: V ' '8 THE SCBANTON .TRIBUNE MONDAY MOBNlNO, - AUGUST ' 10, 1896 I CARBONDALE. IReadera will please note that advertise anents.- order for Job work. and Horns ror publication left at the establishment ot Shannon ft Co.. newsdealers. North Main treet. will receive) prompt attention; of ce open from I a. m. to 19 p. m. J Au t'nplrasaiit Eirif nee. Harry BriggH. despati'lif r for the Del enure ami Hudson liuJ an unpleasant fxprrieiire Frlilay afternoon. Air. KiiKKS Is an exerl bicycle rider but did not realize tlie difficulty there would be liivh'eliiiR over the plunk that Ktreti-hes across the raceway ut the Van Heruen works. When he reached the middle of the plank It Hwayed so that he lost his balance and rider and wheel were thrown Into the water. A ttood soakinK was the only consequence of the fall. Injured in the .Mines. Authony Duffy, of Fall Urook street met with u puinrul accident Saturday muinlnir while ut work In the t'oal brook mine. He received a bad sculp wound by the lull of u piece of top coul which struck htm on the head kiiockinn his senseless; he ulso sustained a num ber of bruises about the bod. He was removed to his home where Dr. tSHllH l attending lilm. MeW I'liiiH" Kently. . The new chairs which have beeri .l:ti-ed in the auditorium of the Presby terian church were used for the lirdt time yesterday. I'very one seemed to be very much pleaeed with the chunse from the old iiews and they add very much to the'uppeuiaiiiv of the room. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Miss .Marv Keurnev. of ersey City, Is visiting her brother John Kearney on Smith Main street. (!. A. Jlasbroiick Is spending his va cation with his parents Mr. und Mrs. V. i. Hasbroiick at Hoyal. and Mis. I.. Slocimt and fumlly. of South Church slre-t. will occupy the tents ut Cuinp Crystal for the next two weeks. Mi. Charles C. Avery and daughter Mulgaret, of Uurlteld avenue, are visit ing Mrs. Avery's sister, Mrs.. K. K. Keese. of Wuyniuit. Miss Ll22le Kptilihg us relumed to her home in Si runton ul'ter a visit with her cousin Miss Idu Snyder, of this city. State Senator Soebel, of Kentucky, spent Suiitlu) witli Ills aunt. Mis. J. Kltel. Miss lllla Maloite Is entertaining her cousin iss Lizzie Muran, ipf Brooklyn, N. V. J. II. Cross and family who liuve been visiting in the western states for the past two mouths, have returned home. .Miss Kllzubetli Hastings has returned to her home In Duiitnore, after a visit with relatives In this city. Kile Disputchcr J. D. Purtell. spent Fa J 11 Ida. v In Sctantoii. Misses Kose uud Kllv.ubetii O'Mulley, of Hlttstou are visiting friends in this city. Mis. J. K. Van Bergen, of North Church street, is entertaining Mrs. M. K. Kays, of Scrantoii. Mr. und Mrs. Junies Cordner. who huve been visiting Mr. Cordner'H pur ents, have reluriicd to their home in Bradford. Miss Annie Williams has returned from Hawley where she lias been visit ing her pureuts. Squire Hollister of I lollisterville, was a visitor in town lust week. Mrs. van Itoeiniiieluieyer uud two children, of Belleview, Ky., who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kltel. of South Main street, for the past two montliM, returned to their home Thursday. Miss llattle Ltinny and May O'Mul ley. of Scrantoii. are being entertained at the borne of T. V. Powderly on South Church street. Miss lorettu Cox. of W'oodluwn ave nue. Is entertaining her cousin. Miss Mamie llaydeii, of Oreen Kldge. S. K. Spangeiiburg and family, of Klghtli avenue, are visiting friends In South CaiiHUii. Dr. J W. Lowry spent Sunday with hs family ut Klkdule. Miss Aimu Sutlers, of Wilkes-Barre. Is visiting friemls in town Mis. K. Moiss, of Providence Is the guest of h"r mother Mrs. O. L. Moiss. Adelbert Day is able qto resume w ork .after u short Illness. .Mrs. Charles Sdiirra. and family lire Ol severest triul and test prove in regard tu lluoil's KamparHIa st, Greatest Merit Secured by n peculiar Cunibina- tiun, l'roiHiitiuii iiml l'rwsj unknown to others liicli naturally uud actually produces rj)d, Greatest Cures ntii Mmwn by thousands ef honest, voluntary testiumnlnU which naturally unci actually produce 3 d, Greatest Sales According tu the statements of driiKKists all over the country. In these three points Hood's Harsaparilla is peculiar to Itself. SarsapariMa Is the best - ft is the One True blond Purifier. U.,ll. r:tl aretlieonly pills to take flOOU S FlIlS with Hood's .Sarsauarilta. Carpet Remnants and Odd Pieces at Less Than Cost. See Our Show Windows for Bargains. Wall Papers Odd Lots at One-IIalf Price tu Close Out. Now is the time to buy, as we have some very desirable lots left. J, 419 i Lack. Ave Carpets and Wall Paper Dealer. JCra Rays REMNANT 1 visiting at the hum of her, parents. Mr. und Mm. Put rick Casey. ' Patrick Burke, of Oiieonta called on friends, in town Saturday. Professor Ackerinoii. leaderof the Mo xart Band played with the Lawrence Band, of Scrauton Saturday at the bicy cle races. Mrs. Bert Treat, of Laurel street, is te guest of friends In Aldtihvllle. Mrs. William Hubbard Is quite HI ut her hum on Wyoming street. Miss Anna McLune, of Dunmore. who has been the guest of Miss Casey the pnst week, left faturduy for a month's stay at Crystal Lake accomp anied by her, friend Miss Margaret Casey. Misses Maine (V Boyle and Kumia Burrett, wo have been visiting In Sus qiiehuana county have heturned home. The camping party who have been spending the past two tveeks at Crystal Lake, chaperoned by the Kev. K. .1. Halsley, will break up cuinp today ami return to their homes in this city . T. V. Powderly, of South Church street, spent Sunday with his family, Alio are occupying a cottage at Klk Lake.. Willie liuy and Miss Frederick Sny der, of Mecanicsvillch, N. V., seiit Friday with Miss May rimer, of Wyom ing street. Mrs. Joseph Chilton und daughter Sarah, have returned home after a week's visit with friends in Staiucca. Mrs. Vllliniu Seigle, of Wayne street, litis been unite ill is uble to be urouud ugaln. I'l.OKVIU.K. Mr. mid Mrs. Wert Page, of Pittston, visited with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Page, on Sunday. Miss Olive Joplln, of Plulnsville, Is visiting with relutives n town. The lunerul or the seven-mouths -old chid of Mr. und Mrs. Home Cullender, which died from cholera Infantum last Saturday morning, will bo held from their residence at the West Kud tills af ternoon. Interment will be made at I'lilon cemetery. Mrs. W. B. Stevens und daughter Ver- gle, i.f the West Kud. will leave today for a visit with relatives in Susque hanna county. Mrs. S J. Cullender, of the West Kud. has been indisposed for the past week. Seneca Uuce, id Scott, was arrested by Constable K. I,. Craig and Police litti- I cer W. J. Snedicor last Saturday even- iug for reckless driving on our main thoroughfare. He was pluced in the I lockup, und the team put in charge of Liveryman lieurge Tiffany. Scott was given a hearing before Burgess Hatha way. ut which the costs and tine amount ed to lour dollars. Mrs. Anna Kobblns, of Nantlcoke; Mis. II. .1. Worley and two children, Mrs. Martha Cunningham and daugh ter Mary, id' Philadelphia, are visiting ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Al len, of Hickory sireet. The Intelligence of the death of Arthur M. Peck, the youngest son of. I. 1. Peck, of Miiln street, will be received with mil. h sorrow by his many friends. Mr. Peck passed uwuy soon ul'ter 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Last Tuesday he wus tukeu with quinsy sore throat, but was m it considered dangerous until about M o'clock on Saturday evening, when medical uid wus procured. The deceased wus married two yeurs ugo to .Miss Lizzie Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Snhbuth Williams. He was only twenty-three years old, und had resided here ull his life time. He was employed us yardmasler for the peck Lumber Alaiiul'ucturing compuuy of this place. The deceased took great in terest In the sm lal affairs of the town, and had a host of friends. The Im mediate cause of Ills death wus u rup ture of a blood vessel In the base of the brain. The funeral services will be held ut the Methodist Kplscopul church on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be conducted by the kev. S. C. Sliiipkius. Interment will be made at Prospect cemetery. 1ACTOKYVI1.LK. Miss Bessie Wilson lias returned from' Korest Luke, where she hus been spending a few weeks. Miss Jennie Curdner u I tended the Christian Kndeuvor excnrisoii to Pur view Thursday. I'harlts Hunt, John Kilenberger und Prank Smiley went on a lislilng trip to Plercevllle last week and returned with u tine mess of black buss May Jayne of Mvhoopuny wus a vis ihrv in town lust week. Mrs. Philetus Huiley, who has been spending a few days lieie, has returned to her home in Wllkes-Barre. L. D. Keiiiinerer und fumlly ut tended a reunion of cousins at Farvlew Thurs day. About thirty were present. Mason Keynolds uud fumlly have moved to li Grange, where they will remain while the carpenters are at work there. Huel Capwell and Kmery Dunklee were cullers in town last week. Ploia Middleman is the guest of her cousin. Lena I'tlcy. of Curboiulule. Miss Sura Pike of New York Is spend ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. uud Mrs. Henry Pike. Miss Mary ilardrnr and Jack and Harry Canluer huve reurned from a visit to Kllllllll. Sara Hire Circle will hold a meeting Saturday evening, August lfith. All members are requested to be present. Carl Tiffany of Pleetvillu was a vis itor in town Saturday. Mr. SeauiHiis und daughter Alberta took n trip over the gravity to Hones dale Thursday. William Kvans of Nantlcoke spent Sunday with friends In town. 1 OKKST CITY. Lust Friday evening there was held in Davis' hall the regular meeting of the Purest City Kepnbllcuu club. A large number were piesent and many new en rollments were made. Voluntary sub scriptions were taken up and a liberal sum netted. It was voted to enter the Stute league of Republican clubs and to perfect arrangements for such en trance Messrs. John M. Brown and (leorge Maxey, jr., were selected. Ban ners and transparencies were proposed for Saturday night's parade and Heorge K. Maxey was unanimously elected marshal, with power to select his aids. A few yeurs ago one dressed In the uniform of the J. A. R., with medals pinned on his breast, and with one leg, one arm, und u part of the nose evi dently shot away, pussed through this pluce. He then staled that he was en route from the Soldiers' Home to visit his brother. He added that when leav ing the "home" he was given suflii lent money to reach only a place where his brother then resided, but since he had learned that his brother had moved to some point distant. Therefore, he was stranded, and the kind citizens of Pur est City raised a suitable collection for the veteran. Saturday the same gentle man passed through town and again told the same sorrowful tale. Whether or nut his bait was again successful we have not learned. Saturday, about 11 a. m. the team owned by E. J. Monroe dushed down Main street at a furious pare. On reach ing thp lower end of the street they made for John White's milk wagon and succeeded In completely overturning the SUFFERING NEEDLESS. INTELLIGENT WOMEN NOW REAL IZE THIS FACT. Ailments that Kequli Neither Surgical Opermtluu Hot CsnualtaMoBi With Mala Phyftlcians I'Mlwea Cruelty. There are two classes of women, those who always want the doctor and those who help themselves. Any intelligent woman knows that in nine cases out of ten, ther ail. ments of wo men require nei ther surgical JLf?V) examinationsnor consultations with a male pliysi. iau Thousands of women who have suffered tor tures from "female weak- ness," are to-day well and strong, ull owing Lydia, E. Piukhttiu's Vege table Compound. Among the writer's small circle of acquaintances, she knows of no less than twenty-fivs cases cured within a few weeks, and this after the doctors had stated that the only chance left was a surgical operation. Following we give a statement front a ludy who went through three such operations. What was the good f YV call it cruelty. " For nearly eight years I suffered with headaches, spinal weakness, pain ful menstruations, faintness, dizziness, weakness of the stomach, nervousness and sharp pains durting through my whole system. I was doctoring all the time, and hud three operations. I was completely discouraged, and with little faith I began to take Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound. I have tukeu five bottles, and now find myself well. I feel it my duty to tell these facts, fur I owe my life to the Vegetable Compound, Bud if 1 had only had faith before, I would have avoided those fearful and useless opera tions; let every woman take waruiuff from me." Mas. F. 11. Mgauskkk, Les lie. Mick wagon and scattering milk cans, etc., ill all directions. They were vhortly afterwards brought to buy. CLARK'S SUMMIT. The Klectrlc Stars went to Iike Wlnola last night to play for the boat races. Miss Kva Stanton hus returned front u couple of weeks' visit with her sister. Mrs. Walter Chambers, of Palls. Mrs. 11. N. Patrick is rustlcutitig: ut Lake Wlnola lor u lew weeks. Kdgar Shirk lias his new house near ly completed. . Some of our towus people visited the mineral well at Pactoryvllle yes terday and cunie buck Well pleased with the trip and the water. A tlll.KSK BANUIET. Variety of Pish, Mesh und Vegetables Served in Thirlyufveii Courses. Here Is a tirst-class Chinese dinner In thirty-seven courses, as described by a writer in u Loudon newspaper: Course 1. Pyramid of ham and car rots In oblong slabs. '1, i, 4 and 5. The same of mutton, boiled pig hide, grilled Hsh rolled In sugur and boiled fowl dipped 111 soy sauce. ti. Shark llu shreds in pickle, served a la haycock. 7. Kfcgs stowed awuy In lime till they hud become black. 8. Peeled "wuter chestnuts," the loot of a sort of lotos. if Cukes of cranberry Jelly, very stiff, and piled in pyramids. lil. Sliced bulled 'carrots and turnips similarly arranged. 11. Pinnacled pyramids of green olives kept in pluce by bamboo pins. 11. Ditto of greengages soaked in wine. IX Ditto of tamarinds; and 14 ditto of pieces of dried red melon. Ifi. Small pieces of pmsirt rolled !n brown sugur. . 10. Sections of oranges, toasted inid uu pips uud monkey nuts. 17. Small boiled dumplings with sug ur Inside, pink tops. JS. Putties similarly tilled, for ull the world like mince pies. Is. Buskets of pastry tilled with brown sugur of the sundy sort. 20. Packets of pastry tilled with mincemeat, folded as for post. Now for the real "pieces of resist ance" eight big bowls containing: 21. Sea slug rissoles, the enjoyment of which .was spoiled by information as to what they were, though certainly no worse than oysters. 22. Mutton stewed to shreds vmt two inches long. 23. Pish tripe in white soup, not ut all bud. 24. Stewed duck; 2"i, stewed shrimps; and 20. stewed lotos seeds. 27. Sliced chicken 3te:,v; and 2S, red sturgeon stew. Then came eight Ftnaller bowls:. 21t. Clear soup, styled on the Chinese menu "Mouth nourisher." 30. Haw pig's kidneys, cut Into the shape of an open flower. 31. Stewed shrimp's eggs; and 32, balls mude of sliced ham. 33. Ducks' tongues stewed With ham, many dozens of them. 34. Sliced pigeon stew, tile bird being cut up like a Joint, Thirty-five and thirty-six I fulled to anulyze, though I ascertained that the one was called in Chinese "the threa strings," being composed of pig's tripe, hum and chicken, and the other "prec ious shield hooks," the composition of which I could not learn. 