8 TTTE SCTt AXTOX ' THIBUXTJ FRt DAY MOTtXING, MARCn l.V 1&9G. CARBONDALE. rr.Mdprn will plcn!"e not that advertise Wtitn. order for Job work, and Item for publication left at the wtabllKhmrnt of Shannon A Co.. tirwfilealoro. Nurth Main treet. will receive prompt attention; or bce open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.J TKACHl-KS' INSTITUTE. programme of tlio Institute at Simpson on Snturjny. The toucher of the Flrnt district, KimiirisltiK the townohip uf. FVll,!recn lleUI mid Curlximlale. will hold their seiuinl Joint Inntllute at the Simpson school next Siiturclny, March 14. ut p. m. The following Is the proRninime: ipeiiiiisr chorus. Institute; remarks, Min I 'In A. Whyte; "School IUxoipline." Allss Amies Kiirre.il; deliate. "Itesolwcl. That women would lie nil Improvement on the lioard of education." ullii iiialive. Miss Julia ilerrity and .Miss MiiBSle .Mi Donald; negative. Joseph I treinmii and I'airlels Holand: jinlKe's decision; lecltulion. Miss CenevieVe .Met See; pu per. topic selected. Miss Alice Koster: "rVli.mi Mamutcmcut." .Miss tlaluielle a 'olt.-iis.-tri: leciiatlon. .Miss Kvani;eline M.CIosky: nuper. .Miss. Anna Whyte; sons. Miss Cola lleeney. It Is expected that County Superin tendent J. '. Taylor and Superintendent J. I0. Williaips. of tile lniiiiiuire Hchools, ill be present. Illrthjiiv Cclchrnlioil. Alexander Messenger was tendered an aurecablo surprise party by a law circle of his friends at his home on Wnyno street, lie was presented with handsome itiftH In commemoration ot lii foi ty-lll'th birthday, which testifies to the high esteem In which he is held by his iicquaintanees. An enjoyable time was spent Those present were: Ab-s-rs. and .Mesdames Small. S. Sly. J. Jenkins. K. I b-lliiit. Koster. Kvans. It. Hampton. W XI. Lindsay. J. Lindsay. II. Lindsay. I'. UlveiibuiK. Misses Paul ine Suaeth. Anna .Mollis. Kiiiina Tim inous. Mary Maxwell. LlllieCase. Min nie Ibaiier. Nellie Thomas. Lett 1'eleis. Millie rimer. Vina Lindsay. I'lara lluiiis. 1. II. Avery, Marl Lee. I'M wu I'd YairiiiKton. Harry Wolcott. leoi'K Spanly. IMeluiid Tlnunas, .lolin l'urlett Or. .1. .1. Thompson, Kred Thompson. John liivenlmrK, Louis Hrauer. Henry I'i'li i's. W. M. Hurst. Victor Mote. Jull t's Spi.eih iiml Miss lil, i KeKi'tman ami Victor Noth. uf Hyde I'aik. , Snrpri-to Party A number of the I'l lends nf Miss (illie ltobliins. of Cemetery street, temii red her a inasini"iade surprise parly. Music and panics were indulged in. nod I el resliments served. Those pl es enl were: Misses Mabel fair. Lottie Millard. Mamie I'.ryson. Sadie Lewis. Uallie Iti-rry. dllie I Carrie Mnc- bei.sh. I'.thel Holiliitis: Messrs. Leoll Scott. Kay iiml Mamie ClilTonl. liordie lilinmock. Charles Ijoeeis. Isaac Hol Irllhocli. Albert llllkett lllld I'.ovd Ki.W-l.-r. I i act lire J Ills Hip. fiscal- ll.'illey. who resides on K'uvhtli avenue, mi Wednesday mi l with an un loiiuniite aci iib nl. lie was iIiIIiik on a v.'it;oii. and while luinluu on Lincoln avenue, tin- waiton slid and I'sinr fell to I he n ! ill iii I. I in exaniliialion of his injuries It was l'i ill ll 1 lliat Ins iiip had been fractured. I'! USONAL AND I'll IK III. MS. H. M. Iloiinils and family wNh to inililiily thank the many kind fiiemls who assisted I In-ill dlirlMK his wile's late illness, and since her death. Ks ii i la 1 1 would Kiev thank I lie mem bers of tile Shield of II, .liei- r,ir their Miany kind acts iluiliii; the bereave- lliellt. The motorman of s'reel car Xo. IT. of tlie liapld Transit inuipan.x. lost con trol of his ear while ili sceiiilinu towards the Kile urade Tuesday las, and Hie car not on the Ki ie tracks, causlim delay In irallii on Imth mads. Mrs. John Coi ill li b, of Lincoln ave nue, is on Hie sick list. J. J. O'Neill, the city's ma voi -elect, and It. 1. Smart, the city solicitor, are al Loiiilinir nin-tiilim; the conven tion of third-class cities. The Columbia lllijli' lealll. eleareil $11" niter expenses oald. as n result of the last three months. Krtink 1'ennls and his dnimliter. ier frude, were In the capital cli yeslel day. Mr. am) Mrs-. II. I!. Walker, of lire; k lyn, X. V., are Hie miosis of Mis. Wil liam Walker, of Smith Tenure si reel. .MISS Louise Sloctllll. of Smith Church 1 1 i'i t . is ii ;;iti ii e'invalesceiit. i'!:e I'l ivi'v iva ii n n n f; full time y. slerday. The "lireell ' ioods Man."nt tlleilpel-a In. ice Weilni-sda;' night, was i;reet-i b. a smafl niidieiice. C. It. Mandeivllle has been le-ap-pfilnli-il a diiectoi of the hleksmi Mnti iilip'liu i'u; cmp.iny. Scraiitou. Itev. Kallier Keeley, of Seiantoli Ca thedral, preached Hie sei mon a' Si. Ki.se's church last Wednesday ninhl. The Central I'eni'sylninla Teleplnme company have closed a contract with I'.. A. Kelly for the seciunl Hour of his Scrofula in the Eyes fta well us in every other- form, is ptrinu henlly cured by I loud 'a Kartupariiln. tifv " 1 '-a1 scroiiilr. in my eyes ana tried several phy Bit'iaiiN but found liocure. My wife persunded me to try Hood's Par parilla. I had choking upturn lion, wustroulik-d kS!s; with night sweats, vff-t: ""d had dyspep- $ims sia in' very severe M' form. After Inlr lug Hood's Sarna- parilla two weeks the choking npells and dyspepsia trutihled me less. I huve now taken several bottles of Hood's k'anapa rllla and Hud that I am entirely cured." William L. Payne, Btrryville, Virginia. Hood's Sarsaparilla la the only True Blood purifier Promi nently in the public eye. (1; six (or f5. Prepared only by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass., I'. H. A. UnnH'o Plll2 wrimmioiuiT wit riuuu a riiio ttowii hrMiuiii, ilNT .lust one wci-k more of this (ircat Sacrifice Mule, to close all KentnantH out tit kii licit less than cost. . l.ctiKtlis from A yards to 1 5 yards in each piece. liritiK yotn meas ure and itet one of these Hi'citt hat'naius -as this sale will positively last only li days more. " J. 5cott Inglis CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, 419 Lackawanna Ava Untimely v Decay. The great engines of the body worn out, refusing to perform their natural function. The cause disease, dissipation, over work. The result is inability to nourish, build up, maintain. The end a suspension of all faculties, a collapse, death, and from that which is very similar to starvation. In such cases follow Dr. U. Hush Fields, of Faston, Pa., advice, administer Bovinine He says of it; "While prison physician I used it on not only flie weakened by disease, but those whose previous lives of exposure and neglect hail com pletely broken duwn their con stitutions. The results were always most satisfactory." Ho'vi nine will create strength, enrich blood, make hVsh and nourish generally in all cases of exhaus tion and debility. Physicians the world over endorse it as a lootl stimulant. ' bulldintt. on .North .Main street, for an exchanne. The entertainment commit tee of the (irand Army of the Republic are netro liatine; with Miss MeXeill and Mr. Knoll, of tlie Walte Comedy company, for ii concei t. John Kearney, West Sble, Is con fined 'to his home by uu attack of pleurisy. Mrs. David Chltloh. of Ninth ave nue. Is eolllilleil to lief llullle by ill ness. Louis Spencer, who has been must of bis In-other, C. L. Spencer, the pasl s'x weeks, left yesterday his home In Ypsilnnti. Michigan. Mr. am' Mrs. Henry A. Itiown the for for of Wyanil.e Limit Island, ale puyini: a isil l i the latt. i's sister. Mrs. K. W. Mills, on Lunula avenue. Mrs. Hunter, of this city. Is visitinn her sKti: Mis. .lames liuidliiK. at Kaloiiville. Wyoming county. The Helawaie 'and Hudson Canal company ;iaid their eiiipbiyes on the loi .unotive i nail and shops yesterday. Mrs. .1. L. Thomas, of 1 1! -pliant, and Mrs. l-:dw''i Hamlin and sun. ileorae. of lliebottom, are the ntlosls of Mr. iiiid Mrs. DwU'.liI lihiiievuiilt. I ir. Whecl-'i expects tn o'iate on Mis. Kinn ul the h isoilal next Satur day. HONESDALE. K. Levinson. of I'liiladeloliin. Is call Iiik on llollesdllle friends tills week. The heavy fall of sr.nw mily delayed the maitv a tew nionieiits. Wooden lilakiuy were forced to closedown their sliht factory Wednes day afternoon on account uf n break In their machinery. They resinned opera lions Thursday niornliit'. I'pwanls of iiHi new bicycles will be sold In lloni sdnle this season. The report in Thursday's Tribune of I lie capture or two robbers at luiryea has yreatly Interi sted Honesdale cit izens. The ai tide statnl Hint a num ber of revolvers and razors were found on their nelsons. Craliaiii Waits, the llonesilale hardware dealer, who was i.iblnd Saturday ni;vht. leoortoil a theft of revolvers ."ml razors. The razors of Mr. Walts' ale all stumped Willi his name and address In the sled blade and could be easily lilcnl llii-il. The n vi Iveis were of mid :!X enlibrc. Tlie Kiie and Wyoming Vnll.-v rail road wMI ilisconlinne their trains to Honesdale on Suiiilav ln-sl. A new time-table taking clVect. wliic b will do awav wi ll Hie truin from llawley to l loni .-dale ami I'ittslon t" ilk.-s-I la i'l e The iii-osiiecls for plenty of eniploy meiil in I ii.iiesdnle this s'.imiuer im pears very e.ood. ainl huiili';.r some un- loleseeU Irotlble. I iollesdn li- oUL'br to see a prosperous year 111 l"1'."!. Snow beuau fallinn about in o'eiocl-'. Wednesday moi iiuk. and al this writ in.tr sleinhinn is yood and the I pie are cat with cult is and sleichs Improvim; the lime while the snow lasts. James ihiidner. of Benton, has piir- chaseil of A. I Ib-ynolils Hie nr riy known as tlie I'ix lot. on Maple effect. I and expects to build a resilience Hieie- on. a Dr. A. H. Woiid'.vai'd, of Timklian iiock. vislled his daujr'itel . Mrs. II. W. Tuiiije. Weiliu'Miay. Mrs. M. V. Townieii.l ami Mrs. Jane Seaiiians spent Tuesday ami Wednes day at Seranton. Mrs. Kri d lleyiioids and two sons, of Plymouth. visit"d the family of Klias Itevnolils Tuesday The Ladles' circle will hold their regu lar meeting Saturday eypnins March H. A full attendance Is ib-sireil. Spe cial business will come before the meet imc. Mis. Churles Kniinp and Mrs. Libbl" Arii'Strom: alleinleil a Lilt In I ;l at Waverly Wednesday. pa! i.v The Ladies' circle will idve an enter tainment the Cii-Miid Army uf the lt--pnhlio hall Tuesday evening. March 17 (not March Is. as staled In last week's Tribune.) The entertainment will con sist of music, i itatiotis. remlitms and tnhleHi'X. The enl-'I'lalnlil'-m will bo followed by a cherry trc social. "Ad mission. 1." cents. MOOSIC. Mrs. S. F. Price, of Main street. Is visitinc anions friends in Kactory villc. Ambrose Alleiiiiis iro!iriitir of the Mnoslc hotel, bus nut two handsome pool tables ill his hotel. Seranton Traction eoni'mny's cars were stopped by the bli-iziii. I at li p. tn. Wednesday ami did tint resume ruiiuiiiK schedule till -I. :iu p. tn. yesterday. Ceruxe lieechani. of dak hill. Is con fined to the house by a severe. uttaek of illness. Attention, members of Washington" camp. Xo. 174, Patriotic I inter Sons of America will meet lit hall on Sunday moriiliii; at ! o'clock and attend divine services at the Hrick Methodist Kpisco pul church. Members will only wear parade bailees. Some of our townsmen will have some bills to present to the Kjirini; I hook Water eompany. Xiimerous cel lars yvere lliMided by the break la the water pipe. HALLSTEAD. The Delaware. Lackawanna Western pay car will visit this and Idace on Saturday. , Mile Fisher is III. Harry Jones, who had liefn ill. is re covering. It. Sayer has Just received a fine now line of s'.iriiiK Roods. Mr. Haver Is oni of our old reliable dealers and is always up with the time. ill's. K. L. Howdlsh Is the KUest of friends in Michigan. WILKES-BARRE. AT 31 AC K N I ( I IT'S SIOKI-. Ijirgo Number of Creditor and Much Excitement at Plains. Sheriff James Martin and several deputies went to 1'lalns yesterday, where they held a sheriff's Hale of all the personal property and contents of O. B. MacKnlKht'M residence, general store and Uruif store. A lurpe crowd of ex cited creditors and others were present and the bidding on the Roods was quite spirited. In order to Rive the poor peo ple a chance to Idd Sheriff Martin sold the kohs in small lots and it will take all of today and some time toniorrow to dispose of the lai'Re stock, which is saiil to be worth about $12,000. Several of the deputy sheriffs were placed In the store to keep people from stealing the Roods as many of the credi tors who lost rim mI sums of money had very little compunction in oarrylntr off anything they could lay hands on. All the Koods In the store, which tilled two lartre Hours ami the basement, also the iIiiik' store and all the personal and household furniture will be sold. At torneys Wood ward. O'ltoyle, .MeAniff and Ferris were present representing the various creditors. Another nun t Kline, that of Mui'ttaret McTeff to 11. It. MacKliiRht for which had been t ransferred by Mr. Mac KniKht to Mrs. D. It. Koynolds, of Say re, on March 4. was tiled in the courts today. Successful Religions Campaign. The evangelist tc cninpaifcn conducted by liev. Thus. Ne-cdhum in the Presby terian church at Ashley for the past three weeks will come to a close this eveninjr. The niectiiiK have been very successful, as 1 shown in the fact that l.'iU persons ha ve professed religion. Mr. Xeedham hat been ably assisted in the work by Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wilson, the i-astor of the church, Rev. Marvin Custer, and numerous ministers of other churches. The sitiKinx of Mrs. Wilson, who by the way is a sister of the late I". I Bliss. has been a (treat help to the work. She bus a rich, clear and full voice and lief songs reached many hearts. Mr. Xeedham. who is a lyothei-iii-luw of Itev. 1. M. Stearns, so well known here, will deliver his farewell sermon tomorrow nltrht, the subject of which will be "The Second Coming of Christ." BKli:i NOTI.S. The vacancy in the Wyoming semin ary faculty eti used by the death of Miss Hreakstolie. has been tilled by the engagement of Miss S. Fuss Iimprell. of .Maiden, Mass.. us Instructor In elo cution. She is a graduate of tlie Kem orson Schiioi of lira I or. v. Huston, 'mid )r. Kmeison. president uT the Institu tion, recommends Iter very highly to President Suragne. Tlie Three-live club will bold a bull ut laiiiilinasser's hall on the evening of .March 17. A waltzing contest will be n fea I m e. Tlie annual li:tniUel of the Prince ton Allium! association of Northeast ern IViinsylvaiilii will be hold next Fri day evening. March I'd. Professor Will S. Monroe, who is lecturing before teachers' institutes in New Kiigluiul has almost ready a 1 1 a itsl.it li in of t'oiiieliluiis' "School of Infancy." which is to In- issued by D. C. Ileiilb & Co.. of Huston. Tills vol ume will be followed by a new work by Professor Monroe, a "Itibllograpby of Kduoallon." to be Issued in Huston and London. Jacob Klein, t lie bank yviitclmian. lost a dog about u y.-nr ago and the other day the dug ciiine back and appeared overjoyed .o see Its old master. An other man claimed the animal lint Mr. Klein made the dog do some tricks and Ibis settled Hie llestiotl of ownership. The Concordia male chorus is already pn-naiiim lor its spring concert. Tie- Wyoming; conference meets in I tiiiKliaiiitoi) in alioul throe weeks. Next Friday evening the effort will be made to organize a Trade Assembly. The St. Stephen's Lenten services con tinue 1. 1 di a iv out go. ul sized audiences. There are only three lectures now l'l iiiiiining in tin- Culvers; y l-Ix'tension I I. in so. The Lehigh Valley Coal company will pay its employes hereabout on Satur day, March II. - - - - TAYLOR, .ephaltlah I'M w ards, of ( Uypbant. vis ited bis parents. .Mr. and Mrs. l. .1. I-M-wunls. on Main street, yisteiday. The upieii social to be held Friday eM-niiig- at Ihe Methodist I'.pisoopul church promises to be an elaborate af fair. Tin- admission f.-e is 15 cents. The I, Hdies' A id society of I lie Coligre gatliinul church held a social last even ing. Kviythiiig was an indication -of success. The Junior iiriler of Cnited Ameri can Mi'ohnni. s of this place intend hold ing a grar.il entertainment on March -'1. Tip- employes of the Ta lor. Pyne and Hidden mines received their monthly stipend yesterday. The next Ililnrf to be disclissrd by our .lili-rary societies is "Women's Itluiils." I in r burgess has issued a proclama tion which announces that any dog found on out- streets within a period of two months is subject to the mercy of the police force, so If any dog escapes notice I' V, ill ! because he WUR Hot seen. This was effected by the running around of a mad dog which has prob ably indicted Injuries yet unknown. Mr. ((wens' class held a novel and at tractive social at the Calvary Itantist church last evening. Tonight. March 1:1. will occur the 7 bsf. Ma m A JUMPER', can now wear ,i collar n spotlcn its that of the mail i'i a dress coat. How ever flirty his work, the workman edit luivc it clean collar every day with out cost if he wears the ElluloD AfARK- W INTCNLINCO It rnn lie cleanel in a twinkling lijr the wearer, with a wot cloth or uponxe. It combine! salisfactiou, economy uml comfort. No frayed elites to chafe the neck. The 'Celluloid" collars und culfs arc the genuine interlined goods with a "Celluloid" surface and licar theahovc mark. They arc water proof. All others are imitations. If your furnisher docs not keep tlicin send to us direct. Collars, 20c. each. Cufis, 4oc. pair postpaid. THE t ELLl'LOIn TOMPASY. Wew lark. OAPOLio.ttetsar v i apron fair anil social ut the Methodist Kplscopal church, Taylor. Menu Hatu, beef, baked lieu us. cake, bread, butter, pickles, und other refreshments, all for ii cents. Jce cream extru. MOSCOW, Miss (iraee Travis, who has been spending some time with her sister in Nicholson, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Charlie Noack. of Seranton. is vIsltliiK her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John li". Sayer. Alonzo Hinds, of Seranton, called on friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Will Huberts and Mrs. Fred O'Rourke, of Tobyhanna, were visitors In town on Tuesday. Mrs. W. L. Carr, of Capouse avenue, Seranton, visited friends In town the forepart of the week. Mrs. H. L. tlaige left Monday for rtal tlmore to visit her daughter. Mi's. S. IS. Whltlock. Kev. A. I). David Is holding revival meetings In Khoad's hall. Klinhurst. Mr. und Mrs. A. N. Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberts, W. F. Clements. Airs. Arch-Decker, Misses Nellie and Grace Minds, were visitors in Seranton on Tuesday. Mrs. S. S. Yeager. of Mill street, de lightfully entertained a number of her friends Wednesday evening, the occa sion being her birthday.. Mrs. Yeager proved herself a charming hostess, and m-i nm-nm rii- inuie man iteaseii wnu , the pleasant time offered. Those pres- , ent were Air. and Mrs. W. F. Clements, j Dr. and Mrs. I,' Anioreaux. Mr. and Mrs. ' John M. Noack and little son Frank, the i Misses Sue Pyle, Cordle I'yle and Mollie Noack. DALTON, The young- child of Professor F. L. Thompson died yesterday morning. Fu neral services at ' the home Friday morning at o'clock. interment ut Newton. Henry J. Colvin died at 2 o'clock yes terduy afternoon at his late residence, age XO years, "rude Henry." as he was known, yvas one of the oldest set tlers in this section of the state. In all of the early developments uf this town he was urominent. laboring hard and giving of his means for the henetlt of others. Jle yvas unlv-ersally loved and respected by every one. The fu neral servlcse will be held tit the Bap tist church Sunday morning at II o'clock. Miss Mabel Turdy and Miss Ida Jen nings have gone to liloomsburg for a brief-visit. Mrs. W. A. Dean and son, Maurice, are spending u few days at Isuae Dean's. In Providence, Mrs. Anderson, nee Misu Kmma Dean, being very ill. - - linglislt Capital for American Invest menu. 1 Important to Americans teeking Kng. lish capital for new enterprise. A list contaiulnt; the names uml addresses of 3".0 successful promoters who have winced over noO.OiJO.oail sterling in foreign inest' ments within the lust six years, unci over Ils.tJiHi.OOD for the seven months of ivij pi-Ice 5 or $23. payable by postal order to lh Loiajon und Universal Kureau of Investors, a. Cheupslde, London, K, c Subscribers will be entitled, by arruinjel munt with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction tu U,y of these successful promoters. Tills llsi is first class la eyery rpspect anil every man or firm whose name ui- I pears t hernia may be ilepci.ile.l upon, Kor pluclns the following II will be found In valuable Bonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial umi Financial Coiicetai' Mortgage loans. Sale or Lands, Putenls or Mines. Directors SIR RmVArtnc. ROSS. HON. WALTER C. PHPYS. i CAPT. ARTIIt'li STIFKR. Copyright. A'lifii hw wax a Chiltl, slio fdcil fir I'nstoria. Vlin she In t-ainw JH-h, she ialnt:if to t'iistnrio, Vhtu jshe had CUiKlivu, she uvetlintu Custorltt. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Many imnpln pay no: that inImimihm they havtj htmrd of mi in hiv tailnri'M wh'-i'M tliu trusHor Uc kuH'w linw wn i vi'IuhI upon. Si ictK h:i lfVcli.i u I new amt butter wayu Nttinnf tiut mntit that Mitivelv riucn ami i;t uwav with itit trwmr i-ntiielv ufii-r wm-.N I ir . 1. O'MulUiy. Uuiniiiv Sp'fiHlNt. Sti SulitU Wjihiiiton -ttrirt. Wil kit-Havre, ailniiuitr- t!iit ut;v I reatnifiit. 'I'Ihto is no ilnteiitioii from l.U-ilit"H mitt JJI'l H !H flllllJ ttut, ot t -wu rn reeiv trenttiifiit and return linim thu Minn; ilny. An nlisutiitrt rui , in MiiU'iUitecri. Tlif-re tn lit rliaiyt' f ir i Nam. nut ion. A vwit mu t a wfk .r rur to ififht wwfc will iiwiiilly tt stitili itiit for tin tnut Hlnltluvii van N. P. -TIk-m) l ot wiHlmiif tro;itln lit i'hti bt tittt-il with tli i-Hlubnttnl U'M TUl'NS, mmaiileeil tn hulil Hiiy Miptut u that -:m hv rctui'iivil ftivniif tMHo uml l omfiH t. RYfl 01 D BtuvwHEfit I'uoHU U rltlrs LOST MANHOOO anatui tienumfr tuiifnt, ; butb of yuiinif and mkjllo St-J men na Vfomen. Tii b rf-jlt uM4iif Vni Titv i r. RMrltfl of treatment. KllKItst prtdurtr.tf wtk f rm, NrTvow lk-hthty,N((rbtl Kmtt4-lonitf (.'ooiiaiiptiua. ; n-uimtr, Kxhumtlfitr rlraitmnnUluof power of tlivOa rratiTeOivantuiitttiiiico)ief4r9tu(Jr, bottfH fcurl mar- . riHfreUquh LiyrurL-dtiylir. KrtriirBNpaivlMh rr ' vruwe. i i'i-j iwi,ontjt:ure uj Ltai iinjf ai inp Mtfll nr JIH but r a irreat FIIK tOMt mm4 IILlMiH i III llalF.lt. briDirintr bak the pink Uw tm pal i rnreki anrl iwtoriae the KIKE ' Vol I N to the battent. Hy mail, .H) per or fnr with writ i irn iHirHNlrt ta cure r rlun4 tht mvnvT. frxit ; true. bysuUkcrv-iralttC'..ltui VMVU.Aaw Vnrfc. I For Hale hy John II. !'h(pM. liniKiMt. I AVyomltiK' avenue and Spruce Htrect. ; frencli Injection Compound ' paattlTclr, qulrtlr. 'nut meraiy lirrki. ) Guaranteed vr diodt refunded. Avuld daiiiceruua ruiwUm. PrtuaS prr liultle. His Botilee , (will cure eneraat caae) rut i-repald. aavunilreia i ebwrratlaa, wilh onljr Kleatlat'allji made arrlaiie. to any addraaa tur f. do. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE Tu all sufl.r.r. of ERHOHSUF VITII, l OSr VIGOR and OISBAKEs OF MEt AND WOMEN, m pegn: oletu koaad; awurelT aealed aad ai ilea ire. iTutaueat nrniali trlctlf uouadaotial, I, and a poaitlTeqnk'k care .rtr ho alaeiltiiit. I (uatanMea. noai wiu aoaltiraiT nr f u. wriieeroau. JIB I f f 1 319 W. 15tk It.. Vbllada.. Pm. UR. bwaVK' yaan' eouuaoevu practice. I, m THE n ra n rs ra i L It lillilH GREAT RFTIRAI Sfll F 124-126 Wyoming Av& Arc showing the must exquisite and exclusive line of iubrics that were ever shown in, Seranton, und we are otTering the following specialties this week : l." iitecc of dnulile-fold wool dress goods In plniils and mixtures, worth Leader's Price U .10 pieces of iiI1-wih1 cashmere, all col ors, wurlli !."-., Leader's Price, 5Se 111 pieces of 40-inch black serge, worth I."'.. Leader's-l'rice, Cilc i". pieces uf all-wool black dress gooils III fancy stripes, worth .Vic.. Leader's Price, :17c tine lot of tigureil brilliantlne skirts, lined throughout und hound. Leader's Price. l :W t)ne lot of siiiieiii tlgured brilliantlne skirls, tlvafyurils wide, Leader's Price. !i;i.?)Sc A large assortment of percale wrap pers, all colors, sizes X! to 41. Leuder's Price, title Ladles' block sailn skirts, one. two or throe l utiles, Leader's Price. 49. 51 and (Jc New lot of ladies' muslin corset cov ers, all sizes. One lot of luilles line cambric cor set covers, high neck, trimmed Willi embroidery, Leader's Price, 1'21-c. One lot of ladles' huslin drawers wilh cliuier or lucks, Leuder's Price. Uc One lot of ladies' gowns. Mother Hub bard yoke, trimmed. Leader's Price. Vic tine lot of ladles' muslin skirts, cam bric rultle, iriinmeil with lace. Leader's Price, 4!lc One lot of children's muslin drawers, sizes, 1 to 14 years, wilh cluster of tucks. Leader's Price, from lOc I'orHize 1 und Upward tine lot of men's unlauiidiied pen-ale shirts, new gooils uml well made. Leader's Price, 23c tine lot men's line half hose, full seam less, woi lh I.h-., Leader's Price, : pairs for 2r-c One new lot of men's choice neckwear, consisting of leeks and foiir-ln-liuiuls, regula: price, .Vic, Leader's Price. '2Sc One case of line apron ginghams, worth 7c., Leader's Price. Vic J, (MM yards of dress ginghams In short lengths ranging from HI to Hi yards la each, regular price, liie., ' Leader's Price, 5c 21 pieces of light percale, IK inches wide, worth li'., Leader's Price. li.Jc Clin- lot of Hue lawns and illmlllcs In all the latest paileriis. regular pi-Ic e. Sc., Leader's Price, ftc One lot of cream ilamask table linen, worl li Mfc.-., Leader's Price. !2Sc All of our blankets and comforts to close at hall' inice. LEBECK &CORIN BREWERY. ftfaaiinvtnran of tb OalabratoA PILoENER LAGER SEER CAPACITYl ' joo.ooo Barrels per Annuo) Moosic Powder Go, Rooms 1 ani 2 Comnowealth Bid't SCRANTON, PA. ' MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AND HUk4U DALK WORKS. Lamin At. Rand Powder Co.S Orange Gun Powdst Blactrlo Batteries, Poses for vxpksd I bc blls. Safety KMse and fiepaano Comical Co.'s High Explosiis RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Aall Mit lata rr of Me. TNI raAT setb tay. aredaeae taeabota reiulu In :io dara. Itaco powerfully and eutrkly. Cum when all ottaen tall T.aag mmm will mala their Inat aaankuod. aad aid aiea will teeeer their youthful vitor by aalnf BKTITO. It gaieair aad aurely raatem Mamue aaas, Leat Tttality. baaaccaer. Klabtlr Uaiatloaa, LoatlVwar. rallla Mt-aioiy, WaaUaa Olaaaaet. aad ail aaWej ef ealf-eimaa or eseecaaad tndlacrttloo walea aaata eaa tor etady. awtuaae or aiarrtaea. II betealr cane ay atartlat at the aeat el dlaaaea. but tea anal aerve teaile aud bloodl bnllder, brl&c las beak ike pink (tow to pale eheeka and r jaarta abe are ef yeatev I ward, eft laaulty aad OaaeaaiptioB. Innlrt oa kanaf llEVIVO.no etbar. It eaa be earrted la aat wukat. By nail, )IM aer aaakaae, or all let MO, witk aval tive arlHai aaraatee ae ewra mm refund tbe aaaaay. OUealatlraa. Iddriae MTaL MEDICIIt CO.. S3 River St.. OHMaM. ILL tr IMIkratBtei. eUtat fjaaaaitaa . 1 F 111'!! SIS' THIRD NATIONAL BUNK OF SERMON, PA. IIVMIIIVVII W VVIIV 1 r , 0 DAILY BARGMJO. 13, AT GUERNSEY 22A WYOMING AVE. ... ..... about four years old. We have hail it instrument bus beeu well taken care frame, three unisous thrutiKhout. ami piano. Its tune is excellent, anil the pianos are a proverh tliniUKhniit the j piano uow is $lki.ot. Today's Sp.it THIS SALE POSITIVELY CLOSES in eight tlays front date. We've istlll a lari?e number of Instrument to sell, ami we've made a farther and last break in prices. We must sell them, aud to accomplish It we'll tlx tlie term at anything you can to make them. We Mean Exactly What We Say, aud remember we are not asking; bite first payments at time of sale. GUERNSEY Y. M. C A. BUILDING. ESTABLISHED 1873 KERR'S Ve Have Determined To Reduce Our Stock la order to make room for improvements aud additions to our store, which arc necessary to accommodate our iticrcasini business. Many very desirable patterns in AXMINSTERS, M0QUETTES, TAPESTRIES AND BRUSSELS Have been marked down to prices which will insure their speedy sale. Of course, they cauuot be duplicated at their present prices,, but you may find suflieiciit for your purpose, and if so, the price will please yon. .'r$r Krins the size uf your mom with yon. 1 S. G. KERR, SON & CO. yf HQ Lackawanna Ave. tJsj Opposite Ihe Main Entrance to Wyoming House. 1 STATEMENT FEBRUARY 28, 1896 TtKHyritfKA I.OJIIIM .$l,4.'i(!.7nl HI . . 7H "t . Imi.UtM "I . :mi,r.'.'i ai 'M.TM l'i , X.iWi ml 7.770 M . i:,7.n 7i . li",.7K.H Si -.it.) ::u IVi'l-ili'llI'lH I'. S. Ilmuls nther Ki.ii.Ih ItaiikluK rloiiHt M. Hremlnins on I'. S. H.iiuN... line from f. t. TreHtunvr. line I'roni Hanks I'urill J XV M. CONNEI.I., Ircidrnt: tll-O. H. CATI.IN, Vice Proldent: VM. H. PV.CK, Cajhler. I DIKtiCI ORS-V. m. Connell. tlenry Bclin, Jr., Jm ArthhaM, Wm. I. Smith, Ocurge rl. Ctlin. I.uthcr Keller. Alfred Hund. Special attintlon lven to Husine.s and Personal Account. Three per cent. Interest : on 1 line Deposits. , TS THE Of the season, and before displaying our handsome line of Spring and Summer Clothing, we are going to show you big v -alues in Overcoats. Prices Unheard Of All Wool Blue and Black Kersey and Melton. OVERCOATS WERE $14,00 NOW YOURS at $,9.00 OYERCOATS WERE 17.00 NOW YOURS at 12.00 OYERCOATS WERE 20.00 NOW YOURS at 14.00 OYERCOATS WERE 23.00 NOW YOURS at 16.C0 fiflt will pay j'ou to invest in oue.. If you don't need it now, carry it over for next winter. w ii flftnn ti n uuuj iiiiivj in $16.00, YOURS AT $10.50. $17.00, YOURS AT $11.00. $18.00, YOURS AT $11.50. LIBERAL CREDIT THAT'S (OUR) BUSINESS.Sssr (BOTHERS' Here's h suap burjrain for it tpuick buyer. TbU i" "riMiu-Hiiau umuu steiulily rented for that period, and the or. It is full of compass, has full rou us tine an action as was ever put in a relisllilitv uml doraldlitv rf Vl,l....k trade. The price of this OII'A Art Cash Price is oiOU.UU n OPEN TILL 9 P. M. TELEPHONE 5154 I,lABlblTIF.3. C'llipitnl Hiirnlim 21.000 0.1 asii.uun in m.iw t;t i.."l o-i me no Slli.744 in IM.KIS i Nuim Nulla rnillvl.li'il I'rnlits t'livulutlim I HvIiIhiiiIs I'npuKI I H'pOHftH 1. line Hi ItHiiks ltH-jSi'lllini!l Hills I'ayulila U.W.Ml J0 El oi nm 218, 225 and 227 I: l: !R0T 9 WYOMING AVE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers