THE KCBAOTON TRIBTTNT5 THITKSDAY MORNTWa, MABCH 115, 1890. HOAR'S PLEfl FOR SPAIN An Arraignment of the Committee on Foreign Relations. AITEAL TO SENATOR SHERMAN fhe statesman Is Earnestly Lrftd to Raoede from His Position The Eg eltenseru of Mobs Should Not Bs Imitated In This Instano. Washington, March 11. Senator Hoar's resolution to postpone the con ference report on the Cuban concurrent resolutions till Monday, the sixth of April was taken up early in the morn ing hour today, and after a speech by Mr. Hoar in support of it, lost its place In the morning hour and went to the calendar, from which there will proh nbly be no effort to resurrect it. Hut the debute in the senate will fro on. all the same tomorrow, and until the sub ject is disposed of, as the conference report of a privileged question, at least until 2 o'clock every day when It conies In cnnfHet with tho resolution for seat ing Mr. Dupont n senator from the state of Delawure a question of still higher privilege. Mr. Hoar's speech was largely an arraignment of the committee on for eign relations for reporting the concur rent resolutions without having any facts to Justify such action. le ap pealed to Senator Sherman, who he placed on the same pedestal with Lin coin. Grunt. Fish, Sewurd and his own Illustrious brother, tletieiul .Sherman to recede from the positiou which he had taken: and, the only reason for which was, he Intimated, because a presidential election was at hand. Mr. Hour suid some very severe thiugs about the action of the committee on foreign relations und suid that when it wrot the word "concurrent" at the head of the resolution, It meant "it Is to be distinctly understood that this is a Pickwickian resolution." Mr. Hoar deplored the Idea of rush ing mutters through congress that properly belonged to the functions of the stute department. He did not agree with Secretary Olney politically, but he knew him well; he was a generous, sciuure, holiest, old-fashioned Massa chusetts Yunliec ami M. Hour said he was not a I raid to trust him in the dip lomatic affairs of this government. He then related a story of one of the old emperors who was walking along a nar row path accompanied by a line lady of his court, when they met n luborer car rying a heavy burden. The lady re fused to step aside when the emperor commanded her to respect tho burden the man was carrying. Applying this to existing conditions, Mr. Hour said the people and the press In criticising the president and the administration in the Venezuelan and Snnnlsh question should respect the burden that rested upon them und the responsibilities that belonged to the executive alone. CAl'SR FOU LAMENT. It was to be lamented. Mr. Hoar said, that the youth of the Spanish universi ties had been so excited as to offer Indignities to the American flag, find that the minister from Spain, u gentle man of greut accomplishments and the representative of a friendly power, was stung into breaking over diplomatic propriety and making an appeal, in un Irregular way, to the people of the United States. Mr. Hoar spoke, In that connection, of Spain as the ally and friend of the American colonies In the war of Inde pendence, and as having exercised a potent Influence In preventing armed intervention by Prance and treat Ilrlt ian in the late civil war. The senate. Mr. Hoar declared, must do Its duty with courage and firmness. Whatever the senate did should be done In a calm, quiet, dignified spirit, as befit ted the action of a great people. It ought to imitate not the excitement of mobs. It ought to Indulge, not in the impassioned eloquence of orators; and not in the stimulant appeals to love of liberty or to any other public pas sion, good or bad. This was a time and an occasion for the Judicial faculty. At various points In the speech Sen ators Sherman and Morgan were goad ed Into rather angry responses: but on tho whole the debate went on with but small manifestations of asperity. Mr. Turple (Dem., Ind.) concluded his three days' speech against the claim of Mr. Dupont to a seat in the senate from the state of Delaware, and the senate at 4 p. m. adjourned until to morrow. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. The postoffice appropriation bill was Anally disposed of in the house today, and pent to the senate. The session was chiefly devoted to a consideration of the "spy" system In the postoffice as espionage upon letter carriers In the past year has been called, and It was very vigorously attacked by several members, upon an amendment offered by Mr. Qulgg (Rep., N. Y.) to strike out the increase of appropriation mnde in the bill for the payment of postoflice in spectors, the principal speeches were made by Messrs. Qulgg, Cummlngs (Dem.. N. Y.), and Belknap (Rep., 111.) In favor of the amendment, and by Messrs. Loud (Rep., Cal.) In charge of the bill, McMlllen (Dem.. Tenn.), Ring ham (Rep., Penna.) and Kyle (Dem., Miss.) In opposition. The amendment was agreed to 162 to C3. After the bill had been reported to the house, Mr. Hromwell (Rep., O.) moved to strike out the appropriation of $1".000 Tor special facilities on the trunk lines from Bos ton vin New York and Washington to Atlanta and New Orleans, which was the subject of yesterday's debate. The motion failed. 111 yeas to 1I!4 nnys. Members from the east and south gen erally supported the appropriation and western members opposed it. Before adjournment Mr. Daniels (Rep., N. Y.) gave notice that he would move tomorrow to proceed with the consideration of the contested election case of Aldrich vs. Robbins, froiri the Fourth district of Alabama. Miui.n.ii.w ll,l, AI1,LLI, Sixty Case of Tuberculosis Discovered In Kradford County. Harrlsburg, March 11. Dr. Plerson, ( state veterinarian has returned to his headuuarters in tills eltv nml e..r,,.r. that lie has killed sixty cattle In Brad ford county of tuberculoid ten In I,an caster county for the same diseuse, and a number of glundered mules were killed in W likes-Harre. Pure Food Inspector Hutchinson re ports thut he linds wholeHule dealers now evincing a desire to comply with the pure food law so far as canned fruits. Jellies and preserves are con cerned. TO ADMIT NEW AIEXICO. Favorable Report on a Hill to Welcome Another State, Washington, March II. Th e sub committee of the senate committee on territories this morning, by the unani mous votes of Senators Davis, White and Shout), ordered a favorable report on the bill to admit New Mexico to statehood. It Is believed that the full committee will order a favorable re port on the bill. There will undoubtedly be a fight gainst the admission of this territory when the bill cornea Into the senate. LEFT HIS HOARD BEHIND, Death of m Miser Whose Fortune Cannot Be Fonnd. Homer, Mich., March 11. Harry Lak er, an odd character who ha resided here for more than twenty years, died of apoplexy this morning, aged nearly 70 years. He came from Knglond. Nearly all the time he has lived In barna. lie waa a bard and remarkably fast workman and always had work, which kept him busy from daylight to darkness. Miserly in his habits. Laker laid up thousand of dollars In gold. His money is secreted somewhere, but the secret dies with him. Good clothe were often given him, but he refused to wear them, and he was al ways in rags.- New garments were found In his haunt in an old barn here. KILLED BY CARS. Shock log Accident in Which Two Child ran Meat Death. Chicago, March 11. While the three children of Willis L. Blackman, a prominent board cf trade operator, .were returning home In a carriage from a party last night, the carriage was struck by a Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy train at the railroad crossing in Honesdale, and the coachman, Samuel Russell, and two of the children, Carlos H. Blackman,. 8 years, and Willis Blackman. Jr., IS years old, killed. Marguerita Blackman, 10 years old, the remaining child, was seriously in jured, .her right leg being broken and her body badly bruised. CAICHT AT LAST. Michael Raney la Convicted of Whole aule Amanita Upon Women and tilrla of Norristown. Norrlstown. Pa., March 11. The jury has convicted Michael Raney, who was on trial for wholesale assaults upon women and glrl.-i In this town. Nine women testified that he had attempted to outrage them. On some of these charges he was convicted and on others he waa acquitted. Raney was indicted for felonious as sault and highway robbery at the In stance of Miss Alary Owen, of Roxbor ough: felonious assault on l.lllle May Kincry and felonious assault on four women at various times. Th Jury found him guilty of felonious assault on Miss Mary Kdwards. Mrs. I'ailia rine Chnrles and Miss Kmery. It rec ommended him to the mercy of the court and acquitted him on the other charges. The trial began lust Thursday und the cast went to the Jury at 6 o'clock last evening. The verdict was not reached until this morning. Runcy is about 32 years old and has a wife and three little children. The outrages upon women caused con sternation here for a year. The as saults or attempted assaults were so numerous, occurring about weekly, that It was not considered safe for a wo man to venture on the streets unac companied by a man, not only at night, but In daylight. After the assaults had continued for over halt a year the police arrested Allen wunrmby, who was tried ot the October term uf court. Half a dozen women were called as witnesses, but none were positive In their identifica tion, und he was acquitted. ltuney was arrested on Feb. 3 last, and his imprisonment caused wide spread talk. THEIR "COLD DAY". Theatrical Compani Sued by an Actress and a Manager. Wheeling. V. Va March 11. The 'Cold Duy" company, billed to appear here, -bus been compelled to abnmlotn olher engagements on account of a suit In attachment brought against the box receipts by Mis Pauline Harvey, one of the company. She claims IlTti for unpaid wages. The manager of the theatrer brought a counter suit on a distress warrant against the box re ceipts for rent. With two suits, and their property tied up, the company in unable to leave the city. ARRESTED FOR ONE DRINK. Ministers llrlng Stilt flccause He Was Takon from a Funeral. Huntington, W. Va., March 11. Rev. Jesse Roseberry, a Buptlst minister of this county, has employed attorneys to bring suit against the town of Central City for unlawful arrest. Several days ago Marshal Griffith, of that town, arrested Rev. Roseberry for taking a drink of whisky, and he was lined by the mayor. At the time tthe arrest was made, Roseberry was in a funeral procession going to the ceme tery, where he waa to conduct the fu neral services of a 2-year-old child. VALUABLE CATTLE SLAIN. Dairy of B. W. Edwards, Condemned be State Health Department. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Le Raysvllle, March 11. The state de partment of heath has Just visited the large dairy of B. W. Kdwards, In Laceyville, and condemned his herd of fifty-nine Jersey cattle, causing them to be killed today. Mr. Edwards was given J35 a head for them by the hoard, and although he will receive about 12,000, yet the expense for their collec tion was much greater. After their killing, the carcasses will be shipped to a soap factory. MINNIE SWANGER'S CASE. The Twelve Year Old Murderess Pleada Guilty to Second Degree. Hollldaysburg. Pa., March 11. Min nie Swanger, the 12-year-old Altoona murderess, pleaded guilty to murder In the second degree in court this morn ing. District Attorney Hammond ac cepted the plea. The child's crime was the murder of her uncle, William McGregor, by mix ing poison with his coffee. Her grand mother also drank the poison ami has not yet fully recovered from its effects. Judge Bell said that he would send the prisoner to the house of correction. M.C.RO MAIMS HIMSELF. Cuts Off Four of Ills Fingers to Escapo work in Prison. LnPorte, Ind., March 11. Henry jones, colored. Bent tip from Marlon county to serve a term of twenty-one years in tne prison north, for murder. deliberately bac ked off four of the ling ers or ills lert liund Saturday afternoon with a hatchet. Ills purpose, ns stated to the hospital surgeon, was to escape work. ADVANCE AGENT DISAPPEARS "Psychic Wonder" Would I .earn the Whereabouts of Robert Vacc. Anderson, Ind., March 11. War rants were sworn out tonight for the arrest of Hubert Vnee, advance agent for Viglnla Kimpp, the "psychic won der." It Is said that he has decamped with a $1uU diamond pin and considerable cash. His home Is at Chllllcothe, Ohio. Ills wife Is at Huntington, Ind. DYING WOMAN'S ORDEAL. Compelled to Witncsr the Devouring of Her Baby by Three Hogs. Geneva, Ala.. March 11. Mrs. Ioden, a farmer's wife In the western part of till county, won burning some trash yesterday, when a spark lighted her skirt and burned her so that she died. While she lay suffering agonies she was forced to witness three large hogs devour her two-months-old child, which she had laid on the ground while she worked. If the Baby la Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup hat been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allay a all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and la the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cento a bottle. UHVONS REMEDIES DOCTOK YOURSELF. A Separate Cure for Each Disease At All DruRRUts, Mostly 25 Cents a Bottle. Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Remedies act almost instantly, speedily curing the most obstinate cases. Rheu matism cured In from 1 to 3 days. Dys pepsia and all stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh positively cured. Headache cured in 5 minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles. Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma and all Female Complaints quickly cured. Munyon's Vitallzer imparts new life und vigor to weak and debilitated men. Personal letters to Prof. Muuyoii, 1505 Arch street. Philadelphia, Pu.. an swered with free medicul udvlce for any disease. SEAL IN THE DELAWARE. A lino Specimen That Waa Captured Near Chester, Chester, Pa., March 11. A younsr seal was xhut and killed off Chester today by Amos Pierre, a fisherman. The seal has been seen at intervals dining the past month and was wounded near Marcus Hook two weeks ago. Today it was sunning itself on tho wreck uf the steamer Kxcelslor in the Delaware river near the Jersey shore, and was seen by a Jersey-man while sailing across to Chester. He reported the matter to Coinmlsslonmau II. K TUonrds. They rowed cautiously and saw the animal on the wreck. The seul raised his head, but before It could Hunger Into the river the boat was pulled in range of the smokestack of the steam er, which hid the men from view. The bout was softly rowed to within a few yards of tlie seal and a load of duck shot poured Into his head. It weighs about l:t0 pounds ond is a flnc speci men. It Is believed that the seal fol lowed the salt water, which has readied us far as Chester during the low tides. It Is the llrst of the kind ever cap tured here. RHODES IN NO DANGER. No Truth In Reports That He Is to Te Arrested. London, March 11. In the house of commons today the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, said In reply to u question on the subject, that there was no truth in the report of the Intended arrest of Cecil Rhodes by the authorities of the Cupe Colony, nor had lie any Informa tion that any other authorities con templated such action. The question was brought out by the report circulated yesterday thut Mr. Khodes would be arrested on his arrival at Helra, Kant Africa, which repoit caused a decided fall In (he prices of South African mining securi ties at the London stock exchange. THE WORLD OF lUSINESS. Wall street Review. New York, Mnrch 11. When It Is said that American Tobacco llgured for L'HU. K00 shures in a grand total of iHi'.SSO shares for the entire list, it also ex plains the market at the stock ex change today. Tobacco opened nt T3'4, rose to L', receded to 7S, and then recovered to 7S?a"9. All sorts of ru mors were atloat to account for the sensational movements In the stock and the enormous dealings. It was said that u movement was on foot to settle the existing differences with Its west ern competitors, and that the company Intended to resume dividends on the common at an early date. Both of these stories met with semi-official denials and late la the day the street finally settled down to the opinion that the recent wide fluctuations were due to manipulation by people alleged to have Inside connections. One rumor was to effect that a southern director of the company, finding the stock heavily oversold Inaugurated a campaign against the bears and had compelled Washington interest to cover. The fact that a well known Washington firm was given up as a buyer of 30,000 shares lent color to this theory. In the after noon trading the excitement in this specialty abated and traders paid more attention to General Electric, Chicago Gas. Leather preferred and Cotton Oil. General Klectrlc rose from .H"s to 37,i; Sugar, from 1154 to 1164: Leather pre ferred, from 60 to 62, and Cotton Oil preferred, from 60V-J to 6314. The rail way list showed little life. At the start Burlington and Quincy, Missouri Pa cific and Baltimore and Ohio were not ably weak, falling aV4 per cent., but In the late session a steadier tone pre vailed, the losses noted, were partly regained. Speculation closed firm. Net changes show losses of kn per rent. In the railway list and gains of 1 to 37i per cent. In the industrial group. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AT.I.EN fr CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, Block broker, 412 Kpnice street. up n- iiiku- i.ow- fios- in, ext. est. Inc. Am. Tobacco Co.... T.V Am. Cotton Oil lie Am. Simur Re'g 'i..11iV Atcli.. To. & H. l-'e.. Hi Canada Southern... 50 7N iti'.a 11'! 15?i M HP, tili'.j 77 W'j 77 71' n;-4 1B' M l.i'i (17'. "' 77'j 4 72 llK'i 17 37'.'. L'S4 1t" Hi' 4 I!.".'. IS", Th) 7'T W'4 7'i :a 71-, L'li'a Id". S-T-. H'i4 1 Vs. vm'2 i'L. H4 W'i, IP ftJ :tn', 3u' 7vs 17-4 St", 11 Ches. A O li!a Chicago llas... Chic. N. VV.. Chic. I!. O... .. ::, .. 77's .. :w 77'i ..VM-a v. r. ft ft. r Chic, Mil. Si. P Chic.. U. !. & Puc. Del. Hud Dlst. .'. V tlen. Electric Louis. & Nash.... M. K. & Texas. Pr Manhattan Ele Mo. Pac Nat. 4 'unlaw N. J. Central 17 37' :-'4 Ki.-,1.. J.t. V'i l'Kil, 14, n i 1.1 ', am. vi v . M H'i ' r.i .Iii-.'.j -.'' JW'.'a . Hi", . H4 . -' j . IP, Nor. Pac., Pr Ontario ft West Puc. Mall Phil. & Read Southern It. It Southern It. It., Pr. Tenn. t Iron liilon I'li'-lllf Wabash, Pr Western Union W. L 1". S. Leather V. S. L-otlier. Pr.... I'. H. Rubber lie, H--4 I"! 11 H'.. 31114 7", IS sr. 11 ; ' 3n St1, 7', is 1i '4 S t;o'' :m H'i f.i', 2t; 21 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRAUI5 PRICES. op n- HUH- I.ow Clos. inir. C, :o; -.'1 an. r..47 &.so 9.K7 10.U5 Scranton Roard of Trade 1 ichangeQuo' tations-AII notation Based on Par of IOO. Name. ntf4 Askst Dime Dep. ft Die. Bank 135 .f' ocranion ijice t uriain Co M National Boring ft Drilling Co. ..! k0 First National Batik. b0 Scranton Jar ft Btopper Co..... Bprtt.g Firook Water Co Klmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Savings Bank Bcranton Traction Co Itonta Plate Glass Co. Bcranton Par Replacer Co gctanton Packing Co Weston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron ft Bleel Co.. Scranton Bedding Co , BONDS. Scranton Glass Co ,, V, 105 100 M ' 10 109 K 0 Kit) 103 1M 200 WHEAT. Inc. est. est. May 64' 6.1', 64 July 643 t,jJ4 Ul'i OATS. May 2u", 2fi July SI 21', 21 CORN. May 30 3rt4 So July 31', 3t't 31 LARD. May 5.47 6.47 n.41 July Ci.M Cut t.'M PORK. May 9.XT S.S7 9S7 July 10.03 Io.Uj lu.ou 8cranton Pass. Railway, Ant mortgage due 1918 S.-ranton Traction Co People's Street Hallway, tint 110 ... M U ... N no ..: 100 102 ... lot lot ... io UM gcrantun & Pittston Trac. Co.. People's Street Railway. Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co.... Lacka. Township School .... Ctty of Scranton Street Imp t Scranton Axle Works Borough of Wlnton 1 P.uih Brook Coal Co New York Produce Market. New York. iMarch 11. Flour t'n rhanged. Wheat Spot market moderate ly active, firmer; No. 2 red store and ele vator. 7iu,ia7e.; afloat, SlaM'ic; f. o. b., SO'-jhSIc; ungraded red, (!..: No. 1 northern, 74V-: options were more ac tive and Irregular, declining 'aae. on winker cables, locul realizing and bearish government report, advanced N,ac. with the western and better export demand, fell uf. and closed steady at unchanged prices 4o c. advance; No. 2 red March, 73lc.; April, 73rsc; May, 7lc.; June and July, 71'c. Corn Spots, dull, ttrm: No. 2 at 3V-. elevator; 40)c. atloat; option closed firm, unchanged. Oats Spot, dul, steady; options steady, dull: March, l.'5'V. ; .May, 25-lje. ; epot prices, No. 2 at 2.V-C ; No. 2 white, 2I4c.; No. 2 Chicago. No. 3 lit 24'i; No. 3 white, 2.Vja2tc. ; mixed western, 2iia2ti'c.; white do.. 27&3H.'.; white slate, 2ia2!k Provisions unlet, steady, unchanged. I,urd Quiet, ulutrt steady; western steam, 35.0u; city. Jai.U",; May, Jj.i.'i; refined, dull: continent. STi.tMi; S.mth America, 86.15; compound, 4'iiu4:se. Pock Firm, moderately active; sales. 30 bar rels; mess, $UJal0.10. Butter Steady, fair demand, uni-hunged. Cheese Fairly ac tive, unchanged. fCggs Weaker, mod erate demand; state and Pennsylvania, ll'all.e. ; southern, loaluc; ice house, case, V-'iiii'-' So, western fresh, llall'c; duck, al'6c. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, Murvh 11. Wheat Receipts, 5.70O bushels; shipments, 2.4SO bushels; linn: No. 2 red cash. 711c.: May. 72c.: Jnlv. OSSo. : No. 3 red cash. Ci'.e. Corn Re ceipts, lti.ruo bushels; shipments, f.40 4usiieis; dull: no trading. (Jats Nonil lull. 'lt)l'ei-Mte.1 Mi.1t.t till ImiitI' whltt, ments, l.icti bags; steady; prime cash. x i!i; .Muri'ii, 4 4vai.4L'i; April, 4.2, .prime timothy cash. $1.7o. Iluffalo l.ivo Stock. Huft'alo, N. Y., March 11. -Cattle Strong ana iirm; lew goou mock nere; nutcners $:;a3.5; fair fat cows. fc.75a;l. Hogs Fair ly uc'lv. Hrm; Yorkers, U:.a4.50; light uo..; pigs. X4.&oal.u; mixed packers. -t..jiu-f.-i;i; iiieuiuins, 94.jva4.-1u; neu y -i..-i)a..iu; rougna. 3.soa3.7i: stags, .7f.a rwieep ami lambs Act ve. inc. idir:i er; good to choice mixed sheep, H.'Wa3.!iO; common- lo (air, $J.i3 .40; prime yearlings nuu ii to luo-pouuil wethers, J4U4.10; cnolea to uc.n lambs, 5l.7uat.85; fulr to good, (4.10a l.tu; uciit and common, (J.Sjal.3; heavy export iambs, $4.0ia4 ?.". Chicago Live. Stock l.'nlon Stock Yards, March 11. Cattle Iteceipts. lo.uco head; market firm und Phi lie. hiKher; common to extra steers, f3.40u. t.iu; siocKcrs ami leeuers. K.rjaxw. co,vs und bulls, 9l.rua:i.r0; calves, JJ.Tiiiil.ln; Tex- a ns, K;.iua4.iv. lions Hecelpls, Si'.uou hen-l; mark.-t weak ami fialwc. lower; heavy packing und shipping lots, Jlt .v.'.at.n; com mon to choice mixed, $:i'.il.lL" .; choice assorted, j.i.l0a4.i0; light, $3.a4r:'0; plus. $3.iOa4.1u. Sheep Receipt, II.MU0 head; market steady; inferior to choice, fcl.Wj, S.tii; lamb:, $3.2'.a3.4ii. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. March 11. Tallow Is dull, but steady. We quote; 4,'lty, prime, n hoRshcads, SV-: country, prime, In bar rels, :V;:; do., dark, in barrels, 3'4:i3i2 !.; eases, 4c; grease, 8'.e. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHKN PAID KOIt IN AD VAUCK. WHKN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADR, NO CMAHQR WILT. BR LESS THAN 2r, CKNTS. THIS RULR P PI.TRS TO SMALT. WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSKKTED FREE. Situations Wanted. "?7xp1ohikncei co at maker "and J J Keiicral tailor wants pmitiim; can gn to work at once. Address I,.. 6111 Adams avenue SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY one who thoroughly undnrstaucU the meat business: well B-d to peddle or tend to market: with good habit and references. Ad lre.11 D.. Tribune ofllee. Scranton, Pa, SITUATION WANTED AS COLLECTOR O by one who is well to the city and outnf the city, with liimlticni qualifications, pood habits and iiiinlirlcutlons. Address D., Tribune ottice, Scruntoti. Pn. 8ITUATION WANTED AS BL'Tl'HEtt; SU years' cxpr-rloncn; (rod! cutter and quick nt. .rales. Addr.-as HIL ION. care Mr. Har vey, Hubert venue. Providence. t-ITL'ATION WANTED BY AN EXPERL O mired accountant and bonk keener to open and post up Look, mnko balance sheets, adjust complicated accounts, also kep traders' books morning or evening. Terms vry moderate. Address Eoukkcepor, Tribune ottice. SITUATION WANTED-bTaXPERL O enced accountant and bookkeeper: ac counts audited or examined: bonks opened, closed ami written lip; small sets kept up morninKs and evenings: terms rovsonablo. Address .1. fl. .1 . rale of Tribune office. Help Wanted Malt. AVAnted-tf.n MEN TO SELL TEA mid rnlTee in and around Herani-,in. will furnish horse and watron un l nav -"0 Dr cent, commission: a small bond requited. Address B. B.. Tribune. ,' ANTED MEN TO WORK ON SCRAN tt ton City Direct iry. Apply in own handwriting, P. O. Box (. Ur ANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO work nt home: I piy S3 to Jill per week for making Crayon Portraits; new patented ineth.xl: anyone wbo can ru and write can do the work at bmne, in .spars time, day or evening; send for particulars and begin work nt ones. d(iress H. A. Oripu, Uonusn Artist, Tyrone. I'a. TANTED-N AO F NT IN EVERY HEC : 14.00 to 11 Oil a dav ma le' tinn tocunvass: lis at sight: nlsoa man to sell fctaols (tomlj to dealers; best side lino J7.YIA) a month: tui ary or Inrire commission made; experience tiunecpsHa'y. Clifton foup and Manufactur hut Co., Cincinnati. O. "WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for agents; 110 capital required. EDWARD C. FISH ft CO., Burden Block. Chicago, ill. Helo Wanted Females. 'ATsTEDFfv for lilzh elnss toilet guojs; must bavo good nouiplexlnns und rl,lil-es and be good I alters: permanent poutioii. eoo l sa'srv nnd coiumission. JUMB. JOSEPHINE I BFEVRE. nt Matthews Bros'. Dm- Store, ;t"0 Lacka wauus avetiuu, f ' OOD, STRONG GIRL OH ! WOMAN TkoR 'I general housework Apply, wilb refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, 1312 N. jiaiu avenue. 1 ADIF.S-I MAKE BlOYAaEs" IMjINU I J pleasant btiiiie work, und will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent Maum. MIWS M. A. 8TEBBIN3. Lawrence, Mich, Wanted-lady AO ekti1bcran- ton to sell and Introduce Snyder's cake Icing: experienced eanvrsser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars at once sill get beuedt of holiday trade. T II. SN YDER Cincinnati. O VANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO F.NER- get:o saleswomen to reprae-ut us. Guaranteed $0 a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Wanted Money. 03,11 1 ON FIRST MORTGAGE FOR THREE O years on $0,000 property; about SI. full) to lie nsed to pat on now buildinga; balance to be used to clear all debts: give interest want ed. Addree D. A C, Trlbnne office. Wanted I Rent 1IOUSE IN GREEN R1DOE; RENT NOT II to exceed IIS: good yard; man and wife. IMMEDIATELY, care Tribune. Proposals. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE ie 14 IV...H.H .mm eel veil at tbe oftice of Wyoming avenue. Krrsnton t'm tintn ulu la, 1SMI. for tbe removal from premises of everything above and to six Inches below the curb grade line on a lot 2xloH feet at corner of Linden street and Madison avenue. 01 CENT c onmiolOy IN THE Itiiiiii We are showing the nei Spring Capes, Coats, Ready-Made Suits and Separate Skirts. The line is by far the Finest and Largest ever shown in Scranton.. t.,H:, CONNOLLY ftganta Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIOARS; 'i per month salary and expenses paid. Addross. with two-ceut sUmp, K1UARO Cl OArt CO., Ctiicsito. AOENTS TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro piators; price from l-l upward: salurv and ex peoses paid: onttitfree. Address, with staiuu, MICHIOAN MPO CO., Chleag.1. " AUENTS TO SELL CIO A R8 TO DEALERS; ti weekly and expenses; experioncs on twcewiary. CONSOLIDATED MVii. CO, 48 Van Buren st.. t.'Uicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; iTi per cent, commission; sample book mailed fros. Address L. N. CO.. Station L, New ork. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO J & sen new llgntnlug selling table quno ana uouse nv iiquiu at 10 rente and i! cents a Do'tie. Kunpbi M'F'U Co., Baltimore. Md. free. BOLQ1ANO AGENTS HINDE'S PATENT 17NIVKR sal Hair Curlers and Wsvers fused with out heat), aud "PyrPointnd"Hair Pins. Lib. era) commission. Free sample and (all par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 4 fill. New York. For Sale. loD lilt L' Unitiitf' 1VI T , ,1, . m nAti I . w. i'n in n'."H A II OUI J I V I IV - 1 nor of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern iuiprovemenlsnn premises. URS. A.nNIE STEWART, Duntuore. Pa. l.OR 8Al1:-1 PAIR BAY MARES: I J Mack pacer: very fast; prices low. GUERNSEY BROTHERS, !4 Wyoming Av. .'OR SALE ONE OF T HE FINEST X rnuntry places near Scranton; larire modern house and line grounds. UHH. MARY AYLK8WORTH. Clqrks lireen. Pa. i For Rent. J'mlioNrKoriTHo 1 street, Nos. 4 Ml. 418. 4:.".' and 4Jt: conveni ent and central. Apply to .lames B. Watson, at First National Bank, or A. D. Dean, 32WU N. Washington areiitie. I'OR RENT A HOUSE WITH S FINE J large rooms, lsrve lot and barn on: con veniently situntsd, No. 1541 Penn are., Greeti Ridge. Apply to M. T. KELLER. 315 Adams avenue. IARUE. DRY, AIRY BASEMENT TO LET J suitable for storage uurnoses. BLACK & KINO, 3U4 Penn avenue. Ii-tlR RENT FROM APRIL 1, I.AKI1F. brick house, 424 Mulberry street: all mod ern appliances, inquire 343 N. Washington avenue. l?OR RENT NEW 10-ROOM HOUSE ON V Oak street, nenr Main avenue: all modern improvementa. BENJ. ROBINSON. 112 Oak street. 17OR RENT WAREH0U8E ON D.. L. ft ' W. switch. BCRANTON STOVE WORKS l.HR RENT ROi 'MS NOW OCCUPIED BY V the Traders' National Bank: nossession given about Nay 1. bv F. I. PHILLIPS. Cashier Traders' National Bank. I.OR RENT-TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL modern conveniences. Inquire at 1223 washharn at. IOR RENtT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE 71.1 OlllnCV aVAnilA. Rtil. rnalnnaMn Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. F'OR RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court. Inquire list Adams ave. FOR RENT NICEui FURNISHED HALL suitabin for ! ultra rooms. JnHK JKU. MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. FOMENT. Tlic upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and Penn Arcs.. being oU feet front and nearly KM) feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt uuurs iur scuuui. oiiice. gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Clairvoyant. MADAME AUBREY. GREATEST LIVING clairvoyant in th world: tells past, present and future. 212 Mulberry street. Hotel Change. MR. V. J. MANOAN. WHO SUCCESSFUL ly conducted a hotel on Firth avriiue. this city. Use bought the lease and fixtures of Callahan's hotel, Laesnwunun avenue, and will hereufter condnct business at that well kno establishment. Mr. Mangan will thor oughly renovato and remodel the place, and when it is finished It will lu one of tbe beet equipped hoteli in the city. Auditor's Notice. AUDITOR'S NOTICE-IN RK ESTATE OK J. U. Fell, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county: The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna count)-, for a I just merit and to pass upon tbe excep tions tiled to the llrst partial m-eount ot Asher M. Fell, one of the executors of Bald estate, and to restate the account, hereby gives no tice that he will attend to the duties of tils appointment at Ins oftice, lioO Spruce street, Scranton. Pa., on Tuesday, March illst., ltnsi, at V o'clock a. in. H. If. STREETER. Auditor. Cold Stocks and Properties. Sure and Safe Investments, for l.arge and Small Investors. Write us for lull informa tion. Statistic. Mans, etc., furnished free. Private Direct Wires to Cripple Creek, Colora do Springs, Denver and New York. THE MtCHfc.M INVESTMENT CO., Chicago. Ills., L. O. KNIiLI.AISU, Manager. Medical. A SUKF CURB l-OK RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure POfl out of every 1.000; two ibises will take the worst of iufiatn- matnrynntur bed. li.00 u pint bottle. Manufactured and sold br MRS. DR. HAMILTON, a4e Northaospton Street, Wilkes-Barr. !. and for sale at 116 New York St.. Ureas Ride. aCKANTON. PA. . & WALLACE, TRY US. 102-004 LACK! V, COR. I0AK& Stockholders' Meeting, rPHE ANNUAL UEETINO OF THE m stocKUulders or Tbe Providence Use and Water Company will tie held at their office in the Delaware and Hudson buildiuv. Lacka wanna avenue. Hcrnuton, Pa.. Holiday, Hay Menu, iu n, m to riecs omcers 10 serve duriug the ensuing year, to consider and su- thoriso an incroase of the capital stock of the company, and transact any other business mm 111MT oe pi-PNeniea. By order of the nianaeers. H. F. ATHERTON, SscrsUry. Bcranton, Pa.. Fob. 2s, IhOA. . Soeclal Notices. THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELE 1 bratod WHITE HPONUR FLOUR have appointed Messrs. Megurgel & Consell their sola sgents for tlie sale ot the ssme in Bcran ton and vicinity. Mr. K. E. Teal, who tar. merly had the agency of this flour, will repre sent Megargel ft Cunnell with tbelr complete ins, ujgaiuer witu an nis lormer speoiaiuss, ""j'HE 80LDIER1nOUH CIVIL" WAR. J .You want this relic. Contains allot rrang L.siiea ramousold War I' ing the forces in actual battle, sketched on tbe spot. Two volumes, !2,0UU pictures. Bold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. Q. MOODY, tlil Adams Ave.. Keranton, Pa. BLANK sines, TBI bun a prices. PnnVU DIUDUIMIa UAnA etc., bound or rebound at Tub ofllce. Wuick work. Reasonable Special Election. Mayor'! Ovrirc Srranton. P.. Mrch 0. ISM TVTOTICE IS HEREBY U1VEN THAT Itf 11 nursuftuc of rMolutiot. of Commoa I'AtiMnil a.nea.Au Miaul. It ItafUl l-l ' ""nit as.',, visit ataii u w, anew, ai ajjcUHU leotion will bo held at tba Uiual polling nUcw ia ine riiervain wnra ox tain my. upon l ues- uy, cue -tin aiy 01 miirca, ism, lor in pur nose of elect. tiff a member of Common Guun. ril to wrve for the unexpired term endinir tlie nssl sVfn.l.w A eissll lUOT set si iivuueij VI sll'i it. 4 rf I . (Higned) w. i. CON NELL, Mayor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD! Schedule In Effect May 19, 180a. Trains Leave Wilke-Barrea Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Potttville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent S. M. PREVOS T, Ueneral Manager. Centrul Kailroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleunliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN KKFBCT NOV. 17. 1835. Tinlns leave Serunton for Pittston, vV'llkes-Bnrre. etc at K.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m.. 1.20, 2.00. 3.05. C.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, S .00 a. tn., l.uu. z.iu, i.iu v. m. Eor Atlantic C.'ily, 8.20 a. m. Tor Now Vork, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. tn.. 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor enr), 3.05 (express) p. m. Hun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Ternilnul, t.l!l p. m. and New ork 0.45 p. m. Kor Alauch t'hunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Kaston and Hblladelphla, 1.20 a. in., 1.20. 3.05, ft.oO (except Philadelphia) p. 111. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. For Heading. Lebanon and llarrlnburg, via Atlentown, S.20 a. in., 1.20, g.00 p. ni. Hunduy, 2.15 p. in. For Pottsville, S.20 a. m 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erly street. North klver. at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10. 1.30. 4.20 (express with Buffet parlor ear) p. m. Uunday, 4.20 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, t.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. in. Hunduy 02; a. 111. Through ticket!) to all points at lowest rates muy be hud en application in id Vance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. On. Pass. Agent J. H. OLtlATrSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AND .LDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 30, all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue station as follows: ton station for Carbondale and Interme diate points at 1.20 5-4f. '. -2u and . a. m., 12.00, 2.20, S.55, 0.15, tM 7.2 9.1 und Trams win leave Bcran 1 1 'III n m For Farvlew, Way mart and Honesdale at 7 00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 5.U5 PFof Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondackt and Mor.trcol at 5.45 a. ni. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.45, 1.45, t.38 and 10.45 11. m., 12.05, 1.20, S.MS, 4.00, 6.10, 8.05, 9.15 and 11.39 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, s.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a. m 12.00, 1.17, 114. 140, 4.54. 5.55. 7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p. m. Uroni llonesdale, Waymurt and Far. view at 9.34 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, J. 40, 5.65 and 7.46 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.. at 4 64 and 11.33 p. m. From WUkts-Barre and Intermediate rjlnts at 115, 3 t4, 10 05 and 11.65 a. m.. l.U 14. 119, 110. 101, 720. 1(0 and ail p. m. Wallace THE ENTIRE I OF 11 and Capes were from tbe agents. bought Trunks at One-Third Less than regular prices. We have martea them on the same ba sis. 2osX UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renoiate Feathers, Male Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17. 1895. ' Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via li. H. H. R. at 7.41 a. m.. 12.05. 1.20. 2.38 and 11.38 p. in., via D , L. A W. it. It., 0.00. S.08, 11.20 a, ni., and 1.3 p. ni. Leave Brranton for Pittston nnd Wilkoe Barre, via D.. L. A W. R. K., .0O, 8. OS. 1I.8S a. m., 3.40. 6.07. 8.53 p. m. Leave Bcranton for White Haven. Ha. xleton. Pottnvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow ami Pottsville branches, ','a,! .'f w- v- " nt.. via D. H. R. R at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38. 4 00 p. m-. via D.. L. & W. It. R. 100, 8.08, 11.20 a. in., 1.30. 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehers. Kaston. Hearting, Harrisburg and all Intermediate ?,Sin,."!,.vlT D- H- R- H- '.. lH Oi, I. 20. 2.38. 4.00. 11.38 p. m., via D.. U W. R. R 100, 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m L,ea,ve Scranton for Tunklmiinock, To wanda, Klmira, Ithuca, Ueneva and all Intermediate points via D & II. 11. H . I li a. m 12JJ, and n.35 p m via D L. es W. K. R., 8.08, S.&a a. ni.. 1.30 p. m. ,rav Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Detroit Chicago and all po'"t west via D & 11. H. R.. 8.46 a. tn., ;15. 1J-38 p. m.. via D.. L. & W. R. It. and Pittston Junction. 8.08. 9.55 a. m., 1.30, 'S p ,m.- y'a E- VV. V. R. R., 3.41 p. m. or Rlmlra and the west via Salamanca, v ft .H- " K- m- U P- m 1 ' w- O. m.ri.3. and 6.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. Junction pr Wilkes-Barre and New York. i."""einiB, uunaio, and nuspeniwn Bridge. .OL"N H. WTLBtTR. Oen. flupt. CHA8. S. LEE, Oen. Pass, Agt Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: St press for New York and all points East, 1.40. 150, 116, 100 and 9.65 a. m.; 12.66 and 134 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.66 a. m.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 115 p. tn. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Binghamton, Oswego, EL mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10, 2.35 a. m.. and 1.21 p. m., making close connection at Buffalo to all points In tba West, North, west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, I a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.S7 p. nV Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Binghamton and Elmlra Express, 1st p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswego, Utlca and Richfield 8?tngs. 2.35 a. tn. ani 1.24 p. m. . .. . . . Ithaca 2.3T ana Bam a. m. ana i.zi p m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North, umberland for Wllllamsport, Hnrrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate ata. tions, G.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoke and intermediate stations, 108 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 8.53 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oe all express trains. . . jcor oeiaiieu iiiiwriimnwii. iwino .,,,, tsbles, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 32S Lackawanna avenue, er depot ticket ofllce. Erie and Wyoming Valley. nvnina leave Scranton for New York and intermediate points on the Krle rail. road at i.uu a. 111. uuu a.? 11. m. si,.-v iv, llonesdale, iluwley und local point at 7.00. 9.40 a. ni. and 3.29 p. m. All ine itoove are mrouan uuitis tv uw from Honesdule. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barr at 1J9 s m. and 3.19 p. m. SCHANTO Diviaion. la Effect Septeraher Kns, IMS Mortal noun. 203 0l Us? Stations 8 .a m a.! kTrslDs Daily. 1 . m . cept suumy.i p u Arrive 7 0?r. r. rrangiin 7loiWesc sitnd (treetl rooi weehawken 1 h- a Arrive 1 lSjHancoek Juaclloai ii Hancock ISAM Starlight Preston Fork Coiao Poyntelle Belmont Plessant MS. Cnlondsle Forset Cltr carbondale White Bridge Mayaeld Jermya Archibald Wlnton Pecknue Olypbaat Dick sea Throof) Provider) Park Pioo sail ti J IM sof is ssj 1401 IS tut ll 13(81 1 fiism 11 4M la M S 60 II Si I TW f4rutol Ti7.18 3A ..J tistssl...lj 4 .. es. it ii wfiitil tSSlll 111 0 wlill 07 s still m S 19ill 08 6111110" s 1 now 7 14' 1 Si Tsoi t t ti ! e M 7 ST SW f 88 4 04 784, 4 Ot TIS 410 T 80 4 14 f 41 (4 17 f 4S 480 sieioM 6craatoa at 'a Leave Arrlvaii sir m fll trains ran dally exoept snaday. signifies that trains atop on signal for I augers. t-ecure rate via Ontario Ws tern, before Mrchaslng tickets and aav say aatl Blkgt Kiproatotne west. J. C. Anderaoa, Oen. Paea.Ad, asswtat nat aJ; 1 O !flg' , Eeavei is ati T.rutcraftDlv; roaa, t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers