TUB fiCBANTON TKIBTTNB- TUESDAY MOENITTO. MAY 5, 1896. THE LEADER 124-126 Wp'ns Am Beg to aniiounce that for the Next Ten Days we will offer some of the greatest values ever put on sale in this city. 25 piece of icolored figured Mohairs isgular price. 20 c.. LKAUC ISO mil i-r;-. 20 piece all-wool vicuna cloth, regu tar price, 35,.. L&VDER.8 ,.RU.,,. lse. SO pieces all-wool twilled vicuna clola. regular price, fc, LKADKIfS PRICE. 4. Jy) remnant flue white India linen. price o!t the ple-e, 10-.-. a yard. KtMNANT PRICE. 4c. 25 pieces 4-4 unbleached muslin, regular price. LEADER'S PRICE. 4c. ( pieces of 43-lii.h pillow casing. regu lar quality. LEADER' PRICE. S'iC. 25 duxen extra large cotton towels, regular price, loc-., LEADER'S PRICE, "c 10 dozen 3ii-lnch cotton towels, regu lar price, tic, LEADER'S J'KICE, 3',.c. Rest quality needle. 4c. a paper. Rest quality patent hook safely pint, 2jC. u card. Best hairpins. 4c. a box. Cotton tape, ti for 5c. Dress shields, every pair warranted, luc. a pair. Heat rubber combs). 10c. Whalebone casing, 7c. apiece. Extra quality silk belting, 7c. a yard. IS ladles' flannel suits. In navy and black, former price, $5.!. LEADER'S PRICE. II.9S. One lot of ladles' line eloth capes, with velvet collar unci handsomely em broidered good value, t'i. LEADER'S PRICE, II.jS. 0 figured biilliantlue skirts, lined throughout, velvet facing, worth 11.50. LEADER'S PRICE. HS. 40 dozed ladles' luundrled shirt waists, lu Hlce mat designs, large sleeves, former price, 4c. ; for this sale, LEADER S PRICK. 29c. 85 dozen much finer quality nice new choice designs, Bishop sleeves. LEADER S PRICE, 49c. One lot of infants' and children's dress es, nicely trimmed, sizes two to six, LEADER'S PRICE, 23;'. One lot of choicer goods. LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. 34 dosen men's fancy half-hose, full seamless, worth n pair, LEADER'S PRICE. 3 PAIR FOR 25c. 20 dozen of men's fancy silk and satin suspenders, full length, attractive colors, 39c. quality, LEADER'S PRICK, 19c. 12 dozen fine gilt belts, worth MX-., . LEADER'S PRICE, 21c. WAVERUY. Mrs. Andrew Bedford Is occupying her cosy home for the summer. 8. L. Uathercole and family, of Scran ton, are occupying the Knight place. Mrs. J. K. Ocorge hus returned from Toronto, and is the guest of tier father. The primary and intermediate de partments of the WuVerly High school will give un entertainment ut the school this evening (May 5.) Tho following programme will be rendered: Song, "Away to the Woods, Away," by the scholars; opening address, Helen Stevenson; concert recitation, "Happy Ate We," Nora Tillman and Jessie Da vis; recitation, "Mammy's Stone," Rus sell Dean; recitation, "Hurrah," Champ Samson; recitation, "I'm My Mother's Little Man," Master John Hoaie; recitation, "Grandpa and Me," Lawrence Hall: singing, "Reuben and Cynthia," Chrlssle Bold and Harry Johnson; recitation,. "Very Good Times," James Dean: recitation, "Ca leb's Courtship," Sadie Spencer; tab leau, "Too Late for the Train;" recita tion, "Little Boy's Dream," Mamie Stone; dialogue. "Shopping;" singing, "When the Little Ones Are Coming Home from School;" recitation. "The Minuet." Jean Watson; "Good-bye," seven boyB; singing, "See Where the Rising Sun;" broom drill; recitation, "His Mother's Song," Lizzie Davis; recitation, "A Little Woman," Lulu White; recitation, "Little Dora's Solilo quy," Miss Lot Hallock; recitation, "Farewell," Lottie Mahoney. Ice cream and cake will be served by the pupils of the principal's room. Pro ceeds will be applied to library fund. Dr. Nathan C. Mackey, who has an nounced himself as a candidate for rep resentative of the Third district, sub ject to the Republican convention, is presenting his compliments to his con stituents with a very neat card. PECKVILLE, Mrs. Thomas Mlnncs, of Avyomlng, ia visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Chenney. The public schools In this place will be closed today on account of the fu neral of Ambrose Brundage. who was president of the school board. Mr. and Mrs. William Qoyne spent yesterday In Brown Hollow. ' Miss Emma Barries gave a party to her many friends at tier home on Wal nut street last Saturday evening. The evening was very pleasantly spent In Karnes and social intercourse, after which refreshments were served. Those present were Mioses Stella Arnold, Jen nie and Cassie Williams, Minnie Dm- -row, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Conners and Miss Urover and Maud Kelly, of Oly phant, and W. J. Rogers, V. J. Swingle and Len Kelly, of Olyphant. - JAIL BIRDS' INGENUITY. Harry Mltahcll Nearly Succeeds In Escap ing from Mt. Holly llastllo. Mount Holly. N. J., May 4. An un successful attempt was made to break Jnll here Inst night by several prisoners who were led by Harry Mitchell. Mlt- ehell was recently arrested for robbing ireigni cars on tne Amboy division of the Pennsylvania railroad, With a pen. Knire tne leauer had succeeded In cut ting a large hole In the wall of his cell which he concealed from the keeper by nanging a niaiiKet over It. There was only one more stone to be removed from the wall and while In the net of doing this the attempt was dls covered auu tne participants were locked In a dungeon. Mitchell halls irom Worcester, Mass., and Is a desper ate cnaracier. Pilot: Piles! Itching Piles'. Symptoms Moisture: Intense Itchlna end stinging;; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer , ate, becoming very sore. Swayne'S Ointment stoos the ltchlnsr and bleats ' inc. heals ulceration, and In most eases ; removes ine tumors. At druggists, or or man, ror m cents, or. nwayne mb. rnuaceipma, 9 II IN. V3TE ffl APPROPRIATIONS Results lad kite Tbat There is to Be Xo Haste About Adjourameat. MK. TLRI'IE AS AX 0UJECT0K Klver and Harbor Hill Takca Ip-Suapcn-aioa Ray ia tho lloeae- Bllla Passed-Other News of the Capitol. Washington. May 4. Two yea and nay votes were had In the senate today, the result of which was significant as an indication that there is not to be any undue haste in passing appropriation bills and forcing an early adjournment of congress. The first vote was on a motion made by Sir. Turpie (Dem., Ind.) to proceed to the consideration of the Dupont election case. Mr. Mitchell (Rep., Ore.) who. as chairman of the committee on privileges and elections has parliamentary charge of the sub ject, protested against this action on the part of Mr. Turpie as msrourieouw the committee and as seeming unprece dented In his service in the senate. Opposition was also made to Air. -tur- i i.le's motion us an obstacle to the pas- ' ssgo of the appropriation Pills; but. iieverlliolei-s, the motion was t arried by u majority of one 32 to 31 ami the Du pont case was taken up. It was. how ever, laid aside soon afterwards, under the terms of u compromise offered by Mr. liorinan (Dem.. Md.) by which the day after the passage of the river and harbor bill, the Dupont case Is to be taken up at the close of the routine morning business and i.s to be consid ered until 5 p. in. of the following day. w hen the vole la to be taken. The river and harbor bill was then taken up, but it had attain to give way to Mr. Peffer's bond resolution. The latter was laid before the senate at S p. m. as the unfinished business, and Mr. Frye (Hep.. Me.) having thai-Re of the river and harbor bill, moved that the senate proceed to the consideration of that bill. The motion was defeated by eleven votes 2H to :i!l and the bond resolution was proceeded with, Mr. Hill (Dem.. N. Y.I speaking against It until it p. ni., when the senate adjourned till tomorrow. H it'SE PROCEEDINGS. Today was "suspension day" In the house under the rules, and In addition to numerous private pension bills passed wore the following;: Extending the time within which Im ported merchandise may be unlonneu. Authorizing the state of South Dako- j to select lands In the Fort Sully mill- ta tary reservation for school and indem nity lands. The contested election case of J. C. Klrby vs. J. O. Abbott, from the Sixth district of Texas wus reported from elections committee No. :l, declaring Abbott (Democrat) the sitting member entitled to the seat and It was agreed to. Mr. Huutelle (Rep., Me.) colled up the naval appropriation bill and asked that the house non concur In the senate amendments and agree to the confer ence. In the course of the considera tion of this matter, there was some thing of a scene. Mr. Uuijrg Rep., N. Y.) called Mr. Kotitelle to order on the . ground that he was reflecting upon the i senate's action by his comments. An ! animated colloquy followed between the Soakor and Mr. Houtelle, the for mer explaining the philosophy and ne cessity of the rule, und the latter con tending tbat he hnd violated it. Mr. Sayers (Dem., Texas) moved to concur in the senute amendment reduc ing the number of battleships from four to two, uivi with that amendment pend ing the mutter went over until tomor row by unanimous consent. A bill wus pussed under suspension of the rules for the protection of Ameri can yacht owners und ship builders and the vote udoii a resolution to set aside the sixth and thirteenth Instants for the consideration of private pension bills no quorum appeared. BUSINESS BREVITIES. MOVEMENT OF GOLD. The ex ports of gold from New York for the week ending on last Saturday, as of ficially reported at the custom house, were $1,4!6.HJ1, of which $1,151,6(11 went bv Saturday's steamer to France; and of silver. $S22,t3.1, of which $237,832 went to France and the rest to London. The exports of gold from flint port since Jan. 1 have amounted to S18.i:;7.3rS, and of silver to $1S,o;i,4j. against $::i.Sti7. 733 In gold and $11,120,233 In silver for the sniiie period ifi If.'Xi. The imports of gold at Now York for the week end ing on lust Saturday wore $10,232, and of (diver. $49,SS1, all from Central Amer ica and the West Indies. Since Jan. 1 the importations of gold at that port have amounted to $18,902,726, and of sliver to $S'd,002, against $15,895,382 in gold and $478,135 In silver for the same time last year. The following gives the net movement of gold Into and out of New York between Jan. 1 and May 2 during the last seven years: Imports of gold from Jan. 1 to date liK,!i.',Y2ii Exports In the same period 18,137,:iS Net imports $ 82S,3iS $15,972,351 . 17,58)1,341 4G.l91.tW.) , 17,013,214 25.012.S3D 1,025.492 Net exports to date, 1H95 1894 1893 1C92 .et exports to uaie, rset exports to elate. Net exports to date. Net exports to date, 1891 Net Imports to date, 1890 . RAILWAY EARNINGS. Railroad earnings are now more favorable In comparison with last year than during March. The Financlnl Chronicle's tables show a gain of 6.2 per cent, on eighty roads for the second week of April, and a gain of 5.2 per cent, on seventy-four roads for the third week. Dun s Review makes the gain 1.2 per cent. In the first week of April, 4.6 per cent. In the second week and 5.0 per cent. In the third week, and 3.2 per cent. for the roads reporting for the month. There is a loss for the month as com pared with 1893 of 9.6 per cent. In the month of March the Increase this year In gross was 3.6 per cent, and the loss as compared with 1S93 was 11.0 per cent. The eurnlngs of leading roads this year and tn 7S93 in April are as follows: - March. Pennsylvania Baltimore and Ohio Reading (Bo. Co.'s) Jersey Central Noi l hern Central .. Burlington Omaha 189)1. $.253,!i32 1.8'.7,i77 3.1H1.SI9 Ml. 1119 M l,'.l:.7 2.7(2.142 Mi.i'M HOT. $i;,inr,,ttiT 2.2'V.,li:i 4,a,n.Mi i.22:i,;9.) 'ii,!7:) 7i8.;i In April he trunk lilies decreased 1.5 per cent., other eastern rouds. 4.9 per cent, and southwestern, I.H per cent. The grangers Increased 15.9 per cent., the other western roads, 6.2 per cent.. Torturing Oisfigyring SKIN DISEASES Instantly RELIEVED by CUTICURA the GREAT SKIN CURE SoldOirtwitimittltt world. Drttii!: dmsti F. Newrky St Salt. i. Kin fiilward-ftt.. London. Porta J)muu k Cksm. Com,, Sol Propi., Boston, V. 6. A. v and the southern croup, 3 6 per cent. All the groups were from IS per cent, to IIS per cent, below 1893. :l II I! EXPORTS OP CHEESE. In 1881. say the American Agriculturist, the ; United States exports of cheese were I48.ouo.W4 pounds. Since that date they have been decreasing- until now they are small. The following table shows the total exports (fiscal years) in the years named: From P.O. P.C. From I. B. Canada. Total U.S. Can. lTi..).41i.t 15S.7l.u.m ;i.".n0 27.8 72.2 i lS34..73.S-rC0! 1tf3i.-H.cou Sti.Ui,0w 32.0. I )... HlXl.lWU 142,312.(ti 3&,4 ' Pi..S2,H.0,0U" llK.L7.mi) S.O.STtMMO 41.0 ti-i.ll kit 59.0 i;i..fc;i3.Kio ioo.2w,oiio iss,S3.0Tr 45. lfCM. 371, Will lX!t..M.S:i2.tMt !!!.. S,I'1S,.1 i7..si.2f.: uo lV5..'l.fc.'T.'HH Ht.l.i'i0 ll.ij'M,tl0 MO M.-53,(K 173.327.l)' 4.t 8M73.000 1TJ.1SH.MM R1.7 W.biM.Oio lM.frai.UtM 51.1 75,113,l0 ltU.KHI.iKO 57.il Ui I 4S.1 a 42.7 :l " !! LIFE INSURANCE. The New York Journal says In the United Slates alone $3,000.0)10,000 in life Insurance premiums nave been collected by the various com panies since their organization and about $2,000,000,000 have been paid back to policy holder. The combined asset of till the companies amount to $1,200,- nou.iWU, and the aggregate of insurance j Ill force under nil their policies Is over ffi.bOO.OUO.OiKI. These figures represent between Sii.OilO.OOO and T.OOO.uOO policy holders. it 5.wai.i. m.Jis: The London Statist thinks rupee pa per will advance. Duriut; tie- first quarter of this year the French railway companies I n-i-rnised their earnings lh.7ll.stij franes. The Supreme court of the United States in Hansen V. lloyd. et al., makes a recognition of the validity of eoii traels for uraln futures. Tranactlons at the New York Stock Exchange in April were as follows: lssi. istv. ISC Shares f i.uw.it's $ 4,mt.(Al B.15U9I ijoc'is i. w.;r i,2u3.4.'.i) j9,::im llo-nls :1S.C78.1( 3:t.Mli,5Jt 21.91S.lt The bicycle hus been a factor In trade for some years. It Is estimated that the business in them amounted to $40, Ouo.OWt In this country last year, and that it will be much larger this year. It Is stated In forelen newspapers that ll.'.OOO.MO have been offered for the business of the Pneumatic Tyre com pany in Enpland. and the fact made the shares of bicycle companies strnntr and there has been rampant speculation in them in London. I.NiHH AHDKX REVERSED. .Mrs. I.ouis Karl, After Tiventr-slx Years, finds Iter Husband With Another Wife. IJcntlfied In an Insane Asvlnni. New York, May 4. If there Is a happy woman In the city today, that woman Mrs. Uaette Karl, of 329 West 1 won- ty-sixth street. For. after a separation of twenty-six years, she has found her husband, Louis M. Karl. True, he is in Bloomlngdale asylum, but she has obtained a writ of habeas corpus or dering his appearance In court next week, and feels certain that before she Is much older they will be reunited. It was war that separated Louis from his wife and her two children. He was an otlicer In the Uhlan regiment, which left Stuttgart on the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war. She heard from him at Intervals. Then his letters ceased, and he was reported ns one of the missing. Then she left Stuttgart and went with her relatives to some friends In the country. Karl. It op pears, was stricken with fever while In Purls. On his recovery he went to Stuttirart, but failing to find Ms wife or any trace of her. came to this coun try, went Into the shoe business and prospered. Thinking his first wife was dead he married ugaln. A boy and girl have been born to his second wife. When the son of the first wife grew up, he also came to America, and In time sent for his mother. In a newspaper, last Au gust, Mrs. KarLKo. 1 read that one Louis M. Kin 1 had been committed to Bloomlngdale asylum. That being her husband's name, she went to the asyl um to see the man. hut was refused ad mission, because she was no relative. Then she hunted up wife No. 2, repre sented herself as a cousin of Louis, and finally persuaded the woman to take her there yesterday. As Mrs. Knrl tells the story: "I went there yesterday. God be (hanked. It was my husband. Shall 1 ever forget his greeting? Ho saw me standing ther?. nnd suddenly he rushed. I to me. -Bnbbette, Ilabbette! God be j thnnVetl that thou hast come to free I me.' he cried in German. Ue fell upon His Knees, and we wept with Joy nt see ing each other again. He is no more mad than I am." And Mrs. Karl, who is nearly 60 years old. dried her eyes, and smilingly said: "I have found pgaln that which I thought that I had forever lout. Do not mind my tears. The good God has giv en me back Louis." WOMAN WHIPS AN ACTOR. An Avenger on the Trail of Gny Llndsley A Sensational Scene Not Advertised In Othello. Columbus, Ohio, May 4. At the close of the third act of "Othello" by the Louis James company at the High street theater Saturday night a woman leaped from one of the boxes to the stage and, before anyone could Inter fere, was administering a horsewhip ping to Guy Llndsley, James leading man. He was Just at tho point where Othello (Louis James) in a lit of anger seizes logo (Llndsley) and, crying out. I "Damnation, more than I can bear," j chokes him. Othello had logo down on the stage, but ut the first cut of the whip he let htm up and stood dum j founded, logo stumbled to his feet and stammered to James: "This Is Georgia, I of St. Louis." Still the woman laid on I with the whip wdthout any defense be ing made by Llndsley until a stage ! hand rushed on and seized her. A po- llcemnn then placed her under arrest , and locked her up. i At the stitlon house she said her I name was Georgia Kimball, of St. Lou is; that Llndsley had paid her nttun I Hons, but had discarded her at the re i quest of his mother and brother. The i Limlsleys nre a very aristocratic fum ! ily of St. Louis. Mr. Llndsley hlmseir i Is a member of the shoe firm ol Otis . ft I.lndsl-y. His father Is dead. He I left a Ittrere estate. The Kimball wu ' man says he has Ignored her letters am' I llowers until she became desperate and ; came direct from St. Luuls to this city to administer the Hogging, arriving thin afternoon. Site rented the box and sal . back In It so that Llndsley could not ; see her. She hud picked out the pur ; llcular potiil in the play when she i should muke the assault. Llndsley says he simply met the wo man and that she Is Infatuated with i him. She bus been annoying him by ! her attontlons for a long time mid he j could not shake her off. She showed a I large number of letters from him. how i ever, that tell of the love bitwt en them, j The play proceeded after her orrest, I but tht rest of the third net was omlt- ted. The curtain was finally rung down ! on that scene. The audience seemed to i enjoy the additional performance very ' much. Hnd r-tormed with applause for i the curtnln to be raised uguln so th?v I could see the Hogging. j MUST Cl'lriVATBURNSIDES. Sons of Veterans Cnereed Into Whisker j Growln bv Hcmtiliitlon I Tekonshu, Mich., May 4. The tnem l bers of Bumslde camp, Sons of Vet'-r-' ans, pussed resolutions of a hirsute or der at a recent meeting. The resolu tions state that since the camp is named after the famous General llurnslde the originator or the notable llurnslde cut in whiskers, the members are com manded to put forth their best efforts In growing Uurnstde whiskers. :. The resolutions remnln tn force until after the next annual encampment at Holland, June 23. The penalty of full ure Is any treat the successful mem bers may demand. Beveral hair tonlo agents are In towp BIG BUSINESS. i i Merit the Only Foundation to Build On. Interview with Prominent Druggist Upon Two Notable Successes Pub lic Warned Against Imitations. There has of late been a kind of I moral wave showing its inlluence among; our male n.imilatkin. Many men have realized that they were smok- ins and tobacco-spitting their lives ; away, and they have preferred a condi tion of manly vigor and robust health. ; Skinny men have quit smoking vile cif? ais; drled-up-nlcotine-soaks have fired . their pipes; hardened old chaws have ! spit out their quids, ai. 1 pallid cigarette stickers have thrown away the deadly . collin-tack. You can tell thm by the new brightness in their eyes, the new tlastlclty In their step, the fine color in their .facer, and the visible increase In, thclr weight, not to soeuk or a new cheerfulness or disposition which tells thnt they are enjoying the good things of lire, iiiid if yon ask one or them what did it, he always says: "It la No-To-Hae. and I got it at John 11. Phelps' drug store. Wyoming avenue and Spruce street." An essential in every inmiiiuiilly is tho reliable mug store, where nothlt.g is Sold tha is not vouched for; where no fatal mistakes are made. Such a one is the well known establishment mentioned above--a thoroughly reli able drug store. The best prescription la the woiM Is not of benefit oldest) properly conii.-ounded. Every day we iv-ad in the papti- winning usaiost buy ing from those who substitute faltes and Imitations for Htandurd prepara tions because It paya e. lurgT profit. Accuracy, hones' , wide awake at- tendon being the foundation of the suc cess in John II. Phelps' drug store, the mniniger was asked about the remark able boom in the scte of No-To-Ruc. "My bov," he said to the reporter, "the success of a preparation Hps tn what It does, not what It's advertised to do. Merit counts, nothing else. You can ndveitlse from now till doomsday and If the article does not possess merit It wll! not achieve success. That is why No-To-llac with comparatively little udverttfdng has had so remarkable n sale. It cures the tobacco-habit and restores the vital functions. One man tries it nnd his success causes others to likewise. Just to show you how much faith can be placed in No-To-Buc's merit. I need only mention that the makels, The Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago. Montreal unit New York, uu thorlae us and every other druggist to sell their preparations under absolute guarantee to cure, or refund the pur chase money. They know that any honest man who honestly uses No-To-Bac according to directions will be cured." 'You spoke of Preparations," said tin- reporter. "What else do they m a It e?" "Ciiscarets, Candy Cathartic, the Ideal laxative, an elegnnt preparation, pleasant to eat, never fall to net, never grip nor gripe, and cure constipation, no mitter how often other remedies have failed. Here's a box; try a Cas caret tonight. It is a pleasure to han dle such goods, because they advertise themselves through merit, and bring big business with them. It will cer tainly be to your Intorert to write the Sterling Remedy Co. They will take pleasure In sendln.T you their famous booklets and free samples." WHIPPED BY REGULATORS. A Woman Who Refused to l.eavo a Ken tucky Town Is llndlv ileaten. Jackson. Ky., Mny 4. Lizzie Arnett, a woman who had been lounging around the town for some time, and who re-- ctntly rerused to leave when ordered, was secretly taken across the river a few nights ago by a band of regulators, partially stripped of her clothing and given one hundred lashes across her bare back. She was found lying in the road next morning exhausted and un able to move. She wa taken to a form house and cared ror. She has not been setn In Juckson since. The woman came fro;n Magoffin county. It U thought thul she is de mented. The authorities are making an effort to discover the identity of the regulators. WANTS OF ALL KIND3 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHRN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE. NO CHARGE WILL HE LESS THAN 2K CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALT. WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Kclg Wanted Male. D1 RUG CLERK- DDRESS Oil APPLY L. . P., 411 ( edar avenue, Scranton, Pa. Uf ANTED - REPRESENT TIVES FOR Si-rauton a d vi'-inlty li: uld con servative Lift lllHiirnuoe Co.; i'a.lin all ihe modern policies; must have lnrtro aoquuint Biic; expoi ieno not reees;irv-, futu)-u to the riht parfv MANAGE. 4, D Tradesmen's l.uildhiS. Plttburf. WASTED-.'. N AOI NT IN EVERY EO- ! VV tion tocanvas: ?4.0(l toJ."(l)J a day main; sella at fight ; nlson c;'i to It Kiipl (hx-.di : to dcalci-d; best (de iiuo T. CXI a month; huU : ary or larvn fon.ui.aton made; experience nnnecHa-y. Clifton Soap aud Muunlactur a !.' Co.. Cineinn-ttt. "VANTED-VEI.l"-KNOWN MAN IN Vt cv-ry town to Koiicit titoolt ulw;rip tionx; a monopoly: b!g moeey lor nitjuts: no cuplt.il required. UDV AtiDC. FiSU A CO., Pnrd-a Block. Chien -'o. III. Heto Wanted Females. ANTED AT ONCE - NURSE GIRL: must givo good reference. Applv at ix!7 Monroe avenue. I -- UT' ANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT ir'rl for geneial lionjownrv. MRH. W. ! C MUTT, Jlott Jiiivcn, olypliiiiit. Lotween PeckVilU and 1 U'ASl ED-FXPl'.RiKNC'EO AND COM : V prneut doubli entry bookkeeper for j onuniinsiou liitniiies. Mtdn atie ami give j re'eien.e. Adilnaa "R,',Tril-,U'ie. i IIT ANTED EXPERIENi.-ED BOO!-'ICEKP VV cr; must le w-elt reemmn mded anil meat bo uhlu to giro bond. D. B. C.. Tribune olhce. rlf!L WANTK.D-TO DO GENERAL culldron. ('alt ut ticiisiwork: no s-jiull 't:l Qiihiey nveui e. ANTED -WoRIt FOR VK.N AND woiiien. Vt e nnv SJl to ?I2 tier weok tor ety home work. No Hrheiue, bnoka or ped dliim: aeod stamp tor n-otk aud particular. 'I HE i-EYM'lUli HUPi-LY L'C, Maajuln TS'iuple. ('a)inlen, N. J. I A DIES I M A K K WUW AG EDOfNO 1 J pli mailt heme work, and will gladly rend full partieulare tn nil sending 2 cent utamp. MIK M. A. B1EP.BIN8. Lawrence, Mlcb. VV ANTED--1 AD Y AO FN tTF" tiilRAS ' V ton to will and lutrnditce Bujrdi-r'n cake Icing: experieuced can wiser preferred; work 1 erinatiiMit and very profitable. Wrlto for partiuuliiM at onn nml get benefit of holiday trad TH. HN YDl'R A CO . Cincinnati. O. W '"ANTED IM 1IED1 ATELY-T WO EN I2R retio m eawnmen tn ier.n.nt 119. Gnurantcnd $tiadv without Interferlugwitll other nude. Hialtlifiil oeenpatlon. write tor pnrtleulara, iiiclmlng a-iimp, Mango Chem irai ".iimpatiy, no. ,a jonn strei vet, Hew York. Business Opportunity. tjMAllKV'STKD NQV IN WHEAT OR tiJl'Vm ato.-ki under our Co InntUod will Intake you handwnne nrnfltn, Snad for partiea are and book, free.,. JORDAN CU, Ctkun ia Building, New York. A WORD. c ohnolly. "& Wallace PAGCE'S-ODORLESS Does away with Pine Tar, Camphor, Tar Balls and all other disagreeable smelling drugs. Garments positively free from odor when taken out for use. Call and see them. CONNOLLY & For Fate. IXiR HM.B-0 ,K OR TWO GfOI RK- 1 I alilu h-irws Knumi nnd rhlit fr hut perpor.e. ( i ll nt 11 . Adan-.s uvonne, new Taleuhnno Bubllux. lflO DKS1HABLK BUILDINO LOTS OM lM Hutninit Park, unj Annex Pints, nt Clark's fr-mntnlt, fur Mile: prices J40 to $7.1 eaeh: evnrv lot a i nrcsin. II S. AL WORTH, Attorney, 1'omtnouwualtu BuildiiiK. OR SALE - MY COTTAGE AT ELM- i dnrHt nnd the four lots tin which it . stDsdn: al'otha four lots adjoining: most do- .Irnl 1m lnj,fi.,M in P.l m )uiiv.t virirMa rnuHnnA. hie; terms eisv: po-seK-iou Biven nt Mire. C. P. KlXUSBUfcY. Common wealth Building, ; ficrauton, Pv. ffOIl SALE-TWO HOKSK4. it BlTTCBKH wngens. Sbtinr'As, 1 kUdtrh, harncasraaiid ; all of hntcuei'H outfit; also uie-t luurket Tor rfnt: aoiogontof business; must he sold by April 1st. Innuir of 1. E. HCHULLKK. : Blakoly street, Dunir-ora. For Rent. F'SeSSS "flrw'StaS ..-or nntm mtiiii.n iit,ii .1 tirinVin ar . Hnlbert'a Mu-lo Store. Inquire in th store FOR SALE RORSR AO ED BIX YEARS, weiuht I.OOO pounds; can be seen at U2I Price street. IBlnXTHiL of KEW DOUBLE eKht room linusa, 16.13 Cuponin avenue, between Green Tlidu nnd D'uwa striata. J-'Odern cinveniene.-a, Imre'-diate noraessh-n given. OSCAR REEMAN, Ittt Mob-y Are. FOUR MOOML. 723 cliTe street, urrnn.'ed for l i'bt housekeeping; newly paintod nnd pupercd. TOR U EXT PRE B Y'i'KHI A N MAXHE, I furnMifd. Runout aveim, North Park, with barn; apply oti premne. L'OK IltST-8-hOO.) HoUhK AND I! URN; JT nice yard, corner VonStornh and Mirion. OR RENT-HALF O Pb()UUl.T)ToUSir: modern Improvements; runt renaonaole; corner of Pine and Biakely streets, Dr.nmore. OR RENT TEAROOM-HOUSE; ALL modern convenience. Inquire at 12&4 Washburn at. FOR RENT ONE-HALF DOUB LE HOUSE IS Quini-y avenue Rent reanonable Opposite i ote.t Taylor Hospital. f'OB RENT-NICl.t. FURNISHED HALL auitable for ludm rooms. JOHN JEli- j MYK. 110 Wyoming nvenu-. Furnished Rao me for Rent. 0NR OK TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO lt, with use of bath; alee barn rent cheap, ex! Monroe avenue, city. j ITURNISHED ROOMS. W ITH USE OP (4 AS, P hot and crld lath, sitting and reuaing (pents Wanted. Vl'ANTED-i-ALI.sSlAli: (-ALARY TK-M It atitt; pereiiiicnt. il-.cn J'KOVvN BilOS. CO. Xumt.-ryniMU, l.'oi;iiMti-, li. S. i!NTV V A NT K D TO V i. L L Clci Hi 7.) iwr month xalnry and oxi-ccns p -.id. y,(ldrf'. with tvo-runt acaiap. i-'IUABO C'b OAH CO., I i.lea-.-, A lil'.. ilj-TO rtl-ILL OI'R PRACTICAL !-d crt er elrotro -T5. t-ntU s;iver, ne-ki-l ph Um: price from J I upward; sajn-y uwl eg teuhxa lm d; o.i-.tlt ireo. Ai.d. o.j. wuu acauip, MICHIGAN MFOCrt. Chlraja AGENTS TO SELL CIUA R8 TO DEALERS; S2 weekly and expeiioea; expei-ienae un necessary. ( ON'SOLIDATED ill'G. CO., 44 Van Buren at.. Chicago, - SALESMAN TO CARRY C per tent, cammiiiion; rnnlliHl free. Address L. N. New York. SIDi: LINE; V, sample book CO.. btatlou L, A'T iCE-AOENT8 " " APP.)INTEr TO sell new li?htiiir. filing t.l- ulotli.mrN. qnitoand liouiieflv liquid t t 10 crnta liml "5 co:H n bo tie. Sanmia free. UUI.liiANO M'F'OCo.. Bulttmere. Md. GEXTb PIMiE'tl PATENT U.N'IVEK i anl Hnir (.u'l.ri and Wftvi-in (ns.-d with out lieiit), nnl "1 ! ointV'lI.i Piis. Lib eral eoimniMion-". Kreo aniiipl') rtid fall par (IcnlRiH. Ailflress P. '. Box 450. .New Vor:?. Soeelal Notices. "rjiHE HOI.DIFR IN OUR CIVIL WA!." I J. You want this relle. Crntaln4 nil of j Frank Leslie's (mim.uso. 1 War Flrinrea rhow ing the f oiccs in actiml I'utrie, s-Rrcivd nn th 1 ; epot. Two volotno. ,'.o pirturei, snld on eHsy mnr.tlilv pi.viiuuiti. TjcLvrd by ex- I l-rcK9 ei.mni-.'ti, r. it ci ar;.-ea I repa.u. anurcss P.O. ftioiiDY.tr:--A'nw ve.. H-rtrw. Pa. tLANK t'OUKS. PAMPBLVTA JIAOA XJ t'.f.w. ct-.. iioui.d or lviiuuu.l at Tile TlttfiUNI piiiun. olUce. (iuick wmk. Keaaouable Steamntnp Line. O'l .'I'f'AMblllP TICKET AND DRAFT AT k J. A. BARRON'S, 'J15 Lackawanna ave- nue, Scranton. Medical. ROF.BLI.V (i-tt CELEBRATED TANSY A S D Peniiyroynl I ills; Imported: abniuielv eafo; barmles.4; iiiixtrior- to till othet-M: never Inils, Hav sta"i;: thniisiiudii of happy louies: $2 bvmai'.' Sold "ly by H- TAM AL Sl'ECI FIC CO.. 114 Fifth Av-.nuu, New York, Have You a House to lent If so. ..a small Tribune "For Reut" acllet will aid you in securing a tenant. j FOR PROTECTION AGS1HST SIOTH WALLACE, TRY US. 602-304 LftCXL AVE., COR. 10111 itT Situations) Wanted. SITUATION WaNTEO-BY A BR1UHT O yoiWH lady at ca.hler or amlstaut book ki-eur: writ- a HD.audid band: anxio'is to secure a puitiou; cn funilau referouces. Ad- 0re Tttb'8'f WORi'aV. Tut, otac eity. WAXTEO-A SITUATION BY AN AHER V V icHii us fttahl bots or charge ef gents' place: p,ufitutly sober and reliable, Y, irib uue olUco. WANTKD-A SITUATION BY A HR8T cltsH bak r: oue who thoroughly undr stand .h-j bDsiaets. Aadreaa itAkiSll, t)U) a. Vvyoui nn HV,.ue city. CI'lUATION "WANTED BY A YOUNO O man ia whnlca-ln store or any work 00 1hero.fl; causpr-'k Ave d.fferent langnagee. Addr ssd. W., iUi ro.in uvanuj. SITUATION WAN 1 ED -MA v DESIRES )-.' eiturtlm; cxueiieiici-d in (Iri-.aa, Kio:erl)i ar.d dry good. Addr liM filXtER, 611 4iuni arum -. A - TKD-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEP. er hv mi AriK-ricun r I io-. or houae work in ia.uily or auults. Address WlUoW, Tribuue otlios. CI ERMAN G ARDENER, WHO HAS MORE T tha-i twelve years of experience, la will ing to do tli gardenias of several gardens anywhere. Fit ED HIEBLNHA.aR, German Uardeuer, No. HIM Meadow avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY C one who thoroughly underetandatbemeat butiuetw; can lnnkt hliuself uiirful around any buaiuoHn; with leferencea. D. MOHOAN, M Kotoinen street. lf ANTED SITUATION BY MAN WHO v understands farming, gardening and earo of Lotwa; sveaka Frencn. Englieh and tier man. KM1L nCHAFFER, S15 Lackawan na avenue, bcrauton. D All nn Al TIKC T D I CO ! rfAILnUAU I IMt'l htiLto Pim?M!!l RAILROAD. Schedule in Uffect May 19, 1S03. Tra'n3 Laava Wllfces-rfarra as Follows 7.25 n. m v.-oek d iys, for funbury Harrisour,';, hdad jlriia, Balti more, Washington, and lor Pitts Lur and Ihu West. 10.10 a m., week davs, for Haztnton. Poitivillu, Reeding, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burse and ths West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Haxleton and Poftsville. J. P.. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST. Ocntral Atanagcr. I Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Pusquehanna Division.) Anthracite caal used exclusively, insur ing cleardliicts and comfort, TIMK TARLIi IjN Ki-'r'liT MCH. IS. ISM. Trulns leave Sc.amoii for Pltuton. Wiikos-Karre. etc nt 8.2J, 9.15, 11 so a. m., 12.4c,, 2.00, 3.05, 5.00. 1.10 p. ni. Sunday., ,00 a. in., 1.11(1, 7.10 v. m. For Atlantic City, H.-O a. m. For New Y ork, Newark nnd Elisabeth, $.20 (exii,',''s) - n.,J2.4 (express with Buf fet pfirlur car, litt (express) p. m, jj,ln. day. .15 p. m. 'J rain leaving 12.(3 u, m. arrive ut Phllud-iiehlu, Heading Term- Hid. b.zi u. ni. i-e ior u.w p. rn, i-'or Mv.u!) Chuck, Abentnwn. Lethl(i hnm, Lenon and Phlla-hf,nh,a. j.o a. m., 12.45, ItO:, r,.)jO texcept Philadelphia) p. Sunday, 2M P- '". For Long Branch, Ocean Drove, te.. at .;0 0. in., 12 43 P- m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Alleiitown, S.20 a. m 12.45. 5,00 u. ni Sunday. 2. IS p. m For PotUville. 8.20 a.. 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib. erty Btieet. North River, ai .io (expreaej a. ni., 1.10, LSO, 4.15 (exprsse with Buffet parlor car) p. m. BunJuy, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, .u0 a. m , 2.00 and 4.20 p. m. Sunday 6.2 a. m Throtich tlckete to all points at lowest rates may Pe hnd en application In -id-vanue to the ticket acent n: the stitlon. 11 P llALDWIN. Oen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Cen. Sunt. DELAWARE! AND i.i-jjSi.N RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 20. ull trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue station nr follows: Trains win leave Reran. ton itntln for Carbonaaie ana Interme . points at 2.20. 6.45. IM, 8,2o.nd I 10.1S a. m 120. 2 20, 1.55, .la. t.10 and UtfrP'Farvlew. Wnymnri nnd HonesrlsO. at 7 W. -25 and 10.10 o. ra.. 12.00. 2.20 and US P For Albany. Saratoga, the Afllrondacks and Momr.-al ot 8. a. m. and 2.20 p. tn. For Wllkes-Hsrw and Intermediate oolnts nt 7.43. S.4S. 0.: and 10 4J a. m., 12.03, f0 J S?, 4.00. 5.10. 8.05, D.15 and 11 K p. nt. Train will arrive at Srrnntnn utatlnn from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, 40. 8.24 and 11)40 a. m.. 12.00, t.17. tU. a.40. 4.51. i.f.3. 7.15. 9.11 nnd 11.33 p. tn. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far. view at P.St a. m.. 12.00, MT. 3.40. l.tt and 7.45 p. ni. From Montreal. Saratoga, Albany, eta., at 4.54 and 11. W p.m. From Wllkea-Barre end Intermedlat Bolnta at Hi, AC4, 10.05 and 11.65 a. ra 1.11 lit, t. no, loa. t . s.03 and H.il p. m. iF AND DUST. 2oo Washington Avenut, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean .Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Mate Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattressei Nov. n. int. Train leaves Bcrunton tor Philadelphia end New York via D. A H. R R, at 7.41 a. in., 11.03, 120, 1 2. and M as p. ra.. via D . L. 4 W. a R., .uo, t o. U.JU a. m., aad tti p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttaton and Wilkes Barre, via D.. L. & W. K. R., S.W. I.OS, U.5 a. m., 140, ,07. 8.52 11 m. - .Leave Scranlon tor White Haven, Ha. sietcn, PottevlIlK and ell points on the uesver Mdow and Pottsvllle branches. IS Vvw il- K. R. nt 7.4i a. m., U.05, I t, a'S' i'.0?.,"- ,n- vl!i D- !- w K- W, P. 20 a. in., 1.30, 140 p. m. n -?,V "cranton lot Bntblehem, Eaaton. Reading lUirifc.urit and all Intermediate Vfa3-? n.'-Tl m via D L. W. RVR.. (.on. sis, n.20a. m.. 1.40 p. m W.ve Scranton lor Tunklianuock. To wands, Eimlra, Ithaca, Gtneva and all intermediate points via D & 11. R. R , . H h" inf i"J 1138 P'.S " vla D" u w . R., 1.03, k.&B a tn.. 1.S0 p. m. pave 8 c run ton for Rochester, Buffalo. Jr Palla, Detroit. Chloago and al points west via D H. R. R. 8.45 a. it. , .;" U W P. m.. via D.. L. W. R. R. t"J plttston Junction, I. OS, 1.65 a. m., 1.30, a.no p. m. ...'Eimlra and t west via Salamanoa, v a D. & H. R. R g.45 a. m. 12.03 p. nv. vlaJP.. U W. a R., t.o, . a m", .2C 'Puiman parlor end sleeping or 1 V. chair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkea-Darre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridie. ROLLIN H. WILfttTR, Oen. Bupt. CHA8. 8. i,RE. Oen. Pass, At, Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NO.VNEMACHER, Asst. Oen. Pass. Act., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Luck, and Western. Kffeet Monday, April 20, Train leave Scranton as folio-: Ex press for New York and nil point Eaai, 1.40. 2,6l. 5.15, 8.1)0 and ti..3 a. 111.; 1.13 and 3.:. I p. m. i;.tprei:fl for Kantou. Trenton, Phlladel phla ami fhe Houth, 6.13. 5. (A) and 9. ',5 a. m.; 1.15 m l .l.:it p. in. V a:ihin,-tou Mid v.-ny st:ct!fln. 4.03 p. m. Tokyhuur.a accomiuodatiou, 6 10 p. m. Lxpress for Iimnhamlji!, Oawe.o, Kl tr'f.t. Corr.'.ni-, M.uh, D.tiuvllle, Alount Morris nnd Buffi lo, 12 '.'I, a. m.. and 1.21 ii. ni., mamr cloc ooiiU'-Ctio'ia at Uefl:ilo :o nil pel-its in the Wcs;, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. m. Illnghamton and way stations. !2.37 p. rrt: Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 6.10 p. m. Binghamton and Eimlra express 5.55 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Vtlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a, m and 1.21 p. m. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 0.15 a. m. and 1.21 PFor Northumberland, Plttston. Wllkei Hnrre Plymouth, Dioomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North-um-erinii and Wllllamsport, Harrlabur, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland und Intermediate sta tion 0.0". 9.33 a. m. and 1.30 nnd 6.00 p. m. Niinticoke and Intermedlnte stations, 8 0S and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 8.40 and 8.52 p. m, Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ori all express trnlnr. .... For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. npply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lnckawanna avenue, or depot ticket ofltce. ; Erie and Wyoming Valley. . EFFECTIVE MARCH 16, 1S38. Trains leave Scranton for New .York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail, road, also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 8.35 a. m. and 3.28 p. m. and arrive at Scranton from above points at 8.23 a. m. and 2.57 p. m. HCH ANTON DIVISION. Ill Effect September 99ndt 1808. Kerin Rnune). Hill Ih SUfOeVl 80S tOII 2 i;rTfMn Dally. Ex r u A rrlve Leave 7 S5:N. Y. Franklin tit. 7 10. West 4-'nd street 7 0)1 wee havrken l M 7 4-) 7IW (10 e a Arrive J.eava r m! rftUancrick Junctioni 1 01 Hancock in 8I, lis 'ol Htarltght Preston park rouo Poyntetie Belmont Fleusaat. Mt. Unlondtde Forset City rarbnndste White lirtdge Mavfleta Jermyn Areblbald . . Wild nu Peck vdle Olndiant Dickson ' Throop Providence Park Place 13 l U4t4 9n 2 41 ...d 118 1114 UJOtl I (iir.iH aw i 11 le m 11 4i I k KIWI till f Oil 184 f4fll80l T T 18 (8 0 481 7H 88l 4iiii sal 7 14 8 40 TtOi sit Tt3 8.14 7S7 8M 1 80 4 04 T84 4 07 (Ifill 18 nssriii.t - et 8 "llt iff 6 nt toil ...y 11.11 01 T8 410 ..Z . 8 4 14 7 4114 17 .... T 40 4 80 .... (lull I) 4 10:10 Mi toanton M U H I.V0 Arrlvtl ATI n-aliia run dallv e-faent f-uader. I (.irultlei ti tralSsatoponiiinal lor peea aNtyrra.. , r Secure ratra via Ontario Weetern before Pirulianintr ticket dand save money, fit; ani IUtllMuetitritae West. ' .... c- iniersott, Sen. Pass Aft. V, ruuroft, sir. Tut, Agt. etMUn, ra. , 0 BAG SOS U4 iJl J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers