TITO 8(TRANTOXTRimTNE TJlTTRSmVY MOHNTNQ. " 3fAUCn 12, 18d6; CARDQMDALE. ' fP.eader wilt please not that advertl Meiiti. or1T for Job work, and Items for fiublli-ation left at, the establishment of btiaimuii & Co., newsdealers.. North Main aireet. will receive prompt attention; of lice open from 8 a. in. to 1ft p. ru.J C1T F1XAXCES. Estimates Commitieo of Connella Fol lowed Ip Their Work and Are Ready to Heport to a Special Couneil .Meeting. At the municipal bulldlnir. the com mittee on estimates attended Tuesday evening to coinilete their work. There was a full attendance. Messrs. MeNulty, llisted and Thomas, of the Si leot coun cil, and Undsay. Uevine and t'olwell, of .the i-oinnion. After Mr. McXulty haa called the meeting to onler a statement was ol.talned from t'lty Controller Frank Smith, which facilitated the work. The mayor's salary question created a heated discussion. Some members of the committee thought that the salary rhuiilil be made, $WNt. However, the a propt'kitioti wuh finally allowed to standi at tiOii, but with "e tinderstandlnK thut the mutter should be discussed when the rciort is made to council. As to the repairing estimate of the streets, some of the members arsuetl for permanent work. Chairman Alc Nulty said $:l.ftiMt were expended on street repairs lurltiK 1S0." without any result to uhow for it. Then they came to the decision to set JJ.OiH) under the heading of repairing and grading streets, instead of repairing; streets. I ltlmately the following list will be placed before the common council at a speciul meeting: KSTIMATK9 FUJI 1896. Mayor $ & Treasurer Controller ' " Solicitor I '" City Clerk .' ''-' Clerk Common Council "' Assessors .' Knglneer inmiiimce I"" Mvilrnnis .Municipal ami M.-nmrlul Vmk " Cnntlnveiit Fund iMK.tm unused) l.Pl I'ucl (:'!! left, more to be used) 4"0 I'linllnn (tl"7 unused) "" Fire 1 lepiirtinent t$IKi..Vi left) V-'I Fire Alarm (JI..VK) in It) I."-1") Water Itt-nt l."0 Arc and Incandescent I.IkIH .'..) Iti-KUluP Police 2.810 Special Police ($117.25 left, only used last year) Itrldises 3.K Funded Debt und Interest (OKI 'City's Share of Improvement 1,-ViU Mewer and Water Course t$;:-W.3:i un used) 1"0 It. pulriiiH ami (iradiiiK Streets 2,'i.) Sidewalk Fund " cleanhiK I'aved Streets N"0 Columbia Hose Compuuy Janitor ami .Matron 'VM Hoard of Health !"' Liens -''"I 'hlef of Fire Department I.icpalV Dealers' Protection l.llirarlan " Fixing City Prison 7"0 Total $::s.:!7D It was thought that a ten-mill levy will be enacted, ntld according to a taluilated statement the city's linances will show ns follows: Duplicate at ID mills I'J'..!") I. ltpior Licenses ju.Otio Poll Taxes :i.:i) II. nts, .Municipal liulldintc J.'HW Tolal AgsreBUte Kstiniutey ..$4U.7utl . .tx.:!70 iialnine III KTII DAY I'AKTY. Mis Mufiglo Hiumas Honored by Num btrof Her friend. At the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Thomas, on South Church street, a masquerade birthday party was ten dered Miss Maggie Thomas Tuesday 'night. The gathering was tnaile up in n ludicrous manner, und the costumes displayed great taste. Dancing ami music, with u variety of games, were indulged In. The friends presented .Miss Thomas with a handsome gold watch chain as it memento of the occa sion, which she very gracefully accept ed. Those present were Mesdnmes ami 'Messrs. W. H. Foster. Is. (!. Wickwlre, (leolge F.vans, 11. M. I'M wards, Charles Smith, Thomas Morgan, William Isgnr, Mrs. iSumuel Sly, Misses Sarah Davis. -Nellie and l.lzzie Sherrer. Louise ami Carrie Hrunlng. Lillian Hegan, l.lzzie Morgan, Nellie Thomas, .Maud Taylor, Annie Koberts, Vlnnle I'assinore, Lizzie Thomas, Mary Maxwell, Miinr Carter, Messrs. Samuel Kerrel, It. II. Wickwlre, 'Arthur llatlcn. John Lewis. Kvutt Thomas, Melvln Tappim. itlcluud Thomas, flomer Morgan, Fred Colwell. Harry Roberts, Fdwnrd (irnmer, Will Thomas and A. II. Kinback. Accident.. Fronds llughfs, a contrnclor of the Northwest colliery, met an unfortunate accident. He wus preparing a wedgu for use when by a mishap a very sharp uxe severed a portion of the index and .middle lingers from the hund. John Nlland, while following ls voca tion at Northwest, Tuesday, was struck, on the foot by a fall of rock and pain fully Injured. Dyspepsia, Indigestion And distress in tbe tomach cauaed me Interne agony. I lost flesh, strength and energy. I was so weak that I could not walk without toy cane. My family and friend prevailed on me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and now I am well and strong man of 66 yean. Iowa my fife to Hood'." W.T. SPESCEK, Fort Mitchell, Virginia. Hood's Pills rbasyuk T SALE Just one week more of thin (ireat Sacrifice Sale, to close all Kcmnunts out ut much less than cost. Lengths from A yards t IS yards In each piece. KriiiK your metis lire and net one of these great bargains as this sale will positively last only 6 days more. m m I I J. Scott Inglis CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, 419 Lackawanna Ava. PERSONAL ANDOTIll.R 11KMS. A few friends congratulated Miss loru l.udwig. of South Terrace street. Tuesday night and congratulated her upon her britltduy. Alderman 8.. S. Jones Is confined to his residence- with Illness. The members of the Welsh Calvlnlstlc church are busy and their preparations are advanced, which ensures the usual success of their annual festival on St. Patrick's Day. and the Wednesday eve ning follow Inc. The Delaware and Hudson Canal company paid its employes on the grav ity yesterday. The Junior Kpworth league, of the Methodist Kpiscopul church, will tender their esteemed chorister, W. D. Kvans, a complimentary concert. The 'Trilby" craa is still on in Car bondale. Calls for the book have been made upon the librarian by ninety ikm ple already. Robert Mitchell, of Wilkes-Harre. Is visiting his parents on Canaan street. James Hunt, of California, is the guest of his parents on South Church street. Mr. and Mrs. I Cogging, who have been on a visit to friends In Wilkes Harre. have returned to their home. W. 15. Hughes, of Providence, is vis iting friends in the city. Mrs. Conrti iglit, who has been visit ing her brother, V. O. C.ates. of Lin coln avenue, has returned to her home In Tioga county. Mis. James lluddy, of liclinont street. Is confined to her home. John O'Connell, of Niagara Univers ity, came to the city to attend the fu neral of his relative, Daniel O'Connell. FOR E ST CITY. Hurry Joseph returned home yester day from Crinide Creek, Colo., where he has been for several months past. Mrs. Mary Welsh, mother of Constable-elect Michael Welsh, fell down the cellar stairs at her home Monday even ing and sustained a fracture of tme of the bones of her forearm Just above the wrist. Dr. Dwyer reduced the fracture Tuesday morning. The case of John Fitzpatrlck. of For est City, who wus convicted In tbe coun ty courts of attempted rape on a tlve-yeur-olil child, has been appealed to the superior rourt to be held in Scran ton. This Is the first case appealed to that court from Susnuchtinna county. The Women's Christian Temperance I'nlon will meet ut the home of Mrs. Harvey Huckland, Friday, at 3 p. m. Forty-seven firms In Forest City are liable to the mercantile tux for lxDti. Montrose wants to be divided Into three wards. Montrose has about 1.7(H) Inhabitants ami probably lion voters. Montrose should have a ward for every voter. The whole niuounl of the matter is Montrose has crtalri brluht politic ians who 'want six delegates In each county con ven. ion from that airy and antiquated town ami hence the move. Two wards are plenty for .Montrose. U she gets three Forest City Is entitled ut the same rutin to be divided Into six wards. Montrose should he careful to not set a bad precedent ur she may hear something lrn In Susquehanna, Forest City, (ireat Mend und Hallstead. Mis. F. W. West gate and son. of Monroe. returned Imme on Monday from Hiiighniiiton. X. V . v here they hud been attending t he i .literal of a relative, V. Kicheiibtiig, Thomas Clown, Jr., Mrs. Itloxluini. lioni IVnlecost, Maine J. Hrown and Miss Stone were chosen delegates from the Methodist Kpiscopul Sunday school to intend the Sunday school Institute nl I'niotnlale Friday. The programme for the institute was published in lust Friday's Tribune. Mrs. Martha M. Osborne, of this place, has been granted a back pension of Wl. On and $12 per month hereafter. She was the mother of Albert Mattlson. who was killed in the war of Ibe Rebel lion. Her case was a very deserving tine and her many friends here will he pleased to know that her claim has been allowed. OLYPHANT. Council met last night but was of short dura t lor.. President Ciiminings, pro tem.callid the roll anil all responded except Oallugher. Kccgan and Titisley. The next In order was the balloting for a president, which was as follows: For Oman o'ilnlloran. Cannon, Cumin. For Davis- Put ten, Itogan, Fuildon, Flynn. Davis. The president pro lent, then declared Davis elected according to a law of IS M. which reads that in case a member Is absent from the meet ing a majority if the votes cast by those present carries. The counidlmen on the ooiosite side then made objec tions and left the room. The next business wus to elect a secretary and utter one ballot W, ,1. Schubmi III was elected, us was also .McLaughlin for treasurer and Howards for street com missioner. Ciuinclbniin Klymi then moved that they adjiurn to meet at the call of the chair. Adjourned. Where were the ubseiit members and why wete they not present at this Im portant meeting? The marriage of Miss Anna Whldnw lleld to Florence H. .Mitchell, two popu lar young people of lllakely, is an nounced to take place at the bride's home. Wednesday evening, March 'J.'i. A good sl.eil uudlence witnessed "Shadow Detective" which was played by Daniel A .Kelley and company ut the Father Matthew Opera house last even ing. M. K. Harndeii spent Tuesduy at Car liondale. Mrs. O. L. Kelley and daughter. Miss Maud, left yesterday for tla Sounthern Pines. California, where they will re main until June. John Koch. Jr., of Scranton, was a visitor in town yesterday. A horse attached to a buggy owned by Contractor Schank. became fright ened at a passing tram while standing on Hudson street Tuesday afternoon. The animal ran ut full speed as far as Ferris street where he wus captured without doing any dunuige. PECKVILLE, The Methodist F.piscopal Ladies' Aid society will hold their hil l Inlay party In the church on Wednesday evening, March 5. The following programme will be rendered: Full chorus by the Ladies' Aid society; rei iiation. Miss Ki lie Curtis; selection. Keystone piar tette; reading. Mrs. II. 10. Ilarnes: voctil solo; selection. ilaiteltc: recitation. Miss Maud Treveiiim: recitation. Ola Hogers; illicit, Mr. and Mrs. John War ner; recitation. MissOrace llurber; an them, choir. Tbe ladles will serve cof fee and cake free, lee cream will be for sale. The entertainment given at the fSrassy chapel last Tuesday evening was well patronized, and the neat sunt of was realized. F.dwin K. Hetts entertained a numttrr of his young friends ut the home of hi:t parents. Mr. ami Mrs. M. D. Letts, at the Hotel Wilson last Monday evening in honor of bis fri ml. Miss Carrie Ora liam, of Tunkhanonck. (Same, husic, and dancini were indulged in during the evening, nfler which refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Muy Onmmoe, Nettle Cannon. Stella Arnold. lUilah anil Iieuluh Tiffany, Fred and Frank Henjamin. John Guard, ci. M. Pierce, Arthur Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Maple Hell. Miss Maud Doud was a caller in town last Tuesday. HON ESDALE, Paymaster H. R Snyder, of the Del aware and Hudson Canal department, paid the employes Wednesday. James Finnerty is home from the Philadelphia college of dentistry. A heavy snow fell all Wednesday af ternoon and night, greatly hindering t rattle. J. T. Hrady made a trip out among his Wayne county customers Tuesday. J. M. Ingalls is In Chicago this week. No clew regarding the Hnncsdale robbers has as yet been obtained. Rev. Mr. Atkinson, assistant rector of Calvary church. New York, will of ficiate in Orace church Friday evening and praach at both services on Sunday. Highest of all in Leaveuing i a v y AD&OUITEE.Y PURE WILKES-BARRE. rM)i:iM AKI.US IN SKSSIOX. They )iscu!t Matters Kclatlvc to Their Worl;. The tti-county convention of under takers was hebl yesterday III the lecture room of the Young Men's Christian as sociation building. II. C. Miller presided and T. P. Letch wort b. of Duniiiore. acted us secretary. There were present' as delegates at the mirtiliiir session Charles W. Nullity, secretary of the state board of under- i takers; A. F.- A. Hattenliurg. Jerniyn, Walter Short in, Minooka; 11. C. .Miller, Kingston: (!. A. Miller. Scranton: K. C. Cook. Meshoppen; Frank llronln. Scran ton: Thomas Phillips, K. P. Phillips. W. K. liornu, Wllkes-liarte; T. Letchwnrth. Duniiiore: (1. V. Townseiid. Wyoming. II. Stanton. Factory ville; A. K. Will iams and Frank T. Donti. Plymouth: , John .1. McDonald, Kingston; James Mm. re, I'fvmottlb. T. J. Golden. Onshore: L. W. Miller, Plains; C. J. Moyle. Plymouth: Mrs. Owen Cusick and PntiickCusiek, Scran ton; Albert K. Miller, Kingston. Mrs Dillcv Head. I Mrs. Carrie, wife (if Henjamin F. Til- i ley, died at their home on West Market street at 4 o'clock this morning of a complication of diseases, after un Ill ness really dating from Feb. 1, since, which time she had been confined to her lied, though she had been in feeble health and more or less of a sufferer for many years. Mrs. Dllley's maiden nam- was Itachman. and she was born at Philadelphia on July :i. 1W. She was married to Mr. Dilley in this city twenty-live years ago this month. They'll Produce Two Orphans. The Jefferson Literary and Dramatic club of this city will produce the drama, "Two OrphanH." for the henelit of St. Vincent de Puul socley at the (I rami and II. D. W. Atwood has consented to solicit advertisements for tile official prngi'unune to lie used on thut occasion. Secretary M. J. Walsh recommended Mr. Atwood to the business men of Wilkes-Harre. P l. s. of A. Keiiuion. The Patriotic order Sons of America represent Ing districts I, 2. .1 and 5 will hold a county reunion and entertain ment in Young Men's Christian ussocia- i tion hull Friday evening, March 1.'!. State President Clarence F. Huth, of Sluiniokin, will address the meeting. A fine programme Is being arranged and the reunion will prove vastly Interest inn. hilled In u Ktinnway. Kh'hard Toskoskl. aged about "tt you I'm. a grocer of Glen Lyon, was driv ing to Moconaqtia at 7 o'clock this morning when his horse became fright ened and ran uvvuy, throwing him from bis curiiiige ueuinst a tree and fractur ing1 his skull. Death wus Instantane ous. The Hydrophobia Patient. A b'tter from Mrs. Kubelti, whose son was Lit ten by the dog pronounced mad, stnleH that she has succeeded In hnviiiK the Pasteur institute reduce the treat ment fee from L"0 to $.10; hits been collected. itKir.i' nou s. Mayor Nichols has Issued a proclama tion ordering that all dogs in the city be inuz.led lor the next sixty days. Coroner McKee bald an Inquest in the case of Water Bin lies w ho died sudden ly ut Piltston. The Jury decided that death was caused by paralysis of the heart. Charles A. Dnna, of the New York Sim, who was invited to make an ad dress ut Wyoming monument on July 3, replied that a Licence from the country would prevent his acceptance. Mr. Dana Is a great grandson of Andrew Dunn, who perished in the massacre of 177S. The opera, "The Knchanted Prin cesses." will he produced un the even ing of March L'O by the pupils of Miss Carrie Fa her, one of (he primary teach-, ers of the Franklin street grammar school. The proceeds of the affair will go to the free kindergarten. President P. T. Powers, of the Fast em li'Uguc, und wife made a short visit in Scranton today and returned to their home in Jersey City on the 1 o'clock train. The Misses Sally Ma Hoy, of Allen town, and Katherine McLaughlin, of Philadelphia, who have been vlsltini their cousins, the Misses McCube. on Wright street, for the past two weeks, returned to their homes today. I niillr.li fapitul for American Invest inents. Important to Americans seeking Fnir. lish capital for new enterprises ate ruiitaiiiiim thu names and iiddrea'es'of ''"O successful promoters who have ulu.-e.l over tlOO.(WU,w) steiilns; In foreign iiiv?t inents Mil hiii the lust nix years, and ovee 18,UW.OUJ for the seven months of jjij Price 17. or $24. Payable by postal order to tbe London and I hi vernal linreau of Investors. 20, Cbeapshie, London K t Subscribers will Ive entitled, by u'rruiiuel ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters of introduction to in'v of these successful promoters. ' This list Is first class In every resnec and every man or linn whose name i pears therein may be depended upon kVp 1 h'elnn the following it will be found in- Alcnl.le-Konds or Shares of Iiuliisti i ll ( c:;!Uicreiul und Financial Concern' Vcriuuge loans, Sale or Lands, Patents or .".'IK'S. Ji.rectors-SIi: FDWAR1) r Ross liox. wai.tkis r. rrci'YS CAHT. AHTHl.'Fi STII'PB Copyright. ".lien IV;!iy was sick, wc Rave her Caslorla. Viicn she was a Child, she tried for Cutoria. lieu bitMinu Miss, she elini to Cistorla. When hud Children, she ga.'etueiu Cr-toi U. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Many pHpl av no: th:it Is lioeauva tt-ry have lnurl of i niinv failures li!H- th iruHaor th. knife Lave bei.n ul it'll u rx in Kfienre baa duvelopeit m ii.-w unit better way -a.ajsteiu of tri-at-nient tbat KMtively ctnes nml due aay with the triw. -iitire!y fti-r-worila. Ijr . P. r SI alley. Ri.tiira Siwialist. KI8outb Wunbington ntriMst. Willce-Barr. nclininUtnrs tills new trontinent. There is mi iletention from business ami ficrs in from out, of t wn u recta v treutmnnt anil return houiu tbe name Hay. An absolute euro b nir.mt -eil. There Is norliarire fur xunnimtioii. A visit once a we-k for fonr to e flbt wclti will usually be auftiirient for tbe must stnbbo.u oases N. E.-These not wiohing treatment pan be fitted with ttas celebrated 0'MLI.GV THt'88, snaranteod to hold any rupture that ran be returned gieiug ss j uwX comfort. Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report PITTSTON. NICK STATK OF AlTAlliS. No Complete Kccord biists of the IHiinga of Citv Councils. A most extraordinary condition of af fairs was developed ut i -st night's meet ing of the select council. There were six members present and when the aud iting committee presented its report ap proving id' a number of hills Mr. Thompson objected tu the addition of the report on the ground thai It wits not made by the auultiug committee. This called for'-h u heated debate and City Clerk John T. Flannery was ap pealed tu and asked to furnish the names of the committeemen, lie said he could not give the desired Informa tion us the committee was appointed during the term of his predecessor. Joseph O'lioyle, w ho has left no record to show wlio was appointed. On mo tion of Mr. Deinpsey the report was laid on thy taldc until such time ns it can be ascertained who the committee men ure. Mayor Maloney sent a communication appointing David P. Schelly city mer cantile appraiser and the appointment was continued. The mayor sent un other communication vetoing u resolu tion appropriating $:hmi for copying the minutes of past council meetings which have never been placed on record. The veto was sustained. Mr. Kearney introduced a concurrent resolution authorizing the mayor to ap point a person to transcribe the council minutes prior to Jan.-12, IKDi!. It was approved. The work must bp done be fore the first Monday of April so that the minutes can be approved by the councils before they adjourn sine die. otherwise the city will have no legal minutes of tbe affairs of councils prior to Jun. 12, IStlti. It is thought to be Im possible to have the work done in the prescribed time. DKATll OF A M1NISTKK. Came Here to Preach and Was Taken Suddenly III. Hew T. K. Colborn, of Lynchburg, Va., died at U o'clock yesterduy morn ing at the home of Key. It. S. Hulsott. pastor of the Methodist Protestant church. Itev. Mr. Colborn came here last Saturday for the purpose of preach ing' In Hew Mr. Httlsart's church on Sunday. He was taken ill with pneu monia und died yesterduy morning. Hew Mr. Colborn was 42 yours of age and Is survived by a wife and three children. He was missionary secretary of the Methodist Protestant church, and when taken HI was engaged In preparing a paper on mission work to be rend at the general conference of the church. One of his last renuests was that the paper be read at the con ference. His remains will be sent to Lynchburg- today. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Held In nnd two daughters, of Hyde Park, nnd Mr. W. S. Depew, of Delaware Water Gnp, have been visiting Mrs. Hyron Luuli Bter. .Miss Anna Goodwin, of Summit Lake, visited Mr. und Mrs. George Myers, Saturday and Sunday. Tin Ladles' Aid held, a social In the Methodist F.piscopal church parlors Thursday evening next. Klecttic Star band furnishes the music. All are cor dially invited. Miss Kdlth Dalesman, of Scranton. is siiending a few days w Ith her mother. Miss Kate Kern, of Newton, Is vis- i Itlng her brother, D. C. Kern. Sllus Taylor, of Highland Park, Is ; quite III from heart trouble. , Mix. Kugetie Myers und .Miss Anna I Hortree, gave a purty for their Sunday ; school classes on Saturday evening lust, ut the former's home, w hich was en- ! Joyed Very much. Kelt eshnients were served and games played. The follow-, lug were present: Misses Nellie Young, Vina Justin. Grace Alhertuu, Grace Myers, Lizzie Piichuul. Gertrude Simons, Minnie Crothmnel, Kdnu l.ud ' low, liessle Ktneiy, Mamie Myers und Messrs. William Williams. Kdwin Grif lin. Kdword Young, Waller Lance, ; Clarence Williams, Austin Slanlcs, Kn-1 gene Slmeral. Jessie Franklin. Vernon Ludlow, Thomas Itlib r. Lewis lienja- j min and Aruthur Uu'.csimtn. 1 Don't be Foolish nJt;ccam;othtr tmnd ul' cunJrnseU milk, thinking it in JjU3t g4" u GAIL BORDEIf EAGLE BRAND It Has Mo Eoua Moosic Powder Go, SCRANTON. PA. MINING and BLASTING i POWDER HAOB AT MOOSIC AND RUBIaV DALE WORKU. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co." Orange Gun Powdoi Blectrlo BattriHi, Puses for expisjd iuc blasta, tiafoty fuse and EepannoChemical Co.'s High Explosi?a I 1 1 wan a f?a . . He ; 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Arc showing the most exquisite und exclusive line ni fabrics that were ever shown in Scranton, ami wc arc oflerint; the following specialties tills week : la pieces of double-fold wool dress goods in plaids anil mixtures, worth 2."ic, Leader's Price He SO pieces of all-wool cashmere, all col ors, worth I.V., Leader's Price, 25c 20 pieces of IG-hlch black serge. Worth 45e Leader's Price. '2!c 2.1 pieces of nll-woiil black dress goods In fancy stripes, worth ii'ie.. Leader's Price. H7c One lot of lluureil iiiilliantine skirls, lined thruliyhoul and bound, Leader's Price. l An One lot of superb llgnred brllllantlne tklrts, five yards w ide. Leader's Price. Ml.tSc A large assortment of percale wrap pers, all colors, sizes 32 to II. Leader's Price, liilc Ladles' black satin skirls, one, two or three Millies, Leader's Price, to. 5! and bflc New lot of ladles' muslin corset cov ers, ail sizes. One lot of ladles' line cambric cor set covers, high neck, trimmed with embroidery, Leader's Price, l'2'c. One lot of ladies' husllu drawers with cluster of lucks, Leader's Price. U)c One lot of ladies' gowns. Mother Hub bard yoke, trimmed. Leader's Price. 4!c One lot of ladles' muslin skirts, cam brio ruifte, trimmed with lace. Leader's Price, 4c One lot of children's muslin drawers, sizes, 1 to 14 years, with cluster of tucks, Leader's Price, from 10c For Size 1 and I'pward One lot of men's unlaundried percale tdiirts, new voods and well made. Leader's Price, 2Rc One lot men's line hulf hose, full seam less, worth l.'ic, Leader's Price. A pairs for 23c One new lot of men's choice neckwear, consisting of tecks and t'oui'-ln-hands, regular ju ice, jui:. Leader's Price, 2oc One case of line apron ginghams, worth 7c, Leader's Price, tc 1,000 yards of dress ginghams in short lengths musing from III to Hi yards in each, regular price. Hie.. Leader's Price. 5c 25 pieces of light percale, 22 Inches wide, worth 10c, Leader's Price. (ic One lot of fine lawns and dimities in all the latest patterns, regular price, Kc, Leader's Price. 5c One lot of cream damask table linen, worth -Hie., Leader's Price, '25c All of our blankets and comforts tu close at half price. LEBECK & COR IN Waanfactaran of Um OalabiatoA PILSENER LAGER SEER CAPACITY l foo,ooo Barrels per Annum A I'uatltUe IVrlLtfb JBK -Sc LOST MANHOOD ivX n-c.: lu.'fi e:JVjr..eL, .tut VV uwf.i'i .ret ii.t vol run r. i K(.t'.lt3uf Ircatuiiit. I.IU.'O!:;!, iirmim it: wcuk- . Jess, Nervntm lkt;li.y.Mrliily Kaiiiai.H.i'oiitKiipiiou, litmiity, luttaUDtiiv t!!,u(atsuUlu.riof p;wTof thetldu : erutivt trtmnt!uufUtIrrr tt(itifiJrit!.iiTt buitintstvi blJ nuiv rmKei4jui k!y utxUIy Pr. l!tIrirTH.r-niiili Ncra lruln, TJicy otOMlyi uru by itiliiisT ftttlutiat of iiti . ensf. tut utt) a vrvmt M.tivi: untl lll.wnt III I It. bllutfinir ltk tut) yinU J-n la ttU : !ifrk and iVHtuii ib tLv I Hill T VOl'l H u Ijh ; Iiatifiit. I'.j mail, 01.t p.-r t vrH for itU rlt iiM Butrinirt1 to mrc m rt i'hihJ ! lUi liv. lfymUhSerwi'-'.tr 'irutW,;cw bmi-Iu Kor huIi by .lolin !l. "ii 'li-, l:uj;Kt, Wyominj-r av(Muia uml Spi uit o t. CHOOttr ar tnc Hiomct MzweAt Aorwowmt KEADACKES I.1HAI.CR Will cure m. S wonilerrul btntn 10 siitturvn frciin Colds, SereTkroat, Iltfltieeva. R rnnrbl I !l ' or 11 AY t ryEB. Atciti imw.tiallrrU'f. Aneflncnt la sjoetet. reaje to ee on tr-t indicsiioo of ' CeaeiAsiee) Use Kfeets PersnrBeiit : gitlsreAUontfUarantced'H'mnni'y refunded. Prlee, c te. Trial free at liritq;iffts. Iiptrlstoreil tusll. U etau. L a, CUJBltj, k., !ir lUitrn to., B. . 4, 'TKTHfll 'l lJ'' "iret ami Mtt remedy f,if I '"I "Ul. a:iilndmooet,E.seiiia.lic!i.!iii:l stceaiHf'a sores, iiurus, i ins. eederrul rvci dy forrlLKH. Price. Sli nt tlroa- n e 1 rts ar by aj.-al prepaia. AaarewainbeTe. DrlUr.l roraiby Matthawa uroa. vnd Jolts 1 n. rr heloa. Compi2Aibn Prcsstfad DR. HCBRA'S viola mm Bemvee FreeklM, Fimplet, C7. Males, WacfcSeads; eeoura ana isn, sra re. .gf- Ml fresbMav producing ATr- goa antt pcr;eniy rjirraiess. ai an , or asalled lo Sftcta. Baud lot CiicalM. a. C ITTNtR CO..TOLKDO, 0 FIMAibf Mattha and jb I nnkinnnn) flnnn : LIIIIIlo LAGER BEER ! BREWERY.! i mm V Hi GRANDD6UB FDR TODAY ONLY, MOTH Oil 111 224 WYOMING AVE. This salo cannot I rxteuilvtl for one day nug?t tliau stated. The weather was KKaitiHt active selling yesterday, and we've decided to take the bull by the horn and toixo thtuss ut any co?t. Today, then, we will oiler for spot cash only iifcnT finm;n ni dition hora hall or lnie riHim this paiiieular, Cash price if sold today.. hijjhiT class instrument made than a Weber (irund. Its wonderful toue Is luiuoiis iu every iiiarier of the globe, and its excellence Is undoubtedly the standard by which every other lik'U grade piano is nicantied, because the Weber is easily leader oi llictn ail. TUo lowed cash price at which this stt)Mb instruitieut lius ever been' ottered tuevlously Is ST.'hI.UU. C' 4 " l AA Cash price if sold today o ''v.UU We'll also stfll vou a reliable Cabinet for flMO.0U cash. Truly those are bargain CUEM8EY V. M. C A. BUILDING. ESTABLISHED 1873 KERR We Have Determined To Reduce Our Stock In order to make room for improvements and additions to our store, which are necessary to accoui module our iticieasint; Imsiucss. Ilany very desirable patterns in AXMINSTERS, MOQUETTES, TAPESTRIES AND BRUSSELS Have lieeu marked down to prices which will iusuie their speedy sale. Of course, tbey cannot be duplicated at tbeir present prices, but you may find snUiciciit fur your purpose, and il so, tbe price will please you. "'Bring lite size of your room with you. S. G KERR, A A O Lackawanna Ave. rUO Opposite STATEMENT FEBRUARY UKSOIItOKM. I,nan. ivtMilml'ts 1'. S. Uunil othrr Komi!' KankliiK Honne l'ifinluin.-4 on (. S. UunHs.... I'iii from I'. H. Treasurer.. 1 ui from llaiikx I'aah ..IM.1fi.77S -tr. 714 ni . HKi.min "i) . il.'i.1.1 I'd Si.T.14 ((i h.lill tit 7.77a (i . 1.17..'ial V I . i:..,7ss m ill,:!"0 l'i I V,M. 'CONNIZI.I , President: tihO. II. C A 1 l)lkl:CI OWS- in. Coniiell, Hrnrv Kelin, Callln, l.ulhrr Killer, Alfred liuml. Special intention gicn lu Butinrts and on I line Uepunits. I il WflV oes eac1 successve seasou witness V V 1 iy slleh au increase iu the volume of our business, enabling us to introduce finer goods, buy in larger quantities and cater more successfully to the wants of the public ? G It because the people are satisfied with our method of doing business and have learned to look to us for the best assortment of House Fur nishings .at the most reasonable prices? 1 it May be so; at all events you will do well to look ilio" metier un. and a visit to our establish m ment in'-.! now will lie mrlicularl v interestiiiy. as many new novelties are being shown, including a mammoth display of Baby Carriages. 500 WALL POI Like accompa nying cut, oak frames ; brass trimmings, art jiroduction on panel, a I PRSCE, 29c. GKETS 1 1 m . - . 1 &$m III LE OFFERING N0S.11 AND 12, kiZ-t nun Ginn nn second . hand and considerably used, l.llt Willi I.. will 1111 the bill in every ? I A A A A Anions till the piaDmt produced ia the world, titer., la lint u Hiiui, u (hand Piuno by a reputable maker days. 1BITSSEI OPEN TILL 9 P. M '3 TELEPHONE 5134 S SON & CO, Itie Main Entrance to Wyoming Housa. OF 28, 1898t LIABILITIES. f'otillal .$ 200.000 Oil . asu.wio ll . US. XjO lull f 0 . i,ni,744 in , Noun .N'oiib Sniping I'imIIvIiIpcI J'lOlllH.... Cli'i'Ulatloii I livhli'iidM I'liaal'l... llllUMitS Due to KankH ICh-I ilsounniM lilllM 1'ayuble 1. IN, Vice President: WM. H. PI.CK, Chler. Jr., James ArthbulJ, Wm. T. Smith, Oeorgt H. Personal Accounts. Three per cent, interest 1 CREDIT GIVEN. 21S, 225 and 227 iir-cii ii w i, iA ...,i'r--..v.-T--r--at' ,, WYOMINC AVE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers