THE F CI? ANTON TBIB U NE TUESDAY MOBNINtt. APBTL 7. 189B. Neute WEST SIDE EVENTS. lair and Festival in Progress at tho First Welsh Baptist Church-To l're f cot tho Flag. At the First Welsh Haptist church last niRht a fair and festival was be gun. It the success of last nisht bo continued at tonight's affair the Ladles" Aid society, which is in charge, will reap a large benefit. A blpr cruwd en joyed the pleasure of last evening. In the church basement where the festi val Is conducted, there were placed about In the corners several booths where articles were sold by corps of ladies. A supper was served in the main hall. One contest was rased. The prize was a doll and Misses lVarl Jenkins and Jlyfanwy Heynon were the lontestants. The result will be learned tonight. Those in charge of the different de partments were: Fancy booth. Misses Nwma Nichols,Catherine Phillips. Jen nie Freeman, Sally Thomas, Mary Davis, Edith Jenkins, Ellen Jones. Jen nie Jenkins, Mamie Phillips. Norma Kelley: apron booth, Jlesdamea Absa lom Jones. John H. Williams. Mrs. David. Urooks, John Jenkins, John r. Williams, John Hopkins, Thomas U. Thomas, Mrs. Andrews; candy table. Miss Lizzie Thomas. Miss Esther Hughes; tea tables, Mesdamcs Thomas Williams. William Lewis, Watkin Tones. John Thomas. Thomas Evans, William Lewis, of Kynon street. Ihos. Howells. Kiehnrd Howclls, illiam lones, Miss Mary Jane Heddoe; ice "ream table, Mesilames John li. Kelley, lohn Morgan, John ilrllliths. Others who assisted In the work of the even ing were: Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Mrs. William Jones. Mrs. .Morgan, Mrs. . H Willinnis, Miss Marie Jones, Mary Davis and Miss Davis, of South Main .venue. NINTH ANNl'AL SOCIAL. The Twilight Social club hold forth test evening In Means hall with their ninth annual ball. It was attended by l large number of young people. The Twilights are populur and as man igers of '-socials the young men are rery successful. Those who attended la the direction of last evening's affair vere: Master of ceremonies, T. J. Langnn; assistant master. P. J. Moran; reception committee, T. J. Langan, J. I. Larkin, H. J. CSurrell. M. K. Oulkin, T. F. Larkin, E. 1). Dolan, M. F. Mad Sen; floor committee. M. .1. Lee, P. J,, aibbons. T. O. English. T. X. Culkin, P. Q. Feaiick, It. F. Dillon; committee f arrangements. M. F. Madden, presi lent; J. J. Cusick. secretary: J. J. Lar c i ii, treasurer; prompter, M. F. Cul Hn. WILL HECE1VE THE FLAGS. The Salvation army is to congratu bitu Itself next Friday evening over ,ts victory in the War Cry contest. The army won the flags-offered in tho tompetltion and at the furthcoming cel tbtatlon. Brigadier William Evans md staff will present the trophys to Captain Mnsland's corp. The meeting ivlll be at the barracks on Price street. Tickets for the gathering are being cir culated. STOLE HIS OVEKCOAT. Tom lilalr, of South Main avenue, had an overcoat. He has not got it nw. Last evening two Hungarians ntered Sam Davis' pool, parlors, on North Main avenue and after playing a few games they left. The overcoat n eat too. There Is no clue to the Iden tity or the pilferers. They were seen to emerge from the pool place; one f the men pressed a mysterious bundle under his coat. They then dis ppeared. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. The drawing for the benefit of John Richard, which was to have occurred on April ID, has been postponed until tune At the fair and festival now being Conducted at the First Welsh Hnptlst thurch a quilt Is on exhibition which is worthy of mention. It is figured with I grape pattern and upon the quilt 1,-tlO pronations of grapes have been woven. The maker is Mrs. Ann Davis. When the lady's nge, hi years, Is considered the patience and amount of work nec ssary seems greater. Philip Giles, of Eynon street, Is ill oith typhoid fever. A child of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, f South Main avenue, is ill. Mrs. Dinah Jones, of South Main avenue, returned yesterday from a Visit at WllkG8-Barre. . Samuel Gibbs, of Hampton street, Is recovering from an llness. The Scranton Philharmonic Choral loclety will meet this evening at the Bcranton Stret Baptist church to pre pare for the concert which will be held under the ausplceB of the church next Thursday evening, April 9. All mem aers are requested to be present. Next Thursday evening in Mears' hall a musical treat will be offered. The prize winners at the recent eisteddfod BE SWELL FOR I tl i u Our leader for the spring is a light weight, light fcolored Covert Cloth Spring Overcoat, made with all the style and all the fit of a cus tom made $30 garment, and the price is $10.00. It is the coat for dressy young men, it fits "well 4 when it is buttoned, and opens with a little rkink in the collar, that usually marks only the custom made. . ....... -.' ' "THE Seji&re Dealing Clothiers of lb? Slibiirbs. wll' participate in a benefit concert for the Jackson Street Paptlst church. Among the numlxrs to be given is "On the Sea," by the Pennsylvania Glee club. Lithographs for the "Judge" Green entertainment at the Plymouth Con gregational church on April 14 are be ing placet! on this side. Next Thursday evening at the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church a literary entertainment will be held. Admission is ten cents. Mrs. Isaac Morgan, of North Hyde Park avenue, is still suffering serious sickness. Palmer Williams, Will Morris and Joseph Jeremiah have returned to liucknell. West Side business Directory. FI.OTtlST-Cnt flowers ami funeral de slKs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as Klfts. at 101 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PI lOTOG H APT! K R Cabinet Thotos, 11.40 per dosen. They are just lovely. Con vince yourself bv calling at Stumers Photo I'uiiors, lul and 1U3 South Main avenue. SECOND If AND FURNITCRE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see tho Ftoek of J. C. Kins, 1024 and 1026 Jack Eon street. POLICE FORCE BAXQIETEP. r.x-Moyor Conncll Gives a Dinner to tho officers at the Scninton House. Ex-Mayor Conncll banqueted the po lice force at the Scranton house last evening at G.:!0 o'clock. Every officer on the force, forty in all, was present and the occasion was In this respect remarkable aa it is the first time In the history of the city that there haB been a gathering where every member of the force was in attendance. Mayor i'.ailey was invited to be pres ent, but being unable to attend, he sent as his representative his warm friend, A. P. Hedford. Mark K. Edgar. John Marshall, Janitor of the city hall, and the newspaper representatives were the only other civilians present. All the ollicers were In parade dress and the picture they presented about the table was picturesque in the extreme. The menu was excellent and to say that those half hundred, healthy blue coats did full justice to it is not half telling the story. After cigars had been passed around Mayor Council announced that he was going to give them as big a surprise as they gave him last Saturday. Then when everybody was waiting with bated breath for the big surprise he announced, "I will refrain from making a speech." When the laughter had subsided he Introduced Mr. Bedford, who conveyed Mayor llailey's regrets at not being able to attend and his kindest regards to Mr. Conncll and the force. Stories and reminiscences then followed In rapid succession, Mr. Bed ford starting the ball with a couple of bis best and being followed by Chief Simpson, Patrolmen Feeney, Flaherty, John Thomas, Captain Iiurke and Ser geant Delter. Martin Gurrell. the vet eran of the force. Lieutenants Davis. Spellman, Williams and Zang were called upon for remarks. At the conclusion of the dinner Mayor Conncll bade a formal farewell to the force. In the course of his remarks he paid a, high compliment to the body and to the ollicers as Individuals. Ho asked them to remember him as W. L. Conncll, the man and not the mayor, and assured them that If ever they needed a friend and he was In a way to befriend them, they need not hesitate to command his ollices. After a general handshaking the of ficers filled out and repaired to head quarters, where they dispersed. During tho time that the dinner was in pro gress the city was policed by constables und special ollicers. 1 NORTH END TIRES. Olio of Them Was Almost Attended with Loss of Life. The North End was visited by two fires yesterday, and one of them was almost attended with loss of life. It broke out at 3.14 In the afternoon In the store of John Hawks on the Prov idence road. The Humes orlginhted in some unaccountable manner in the stairway and had secured considerable headway before being discovered. Mrs. Hawks nnd one of the children was up stairs and volumes of smoke burst in upon them, blinding them. They had great trouble in finding another exit leading from the rear of the house. The fire companies of the North End responded and got the flames under control before much damage was done. The loss will not be above $300. At 9 o'clock In the morning fire broke out in the same neighborhood, in the house of Michael Madden, who keeps a tea store. The building was a frame one two stories high, and was partial ly destroyed. The loss will amount to KiOO, which Is offset by sufllcient In surance to indemnify him. The lire or iginated from a defective flue. if llfll Hatters and Fumishars, SAMTERS SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Itisorderl Polanders Create Trouble ou South Side Street Car-Balls Held Last Night. Four people boarded Conductor Da vis" car on the South Side line yester day afternoon. One of them was a woman, and she was not under the In lluence of liquor, but the three men were. The noisiest one was her hus band, and his profanity was such that the conductor put him oft at Cedar avenue. Another one of the crowd at tempted to Interfere and he met with the same treatment. The woman then took a hand In the trouble and was more difficult to con trol than the men combined. She made savage attacks with her fists upon Conductor Davis and Motorman Flem ing. Her name Is Mrs. Kosloskle and her husband's name is John. They live in Greenwood. BALLS HELD LAST XIGHT. At Central park last night the first annual ball of the South Side Base Ball club was held. Miss Katie Reardoh furnished the music. The committee In charge of arrangements consisted of Owen Melvin, John Hastings, William Vaughan, Con Fallon and Michael Laf fey. At Germnnia hall the first annual ball of the Oriental Base Ball club was held. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. The funeral of Mrs. Christina Miller will be held from the late residence, 629 Birch street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held at the house and Interment will be made In North Wash ington avenue cemetery. A. C. Myers, of Plttston avenue. Is In Hazleton on business. Miss Emma Dunleavey. of Plttston avenue, is visiting in Carbondnle. A regular meeting of Camp 430, Pa triotic Order Sons of America, was held last night at Fenelon's hall. Aj s. Michael Mullancy, of Stone ave nue, Is seriously ill. The building committee nf St. Jo seph's Total Abstinence nnd Benevo lent society, of Mlnooka, Is Inspecting plans for a new hall to replace the one which was destroyed by fire on the morning of March IS. COL COIRSEX DISAPPROVES. Exception Taken to tho Prescribed I Heport of Notional Guard Ratings To Continuo the Old Klflo Rango. The ratings of the regiments and other Pennsylvania national guard or ganizations as furnished in the report of the adjutant general came up for a severe round of criticism at last night's quarterly meeting of the board of of llcers of the Thirteenth regiment, of this city. The report as published rates the First regiment, of Philadel phia, ns the leading regiment In tho state and Company D of the Thirteenth as the leading company. The Thirteenth's officers say the rat ings as published contain some glaring errors which reflect to the discredit of the Scranton organization, and after an hour of inquiry and discussion Col. Coursen announced his puropse of writing General Stewart and request ing him to issue at once an order of correction. The ratings as published give Company , Thirteenth regiment, an efficiency of !).".T"; First troop and Company K, First regiment, of Phila delphia, 94.71: Compnny A, Thirteenth regiment, 91.49, and Company G, Thir teenth regiment, S2.8H. It is claimed Company A's rating should be 9B.49 and Company O's 92.86. This would place Company A first in the state. Com pany D second and the First troop and Company E. of the First regiment, a tie for third; would give the Thirteenth regiment a general average of 94.06 In stead of 92.84, the general average given by the effective rating, and would make the Thirteenth the leading regiment in the state. The First regi ment now is accredited with 93.110 and the leading position. The ratings are made by averaging the camp inspection, target practice and spring lnspectloln figures of 'the year. Last night's meeting also considered the proposition of F. M. Soencer to locate the rllle range Jointly with a pro posed Scranton rifle club on the Spen cer mine property in Dunmore. A change from the present location at Dickson had been contemplated be cause of the encroachment of a culm bank which hides the long range tar gets. It was decided to continue the present range by moving the long range firing points to a position against the hill on the east side of the river. DUNMORE. An Interesting programme has been prepared for the monthly meeting of the Epworth league, which meets in the Methodist church tonight. Miss Cushmnn, of Honcsdale, is the guest of Miss Susie Dodge at her home on Williams street. MIbs Jessie Fay Williams, of Elm hurst, was calling on numerous friends in this place yesterday afternoon. The school board and council will meet In regular monthly session to- nignt. Miss Mattle Wilcox, of Madlsonville, Is spending a few days with Miss Eve lyn Osterhout, of South Blakely street. Yesterday afternoon at 4.4" an alarm of lire was sounded from box 31 at the corner of Pine and Blakely streets, the maze being in the butcher shop of J. E. Schuller. The building has been unoc cupied since Mr. Schuller took charge oi the meat department In the Union cash stores and how the blaze origi nated Is a mystery. The companies quickly responded and extinguished the blaze before much damage was done. Jacob Crist, an engineer on the Wilkes-Barre and Eastern, Is spending a rew aays wun nis lamny on Dudley street. Miss Josephine Beemer. of Mill Cltv. Is a guest at tho home of her brother Victor on Dudley street. The Ladles' Aid society of the Dud iey mi-eei uaptist cnurcn win hold a social at the residence of John Moffat on Elm street Wednesday evening. Cards are out announcing the en gagement of Miss Polen, of West Pitts ton, and Mr. Louis Van Wormer, of mis pince. PROVIDENCE. Samuel McEachen Is slightly Indis posed at his home on Oak street. The Providence United choir will meet this evening in Archbald's hall on Wayne avenue. Miss Hattle Evans, of Wilkes-Barre, Is visiting friends on Wayne avenue ior a iew aays. jacoo nyan. of Cnrbnndale, spent yesterday nnd Sunday with friends in tno wortn Kna. The Ladles' Aid societv of tho Prim itlve Methodist church will conduct nn npron festival this evening In the church on East Market street. The members of Keystone Literary nna uramaiic ciun last night presented In an excellent manner a thrilling drama In four acts entitled "Forced to the war." The funeral of the late Mrs. Ellaa J. Jones will take place from her late homo on Oak street at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Interment will be made in WaBhburn street cemetery. The Economy Athletic club will con. duct a masquerade on Friday, April 10, in company u armory. NEW TROTTING CIRCUIT Representatives of Six Cities to Meet Here Tomorrow. DRIVING PARK'S XEW PLANS Will Be Made a lay ami Night Pleasure UroDud of tho Metropolitan kind-Proposed Chance la Transportation Facilities. Representatives of the Driving Park associations of Bethlehem, Trenton, Allentown, Waverly, Jf. J., Blngham ton and Scranton. will meet at the Wyoming house tomorrow to elect offi cers and transact other business rela tive to forming a permanent trotting circuit among the cities named. Following the Fleetwood race In June there will be trotting meets in Bethlehem, Scranton and Blnghomton In the order named. In Scranton, the meet will be during the last week In June. In these three cities and Tren ton, Allentown and Waverly there will be fall meets. The fail races In this city will be during the first week in October. tin connection with thin plan Is anoth er scheme In which the owners of the Scranton Driving park are individual ly interested. They propose making the park a local pleasure ground, and are now making elaborate arrange ments to that end. Tho trotting circuit idea Is not new nor was it wholly through the wishes of the Driving Park owners that this city was Included In the circuit. The owners were willing and anxious to combine in a circuit with the other cities mentioned but first tested the feelings of turfmen In this city and vicinity. It was found that the latter were more than favorably impressed with the plan and would patronize it not only by their approval but would guarantee many entries. Such favor able sentiment caused the owners sev eral months ago to notify the officers of associations in the other cities that Scranton would be one of the circuit. THIS CITY WAS FAVORED. How Scranton stands In the deal is shown In the fact that this city was chosen for the general meeting In the Wyoming house tomorrow. The plan for making the Driving park a day and night pleasure ground will Interest the general public rather than horsemen. It Is proposed to build a dam In the Lackawanna river, near the bridge, and In the lake thus formed there will be created an island nearly a quarter-mile In length along&lde the eastern limits of the park. The island will be used as a picnic ground and boats will be placed on the lake. A circular bicycle track will be made by using a portion of the present home and back-stretches and a portion of the field will be leveled and equipped for trap and target shooting. In whole, the property will be turned Into a well polloed and fully equipped day and night pleasure-ground of the metropol itan order. OPEX AIR ATTRACTIONS. Arrangements are now practically completed with a New York city pro ducer of spectaculars for presenting an open-air attraction by 100 performers for ten days during July or August. Whatever attraction of this kind Is de cided upon, the performoVs will all be Imported and there will be none of the rawness so apparent In past produc tions of tho kind, where the supernum eraries have been from this city. The pleasure resort plan is so ma tured that within a few weeks work will bo started on the dam Negotiations hove already been opened with eon tractors preparatory to receiving bids for doing the work In the park proper. Arrageinents are pending with the Scranton Traction company for extend ing the tracks of the Green Ridge People's line over the river and past Koch's hotel to the southwest corner of the park near the grand stand. FOR THE CHURCH FUND. Children's Entertainment to Be Given in the Howard I'lnce Church. An entertainment by juvenile per formers will be given Wednesday even ing In the Howard Place African Meth odist church for the benefit of the new church building fund. Mrs. C. A. Ma gce and Miss Sadie Morton have, been drilling the little ones. Following Is the programme: Recitation, William's Wator Melon," Mlsa Llllie Smith Instrumental music, "Yale March," Miss Estella Howard Quartette, "Breaking Away," Misses Morton and Plater, Messrs. WI1 tion and Plater. Solo, "Alice" Miss Janet Lackey Dialogue, "How to Be Answered," Miss Maggie Dorsey and Miss Giles, Quartette, "We've All Got a Very Bad Cold," Misses Lee and Howard, Messrs, Wilson and Plater. , Recitation, "The New Woman," Sklra, Sadie J. Morton Tableaux First, the wedding. Bride and groom, Miss Maggie Lily and Ed. Mey ers. Bridesmaid, Miss F. Scott. Grown best man, Festus Crump. Second "Hoek of Ages," Miss Janet Lackey. At the close of part second there will be a sailing chorus and drill by twelve ladies and gentlemen, Mrs. Sadie J, Merton, captain. First part will con clude with a doll drill led by Anna May Stackhousu, TONIGHT'S GREAT BALL. Will Be Held at tho Frothlngham for Sweet Charity's Sake. Every ldtcation points toward the financial as well as social success of the charity ball tonight at the Froth lngham. All the arrangements have been perfected and there will be every arrangement tonight for the comfort and enjoyment of the hundreds who will attend. The theater will be beau tifully decorated. Ab soon as "The Messiah" audience left the theater last night a force of men went to work lowering the theater floor and placing the false dancing floor in position. Tho decorators were also at work last night. The following have purchased boxes: O. 8. Johnson, John Jermyn, William Connell, Lemuel A merman, L. A. Wat res, Mrs. Mina Robinson and B. J. Nev ille. All ticket holders are reqeBtcd to make report this afternoon to M. F. Saudo, esq., at his office on Wyoming avenue. Reports received last night dlcated that the Foundling Home will realize a large sum on the ball. M1NOOKA. Mr. and Mrs. Laine, of Seattle, 'Wash ington, who have been visiting friends here the past few weeks, will return home Wednesday. Lawrence Cosgrove, of West Avoca, was a Mlnooka visitor yesterday. The O'Connell Council, No. 184, Young Men's Institute, held an enjoyable tramp smoker at their rooms on Wil low street last evening. An excellent programme of vocal solos, recitations and essays was creditably rendered by the members. After the entertainment light refreshments and cigars were par taken of by the attending hoboes. The affair was a decided success, and re flects much credit on the committee of arrangements. R. J. Cusick has accepted a position as clerk at Hotel Jermyn, Scranton. . Hoy. Knnpp's Cnso. Washington, April 0. The state depart ment has been Informed by the United States chargo d'affaires at Conetantlnoplo that Rev. Mr. Kiuipp,, the American mis sionary, him not 'bean expelled from Hu lls so fur as ho hu knowledge. Mr. Knapp Is supposed to have reached a lews between uitue ana Constantinople I Have the Largest And Most Complete REPAIR SHOP In the City and Can Do Brazing, Enameling, Nickel Plating, Tir? Uiilcanizing, ETC.. AS WELL IS Ml BICYCLE FACTORY C.M.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Avanui y. n. c . B'jiLDim HUEHBERS Manufactured by HUMBER & CO., The Lartrent and Wealthiest Concern of the Kind in the orld. Humber Factories Are: Three lit England, One in Russia. One in France. One in Portugal One in .Mass. WE SELL THEM. rF-VVatch This Space lor List ol num ber Riders. & F Linden Street, Opp. Court House. WE ALSO HAVE Ll-MI-MMS AND IM0XS. IPS A FLYER anfl tho velocity of wind, strnm and wings are suggested by his progress. The blcyelo la the most Important Inno vation In means of travel slnon the lntio Auction of th locomotive, nnd we are in the Infancy of Its use, construction and means of propulsion. Healthy-minded people are those wh commend and practice its uso. To such wo nied hardly rny, Tour blcy. ele should b the latest and best. Call and examine ours before buylne. J.D. i 312 AND 314 LACKAWANNA AVI 434 Lackawanna Avenue. W'mton Bicycles are guar anteed. "The Winton is a Winner." The Hunt A Connnell Co FOR A NEW BICYCLE or the repair of Wheel, see E. R. PARKER, Who has the longest experience In this line ol any man In the city. You will save money by following this advice. 321 fcPKUCK ST. CONRAD HAS THEM IN ALL GRADES, BROWN OR BLACK HE CAN SUIT YGU. MERCHANT TAILORING Spring and Bummer, from $20 up. Trotinor. logs and OVt-rcoois, foreign and domratlo fabrics, made to order to suit ton most fits' tidioui In prloe, tit uud workmanship. D. BECK, 337 Adams Ave. HiiiiiMiniiiaiiiiiMmiauHiuiuiununmiuiuuiiiimiiiui THE FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 MILLINERY. The Best Attractions Are New Goods or Fine Quality, in great assortment at low prices. Such makes our store the center of attraction. Only the cood is worth buying such only we sell, and sell at prices that bring us customers and keep us very busy. ft- HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. LADIES' NEW CAPES. Spring is here and every lady will want a new Cape. There is no reason why she should not have one when they can be had from us at small Cost in Silk, Velvet and Cloth cflccts in an immense line of styles. Prices ranging trom 75.00 to j.oo. LACE CURTAINS. As house cleaning time is here no doubt you will want Lace Curtains. Hcing direct Importers buy of us and save at least 25 per cent this week. PER PAIR $ 2.25 Nottingham Curtains, large size, extra wide, S1.75 4.00 Nottingham Curtains, choice patterns, special, 2.75 10.00 Irish Point Curtains, extra value, . 7.50 12.00 Irish Point Curtains, special good value, 9.90 S iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiniiiiinniiiiinmmiiim5 IVlust Be Sold Before We Remove To our new store, No. 1 30 Wyoming avenue, Coal Exchange, April 1st. Price no considera tion. JAMES MOIR, THE MERCHANT TAILOR Has Moved to His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entranco on side next to First National Bank. Ho has now in a l!fi D Comprising evnrytbing requisite for flue Merchant Tailoring. And the same cau be shown tu Bdvuntgo in bis splen dials' fitted up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers of The Trlb. unetoCall on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Home STEINWAY & SONS Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the World, DECKER BROS., KRANICHE & BACHE and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find complete stock and at prices as low as the quaU Ity of the Instrument will permit at N. A. HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton e . m flCMU DA R RETT OPERJII BJjM. F. COB. The doctor Is now located over the Famous Shoe Store. 32G Lack wanna uhenne, wher he may be consulted on all cases ot Eye. Lar, Nose and Throat trouble. Special care given tu difficult Eye Fitting, MERCEREAU CONNELL AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY. APRIL . The Fifth Avenue Theater, New York, fUMIIVfc MJCCLSS, For A Southern Play of Romantic Interest by Hr. Russ Whytal Fair XT Direction Virginia Frank a Direction of Mr. Cotter. Presented with All the Beautiful Scenic De. tails and Artistic Features and Original Cast, Including MR. and MRS. WHYTAL. Kale ot scuts opens Munily. lingular prices. THE FROTHINGHflM. Wagner & Reis. l.csseosand Managers. Monday, April 13, NEIL BURGESS IN THE MONDAY AND TUESDAY, tPRIL 2), 21, 6. Wednesday, April 22, Alvin Joslin. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesday Evening, April 7. 300 Nights In New York, 1.000 Nights in Europe, Edgar Selden, lA High Class Entertainers; Everything New, Songs, Dances and Specialties. Sale of Seats Now Open. PRICES CuIIen, 15c; Balcony, 23 and 33c; First Floor, 75 and 50. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, . TUESDAY, APRIL 14. The Management Takes Great Pleasure In Announcing the DISTIN. ULISHEU AK1 llTK, MARGARET MATHER, Supported by Mr. Frederick Pauldig and I Carefully Selected Company, Under the Management of Mr. T. It. French, Also Manager of the Broadway and American Theaters, New York. Shakespeare's Masterpiece ROMEO and JULIET Both pren nnd imbliq are unanimous in cull ini Mis MiUIht tun Ideal "Juliet." Regular priors. Huio of snuts opnns Saturday. DAVIS' THEATER MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, April 6, 7, 8, 1806, A Great Big Attraction at Popular Prices. LEAVITT'S Vaudeville and Spectacu lar Extravaganza, SPIDER AND FLY Gorgeous New Costumes. Magnificent New Scenery. Dazzling Transformation. Bright, Catchy Music. Superb Ballets, Grand marches. PRICES:' A limited number of lest seat! will be sold for evening orfnrmsnn''S only, ly numbers, at 5ii cents, 'i'htrte vsn be reserved afternoons for the evenini'", nnd are the only scats that will b reserved during tliiB engagement. All other scuts snme an usual, afternoons and eve niugs 10c., 'Alo. aud 30c. Seek the Best Have Nothing Else. It Pays. .... Write tho Principal of the State Normal School at Bloomsburg.Pu., for information about that excel, lent and popular school. $500 in Scbolarsblp Prizes Jut Offend County Fair. Ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers