THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCK ANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 189(5. TWO CENTS A COPY. SALE THE Right Thing AT THE Right Time AT THE Right Price AT THfc : Right Place This is a modest statement, for the tact is that the selling prices quoted below are better than right. However, we mention the right price also, so that you may understand what the sacrifice we are making really amounts to. ALE Is Now On Trimmed . Suimmer Yokes 3N 'EW GOODS EW STYLES EW VALUES LOT 1 Embroidered yokes In plain white or lemon shades. Best 00c. kind. V Sale Price, 35c LOT 2 White Pique Embroidered yokes. Our all-season 75c. quality. Sale Price, 48c LOT 3 Linen Batiste Yokes, pretty Valenciennes trimmings. A lead er at 75c. Sale Price, 52c LOT 4 White Lawn Embroidered Tokes. Dainty creations that sold read ily (or Wc. Sale Price, 59c LOT 5 Combination Tokes of White Lawn, Dotted Swiss, Valencl ' ennes Lace and Embroidery, They were considered wonder ful value at $1.00. Sale Price, 69c LOT 6 Pique and Lawn Embroidered Yokes. Very desirable and stylish. Actual value $1.35. Sale Price, 89c LOT 7 Fine Linen Batiste Tokes, elab orate embroidery and the cream of top notch fashion. Were 11.50. Sale Price, 98c LOT 8 Finest Linen Batiste Tokes, with wonderful lace and lawn com bination effects. These are strictly high-class novelties that old for $2.00 and $2.25. Your choice, Sale Price, $1.29 LOT 9 A few superb Mull and Em broidery Yokes that sold to the fine trade at $2.76 and 12.98. Sale Price, $1.49 Sale Now On G LOBE . : WAREHOUSE THE SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATS MOURN Solemn Gatherinf of Orlef-Strlcken Free Traders i Philadelphia. MR. SINQERLEY'S DISH OF BAIT Suggests n Scheme Whereby Repub lican Votes Might Possibly Be Ob tnined in the Support of Low Tariff CongressmenResolution of Con demnation. Philadelphia. July 17. An Important conference of "sound money" Demo cras was held today in the office-of John C. Bullitt, a well known lawyer, for the purpose of protesting- against the action of the Chicago convention. The meeting was held in private, and it was presided over by Henry D. Webster, a director of the Pennsylvania railroad. Among the sixty prominent Democrats In attendance were: John C. Bullitt, Charles H. Jones, vice president of the Trust company of North America; J. Simpson Africa, president of the Union Trust company; ex-Mercantile Apprai ser Charles T. Ingersolt, James F. Sulli van, director of the Union Traction company; ex-City Treasurer William Redwood Wright, Judge Harman Yerkes, of bucks county; William M, Hlngerly, president of the Philadelphia Record Publishing compuny (which pa per has bolted the Chicago platform George V. llaer, of Heading, a director of the Philadelphia and- Reading Rail road company, and others. A number of letters of regret were read from Democrats who were unable to be pres ent and who expressed sympathy with the movement. Mr. Slngerly stated that he had pro posed to a prominent Republican that a deal be effected whereby in the Dem ocratic districts of the state, the Demo crats should vote for MvKlnley and In turn the Republicans support the Dem ocratic nominees for congress, state senate and general assembly. Mr. Sln gerly was of the opinion that such a deal could be effected within from thir ty to forty days. He further expressed his opposition to the placing of a "sound money" Democratic ticket In the Held because such a step would Jeopardize McKlnley und would injure the regular Democratic organization In Pennsyl vania. RESOLUTION ADOPTED. There was a general discussion on mutters appropriate to the conference, und the following resolution, which was prepared by Mr. Bullitt, was unani mously adopted: Resolved, That the platform adopted by the Chicago convention Is neither honest nor patriotic und therefore not Demo cratic. That It differs so radically from fie pust doctrines of the Democratic party and particularly from the nutlunul platform of ISW! and the Pennsylvania platform of thi year WW, that we cannot aa honest Democrats accept Its wide de parture from the true Democratic doc trine nnd we believe that the highest duty of true Democrats Is to make every etfurt to defeat the ticket nominated at Chicago. That a committee of seven he appointed of whom the president of this meeting shall be chairman with Instructions to confer ' with representative Democrats throughout the state for the purpose of formulating some plan to preserve the In tegrity of the Democratic party in Penn sylvania and secure the defeat of Uryan and Bewail. BRYAN AT ST. JOSEPH. The Hoy Orator Makes Cheerful Speeches Along the Line. St. Joseph, Mo July 1". A large crowd greeted William J. Bryan up on his arrival at the Union station, Kansas City, and in response to cries "speech!" he stepped to the rear plat form of the car, and sald:"Ve are going west In a few minutes and with your kind assistance we will go east next year." This caused laughter, followed by a cheer as the train moved off. At Kast Leavenworth and Weston crowds of people were waiting In a pouring rain to see Mr. Bryan. The train stopped only a minute at each place and Mr.. Bryan bowed to the crowd from the rear of the car. At Armour Mr. Bryan shook hands with a hundred or more people und Mrs. Bryan was bowed down under the load of water lilies heaped upon her by ad mirers of her husband. The train ar rived at St. Joseph at 12:20 p. m. The station platform was packed with people as the train drew In. They swarmed around a temporary plat form that had been erected near the track on which the train stood, and shouted enthusiastically as Mr. Bryan made an address which was frequently Interrupted by cheers. The train left the station at 1:05, followed by more cheering. DEMOCRACY MEDITATES. New York Leaders Are Still Puralyzed by the Situation. Asbury Park. N. J., July 17. Senator David B. Hill. William P. Sheehan and Chairman J. B. Hinckley, of the New York state Democratic committee had a long conference here this morning over the Democratic situation. The wholaf political situation was gone over and the best possible methods of proce dure discussed. It was finally agreed that an early meeting of the state com mittee should be held and Chairman Hinckley was asked to Issue a call this evening. It Is expected that the commit tee will meet In a few days and tlx an arly date for the state convention. . The attitude of Democracy of the state of New York In the coming cam paign will be left to the convention to decide. Senator Hill has decided to remain silent until the convention meets FUSION PROBABLE. Populists Are Willing to Unite with Democrats Under Conditions. Bt. Louis, July 17. "If the Democrats will give us our share of the electors there will be no difficulty In the way or united action for silver," said Bergeant-at-Arms McDowell, of the Populist con vention, when discussing the situation in a group of party friends today. The discussion was upon the advisability and method of furthering the silver Is sue. Th frntln l rrowln amnir thf Populists who are arriving that some sort of unity of action is necessary and most of them turn to electoral fusion as the best method of maintaining par ty organization and at the same time striking a good blow for silver parity. NEW MINeIfOREMEN. Certificates Granted by the Examin ing Board nt Ilnzleton. Hazleton, Pa., July 17. The examin ing board, which grants certificates to mine foremen, passed the following successfully: B. J. Carr, Eckley; John Evan, Hazlebrook; Anthony Rellly, Hazleton; Joseph S. Shaw, Upper Lehigh; Wil liam Edwards, Audenreld; Charles N. Harvey, Eckley; John M. Williams, MoAdoo; Daniel Craig, Eckley; Henry M. Sheers, Hazleton; Joseph HIrbock, Silver Brook; Thomas H. Raw lings. Audenreld; John Gillespie, Dilftjn; Joseph S. Robertson, Milnesvllle; Pat rick Kelley, Beaver Meadow; Arthur Watklns, Lansford; James Ehovlln, Drlfton; C. L. Hoover, Sandy Run. LINCOLN DELIRIOUS. Candidate Bryan Is Greeted with Tin Horns and Calliopes People Shout Themselves Hoarse. Lincoln. Neb., July 17. Tonight Lin coln Is delirious. The delirium bejrun when the train bearing the nominee wa3 sighted-by the thousands gathetA'. In and about the railway station. How many thousands were there It would be difficult to estimate. Men, women and children with tin horns, which they blew lustily, steam calliopes whistled, can non, firecrackers and everything' else that could be conveniently handled helped turn the vicinity of the station into a pandemonium. As Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, with the Lincoln contingent that had gone to meet them, stepped from the train u mighty howl went up from the crowd and then began the din of shouts, grunts, whistles and howls, con tinued with a persistence thaf showed a keen enjoyment on the part of the crowd. Mr. und Mrs. Bryan, their chil dren and the others with them man aged to get through the assembled musses and were placed In carriages. Mayor Uraham and a reception com mittee hud charge of the arrangements and under their direction their nomi nee's party were conveyed to the Bryan residence. No. 1625 D street, where neighbors and friends were waiting1 to give them hearty welcome. At 8:30 o'clock Mr. Bryan went to the Lincoln hotel In a carrtuge to take his place In the parade. Mrs. Bryan and a number of friend's proceeding directly to the legislative building. It had be gun to rain by this time, but the ardor of the people was not diminished, and when Mr. Bryan drove up to the hotel he was greited with a repetition u-f the delirious enthuslusm, expressed by lung power and by the Instruments of tor ture, that he had encountered on his arrival at the railway station. Then the procession was started for the state house. A platoon of police led the parade. First came P. A. Miller, chief marshal and his sta'.f, Including a number of army and naval guard officers, fol lowed by the second regiment band and the Lincoln Light Infantry. Mr. Bryan came next, and after him Company D, of the First regiment, N. N. !., state, county end city officials followed In turn and the rest of the procession was made up of civic organizations of every character, Including traveling men and relief societies. The Bryan home guards bore llambeaus and discharged rockets while many of the other paraders also indulged In pyrotcnchnlc display. A brass band headed nearly every organi zation and there was no lack of musical effort. Packed In the rain outside the state house were people by the thousands. They cared nothing for the wet under foot and the wet overhead, and stood In the mud patiently as If It had been the most propitious weather. Their enthusiasm was something wonderful. Nearly every young man and young woman was provided with a tin horn and they spared not their lungs. But the cheers d; owned out all other at tempts at expressing feeling. When Mr. Bryan was introduced the shout that went u: was a mighty one and It was restated over and over. A tem porary platform had teen erected at the corner of the building and from this Mr. Bryan b:o1ic. after which Mr. and Mrs. Bryan standing in the rotunda of the stnte house received a vast con course of people. MR. BRYAN'S ADDRESS. In his addirss to his townsmen Mr. Bryan said: Fellow Citizens I am ;roud to be able to say to thosa who are assembled here, these are our neighbors. (Applausel. I beg to express to Republicans, Democrats Populists. Prohibitionists and all parties the gratltuote which we feel for this mg nlllcent demonstration. I say we, be cause she who has shared my struggles deserves her full share of ull the honors that may come to me. (Applause). I de sire to express tonlgnt, not only our grat ful appreciation of all the k'.ndnetseB, so cially and politically, that you, have show.i to us, but to give to you tpe assurance that If by the suffrages of our country, men, I for a short time, occupy the most honorable place In the gift of the people, that 1 shall return to the people who flrjt took me In their arms. (Applause). This shall be my home. And when earthly honors have passed away, I shall mingle my ashes with the dust of this beloved state. (Applause), t thank thoae 6f ail parties whe have been willing for a mo ment to forget differences that exist be tween us and Join In celebrating the fact that at last the nomination for has crossed the Missouri river. (Great cheering and loud and long applause). And now, until I cun see each of you per sonally and express my thanks by the pressure of the hand, or by my voice, per mit me to bid you all. In behalf of my wife and myself, good night. (Long and continued applause). Work of Naval Militia. Lewes, Del., July 17. The Pennsylvania naval militia wound up their practice work nboard the battleship Indiana this evening end went aboard the city Ice bouts again, which sailed tonight for May. The militia will return to Philadel phia on 8unday. The Indiana sailed this evening for New York. Will Not Indorse Uryitn! Cheyenne. Wyo., July 17. The state convention today elected delegates to 8t. Louis and nominated a state ticket. Resolutions Instructing the delegates to Indorse Bryan In the national convention f pr vnttd down and withdrawn. STRIKERS AND THE MILITIA FIGHT Renewed Scenes of Disorder at the Brown Hoisting Works. TROOPS CHARGED I'PON THE MOB Strikers Are Reinforced by Thous ands or Idlers, Who Attack Poliee and Nou-Union Mcn-.V Soldier and Polireinnn Are Beaten Iuto Insen sibility. Cleveland, July 17. The fiercest fight since the strike of the Brown Hoisting workers began.oecurred this evening. The militia kept the crowd back while the non-union men were taken from the shops, but the mob Increased until It numbered many thousands and extend ed over a territory of fifteen squares. Jeers, stones and clubs drew a charge from the militia on the crowd. Many on both sides were wounded. Just how many strikers were hurt Is uncertain, but two men were so severely stabbed with bayonets that they could not get away, arc lylntr at the St. Clair hospital. Thos. McGrcavy and James Oarety. All day there had been frequent clashes between the mob at the Brown Hoisting works, the police and mlilitia. The members of the mob were In u vicious mood, and whenever a lone soldier or policeman could be reached, violence was attempted. Tne troops from two o'clock this afternoon were constantly under arms and had great difficulty In clearing the streets, two charges being necessary. In which bayonets were freely used. But us soon as a chaige was made, the mob, which early in the afternoon numbered 5,000, would How back against the lino of steel like a wave of the sea und again begin to hoot and throw stones. SECOND CHARGE MADE. When the workmen had been tuken away and the troops were returning to their quarters at the works', another vengeful rally was made upon Com puny F. Again a charge was mude and cold steel wan driven home so that many of the Hotel's hud to bo helped away. At this time some one pent In a general alarm to the police station and every patrol wagon was soon dash ing through the streets causing the wildest rumors among thousands on their way home from work. There was no need of the police re Infi rn'tneots and the crowd, which had been swelled to 16,000 began to melt away. It looked us If the trouble was ended, but at seven o'clock an assault was made on a soldier who was passing along Wilson avenue. He fought des perately as did also a poilcuinan who hurtled to his aid. A squad of troops came to their rescue but not before the two had beea l.val.m It) to Insensibility. Again the patrol wagons rushed to the scene and had all they could do to force a passage through the angry mob. Everything Is now in readiness to re pel an outbreak which la expected dur ing the night. There were many women in the mob and they were apparently, the most bitter and as they refused to move some of them are Injured by bayonet thrusts. The situation at midnight Is very ominous and the streets about the vicinity of the works are being patrolled by soldiers and police. VENEZUELAN CASE, Thirteen Letters Made Public by the State Depar ment The First Official Disclosures. Washington. Jul 17. The efforts of the United States and Great Britain to agree upon a general arbitration for the settlement of all the controversies through the establishment of a per manent tribunal, as well as the pro gress of diplomatic negotiations to wards solving the Vcnezulean problem ate set forth In thirteen communications made public by the state department tonight. While they constitute the first uuthorltatlve dlsclot-ures upon these great a.uestlous since President Cleveland's famous Chiit-tmna-tlde message to congress, It will be found that the previous reports if th- United Press of the negotiations between the two governments Lav.1 accurately out lined the couise of events. Little substantial progress towards a general arbitration treaty Is disclosed by the documents. An outline In part of the proposed p:ocee4ure Is laid down end the views of te two governments are so explicit aly sai ej that future dis cussion may be confined towards nar rowing the few divergent:! s of method. The further fact Is made apparent that the United Stu'.es has not te'axed Its vigilance In demanding a Just set tlement of the Venessulean boundary question and has rejected the Brltsh proposols for arbitrating that dispute under terms involvlrg the surrender of any part of Venezuelus claims. JUSTICE GARRETT ILL The Distiugnifthcd Jurist in a I'rili cul Condition. San Francisco, July 17. The vener able and distinguished Jurist, Stephen tiarett, associate Justice of the Supreme court of the 1 nlted States, Is critically 111 and so serious Is his condition that It was yesterday decided to be Impossi ble Imperatively necessary that he be brought back to this city from Paso Rubles, while there he was sent a fort night ago with the hope that the change might be of benefit to him, and If the condition of the noted patient will per mit of his removal, he will be brought back to San Francisco tomorrow. It Is possible that careful nursing and absolute rest may restore the Judge to absolute health, but those who are sup posed to know say there Is little hope of his recovery. PATRIOTIC SENTIMENT. Ancient Order t f Hibernians Declare Their First Duty. Detroit, July 17. The Ancient Order of Hibernians wound up its business to day. The reaort of the committee on resolutions declares that the control of a ballot of a member Is foreign and will not be tolerated. The resolutions de mand unity of action and honesty of purpose from the official reports of the Irish people In parliament and declares that while our native land Is loved, we hold the conscientious discharge of our obligations to this land of the free and the maintenance of Its laws and gov ernment our first civil duty. The con vention decided to have an A. O. H. national holiday on June 21, 1898, In commemoration of the centennial of the struggle for the freedom of Ireland. The expected fight on the officers did not materialize. ' P. J. O'Connor was re-elected president and John C. Wea dock retains the office of vice-president. BAGGED AFTER 15 YEARS. An Iowa Fugitive Is Arrested and Lodged in Jail nt Ilnrrisburg. Harrlsburg. July 17. Sixteen years ago In the town of Montlcello, Jones county, Iowa, there were two lovers Garrett Light and Annie Rickett. There came a time when Annie wanted Gar rett to make good his promise to marry her. A quarrel ensued and the girl waa shot, bull she recovered after weeks of suffering. Light was arrest ed, tried and convicted and pending an appeal to a higher court, he was releas ed on ball. The decision of the court belnjr against him he fled. About this time his father died neur Pittsburg and the fugitive fell heir to $1,500 In the settlement of the estate. With this money he purchased a Bmall farm a few miles from Harrlsburg and latter mart led a Dauphin county girl. For fifteen years he has lived here, his Iowa secret securely locked In his breast. Recently the sheriff of Jones county, Iowa, heard of his whereabouts and sent a letter to Sheriff Snellen bergor, who made the arrest this even lug. Light Is in Jail awaiting requisi tion papers. He says he is the person wanted, but denies his guilt. He has a wife und children. M'KINLEY'S CALLERS. The Residence of the Genial Candidate Besieged by Visitors Upon Political Erruiids A Nebraska Tribute. Canton. O., July 17. Major McKlnley received the usual string of callers to bay who cume on various errands of a personal or social nature. They were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Sonnenberg, Wheeling, West Va Hon. J. A. Staples, and wife, York, Pa.; Mr. Jules G. Guth ridge, Washington, D. C; Cupt. A. S. McClure, of Wonster, Mr. E. L. Arnold and Miss Carnahan, of Mosslllon. The following letter wits received from Nebraska, stute the mention of which always awakens a good deal of Interest In the McKlnley home now: . Pluttsmouth, Neb., July 16, 18itiion. William MoKluley, Canton, Ohio: The McKlnley club, of Plattsmouth, send greeting to the standurd bourer of the Republican party and beg to assure him that although the Democratic nominee halls from our state, this circumstance will In no wise affect the enthusiasm and loyalty of the Republicans of Plaltsmwutn and Cass county for McKlnley and Ho bart. H. N. Dovey, President. C. H. Smith, Secretary. Major and Mrs. McKlnley will leave for Cleveland next Monday, where they will be the guests of Mr, and Mrs. M. A. Hanna. Major McKlnley will speak there Tuesday at the opening of the Cleve land centennial, of which he is honor ary president. DICKSON'S RESIGNATION. Discussion as to Whether It M ill Be Nccessury to Reconvene the State Convention, Philadelphia, July 17. The presenta tion by Samuel Dickson of his resig nation as a presidential elector to Democratic Chairman WVight has given rise to a discussion as to whether it will be necessary to reconvene the State convention to elect his sucess or. I'nder the law If the resignation is presented thirty days prior to election day the state convention must be called together to elect a successor, but If the elector resigns inside of thrty days of electon the vacancy can be filled by the atate committee. A state department official In speak ing today of Mr. Dickson's letter to Mr. Wright said that It did not con stitute a resignation as under the law the resignation must be tendered to the state department. ' Honors for Mr. Stone. Kansas City, July 17. The executive committee of the American party today tendered the nomination for governor to Hon. -ohn h. flume, presiding Judge of the Jackson county court. He at once accepted in a brief letter. Treasury (iold Reserve. Washington, July 1". The treasury gold reserve at the close of business toduy aloud at JSM.K71.21ii. The day's withdrawals were fc.',3S3,llW, of which $2,000,000 were for export. THE NEWS THIS HORSING. Weather Indications Today I Fair ; Pasribly Showers. 1 Strikers und Troops Fight at Cleve land. Democrats Aim to Defeat Bryan. Sound Money Democrats! Have a Scheme. Venezuelan Letters Made Public. 2 Will Be a Campaign of Intellect. Dun's Weekly Review of Trade. 3 (Local) Mayor Will Not Suspend Block. Electric System Contracts. 4 Kdltorlal. l'ret Comments. 5 (Local)-Soldier Boys Off for Camp. C Social Doings. Scruntnn Hullglou Circles. 7 Suburban News. 8 (Sports) S.-runton Loses Through Er rors. Kastern and National Leugue Scores. Corbett. King of Boxers. Bicycle News. 9 Geld. Silver and the Path of National Safety. The Qorwedd In Owyllt Walla. 10 (Story) "The Home of the Thousand Terrors." 11 World of Letters. It New Up and Down the Valley. DEMOCRATS AIM TO DEFEAT MR. BRYAN The Administration Said to Have As sured Help for Hanna. PRESIDENT MAY WRITE A LETTER Republican Managers Said to Have llecu Told Not to Give Themselves Concern Over the Course of the (old DemocratsTheir Efforts Will Be Directed Toward Election of.llcliiulcy. Cleveland, O., July 17. Tt Is very evi dent that there will be no Independent Democratic gold ticket In the Held this fall, but the support of the gold wing of the Democratic party will be thrown to the Republican ticket, and the com bined efforts of that strong wing of the Democratic party will be thown to aid the election of Major McKlnley. So announced a gentleman toduy, who is too closely allied to the administration at Washington to permit his name to be made public. When asked for the reason for this statement he said: "Within the past three days Chairman Hanna, or the Republican National Committee, has received assurances di rect from the Washington administra tion that Mr. Hanna need give himself no concern over the course of the gold Democrats In the pending campaign." The Information stated that the course of the factions of the party had been determined and that the Eastern Dem ocrats would not put up a ticket, and what Is more, the most of them would use every means within their power to secure the election or the Republican ticket. This course of action was said to have been approved by no less a personage than the President himself. WHAT THE PRESIDENT MAY DO. The gentleman further announced that he would not be geatly surprised If in the course of the campaign Presi dent Cleveland would give out a public letter advising sound money Democrats to support McKlnley. The rumor that Mr. Hanna had received such assur ances was the talk of the day in politi cal circles here today, and not a doubt was expressed but that it is true, be cause of the many facts which bear It out. In the first place there has been a general uprising among federal office holders against the ticket as named at Chicago. Most of the dissenters have gone to the extent of a direct bolt of the ticket and have boldly announced that they will support Major McKlnley. They have not waited to see whether eastern Democrats would put & ticket Into the field. They were supposed to have known that this contingency would not arise. They were In too close touch with the administration to have committed the error of believing that there would be a chance for them to vote the Democratic ticket and at the same time not vote for Bryan. The position of the administration had been communicated to them and they knew what to expect. NATIONAL COMMITTEE ACTION. The National Republican executive committee this morning appointed Per ry S. Heath, of Cincinnati, press and literary agent, and appointed a com mittee, consisting of Hanna, Durbln, of Indiana; Dawes, of Illinois; Payne, of Wisconsin, and Heath, to select of fices for the committee In Chicago and New York. This committee will be in Chicago Monday, and provide head quarters for that city first. It Is reported that the committee will make every possible effort to induce Mr. McKlnley to make a trip through the west, or at least deliver some speeches in that section of the country. Some of the western committeemen are strongly In favor of having the campaign opened in Omaha or Lincoln, Neb. M'lLLHENY TURNED DOWN. Will Not Be School Superintendent of Duuphia t'onnty. Harrlsburg. Pa., July 17. Dr. Nathan C. Schaeffer, the superintendent of pub lic instruction, returned from Blooms burg today and took up the matter of the contested commission of George W. Melllheny. the county superintendent elect of Dauphin county. He refused the commission this afternoon and issued a commission to R. M. McNeal, the present superintendent, who at once took the oath of office. Dr. Schaeffer decides that Melllheny had not the "successful experience In Uachlng within three years of the time of his election," which Is contemplated by the act of April 9, 1S67. Bryan Ratification nt Tammany Hall. New York, July 17. The general com mittee of Tammnr.y Mall of the Thirty fifth assembly held a meeting tonight for the purpose of hearing a report from their two delegates to Chicago, Henry D. Pur rop and Senator Charles L. Ouy. After it number of apcecius had been delivered, the meeting developed Into a Bryan rati fication meeting. Ynnderliilt' Condition. New York, July 17. Ur. Mi'Lane on leav ing the Vuiirterbllt house this afternoon staled that he expected Mr. Vunderbllt to be so far improved as to be able to be removed safely to Newport In three w-cks" time. At a quurter to 10 o'clock the bulletin signed bv Drs. McLane, ra per and Delatleld stated that Mr. Vander bllt is much better this evening. Stcantuhip Arrivals. New Yoik. July 17. Arrived: Weimar, from Bremen; KueiTt Bismarck, from Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg; Mrtttanlc, from Liverpool and yueens lown; St. Paul, from Southampton. Ar rived out:. Prussia, from Hamburg, 16: Xormunlu. from Hamburg. yutt-nstowii, July 18. Arrived: Steam ship Ktrurla, from New York for Liver pool. Herald's Weullier forecast. New York, July 1". In the m.T.lle states, today, fair, warmer weather will prevail and light to fresh variable winds becom ing southwesterly und southerly, fol lowed by some cloudiness and possibly local rain In the western districts. On Sunday, fair to purtly cloudy, warmer weather and fresh to light southwesterly winds will prevail, followed possibly Tjy local rain or thunder storms on and near the coast by the evening, and on Monday, partly cloudy to fair, cooler weather, pre. ceded by local rain on the coast. ILEY fesiy Mrtf- IF NOT It must be you do not know its merits. FIRST It Is made by one of the lar est and best custom shirt numutactur era In this country and is therefor scientifically cut. Made by expert oper ators, and every garment guaranteed perfect. SECOND Its construction la superior to all others, and seven paint of lm provements are covered by letter pa tent reotatly granted. "THIRD The bodies are mato full length "L'tlca. Nonpareil" doth. The bosom la four ply and every ply l war ranted pure linen. Can be easily laun dered by any domeatlc." FOURTH The button hole ar worked by hand with "Barttow" Beat j Six Cord Thread. FIFTH. It Is made either open back, or open front and back, and beatdea th regular one, we have a special line tot stout men. SIXTH. And best of all we can sell you this shirt (which is a better ono than you would pay $2.00 for made to order) for one dollar. Call and examine the "Sllesky Shirt," the best In U world. , 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Biuisy. Coo! Shoes for Hot Feet. Our EOo. Outing Shoes sale begin todajl for The Boys and Girls. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP FINE J EW CAN BE SEEN AT When you pay for Jewelry you might a well get the best. A fine line of Novelties for Ladles anil Gentlemen. W. J. WeSchel 408 Spruce St. Enamel Paints, RcyioMs' Pure Colors, s Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Garaunteed. ELM Crockett
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