. v. ' TUB fiCBANTOir: TKEBUWB-SATUEDAY MOKNTUTO, MABCH 81, leWfj. CENSURE F(M. BAYARD Kesolittions Reported by Committee oi Foreigi Affairs Passes Hoise. GETS SIX DEMOCRATIC VOTES Cabaa Resolatloas Debated la the Senate-Mr. Caf frey Oppoeee All later faraaea la the Matter-An Appeal from Mr. Call. Washington, March 20. The battle over Ambassador Bayard's Boston ana Edinburgh speeches, which has rageo In the house for three days past, today when by a vote of 104 to 71 the resolution reported by the committee on foreign affairs censuring him for the use of certain expressions contained therein, was passed. The second reso lution expressing the sense of the house that no partisan speeches should be made by diplomatic officers was agreed to by a vote of 191 to 69. The resolution of censure received the affirmative votes of six Democrats Bailey. Cock rell. Cummlngs. Latimer, Layton and Sorg, and Ave Republicans voted against It Baker (Maryland), Cooke (Illinois). Draper. Pitney and Willis.- The resolutlona declaring the sense of the house on such speeches received the votes of eight Democrats, Allen (Mississippi), Bailey. Cummlngs. Lay ton, Hutcheson. Pendleton, CSoric and Blokes. The negative vote, was solidly Democratic. The closing speeches were made by Messrs. Adams (Hep.. Pa.). Fairchlld, (Rep.. N. Y.). Newlands (Pop., Nev.), and Bailey (Deni., Tex.) In favor of the resolutions, and by Messrs. Willis (Rep., Del.). Wheeler (Dem., Ala.). Hutcheson (Dem.. Tex.) and Turne: (Dem., Oa.) In opposition. This matter having been disposed of the house took up the contested elec tion case of Uenolt Vs. Boatner (Dem.) from the Fifth district of Louisiana, and adopted the resolution of the ma jority or the elections commit to- No. 2, declaring Boatner's seat vacant on ac count of fraud In the election. The vote was 131 to r,, three Republicans, Messrs. Fletcher. Johnson (Cal.) and Ray. voting with the Democrats In favor of the report of the minority of the committee continuing: Boatner's right to his seat. Mr. Benolt. the con testant, was given ten minutes In which to address the house in support of the committee's resolution. The case was decided without tho usual argu ment because it was necessary to dis pose of It today in order that a special election to All th.i seat might be held at the general state election April 21. At C o'clock the house took a recess until 8, the evening session to be de voted to the consideration of private pension bills, and at the close to ad journ until Monday next. CUBAN QUESTION. The debate on the Cuban question oc cupied most of the time of the senate today. It was opened by Mr. Caffery (Dem., La.) In continuation of the speech begun by him yesterday. In earn est opposition to all Interference In the matter. And It was closed by an equal ly earnest appeal by Mr. Call (Dem., Flo.) in favor of the Cuban Insurgents or patriots. There was a rather unfavorable In dication of the fate of the conference report In a vote taken on the question of an adjournment over. A motion that when the senate adjourned today it be till Monday next was made early In the day b,- Mr. Gorman (Dem., Mr.) It was resisted by Senator Sherman (Rep., Ohio) and Lodge (Rep., Mass.) on the ground that the Cuban resolutions should be pressed to a vote without unnecessary delay. The motion to ad journ over was carried, however, by a very large majority 42 to 22. INDUSTRIAL. The Tennessee Coal, Iron and Rail road company reports net earnings for February of $81,446, an Increase of $3s, .71. as compared with the sume month of last year. For the two months end ing February 29, the net earnings were $176,831, an Increase of 182,1156 as com pared with the corresponding period of last year. Fixed charges were $95,768, leaving a surplus of $80, (HSU, an increase Of $95,623. !l li I! The price at which the Lehigh Coal and Navigation company secured the Thousands Declare They Have Been Cured. Druggists Say They Sell More of Mtmyoii'ti Improved Uomoso pnthic Remedies Than All Others Combined. READ THE TESTIMONIALS. Mr. Michael Oarmon, 72316 Broad street, Johnstown, Pu., says: "Eight een years ago my rhematlsm began In my knees and hips and uflnally spread all over my body In such a severe form that I had to use a cano to walk with. The pains in the shoulders also be cume so bad that it was agony to lie down. "My wrists, shoulders and knees were continually swollen, and I had to lay off work months at a time. I em ployed doctors without number, and as to patent medicines, I have taker, bar rels of them. Liniments I used, until the flesh was raw, all to no avail. Pains would shoot through me. almost tear ing the Joints apart. Three days after beginning the use of Munyon's Rheum atism Cure I noticed decided benefit, and in less than four weeks I was com pletely cured. Have not had an ache or pain since." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure seldom falls to relieve In one to three hours, and cures In a few days. Price 25c. -Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of Indigestion and stomach trouble. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and all forma of kidney disease. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Headache Cure stops head ache In three minutes. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures all forms of piles. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicate oil Impurities of the blood. Price 25 rants. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Munyon's Asthma Cure with Herbs; 11.00. Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never fall. The Catarrh Cure prloe 25c. radicates the disease from the system, and the Catarrh Tablets price 25c cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Vltallser restores lost pow ers to weak men. Price $1. Munyon's Remedies at all druggists, mostly 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1(05 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., an swered with 'free medical advice for any disease- Y0N contract for supplying the House "of Correction with egg coal was $3.29 a ton. The circular price la 4.20. There were three bidders for this contract, the next lowest being $3.74 by C. D. Naugbton k Co., and $4.20 by Swain Bros. This low price Is creating con siderable . comment In-the trade, and there la some talk of quiet cutting. II II II ' v Notices have been posted In the West by the Pennsylvania railroad that here after mileage tickets Issued by that company will be positively-non-transferable, and will not be honored for passage unless presented within the time limit by the original -and . actual purchaser. In accordance with the printed conditions of such tickets. It is stated that this notice has been called out -by an abuse of mileage tickets by scalpers. .. II II I! A. 8. Van Wlckle who operates the Coleraine colliery had been long consid ering the necessary resources to supply the town and colliery with water, and has secured the same by purchasing 72 acres pf the Hartman tract in Quakake valley some time ago, and is certain to have a bounteous supply of the neces sary at a near date by the completion of two artesian wells, which will pierce the earth to an almost .linmensureable depth. Pumping at the Quakake water station will be commenced on April 1. PECKVIULE, Mrs. Harry Miller and family, of New Tork, are visiting her husband at the Harrison house. Ralph Hoffecker left last Thursday for a visit at Pottsvllle. The elocution classes of Miss Grace Wlnchell will give a rehearsal In the Congregational church. In Olyphant, at 7.30 Monday evening, and in the Led yard hall, Peckville, on Friday evening, March 27. Admission, 10 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver and son, of Maple Grove, Lucerne county, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman, of Bell place. Floyd Keller, jot Stroudsburg Normal school, Is home on a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Keller, of Main street. Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tel ford, last Sunday, a young son. The tenth birthday of Master Frankle Hoyt was celebrated by a Juvenile party at the residence of his parents on Thursday evening, March 19. The young guests, composed of schoolmates, began to assemble at 7 o'clock. Master Henry Bonner, In behalf of those pres ent presented Master Hoyt with a beau tiful gold pen and pearl holder. Vari ous games were set around In different rooms and enjoyed by all present. At 9.30 all were Invited Into the dining room, and refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt. The candlebra in the center of the table, containing ten candles of different lengths, and repre senting the number of years, was much admired by the little ones. Miss Given Williams, of Bloomsburg Normal school, is home on a visit. Jay Barrett, the Depot street Jeweler, ha repaired over 500 watches alnca he began business hero last April. The employes of the different col leges here will be paid today. The Consumers' Powder company paid yes terday. HAUUSTEAO. F. L. Leonard, of Montrose, was In town on Wednesday. The revlvale In the Baptist church will be continued next week. Friendly Hand lodge of Odd Fellows will elect officers next Tuesday even ing. George Lamb and wife are In Bins; hamton today attending the funeral of a relative. David McMoran Is In Binghamton. Secretary W. W. Adair, of the Rail road Young Men's Christian association of this place, was in Montrose on Fri day and organised a district section of the Railroad Young Men's Christian as sociation. Secretary George Many1, of the Scranton association, assisted. Mrs. Sadie Loder, of Scranton, is the guest at the residence of Edward Si mons, and Main street. F. C. Cornish, of Binghamton, was In town on Thursday. Hon. James T. Dubois, of Washington, will arrive In town in about two weeks. The Odd Fellows made Colonel Snover a surprise on Friday evening and pre sented him with a Jine chair as a token of esteem in which he Is held. Joseph McLeod had the misfortune to strike his knee against something a few days ago and as a result he will be laid up for several days. Applications will be received for a lamp-lighter, street commissioner and secretary of the borough council until Saturday. March 'JR. Mr. and Mrs. John Alble. of Baln brldge, who have been visiting friends in town, have returned home. The Hallstead Fire company will hold a fair June 16, 17 and 18 and have de cided to raffle off at that time a fine $75 Crescent bicycle. A bicycle suit will also be given to the winner of the wheel. If a woman should hold the lucky ticket she can have a suit of bloomers. OLYPHANT. A company of local amateurs will produce "A Convict's Daughter" at the Father Mat hew Opera house Easter Monday night. W. K. Spangenburg, of Easton, was a caller In town yesterday. Regular Episcopal services will be held In Edwards' hall tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock.' Rev. Rogers Israel, of Scranton; will officiate. Harry Forbes and Richard Malone, of Carbondale, called on friends In town Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Lawler, of Hill street, who has been seriously ill, Is slowly Im proving. Regular services will be held In the Presbyterian church tomorrow morn ing and evening. Rev. Alex. Roulston will occupy the pulpit. Miss Ornce Winchell, assisted by the pupils of her elocution class, will give an entertainment In the Congregation al church Monday evening. An excel lent programme has been prepared. Admission 10 cents. .. ..Miss id aggie. Kennedy, of Providence. Is the guest of Miss Mary Carbine, of l.acltawanna street. Howell Davis sang at the Grand Op era house' at Carbondale last evening. mips u. uarvy. of Dunmore. Is visit Ing her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dolphin, for a lew anys. Special services will be held In the Calvlnlstlc MethodlBt church Easter Sunday. I NICHOLSON. P. B. Baldwin, of Wilkes-Barre, is visum irienas ana row lives. Mr. Charles Rockwell, of Scranton, was a caller In town yesterday. The performance given by Dr. Leon's meuicai troupe at the opera house calls a full house each evening. Mrs. Waterbury, who has been Veryi in, is muwiy improving. Charles Graham and wife, Mr. Billing ana buss vame uinnam, or Tunkhan nock, attended the "Pinafore" last Tuesday evening. A party or young people enjoyed a slelghrlde to Tunkhannock last . Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Henry Harding, of Factoryvllle, was the guest of Mrs. M. K. Walker last Thursday. FACTOR WILL. E. Harrison Bedell, of West Nicholson, is visiting friends In town. M. F, Charles, of Scrfftiton, visited W. H. Reynolds ana family Thursday. V. R. Oardner presented his wife with a new upright piano this week. Everyone, should remember Colonel Ripple s lecture Monday evening.March 23, and attend. This is promised to be a rare treat. The entertainment and cherry tree social given by the Ladles circle Tues day evening waa a success, both social ly and financially. WHICH 1 1 CR1 HUH Is the name familiar? 'Tis to thousands and thou sands of people in Philadel phia, and it won't be long be fore it's a household word here. We deal it millinery. We've handled it for years, and have a way of our own of outdoing competition. We ve come here to show you for how little money we can sell good goods. We'll tell you more anon. 421 Lackawanna Avenue. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Walt Stroct Review. New York, March 20. The transac tions In stocks today aggregated only 149.831 shares, of which S,300 were To bacco, 11,700 St. "Paul, 11,600 Louisville and Nashville, and 8.100 Tennessee Coul and Iron. The trading, as of late, was confined exclusively to the professional operators. The opening was weak on London selling, the -attitude taken by France In the Egyptian matter having disturbed confidence abroad to some extent. Local operators were sellers of the Grangers. Louisville and Nashville and certain of the specialties, but the offerings for this account were on a very small scale. A number of unfa vorable reports were circulated as to the financial standing of leading com mercial Arms here and In Boston. It was even stated that a national bank was In trouble, but close Investigation failed to develop anything of a defi nite character. Still the bears were enabled to -make some impression on prices and at one time the decline was equal to a2 per cent. Louisville and Nashville, Tennessee Coal, the Grang ers and the Northern Pacific scoring the greatest losses. Tobacco displayed considerable strength and on the re vival of the reports of an early settle ment of the war withe the outside manufacturers, the stock rose from 81'j to 83-i. In the late trading the market showed a tendency to improve, owing to covering of short contracts. Sugar, Louisville and Nashville and the Grangers were quite prominent at this time. Pacific Mall In the final transac tions suddenly jumped from 35H to 27V4 and closed at 27 bid and 28 asked. Speculation closed firm in tone. -Net changes show losses of Waty per cent. Tobacco gained 1H per cent and Pacific Mall 2 per cent, on the day. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN 'o., correspondents for A. 1 CAMPBELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n lnr. High- Low Clos. Ini. 1514 11644 1G4 1 a WJ 7',i 3Tia 71 "i lt4 17'ii IW iw 23 44 2314 lo.i'.a !7i 45 'i 2i 1'4 14V4 274 1W4 9W 2'i 8 t:'4 Mi, 83' ' !. est. e.it. Am. Tobacco Co 81 '4 Am. Cotton Oil 16 Am. Sugar Rc'g Co.. 115$ Atcli., To. & 8. Fe... li'i Ches. & Ohio Ifrfi Chicago Uas M'j Chic. & N. W W2 Chic, B. & Q 7C, C. C. . & St. 1 Kilj Chic, Mil. & St. I... 16 Chic, R. I. & Pac. 70 D. . L. & W lW'i Ilst. & C. F 17'i Gen. Klecti-ic 3H Louis. & Nash fivTt 83'i 154 11 Mi K'i 15i 115 lt W ' r'i, 7'i 7u'i liiO'.j mj 51 2!' KM "4 23',i 4t.j, 23'4 10.V4 S " W, ' 27la 81 '4 1.V4 114', Mi 1M4 l4 low 7., :, 7ii'.i i '' 17'4 35S Mt 2H Willi si. iv. fc u exas, ir.. Manhattu Hie HW'e 23 ...I. 23'a UK .Mo. Pac Nat. Coriluge Nut. Lead N. J. Central X. Y. Central N. Y. & N. K X. V., S. & W N. Y.. 8. & W., Pr.. Nor. Pac Ontario & West Pac. Mall Phil. & Read Southern It. R Southern R. R. Pr. Tenn. C. A Iron Colon Pacific Wabash Wabash, Pr Western Union W. L V. 8. Leather IT. 8. Leather, Pr.. 4'4 2li' ln.l dtt'ii 9'i 4.". 914 S'4 l'i H'i '1 10'i ' 28'. 8 ti'J s M 9' fM, 4 Ha 14' 2:.'i W'i 'i 284 8 -1i 8H'm ' mi K 83 '4 til CHICAOO BOARD OP TRADE PRICKS. Op'n- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Insr. May 61', 62'i filH f.2'4 July 2a fcli 62',, IK-i OATS. May 20'i 2n'4 ifl'J 50 July 20), 20!i 20 0'i CORN. . May 29i 29 29'i July 3054 3u4 30?, SOU LARD. May 5.2.1 5.30 5.25 S.50 July 5,10 j. Ij f.37 ,,.i3 PORK. May ,. 9.15 9.15 92 MS July 9.37 9.37 9.32 9.25 Scranton Board of Trade F.xchungoQuo-totton-AII Ouotatiou, HneJ on Pur of 1 00. Name. Dime Dep. & Dis. Rank..., BM Akoi . 135 Scranton Lace Curtain Co....'. National Baring & Drilling Co. First NatioiVl Hunk Scranton Jar & Stopper Co Bprii.t liiook Water Co Klmhnrrt Koulevur.t Co Scranton Axle Works Scrnloti Savings 'Junk St-rantnn Traction ''o Bonta Plato Glaus Co Scranton Car Keplarnr Co Set anion Packing Co Weston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron Sieel Qo.. Scranton Bedding Co HON DS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortKage due 1918 R.-ranton Traction Co Pople' Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton Plltiton Trae. Co.. People's Street Railway, Sec ond moiogage due 1920 Dlckton Manufacturing Co.... 60 80 653 :a 100 80 'ii 10 100 95 250 150 W3 200 20V lit 110 110 City uf Scranton 8trt Imp n Lacka. Townsnip acnooi "v Si-rnntnn Axle Works. Boroutrh of Wlnton iiush Brook Coal Co Now York Prodnso Mnrki. New York, March 20. I-'ionr r 11 ehanged. quiet, steiidy. Wheat Spot mar ket moderately active, wuk: No. 2 red store itnd elevator, 78c; alloat. 79',4c: f. o. b.. TSasnc. j ungraded red, 04aS1c. ; No. 1 northern, 72c: options closed llrm at -V-. below yesterday; No. 2 red March tin J April, WV.; May, 9c; June and Julv, tiS-c; August, Wtc; September. W4c Corn Spots dull, llrm: No. 2 at 37c. eleva tor: 38c. afloat; options were dull and steady at '4ia44e. decline; March, 37V.; April and May, 35c; July, 3H'c; Septem ber, IITKiC Oats Spots dull, steady; op Cold Stoeka mni Propertlce. Sure and Salt lavntatc aU, lor l.argt and Small Invcsten. Write u li.r lull ininruia tlmi. ttitti-. Imp. fnrntuh-d fr. Private Direct Wires to Cripple Creek, Colora do Serine,, Denver and New York. TV - INVEKTMHNT CO.. Chlcaeo. NbcLANI). manager.. tlons, eailer. dull;, March. 24Tic; May. 24V.; spot price. No. S at 25o.; No. t white. 21,0.; No. 2 Cteiago, 2Jc; No. S t 23ic.: No. 8 white, 2j-.o.; mixed went- ern, Jua.-W, while 1I0.11.I113.'.; wnite amie, Provlmlont Uulet. steady, un- changd. Lard Dull, about steady; west ern steam, 15.454; city, 15; May, 15.55; re fined dull; continent, 85.80; South Ameri ca, w.iu; compound, 4a47tc. rorx yumi. steady: mess. 19.1laJ0.2o. Butter Fairly active, unchanged. Cheese Fair de mand, choice steady; full skims, us.i others unchanged. Kaes Firm, fair de mand: state and Pennsylvania. HW12c. ; southern, lO'-.-allc.; western fresh; 11a li'tc. ; duck, 24a29c.; goose, oa6oc. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo. O., March 20. Wheat-Receipts. 2.600 bushels; shipments. 6.UO0 bushels: easy; No, .2 red cash, 69c; May, 6934c: July. 65N.C. Corn Kerelnts. 13.612 bushels: shipments, 4,400 bushels; dull; No. I mlx?tl July, siic. outs uecetpia, aw ousneis; shipment, none: dull; No. 2 mixed May. .ia4e. Cloverseed Receipts. 83.38; ship ments, $5.82: steady; prime cash, 14.45; March. 84.42'-a4.4i; April, 84.30; prime al slkc, 81.30. rtnffftlo l.ivo Stock. Buffalo. N. Y.. March 20. Cattle-Stealy fair to good, $2.5ua3.2o; mixed cows. 81.85a 2.00: veals, cemmon to fair, $4.25a.j; good to extra, $5.25a5.i5. Hogs Active; York- ' , 11-.J a.., , . 1 1 . , , .IT. mediums, $1.20; heavy grades, $4; roughs, 83.25a3.50: . stags, $2.75a3. Sheep and lambs Steady to firm; mixed sheep, goad to choice. 83.C5A4; common to fair, $3. 25a 3.60; prime lambs good to cholur, 84.j0a4.7O; fair to good, 84.25a4.50;'export lumbs, $4.65a 4.70. ... . ; . . - Chicago L!ve Stock. Cnlon Stock . Yards. . III., March 20. Cattle Receipts, 3.500 head: market steady; common to extra steers, $1.ri0n4.W: mockers and feeders, $2.85u3.90: cows and bulls, 81.503.50; calves, 33aS.75; Texans. I'.'a 4.1a Hogs Receipts, 25.MW head; market weak and &c lower: heavy packing and shipping lots, 83.80s3.80; common to choice mixed, 8S.80aS.90: choice assorted, 83.85a 4.05; llkht. .80h4: pigs, 88a3.90. Sheep Receipts, 6.0U0 head; market steady; in ferior to choloet.i.7ria3.l0: lambs, t3.73a4.70. . Philadelphia Tallow Market.. . ) Philadelphia, March 20. Tallow Is quiet and unchanged. Wo quote: City, prims. In hcRshcads, 3o.; country, prir, in bar rels, SaHc.; country, dark, fn barrels, S'ialtjc; cakes, 4c; grease, Sii. TAYLOR, Rev. Ivor Thomas' will preach tomor row at Plymouth. Rev. W. II. Howella will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church to morrow evening. The reception held last evening at the Library proved to be a success In many respeots. Superintendent . Foley visited the schools yesterday. This evening a grand entertainment will bo held-by the Junior Order of United American Mechanics In the Cal vary Baptist church. The singers of this place are about to organize a choir to compete In the Parson's eisteddfod on Decoration Day. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and In most casea removes ine tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 60 cents. Dr. Bwayne A Son, Philadelphia. , T A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. iWHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADRONO CHARGE WILL BR LESS ?HAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP LIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE; INSERTED FREE. Help wanted-Male. DON'T BE HA RD UP. I TOOK MB.COLE'S advice, took aynncy for new aluminum KOkIh. ltn letter, door plates, numbers and oth-r spt'olaltio,; they are elegant, cutcliv sellers: enntomers '(lighted; pleanant busi ness; I mike 15 to $10 per day: work six hours; no capital. Write WORLD MANUFACTUR ING CO., W2, Columbus, a YVANTKD- MEN AND WOMEN TO V work at koine; I pay S-'l to Sill per week for niakiint t'ruvon Portraits; now patented method; anyone who can rond and write can do the work at home, in spare time, day or evening; semi for particulars and Iwgin work st ones. Address H. A. Uripp, (ieruian Artist, Tyrone. Pa. WANTED 8 ALESMEN TO SELL ST A pie goods at home or travel; liberal salary or good communion: we send samples mi application; give exclusive territory. Ad dress P. O. Box 1103, New York city. WANTED AN AOrNT IN EVERY 8EO tlon to canvass: 14.00 to S 00 a day made; ells at eiirht : also s man to sell htaple Goods to dealers; best side line 175.00 a month; sal ary or luree commission made; experience nnnecessii' y. Clifton Soap aud Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O, WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evrry town to solicit stock snbacrip tlons; a monopoly; big money for agents; no capital required. EDWAUD C. FISH a) CO, Eorden Blocs. C'bioaia I1L Helo Wanted Femalea. WANTED A OOODWKATfllfnO tel Wayne, Honosdale, Pa. VtTANTED SEVERAL APPRENTICES TO T learn tbe dressmaking trade. Apply at 1218 Washburn street. COOD, STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN FOR I general housework. Apply, with refer ence, to MHH. NOLL. 1342 N. ain avenue. IADIES-I MAKE BIG WAGESD01NO J pU'iissnt li me work, mid will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp. MISH M. A. BTEBB1S8, Lawrence, Mich. X r A N TED T .AD Y AGENT IN SCRAN 1 ton to sell and lutroduco Surder's cake icing: experienced can vaster preferred: work (.erinnnunt and very profitable. Write tor partieulnrs at once an-1 get benefit of holiday !r,"!p,'LH,JX,)!i:"L CO . Cincinnati, o w ' ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER- eet:o saleswomen to renrea.nt ue. Guaranteed SO a dnv without interferluir with othc uutiea. Hralthfid occupation, write for particulars, inclminir stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Real t state. 1-rL $!t.l0 WILL BUY FARM, 2 ACRES, 5:f;3f nwr lliiilstesd or Mo.itrote; Write hon3 itnd barn la if nod order, sorintr water, fruit: turnis easy. M. H. HOLGATiC f'.'.irOO WILL BUY THE COT PAG 4 AT l.axo Ar el. Known is 1 1 uradly cot. tutte; lure lot, g o.l wnll water: terms e isy. M. II. HPLOATE, " jM(iw"ll.L bl'Y TflB WHEATON jiiilT. reiid-ncs at Fa!toryville, I t,; modnrn '" bomo lu eTiiry reqioct: lawn slopes from Iii-usm 1 1 every direction: spririg water in house, lnrg s ladj troes. lmirlv one acre of ground: terms easy. M. rl. HOI.GATE .V-l .V.ooii "will-buynCw DOUBLE 5 n '"' e- r00"" e':h. Ror-k street, near A. J-Miu aveuae, Hyu pnrK. M. H. HWLGATE. J21U0O WILL BUY 84 ORY BHICK. ni'iiiuv .ivoit urn nt-.. tTlUB easy. M. H. lIoLGATE. A $11,000 WILL BUY LARGE, KINGLE T::;jJ house, wed fl:iishod, full lot, GOO b-ck. Ouincr avenue. ror parTii-niara c:tll M. H. UOLGATE. at oMce. .?.-).l(i0 WILL BUY TWO DOUBLE I houses, twofnll lots. Irvinr avenue; a u burgaiu. SI. H. Hi.'LOATE, Commonwealth Building. Noraea at Auction. Htnlile, Slonday. Miin h 23, at 1 p. ui. ; siiiud; young wcrk liortea, from I -HI to l.tuo IM.tnK W. B. MOOKfc. Clairvoyant. M ADAkE AUB1IEY. UltKATES'V LIVING 1VJ clairvoyant in the world: tails past, rrestnt and future. Hi Mulberry street. 01 Conhbllv IN THE CIllilH a We are showing tbe new Spring Gapes, Coats, Ready-Hade -Suits and Separate Skirts. Tbe line is by far tbe Finest and Largest ever shown in Scranton. CONNOLLY For Sal. lOR BALE CHEAP FOR CA8H-(OWING X to removal) several oak bedroom seta, perfect condition ; also dining room chairs, tc. ,46 Adams avenue. A THREE - DWELLING TENEMENT bouse, renting- for 11 Pr month, Nos. 1811, 1314 11115 Hampton street: also a single dwelling, 1317 Hampton street, for sale cheap; must be sold Inquire of J08EPII OLIVER. 1I& Eynon street. FOR 8ALE-TWO HORSES, 3 BUTCHER wagons, x bag-aloe, 1 sleigh, harnesses and all of butcher's out tit; also ue.it market for rent; going ontof business; must I sold by April Is. Inquire of L E. BCHULLER. Biakoly street, Dunmore. laiOO PRINTING OUTFIT FOR o0 CASH. Writs for Dartlrnlan. W. N. MAKCUE8W TER, Faotoryvilie. Pa. FOR SALE A SIGHTLY PLOT OP TEN sores In Scranton, one mile from tho oonrt bouse; well adap ed for building lots. Must be old In order to settle estate. WAL TKR BR1GQ8, Commonwealth Building. 17QR BALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR X ner of Meade and Burke street. All mod cm improvements on promises. MRS. A.sNIE BTEWART, Dunmore, Pa. For Rant FOR RENT-MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Peckville. D. A H. denoL AddIt JAMES KEARNEY. Peckville. FOR RENT A NICELY FURNISHED lodee room with Diano and rleetrin llehta and all modern conveniences, within 2 blocks of Laurel Hill and Petersburg street oar line, Ko particulars call nr address E. A. WEN ZEL, Ml Prescott aveuua. Ij'OR RENT FROM APRIL 1ST. LARGE I brick house; all modern appliances, iH Mulberry street 1 Inquire 3il N, Washington avenue. IT-OH RENT-FOUR HOUSES ON EIGHTH ' street. Nos. 416. 418. fiS and iSt: conveni ent and central. Apply to James B. Watson, at first National Bans, or A. D. Dean, xs. nasoinitvon avenue. LOR RENT WAREHOUSE ON D.. L L1 W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS noR RENT-ROOMS NOW OCCUPIED BY V the Traders' National Bank: Dosaession given about May J. by F. L. PHILLIPrf, Cashier Traders' National Bank. J7OR RENT-TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL ' modern conveniences. Inaulra at 1223 Washburn st. ?OR RENT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUBC L1 715 Ouincv avenue. Rent reasonable. Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. I7OR RENT-ONKSIX-ROOMHOUSE, LEE L court. Inquire 0l Adams ave. F OR RENT NICEu i FURNISHED HALL suitable for ludire rooms. JOHN JER- MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. Agent Wantad. VrANTED SALESMAN: 8ALABY FROM . . ami,, iiMiHru pirno. unvnn BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Rocneeter, N. Y. AOENTS WANTED-TO SELL CIGARS; S75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent stamp. FIGARO CI- OAK CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO HELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers; price from fit upward; salary and ex penses paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFO CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TOSELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; 125 weeklv and exnensee: axDerienca un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO 48 Van Buren St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; li tier cent, commlaslon: uidtiIi book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., Station L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lizhtnina aelllna- table clotb.mos- qnito and house fly liquid at 10 cents and 26 cents a bo'tlc. Sample free. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Md. AOENTS-UINDE'S PATENT UNIVER. sal Hair Curlers and Wavers ruaod with out beat), and "Pyr Pointed' Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 460. New York. Situations Wantad. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY 0110 who thorough!? undei stands the meat bnsluess. Addresi D. MORGAN, 308 W. uamet street. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG lady as steiioi;rniher and tvnewrlter: 8 7 'oars' experience; reterence. Address L. M uOU Summit avenue. OITUATIO.s WANTED BY A YOUNG O ladv as stenographer or tvnewrlter: sood referenc?s. Address Box 81. Old Forge, Pa. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, Posi tion as cleric in bonk and stationery store; experienced. Address M., Tribune ofttco. QITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O man in offlre or store. 17 venre of ace: ex perienoe l and can aire sood rafarences. Ad. drms RANDOLPH. Scranton postolBce. SITUATION WANTED-TO GO OUT BY O the dav washinir: washlnea taken borne. also. Call or addre.a L. B., 304 Suuinerave nno. city. SITUATIdN WANTtD Art BUTCHER BY 0110 Who thoroughly understands tha mo.it business: well 1 Mil to peddle or tend to murket; with good habit" and retorenoes. Ad drttsa I).. TiibiiiiHoQice. Scranton, Pa. SlTUXflON WANTED A8 BUTCH B.-t; 20 years' experience: if.-ol cutter and aulck at scuIim Address HILTON, care Mrs. Har vey. Robert avenue. Providence. (SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EX'PEKU O enced accountant and book kouner to open and post up boots, make balsm-o sheets, aajusi couiplicated accounts, also keep traitors' books morning or evening. Terms very moderate. Address Eookkeeiier, Tribune office. SITUATION WANT EDBY A N KXPEKI enced accountant and bookkeenur: an. counts undited or examined; bunks opeuad. closed and written up; small sets kept up mornings and eveninvs: terms reasonable. Address J. II. J . rata of Trlbuno oflloe. Charter Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN aiiulicailon will bs mule to tb Court nt Common 1 lei-t of Lackawanna county on Mondav. Auril 16th. at H o clock a. 111 . under tho Act of As-emblr entitle I "An Act to pro vide lor the inenroorution and regulation ( pertam corporations," approved April Kith, 1874, and tbe supplements thereto, for a char ter of an intended corporation to be. callod "ine M. Aloystns Young Men s Total Absti nence Socfetv of South Scrjntoil." thn chame. ter and obj ict if which is the encouragement of young men to abstain frointb use of In toxicating liquors, and other purposes, and for thin purpose to have, possess and enjoy all t'tc rights, biuiflt and privileges conferred by Hie Act f Apsttnt.ly rfor-pnld, snd Its supplements. Said charter Is died to No. 7(11, aiaron term, innu, in sam conn. CHA8. H. WELLES, Solicitor. lRElsTaATiFODO JP modern improvement; rent reasonable; corner of Pine and Biakely streets, Dunmore. & WALLACE. mmm TRYJJS. 132434 UCti kit, COIL INXX Stockholders Mooting, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of Tbe Providence Gat sal Water Company will be held at their ofllee In tbe Delaware and Hudson building. Lacka wanna avenue, Scrantoa, Pa., Monday, Hay 4, IKOS, at 10 a. m to eleet officers to serve during the ensuiug year, to consider and au thorise an Increase of tha capital stock of the oompauy, aad transaet any other business that may be presented. By order of the toanaters. H. P. ATHER TON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Feb. 28, USfl, Seaclal Notieoa. piiTSoLDiraiNouTcivn 1 You want thia relio. Contalaa allot Frank Leslie's famous old War Plctures,ebow ing tbe tpreee in actual battle, sketobed on the spot. Two volumes, 8.0U0 pictures. Mold on eaay monthly payments. Delivered br ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, m Adams Ave.. Scranton. Pa. BLANC BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA ainea, etc., bound or rebound at TdS Trihunb oaioe. Quick work. Reasonable MadlcaL HDtMi atdwahv'a EntUsh Pfwiyroyal it. -Mi; iu I. iiibMi Wuii km sit a M at. -Val. alu ts. s ettr. fcil .. tisisps, lit (StUiJM A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure tcv out of every 1,000; two doaea will take the worst case of roflanv matorv out of bed. $2.00 per pint bottle. Manufactured and sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 943 Nortnasseton Street. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. and for sale at 116 New York St., tinea Ridge. SCRANTON. PA. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect Msy 19, 1895. Trains Leava Wilkoi-Barraas Follows 7.25 a. m., weak days, for Sunbury Harrisburg. Philadalphia, Balti more, WaaninRton, and for Pitta burg and tho Weat. 10.15 a. m.,waek daya, for Haxlaton. Pottsvilla, Raading, Norrlatown and Philadalphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadalphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitta burg and tha Watt. 3.17 p. m., waek days, for Sunbury, Harriaburg, Philadalphia, Balti more), Washington and Pittsburg and tha West. 4.40 p. m., Sundaya only, for Sun bury, Harriaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burst and tha Weat. 6.00 p. m., weak days, for Haxlaton and PottsviHe. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pas. Agent. 8. M. PREVOST, Ueoeral Manager. Central Railroad oi New. Jersey, (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLB IN EPKECT MCH. IS, 1S. Trains leave 8eranton for PIttston, Wilkes-Barre, etc at 8.20, 9.15, 11.S0 a. m.. 12.45, 2.00, 3.05, 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 8,00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, t.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 8.05 (express) p. m. Bun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.48 p. m, arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 5.22 p. tn. and New York (.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 12.45, 3.05, fi.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Bundav. 3.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.e0 a. m., 12.45 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45. 5.00 p. m Sunday, 2.15 p. tn. For PottsvIlK 8.20 n., 12.45 p. tn. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) u. m 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.80 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, t.OO a. m., 2.00 and 4.80 p. m. Sunday 8.27 "'Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. II. P. BALDWIN, Oen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AND .uUiMN RAIL ROAD. Comma.'iclng Monday, July 20. &) trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue station as follows: Trains will leave Scran. nn atattnn for Cnrbondale and Interma . ni.. 12.00, 2 20, 3.55. t.U, -l. 7-2 8.10 and WorPFIarvlew. Waymart and Honesdale at 7 00. 8.25 nd 10.18 L ni.. 12.00. S.20 and 6.18 "'For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal nt 6.45 a. m. and 2 20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barro and Intermediate points at 7.45. 8.45, .:S and 10.48 a. nr. It 05, iTl 81, 4.00. 8.10. 6.05. 8.18 and H.88 p. m. Trains will nrrlvt. at Scranton station from Carbondule and Intermediate points at 7.40. 8.40, 9.31 and 30.40 a. m., 12.00, 1.17. 184. 8.40. 4.54. 6..W. 7.45, 9.11 and 11.38 p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far. view at 9.34 a. m.. 12.00. 1.17. 8.40. 6.58 and 7.48 p. m. From Montreal. Saratoga. Albany. etc at 4.84 and 11.33 p. n. .. . Prom Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate tolnta at 115, 8.04, 10.05 and 11.68 a. m 1.18 14. 139. 8.10. 8.08. 7.20. 8 and 11.18 p. m. Wsilae mEim:E aflf. r0 WaTM KaajAr HUH .. U)riill WMW Ir.t&M. ta the agtats. Tmks ' Of nn.ThiM I ms 4hati u vuiuuu ma uku regular prices. - We tiic nailed them on tbe sane ba sis. 2oho UPHOLSTER FQRMITUS Clean Caroets. ssmssl . euav vivi JUeuwuea , Make and Repair Spiiift Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine ttattrcn Nov. 17. Train leaves Scranton tor Philadalphia and Mew York via D. H. & IT at Tlil Is 4k r. a. 1, 8.00. 8.0$, 1L8 aVmVanl Lts - P..m. Leave Scranton for PIttston and WUkes a. m., 140, 6.07, 151 n. m. ..Ifva Jcraijoji for White Have. Ha. ileton, Pottsvllle and all points on tha B.vrMJo.0wa Pottsvllle braookes, via B. W V. it r in a. m.. via 2TS H. R. ft .at 7.4 a. m. 'ill. l.tO. ljl,(T p. m., 1.80, 1.40 p. ra. r,, "fnton for BethleXam, Sastaa, ....uiu, nimioun ino au latsw ate f sV'i."? M. . . 7. a. 1908. l.ZO. 138. 4.00. 11. n m vis f RR.. .oo. 8.0a, U. a. m.. 1.30 d. m . ""I B. V ueaVe Scranton fne TilnfahannAli. SJa. wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D 4k HB. B.. M k. K., 108, 8.66 a m 1.89 p. m. v,rv "Wanton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chleago and a9 Kint!,7,?t vl D IL It. R., 188 a, ., ; U-88 p. m.. via D., L, h W. R, r! f"d PltUton Junction. 108, 9.68 a. m-ittst P- via S. W. V. . R., Ssfp.' tn. For Elmlra an! the west via MamaBiea, v! 5: H. R. R 1.44 fc rrt. JiOl7l08rmT via D.. L A W. R. R., 108, 9.58 a 1.30, ana w p. m ruinuw Pass. Agt., South BethlehanTPa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 34, 1888. Trains leave Scranton as tollowst Ex frees for New York and all polste Saab 40, 160, lis, 10O and leS a. m. UiTaal 1.84 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton. PhllAdeb phla and the South, 111, 100 and 9.88 a. aa 12.55 and 184 p. m. Washington and way ststtons, 3 5J p. ra. Tobyhanna accommodation, 8.10 p, m. Express for Binghamton, Oswego, El. mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 13.10, 2.35 a. m an 4 1.21 p. m., : making close oonneotions eg Buffalo to all points In tha West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation. Is. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.17 BW aa Nlonolson aeoommodatlon, 6 p. m, Binghamton and Elmlra Xxpresa, let ''Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca and Rlchfleld Springs, 188 a, aa. aai LUh'aeania and Bath t a. m. and 1JJP" For Northumberland. PIttston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dap vllle, making close connection; at North umberland for Wlllismsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumoerland and Intermediate ata tlons, 8.00, 8.65 a. m. and 1.88 and 9.07 p. ro. Nanilcoke and IntermedlaU stations, 108 and I 11.80 a. m. Plymouth arte) Inter mediate stations. 140 and 8.63 p. m. Pullman parlor and aleeping coaches oti ForPdVtaUea "information, poclwt Urne , tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, eltr ticket office, 328 Lackawanna aveavia, a depot ticket office. I Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 18, 1890. m 1 , annnnn Vtf Yorbt and Intermediate points on the trie rail- . . 1.1. U.wrl W ainfl roao, also lor nuiiHuai., -' --"j local points at 135 a. m. and 3.28 " arrive at Scranton from above points at 8.2S a. m. and 3.57 p. ra. SCHA!TON D3TISI01. 1st Effect Weptenaaer OTsUl, 1MU ortfe Beano. onUl BaaaijJ Stattoas fiSflkltariy.tJ k ceatauaday.) I r s; Arrive Mavat 14 7 w it. y. Fransiia at. 7 10. West 4nd strsstl Tool Weehawkea 1 Tea .a MS) Hi IT. lr alArrlve Leave! 1 in nanoook Juaouani iw( Haacock Starlight Preston rark Como FovnteUe Belmont Pleasant Ml Calondale PorsetClty Carbondale White Bridge Mayntld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Peekviue Olrphaut Plcksoa Throop Providence rark Place aaronten 198. .... SB 18,01 I It 19 4ffl 84i 19 It lt llltM 11 4W u v 1184 704 f8 48j(llsO 1.7tS 1 18 is a 7W 848 T9T; 3M T88 404 784 4 Of 788 488 789 414 41 fa 17 IV 9411 11381 8 8411 19 S W1I15 8 9KU II 8 8411 07 8 8l!ll 0 8161101 Hill i1 6 1IC17 siafiosM T48 41H...J- t U ' Lave Arrive u nt ni ' AD trains rua dally except Sunday. 1 FstgDuiua that trains stop oa ilcaai far pat "secure rates via Ontario A Western bsfoaa eirchsslng tickets and save money. Day aa) Ihgtkipiesstothe wear. i. C. ABdersoa, 8Mb. Pass. Aft T. rittcroft, l)lv. Faas, Assnvaatea, fa.. 188L i-uiman parlor and sleeping ML T, Hal tsua.veet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers