. '1 . ' V 1 isTHE ONLY REPUDLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY: i : ! t ' . -V sift . tit' TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCKANTON, PAM SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE C, 180B. TWO CENTS A COPY. Y 8 Jill tapis In 8 June Fairies. . The following items are right In season nnd the values are far be yond your hlgheut expectations. 25 Pieces Belfast Bimite These are the highest class Im ported goods that come to the American market, nnd the designs are all in this season's productions. They Include neat Dresden, Scroll, Vine, Floral and Stripe effects. Special Price, 19c ) Pieces ..' ejiae BImllies A beautiful Summer Cloth In combi nation herring bone stripes and an tique Dresden effects, also plain hades. A remarkable value at our Special Price, !2c Case Lovely Pipes White llnpn, or navy grounds In Jots, scrolls, figures and stripes. One of our best regular lVAc values. Special Price, 8c High GraSe Swivel Sils America's very best production In ;he dnlntest color combinations of ihe season. Only " pieces. Special Price, 22c rials M Giigte 1 case Simpsm's first quality Sat Ines, than which there Is no better. Black grounds only.ftsures and dots, white or floral effects. Worth ISc. Special Price, 12c 1 Case Dress Gligliams Bent fast color domestic goods In ttripes, chocks, plaids and bright leaf effects. Endless assortment. Special Price, Sc Silk Offerings 20 pieces Cheney Bros, best China fillks, 24 Inches wide; new Dresden effects, large variety. Actual value Tie. Special Price, 50c 22 and 24 Inches wide, pretty new - effects, especially designed for " Waists. Regular 11.00 quality. Special Price, 69c WAS UNVEILLING OF MEADE STATUE Interesting Exercises Held on the Battle Field of Gettysburg. DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS HEARD Ceremonies nt the Jlutc of tlic E(ue triun Statue of (jt-ucrul George tior ilon Mvadc-.Speerheii by Governor Hnstiugs and Urnernl Gregg. Gettysburg. June B. The equestrian statue eroded by the state of Pennsyl vania In honor of the memory of Gen eral George Gordon Meade, command ing the army of the Potomac, was un veiled this morning In the presence of a largo number of distinguished mitl- i t.iry officers, and civilians. The cere monies opened with music followed by I prayer. Master George Gordon Meade, a grandson of the dead hero, unveiled the statue. As the drapery fell from the statue Light Battery C, Third Unit ed States artillery, tired a xalute. Dedi catory exercises wwe then conducted by George G. Meude Post No. 1. depart ment Pennsylvania. Grand Army of the Republic. The statue was then formal ly delivered to the governor of the commonwealth by Brevet Biigadier General J. P. S. Gpbin, of the commis sion which had charge of the erection of the statue. GOVERNOR'S SPEECH. Governor Daniel H. Hastings, on be hulf of the stute, accepted the gift In a choice speech, an extract of which is given hereto: Ladles and Gentlemen: More than a ct'iitiuy ana the poets told la llttlng phrase the thrilling story of the F.lily stone llKlllhoii .e on the coast o Unglaiid. It wu in u rocky and tlanHiuotis st-u. Science uilniittiiig the necessity fur its erection, declared that, amiilat rock and BUifc'c uiul swelling deep, Ps construrttuii was impossible. In the face of all dts co!i:ui!cinciit It was completed. And tiien the doubting spectators and wury mari ner said "wait for the storm; wait for. such tempests us we have seen; and It will snap llku the stem of a pipe." At length tin- storm enme. Never before had wind and ruin, liKhtning and thunder united In such curuivul of destruction. Villages were swept uwuy, mui.y lives were lot nnd vessels smull and great were wrecked. Then the timid and faithless survivors raid the lighthouse and its keeper are surely gone and our phrophecy will prove true' when the morning cornon. As day light broke, all eyes war strained in the direction of the warning beacon eager to learn the truth. There It proudly btood towering out of the deep, bidding defiance to storm and tenipent, wind and wave. Other nations said of us thiU America must go the way of all republics; it could not withstand the grout conflict. B't when the dreadful storm, which had been gathering for decudes and raging for three years, had burst In all Its relentless fury, amldit these hills ur.d valleys; when charge and . countercharge had ended; when the cannon no longer gave forth de fiant thunders; when death had claimed her own and the high carnival of hate and passion was exhausted; and the smoke o( musket and battery was lifted from the scene, here, on this very spot, upon his horse sat the victorious com mander, the ciileflaln of the conquerors, the proud l'cnnsylvunlan, Gcorse Cordon Meade, and when the sun fell fair and bright upon Little Hound Top there and Big Round Top yonder, and upon the Cemetery's ridge, and the plain beyond where Pickett's men had come and gone; the valley of death, the peach orchard and the wheat Held, where torn blue and gray uniforms lay tide by side with the rider lcgs horse, the spent musket and the silent cannon; when the clouds hail lifted and floated away, behold, old Glory, every stripe and every star undimmed in beauty, proudly waving in triumph an answer to the nutions of the earth that the time was near nt hand when the mightiest republic of all time was to be re-united In stronger bonds of union than ever before. Today there is presented to the con. munweiilth of Pennsylvania that bronze Image of the horse nnd rider. Here It will stand near the cabin that was his headquarters when the battle was on, a perpetual memorial of Pennsylvania's great commander. As the chief executive, for the time be ing, of the commonwealth wherein his most heroic service were rendered, for the people of the present generation, for the memory of his comrades who sleep In yonder cemetery, for the widows and or phans whose dear ones rest beneath the shadow of this statue, in behalf of the brave men from sister states who rushed tn Pennsylvania's rescue In the hour of her peril, ami for the generation yet to come In this Keystone of the National An-P. J accept this precious trophy. I notify you that no vandal hands shall mar its noble proportions, and I promise you that the patriotism, loyalty, ami pride of our people our Pennsylvania freemen will preserve it in honor to the latest gen eration, GENERAL GREGG'S ORATION. I'pon the conclusion of the governor's remarks. Brevet Major General David Meflrcgg, who commanded the S?co:ul cavaliy division at Gettysburg, was in troduced as the orator of the day. Gen eral Gregg paid a glowing tribute to the memory of the dead hero nnd guvo a sketch of his career as follows: The distinguished poldier whose person is so accurately and artistically repre sented In the statue before us, occupied such a conspicuous place in the eyes of his countrymen during the war of the re bellion, that in considering his services at that period It seems appropriate that ref erence should be made to his earlier ca reer, that we may better understand In what manner he was trained for the prop er discharge of the duties of the high posi tion to which he was suljiequpntly culled. This reference must be both brief and gen eral, owing to the limitation as to time which the occasion enforces. George Gordon Meade was born Dec. SI, 1815, under the American flag, at Cadiz, Spain, his father being the United States consul at that port. His parents were citizens of Philadelphia, and his ances tors, enrly settlers in the colony of Penn sylvania, htfld prominent places In its so cial and business affairs. Appointed to the United States Military academy from Pennsylvania, he was graduated there from In ISSv. After his graduation he was assigned to the artillery, and very shortly after he resigned from the service, but was again, in 1842, commissioned a lieu tenant In the topographical engineers. In the Mexican war he served first under General Taylor, and participated in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, and Monterey, and later was present ut the siege of Vera Crus by the forces under General Scott. Following the Mexican war he was employed at various points on the Great Lakes and the seaboard, tn devising and constructing such works as fell with in the sphere of the topographical corps. Ho had already won an enviable reputa tion In his corps, and was recognized as being an officer of high Intelligence, of great profeslsonal skill, of marked deci sion of character, and of amplo resources he had the respect and -confidence of his fellow-officers with whom h was associ ated, and of his superiors at the seat of government, ft' In August, lEfllA Captain Meade, then serving at Detroit, was appointed brigadier-general of United States Volunteers, and was assigned to the command of the Second Brigade of the Pennsylvania Re serve corps. He uartlcloated In several of the engagements of the Peninsular campaign, ami was severely wounded at the battle of Qlendale. After this he com manded his division and was engaged at South Mountain, and on Nov. t 1802. he wss made major-general of Volunteers. VV: '.TV. .-., J;'if-v " .: Meade greatly distinguished himself it the head of h's divison by assaulting and penetrating the enemy's lines, unsup ported; his brilliant exploit was barren of results. At Chancellursville he skilfully covered the retreat of the Union army to the north side of the Rappahunnock. On June 2S the Army of the Potomac was concentrated at Frederick. Md.. and on that oay, in his tent. General Meade had placed in his hands an order assigning him to its command. It is Impossible to measure in any degree the weight of the responsibility that must have pressed upon Genral Meade at this time. Hud he been previously consulted he would un doubtedly have declined the appointment, but the opportunity was not given him. The sword of command was placed In his hand, and kooI soldier that he was, he firmly grasped It, and at once set about the work before him. TH E GREAT BATTLE. The story of the battle af Gettysburg, that was foUKht three days after General Meade had assumed command. Is too fam iliar to be repeated In this presence. The greatest of all the battles of the war and one of the preatest In the world's history, it was touch! on a field admirably aduptcd for the tactical munoeuverlng of the two great armies. It wus great because of the numbers ennuged, those of the two armies aggregatinn ultout 1ilj,(l0 men, because of the desperate lighting and fearful carnage, the aggregate loss in killed and wounded having been about 4i,uu. and because of the momentous consequences that hung on Its Issue. The victory at Gettysburg sealed the fie of the rebellion. The Army of North ern Virginia, broken and dispirited, r. crossed the Potomac and fought for two years longer, on the wasted fields of Vir ginia, to prolong a hopeless struggle. In its subsequent campaigns, extending over well-nigh two years, General Meude re mained in command of the Army of the Potomac, secure in the confidence of its oldlery. At the side of the meat sol dier. General Grant, who had been placed In command of nil the armies of the United States, General Meade led his old army through the Wilderness, at the sicg.t of Petersburg, and at the surrender of Appomutox. In recognition of his dis tinguished services, great honors were conferred on him by the national govern ment, the state of Pennsylvania, and the city of Philadelphia. General Meade was an ardent patriot, and was every Inch a soldier. His person was tall and grace ful, his manners courteous and dlgnllled. In his intercourse wlrh those whom he knew but Bllghtly he was reserved; with his Intimates he was pleasantly famili ar. As a husband, he was tender and lov ing; as a father, kind and affectionate; as a friend, true as steel. He hud strong and positive convictions, and these, when necessary, he asserted, unrestrained by consideration of expediency. For th rights of others he hud the highest regard, and would not brook Interference with his own. He was truly a Christian soldier and u gentlumun. On Nov. 6, 1871, our hero was called to meet the arch-enemy, before whom nil yield. The victory was a barren one. for death, as It only resulted in releasing from Its tenement of clay a soul fully pre pared to enter the Paradise of the blessed. The exercises were held at the rite of the monument just In the rear of the Bloody Angle. On the stand were seated Governor Hastings and Mrs. Hastings, Adjutant General Stewart and the entire gover nor's staff. Major General Nelson A. Miles, United States army; Brigadier General John R. Brooke, United States army; Major General David McGregg, Colonel George G. Meade, the son of the general;. Attorney General McCormlck, Auditor General Mylln, State Treasurer Haywood, General Latta, Private Sec retary Beitler, Colonel John P. Nichol son, Hon. Henry H. Bingham, Major William H. Robblns and Major Charles H. Richardson, of the Gettysburg Na tional Park commission, and Gen. John P. Taylor, Major W. H. Hartshorn and Colonel R. Bruce Ricketts, of the Penn sylvania Monument commission; H. K. Bush Brown, the sculptor of the Meade statue, and W. Edwin Elwell, the sculp tor of the Hancock monument. Chap lain Stevens, of Meade post. No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic, made the Invocation. When the Hags fell from the statue a great shout went up from the crowd that ceased only with, the ronr of the cannon In salute. At the conclusion of General Gregg's oration, Major General Miles, Brigadier General Brooke and Sculptor Bush Brown made short addresses. 1 MAGOWAN A GROOM. His Daughter Faints at the Announce ment of Her Father's Marriage to Mrs. Barnes. Trenton, N. J., June 5. Word was re ceived here tonight that ex-Mayor Frank A. Magowan and Mrs. J. A. P.arnes, whom he Is said to have mar ried In Milwaukee, have arrived In Phil adelphia and intend to come to Trenton tomorrow. They were accompanied on their trip east by her brother-in-law, Dr. Winn, and his wife and her little daughter. Beryl. Magowan, It is thought, will now car ry out the threat he made before he tuid Mrs. Hnrnes secured their Oklaho ma divorces to establish her as mistress of his mansion on Clinton avenue. The house has been well furnished nnd gar deners, cooks and coachmen have been engaged In auicipation of the couple's arrival shortly. Mugownn's former wife, a highly re spected lady, and their five children, live in a humbler house adjoining the mansion. Miss Emily Magowan, the ex-mayor's 18-year-old daughter, faint ed last night when she read In the news papers of her father's marriage to Mrs. Barnes. There Is considerable feeling here against Magowan and a quiet but well known citizen Is said to have offered to lead a party to run the ex-mayor out of town. The proposition was the sub ject of discussion In numerous public resorts. Chicago, June 5. Frank A. Magowan, the former mayor ot Trenton, N. J., whose appearance In this city with Mrs. Helen E. Barnes and the return of their marriage license has created gossip tnd some mystery, Is believed to have been married to Mrs. Barnes In Kenosha, Wis., yesterday. He gave up his room at the Auditorium Annex Wednesday night, telling the chief clerk he was go ing to take the first train yesterday for Kenosha. Mrs. Barnes and Robert. H. Winn, who has figured as the best man in the matrimonial case, left the hotel yesterday and none of the three has been seen In the city since by the friends of Magowan. El Reno, I. T., June 6. R. H. Winn, the attorney who brought suits for di vorce here for F. A. Magowan and Mrs. Barnes, of Trenton, N. J has begun suit against Mr. Magowan for $2,400 at torney's fees. Herald's Weather Forecast. . New York, June .-In the Middle states today, fair weather and light to fresh southerly and southwesterly winds will prevail, followod by local rain or thunder storms In the northern district. On Bunday, fair, warm weather will pre vail, with fresh southwesterly winds, fol . ;.tf. rr a Vr'" f? t rfrstwe. - COLONEL HEATH VERY ANXIOUS Has Discovered a Deep-Trenched Plot to Defeat McKinley. THE SCHEMING LAID TO PLATT Desperate Means Will lie Employed to Defeat .Major McKinley at St. LouisArrangcinents for the Ac couiinodatiou of Reporters at the Convention. . St. Louis, Mo., June 5. Colonel Perry Heath, ex-journalist, of Cincinnati, and just now avant courier of tho McKinley invasion of St. Louis, is In deep anxiety tonight over what he forcibly uenomi nntes as an underhand attempt to de feat the Ohloan's nomination. He names Hon. Thomas C. Piatt, of New York, as director of the antt-McKiniey move. He says that Piatt has given out the information publicly that he will not he in St. Louis until next Wednes day, when all the other leaders are er pected here, but that privately he has notified all those members of the com mittee who are supposed to be bound to McKinley that he will be here Mon day morning and "would like to meet them In private conference for the dis cussion of business of very vital impor tance to the party." "The method to be used to defeat the Qhlolan," iaid Colonel Heath, "Is a deg, perate one, but It will be tried. It !s well known that the national committee Is to meetat the Southern hotel at nooa Wednesday to begin the work of mak ing up the temporary roll of the conven tion, which assembles the following Tuesduy. "Ever since the opposition to Major McKinley has realised that the Ohlo lan's boom could not be checked by tho ordinary methods, It has schemed to use the advantage given It In the con trol of the national committee to defeat McKinley If possible by recognising all the anti-McKlnley contesting delegates who could show the slightest claim, and then giving them the seats In the cjn ventlon with the expectation that they would force men of their own selection on the credential committee and thus secure a firm footing In the permanent organization of the convention." On Wednesday the national rranmii. tee will meet at the Southern hotel and will decide upon the temporary organ ization and go over the 170 contests. For temporary chairman Mark Hanna, of Ohio; Governor Merriam, of Minne sota; Major Warner, of Missouri, and Warner Miller, of New York, have tn mentioned. Ex-Governor Mertftom. of Minnesota, who has a considerable backing for chairman of the convention, naa written that he will be here next Tuesday. He is at the head of the Min nesota delegation and Is a pronounced McKinley man. ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE PRESS. Arrangements have been made for the seating of the press representatives In the Republican national convention, and the 413 seats in the press stand have been nlloted anions- the metronoll. tan newspapers of the United States. 'J he united Press and the Chicago Associated Press have been alloted six seats on either side of the chairman's desk. The papers of New York, Chi cago, and St. Louts will get the greatest number of seats each. It has been de cided to give to the Journal, Sun, Herald, World and Tribune of New York, six seats each, and to the Brook lyn Eagle, New York Mall and Express, Evening Post, Dally News, and Tele gram, two or three seats each. Pro visions have also llpen ninde fnr neat tt correspondents of the leading Phlladei- puia, r.aiiimore and uoston papers. The Chicago newspapers will stand on the same footing as the St. Louis news papers in regard to distribution of cor respondents' seats. Each St. Louis paper will be alloted six seats In the press stand, but as a matter of cour tesy they will take the seats farthest removed from the chairman's table. Country papers will not find room In the press stand, owing to the great de mand made upon the accommodations made by tho metropolitan papers. An effort has beon made to secure 100 seats for the Interior press of Missouri, but it is rot likely they will be success ful. It will be simply a question of room that must be met and the commit tee Is already puzzled to find accommo dations for the men from the big cities. ANTI-BOND BILL SAT UPON. Ways nnd Means Committee of the IIoubc Reports Adversely. Washington, if. C, June 6. Mr. Ding ley, of Maine, the chairman of tho com mittee on ways and means, presented to the houc this afternoon the report of the majority members of the com mittee on the senate bill "to prohibit the further issuance of interest-bearing bonds." The report concludes with the declar ation that In the present condition of the country, With a deficiency of reve nue and distrust prevailing to an alarm ing extent, It would be a moBt serious mistake, not to use a stronger term, to take away almost the only prop that now remains for the maintenance at par of legal tender demand notes, whjch formed so Important a part of the cur rency of the United States. The bill is reported back, therefore, with a recommendation that It do not pass and this conclusion the thirteen Republican members of the committee Indorse. Two of the Democratic members of the committee, Turner, of Georgia, and Cobb, of Missouri, concur In the adverse recommendation, but without endorsing the report. OREGON FOR 'BIMETALLISM. Seventy Thousand Votes Cast for Free Silver and Ten Thousand for Gold. Washington, June E. Representative Ellis (Rep., Oregon) this afternoon re celved the following telegram from J. B. Montgomery, which ton Arms the United, Press despatches from Oregon on the result of the election: Portland, Ore., June 5. To Hon. VV. R. Ellis. You are ' elected. Tonue (Republican Sound Money candidate In First district) beaten. Oregon cost 70,000 votes for bi- --") nd fr;e r!v. 'O.W tor ;., THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today Fair; Southerly Winds. 1 General Meade's Statue Unveiled. Weyler's Failure Acknowledged. Scotch-Irish Meeting. Col. Heath Discovers a Plot to Defeat McKinley, 2 Congressional Doings. Realms of Music. Business World. .3 (Local) Opinion in Boschlno Case. Mrs. Luxemberger Awarded Damages. 4 Editorial. CommentB of the Press. 6 (Local) New Operating Room at the Moses Taylor. Dr. M. J. Williams Is Now Out-Door Physician. Plans to Secure Pure Milk Supply. 6 Doings in Bcranton Society. Church and Church Societies. 7 Suburban News. Market and Stock Reports. , g (Sports) Base Ball Games. Gossip of the National Sport. Of Interest to Wheelmen. 9 Homeward. Bound from Alaska. , Gold and Silver in Pennsylvania. 10 (Story) "A Genius for a Year." 11 World of Letters. The Pretty Maid of Cefnydfa. i 12 News Up and Down the Valley. COMPETITOR CASES. Senate Committee Moves the Injunction of Secrecy from the Testimony Bearing Upon the Trials. Washington, June 5. The senate com mittee on foreign relations this after noon moved the Injunction of secrecy from the testimony In relation to Cuban affairs of Messrs. Frederick W. Law rence and Rev. A. J. Diaz. Lawrence, referring to the arrest of Alfred Laborde and Milton, who were on the Competitor, said that so far as the testimony of the men who captured them, before the court martial, went, It showen that neither of the men had arms upon their persons. They were taken to Havana, tried by a court mar tial against the energetic protest bf the United States consul general and con demned to death, their sentences being daleyed by the Madrid government at the request of Secretary Olney. From an American point ot view these prison ers were not assisted by counsel, but from a Spanish point of view they had counsel. This counsel consisted of a lieutenant In the navy, who asked no questions and who cross-examined no witnesses. No witnesses were produced but Captain Butron and the other of ficers of the Mensajerra which took the Competitor. This lieutenant asked for clemency for Laborde on account of the Illustrious place his name had borne In the Spanish navy, and for Milton be cause he was not there for the purpose of fighting, but merely In his business as a newspaper correspondent. When asked If any evidence was ?iv en at the trial to show how far the Com petitor was from the shore when cap tured, Mr. Lawrence said there was no evidence given whatever, on any sub ject. The men were tried about a week after their arrest, and when Consul General Williams was told by the judge advocate that the Investigation was to be a "summary trial," Mr. Williams re fused to lend any official recognition to It, protested against It and left. No officer of the United States consular service was present at the trial. Neither the prosecutor nor the counsel for the defense asked a single question of any body. Not a particle of testimony was offered except that of the Spanish offi cers. An Interpreter was present, but he did not make his presence known to the prisoners until they were asked If they had anything to say In their own defense. Counsel for the Americans did not tell them what the statements of the Spanish officials contained; he did not, so far as witness who was at the trial throughout heard, say one word to the men he was supposed to be de fending. Witness had every reason to believe that the counsel could not speak English and the whole trial was con ducted in Spanish. The men were even asked If they had anything to say in the Spanish language. William Gildea, the last of the five men tried together, re plied to the interpreter: "All I hAve got to say is, I do not understand one word that has been said today for me or against me, and at any rate I appeal to both the British and American con culs." The court made Its finding with in fifteen minutes after Gildea had made this statement. "RUSTLERS" RELEASED. Four Lenders of the Johannesburg Reform Committee Let Out of Jail. London, June G. A dispatch from Pretoria to the Pall Mall Gazette flays that the four leaders of tho Johannes burg reform committee, Lionel Fhil Hps, Colonel Francis Rhodes, George Farrar and John Hays Hammond, whose condemnation to death was re cently commuted to fifteen years im prisonment, have been released on pa role. Mr. Hammond, the dispatch says, Is about sailing for Southampton en route for the "United States. It is reported that each of the four was fined 10,000. DESPERATE CRIMINAL. Murderer Attempts Suicide on His Way to the Uallows. Berlin, June 6. A criminal named Oehlmann was beheaded at Brunswick early this morning for the murder of his aunt and cousin. Qn his way to the place of execution Oehlmann attempted to commit suicide by throwing himself over the prison staircase, dragging with him the warden who had him In charge. - ' The warden was frightfully hurt and Is dying. . Steamship Arrivals. New York, June B. Arrived: Normanla, from Hamburg, Southampton and Cher bourg; Bcandla, from Hamburg; Zaan dam, from Amsterdam! St. Paul, from Southampton, Arrived . out: Umbria, at Queenstown; Mohawk, at London; Dresden, at Bremerhavsn; Furst Bis--T"k, at pTr!iM, . , . OPERATIONS AT A STAND STILL The Cuban War Postponed on Account of the Weather. APPEARANCE OF YELLOW JACK The Disease Playing Havoc Among the Npauisu Troops iu luba-Wey ler's Failure Is Acknowledged Everywhere. Havana, June S, via Tampa. Fla. The dry season can be considered closed. Ever since the last fiftevn days It has been raining fearfully. In Haxana the rains have been periodical for the last week, beginning at about i o'clock p. m. and lusting until 6 or 7 p. m. In tne country from reports received all around, the rain fall has been consider able. It is said that the Majana swamp, forming the southern section of the mil itary line from Marlel, has overflowed and that the trenches and ditches which have been made have all disappeared. In consequence of this state ot things, the military operations at least on the Spanish side, have come to a standstill. All the troops are cooped up In the towns of the Interior, untouched by the rebels, and the fortified cities on the coast. Not so with the Insurgents, for this is the appropriate season for them, as It permits them to rove unmolested throughout the country, thus justifying their boas;-, that they are the masters of the flel'ti. YELLOW JACK ARRIVES. As a result of the climatic change that soourage, yellow fever, has made Its appearance, and It Is said is playing havoc to an alarming' extent, particu larly with the troops. The government tries to hide the truth, but somehow R manages to leak out, and although no accurate data can be obtained, for no atastltics are allowed to be published, still, it Is known, that the malady has extended all over the Island and the death rate is very great In some place, as for instance the military line, It Is known that there are hundreds at tacked with this terrible disease and that it Is increasing dally In alarming rnportlons. Small pox has also made its appearance In many towns and cities, and probably In Sanctl Splrttus and Clenfuegos, In which latter place 98 deaths occurred last rrtonth, there being 130 cases now on record. That Weyler has failed In his Cuban campaign la admitted by everybody, even by the rabid Spaniard. His un fitness to cope with the Insurgents Is manifested dally. No outward demon strations are made of his Inability to quell the revolution. Spaniards are getting- despondent and the em migration of their prominent leaders. Including Santos Guzman, Is significant aa tend ing to show the loss of faith In their cause, which they now consider doomed. MADRID PAPERS BITTER. The Madrid papers have already In itiated a campaign against Weyler. Some are very bitter In their attacks, as for Instance La Pas recently started to defend the autonomist solution for Cuba. Another Ejerclto Espanol has attracted a great deal of attention on account of its high authority, It being the organ of General Lopes Dotungues, ex-minister of war, the ablest general of the Spanish army. It has published two leading editorials criticising Wey ler's tactics and strongly defending General Bemal frortv the charges made aeainst him in the Cacarajlcara affair, whloh is judged very severely. GENERAL LEB ARRIVES. Consul General Fltzhugh Lee visited Captain General Weyler today. The interview was cordial. In the course of the conversation General Lee touched upon the case of Dawley, the corre spondent of Harper's Weekly, who was arrested two days ago and Is now con fined in. Morro Castle. General Weyler, it Is said, promised that a prompt in vestigation would be made in the mat tpr. Tt Is believed that Dawley Will be soon released on condition that he leave the island. SCOTCH-IRISH MEETING. The Society Holds an Interestiuf Meet ingNotable Papers Inspected and Fine Speeches Listened Tt, Harrlsburg, Pa., June 5. The sessions of the Scotch-Irish Society of America are proving very Interesting. This at' ternoon an able paper on "Scotch-Irish Newspaper People" was read by Cl" onel W. II. Hunter, of Steubenville, O. It was full of Interesting historical facts. A paper on "Scotch-Irish Bibliography of Pennsylvania" was to have been read by Major W. C. Armor, of this city, but because of the crowded condi tlon of the programme he did not read it. It will, however, appear In the next annual of the general society. Grler Hersh. esq., of New York, read a notable paper on the "Manor of Maske," which was a history of the Scotch-Irish In York and Adams coun ties. In the course of his paper Mr. Hersh gave a synopsis of the great revo lutionary history of York county. He then portrayed the spread of the scotch Irish through York county, and espe cially that portion known as the "Bar rons." John F. Meglnness, of Wllllamsport, told about the Scotch-Irish of the upper Susquehanna valley. At the close of the afternoon session Hon. L. W. and Mrs. Hall tendered the congress a reception. This evening another great audience packed the opera house to hear ad dresses by Rev. Dr. Henry Mccracken, of New York; Dr. J. S. Moffat, of Wash ington and Jefferson college, and Rev, Dr. Norcross, of Carlisle. Tomorrow will be spent by the mem bers of the society and visitors at Get tysburg. At this morning's session of the an nual congress of the Bcotch-Irlsh So ciety of America, Robert Bonner, of New York, was re-elected president for another year notwithstanding his ex pressed desire to retire. All the other officers were re-elected, the only addi tion being- the election of M. Wilson McAlamey, of Harrlsburg, as secretary of the Pennsylvania society. HNIEY'S Great Specials to Our ORES. GOOD- . Department Which are worthy of the attention of one and all. The reductions are genuine, and at the prices ought to command a ready sale and oloM out the lines In a few days. , , 7 extra choice silk and wool novelty suns in f erstan and grenadine ef fects. Were $24.60. June Price $19.75 11 choice Persian and silk and wool Biciiuene dress patterns, .Were $17.50 and IU.60. 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