADVERSITY Prosperity in your case will triumpli when your expenses are less than your iucorne. We can lessen your expenses. m m give you a m re?. $2D.co Which would cc?t you else where, fro u 25 to toi If these prices rre above your raeans, wo wilt make you a suit for i 3 that will sur prise 3-0.1. v. J pzm? sis NT I.. I .:.., LL.r.uii.io l.oJ tv'tuiel t f9 X'.V w:llop-n Mills, Luieri'.o o )ii:ny, T',;. ;u ut j. nii.'iK.oii, .;.. v. i re. HENRY iaELJfJ.Jp. Ooi.eral Ascnt for the Wyjoiuj Diatrlot US WVOMlNii A. IM.u. t-c-rntin. Ps, Third NatioMi ! Kank Euil.llr.j-. I A''J!i:;ClKS: 1 TITOS. POHr. TMitatoii. I'a. .TOHX it. y.-T'I A S.'-N. riywouth. Pa. K. V. WU.l.iAN. '.Vl ke.Harre. I'a. AirontB to- i1:- i'. jauiio Cfccniic.iJ Con pjjiv'n 5 ilia :..-jvei. (ill IIj- L..i. U li.L are loonted the finest fishing nnd hunting groumht In the World. Descilptivo boons oa appllciitlun. Tickets to nil points In liuliie, Ciinuda and Maritime Provincoa, SiiliaeapoliN St, Paul, Canadian and United State Northwest. Vaiivotivcr, Beattle, Taooino, Portluud, Ore., can Kranvlsco. Fiist-Glass Sleepy and Dining Csrs attuched to nil throiiRlit trains. Tourist care fully Mted with beduintr, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with Becoml-elana tickets. P.ati-s alwuys less than via other lines. For further Information, time tabled, etc.. on uppllcattou to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. 7 HE IU1-AI. AiVtPUICAN TRIP NUkTlitiUM hi HAMSHIf COMPANY. The Superbly Appointed nnd Commodious te-1 -.t:lliillip. NORTIiWLST ANU NORTHLAND, jimera-iiii tbroiih uioi lir.oifU. leave H'.!tiidn I iv fttav-i mill Kriibivs o. 30 p m. for Cieveund, hetruit, Meckinac, 'ihe Soo, Dulutii, mid V. cbtc-in Points, eriM lint all pl:e yn of iiiK.-ie.t by ouj liulit iu oouuucliuu with Till- tikiiAT NOKTHHRN RAILWAY, it furni'i the nr. mt d.reet route, nu I from ov ery point- ol eeinp:o-isou. the nio.-t di-litrlittui iinil oiffofnrlnl Im on." t'i ilinct ap ilix, nt Paul, (iret Falls, iielena. i'lltte. hp.xaliH nuil Pa cific rcuft. TI10 ur.lv tniun oiitlneiitid line 1 uniiiii); tho L.iii'ous Luliet, library, olnorva tion ear. Vniv ti'. l.eur tea'n for Portland vh Spekme. HOTEL LAPAVLTTii, Luke IHlniietenka, inmiltD from nie a' olir, lurgejl and moat bcmitiul resort in tic.' w it. '1 ickotsaiiil Miiy ih!iir,,auon of any oent or A. A. HK.'P.lJ, (General I'.itoijuel- aicuut, HbA'alo, I.'. Y. c tan: $1 a pair; juili'j a 7; ReT.eiubr, we are the sole IJros. Ladies' Hand-Turiied nicy by it. No trouble to il 1 ?j in nuc li Novelties In every description of FLOOR COVERING, including choice selections in Wiltons, Axinlnsters. Savonnerles, Mouuettes, velvets, Enshsh and Domestic Uritsscls, New and handsome eflect in .ilatteiitic, Japanese and Chinese -Mattings. 1 Jtistrccciicdacomplttcliiie of Dantxti Hand. Woven Ruga, la all the latest and most elective combinations of color and designs, which will he closed out for tl.e remainder of the week at the follow ing prices; 4 ft by 7 ft, 6H.B7JML, - 1 ft. 6 k by iO li1. 6 in,. 9 ft bj 12 ft, - Ot:r eoni ptutc !ae of goodj in nion received. An inspection will tunc, Opppsile Main ntrnri-e i to the Wyunil.1 J huu.ie. ON THE 1 1. KEBRV SO SQUARE EDGED SQUARE OUTTED LUMBER, SQUARE BUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. OQUARE U QUA RE RICHARDS LUMBER CO., C2 CCIKilIONWEiLTH BUILDING. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA Manufacturer of LocQoioies, Stationary Engines, Boilers, - KQ1STING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeoeral Office: SCKANTON, PA. 6TEINWAV ft SON'S . . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Ut th. Wrl4 DECKER BROS., KKANICHB & BACHB and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urchuser. will always find complett tock nnd at prices a. low an the quU ty of the instrument Trill permit at . fi. HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyomins Are. - - Seranton :i::::ij::i2SS2:::2;s::i:E:2iGi:::icxLi:z:s:taEjiir3:s:iiiacisiisESEiiiiiiii(il A fr Kf.ll V ,m nf r Al I n,i VUl I UII l'Wk! l'l 'r,IITII ..v is DtiiO'i 111 as 11 we nccu id it. We tin. Pretty sr ics, cany ;oi )uu to tY buy but it's tima you were looking the what you'll wear, when tin, V. c mill t asli you Ia..!' till", vmi'lt lit.t.' V. l. iv 1. j vll ll lllj V time dees eoaie. 7 o e 0 o o ?.?OO'5'5&033 A y On the rinitt O i REASONS K? a mrr it ' ,v,v,, r &o'Jl0j"&v sold at lower prices than be fuaiid elsewhere, an I van'aTj of oa. iui for theai tutil l yoti ask any more? !oc us about it You'll Y At ESTABLISHED 1873 U1IIIUI I6WB CI 5151 $2.50, Worth $3.50 Worth 6.00 Worth 8.00 Worth 12.(10 4.80, 6.4o, 9.6o, every Rrade for the Fall Trade hal be instructive and to your udvau I & CO., 408 Lackawanna Avenue SQUARE. HEALING TO UI IEALERS. 'PH3NE 422. MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth (oe to $1; choice for 50c. Worth $1-25 to $1.75; choice for SIM). Sterling Silver Belt liucklex, worth 3.SO, nt $2.50. Worth $2.50, at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. Genuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons, Forks and Knives at reduced prices. En graved free. Tea Sets, lee Pitchers, Cake Piiskets, etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 150 WYOMING AVENUE illiMCliLl s s $ coniNQ AS g o IF NEEDED matter up, consiilerinij you'll buy ami so Ij buy now just linn ..'ti..n UII, ItVll IN. 4. o Stvltsli, Cor- V a recti r Made Clotbins correct 4 in every ueiati duplicate garments can then tlie a Iditional ad- T. a little at a time, v le sad if you doa L 213, 225 and 227 O CLOSE SALS
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