37. Last, but not least, with the ex ception of huge bowls or lice brought in to lill up the corners, the dish that In these luuds takes the place of bread a sort of sweet piluu, called "the eight precious things." ' PrtlrkMtrr'. KmUtk Dteaiead Brut. EfiNYROYAL PILLS orffiitu uj muij VmhIm. murt, always mum. t,aoic uk brwulrt tor fitMuttrt Mntttik Die mondMrmnJ la Hf4 tod Guld tnetailu)' boxM. MLfjd wild blue libboo. Tmk tHkl AfAiM iaflrsMia' rakafiras. (10m and tmitittiant. At Drutatatf. mmA to tUtnp ft jiarilculart. tntllwaUli and "KeUttf IWp fadlrtv a Utltr, tt Mini CTr V .SU I VIS II 1 Hern Mods n VV A the finest that money can buy to, the cheapest that can be made consistent with pood workmanshio ana goou goous. rsoue uui an wooi gouus win ue usea m tne cneapest garment we make. Our Specialty for the present will be All-Wool Suits, made to order for $15.00: Fabrics, finish and fit frnaran teed as good as anything that can be made elsewhere in Scranton for $25.00. In fact, you can't buy the same goods in ready made for any less. Ancient methods and ancient prices are done away with our in establishment. We buy our goods directly from the mills and save the wholesalers' profits. We are thoroughly equipped for business. Our cloths, our cutters and our tailors are all here. There will be no disappointments to customers. Their orders will be completed when promised. Our cloths consist of all new and elegant patterns. wait ior tne upening, wnicn win oe announced in a tew days. J. DAVIS, 215 rreiNWAY sort . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS (X tut Wrl4 DECKER BROS.. KRANICHB BACHB and otksr. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. 'urchaMf will nlway find complete Mock and at prices a low as the qua, ty l the fnetrumeot will permit si nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Arc. - - Scranton ON THE LINE OF THL CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y re located the finest Ashing and hunting grounds in the world. Descriptive books on application. Tickets tu all points In Maine, Canada and Maritime Provinces, Minneapolis. St. Paul, Canadian and United States Northwest, Vanvouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Cortland, Ore., San Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throught trains. Tourist cars fully fitted with bedding, curtains and specially adapted to wants of families may be had with second-clans tickets. Rates always less than via other lines. For further Information, time tables, etc, on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.. 353 Broadway, New York. THE IDEAL AMERICAN TRIP NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The (Superbly Appointed and Commodious Pteel tttumshipi, NORTHWEST AND NORTHLAND, Americau through and through, leave Buffalo I iii wIrt-i und Fridays 0.30 p.m. fur Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The Soo, Duluth, and Western Points, passing all places of Interest by daylight In connect Urn with THE UREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY, it forme the most direct route, and from ev ery point of comparison, the most delightful and comfortable on? t Minneapolis, Kt- Paul, Great Falls, Helena, Hutto. Hpokane and Pa cific coast. Tlie oulv transcontinental line ruunlng the famous buffet, library, observa tion car. New 67 bour train for Portland via Spokane, HOTEL LAPAYETTE, Lake Mlnnetonka, IB miles from Minneapolif, largest and most beautiul resort in the west. 'J icketsand any information of an; agent or A. A. HEARD, Ueueral Passenger agent, Buffalo, N. V. BIG IN H Never in the History of the Shoe Trade Did You Ever See Such BARGAINS in Hen's Fine Shoes as We Are Now Offering. 42 pair Men's full calf hand sewed shoes, congress and lace the world selling price $3; our special sale only $2. 89' pair Men's calf Good year welt shoes, regular price the town over $2.50 and $3; our price reduced to $1.69. 79 pair Men's fine shoes, solid leather, warranted, were $2; uow reduced to $1.25. 50 cases of Men's dress shoes, were to he $1.25, and that is what 'ou pay else where, our price is only 89c, sizes 6 to 10, congress and lace. t Men's russet shoes for al most uothing. Men's $2.50 russet shoes, $1.25. , Men's $3.50 russets for $2. D AVI DOW ONE PRICE SHOE STORE . I O AVI S wil1 open in few das at tlie Frothingham Building, 215 Wyoming Avenue, a complete and modem Merchant Tailoring establishment. We make Suits from FROTHINGHAM BUILDING. MIDSUMMER Sterling Silver Shirt Waist Sets, worth 5c to $1; choice for SOc Worth $1.'2.1 to $1.75; choice for $1.00. Sterling Silver Relt Buckles, worth 3. SO. ut $2.51). Worth $2.50. at $1.75. Closing Out all our Fine China at about Half Price. Genuine Rogers Triple Flute Spoons, Forks and Knives at reduced prices. En graved free. ' Teu Sets. Ice Pitchers. Cake Raskets, etc., finest plate, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE DUPONTS MI.1ING, BLASTING MO SPORTING POWDER anufactiired at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne county. Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dlstriot 11S WYOMINO AVENUB, Scrsaton, P Third National Bank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FORD. Pittston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. K. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Agents for the Repauno Chemical Com aay'a High Explosives. Hotel Walton Broad and Locust Streets, Philadelphia. One of the most raaxniHcent hotels in the world. Palatial in every detail. Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1,50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Situated near all the leading theatres and railraad statious. STAFFORD. WHITAKER & KEECH I. D. CRAWFORD, Manager. Men's $5 russet shoes for $2.50. Special Sale in Ladies' 'Shoes. Ladies genuine dougola button and lace shoes reduced to 89c worth $1.25. Ladies' fine shoes, worth $2.50; reduced to $1.69. Ladies' $3 fine shoes re duced to $2. Misses' shoes reduced to 65c, 75c, $1 and $1.25; were 85c, $1, $1.25 and 1.75. Children's shoes and slip pers, a full line, all styles and prices from 20c. to $1. We invite comparison and defy competition. Call and examine our goods. There is no trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it. 307 Lackawanna Avenue. CLOSING m MERCEREAU & GONNELL BARGAINS Merchant Tailoring. raG KERR'S We have several small lots of Lace pattern, which we desire to close out goods. This is a rare chance to secure Muslin ' Curtains Three yards 10 pairs at 10 pairs at Nottingham 20 pairs at long, full width. 95('H were $1.50 $1.25, were 1.75 50l'H were 75c, were $1.25, were 75c ji.oo 150 io pairs at 20 pairs at Irish Point 4 pairs at 4 pairs at 5 pairs at 3 pairs at $1.50, were $2.2$ 2.00, we're 3.00 3.00, were 4.50 3.50, were 5.00 S. 6. KERR, Opposite Main Entrance tu the Wyoming House. j Book and News ) Linotype Composition P Done Quickly and Reasonably 7 At The Tribune Office. c Write or Call for Samples and Rates. - xXSSSXv THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RC PA, Mamifacturar of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUSIPING MACHINERY. QeiMral Office: SCRANTON, PA. 1 1 A LOUNGE FREE. . . . With every purchase of $40.00 or over for Cash or Credit in anv of our departments. week the in it. AVENUE CLEARANCE SALE LACE CURTAINS Curtains, two and three pairs of a We want their room. You want the choice designs at your own price. Special Prices On our entire stock of BRUSSELS, CLUNY, TAMBUL'K, Etc. Summer Curtains Snow (lakes, silk stripe and CRE TONNE from $1.50 to J j-25 per pair. Sash Haterials by-the yard. Full line of Novel ties. SON & CO., 408 Lackawanna Avenue OU EE we are making it pleasant for the stay- at-homes and the slim pock- betook brigade. But, that's incr refreshing bargains this seashore or the lakes aren't Baby Carriages About one dozen, remaining in stock. You want them we want to dispose of 'em. What will you give? Space . is worth more to us about now. Refrigerators Are in about the same boat. This is the weather for them seasonable bargains we call 'em. One More Week For our Lounge Gift Sale. -si - aiaiaiaiiai jl 218, 225 AND 227 Wyoming Avenua. CLOTHING ON CREDIT, TOD 1 L
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