THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTX. v. - I EiGIIT PAGES 5 a COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PAM THURSDAY MOHN1NG, APRIL 189. TWO CENTS A COPY. J.-1 V -JIM GOODS Not of weaves you'r tired looking at! or fabric that stand the test of honest service, or of poorly dyed cletht, that look old before they leave the counter, lut of SMCK, SPAN, PRESENT SMSOITS VJ" lhan which money will procure iMhlnu more deiilrahle. It la a lardy wood offering, and one that thoughtful, shrewd women ean 111 Tord to pass liy, for no matter :iat the vairo 1,1 colors may he, an -to-dutf black dross In indispen sable. Interesting Valine Facts, The pick of all the holcest weave? and design, imd the mo", jiopulai cloth on the nork"t today. The lendlnit effects are Canvas, Dresden, (irenndiric. with ribbon stripes, etc. Here's the pvw price lint: 75c Quality now 55c $3.25' Quality now 95c J. 50 Quality now $1.12J 1.75 Quality now 1.25 2.00 Quality now 1.35 etc., Etc. Jost.Tye Narate select, J frcri '.he serge Illustrate) :h values you pect througnout the ertlr qauiU'.-.'s. stock to niny ex range of 2Sc Quality at 20c 75c Quail. at 65c A prime favorite among the many popttinr weaves eppcl.ili Intended for skirls. Just one e.nm..ip from many 05c quality, fuily fo inches Mdc ilid pcb' r.if i f!n:j.i, Sale Price, 45c Moiialr Brocades The leader of them nil. A cloth where style and thrift Join hand!,. Many patterns, many qualities, uni formly good values. One Illustra tion will suffice; Mohair Brocades, 41 inches wide, beautiful designs and a quality fully worth 05c, Sale Price, 49c Sale Opens Wednes day, April. 29th PATTISON BOOH LAUNCHED Heartily indorsed by the Democrats at A I lento n. ' THE I'MT KILE IS ADOfTED riiairman ilarrity Controls tbe Conven tion Itelcgates to I ho Notional Convention-Half a Vote to Lackawanna Delegates. - AUentown, Pa., April 2S.--rii adop iion of the unit rule, an unequivocal declaration for sound money, and the formal launching of the presidential boom of ex-t?overnor ltobert K. Paul son were paramount Issues in connec tion with the 'Democratic state conven tion today. There was a unanimous sentiment In favor of Mr. Pattison's presidential candidacy, and the en dorsement of him. as contained In the platform. Is worded In strong language Although there was opposition to the unit rule, it did not affett the e--govei--nor; and, with the unit rule in force, the sixty-four delegates from Pennsyl vania to the national convention will support him .throughout. The conven tion was controlled by National Chair man Ilarrity, who heads tho list of na il mal delegate-nt-targe. John M. Krnden. of Washington eounty, and Ticnjaniln C. Potts, of Dela ware county, were nominated for cun-sressmen-ut-large; William M. Nlnger ly. of Philadelphia; Oeorge W. Guthrie, of Allegheny: James Denton Hancock, of Venango, and Alex H. Coffroth. of Somerset, were selected as presidential electors-at-large. and William F. Har rtty. of Philadelphia; State Chairman ltobert K. Wright, of Lehigh; J. Henry Cochiun. of Lycoming; Charles A. Fa ran, nf All"gheny: Dr. John Todd, of Montgomery; Henjnmln F. Meyers, of Dauphin; John S. Killing, of Kile, and John T. Lcnnhan, of Luzerne, were chosen at: delegntes-at-large to the na tional convention. An Incident of the nomination of Mr. Wright was his announcement of with drawal on the convention floor. The tcs refused to accept his retire ment, however, and he was elected with the others, with a rush. After the con vention. National Chairman Harrlty mated that Mr. Wright would not with draw from the office; that the spontan eity of the delegates In approving of his. selection clearly showed that ..tin was wanted. The cause of Mr. Wright's ac tion was a contest In the ninth con gressional district (IScrks and Lehigh counties) over the selection of .district delegates. The Berks delegates to the convention, who numbered nineteen to ten for X.ehlgh. chose the two district delegates to the national convention and ignored Lehigh, because Mr. Wright was selected as a delegate-nt-large. The state chairman was desir ous that Lehigh should have one of the district delegates, and It was be cause of the failure to secure this that he announced his withdrawal. The ac tion of the convention, however, upset his plans and he will remain as a dele, gate-at-large, while the Herks county district delegates wll, also be unaltered. , PltKSlDKNTIAL KLKCTOHS. The presidential electors as chosen in the different congressional districts and whose selections, were ratified by the convention, are as follows: First district, Samuel Dickson-; Second district. Allien Al. Hicks; Third district, John .VI. Campbell; Fourth district, James .1. ilvun: Fifth dlnrlet, John Hagan, all of Philadelphia; Sixth .tlstrtct. Jonn w. miiik son, Chester; Seventh district, William Stahler. Norristown: ISighth district, John H. Storm. Stroudsbun,; Ninth district, ThoiiKis A. Ilaak Wonielsdurf; Tenth "ia- tiict. Charier. F. HenlBcr. Lancaster: M.n-. i nth dlnri;-.. Charles H. Schtidt. Scran ton; Twelfth district. Thomas It. Phillips. Kingston; Thirteenth district, Charles K. King. Poltsvllle, Fourteenth district. John K. Hoval, HarrislnifHuFlfteecth district, John .M. Carroll, Towanria, 81xinth dis trict, Charles J. Keilly, Wlliiamsport; Seventeenth ilistrlct, J. I. Hotter, Wasrt Ingtonville: Klghteenth district. Lu-.-len J.' Brady. AlcHherrytown; Twentieth W- ! Hanks, Mlttlintown; Nineteenth dlsn-sct. -. iriel, 0orn! Vt . Khlne, Altoona; Twfdy-ili-si district, John C. 1'attiMi, Indiana; Twenl -second district, William Weihe, I'ltlshui-g; Twenty-third district, .hidsnn J. Hrook.i. Sewlckley; Tweuty-roiu-th dis trict. .IuIih J. McPurhinri, Dunbar;. Twen-ty-lirth district. C. H-. Atkins; New Cas tle; Twenty-sixth ilistrlct, John L. McKln ney, Tltusville; Twenty-seventh district, Sevnionr S. Haekett, Hniporlum; Tweif eight It. district, Harry Alvin Hah. Itidg way. CONVENTION DELEGATES. The Fifty-sixth district delegates to the national convention, which were also selected III the Tsventy-oight Con gressional district, and today ratified by the convention, re: First district. George W. Gibbons, Hen ry C. Loughlin: Second district. Charles i:. Ingi-rsoll, Louis J. .McGrath; Third dis trict, John J. Cyan, .Matthew inltaun; Fourth district, Thomas Delahunty, Cus- tavus A. .Miller: Firm ustrict. 'Jonn Tay lor, K.I wan I Ucnnls, all of Philadelphia; Sixth district, Frank H. Maudes, Media, J. Frank Hausr, West Chester; sevet-n iiis- trieti I 'a ul Hi Applobarh. Duilegtmwi, Kdward F. Kane, Norristown; F.ighth dis trict. Howard Mutchler. l;aston. Frank P. Sharkey. Jlauch Chunk; Ninth district, W. Oscar .Miller. Keauing. Merman K. Heitz. Reading. Tenth district. Home L. Ilul Jo mand, .Merietta. Hlchard M. ttcilly. l.un caster; Eleventh district. Joseph O'Brien. Sf-rarton, Jamei G. Bailey, Scranton; Twelfth district. Elliot P. Klsner. Har.l'' lon, John M. Garman, Wilkes Bane: Till r tointh district. Major James Elite, Potts ville, William A. Maler. Ashland; Four teenth district. John A. Magee, New P.toomtlPlri. 8. P. Light, Lebanon; Fif teenth dlytrlct, Miller S. Allen, Montrose, John M. Itahin, Towanda; Sixteenth dis trict, John J. Itearuon, Willlamsport. William Dent, Brookland; Seventeenth district, Daniel KUnger, Milton, Grant Herring, Jllooinsburg; 'Eighteenth district, J. G. Welser, Mldilleburg, Thomas C. Bar ton, Mlttllnbiirg: Nineteenth district, If. N. Oltt, Hanover, F. E. Beltzhoover, Car lisle; Twentieth district, Joseph A. Gray, Carroltown.Dr. Americu Enfield, Bed ford; Twenty-first district, John B, Kee nan, Oreenshurg, R. A. MeCollough, Kit tanning; Twenty-second district, K. 8. Fleming, Pittsburg, Edward J. Frauea helm, Pittsburg; Twenty-thlrt-. district. Hay Walker, jr., Allegheny, Samuel W. BlacK, Ieetsdalc: Twenty-fourth district, Frank. Thomson, McKee's Rocks, A. Frafiklin Silvlue, Wayncsburg; Twenty fifth district, Stephen Markham, Butler, Robert Ritchie, Beaver; Twenty-sixth district, W. H. Gasklll, Meadville. Frank E. McClaln, t'nlon City; Twenty-seventh district, Charles H. Noyes, Warren; Charles O. Layman, Port Allegheny; rwenty-eigntn district, j. K. t. Hall, Ridgway, Matt Savage, Clearfield. The convention was called to order at 12.20 by Chairman Wright, who In troduced William B. Given, of Lancas ter, county, as temporary chairman. Mr. Given was loudly applauded. He made a brief address and during nlB speech was frequently Interrupted by applause, and the mention of the name of ex-Governor Pattlson brought forth prolonged cheers. After the appoint ment or committees the convention took a recess, reassembling at 8.25, when the chairman of th,e credential commltteo, John C. BtHdy, of Erie, presented the report ot the committee and It was adopted. It gave a half vote each to the Lackawanna and York delegates ana contestants. , The Hensel delegates from Lancaster County (the contestants) were seated as were also the contestants from lejjrVashlngton county. The nommittee on permanent organ! xation named Dw-ight N. Lowiey. of Philadelphia, as permanent chairman of the convention. This was adopted and Mr. Lowrey was escorted to the chair. Chairman James of the committee on resolutions then read the platform ns adopted by the committee. It Is the same as has been heretofore outlined. THE CONQUERING HE HO. When the endorsement in the plat form of the presidential candidacy of ex-Uovernor Paulson was reached, there was a loud cheer and the band played "See the Conquering Hero Comes." When Mr. James had concluded,, and had formally moved the adoption of the resolutions, J. Hush (illlan, of Chnm liershurg. offered as a minority report the substitution for the unit rule, which was defeated by the committee. - Delegate Oreevy, of Blair county, seconded the amendment. Air. Oreevy made an extended ad dress In support of the amendment. Several efforts were made by delegates to Interrupt the speaker, but the ob jectors were silenced by the chairman and Mr. Oreevy proceeded. Joseph P. McCullen, of Philadelphia, opposed the amendment in an earnest speech. He favored the unit rule be cause It would help tho presidential candidacy of ex-flovernor Paulson, an honest, man.". Mr. McCullen de nounced Senator Cameron because of his "dishonest money views." and de- j nouueed Senator Quay, whose election to the presidency, he stated, would bring disgrace to the country. James T. Lenahan, of I.uxerne, also spoke In favor of the unit rule. Mr. Olllan demanded that the ayes and nays be taken on the amendment, but as this was not seconded, the chair man ignored it and put the question to the convention. Tho amendment was defeated by a viva voce vote, 'and the original plat form was adopted. Joseph llawlty. of Allegheny, nomi nated John M. Uiaden, of Washington, for congressman-at-lurge. Mr. Hawlcy's favorable reference to the leadership of National Chairman William F. Harrlty was loudly cheered. Charles F. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia, seconded the nomination. Benjamin C. Potts, of Delaware, was next placed In nomination by Thomas J, Osborne, of Media, for congressman-at-large, 'and Messrs. Braden and Potts were nominated by acclamation. The selection of presidential electors, district delegates and dcegates-at-large followed and delivered. When the name of Robert K. Wright, of Le high, for delegate-at-large was an nounced, Mr. Wright stated to the con vention that owing to complications In his congressional district lie would withdraw. There were loud cries of "No," and the convention nominated the ticket, with Mr. Wright included, despite nis an nouncement. The convention adjourned sine die at 4.5a p. m. HACK FROM ALLENTOWN. LuekawHnna Delegation Not Happv Over the Result of the Convention..- A portion of the Lackawanna delega tion returned night from the state convention arriving In the city at II.45 over the Central Railroad of New Jer sey. All were dissatisfied with the re fvit of the AUentown gathering. Lack awanna. sent down two delegations and both were ignored. None of Its repre sentatives were called Into tho party councils when the slate were being prepared. The expedient the commit tee on contested seats adopted of giv ing the contesting delegates half a vote each was unsatisfactory to both fac tions because they went down to right the matter to a finish. A square rul ing by the state convention would have settled the manner in which state dele gates shull In future bo elected but the miserable straddle of the commit tee on contented seats leaves the sit uiitlon worso than It was before. Attorney W. W. Tiaylor was n very useful man to the county committee delegates. He It was who enabled them to select Attorney Joseph O'Brien and Mayor James fl. Hailey, as Lacka- wanna's national delegates. Of the delegates originally selected by the county committee to represent the legislative districts of the county Miles McAndrew, of Archbald, and John J. O' Boyle, of this city, did not attend. Attorney Joseph O'Brien and Frunk McAndrew were substituted for them. Mr. O'Brien was made a mem ber of the committee on contested seats but os ids seat In the convention was contested he was dented the privilege of even attending the meeting of the committee. Then strategy was resort ed to. O'nitlEN SUBSTITUTED. Through the Influence of Attorney John T. Lenahan, of Wllkes-Bnrre, ex County Treasurer John Smoulter, of Luzerne county, who was also a mem ber of the committee on contested seats, was Induced to allow Mr. O'Brien to act as his substitute on the commit tee. This odd proceeding was tolerat ed and Mr. O'Btien had the satisfaction 1 if Kitting In the oummlttee that v us disposing of his claim to a scot In the convention. Senator McDonald object ed to Mr. O Brlen serving on the com mittee alleging that he was not. a dele gate In the convention but the objection wns overruled. James J. O'Neill, county chairman. and John J. Fahey went before the com mittee and mnde the statement of the claims of the delegates elected by the county committee; Senator McDonald and Nathan Vidaver did a similar ser vice for the delegates elected by the legislative districts. No one other than members of the committew were al lowed In the room when the arguments of the representatives of the rival delegations were being made. After the claims of both sides had been heard one of the committeemen suggested that Mr. O'Brien he allowed to make a statement regarding the Lackawanna muddle. The suggestion was not acted upon. When the announcement wns made from the committee room that the rival delegations would be seated each re celving a half a vote, the county com tnlttee delegates though not pleased smiled a very broad smile. They were sure of the national delegates. W. W. Baylor had been elected by the county committee and endorsed by the legis lative committee. He was entitled to tho whole vote of the Third district and would cast It with the county commit tee dolegates in selecting national delegates giving them a majority of one over the legislative committee dele gates. The latter saw that the jig was up and did not put forward the name of John E. Rocho for national delegate as they had Intended. DELEGATES SELECTED. The delegates from Lackawanna thereupon presented to the convention the names of Joseph O'Brien and James fl. Bailey for national delegates and O. H. Johnson and James J. O'Neill as alternates; The choice was, of. course, ratified by tho convention. 7 County Treasurer Charles Schtidt was named as national elector from this congressional district, but there is some doubt as to whether or not he can serve. It Is thought that tho office Is incompatible with that of county treas urer. Those who returned last night over the Central road from AUentown were Postmaster F. M. Vandllng, John E. Hoche, John OalTney, James K. Bur nett. E. J. Lynett. Senator M. K. Mc Donald, B. W. Cooney, of Dunmore; Nathan Vidaver, P. J. McCormack. of Blttkely; J. W. Kllpatrlck, of Carbon dale; K. F. Btewltt, James Flynn and Revenue Collector Orant Herring. A number of the other members of the Lackawanna delegation went over the Lehigh Valley road to Wilkes Harre, where they attended a celebra tion last night in honor of the election of John T. Lenahan as a delcgate-at-large. The convention was entirely under the control of Harrlty, and when the unit rule came up for consideration the opposition was very feeble, he roll was not called on the measure, and the Lackawanna delegates were conse quently not put on record regarding It. ULLOMITES HATE HOPE. After Admitting Defeat They Holly, and Will Try to Halt the Meklnley Wove at Springfield Today. Springfield. HI., April 29. The Re publican . state convention convened here today, but without affecting a permanent organization, took a recess until 2 p. m. As the crowd was tiling out, a delegate In the body of the hall mounted a chair and read a dispatch announcing that the Republicans of Vermont had instructed for McKlnley. This was greeted with loud cheers, and a blue silk banner with a picture of the Ohio statesman, which had been smuggled Into the hall a few moments before, was waved aloft. .When the delegates reassembled at 2.15. Senator Berry was presented as permanent chairman and addressed the convention. On the floor of the convention at 4.30. the antl-McKInlcy machine con ceded defeat. On the committee on resolutions and the new state central committee the McKInlcyltes are in a majority. When Chairman Berry concluded, nominations for governor were In or der and the names of Captain John XT., Tanner, of Clay county," was submit ted Congressman Albert 3. Hopkins was nominated by S. G. Hanchett, of Au rora. Dr. Robbins, of Quiney, wna also named and a ballot was ordered. Tan nor was chosen on first ballot and his nomination whs made unanimous. For Lieutenant Governor W. A. Northx-oit, of Crefmville; Theodore S. Chapman, of Jersey, and Davis Ross, of La Salle, were namea without speeches. North' cott was nominated on tht m-ennrt hut. lot. This cumgrieled the work of the convention for the day and an adjourn, ment was taken until tomorrow. It will be nip and tuck in the'eonven tlon tomorrow between the supporters ana opponents of the McKlnley Inatnic tions, with the chances, unless there is another change in the situation be fore morning, in favor of the opposition There was a time on the floor of the convention this afternoon when the ma chine was Inclined to admit its defeat. Th!s,wa before the second' ballot for lieutenant fovcrnor had been ordered. Tlu closeness -of the contest for this nomination, however, enabled the antl McKlnlcyltes and Cullomltws, te-tnake u number of deals- with unlnstructed delegates. ' The committee on resolutions' pre. pared a platform this afternoon which will be presented to the convention to morrow. It Is chiefly devoted to de nunciation of the Cleveland admlnlntra tton. The financial plank Is as follows: Resolved, That we. the Republicans of Illinois, are unyielding and em phatic In our demands for honest money, we are opposed, as we ever have been, to every and any scheme mat win give to this country a cur rency In any way depreciated or de based, or in any respect Inferior to the money of most advanced and lntelll gent nations of the earth. We favor the use of silver as currency, but to the extent only and under such restric tions that parity with gold can be main talned. M'KINLEY SCOOPS VERMONT Politicians of the (ircen Mountains Are Treated to a lllg Surprise. Montpeller, Vt.. April 29. W. A. Lord, of Alontpelier, presided over the Re publican state convention today to so. leet delegates to the national conven lion. A strong McKlnley feeling pervaded tho convention. The following resolu tions offered by Hugh Henry was adont ed by acclamation, but subsequently a motion to table it was adopted, the McKlnley men being satisfied with the expression of the sentiment of the con vention While we recognise the wisdom of the precedent which has heretofore sent our oeiegates to national conventions without tying their hands with nosltive lnstru tlons, and would not break that precedent, yet we feel we will be untrue reoresenta- tlvrs of those who sent us here did we fall to give voice to ineir convictions; mere fore be It. Uesnlveil Thct In th great qpootlc of protection minam .iicivituey, or unio. we recognize the first choice of the Re. publicans of Vermont for their personal candidate. We believe that the credit of govern jnent should be sustained, not bv the Issui of bonds and the increase of the national debt, but by a return to a system of duties wmcn snail replenish the public treas ury, put In motion the now silent wheels of business and ensure living prices to American tarms anu worgsnops. Hon. Redfleld Proctor, Dr. Henry D, Hilton, or itrattleboro: Kdwnrd C Smith, of St. Albans, and C. A. Prouty of Newport, were chosen delegates at large, Senator John M. Thurston, of Nebras ka, closed the convention Avlth a Bhort address, expressing McKlnley senti ment. THE PLATFORM. The following is a synopsis of tho platform adopted today by the Republi can state convention: The platform declared In favor of a ' protective tariff, reciprocity, the main- I tenanee of the Monroe doctrine. The money plank declared unequivocally against free silver, except by Interna tional agreement. Continuing, the platform says. We believe that the credit of the govern ment should be sustained, not by the Issue of bonds and the Increase of the national debt, but by a return to a system of duties which shall replenish the public treasury, tint In motion the now silent wheels of business and ensure living prices to Ameri can farms and workshops. We adhere to our custom not to restrict the delegatus to the national convention by Instructions or professions as to choice of presidential candidate; but we trust them to faithfully represent us and tho best Interests of tho Republican pnrly and country, according to their Judgment when the convention meets, Thn outburst of enthusiasm was all McKlnlcy's way. The Reed men at tempted to have the convention look with favor toward the man from Maine, but It was plainly evident that the biggest majority of tho delegates were lovers of MeKlnley. The party leaders are surprised, but say nothing. It was intended to have the dolerates go unlnstructed, but with such a strong sentiment In favor of Mc Klnley, It Is believed that no delegate w 111 dare to stand tor any other candi date. , THE KEWS TIMS MOBMX'O. Weather Indications Today t Felr; Increasing Cleadlaes. Democrats Endorse Pattlson for Presi dent. Illinois and Vermont for McKlnley. Traction Employes to Strike at Phila delphia. Day's Work cf Congress. Governor Hastings Will Not Respite Holmes. Market and Stock Reports. (Local) For a Registered Tax Sale. Court of Arbitration. Argument Court. Editorial. Cleveland and Cuba. (Local! Madame Florence Arrested. She Wants U,000 Damages. (Sports) Scranton Defeats Carbondale. National League Results. Suburban News. News Vp and Down the Valley. NEBRASKA HEARD FROM. Free Silver Democrats Are Denounced by Gold Alcn. Lincoln. Neb.. April 29. Nebraska Democrats of sound money school held ineir state convention toaay primarily to elect four delegates-at-large to the unicago national convention, and lncl- aemaiiy as the party leaders an nounced, "to declare to tho Democracy of the nation that Nebraska Is not wholly silver mad." The platform congratulates President Cleveland's foreign policy; denounces the action of the so-called free sliver Democrats, and deplores the efforts of certain politicians to make religious be lief a test for office holding. MODERATE APPLAUSE. That Was All Atr. Cleveland's Namo F.voked at Detroit Convention, Detroit, Mich.. April 29. The eyes of the Democrats of the nation aro sup posed to be fixed on their brethren of Michigan today, ns they gather togetlv er to light the money question to a fin. ish. When the convention was called to order Alfred J. Murphy was called to the plntform ns temporary chairman. Mr. Murphy s allusion to President Cleveland were received with only moderate applause. Convention at Atlanta. Atlanta. Co.. April 2S. Tho ReDUblf can state convention mt here teday. Col oney A. E. Buck, chairman of the state committee and leader or the McKlnley forces, was elected temoorarv chairman ami a pormanont eu oy electing onnirmsn. n, was named as one or me feur delren At-larse. the other three fcplnff MiikIiiIkv -j - men. Michigan Convention! Detroit. Mich.. Aorll . The Mlehlirnn state Pemoorattc convention, toriav. after' a stormy nlKht, endorseJ-.the sdmlnlstne-ii tlon.aatrflnanclttl. policy of Graver Cleve land, chose four geld standard rieleratrs. at-larRe and'tent a delegation, of twenty. iour oisinct delegates to the Chicago con vention, of wlrnm thirteen are counted gsld mondmctalllsts and eleven silver bl- metallists. ANOTHER BIG STRIKE. The Vnion Traotioa Cempanv's Linos Will be Tied I'p To-day-Police) Prepar ing for Trouble. Philadelphia, April 29. A strike has again been ordered upon the lines ot the 1 nlon Traction com two y by the Amalgamated association of street rail way employes to go Into effoot at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. After the refusal morning of President Wqlsh to submit the questions at Issue between tho company and the men to arbitration the central commltteo of the association held a session lasting until 7.30 this evening. Tho result ef the delibera tions of the committee was the ordering of the strike. The committee consid ered that the-refusal of Mr. Welsh to arbitrate settled any hope of procuring by peaceful methods any adjustment of the alleged grievances of the men. and they now purpose to fight for what was refused them The committee claims that a majority of the B.oon men on the company s sys tejn will obey the order to quit and that all the line will be tied up with a live- ly recollection of the disorders n.ttend ing the strike last Deeemher. The po lice are making every preparation to night to guard tho company's property tomorrow and to prevent violence, The Trnctlon company will start out cars tomorrow morning on as many of Its lines as pssible. The officials of the company are uncertain as to how many men will go out and for this reason cannot tell tonight whether they will be able to operate their entire system tomorrow. A general order was posted by the company notifying nil men who efuse to lake mil it car in the morning. or who do not report for duty by noon, that they will be discharged. TWO FAKIRS ARRESTED. The Are Charged With Ransacking Their Landlady's Trnnk. Twn fakirs who have hem selling handkerchiefs about the streets for the past two dnys were nrrested nt 1 o'clock this morning for robbing their board' ing mistress, Jennie Smith, who keps the boarding and lodglns house in the old Bubcock building, comer of Frank lin avenue and Center street. Upon retiring last night the proprle. tress discovered that her trunk had been ransacked and suspecting: that her new boarders were the culprits, made an examination of their room. She found in their wardrobe all tho missing articles, jewelry, silks, rare coins and other trinkets. 8he waited until the occttpa-nts of the room re turned and then summoned Patrolmen Feeney ami Wnlsh who locked them up. Thc-y refused to give their names, or make any explanation further than to stnte. that they could prove their In. nocence. Hoth were from Rochester nml have been here but a few days. They were preparing to go to Philadel phia in the morning. A.ND SILVER DEMONETIZED! X Rich Vein of the Whtto Metal coved In South Canaan. DIs- Susquehanna, Pa., April 29. A rich vein of silver has been encountered by the New York and Pennsylvania pros. pectors at South Cunaan. Wayno coun ty, Pa, How extensive the lead is can not yet be nscc-rtnlned. There Is much excitement throughout the county in consequence of the dis covery. StoHinshin Arrival. New York, April 2fl. Arrived: Steamers Sauthwark, from Antwerp; Majestic, from Liverpool and Hoiitnnmpton. Hailed: bt. Paul, from outhamtiton. Arrived out: Paris, at Southampton , Halle, at Bremcr- nuven; Amsterdam, at linuiogne; werra, at Genoa; Prussian, at Glasgow. Balled for New York: Steamers Lahn, from Southampton; Spaarndam, from Rotter dam; Mississippi, from London. Sighted: (Mohawk, from New York for London, passea lire ot wujni. ! v.- , ana uronn-icic iM...iu.i Mr. ftw- . .. . . DUBTunsr mar t n a r a irtnu anrmiein u nirn Mr. Dockery Wishes to I'rotcct the Treasury. RECEIPTS ARE INSUFFICIENT The .Member from Missouri vVaras the House Against Appropriating Moaey Where It Is Not Absolutely Indispensable. Washington. April 29. The house was plunged almost Immediately after It assembled for todny's session into a mild and diminutive (in respect of lensth) renetitlon of the defeats of the senate yesterday regarding the revenue and expenditures of the government. Mr. McCormlck (Ren.. N. Y.) askee: consideration of a bill for a light house on Orient Point, Long Island, which led Mr. Dockery (Dem., Mo.) to warn the house against appropriating money for any Improvement that was not ab solutely indispensable. The direct ap propriations at this term of congress he figured up would be !ul 2.000,000; and of contracts authorised to be entered into JM.Mt.ODO. making the grand total for which this congress would be re sponsible at this term ever six hundred and five millions. He said current revenue was not equal to current ex penditures and had not been at any time during thn term of this a minis tratton. And he pleaded'. In no spirit of partisanship, for careful, scrutiny 'et appropriation bins lor tne protection of the treasury. Air. Dingley (Rep., Me.) chairman et tne committee on ways ana means re sponded to Mr. Dockers s statement analyzed the figures he, had given. He asserted that the appropriations at this session of congress for current expend! tines would not exceed 4!)0.000.00 and the amount that must be paid by tax ation would not exceed tSUO.'MO.OeO, the expense of tho neMwrlee department being met by tlie postat receipts. While It was true that more revenue was an urgent need, Mr. Dlngley contended that the canirress was dMntr as well as It could lh tire matter of 'appropriations. in view f the needs ot tbe government and ef the country. The report of ejections committee No. 3. .in the contest of Giles Otis Pearce (Indiana, Labor) vs. John. C. Bell (Pop., Dem.) from thi feon4 district ef Colo rado, confirming BeTa'e right to the seat; wns B greea to. The remainder of the day was. spent In committee of the wiole In dlsuesipff the bankruptcy bill. Ufct bill betftfc sup. -ported by AIrCohn)IJri(RrTi., 1111 gild antagonised by AleJM. W. A. motif (Rep Pcttoa,), New(laMs (Silver, Ifev.) substantial relief. MARUKTTH STATUS ACCEPTED. The statue, of Father Marquette, plaoed by the state .f Wisconsin in the natienal'MIl of, statuary in the capital wan today officially presented to and acaepted by the serlttf. Bulegles of the good priest were pronounced by the two Wisconsin senators Mitchell and VJlas by Mr. Kyle (tVp., S. D.) and by Mr. Palmer (Dem., 111.) Mr. Mitchell spoke of the Jesuits In North America as "the transcendent. hare nf the ad vancing army of civilisation, and de scribed Father Marquette'as "the one great historic character., of Wisconsin, whose name weuld shine the brighter as time goes on." Mh Vilas spoke of him as "the.gentte. htgh-80uled, fearless priest and preach er; tho discoverer of the Mississippi; a noble man with soul lifted up ts Ood; a gentle enthusiast; a man to do without boasting, the deeds that heroes do;" and said that it was of such as him that congress spoke when it marked for this spqeial honor (a place In statuary hall). 'persons illustrious for historic re nown." After this matter was disposed of. the naval appropriation bill was taken up and the remainder of the day's ses sion was given up to political speeches. Mr. Teller (Rep., Col.) announced In unmistakable terms his resolution to break away from the Republican party If its actien In the St. Louis conven tion did not suit his views and senti ments on the silver question. While Mr. Sherman (Kep., O.) declared his readiness to conform his action on that question to the decision of the Ameri can people at the polls next November. Without aetion on the naval bill the senate at 6 p. m. adjourned. HOLMES WILL HANG. Governor Uastiags Refuios to Consider Ills Application for Respite Says That He Has Killed Only Five Person,. Harrlsburg, -Pa April 29. When Governor Hastings received the peti tion of H. H. Holmes today praying for a respite In order to allow him suf ficient time to attend to a lot of btisl ness wmcn ne alleges he must transact before the day of his execution, he was not slow in Indorsing the petition, 'Application refused." Holmes will surely hang on May 7 and he can hope for no Interference on the part of the governor. Tho communication to the governor wns written by Holmes yes terday and is In the form of a petition with many whereases, setting forth the reasons which prompt the appeal for respite. He rails against District At torney Grahum and protests that he Is Innocent of all but two of the deaths charged against him, and these two were due to criminal operations which he performed in his capacity as a phy sician; but ir. another part of the pe tition he says he killed five and not twenty-five. He says he wants to so arrange his business matters thut thot-e near and dear to him will not be left wholly without means or support. He also Intimates that he will have some important matters to reveal with the aid of the chief of police of Chicago, who Is understood to be coming on to see him. The petition Is written In the Ingeni ous way for which Holmes has become famous, and bears the marks of more than ordinary Intelligence of the pris oner. He rays he only wants to have his life prolonged a reasonable limit nf time beyond May 7 so that he may be able to get his affairs In shape and be prepared to meet his Uod. He pro fesses to bo willing to die after he has arranged the matters of which he speaks In his communication. The governor also got a letter today from the father of Mrs. PleUel. at Oalva, 111., and a petition from citizens of that town urging the governor not to Inter fere with the course of Justice. To Protect Morn-mowers. Washington. Anril 29. The house com mittee on labor has yielded to the lep tcsentatlons of the organised musicians by reporting a bill to prevent government bands from competing with civil organiz ations. llerald's Forecast. New York, April 30.-In the Middle states today, fair, wanner weather will pre vail, followed In the western and lake districts by light local rain. On Frld-iy fair to partly cloudy weather will pre vcill, with elight temperature changes and fresh sotTl hnrly winds followed by local rain In the.western, and, possibly at, night, In the eastern districts. ites- ' ""n "-" - - rs SOME Three Special Drives lit all-wool Dress Goods. 20 pieces all-wool Chev lots 25c. a yard; forme price 37c. 15 pieces all-wool Chev raots, 40 inches wide, 35c. a yard; former price 45q 17 irfecea all-woolChev-i fe A'4 ti1.f- i,f4. I . us?, tuviieo vyiuc, v guards styles, 48c. a yard j former pnee o$Ce MOHAIR SPECIALS, 42-facft-SicilIcnncs, 4Sc. 50-iaci Sicillii:s. 5(k '54-iicl!i--SidIiiies,,9Si All these nupibers - ex' ceptional values 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUS SPRING FOOTWEAR DRESS SHOES And for Every Member of the. Family. LEWIS, 114 AND 110 WYOMING) AVE. Wholesale and Retau. Bicyclists Take Notice Weichel, the Jeweler,' has a nice line of Bicycle Belts. Call and see tihemi. One of the latest novel ties. 408 ' SPRUCE STREET. HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. :WS MCI S, .A Ready . Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Guaranteed. TT TP DRESS GOfJK Specials for This WccIl Reyiois' Wood Faisl, Crockett's Preservative.
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