THE ECBAKTON TUttUNE THUBHDAY MOItNINU. MAY 28. 1896. NeuJs WEST SIDE EVENTS. Declsloa of Aldennu Blair ia Case of ol Williami Aialnst Richards-Letis-la live Fljht In First District 'It'a the law. but It's niishty hard medicine to take," remarked Alderman lilalr in refiiem-e to that ca3c of Will iams against Richards, in which he was called upon to li.akt a decision. The case was mentioned in The Trib une. A 4-year-olJ son of David Will iams, of North Hyde I'ark avsnu- threw a stone through a window in tlia residence of George liicvmrtis, on North Main avenue. Klchards swore out a warrant for the arrest of the boy's fa ther, charging him for the son mis ' behavior and asking for damages t the eSfctent uf a few cents over Si. . at torney V. It. Lewis represented the defendant. The alderman withheld his decision for two duys In ord-r to give tne attorneji a thance 1 to prove hid case. i. e. that the father was nt re sponsible. Here la the opinion uf Hi alderman founded on Attorney Lewis" law t(uotutioiis: "Th general rule Is that a father Is not liable fur the torts of his Junior child. A parent cannot be held liable for the wilful trespasses of his Infant children when he neither as enta to or ratifies them. On the whole It may be stated that as u rule a father is nut liable in damages for the torts of his child, committed without his knowledge, consent, par ticipation, or sanction, and not in the course of his employment of the child." MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES. The programme for the observation of Memorial Day, next Saturday, by the Grand Army of the Republic, has been arranged for the West Side as follows: Lieutenant Kzra S. Hrltltii post. No. HID. Grand Army of the Iiepublie. will have charge of the exercises In the Hyde Hark Cnthollu cemetery ut 10 o'clock next Knturday morning. Col onel Monies post, No. 31s, Grand Army of the Republic, will conduct the exer cises In the Washburn Street cemetery. Rev. V. V. Doty, pastor of the Hamp ton Street Methodist church, will be the orator of the day. He will be as sisted by Rev. J. B. Sweet, pastor of the Simpson Methodist lSplweopul church. The Hampton Street Method ist Episcopal church choir will sing the memorial hymn, and the flrlnr? squad of Ezra Grltnn camp, Sons of Veterans, will Are the salute. ;. l Hass, com mander, will be In charge. IN THE KIRST DISTRICT. There are at present about six promi nent candidates In the field for the Republican legislative nomination itj the Klrat Legislative district. Three are from the North End: three repre sent Hyde Park. Harry Hatton, Isaac Jones and M. E. Sanders are from the upper part, and E. E. Rolmthan, H. D. Jones and Hon. John R. Farr are the likely West Side men. There Is not much popular Interest in the contest at the present time. Seldom is it men tioned In conversation among the vo ters, save when the activity of some of the candidates calls for comment. FUNERAL OP "PEN WIN." The remains of the late John L. Lew Is were interred yesterday afternoon from the family home on Academy street. Services were conducted bv Rev. W. H. Jones, of the First Welsh BaptlFt church, and Rev. Davies, of the North End. There were many floral offerings from friends of the de ceased, who was quite widely nown. Interment was made in Washburn Street cemetery. The pall-benrers were B. Hughes, John Williams, H. P. Davies, Reese Hopkins. Edward E. Thomas and Georee Jenkins. DEATH OP MRS. KIME. Mrs. Margaret A. Kime, aged GO years, died yesterday at her home on Robinson street. Deceased was a lift long resident of the West Sid". The family hns many friends. The funeral announcement will be made later. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. .Mrs. John Kutchke, of Wllkes-Rarre, is visiting Mrs. R. A. Phillips, of Jack son street. Funeral services over the remains of the lnte David Bird were held last evening at the home of Daniel I. Phil Hps, of South Hyde Park avenue. The service was testimonial to the simple and forcible character of the deceased. At 5 o'clock this morning- the remains will be taken to Rye. N. T., where In terment will be made. Camp 178, Sons of America, will hold a short entertainment after this even ing's business session. The members of the Jackson Street Baptist church will hold a business session this evening. Ernest Lehman, of Avoea, Is visit ing West Side relatives. Rev. Hugh Davis, pastor of the There is Just As luluch Difference Between Ill-Made, I II-Fitting Bi cycle Suits and the Well-Made, as between any other ill and well made article of wearing apparel. Men's Suits $5.00 to $10.00 Men's Bicycle Breeches $1 to $2.50 Caps to Match. Stockings, Belts and Sweaters. Sips Dc4 Clothiers, of fb? Sliblirbs. Welsh Calvinlstic Methodist church, has returned from the Wllkes-Barre cymanfa. Meredith Jones is a candidate for delegate to the legislative convention from the Third district of the Sixth ward. John Powell, the noted Welsh-American, from Pittsburg, spent a few days at the residence of Mrs. Peters, of South Lincoln avenue. John Thomas, of Hampton street, who has been attending school, is home. Miss Mamie Kresge, of Mill City. Is visiting her aunt. Miss Sarah Kresge, of Hyde Park avenu Miss Clivcn. who has been visiting Miss Annie Morgan for the past two weeks, has returned to her home at Nirholls, N. Y. The Druid Glee club will meet this evening for rehearsal at Jones' hall, Nurtli Main avenue, ut 7.30 o'clock sharp. Rev. J. T. Logan, of Wilkes-Barre, will preach at the testdence of Mr. Storm. 4L'1 South Main avenue, on Thursday night ut 7.4.1. A hearty lit. vitatlon I:) extended to ull. The runeral of Paul, won of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Walsh, will occur this after noon ut 2.30 o'clock. Interment will be made In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The funeral of James R. James will take place today at 2.30 o'clock p. m. from his late home on North Hyde Purk uvenue. 'Number Ninety-Three" Is the topic of a lecture on war times which will be delivered this evening at St. David's hall by Colonel Samuel A. Urquhart, a veterun of the civil war. The press re ports are exceedingly laudable to the lecture. No one anil especially an old soldier should miss the treat. The locture will be for the benefit of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church. Miss Molly Ward, of Sou Hi Main avenue. Is visiting In New tork city. The Misses Florence Glbbs, Ella Will lams and Margaret Edwards leave to day for un extended stay at New York city. "Yon people did yourself proud in your Templar reports." was Alderinun Blair's comment to a Tribune man last evening. West Side Business Directory. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de sign a spermlty. Floral (Inures, useful as gifts, nt 101 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. ntOTOO RAPH KR Cabinet Photos, 11.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vlnro yourself liy calling at Starner"s Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE Cash for Anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1026 Jack sua street. PROVIDENCE. An entertainment for the benefit of the Morgan's children, will be held In St. Mary's hall, June 9. Their remark fibly fins voices have gained for them on enviable reputation. It has never been a difficulty to obtain their consent to participate In any cause that Is worthy of their services. The proceeds of this entertainment will go toward the training of their voices. It will be under the management of W. F. Burke which is tin assurance of a excellent programme. As they have favored many, so should many favor them. Frank Ketrick, of Putnam street, was painfully Injured at the Cayuga mines, Monday afternoon. Jean Osborne, of Blnghamton, was a caller in town yesterday. P. J. Mulherin, of Laurel street, Is Bllghtly Indisposed. Mrs. Flsk, of Boston, Is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs.. P. L. Ben nct. of Cupouse avenue. Miss Jessie Klees, of Archibald, is vis iting friends in this place. Miss Bertha Simmons, of Plttston, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Howell Davis, of Putnam street. Mrs. C. O. Sutton, of William street, Is visiting frlmds In Hurdlng. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marcy, of Exe ter are circulating among friends in this part of the city. Arthur Griffin, of Clark's Green, is vlsitlngatt he home of his brother, Cas per Orllflii. of Market street. Miss Nellie Benjamin, of North Main avenue, Is rusticating in Elmhurst. II. C. and S. C. Gilbert, of Gilberts vllle, N. Y made a business trip to this end yesterday. Mrs. Martin Gerrlty, of Mary street, who has been sick for the past week, is able to be around again. A. B. Conger, of East Market street. Is ill. The four-year-od son of Thomas Orllnths, of Marvine avenue, Is 111 with pneumonia. Mrs. Thomas R. Williams, of Wayne avenue, Is slightly Indisposed. A pocket book was found on the Prov idence road Tuesday evening. The own v.r can obtain the same by calling on Mrs. P. Knight, 2235 North Main ave nue. ' Camp 177. Patriotic Order Sons of America, held an entertainment at Fen- Hatters and Furnlsiiars. J liiBiiBf f' ner Chapoel'a halL The programme consisted of literary and musical num bers. To feature of which was the delivery of Patrick Henry's famous ora tion by D. J. Davis, president or tne Patriotic Order Sons of America camp of this district. A drum was present ed by the camp to the pupils of Na 17 school SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Saccessful Excursion of the Ceutary Hose Company to Mountain Park. Death sf Andrew SHU. Century Hose company's excursion to Mountain Park yesterday was a social and financial success. While there was not as larre a crowd as orainaniy at tends the annual outing of the company, the liberality of those who did attend lu a measure compensated, and after all the members are thoroughly saiisneu. It was estimated that nearly 1.000 persons were at the park. These did not all leave on the first train in the morn ing, but most of them went down on the regular trains until 2 o'clock in the af ternoon. The city was reached on the return trip at 7 o'clock and the trip both ways was not marred by any uc cldents. DEATH OP ANDREW STILL. An old resident. Andrew Still, aged '3 years, died yesterday morning at the home of his son, John h Still, of M8 Prospect avenue, after a Ions; illness. The deceased was well and favorably known. The funeral will be held to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ser vices will be conducted at the German Methodist Episcopal church on Prospect uvenue and Birch street, and Interment will bo made in Minooka cemetery, TWO WIFE BEATERS JAILED. Alderman Storr committed two wife beaters to Jail yesterday In default of ball. John Sullivan, of Prospect ave nue, was one of them and the other was John Schumber. Sullivan persists in snuanderinir all his earnings on li quor and refuses to look after his family. Schumber Is charged with, ag gravated assault and battery. He went home drunk and pummeled his wife with his fists because she upbraid ed him for not putting his money to better use than drinking it. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OP NEWS Rev. A. J. Kllcoyne has much Im proved in health within the past week. John Casey and Delia Connelly, of Minooka, will be married next month. Rev. I. Node, of Wllkes-Barre, was the guest of Rev. P. C. Christ, of St. Mary's church, yesterday afternoon. Dr. A. J. Kolb, of Cedar avenue, had his residence decorated in honor of the Templar conclave. The doctor is a Sir Knight of Coeur de Lion commandery. MINOOKA. The O'Connell council, Toung Men's Institute, will hold its regular meeting tonight. Patrick Kenavy and M. Judge left yesterday for Pittsburg. They Intend to reside there permanently. The bam at the No. 2 colliery which -was destroyed by Are Monday night, will be rebuilt at once. Magistrate O'Hora is doing business at his old stand opposite Hotel Gib bons. EZRA GRIFFIN POST ORDER, Issued with Reference to the Observ ance of Memorial Day, The following order with reference to the observance of Memorial Day has been issued by Lieutenant Ezra S. Urltfln Post, Grand Army of the Re public: Headquarters Lieutenant Ezra S. Griffin Post, No. 139, Department of Pennsyl vania, Grand Army of tha Republic, General Orders, No. 7. Comrades: The thirtieth day of this month will mark the thirtieth anniversary of Memorial Day. Yes, comrades, for thir ty years the Grand Army of ilio Republic with its friends have gathered the first flowers of sprints, and scattered them with earred thoughts on the graves of our fall en comrades. The cycle of time has again brought us to the hour when we open tha chumbers of memory, and look back en the old ramp-ground, and Into the facos of our younn comrades; stand with lln gerlng thought, as we look over the bat. tie Held, and point in memory to where our comrades fell. We that lived to re turn, have for thirty years gathered God's choicest flowers in the springtime, and have placed them on the graves of those who fell In battle's front, died in prison pen, and those who since the day of peace huvo received their final discharge and have entered upon their duties in the spirit world. It is, therefore, fitting and proper that we should, according to our custom of the past, pay a tribute to the moral worth, Christian devotion and he roic service of those Who are camping In eternity. Memorial service, May 30, will be held at Dunmore, Forest Hill, Dunmore Catho lic, Washburn Street, Hyde Park Catholic, St. Mary's Catholic and Plttston Avemia cemeteries. Colonel William N. Monies post. No. 319, will have charge of Wash burn Street and Petersburg cemeteries. Details in charge of flowers and flairs will report promptly at different ceme teries at 10 o'clock a. m., May 30, to the comrade In charse of detail. DETAIL IN CHARQU OF CEME TERIES Foret Hill, Post Commander J, R, Thomas. Dunmore Protestant, Past Commander R. C. Clark. Dunmore Catholic, Comrade INI. K. Bishop. Hyde Park Catholic, Comrade Honrv Loftus, Van Stork, Griffin, Herman and McDonnell, Comrade B. B. Atherton. Plttston Avenue and St. Mary's Cath olic, Past Post Commander S. Y. Hauut. AFTERNOON SERVICE. The post will assemble at post head quarters promptly at 1 o'clock p. in.. Sat urday. May 30. for parade and assign ment to companies. COMPANY COMMANDERS. Company A, E. W. Pearce. Company B. 8. H. Stevens. Company C,,S. Y. Hatipt. Company D, G. W. Sklllhorn. Company E, M. K. Bishop. Company F, John McDonald. Griffin Post Battery, W. F. Albro. At the conclusion of the parade, the post will march to post headquarters, where public memorial service will be con. ducted by the post. In memory of com rades who have died udrlng the year. The families of deceased comrades, the Wo men's Relief corps, No. GH, Camp 8, Sons of Veterans, Ladles' Aid, No. It), and friends are especially Invited to be pres ent. In the evening an entertainment will be given at the Academy of Music, in charge of the entertainment committee of the post. Comrades will be furnished with tickets to sell. Comrade, as you nre fully acquainted with the custom of this post, we never ask for contributions for Memo rial Day, but pay all epxenses from the proceeds of our evening entertainment. It is expected therefore, that you will make a special effort to make this enter tainment, one of the best we have ever had, a success. It will consist of old camp scenes and contrabands, with songs, etc?, appropriate for the occasion. Diagram opens for reserving seats Friday morn Ing, , J. R. Thomas, Post Commander. Attest: George F. Millet, Adjutant, The New Lager. Cull for Casey St Kelly's extra fins lager beer. Be sure that you get It The best Is none too good. men Baby was tick, we gave her Castor When she was a Child, she orledfor Castorta, When (lis became Hi, she clung to Castoria, when she had Children, she gars them Otstoria, MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New Tork. May 87. There was a c approach to absolute stagnation at stock exchange today, total sales fox Ing up only S5.061 shares. At interval-, business cam nearly to a complete standstill, the sales between 1 and 1.30 o'clock amounting to 1,000 shares. In the time mentioned not a single transaction was reported In the Industrials, which is something very unusual. The indisposition to make new ventures Is still due to the uncer tanty regarding the standing of the leading candidate for the presidential nomination and tho fear of hostile leg islation by the senate in the matter of government bond Issues. On the other hand the continuance of the gold export movement and the low prices of form products caused a little liquidation in certain securities. There was no out side business to speak of, and the oper ations tor foreign account cut no figure in the dealings. The changes except in rare instances were confined to narrow limits. General Electric scored the greatest variation among the usually active stocks, and fell from 35 to33 ou the announcement of the organisa tion of the Walker company with a capital of $5,000,000 to manufacture elec trical appliances by ex-Governor Flow er and associates. Illinois Central sold at against 97, the last previously reported transaction. Only 300 shares of the stock changed hands and the de cline was ascribed to a lack of demand rather than to any material alteration In the condition of the property. Read ing and Missouri Pacific were some what lower on poor traffic statements, but the loss In either case was slight. Sugar ranged between l'J2? and 124, closing at 123, while Tobacco ranged be tween 664 and 7H4. Distillers was without sale. Pacific Mall was another stock which was neglected. The pre liminary report for the year was made public today and It was a comparative ly good one. Net earnings decreased slightly as compared with the previous year, but cash on hand Increased over 1400.000 and now stands at $610,439. Just near the close Sugar developed a bit more activity and the traders sold the railway list. As a rule speculation closed barely steady in tone. Net changes show losses of 5lVi per cent. Sugar and General Electric leading, Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN A CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co. .. tkH4 Gi lit!' Am. Cotton Oil 12K U", lj li'i Am. Sugar Ref. Co. .1235 1!4 123' 123 Atch., To. St S. Fe..., 14 15T4 14' 14 Canada Southern ... 60U Chicago Gas 7 t (HS 67", Chle. & N. W 11KV KiVj 106'i Chic, B. ft Q 79,', 79 n 78H, C. C. C. & St. L. 3t4 34', 34, , Chic, Mil. St. P. .. 774 77U 7tt4 76V Chic, R. I. & Pac. .. 70'i 7m ? Del. & Hudson 125 12.VS, 12:.i 125-Sfc Gen. Electric 34'i 34 S3 84H Louis. Nash 50 DO1 4tv?, 49;i M. K. & Tex., Pr. ... 254 25U SuV 2otI Man. Elevated 103 im, 103 lu3',5 Mo. Pac 25U 25 24! 24i Nat. Cordage 6 54 f4 &'i N. Y L. E. A W. ... 144 14V 14' 1414 N. Y., S. & W., Pr. .. 24 2 24 21 Nor. Pac. Pr 16 luH 16 lBtl Omaha 43U 434 43' 43 Phi la. & Read 11 10s i0 Southern R. R 1 9 9 9 Southern R. R., Pr. . 29 29 28 19 Tenn. C. St Iron .... 2 2 26 2 Wabash, Pr 17 17 17 17 Western Union 85'i KS't &" 83 W. L 10 10 9 9 U. S. Leather, Pr. ... 64 64 04 64 U. S. Rubber 24 24 23 23 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. July 89 69 69 58 September 60 60 69 69 OATS. July 18 18 18 18 September 18 18 18 1S CORN. July 28 28 28 28 September 29 29 29 29 LARD. July 4.20 4.22 4.17 - 4.20 September ... 4.32 4.37 4.32 4.37 PORK. July 6.95 7.05 6.90 7.92 eSptember 7.10 7.22 7.07 7.10 Scrnnton Board of Trade Exchange QuotationsAll Quotation Based on Par of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 140 ... Scranton Lace Curtain Co 60 National Boring & Drilling Co. ... SO First National Bank (30 ficrant-jn Jar ft Stopper Ce 2J Elmhurst Boulevard Co lot) Scranton Savings Bank ...... 201 Bonta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Replacer Co loo Scianton Packing Co ... si Weston Mill Co tX Iron ft Steel Co 160 Third National Bank 350 Throop Novelty M't Co 90 Scranton Traction Co 17. 20.50 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co tot Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 191s lit ... Ptople's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 t 110 Scranton & Plttston Trae. Co M People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacks. Township School 6 103 City of Scranton Street Imp t ... 102 Borough of Wlnton 6 ... loo Mt. Vernon Coal Co 83 Scranton Axis Works 100 New York Produce Market. New York, May 27. Flour Unchang-sd, quiet, weak. WheatSpot markets fair ly active, weaker with options; f. o. b., 73c. to arrive; ungraded red, 64a74c; No. 1 northern, 68c to arrive; options were fairly active and closed weak at alc decline, with the west continued lo-'al liquidation, foreign selling and easier ca. bles; Julv and September most active; No. 2 red May, Otic; June, C5c; July, 5c; August, 64c: September, 65c; December. 6c. Corn Spots easier; fairly active; No. 2, 34c. elevator; 35c. afloat; options were moderately active and Via'Hc lower; closing weak; Mny and June, 31c; July, 34c; August, 'Si'Ac; September, c; October. ic. Oats Spots active, weak er; options dull, easier; May 22c; July, 23c; No. 2 white May, 26c; spot prices. No. 2, 23i4o.; No. 2 White, 25c: No. 2 Chi cago, 24u24c; No. 3, 22c; No. 3 White. 24a24c.; mixed western, 21a2ic; white do., 2Uu28c; white state. 26a28c Beef Dull, unchanged. Lard Quiet, unsettled; western steam, S4.4o; city, $1; May, $4.45; refined, quiet, easy; continent, $4.70! South America, $.1.20; compound, 4a4c Pork Slow, easy; old nies, t8a8.So; new mess, I8.75a9.25. Butter Fancy fairly active, unchanged. Cheese Limited demand, un changed. Eggs Moderate demand; state and Pennsylvania, 12al2c; western fresh, 10al2c.; do. per case, Jl.tS0a2.70. Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, May 27. Provisions were In moderate Jobbing demand and steady. We quote: City smoked beef, Ilal2c; beef hams, SlGal5.50; pork, family, lo.50a 11; hams, S. P. cured, In tierces, 8a9c; do. smoked, 9al0c, as to average; sides, ribbed, in salt, 6c; do. do. smoked, 6a 6c; shoulders, pickle-cured, 6a6c; do. do. smoked, 6a6c; picnic hams. S. P. cured, 6Via6c; do. do. smoked, 6a6c. bellies, In pickle, aocordlng to average, lo8ne, 4ati4c; breakfast bacon, 7h9c. for round and jobbing lots, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined. In tierces, 6aSc; do. do. do., In tubs, oa 6c: do. butchers' loose, 4a4c; city tallow. In hogsheads, 3c; country do,, 2a 2u as to quality and cakes, 3c , Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, May 27-Close Wheat Receipts, McKinleyJ Some owr-auxioua people In Wall street and London are pretending to fear that the possi bility of Ur. UcKinley'selsvstlnn lo tbe Pres idency means Free Silver and Inftiitlon and thsee same people who are now predicting cu ll nitty were the loudest in their predictions of unuif alleled prosporlty with "Tariff Re form" four years sgo. .Don't let them fool yon. We're going into bettor times, nothing can stop ns. BUY STOCKS NOW Send forear Dslly Market Letter, It will tei you the beat Investments, also our book. Speculations Pally Explained" ' ' E. D. THORNBURQH A CO.. BANXBRS AttB BaoKIRS, SO BOND STREET, NEW YORK. Uptown Office, ft W. Cor. B'way list Sb 125 bushels; shipments. 3.000 bushes; easy; No. 1 red cash. 65c: June. 5c; July, Clc: August. Uc: September. (lc. Cora Receipts. t.tVO bushels: shipments. Vie bushels; dull; No. I mixed September. 3oc. Oats Receipts, none; shipments, none; nominal. Boffalo Live Stock. Buffalo, May 27. Cattle Dull and weak. Veals Steady; fair to good. t3.Soa4. Hogs Openey steady: Yorkers. I3.55a.0: pigs, $3.(0; mixed packers, 13.Sva3.5J; mediums. tt.4iaS.50; heavy. $3.45; roughs. 2.90a3; slags, Sheep and lambs Active and higher for good lambs, atesdy to firm for sheep; prime lambs, I5.5ca5.86: fair to Iood, 84.75a5.4u; culls and common, 13.50a ft); good to choice sheep. 13.50a3.b0; culls to fair, tl.75aa.40; handy wethers, $3.90x4. Chicago Live Stock. Vnlon Stock Yards, 111., May 27. Cattle Receipts, 19.600 head; market weak anl Wal5c. lowi-r; common to extra eteers. ll.30a4.3O; stockcrs and feeders, ;2.Sta3.93; cows and bulls, $l.fl0a3.25; calves. J-I.U 6.15: Texans. $2.S03.85. Hogs-Receipts. 2S,10 head; market weak nd talOc. lower, heavy packing and shipping lots, $3.or.a $.36; common to choice mixed,; choice sortel, $3.t5a3.50: lieht, $3.15a3.4:; Pigs, $2.75a3.35. Sheep Receipts, 20.'H0 head: market for cholco firm, others w?nk and 10c. lower; Interior to choice, $2.5ua 4.25; lambs, $3.25a5.25. CHIEF SIMPSON'S LAST WEEK. Frank Kobling Will Be Chief-of. Police Next Monday. Mayor Bailey stated yesterday that Frank Robllwr will be elevated to the chleftancy on Monday next. Chief Simpson will be reduced to the ranks but will not stay there. It being his Intention to start a private detective bureau. . Councils are not considered in the ap pointment of a chief, the mayor having power to designate any member of the force for the office. FIRST OF THE SEASON. West Side Democrats Go to Lake Ariel Saturday. The West Side Democratic club will open Lake Ariel for the season by an excursion to that resort on Saturday. It will unquestionably be a very largely attended event and will bring together a big gathering of men who. figure prominently In guiding political affairs in this county. The trains for the luke will leave at 8.35 a. m.; 2.10 and 5 pv nt. Joseph Tay lor Is president of the organization and Joseph Donnelly, secretary. If the Baby Is Culling Teeth. Mrs. Wlnstow':: Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil liens of Mothero for tlieir Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, .Hays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Drugcists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Kind. Twenty-flve rents a bottle, ee EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Fac? Bleach Positively Removes ill Facial BleolSuM. Azalea Face Powder Is superior to any fact powder ever lniuiuliictnrad. L'aoil ana com menced by Itr.cling so'i-ty and professional bennies, necsusn it tivcs the tost sueilule effect and nver leaves the ekin rough or sraly. I rlceW cents. Tlirlxogene, Ksturo'j Hair Grower, is the greotem uair invigorutor of the present pro gresilve sue, belnit purely a vegetable com- fiound, ontirely bsimlvss, and marvelous in mhonencent cfTecte. All diseases of thnbsir anleralpare rooily cored tv the ire of Thrixngnr. Price 5u cents and SI. For Mis st K. II. Hetzel's Hair-dreeeing and Manlours Parlorn, W0 iMckawannn ave and No, 1 Lan nlii Euilding, Wilkes-Barre. tlail orders filled promptly. sseasED ST tmc Hioaeet Mceieat Atmrosmrt hkvevou rrrvt rnu HEADACHEWiffi IVBUI.xn will onre yon. A wonderful bnnn tn mff,raM from Colds, reThroae, Inflnrnra. Branehllle. OrllATrEVXB. AITnrJl immfrtiaUrelitf. Anefllclen: Mtmpiiv. ivtnv.nljint. tn n. rv m pocket, ready to w on flrxt indication of cold, ('ontlnaed tree Etreete permanent Cnre. SaUefaeUonsnarnnteedormonerrefundod. Prlee. SOete. Krlslfrra st prnggisu. KegiMered mall, 90 outs, Ll.CUSmt7kfr.,thrMLnri,lli(h.,D.a,l . OTTS3THraarviV IflERlTrlnl T1? ret and eafejt remedy for HI til I nUt. sllfiklndiBeaacfiEpFema.luOi.Hal! KheumM Soros, Rurne, 'm. Wonderful ror. edyforFIlLKS.,t Drnc-B a t eiHaor by maU preyaui. Adilrttunasnbore. u J1 L For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS. Scranton. Pa. Complezisa Frcssrvad DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freekleo, Pimples, Liver Moles. Siaekhoad! Sunburn aud Tan, and re stores the sliln to Its origi nal freshness, produoiim a 1 clear aud healthy com-ii nliTlnn- finnnrlnr to fill f aoft preparations and perfectly harmless. At "all iu-ugglsts, or mailed ior Suets. Send lot Circular, VIOLA 8KIM 80AP eimplj leMnranAto u a kin puffl lag Bmp, unoqufttaA for Uie toUst, and vllaoat a rival foe tb anmrv. AUnlmtly jure and otttsauUv audi etud. Atdracriit,, Priee 25 Cents, a. C. BITTNER&CO.,Toi.coo,a For sale by MATTHEWS BROS, and JOHN H. PHELPS, Scranton. Pa. n rklehettee Enall.h Dlsaead T!-as4. Pennyroyal polls Original wd Only Venn tne. Arc, always- reitftblt), laoiC tk urinal. nr WiAMfr JtWiiA Vitt mottd Brand In IttPct mnd tlnld metallic' boe, ftftlotl with bins ribbon. Take noolhti At'rHtiaridf't'oiiaiiifhiififii tiatu amt imitalivna. At Itruini!!, r rnd 4t8s In (Urap tut pftrtlcultra, ttiimonUU tad " ifcuer top iMiH," in tmtr, rj Hltm aT11alkuHs.slM.lsTU.JI.. kl T. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton ROOMS 4 AND S OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINd, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.80 a. m. to 9 p. tn, (l hour intermission for dinner and uppor.) Particular Attention (liven to Collection., Prsnpt rattleffltnt Guaranteed. Veur Bull. MS is RespKtlully lieltsd. Islephgne ess mm ft J miinmii.uti.ui i THE :. FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVEKUE 308 SHIRT WAISTS. Get the most generous pattern you can find; select the test materials; have tbe Shirt Waist made by j oor own esBitrtss; figure tbe cost Then compare with the ready-made Shirt Waists bought and sold by us, a ad our word for it, you'll never be t trouble of having Shirt Waists made up again. aot-s 60 dozen, choice line of stylos, stripes and Persian effects.slxes 62 to A2,ulcly made; advertised alsowb re foroOo Our pries 899 80 dozen; this waist cannot bs duplicated In this city for less than C0o. Shop about, get acquainted with the styles and ' prices, then come and see this special one at - -Iay 40 dozen, tan Effects, also stripes with white edging, full Bishop sleeve; a poorer one displayed and sold elsewhere for 88c; site, 83 to 44. This sale .78a 02 dozen. Persian Effwts, also Linen, Plaids aud stripes: a . Ktandllne; detached oilers; also white collars and cuff; we will jruarantee you cannot duplicate them for tl.K. Try it. Our price 98o WHITE WAISTS. Not a more progressive counter In the store. We emphasize the materials, make and fit of this line, and let the values speak for themselves. Prices from , 59o t $2.50 IHIMRY SPECIAL - laiiiiiiiiiininwiiwnMiissiniuuminiimmwiiimiMniimHiiiiiiistte;.. II II LAWN MOWER. Is lifted with so improved Cutter Bar of sol id tool sieel tempeied In oIL Tbe Knives bare a positive ".bear" cut and are reculateri by a patent improved "Micro nometer Adlustment." Itaa Shalt runs In PhosphorBronis bear insa, adiiinic greatly toatiiuuttinusinrnnninf. This uiaoAiue has a new malleabla Iron hea-dlo-bracs lu one piece. In simplicity of ooastroetlon, sass and aooa raoy In operation, durability and Satan, tals mower is undenbtedly the best "light" mow er la the market. PRICE- 10-Inch, $3.00 12-Inch, 3.25 14-lnch, 3.50 lG-lnch, 3.75 FOOT!! li SHEAR CO, 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE. JAMES MOIR, THE SIERGHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on side next to First National Bank. Be has now in a iiolili Comprising; everything requisite for tine Merehunt Tailoring. And the same oaa be shown to advantage tn his splen dlaly fitted up rooms- A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers ol The Trite line to Csll on "OLD RELIABLE" la Ills New Business Home. VtotornnM 33EVIV6 RESTORES VITALITY. UK, Made a MDar.f7A?fe4KWell Man i5thD.,.pf of Me. THE GREAT 30th t)af. .FITIEJjMCXX XIHMBDY proilnres the above renulte lu 30 days. It srtt powerfully uuC quickly. Curea when all others tall VouugiuPU will retain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by nelnjl KKViVO. It quickly and surely reitores Nervous ness, tout Vitality, Iniintency, Nightly Eralnslonr. Lout Power, Fnlling Mrmory, Wsatlns Dl.ouea.and 11 effects ol aetf-abuso or osceaa and f ndlacretlou. which uufltii one for study, biuln.m or marrlago. II not ouly curea by starting at the .eat ot d.jeue, but la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, brlnc 1B bark the pink glow to pale checkeaedre storing the firs of youth. It ward, off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having RE VIVO, no other. It cau be carried lu veal pocket. By mtil 9 1 .00 per package, or sin for AS.OO, with a post clvii written guarantee to enro or reload no money. Circular froe. Address '"! "r,)ICI" --" CHICAGO. For sals by MATTHEWS BROS., Drufgist, Scrsnton, fa. Houses for Sals and for Rant. Ilyoucontemplatepurcha.lngorleaa. Ing a house, or want to Invest In lot, see the lists ot desirable property on pag a ol The Tribune. SOU)' sis in DISCOUNTS THIS WEEK. THE FR0THINGHAM. Wagaer A Rsla, Lessoosand Maaager. THIS WEEK. Edison's Greatest Harvel, THawv VITASCOPE. ONE WEEK Commencing June 8. Opera Company. 70 - - PEOPLE - - 70 TO DECORATION DAY, SATURDAY, MAV 30, TICKETS, ADULTS, 75c. CHILDREN, 40c. Trains leave Erie and Wyoming Taller de por, Washington avenue, at 1.35 a. m,, alO p. m. and 6 p, m. 1 fTBINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the Werl4 DECKER BROS., K.RAMCHB BACHB and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, . Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find a complete stock and at prices as low as the quaU tty of the Instrument will permit at n nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. Scrantoa CALL UP 3682i CO. OFFICE ANP WAREHOUSE, 141 TO Igi MERIDIAN STREBT. M.W. COLLINS, Manager. LAKE ARIEL MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL.. Coal of tho best quality for domettlo use and of all sites, Including Buckwheat and Hlrdseye, delivered in any part of the city at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, first floor, Commonwealth bqlldlng, rootm No,- 6; telephone No. 2824. or at the mine, tele, phone No. 272, will be promptly attended to.Dealers supplied at the mine. WM, T.SMITH.
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