THE RCBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOBUTU'S. APRIL 8, 1890. 2 Hats Trimmed Freejf Charge THE MOST STYUSH HATS At!D BCKSETS N3Vf KEF.E We're They cost les than vou think, and are Millinery 'imixlsmner than you think. Leaders. Tiiey'ra the very piuk of fashion. All we We Invent, want is to cct you to see them. Their boauly WeOetOurU irresistible and the price adds to their Reputation clmrm. --,., KNOUGH "NEW" For Btylen in Trimmed Hats and Bouuets tu give Originality you half a day' alKht seeing and euterutin ThatWay. ment. At $3.98 See tho line of swell English Tur bans. They're quick seller. All etyl ith young women like them, At $4.98 Fancy straw and made hats trimmed to equal the usual 110 sorts. See them. At $6, $8 and $10 Handsome Imported models. The kind you usually pay 10. $12 and $15 for. Mourning Millinery In Every Style Children's trimmed hats, SSe. up. STRAW SHAPES-ALL SORTS TTntrtmmed Lilian and laco straw. Wide brims, Toques, Turbans, etc., At 4OC.1 61c, 73c and 87c. You'll pay one-third more for the same qualities at other stoivs. Tuscany and fancy straws, S7 cents and OS cents. Cost, 81.S0 elsewhere. Open work lace brims, French, Italian and English straws In Macks and In the newest spring tints. Hats trimmed free. FLOWERS AND FOLIAQE of every land and clime. At 30c. and 61c. Handsome bunches of daisies. At 30c. and 61c. Finest French lilacs In all shades. At igc, 19c. and age. American Heauty roBCS, with foliage. At igc, 19c and age. Newest effects In palms and grasses. SEE OUR RIBBON STOCK At goe. A lot of handsome taffeta Dresden ribbona No. tiu, regular price, 75 cents. At 35c. Taffeta and satin stripe ribbons, ul colors. No. CO. At 39c. Plnids. pin stripes, Persian and Dres den ribbons, Nos. 40 and 50, worth 30 cents. MILLINERY ORNArtENTS Straw braids. Stool and Jet orna ments and cubuohons, 8 cents nnd 10 cents each, worth 2.1 cents. Straw uraiun, it), lb ana -j cents. All colors. QILT AND LEATHER BELTS Gilt and leather belts, 23 cents, usually sold at DO cents. Pleated chiffons, lace3 and veiling. Tho largo t variety and lowest prices in the city. m MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS SUPPLIED GERSON'S, 421 Lackawanna Ave. CONVENTION CALLS. Second l.cglsUitivo District. The Ttennlilicnns nf tho tlve district of Lackawanna county will assemble in convention at the arbitration room, Court House, city of Scranton, on Tuesday, April 14th, 1S1I0, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing two delegates to the Republican slnle convention which will meet at llarrlsburg April 2.1. ISM. Klectlon for delegates to tho Second Legislative District convention will be held at the regular polling places on Sat urday, April 11th. 18W. between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. Election districts are en titled to representation ns follows: Seventh ward, First district 1 Seventh ward, Third district 1 Kighth ward. First district 1 Klghth ward, Second district Ninth ward, First district Ninth ward, Second district Ninth ward, Third district Tenth ward Kleventh ward. First district Klevenlh wurd, Second district Kleventh ward, Third district Twelfth ward, First district Thirteenth ward. First district Thirteenth ward. Second district... Thirteenth ward. Third district Sixteenth ward. First district Sixteenth ward, Second district Seventeenth ward. First (li3lrlct Seventeenth ward, Second district.. Nineteenth ward, First district Nineteenth ward. Second district... Nineteenth ward. Third district Nineteenth ward, Fourth district... Twentieth ward. First district Twentieth ward, Second district Twentieth word, Third district Total SS . Vigilance committees will please tuko notice and govorn themselves accordingly. W. S. Millar, Chairman. C. S. Seamans, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., April 2, 1898. Third Legislative District. The Republicans of the Third legislative district will assemble In convention at the arbitration room in tho court house on Thursday, April 1G, at 3p, 111., for the purpose of electing a delegate to the Re- ?ubllcan state convention to be held at Iarrlsburg April 23, 1S90. The primaries will be held at the regular polling places on Tuesday, April 14, 1S9, between the our of 4 and 7 p. m. Election districts are entitled to representation as follows: Benton 2 1 1 Clifton ... Covington uaiton 2 Glenburn 1 Greenfield , 1 Gouldsboro 1 La Plume 1 Lackawanna township, South district.. 1 Lackawanna township, West district.... 2 Lackawanna township, East district..., 1 Lackawanna townsihip, Northeast dint.. 1 Lackawanna township, Southwest dint. 1 Lohlgh 1 iMadlson 2 Newton 1 North Ablngton 1 Old Forgo, First district 1 Old Forge, Second district 1 Old Forge, Fourth district i Ransom 1 Scranton, Sixth ward, Third district.... i Beott .; 2 Spring Brook , 1 South Ablngton 2 Taylor, First ward 1 Taylor, Second ward 1 Taylor Third ward 1 Taylor, Fourth ward 1 Taylor. Fifth ward 4 1 Waverly 3 Wt Ablngton I John McCrlndle, Chairman. J. W. Houser, fleoreUry. UN BOWIlSr - SESSIOB Business Is Actually Transacted . in the Senate. SEVERAL MEASURES PASSED House S.-cuds a Day Diseussing Two -Measure That Ua J Not U;oit Sched ule! -Dili to FstablUh Free Library in Washington. j Washington. April 7. The senato had a. long and Important session today the postcllice appropriation bill beii:g , the subject of consideration ar.d atl.0.1. There was nulte an t-xteiidod dlscu'silon over the- question of the oonsohuKtion ; of fourth class postolilees in the vic-in- ' ity of large towns and cities, and the substitution for them, cf stations, tub stations, and branch o!lic.H. The op ponents of the sytem v.ero successful In having It extenttlon restricted an j amendment offered by Mr. Volcott . (Rep., Colo.) favorable to the system j having been laid upon the table by a j vote of 4S to 7. That decisive vote was . followed by the adoption of an amend- ! nient ottered by Mr. Pasco (Item.. Fla.) : years, 26; nays, 23, which restricts the consolidation system to the llmiu of j corporate towns and cities. 1 The commltteo amendment nppro- printing IS'i.OUO as additional compen- wounuea were carneu on ny me insur satlon to tho Oceanic Steamship com- ! Rents. Tho total losses of the rebels pany for ocean mail servlee from Pan j are calculated to have been over ninety. Francisco to New Zealand and New 1 Tho Spanish logs i:i Riven as six vol Soutn Wnlcs, was agreed to-yeas. 32; ! untec-rs killed and seven regular troops nays. 2t. 1 wounded. And "the Item of $!!6,r,H for necessary I This Is the first news of a battle and Kpctlal mail facilities on trunk having been fought at La Palma, and lines trcm lioston to Atlanta and Now ' It is impossible to verify the truth of 1 the covernments account of the en- Washlngton, was retained In the bill, Mr. Vilas" (Dem., Wis.) motion to strike it out, having been voted down yeas, 13; nays. SO. An amendment requiring the expen diture of S3.000 for experiments in rural free delivery was o'iered by Mr. But ler (Pop., N. C.) and was agreed to: Tens, 27: nays, 25. The bill wss then passed and the Ben ate at 5.C0 adjourned until tomorrow. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. The house spent the day In discus sing two 'measures thut had not been expected to cnaaKo its attention at this time. The tlrst was the bill providing for the t'StaMlbhniont of a froe library in Wnsliinrrtun. There was a difference of opinion between the house nnd sen ate as to the fund ncralnct which the expenses of the Institution should bo chartred the sennte providing that th'-y should be divided between the district and general government and the house that they should be paid en tirely by the district The committee on the affairs of tho District of Colum bia recumirended that the house re cede from its amendment to tho bill: but after a two hours discussion the recommendation of the committee was disagreed to llf! to l-'7. The bill was then sent to conference. Tho other was the Mil reported from the committee on colnase, weights and measures to miopt the metric system In provernment business Janunry 1, IMS. nnd to make it the lc!;al standard of the country Jcnunry 1, 19-H. It was I supported by C. W. Stone (Hep., Pa.) nnd opposed by Messrs. Cartlelt (Dem., N. Y.). Otey (Dem., Va.) nnd Purker (Rep., N. J.). The house refused 05 to SO to order the bill to Its enrvossmonl and third rrrullr.rr; and pending a de mand for the yeas and nnya, (it 5.10 o'clock, on motion of Mr. Stone, it ad journed until tomorrow. ESTHER HAS MEASLES. Affairs of Stato Are at a Standstill at tho Wiilto House. Washington, April 7. President Cleveland and Private Secretary Thur ber are Quarantined at the white house, Mrs. Cleveland nnd her children are quarantined at Woodley and Mrs. Thurber and her little ones are quar- nntined at their home on I street. All j this, and a postponement of a cabinet moetinff in addition, is the result of a discovery in the white house nursery between 10 nnd 11 o'clock this mornlnir. ! Little Esther Cleveland, the president's ! second daughter, who is two and a ; half years old, developed symptoms of I measles about that hour. Immediate- j lv there was great excitement thrnuKh- out the mansion. The president was i informed and he sent telcgramn to nil j the cabinet odlc?rs in town that thi-re would be no cabinet meeting today, Mlss Ti.ithmnn, tho teacher of the white house kindergarten, was sent posthaste to Woodley, the president's country place, nnd hurried preparations wen; made for taking Esther and her sisters ! there, Shortly afterward the sick ehllu ' was sent to Woodley In a closed car- rlnge, accompanied In that ar.d another vehicle by her mother, nurses and BiS' ters. Private Secretary Thurber hns been livlifg at the white house for ten days, since one of his children developed a case of measles. This morning young Tom Thurber and the conk at the Thurber house were taken with the dis ease. Ksther Cleveland and the Thur ber children are doing well. Little Esther's Is said to be nmild cose. It in llkelv that on her recovery the fam- 3 ! lly will be Joined at Woodley by the president and win remain more until they leave for Cray Gables at the be ginning of summer. ROBBERY PREVENTED. Plot to Hold I'p Vondcrbilt Property Just Discovered In Tlmo. San Francisco, April 7. George E. Gard, the late chief of the Southern ; Pacific company s detective service, ? I claims to have discovered a conspiracy 1 1 to hold up the Vanderbllt's special train 1 I and abduct Cornelius Vanderbllt, and lilt has transpired that official of tho I Paclllc, who were Informed by Card I I before the Vanderbllt party reached EI 1 ! Paso, have been taking all precautions to prevent the carrying out of the plot. Gard declines to say from whom ha got his first tip, hut Intimates that It was from a member of the gnng who became frightened at tho Immensity of the plan and gave It away. At the time Gard first learned of the scheme, plans had been perfected no further than tho arriving at nn agree ment to hold ttp the Vanderbllt party at a point in San Joaquin valley, and make the best haul thut was possible. If no money was to be had nny other way, Cornelius Vanderbllt was to he kidnaped, and every one else In tho party was to be killed. If necessary, Just -what steps were taken by the rail road officials after they were Informed of the plot, Is not known.but It Is known that on this side of Bakcrsfleld. the spe cial was run only during day time, and It is barely possible that this precau tion upset the plans of the conspirators. TONAWANDA RIOTERS. Tho Murder Trials at buffalo Coma to n Slidvlcil l.ti l. Buffalo, N. Y.. April 7. The Tena wanda murder trinla camo to a suddnn end today. Captain Jesse Oravey, for whose trial a jury was Bncurcd yester day afternoon, withdrew his plea of not guilty to the Indictment of murder In the first degree, and pleaded guilty to manslaughter In the first degree. Irving Collins nnd John Quirk,' who Wore Indicted with Captalps Hyde and Graves for murder In the first degree, also pleaded guilty to manslaughter In the first degree, nnd sentence will bt passed on all four tomorrow afternoon. Hyde stood trial and was convicted last Wednesday of murder in the second de gree. There ore ten me under Indictment fo. ")t, and It is understood that all wlU Wa guilty when their cases are called. 4 Sixteen men were arrestud tor the Tonawanda boatmen' riot which resulted in the death of Captain Phil lips and his son Charles. One of them. James Dixon, committed cuiclde in Jail on Oct 17; four, Hyde. Ortivfs, Quirk and Collins were Indicted for murder in the first degree, and the other eleven were indicted for rloL Archi bald Loufrh, one of the latter, abscond ed afu-r being released on ball, and is still at large. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. One Alan Instnntlv killed and Two Others I atallv Hurt. Creensburjr. Pa., April 7. At U o'clock u.doy on explosion of dyna mite occurred In tha new Ku'lbaugh tunnel, cno mile west of Grerr.sburBli. Fr::k A. Grancll, cf Smlthilohl. Pa., was instantly killed. A teamster named Marshall, of Llairavllle and a nan named Parker vocre perhaps fatally Ll'rt. Y.'hp.t caused the csplu? ion is not yet known. Uraiitll was 23 years of age. THE BliBELS l&TCEAT. Covcrnmcnt Troops Attack Maeso's forces nt La I'alma and Compcl.Thoin to Keltic In Confusion. Havana, April 7. An official report Issued thi.l afternoon states that gav ernnioni, troops attacked Maeeo'a forces at La Falnia, province of Finer Del Kio mi March Si'J. Yhe rebels were compelled to retreat Tiiey left behind them ."9 dead. Other dead und a number of Basement. The alleptd rebel loss when compared with the loss sustained by 1 the Spaniards lends an air of improb j ability to the olilcial report. ! Color.el Mcncado reports that he has ; destroyed a rebel camp at Kl Jobo, ; province of Mntansos. The Insurgents i made a. stronfr resistance and did not retreat until fourteen of their number ! were killed. General Oliver eporta the j capture of another rebel camp at Panta I Itosa. The rebel losses In the ngn(?e 1 ment were larsro. The Spanish lost one ! lieutenant arid four soldiers killed and : twenty vounded. SOMNAMBULIST'S FATE Walked Out Hrrs loo el Hiring tho Severe ( otd ci.d Lost ttoth Vict. Huntington, W. Va., April 7. Five miles west of here resides Anderson O. Keed. nn aged man whose 25-year-old daughter, Miss Nannie, hns been prob ably one of the greatest somnambulists livinR in West Vlrtilwa. lint this is now a thins of the past, for this morn Injr both of her feet were amputated, as the result of a two-mile walk about midnlfrht during- the severe cold weather of about three weeks ago. The snow was about six Inches deep on the ground and-tho poor girl arose dnrlnt? her sleep and left the house unbeknown to her parents. She wandered alonff tho public highway for fully two miles and was no.irlnr the Kello?rar crosslnff of the Chesapeake and Ohio railway when a heavy freight train came thun dering along and awakened her. Real- lsing her situation she made a hasty retreat for home. She waf clad only In her nlrrht gar ment:! and being In her bare feet her sufferings were Intense. On reaching home, her feet were found to be frozen as well as parts of her body. A physi cian was summoned next morning, nnd since then everything possible has been done to alleviate her sufferings, but this morning the physicians were forced to amputate both her feet with a hope of prolonging her life. She Is in a critical condition. ; Uniformed colored porters are In ! charge of day coaches to show all atten tion to tho passengers on the Nickel j Plate Koad. I WYOMING. Mr. and Mrs. Fallon and family, of Willtos-Iiarre, and Mrs. Franklin and family, of Luzerne, snent Sunday with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carter. Mies I'.ofo Sutter, of PUtston, was calling on Miss Llda McIUll Sunday. Miss Jennie Kngl'sh, of Carverton, spent Sunday with Miss Nellie Tiozell. M. Lord will leave his family hi a few days for Kansas City. The Wyoming Kane Hull dub has or- j ganlzed for the season of ISftG with tho following players: J. McCnbe, catch er; T. Atkinson, pitcher; V. Lloyd, first base and captain: W. Goldsworthy, sec ond has?; D., third base; R 11. Lewis, shorstop; J. Caney, right field; J. Munley, center Held; John Ganey, left J field; Frank Sweeney, manager. Winton Newton nnd w'fo. of New Al- 1 bany, rpent Sunday with I1I3 brother, j J. J. Newton. Monday they left for i Klehmond, Va. I When you think of the Nickel Plate ! Road It brings to mind that delicious ! meal you had in the Pining Cnr, and I the fine servlee nnd Low nates, and you wonder why people will travel via any other line. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS. I Vi all Street Kcvtew. New York, April 7. Tobacco loomed Into prominence u;,-:iln today, tho doalliiRS in : stock footing up 85,700 shares Ja a grand totitl of lilt S7J shares. At the rvianlng tint I si'iTres ruled firm at S74ia8Xl4. but ns t'.e ! day wora i!on:; there, were llberr.l offer 1 ini s of l.irvr slock on report" of the .0!i ! ous lllm" 13 n- one of the tiontliei n directors I of the cj:". : "ir.ny. Another sto-y -was to I tho til' v-: v; ii r.n Injunction had or wotila I be j!-jpl!?J for t" restrain the distribution : of the prfp dividend recently declared. ! The weakness ot' this specialty had no tn 1 fluonco on the pemriil run of active stocks ! which scored net pains on the day. In tho early trading speculation was tttrong I mn'vh In tho BurnrlRn of tho r.rofnq-.iloii'tl traders, who were I'roo sellers cf the nvir- 1 ket yesterday on tho passlnc of Mia Cu- b:n resolutions by tho honre. Tile Im pression wis that the i'etion of the homo would hnvo an un'avorehlj Inrliii-nco abroad, hut, ns a mattes of fact, Iondon I paid little attention lo tho miittr and I eaiiv cables s'.ic.wad that Amotion so ocritleM in London wer on n. parity with o'V cloning .figures oif Monday. Local s-1'.iorts then slnrtcd In to cover and prices moved up Viae. per c'nt. all around, au p;ir. Union 1'iicilio, Chicago Gas, tho Grangers nnd General Electric were es pecially linn. SuiNir moved up to 119i. An advance In the price of rertned of 1-10 cent per pound and a bullef thut the com pany Is In certrol of t'10 raw sugar mar ket having led to purchase of th stuck. I'nlon Pacini! sold up to 9 on tho pro gress milking in too refunding schema. Louisville and Nashville, however, w.11 heavy on foreign sales and broke from 4'.' to VX. Thcra was very little doing In tho general list and the market held tolerably linn. The streryth of the sterling ex changes was much commented upon and thrro were rumor? of a shipment of 5!,0W,000 geld by Siturdsy's European steamers. Tho Cuban quortlon received less attention end the Imymrlnon m that executive notion on tho ma: tor will b delayed for soiiio tlniK. Hearing on tha efflux of gold It wis announced thnt rov ernl of ti depositary hank holding gov ernment funds on hond account had turned Into tho sub-treasury a part of tlulr liuldlngs In anUciuiillon of a call by tho trccuiury department tomorrow. As for eign hitnki'ra are offering four months' at 4 per cent, tho effect of u. rov rrninent call at thu llmo Is problematical. Speculation closed firm In tone. Net changes show gains of Vja1 per cent. To bacco lo4t V'a and Manhattan 1 iner cent, nn, the R'jecUililap, Nickel Plat s First Pro jerred roao 8 to 73 and do. seconds la Furnished by WILLTAM LINN, AL LEN Sr. Co., correspondents for A. P. CAMPUULL, stock broker, 412 Spruca street. " 0'n- With- Low- nos ing, est. est. in. Am. Tobacco Co 8WI Am. Sugar Re'ir Co..llS Atch., To, & 8. Fe... lU'd Mi ll'.!S 83 11S',5 llHi'l ltit 10 HEART DISEASE. SOME FACTS REGARDING THE RAPID INCREASE OF HEART TROUBLES. Do Not Be Alarmed, but Look for the Cauie. ! Heart troubles, at least among; Amer icans, are certainly Increasing and wb.lo this may be larirely due to the worry and excitement of American bualncts life, it is mora otten ti.o result of weak stomachs, of poor digestion. Kc-aJ. organic heart disease Is Incur able; but not one case In a hundred of heart trouble, is orcanlc Tho close relation between heart trouble and ror cllsrertlon In because both orirai.s are controlled by branches of tits' Fame frrc-ct ueivos. the Sympa thetic and Fneuniopastrlc. In ar.othcr way, also, the- heart If , a".ected by that form of poor dUres . tlon, w hich causes and fermenta t tlon from half dijrestcd food; there Is a feeling of oppression and heaviness In the client cc.und by pressure of the distended stomach on the heart ard lunjrs, Interfering with their notion; hence arlsea palpitation and short breath. Pocr digestion also poisons the blood, "makeo it thin nnd watery, which ir ritates ar.d wea.Vers the heart. The mo?t sensible treatment for heart I troubles Is to improve the digestion and ! to Insure the prompt assimilation of 1 food. This ran best be done by the regular ! use, orter meals, of some safe, pleasant nnd effective dljrctivc preparation, like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may bo found at most dmj stores and which contain valuable, harmless dlsreotlve elaments, in a pleasant, convenient form. It 3 safe to say that the regular, per sistent use of f-'tuai t's Dyspepsia Tab lets at meal time, will cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the rtomach. Full Fiza packages of tho Tablets sold by mo't drupfrlsts nt 60 cents or by mall from Stuart company, Marshall, Mich. Canada Southern. trhes. & Ohio Chle.. N. V . on . fiTH .mv mi 2'i, v 87 w no 21' 1l'i 30 31 H (1 1SJ, M ! 9 !1'4 27 4114 7'!',4 7r.H V ir;i n'A. S7'i 4S air. 2I' l!2'i 1U 11 3 2'4 3.V?i 8!i 18 914 !4 9 fO'i 27 49'i 6S W 7SH 1 7"M 7' ir,i 17 87 41j 274 im H,i K4 2fl 30 9 18 93 8 Chlc. to. & Q 7SVi U., '. St. L. Chle., Jf!l. ft St. P.. 7-'-'t c nic, xi. j. & 1'ic, 7! D.. L. & W rust. c. p (Ion. IClctrle IrftN. ft Nnsh M. K. & Texss. Pr. Manhattan Kle.,.. Mo. Pan .1: . 17 . ,. 271.4 .110 N Y., 8. & W., Pr.. E'i Nor. Pan 14 tMtnr;o ac West Omaha 3!ail Sontbern Tt. R Southern R. R-. Pr, T. nn., C. ft Iron., T'nlon Paeltto Wmbah, Pr Western Vnlon , W. L T. S. I.rather V. P.'ir.r, Pr..., U. S. Rubbor , , 1"! r.i'i mi , 27 Scranton Hoard of Ira Jo ExehnngeQuo lotions All Ouotatioas llused on Pur of 1 00. nm-!. . BM Asked. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank si. i.'.ruoa Laoo C'' Co , 140 SO 80 'is UK 100 80 'is 10 100 i 101 1M National liorlns & DililinjCo. ... K.rst Nation.) l;auk jjj fScrantsn Jar & Stopper Co t.;,rn.' lirouit Co K;mnur.!t KoulnVHM Co Surauton Ajtlo Works h'crantun huvlii:s bunk 20U I Scranton Traet'.on Co, Kouta. Plato Obits Co Scranton Car H.eplueer Co Setanton Packing Co Weston Mill Co Laekawa:,na Iron & Hlesl Co.. Scranton Bedding Cu HOXD3. Stratum Glass Co i Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortsuff? due 1913 C'ranton Traction Co people's Street Tt.-illway, first nmrtsai'.e due 191$ pern n ton Plitston Trrte. Co.. People's Street Hallway, Sec ond r.-.ortqiiKB Cot, 1"50 Dickson M.innf?etur!njr Co.... l.ucka. Township P-hr.ol r.",.... City vt Scra.'itor Ptrwt Imp 0 Pcmriioa Axl Work" 'Uoruugh of Win ton C 1 ti 119 90 110 100 102 IvO 100 New Yor'i Predtiao Market. Now York, Apr!! 7. Flour Unchanged, better demand. Sont market dull, firmer; No. 2 red stare pnd elvatnr, ST'i'.a IBe.; afloat, SlrtM'ic: f. o. b., KrUnM ungraded red, (Matte.; No. 1 northern, 7Sia 77c.: options c'oted steady nt Un'ic over yesterday, with on inccasod business; No. 2 r1 April nrd M'ay. 73"te.; June, July ml Airiest, 73'.; September. 73"&?. December, 7jV;c. Ccn-6pnts doll, flnnj S"nrro; No. 2 at 2r.';0. elevitor; 80140. nrloet; options vere mod-.-rstely active nnd firm at 5.e. advance following wheat and on covering: Miy, 3CV4c: July, 37'wO.j Aurust, 3?e.; STntcmW, rj';.c. Onts fi-cis firmer, moderately active: options doll. fli-T,: April. Klt".: Mny. scot prices. No. 2 nt SSMalVJ-e.; No. 2 white. 2.i"-c; No. 2 CbloBsm, S'"1;?.; No. 3 nt f'hl c.'hjo. :tue.; No. S?t 2l'?c.: No. 3 wh'te, J'iV.c.: mixed wertern, !."nMH-e.; white do., 2i?Wrf: wblto state. Ma'.'ic Provls'ons Steady, dull, unehangod. Lard Qn'"t, nomlnsl; Wftjtern sleam, 5.'.?,": city, fl.flO; Msy. 25. 'Sj rollned. dull: continent. jj.Ci; fouth America, $'!; ecnipound. 4',nWc Pork Qnit. steady: old rins. flsO.r.O; n?w mess, 10:10.3. Butter 14berel supply, lower: Fito dnlry, iialTKc; 'o. ereiiTi ery, I2?17c; do. rrnmcry, lSalS.'.: do. held. 11?1.: do. fncto-T. fin'lc.; Flgins, 18-.: imltntlon crmmery, Jlal-Vc. Chearie ! Fair demand, unchanged. Eggs Firm, j food demand ; ftoti" and Pncinylvan'a, 13c. : southern, 1o1l".c.j wettern fros'a, j llal2c.; duck, !0aS3e.; goouc, 40ol3c. i Vbltndclrhln Provision Mnrkot. Philadelphia, April 7. Tha markt ruled niili't and ensv In somfl trrndes over thd ! regular quotations v.'Mh t!io wetern rn'i.r 1 ket condltlcrip. I1e.-f D"t oily family, I i?.ri0a10 per 'barrel; smokcl beef, llo12: beef hams, per barrel, $!5.ie1fS. pccordlrit to o?:e. Pck Family,; pickled hams, cured In ticces, te9'?.j smoked, PUnlCie.; s'dfs, ribbed, In K2lt, sialics tto. rmoBen, mso., picnio nwms, . ' P. cured, S'lftj'';';. CO. RTHOKRH, ItnC.'lC.J nccni'dlng to avcrnge. bellies in pickle, loo?e, Sofjc: brefkfnt Kicon, OU'.'jff. Tird Pnrn city rrtln."d, in tierces, C'a 6;c. in t'rhs. C..air"ie,; butchers' loose, 5l' a f.Ue. Tallow 1. dull nnd unnhanaed. Wo quote: City, prime In ho.rshnds, 8HC.; country, prime In bnrre!s, Sc; country, dr.rk, in barrels, SUoS'ac; cakes, 4c. i Breues, 3140. CMonsn I.ivo Stock. Union Stock Yards- TU., A.nrll 7.-Cattla Receipts, 2.500 head: market quiet and sternly; common to oxtrn steers, $3.40a4.G0; stackers nnd feeders, $J.9fbJ.S5; cows ana bulls. $1.H0i3.2ri; cnlvr, S!n5.20; Texnns, ?'.M04. .Hogs 'Receipts, 12,000 hcvl; mar ket firm to Ho. b I utter : heavy packing and shiiiping Mi, K!.GO.?S.F0i common to choice mixed, Mt"ii3.fc3: choleo tmortPd, $3.S,ln4; light, J3.7r4; plirs, t"a3.03. Sheep R. celTts, U.fflQ bead; market easier, for sheep and 10o. lower for lambs; Inferior to eholco, !a4; lambs, 3.70a4.70. Toledo Grain Alnrkct. Toledo, O., April 7. Close Wheat Re oe'ipts. B.05S bushels; shipments, J2.200 bush els; firm; No. 2 red ensh, 7tsc. ; May, 7"c. j July, 71c; August, 70' ic; No. 3 vul cush, 7;ic. 3orn Ttcelils, 11,719 buhelu; ship-mr-nts, 6,01)0 ht'shrlr; steady; No. 2 mixed May, Sic; July, ):itn Hecclnts, 01)1) liurhels; shlpnionts, none; nominal. Clo verscm! Receipts, 132 bag;- shitnnents, 1.(V'1 hag; linn; April, ifl.i:,; October, Jt.W-i; ir:mo alslka viuh, 51.-0; prima tim othy. 91.CS. If tho Ituhy Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'u Snnthltig Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil l::ns of Mother.i for tlielr Children while Teething, with Perfect Huceuss. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, .Mlnys all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is tho best remedy tor Diarrhoea. Sold by DrugRlsts in overy part of the world. Ho suro and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'e Soothing Kynip." nnd tnlto no othor kind. Twonty.fivo cents a bottle. There Is nn unsm pnsiied Dining Car service on the Nickel Plate Road. c Sly OBI 10 The Lenox Bicycle Suit For Ladies. We have the sole agency for the above in Scranton. It is considered experts to be the adapted suit for ladies that has been duced. Pro- CONNOLLY & WALLACE, A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHKN PAID KOH IN AD VAKCK. WHHN A ROOK ACCOUNT IS MADB. NO CHARGE WILL BE LKSS THAN ! CENTS. THI3 ItlTLB AP- PLTKS TO SMALT. WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITTATIONS. WHICH AKB INSEliTKD FRKK. Halp Wanted Male. XrANTCD THBKE MKN TO SELL AND Vt collect: roiin b aklotosive linnds as ta honesty; txnitUm trounmt; aona but n- r :tl t men utwd apply. Address Lock Bos 473, Scranton, Pa. ANTED N AOfNT IN EVERY 8RO tlon iocanT: 94.0Ptot3 00adsyniflni Kiln st fiht; Joi mo to (nil I tpl Uooda to detklvru; bout iddti liuo t7UO a mo.ath; sal ary or Wt cfiir rutcMon miido; zpir:Ru nnaacccw jr. C!i (tun otp aud llauulactur intr Co., Cbicinnatl, O. VANTRD WKI.L KNOWN MAN W T turj town to wilicit stock subwrip tiont; a rooaoixjly: W money fur staata: no capital rMinired. EDWARD C ViSU CO. Borden Bloct, Chlaava Hi. Helo Wanted Females. lJ )'U anrtit 1) m work, and will ilaily tend full particulars to u loading S cent atamp. Minn AT. A.SrEiBIa LawroucA, Mich. WATkD 1 ADY AGENT IN SCRAN ton to sell ai d Intrnluci Suydr'a cko Iclre: xiKjriouTO'lc'inv.fui'irfiirril: wvric j ,eriaanr,t and Tory proft'aOle. Wrila for I inrt:ciili r at on nii' eft Ivfoellt of hulidar I trada. T H. SNYUgH a; CO. OncmnMl. O WANTtD lilMKDIATfcLY-TWO RNK tut 10 Famwomen to roDrnont tu. Guarantcwl tti a day wltbont lutcrftiriLff with otlwr duties. H:thf 1 oncnpatloa. writs fir particulars, inolorion aiumn. Mun'ift Chem-L-al Uiutpauy. No. It John atrcat. New York. For Sale. F'OR HALS -TWO LOTS 0! OAK':ELD averia, Hrdo Park. No. $ and 7, For in formation l quir of JOfiN V. COEDY, SBC North thikoly atraat Pauiuiire, Pa. FOR SILK-TWO 2 BCTCHF.S wogsa. Stinirfries, 1 aliub, harannoaaad all ef inciter's eu'.flt; alto mi" t ir.aik-n far rrnt; colLZcntof btuinfss; muse b aoldbr April ht. Inautro of t t KCUULLKIt, IlaAcly tret. I'unC'cra. F CR 8ALC-WOUHI! AND LOT AT COTt- sar of Jicad anil Doran str-wt. All trod- bhi Iropr-iv-nients tin prfrnjise. ilBB. A.-NLS KTliWUT, DiinnjBr'i. "fa. For Rent. T'OB KEKT-S-KOUM UOVK AND BtllN; JC nlca yarl. corner VouStorcli ami M.irion. UOR BKKT-lt ALP OF DOUULK HOUSE; V mud-rn ImproTaomnti; rut ri'aanablaj corner of Pino and Ti.ikDly it rents, l..Dinir VOR KlT-WArtEliOUE ON D.. L T W. awitab. 6CKA.-4 TON STOVE WORKS 'Oil KBST-hOi MS NOW t'C't UPIED U : pofM&nioa PUILLii'J, giron about i-'sr 1. bv F. L, O .sbl 'r Trulera' National Hank. LOR If Mi T TEN-KOOil EOUSK; ALL I movant couvaaicaoea. Juquiro at l'H3 Washburn st. ipOR BFN'f ONE HALF DOUBLE IKJUSEi I '13 Qiiiuoy Kv.iu-. I.'eat reiaonablo Oppcwits'&aw Taylor Hospital. tVoit BKNT-ONt SIX-ROOM UOUBE, LEE II ciiurt Inquire di'l Adama sve. fcurr.ST-siiTL.1 furnishbo hall r auhnbio for lo-W rouma. JOHN JKxt J1YN. Jiii V, vouii..'.: r venii fgente Wanted. WANTTD-SAT.ESKAN: t'ALAItY VH"U sturl; Twniiiutnt iLro. F.ROWN Br.OS t'O. Kuravrynan, Rocucatw, N. Y. OV.NTU WANTCD-TO SKLl7t5ltiIn5l S,i pirr month auiary end exrviisirs paid. Adrtrc?. with twn-ntat stamp. FlUAUO CI OA CO.. Cuioo. Auaw i-to gold, allvar. SF.I.L OUR PRACTICAL Kl-'kel and corner eUotro pKtura: from 8-1 upward; auiary and ex- pesv.s mmA: nult fim Ai:dio.ii, with btuoip, .il:nKAf vrii q.;)chiwntta AG E X TS TO S I'. I ,L CJG A HS TO DK A f .EUS ; $J1 v, ecVlv and expenseti; expnriim; un micefjary. rONOLIWATtD Slit. CO., 41 Van Uu-en St.. t h cngi. CALKSMAV TO CARRY fIDK LINK; 21 O p r reut. commission; sainn'e loo mailt d frna. Addreia L, is. CO., station U Ni w Ynvk. AT OT.'CK-AOKNTS APPOINTED TO s'd new lightning selling tabl oloth.mos qulto auJ liousa fly liuii.d nt 10 ccn'.s Mid ;5 cacU a bo tin. Snwplo Iran. EOLQiA-SO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Aid. AGL.TS-llINI)E'a PATENT UNI YB il eal Hair tnrltra and Wnvnrs fniwl with out beat), tind "Pyr Votnted'-Helr Pin , Lib eral reiumixiilona, fro aumnls ana full par tlevlars. Addraa PI . llox 4M. New Vor. Eoeelal Notices (imitE KOI DIFIt IN OUR CIVIL WAU. J. You want thla relic. Con tains nil of Frank Leslio's famous old War Plcture,a1iow itig tho forotK 'n actual bat tle, akataliad ou the apot. To volumes, V,UA) pirtiirva, ntUl on ecsy monthly pavuiontt. Dehvured by ex iTMia congilnto. all carjjea prt puld. Aildrwu P. O. N('oIV. tit Arfsms Avo., Hrraaton. Pa. ... ., .T.-u r.. V. 1.11.U MAIr.V at Trti 1 cineo. etc, bound or reooaud at Trts TlUIIUNl oface. Wuluk work. Unusaaitbla prions. liuffalo I.ivo Stock. Buffalo, N. Y., April 7. Cattle Market quiet, mixed butchers' stock, fcH,'.A3.7S; bulb, il0.i33,"j veals common to choice, $3.50'iC.r.O. Hogs Market higher; Yorkers, good weights, (lu4.CS; mixed pticknrs, good medliims, $3.IHiu3.U"; pigs, I.96a 4.10; roughs, t3.l5aS.40; Etays, i.6lM3. Sheep and latr.lw Eight ihcld oviir, nuiikct tlrm; good handy wool lambs, $4.90i6; fair to choice, fl.fi0a4.K0; common culls to fair, lli-ht butchers', $3.ka4.40; heavy lambs.; good, S4.fH)a3; mixed handy wool sheep, fd.10o4.2; fair to good, (3.60a4; culls and common, 12.75a3.50; no clipped sheep here. , Oil .Market. Oil City, Pa., April 7. The option closed at $1.20, the only quotation today. The Standard Oil company reduced the prl7 of Pennsylvania crude from $1,20 to 11,22 today. The Independent Pipe Lines ere still paying 11,27. Plttifburg, April 7. Option opened, 11,25; highest, ll.Wtt lowest end closed, $1,20; oredlt balance olosed, $1,22. - , ' : by mtmmmmjimMMm best rmmWmilmmm wMJtM . TRY US. 132-804 UCXS. IVI, COIL tOlBl Situation Wanted. (SITUATION WANTKU BY A YOUNO C5 man to drive and take car of Iwrave, or any kind of work: Is not particular: (ire beet of ref .reucta; moderate wagee. Adorta U. if., Tribiiue olSae, WANTED A JOB TAKING CARE OF koraes or driving job uf auy kind; good referuo.'. C. K.S0VLut, 103 ;pruo atreeh WN'TSaVA POSITION Y A LADY stf.-ioirraiihir and typewriter. Addreaa If. J., Tilbua oAca Korauton, fa. POSITION WAN ED BY KXPRRlKNCf.D aalsaman in elttar dry roods or cluthine honro: beat r4fernoe. Adiiress C T. Trib une office. CliUATION WANTED-BY A MAN WHO O ban 12 years' exporlesoa In dry gooils, shorn a-id Rrcxtorlos; Al refureaee. Aadreas Y Tri'mno oiSe. Mcdleal. ROKBUNGM CE1 MH TED TANSY AND Fennyniysl Vilia; Imported; abaf-lutely ia(o: h.trruleis: wtperiar to all otbara: nover taiii, anv :w. tliunsHnds of happy UvII-m: ill bvm:ii:." Hold osly by B'-TANl 7.(l. SPEC! t IC CO.. 114 Fifth Avoue, Now York. CRIPPLE CREEK STOCKS. We bava caref n.'lr Investigated end bow ae laUlly ryc3nn-f sa aa? uv-ttneiit. the Stocks or Tfiofltpiort, ftonn-Anckor, Oloke HIM, CeftsoHutkttd, IAdpatfAe-Rxtanien, Portn4, Isabella end Uniad-Oeld Mining Coiaeaulas. THE MKCHEM INVESTMENT COMPANY. 138 Jackson Streat, tiunk Floor. L. II. K net land, Manngcr. baiuborH l ul Colorado Ix i'Um.i a -il r)ct t.rirrta wlr. a Orders prompt ly executed corronjiotiaeiica aoltoitad. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES mmm railbqad. Schedule In Effect May 19, 1S03. Trains Leave Wiikes-Sarre as Follows 7.25 a.m., week days, for Sunbury H.irrisburf, Phiisdolphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burjr and the Ycst. 10.16 a m., week days, for Hazleton. foltsvillj, Reading, Norristown nd Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, PhiUJolphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg snd the West. 3.17 p. m., walk rlavs, far Sunbury, Hnrrisburg, Phlladolnhla, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrieburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts- burc and tha west. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and PoHsvi'lf. J. R. WOOD, Ocn'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, General Alanager. Ceutral Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehich and Susquehanna Division. Anthracite coaj ued exclusively. Insur ing cleanhncsj and comfort. TIM IS TAULK l.M EVeuCl' MCH. 15, 1606. Trnjns leave Scranton for Pitta ton, Wdkos-Darre, etc at .20, 11.30 a. m., 12.411. 2.00, 3.U5, 5.00, 7.10" p. m. Sundays, S.00 a. m., I.oo, 2.1S, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, S.20 a. m. Por New York, Newark and Kllsabrth, 8.W (expross) a. m 12.4S (exprse with buf fet pwr!or car, 3.i exprei, p. m. Sun djv. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.43 p, m, arrives at Philade.iihia, Keudlug Term inal, 5.22 p. in. anil New York .o0 p. m. I-'or Muuch Chunk, ADentown, Lathlo hem, liHUton and Philadelphia. S.20 a, m 12.45, .&', 5.00 txcipt Pbiladelphla) p. in. Sunday. 4.1 P- f or Lone Umuoh, Ocean Grove, ate., at 8.20 a. m., 12.45 p. m. For Heading, Loanon and Harrlsburg, via Allen Sawn, 5.20 a. m., 12.43. 6.00 p. tn Sunday, 2.l p. ni. For Pottsville, g.IO a., 12.4S p. m. Haturnlng, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at ,10 texpraaa) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Kaadlng Terminal. 00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday (.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vance to the ticket spent at the station. II. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARQ AND ntjvan RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 30, all trains will arrtvA at new Lncka. wanna avenue station o follows: Tram will lonve scran- ton station for C'irbondale an. dlata points at 20. M;., 7.00, IS a. m.. 12.0, 120, 133. !. fcla. 7 nci in turmo il and ig.n 2a, and For Farvlew, Waymart and Honesdale L 7 00, s 25 and 10.10 L an., 1100. 120 and 111 at p. m 'vr.i Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at 5.4o a, m. and ISO p. m. For Wllkea-Uarro; and Intermediate Dolnts nt 7.45. S.45, 0.S. and 10. 45 n. m., 1103, F.W. 3 3, 4.00. 5.10. 10S. 113 and 11.3$ p. m. Train will arrive et Scranton stntlnri from Corhondale and Intermediate points at 7,40, 10, 8.34 and 10.40 a. ro 12.00. 1.17. 124 140, A 615, 7.45. 9.11 and 11.31 n. m. From HonesUale, waymart and Far. vlvw at t!.24 a. ml 11.00, 1.17, 140. S.SJ and 1.45 p. nt. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eta., at 4.54 and 11.31 p. m. , . From Wilkea-Bnrre and intermediate Rolnte at 11B, 104, 10.06 and ll.U a, ra 1.11 14, LS. HO, Ids. T.SO, (-01 and 1L1I p. m. Wall ace The Lenox Bicycle Suit For Ladies. Made in many dif ferent qualities of cloth at our popular prices. CALL AND HAVE ITS POINTS EXPLAINED WSr UPHOLSTER FURN1TDRE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathen, Make Oier Mattresses, Make and Repair Spiinft . Sell Iron Beds, Male Fine Mattaei Nov. 17, im. Train leaves Scranton tor Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7.41 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, and U.3t p. in., via D.. L. A W. K. B fciw, t.0S, U.2U a. ta., aad 1.3 p. in. Lave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkas Barre, via D., L. A W. a H., 100, a-OS, VLB a. m.. 140. 6.07. s.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, He. fleton, Pottuvllle uud eli points on the Beaver Meadow and potisville branohea. Via D. A H. 11. H. at 7.4i a, m., 12.01. 1.20, J., 4.00 p. m.. via D. L., A W. R, R, S.00, I0S. 11.20 a. m., 1.30. 3.40 p. m. ..Leave Scranton tot Bethlehem, Easton, Beading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate t2Uu.",..v,?.P- H- R B- a. m., U.05, J.S0, 111. 4.00, n.w p. m., via D.. U A V. H. R., COO, K.ui, D.30 a. m 1.30 p. ra Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To- wanda, Elmtra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate point vlu D A H. R. It., Hi u" a3? n" p'. "i- vla D- U W n. K., I.OS t.ui a m 1.20 p. in. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Nljufara Falla, Detroit, Chicago and all fu'nte wwt via D A H. R. K., 4i a. tr... U.Uf. .1C U p. m., via D., L. A W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 1U. 0.55 a. m.. 1.30, I. oo p. tn. For Blmfra and fT.e west via 8alamanca, Va D. A H. It. R S.45 a. m. 12.03 0. m., VlaD., L. A Y. R. a, (.OS. 135 a m, 1.30. Puimao parlor and sleeplnr or 1 V. cars on ull trains between L A B. Junotion or Wllkes-Barre and NVw York. Philadelphia. Buffalo, and Suspension Brio a ROLLTN H. WILBUR. Oan. BupL CHAS. 8. LFE, Osn. Pais. Aft., Phlla.. Pa. A W. NONNEMACHER. Asst Oen. Pass. Art.. South Pethlehem. Pa WS.f OTUM VT 9IVI IU Effeot Monday, Jun 31. 189 Tralna leave bcraulon aa follows: Ex- freas lor New Yore ana all points East. 40, 150, 6.15, H.00 aud k.5 a. m.; I2.3i and !.3l p m, Kxpress for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South,, 100 and 133 a. ul, li.W and 8.34 p. m. WaMnuior, and way station, S.S3 p. m. Tcbyhanns accommodation, S.I0 p. m. Expreaa for lr.,'nainion, Osweeo, 111 mint. Curnlns. Buth, Dunsvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, a. m., and 1.21 p m., mtikiiig close connections at Buffalo to au points lo toe West, Norta-wei-t nnd Southwest. path accoii-moriation. Sam. Il!nghsmtt and way stations, 12.57 p. at, Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. BloghuniKis and Kimlra Express, ICS p. m F.rpres tor Cortland Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca (.nd Richflold Swings, 2.33 a. m. and HtlfteaY and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Nonbumtierland, Plrtston, WltlMS Bcrre. PlJ mouth, nluomsburg and Dan viile. liakliis clo:e couuvctions nt North tir.ittriatid for Wllllumsport, Harrlsburg, Bitl:tD'jre, WashliiBton und the South. Nor;nuroocriand and Intermediate s!a tlot.f. .10. 9.55 a m. and 1.30 nnd 6.07 p. m. Nuntlcoke and lutnrmedlnte stations, IM tnd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 8.53 p. m. Pulimnii parlor and sleeping coaches oa al; xprfr trains. . For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. arply lo M. L. Smith, dt; ticket office, 3M Lackawanna avonue, op depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 10, 1S08. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate poiuta pn the a,rle rail road, also for Honesdale, llswley and local poinia al 8.35 a. m. and S.SS p. m. and arrive at Scran ion from above point at 123 a, m. and 3.37 p. m. In Effect S)optember3nd. 18g. Rerih Hunl Nouih Miinudl) 803 SOI ISO( fivll lit1 Statloos (Trains Pailr. K fa I cost unir.) 8 ,S "Tiavei ; Arrive ia r,vN. Y. PranUin W 7M ..4 Tio Wese 4"".d streey 1 am Weehaxc:i 8101 r Arrivo i.i-pn T at l l.vuancosic Jiincuoat .1 C .-Si I l Hanoock ;m siai'lKbt . 0 Ml I! Mi 19 Prentou pari ll.'il Ml U4ti couio la"i . Toymen :9 14 Dhr.ont I8l3j PloMiiit- Mt 816 .. II ItB WIOW1RIO a.i WJ149 F-ewsviry A M SMII Si ci"D.'nai:o TOtI ffl 4111110 WUIW HllUfS T T tt J8 (St.... jinynriu 41111 El Je'lWi asilisl Archibald s.nu5 Vinmi own n Pccktnie miU! OluUaat 13 11 0J 1 urwP emiitki pr'ividriios l,tw7 lark r aos 1 IS 3 il . T 14 . 9 4&J . 90: m ., t I! r4 7 87 8M T,'3 4 04 7 31 4 01 73 410 iSO 114 41 fl 17 43 4 21 "1 ; ,.. a t lOllli srl' ecrnuton Ia vI.avo Arrlvol A ar Ml All train run dully except funday. i I blgtlnes thai ualua stop oa Ugnal tor pa tfjhirtrs i it-cure rntfs via Ontario a Western before) fitrhasiiiitWckew and save money. Bay aai IbailCipreMt.othe v est. i J O. indcraoa, dsn. Pass Agt T. VUtoroIti ivvf a, Agt, tsrautoa, Va.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers