4 THE RCBANTON THIBUNE-THURSDAY MOItNIWK MARCH 5, 1896. DliPONI CASE CONSIDERED Question of Election of Delaware Senator Is Debated. CUBAN CONFERENCE DESIRED Senate Disagrees with the Uonee Subtl-tate-Offlcer la tba Federal Conns Receive sa Iaerease of Salary. Other Topics Considered. Washington. March 4. The senate entered today on the consideration of the question whether Henry A. ruxnt has been or not legally elected United States senator from the state ot Dela ware. Although the facta In the case are conceited on both sides of the cham ber, the legal point Is one on which the two political parties take opposite Views; and on that opposition hinges a dispute which may occupy the time of the senate for weeks to come. It seems that in the Delaware joint as sembly, on the th of May. 195. Mr. Dupont received lifteen votes out of a total of thirty cast. But as to one of the thirty votes, it la contended on the part of Mr. Dupont. that It was Illegal and void, it having been cast by Mr. Watson, a senator who had on the death of the governor, succeeded to that office, and who could not, as claimed by the Republican members of the committee on privileges and elec tions, legally or constitutionally act as senator. In that case the total legal vote cast being only twenty-nine, Mr. Dupont would have received a major ity and would be entitled to a seat in the senate. The contention on the part of the Democratic members ot the com mittee is that the exercise ot the duties of governor by Mr. Watson did not divest him of hla rights as a Htutw sen ator, and that, ut all events, that was a question to be determined by the senate of Deluwnre, und not by the senate of the United States. Mr. Mitchell (Hep., Ogn). cluiii-iiinn of thi committee on privileges and elections, made the opening urgiiiuent. in favor of the right of Mr. Dupont. lie Hpoke for three and one-half hours, und had not concluded his speech when the matter was laid uslde for the day. The senate disagreed to the house substitute for the senate concurrent resolution as to Cuba: und a conference with the house was requested the sen ate conferees being Senators Sherman (Hep., Ohio), Morgun (Mem., Ala.), and Lodge (Rep.. Mass.) all members of the committee on foreign relations. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. After passing a few relatively unim portant bills, the house spent the rest of today's session In the consideration In committee of the whole, of the fees and salary amendment to the legislat ive, executive and Judicial appropria tion bill. The whole time was spent upon the section fixing the salaries of district attorneys of the federal courts, which range from 32,000 to $5,000. The section was made the target for nearly a score of amendments, chiefly Intend ed to Increase the sums alloted to var ious districts; but the committee re fused to make any change In the sched ule save in two Instances. The salary of the attorney for the western district of Pennsylvania was increased from $3,600 to $4,000. and that of the attor ney for the eastern district of Michi gan from $3,000 to $4,000. An amendment was agreed to requir ing the attorney general In appointing assistant district attorneys, to make his selections from residents of the dis trict In which they are to serve. In the course of the afternoon a message was received from the senate announc ing the disagreement of that body to the substitute of the house for the sVnate Cuban resolutions and asking a conference thereon; but no action wna taken on It. The order for the printing of the re port of the Nicaragua canal commis sion, made February 19, was amended so as to exclude the printing ot the accompanying papers and maps. CONVICT LABOR BILL. The sub-committee of the house labor committee having charge ot matters pertaining to convict labor today re ported favorably to the full committee the bill of Mr. Southwlck, of New York, the object of which Is to protect fcee labor and the industries In which It is engaged from the injurious effects of convict labor. To accomplish this end, It confines the salo of convict goods, wares and manufactures to the state In which they are produced. Time for adjournment arrived before the full committee could pass on the measure but the indications are that It will re ceive a favorable report ut the next meeting. The committee ordered favorably re ported the bill of Mr. Prince, of Illin ois, providing for the settlement of Accounts of laborers and mechanics arising under the eight hour law. A proposition by Mr. Broderick, of Kan sas, provising that the claims should be paid to claimants In person or by check; was Mded to the "SAINTS" DRIVEN OUT. People of Tremont city Objest to the Teachings of Evangelists. Springfield. Ohio, March 4. The clt- Itens of Tremont City, a small village alx miles west of here, are In a state of great excitement over white cap notices which have been posted all over the town warning a number of persons calling themselves "saints," who have been holding meetings In the principal hall of the village, that they must leave the community Immediately or take the consequences. The meetings have been nttended by the young people of the neighborhood and the speakers have Indulged In Ideas that ure not In conformity with the teachings ot the Bible.- As a result of the notices Revs. John Schell and William Warner have left the village, or at least could not be found today. DRAWS STRAWS FOR WIFE. Michigan Convlet l.oss and Gives Her to the Other Man. Whit" Pigeon, Mich.. March 4. Ed ward Jordan, of Mottsvllle, has just completed a term of four years in the Jackson penitentiary. Jordan on his release returned to his home, where he nutivons REMEDIES DOCTOR YOURSELF. A Separate Cure for Each Disease At All Druggists, Mostly 25 Cents a Bottle. Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Remedies act almost instantly, speedily curing the most obstinate canes. Rheu matism cured In from 1 to 3 days. Dys pepsia and all stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh positively cured. Headache cured in S minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles. Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma and all Female Complaints quickly cured. -Munyon's Vitallier Imparts new life and vigor to weak and debilitated men. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1506 Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa. an swered with free medical advice for an 0 expected to be affectionately greeted by his wife from wnom ne naa pan fidelity, but Instead found her pledged to another. The tequel of the meeting was a proposition by Jordan to draw lots ns .. -i.i..k nhi-uil.l i-talm his wife. This was done. Jordan kist and faith fully kept the unique compact. lie ..ui-.u.l ullh hia lawful wife, while the divorce court and a second marriage will legalise the vows. ARCHBISHOP KEN RICK DIES. Tbe Venerable Prolato Passes Peace fully Away at St. Louis. St. Louis, March 4. Most Rev. Peter Richard Kenrlck. the venerable ex- archbishop of the diocese of St. Louis, Mo., died suddenly at the arch-episcopal residence this afternoon. The arch bishop was taken suddenly 111 this fore noon and Dr. Gregory was summoned. The latter was at the bedsHle ot the dying prelate In less than half an hour and soon ascertained that but a few hours of life remained. Archbishop Kaln was notified, nnd together with the members of the household and the archbishop's faithful nurse, assembled around the bedside. The prayers for the ilvlnir were recited and the rites nf extreme unction were admlnlsterd. Archbishop Kenrlck was conscious throughout and apparently In no pain. He seemed to recognize those about his beside, and occasionally opened his eyes and looked about the room. Towurds noon the dying man's breathing became more fitful and irregular. A cruciiix was placed In his hands and ho repeat pit the nravers of the church, as Chant ed by one of the Jesuit fathers who had been summoned. snoriiy otter i- o'clock the archbishop sank Into un consciousness, and it was plainly evi dent that the end was near. At l.'.lO o'clock the archbishop drew a long sigh and his soul passed away as calmly and as serenely us though he was dropping Into sleep. No arrangements have been mane ror the funeral, but telegrams have been sent to Archbishop Sutolli. at Denver, und it Is expected that he will come here immediately and ofliclute at me funerul. It is expected that the arch bishop's remains will lie In state for several days, nnd that the funeral cere monies will take place on next bunuay. IN PRESIDENTIAL DRESS. All Senatorial Favorite Sons Wear black frock Coats. Washington, D. C, March 4. Since Senator tjutiy formally launched his presidential boom he appears dally In the senate chamber attired in a black Prince Albert coat. Prior to that event ful period in his political career he was not so particular In his personal appear ance, and it was not unusual to see him in business suits of various colors and texture. Now, he looks well groomed, as If he Intended to go directly from the sennte chamber to an "afternoon tea." He walks with a more sprightly step and his general appearance has undergone a decided change since he declared him self to be "Pennsylvania's favorite son." It appears to be the style ror senator ial favorite sons to affect black frock coats as soon as their boom is an nounced. Senator Allison seldom ap pears In the senate chamber now In any other attire. Senators Cullom, Davis and even Senator Tillman recog nise the demands of the occasion and wear a frock coat just the same as the other presidential possibilities, HANGED AND THEN SET FREE An Oklahoma Prisoner Strung Up Three Times by a Mob. Perry, O. T., March 4. At about two o'clock yesterday morning a large band of masked men rode Into Tecumseh, the county seat of Pottawatomie county, Oklahoma, and took from the jail Jacob McLaughlin, who had been arrested some weeks ago charged with the mur der of John and Jacob Mauntz. two old farmers, who lived near VVewoka. The mob attempted to get a statement from McLaughlin, a prisoner named Trues dale, who is also under arrest for com plicity In the murders, having said that McLaughlin knew all the murderers. McLaughlin refused to tell anything and the mob fastened a rope about his neck and, throwing the rope over the branch of a tree, drew him up. Pres ently the men let him down, but ns he still refused to speak they repeoted the operation. This was done three times, but he remained obstinate and was finally released. FIVE MEN BURNED. Terrible Injuries Inflicted by Explosion of Ussoline Tank. Baclnp, Wis., March 4. A gasoline tank in the engine department of the Kuclne Hardware company, at Racine .function, exploded this afternoon, de molishing that part of the building, fatally burning five men and causing a loss of IIDO.WM). The men rushed pell-mell for the windows and leaped to the ground be low, a distance of twenty feet. Many ot them were badly bruised and some have broken bones. Five men were caught In a mass of flames and horribly burned about the face, arms and bodies. Their names are: A. J. King, Oeorge Nichols, John Fitch, George Stratton, O. Anderson. Two men employed in the metal de partment are missing, but It Is believed they were injured and carried home by comrades. CORDOVA CHRISTENED. She Is to fto the Nucleus of tho rotted States of Colombia Navy. Terth Amhoy, N. J., March 4. The ceremony of re-christen Ing the steam ship Neptune to the Cordova took place at Hugh Ramsey's ship yard this af ternoon, and she was then turned over to the United States of Colombia. Mrs. Depollo. wife of the vice consul of Col ombia to the United States, broke a bottle of champagne over the bow of the steamer and the flag of Colombia was thrown to the breeze. The Cor dova la to be the nucleus of the Col ombla navy. The Cordova was to have gone on a trial trln this afternoon, but owing to thejilgh winds It did not take place. SUES A CHURCH LOR $20,000. Janesvllle Woman Asks Dumngcs Sus tained on a Had Sidowalk. Janesvllle. Wis.. March 4. Abide E. Perry, of this city, has brought suit ugainst the First Presbyterian cnurch, of Janesvllle, for $20,000 for a broken ankle sustained in February, 1892, caused by stepping In a hole or depres sion In the sidewalk in front ot the church property. The city was made a party to the suit when It was llrst started In Octo ber of 1X2, but an amended complaint is now made in which the city Is left out of the action on the clnlm that the church Is pecuniarily liable in the affair. BIG FIRE AT DANBURY. Three Persons Badly Injnred-Flftecn , Buildings Destroyed. Danbury, Conn., March 4. For four hours this morning the fire department battled with a fierce Are which raged In the center of the city, and before It was subdued, property worth $150,000 was destroyed. Half the damage is covered by insurance. Captain Hoyt and Frank Eastwood, a hoseman, were badly injured, and Mrs. Sadie Carpenter, a colored woman, who lumped from a window, was In ternally hurt. Fifteen buildings, all but one ot wood, were burned to the ground. BLOOD AND NERVES ant very closely related. Keep the blood rtah, pure and healthy with Hood's Sarsaparllla and you will nave no trouoie irom nervousness. HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner pills, assiat digestion, prevent consti pation. SMS. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Street Kevlow. New York. March 4. Higher Quota tions from Loudon, accompanied by lib eral purchases of St. Paul and Louis ville und Nashville, the favorable statements of the Rock Island and St. Paul for February nnd semi-official re ports from Washington that the chief executive will act slowly In the matter of the resolutions udopted by the fen- ate and the lower house recognizing tne lulllcviencv of Cuba, all tended to re store confidence In values at. the stock exchange today. Operators for a rise were disposed to add to tneir uoiuing of the better class of stock and as a rule an advance of Viaty per cent. tooK place. It will be recailed that firms with connections at the capltol were among the heaviest sellers of stocks last week and the change of front to day excited no little comment. In the advance noted, St. Paul, Rock Island, Louisville and Nashville. Sugar, Jersey Central, Northern Pacific preferred and the (lotild Issues were conspicuous, ht. Paul sold ur to TS-T4 on talk of an In crease In the dividend. The directors are to meet early this month for ac tion on tills question. Sugur got buck to llJMi on the revival nf the old report3 of a division of part of the surplus In addition to the regular 3 per cent. The directors, it Is understood are to meet tomorrok. Cenerul Electric rose to r.";, the recent favorable decisions having stimulated purchase. There were a few weak spots, and of these Kurllngtoii and Uuincy was the most conspicuous because of the strength of the other grangers. The stock fell from 7ti?i to and back to 7(1. Tobacco was feverish at TliaT". The reported Is sue of $1,0110,00!) new preferred stock cannot be confirmed. Leather prefer red dropped from 62 to Gl)78. und Inter recovered to tin'-. There were no new developments to uccount for the weak ness of the stocks. In the lust hour the market wus firm with St. Paul, Sugar and Louisville and Nashville as the features. Total Baits were 1107,170 uliun-s. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AT. I. I.N ft CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, ktuck broker. 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co 7ii 77 70 77 Am. Cotton Oil 17 17'j 17 17;j Am. Sugar lU-'g(t..ll(iV& 1171, lite Hi Ateh., To. & S. Fe... IS 1H' ltf'i UP flies. Ohio l'i7 He ll7li lli'j f hicugo ti.is 117' j li7'. 'tfl Chicago & N. W lOi'i M'i lot' UM'-i Chit-.. H. Q 7'i'a 7s W f. c. c. St. L.. :i7 S7: :i7 37-4 Chic, Mil. & St. P.. 77'i 78 77'i 7S', Chic. it. I. Pac... 71 7.l' 7l" 727 Del. & Hud 128' 12X' 12s l-'S !.. L. & W liil'n lti2'a Uil'i Ui2'4 litst. ft C V 17? in 177 is Sen. Electric 32" St, iK'i Louis, ft Nash Kla W la'a M' M. K. ft Texas, Pr..2H-' 2H'a 27 2!'a Alunhatan Kle liti:' 1.".5 Hi.".',i 10.V, Mo. Puc 24 2l'ii 24 2-l'i National Cordage... B;1i 67 : Nut. Load 23'!, 2l' (, 21 N. .1. Central 107 108 107' lo:i N. Y., L. K. ft W 1 Hi" 1:' W3 N. Y 8. W 10 10'.,, 10 V', N. Y 8. & W., l'r... 27j 27 27'i 27'i Nor. Puc 44 4 4'j A'-k Ontario ft West lii 15 1.1 1.1 Omuha 41'i 41' 41' 4t'i l'uo. .Mail 27', 27 27', 27 Phil, ft Keud 12',, 12' 12' 12' Southern It. It 10V lu4 1' l'i Southern It. It., l'r.. 301, 3Hs, 3u 31 Tenn., C. ft Iron.... 30 3u's 2W 30 Texas Pacific 8'i S:l Villon Pad lie X 8, 71 '. Wabash i 7's 74 Wabash, Pr IS' i, K 18', 1S(, Western Union 84' 8I" M't 8l W. L ll't UTi H'a ll'a V. S. leather, Pr... 62 02 BT tiiK;i U. S. Itubber 2f)',i 2(i IK'n 2'j CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE TRICKS. Op'n- HlKh- Low- Clos. WHEAT. Ing. "t. est. Ing. May 6tit U7 Uii- IW', July 67 074 60 67' OATS. May 21 21'i 21 21 July 21!, 21U ..21'.i 21',; CORN. Mav 30'i 30'j 3'4 W July 31'.4 31 'j 31', 31? LARD. May 5.52 5.52 5.1.1 5.1.1 July 5.65 5.65 5.57 5.57 PORK. May 9.85 9.97 9.77 9.80 July 10.05 10.05 9.97 9.87 Scranton Board of Trade EzcbangcQiio. tations-AII Quotations Based on Pur of 100. Name, Bid. Askod. Dime Dep. ft DIs. Bank 135 Scranton Lace Curtain Co 50 National Boring ft Drilling Co. ... 80 First National Rank 650 Scrantan Jar ft Stopper Co 25 bprlr.g Brook Water Co 303 Klnihurst Boulevard Co 10 Scranton Axle Works 80 Scranton Savings Bank 200 Scranton Traction Co 15 Bonta Plate (llass Co.... 10 Scruiilon Car Keplacer Co 100 Sr? anion Packing Co 95 Weston Mill Co 250 Lackawanna Iron ft Steel Co i:a Scranton Bedding Co 103 BOXD3. Scranton Glass Co 100 Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 .... Soranton Traction Co T 85 people's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton ft Plttston Trac. Co 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 5 103 City of Scranton Street Imp CJ4 ... 102 Scranton Axle Works 100 Borouith of Wlnton 6 Jt'O Bush Brook Coal Co 100 New York Produco Market. New York, March 4. Flour Dull, easy, unchanged. Wheat Firm; No. 2 rod store nnd elevator. 8!'ie.; afloat, 82'ic: f. o. b 83'4c: No. 1 northern, 75.; options closed eteauy at partly V. over yesterday; No. 2 reil March and April, 75'c: May, 73V,e.; June and July, 72V. Corn Dull, steady No. 2 at 37'i.c. elevator: Itt'.ic. allaat; op tions closed "at 'aV. decline; May. 3'JV.; Julv, 37e. Oats Dull, steady; options dull, steady; March nnd .May, 'Sc; Hpot prices. No. 2 ut 26'4c; No. 2 Willie, 27'io.; ,o. 2 Chicago, 27'4c; No. .1 at 2','ic; No. 3 white, 26' jc; mixed western, 2i;.i2ic; white state and western, 26a2!i'r. Provisions yuiet, unchanged. Lard yulet: western tdeain, $".6U; nominal; city, &"; May, J . 77 ; relliK'd. quiet; continent, $6; South Ameri ca, $0.25; eoiuiouiid, 4r'iat'ii'. Pork Slow, unchanged. Butter Fair demand, fancy firm;, suite dairy, 1iia2i)c; do. creamery, held, 12alS'.; western creamery. H:i:i' .c.; do. lielil, 12a lSc; do. factory. 9al?; Bli?iiis, 21'L-c.: imitation creamery, ll'2ali;c; rolls, 8al2'5C. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Kgus About steady; stale anfl IVnnoivani;!, Il'..al2c; southern, lilallc; lee house rasa, JI.75; western fresh, Jl',4all'ac. ; duck, 22a 2sc. Toledo Urnln Market. Toledo, O., March 4. Wheat Recelnts, 4.!Hil hushels; shipments, 3,."ii:0 IiiisIicIm; dull; No. 2 red cash, 7:tl'c; Mav. 74V'.; July, 70,c; August, 6(i'c; No. 3 red cash, 7lic. Corn Receipts. 14.S2I bushels; shipments, .Si bushels: dull; no sales. Outs Kasy; No. 2 mixed, 22'i.c. Clov-r-seed Receipts, 736 bags; slilpmrnas, 63 bags; firm; prime cash, $i.47'jc; October, $4.f2Vj.c; prime alsike. $1.46. Ruffnlo Live Stock. Buffalo, N. Y., March 4. ('nf tie Feet- RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Many people tnf no; that is lieRanso they have heard of so many failures whero the truss or tbc knife bare been relied upon. Hcience hna dove!uied new and hotter way a system of treat ment that positively cures and does awsv with the trim entirely after yards. Dr . P. O'Mulley. Rupture Pimlallst, ""fioutli Washington street. Wilkei-Ha adminUtHrs this new treatment. re Is no detention from business and ersont from out of t ram can receive tmatment and return borne the same day. An sbsoluta cure is iiuaranteed. Tuero is no charge for examination, A visit once s weak fur four to eight weeks will usually lie uftlcient for the moat stubborn vases N. B. These not wishing treatment can be fitted with the celebrated O'MtLLEY TRUSS, guaranteed to bold any rapture that Ml be returned living erne and eomtoiv. Ing steady to strong, but nothing doing. Hog Afilve find lUuSSc. higher: good Yorkers. S4.40a4.45; mostly, 14.4.1; light lots and pigs.; mixed packets. I.4'U 4.4.".; mediums, $1.35u4.4.; good heavy, S.25ul.3o; mostly, ).2u; pis. $4.5Uu4.w; Tousiis. $S.2-la:t.7.i: flags, t2.75u3.25. Sheep ond lumlis Steady to firm for sheep, nhade stronger for lambs; good to eliolue mixed sheep, t3.5Ha3.Sii; common to fuir, J2.soa3.4o; prime Imndv lambs. J4.70u4.S0: good to choice, 9t4.5uu4.61; light to lair. Jiu.4.40; heavy stnte lambs, J4..1oa4.65; ex port ewe und Wethers, J3.50a3.65. Chicago Live Stock. Union 8tock Yards. 111., March 4.-Cat-tle Receipts. ll.Ono head; market strong and kv. higher; common to extra steers, I3.30a4.65; stockera und feeders. t2.U5a3.50; cows and bulls, SiOOafl.SO; calves, SX5oa 6.2.'.; TexMTis, :'.3.'ia3.M. Hags Receipts, 17,000 hmU; market ntrong and 1: high er, early closing weak at u. reaction of r.c: -heavy packing und shipping lota, S3.90a4.17y.; common to choice mixed, J.t.9oa 4.20; choice sorted. JI.IOn4.22'-..; light, 83.a0a4.22',!:: pitta. 83.2"al.l. Sheet) Re- cemis. IL'.U.M Head: market strong mien. or to choice, $2.60a3.(i5; lambs, J3.iiOa4.'J5. Phll.-nlclphln Tallow Market. Philadelphia, .March 4. Tallow Is dull nnd unchanged. We quote: City, prime in hogsheads. 3v.;c. ; country, prime. In bar rels. 3"Sc; do. dark, in barrels, SuS'.ic; cukes, 4c.; grease, 3'jc. Ill-AI.LD 1JV PRAYF.K. Mrs. Scbcnck, an Invalid for l'lftecn Years, Ablo to Leave Iter Red. Norton, Kan., March 4. Mrs. W. II. Schenck has been an Invalid for lif teen years. Last Friday she called all her family to her bedside and bade them larewell. After klssius her children, she decl.ired she saw the ntijtels ready to greet her. She has not been nble to speak above a whisper for a week. Her dying request was that her husband reform from dissolute habits nnd kneel by her bedside and ,,'-uy. The malt i.-ad , ti-., ,.,. .... I... 1... ,.rtinl LtTluil down and prayed for divine help and forgiveness, askllifr Hod and his wife to I. lot out Ills past life. "..'"h ,1..- J',,,.,,, ...t: itji.p, ,,,., 1:11.1, Ail lit.e tiunilti .fill, I,..' nnd uhmit. ed iii a tone of voice Unit caused the M'lKr.bot's to rush into the House. Mrs. Schenck irn-w better and within nn hour was pitting up in her bed. Yesterday, for the first time for mouths, she left ner ueu ami participated in a praise service nt her home. Piles! Piles! Itchinp. Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching nnd stinping: mor.t at night; worse by scratching-. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Kwayne's Ointment stops the Itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for 50 rents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHRN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADB, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 2.1 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wantd-Male. w ANTED TWO STRONG BOYS. AP- ply press room of The Tribuno 3 p. in. IVTANTED-A SINGLE MAN TO CUT V meats, open oysters, etc., and can make himself generally useful around market. Ad dress MARKET, in own handwriting. Trib une office. Iir ANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO V work at home; I p'iy ?3 to $16 per weok for making Crayon Portraits; new patented method; anyone who can road and write can do tbe work at home, in apare time, day or evening; send for particulars and begin work atouce. Address II. A. (i.-ipp, Oomua Artist, Tyrone, Pa. S ALESM KN-J:fA bAY;NO CANVASS ing: no deliveries; 110 collections; samples free: side line or exclusive. MFKS., 3041 Market at., imiadulphiu. "tl "ANTED AN AGENT IN EVERY BED tion tocanvass; 1-4.00 to V 00 a day madn: ells at sight; also a man to sell Maple Goods to dealers; best side line $75.00 a month; sal ary or large commission mado; experience unnecessary, Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O; WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN it every town to solicit stock siilwerlp tions; n monopoly; big money for agents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISli CO., Borden Block. Cbleatro. 111. Heln Wanted Female. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINER: bring references. Kor information ill at 520 Olivo street from 2 to 5 o'clock. VlOOD, STRONG OIUL OR WOMAN KOR T general housework Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, 1342 N. J.ain avenue. f ADIK8-I MAKE Bit WAGES DOING 1 J pleiisiitit home work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent tauip. Miss M. A. STKilRlNS, Lawrence, Mich. N'f ED f.ADY-AllE.NT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder's cake icing: experienced canvser preferred; work I'orm.iimnt and very profitable. Write for articulnrs nt ouch and get benefit of holiday jade.Tli.SNYDr'.rt& CO Cincinnati, O WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENEH petio saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed JO a dny without Interfering with other duties. Realthf id occupation. Writ.) for particulars, inclosing eiamp, Mango Chem ical Cnnipanv. No. 72 .Inhn street. New Y'or't, Agents Wanted. AGENTS W ANTE D TO SELL CIGARS; 75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent atauip, FIGARO CI OAKJ'O.. cniraco. A" GEN'ts-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from $3 upward; salary und ex penses paid: ontlltfreo. Address, with stump, MICHIGAN MEG CO., Chicago. A" GENTS TOSEI.LCIGAIt TO DEALERS; t'St weeklv and expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED fllKG. CO., 48 Van Bureti St.. Chicago. CALEBMAN TO CARRY SIDE USE; 21 O per cent, commission; sample book mailed freo. Add ret U N Co., r-tation L, New York. AT ONCK AGENTSAPPoiNTEt) TO sell new lightning selling tablo cloth. inns quite and house tlv liquid nt 10 cents and 25 cents n lo tie. Sample free. 111)1.01 ANO M'F'GCo., Baltimore. Md. " GKNTS-IJIN'pE'S PATENT " "uNIVEK a'V sal Hair t urlers and Wavers fngMl with out I1c.1t, und "l'yr Vuintcd"iluir Pins. Lib eral commission. Free shiupIo and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 456. Now York. Lost. OST-A LAIDKH BLACK LEATllfciH X.J parse with silver trimmings, containing same money. The finder will bo rewarded if nurse 1 reurned to the rrltnme office. Found. r EFT AT OUR COUNTER SATURDAY A I J pulr of Es.e Clusscs. Owner can have mine nv calling at J. I). Wf. LlAMrt ftBRO. 314 Lsnka. avenue. Stockholder' Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE 1 stockholders of The Provlilince Gas and Water Company will lie held at their office In the Delaware and Hudson building. Lacka- wsnna avenue, Scranto:i, P., Monday, May 4. 18IM, at 10 a. m., to elect officers to serve during the ensuing year, to consider and au thorise an increase ot the capital stock of the company, and "transact any otber business mat may do prcsemeu. By order of the managers. H. P. ATHERTON, Secretary. Scranton Pa., Feb. 28, 1806. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders or Tne Dickson Manufac turing Company for the election nf officer and to vote on the nronosltion to rtdnee thn number of directors from eleven to not more thou nine nor lss than seven, ana tbeconsid riitlnn nf aueh othnr huitie4f a mav hm brought before them, will lie held at the office or tneeompiny in ecranton, un weanesdav, tbe 1 Ith dv of March next, atltl o'clock a.m. fSigned) WILLIAM H. PERKINS, Sec'y BcrauwB, ri., rcu. low. c onnollj? is, ' Wallace ANOTHER STIR ON K D Celebrated 600 Pairs in the Lot, Representing the Best Stock That Can Be Put into a Glove. FORMER PRICE $2.00. CONNOLLY & For Sal. I, OR SALE ON EASY TERMS THE NOR L wood hotel prolerty. situate iu tho vll ligo of Waverly, N. V. The property is im proved wth a new three story brick building, provided with all the modern Improvements, and rents for 2,0110 per year. For tiurticulai inquire of R. W. DAVIS. 14 North Franklin a'reet. Wilkos-Harre. Pa.; or, FRANK A. BELL, Atturnoy, Kpuulding Llock, Waverly. OR KALE-A HOUSE AND LOT; WILL sell cheap. Address or call at 613 North Garfield avenue, city. T 'OR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR J. tier ot Meade and Burke street. All mod ern luiprnveineui on premise. MRS. ANNIE STEWART, Dnninore, Pa. l.OR SALE-1 PAIR BAY MARES; I I black pacer : very fast : price low. GUERNSEY BROTHERS, iiUI Wyoming Ave. VOR SALE-ONE OF THE FINEST I country ilaees near Kcraiitnii; Isriio lnrslnrn housn nnd lino grounds. II KS, MARY AYLE8WORTH, Clarks Green, Pa. For - Rent. F'OR RENT 5 ROOMS, CENTRAL AND modern. Inquire of MRS. SLOWK, ills Washington avenue. l.-'OR RENT WAREHOUSE ON D.. L V W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS i;6r REN T-ROO MS IN BAH VE Y'BBRICK 1 block. South W yomlng avenue. Inquire at Harvey' Silk Mill. T.OR RENT-ROOMS NOW OCCUPIED BY X1 the Traders' National Bank: possession given about May 1, by F. L. PHILLIPS, Cashier Tradnrs' National Bank. ir-OR RUNT FROM APRIL 1. LARGE I brick house, 4'24 Mulberry street; all mod ern appliances. Inquire i!43 N. Waahingtou av.nne. 1,XR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL I modern convenience. Inquire at 123 Washburn st. lOR RENT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE J 1 Vuincy avenue. Rent reasonable, Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. I70R RENT-ONE FIX-ROOM HOUSE. LEE I court. Iminiro til Adam ave. I?OR RENT-NICEt.1 FURNISHED HALL J1 suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JKIt MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenne. IOR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY ocruDied by The Scranton Trib 'ne.known a the Blotser Building, corner ot Spruce St and Penn ave. Possession given immediately. The preml-es consist of the building in tlie rear of the building on the corner ef spruce street and Fenn avenue, together with the bssemont. and also the entire fourth floor of tho corner building. Can be rented for Lodge purpose as well as publie meetings. Size of hall, SlxIflO with a a.-cond ball on same floor, S.'x.'i. Kor particular inquire nn the premises, of Rudolph Bloeatr, or at the office of The Scranton Tribune. FOyENT, The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building;, corner Lacka wanna and Tenn Aves., beina; r0 feet front and nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt floors for school, office, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Auditor' Notice. AUDITOR'S NOTICE-IN RE ESTATE OF J. G. Fell, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Lackawanua county: Tho undersigned, an auditor appointed by t ie Orphan' Court ot Lackawanna county, for a ljusinient and to pass upon tho exemp tions tiled tn the first partial account ut Aslier M. Fell, on of the executors of said estato, and to roiiate 1lio account, hereby gives no tice thut ho will attend to the duties of his appointment at Ins otiicn, Swl Rprncn street, (ci -Hilton. Pa., 011 Tuesday, March Ulit., WW, at 1) o'clock a. in II. M. STREETER. Auditor. Soeclal Notices. riMIE MAN L'FACTURI'.KS OF hi: cele- X bratml WHITE HPONOK FLOUR have appointed Messrs. .Megnrgel Council their sole agents for tho sale m tho sanio in Scran ton and viclnitv. Jlr. E. E. Tcul. who fur inerly had the agency of this flo-ir. will ro'.re sent Mcgariiol oj Connnll wlt'u their complete line, together with all his former specialties, "'IU1E SOLDIER IN OUR CIVli. WAH." I You want this relic. Contains all nf Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures.show ing the foroos tn actual battle, skctcued on the spot. Two volumes, S,MJ pictures, old on essv monthly payment.. Delivered by ex-t-rei-s l omplete. i ll cl arces prepaid. Address P. O. JI01 iDY. 0" Adatn A ve.,Seranioii1 Pa. BLANK FOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA aincs, etc.. bound or rcbuund at Tdg TniliLNa ollico. V.uick work. Keasuuuble prii vs. Business Opportunity. 1 RIPPLE CREEK IN VESTMESTS-RE ' liable inforination. with Crlpp o tJreek nap free; H veurs on ground: OltuW capital, 'iiie Woods Investment Co., CoUiradoSpiings, Colo. Gold Stocks and Properties. CRIPPLE CREEK "SKSffS Sure and Safe Investments, for Large and Small Investor. Write us lor mil informa tion, b'atistles. Maps, etc., furnished free. Private Direct Wires to Cripple Creek, Colora do Springs, Denver and New York. THB JVlbCHBM INVfiSl MF.NT CO., Chicago, Ills., L. D. KNIiULAND. Manager. Medical. A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure WIB ont of every 1.00U; two doees will tike the worst case of inflam 11 atory out of bed. i00 per pint bottle. Mannfaetured and sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, Northamptoa Street, Wllkes-Barre. Pa. and for tale at New Vork St.. Green Rldft. SCRANTON. PA. LOVE "JEROME." Shades.t WALLACE, TRY US. 602404 UCXL IVL, COM IDIIt Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY AN OLD country grooiu and gardener, with a pri vate family; good references. Addresa Aic MULLhN. Cuslck's livery, Washington are. . -tf K- vol KU l.inv DmCtDBIl t MITIT. ation a houseketpsr. Apply Ml Al- ungii. uvvuuv. A GOOD DRESSMAKER WOULD LIKE 3 or 4 engagement to go out. sowing by the week; en 11 cut and fit; will work very reasonable if board and lode Ing i included. Address DRESSMAKER, Tribun office. CITUATION WANTED IN A GENERAL O etoro or market; driver, bartender, fire man or watchman; can bring a good family trade; city and country reference KANE, ist Penn avonuo. ' SITUATION WANTED Art BUTCHER; C? good meat euttr and sausage maker. Ad dress BUTCHER, l.3 Church avenue. QITUATTon" WANTEDAH BUTCHER OR O any other honorable employment; good work and has o-ocd reference. Add re T. II. JENKINS. lill Brick avenue. ClrUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR O watchman: ten years' esperiene and beat of references, Addresa ., Box iB llontrose, Pa. rOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION is willing to do anything. Addreea F. L., Tribun oillce. C INGLE MAN, Si. WOULD LIKE WORK 17 on gentleman's place. Addren WORK ING MAN. Tribune oltlce. U r ANTED POBITION BY VOUNO LADY a stenographer and typewriter; can also as ist on books: experienced; best refer, encea. Address H'f ENOGHAPBER, 1U8 N. Hyde Park aveuuo. C ITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER, BY i? ono who thoroughly understand meat business; can command a good trade: prefer to work in cash market; with good habit and tlrst-clas reference. D. MORGAN, Sua West Market stre.r.. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 19, 1805. Trains Leave Wilkea-Barre as Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harritburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m,, week days, for Hatleton. Poltsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pills burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burs: and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST. General Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TLMK TAHLB IN F.KFKCT NOV. 17. 1895. Train leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkcs-Dnrre, etc at 8.21). 9.15. 11. 30 a. m . 1 ! 2 00, 3.05, 5.00. 7.10 p. m. Suuduya, V.M a. m.. 1.00. 2.15. 7.10 p. m. Kor Atlantic City, 8.20 a. tn. Kor New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8 20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 305 (express) p. m. Sun day. 2 15 P- '" Train leaving 1.20 p. ni. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, C21 p. m. and New York 43 p. m. For Vatieh Chunk, Allentown. Bethle hem Fastun and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., I '0, S.05. 500 (except 1'hlludeiphiu) p. in. Sunday. 2.15 P- tn. Kor Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at S.20 a. m.. 120 p. in- ...... Kor Reading. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 u. in., 1.20, 5.00 p. 111. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. Kor Pottsville. 8.20 .. m., 1.20 p. m. Keturnlng, leave New York, foot of Lib erty alrcet. North River, at K.I0 (express) a. m 1.10. 1.3. 4.30 (express with Hnfiet uurior cur) p. in. Sunday. 4. 30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Readlm; Terminal. 8.00 a. m., 2.0U aud 4.30 p. m. Sunday ti.27 "'Through tickets to all points at lowest ratca may be had cn application in -id-vance 10 the ticket aitent at the station. 11. P. HALDWIN. Oen. Puss. AgenL J. IT. OLHAUSENf. Oen. fiiipL DELAWARE AND 111 1)SI in RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, WBM arrive 'at new Lacka B B wunna avenue atatlon JtW as follows: ff' Trains will leave Scran- ... ...ii.n for Carbondale and Interme- ii.i. Mlnf.t ia .5, 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 kl m l. 12 W. 2 20. 3.U S.15. 15. and "icn'Parview, Waymart and ITonesrtate at 7 00. 8.25 and 10.10 I m.. 12-00, 2.20 and 6.15 P'l.f Albany, Saratoga. th Adlrondacki .nd Montreal at 5.45 a. m. and 8.20 p. m. ""For Wllke.-B.rr,. and Intermediate .,:,, 7 45 8.45, .!S and 10.45 a. m.. 12.0a. f Si Z 4 W U M .0i, 8.16 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton etatton from Carbondale and intermediate points it 740 8 40. 8.34 and 10.40 a. m.. 1100, 1.17. J U.'tV40, 4.M. 5-55. 7.15. 8.11 and 11.33 p, m. From Honeadale. Wymart ami Far. view at t.34 a. m 12 00, 1.17, 140. S.a5 and 7-From "Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, ate., at 4.64 and 11.33 p. in. From Wilkes-Qarra and Intermediate rolnta at 116, 8.04, 10.06 and 11.65 a. m.. 1.1 14, 8.38. 6.10. 8.08, 7.20. 8.08 and 1L1I p. m. MM 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattel Nov. 17. 1883. Train leave Scranton tor Philadelphia, and New Vork via D. & H. R. K. at 7.4? a. m., IS. 03, 1.24, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D . L. & W. H. H .0O, 8.08. 11.M a. 111., and 1.M p. ni. Leav Scranton for Plttston and Wllkos. Barre, via D., L. & W. R. R., 100, I N, li t a. m., 3.40. 6.07. 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha tleton, Pottnvllle and all pointa on the Beaver Meadow and Pottaville branch, via E. A W. V. R. R C.S9 a, m., via V. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m 12.05. 1.20. 2.38, 4.00 p. in., via D.. L. St W. R. R. 6.00. 108. 11.20 a. ni., 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bnthlehem, Gaiton, Reading, Harrisburg and all intermediate points, via D. & II. R. R. 7.45 a. in.. 1205, I. 20, 13S, 4.00, 11.38 p. m.. via D.. U A W. R. R.. COO. 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To. wanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Oenevn and all Intermediate points via D & 11. K. K., 8.41 a. m., 12.(15 and 11.35 p. m.. via D., L. A W. R. R 8.0S, 9.56 a. m 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all pointa west via D A H. R. R., 8.45 a. ni , 12.05. 9.15, 11.38 p. m., via t., L. & W. R. It. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.65 a. in., 1.30, 8.50 p. m., via E. St W. V. R. R., 141 p. m. For Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, via r. eV H. R. R 8.45 a. m. 12.05, 8.05 p. m.. via D.. L. W. R. R., 8.08, 9.66 a m., 1.30, and 8.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L, V. chair cars on nil trains between L. St B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROI.LIN H. WILBTTR, Oen. Bupt. CHAS. S. LKR. Oen. Pass, Agt.. Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. 00. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 21. 1893. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New Vork and all points East. 1.40, 150, 6.15, 100 and S.66 a. m.; 12.66 ani 3.34 p. m. Express for Faston, Trenton. Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a. to.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. ni. Washington and way stations, IKS p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El. mlra. Corning, Bath, IJansvllle, Mount Morris and buffalo, 12.10, 2.86 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connection ut Buffalo to all points In the West. North, west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. BitiKhaniton und way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Ulnghunitun and Klmlra K.pies, 801 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Oswego. U t lea and Richfield Swings, 2-25 a. in. ami 1 i4tlfacan2.35 and Bath a. m. and L2J pm. For Northumberland. Plttston. Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Dan. vllle, making close connections at North, urnberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg. Baltimore. Washington and the South. "NorThumberland and '"'"'"la'Bt' tlnn. a 00 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and intermediate station. 8W and 11.20 a m. Plymouth and Inter fnedlato stations. 3.40 and 8.62 P- tn. Pullman parlor aud sleeping coaches oa '1ForPdTalledi,'lnformatlon, pocket time taWee. etc.. apply to M. L Smith, cltf ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, er depot ticket oltlce. Eric and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Yorlf and Intermediate points on the Krle rail, road at 7.00 a. in. and 3.2S) p. in. Also far llonesdale, llawley and locut points at 7.00, 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. Ml the above are through trains to ana from llonesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 139 s m. and 3.1'J p. 111. ftrHATTO IIT18IOJI, In KUwl SepUi'.ier Sanel, 183 Necia und. af mat S)aesjJ 203 SOII . BOf041 - ' s I stations I!! r r. vn'r.lna n.llv V-wJ m ......... , . 195 1 eepi, euouay.; p i Arrive Leavet 7 as N. Y. Frsnklln 9ti 7 loiwest 4ifnd atreetl 7 018 Weehawken I "1 t 10 .... p HiArrire Leave) 1 1.1, Hancock JunctlOBi tow Haocook au I3E1 1S4M Btarllgbt Preston park Coino Poyntelle Belmont riessant Ml Unlondale Forset city Carbondale While Bridge XUTflfld Jermyn Archibald Wlntoti Peckville Olrrbant Dlcksoa Tbroop Provldenee rark Piao) all 140 ISM 2 411 51 .. It 14 ISlSl tlfI tl 4M Ml S l1 ... 6 : 1 1 Si 7 Oil S84I ,. t .7fH tt .... J 19 IS IS..., 10 4 flliOl 843J ....I It 4)11 1 38 8SV11 IS s?mi as;u 11 iM'tl IK' 8 Si ll 0) 818 II 01 8 is 11 mi 8 U f tor? 7141845 7 to) II T S3 8 54 77; 8M t 8S. 4 01 7 a! er 7 88 410 T8 414 741 .1817 741 480 1 sir a S 10 10 Mj Sersaton m'i a Lesve Arrieel 811 trains run dally except Sunday. I ignines mat trains stop oa aigiuu nt bsbw aeciire rates ns Ontario Western Mors) arcbaslng tk-kets and save money. Day ass lUua KtpresatotU wear. J.c. Anderson, Sen. Paas, AgV T. PUtcrott, Dir. Psas, Aft. raatea. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers