4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, lfc96. iweamtr. He eunaajr Buuee, I Bssintia. Fa, ay T Mm o.ic.ar. Mae Triaaae Banalac, tank a. t.P. . imilllUM, m eee ln Mm. B. ft. f PPtB. kn Taaae, MTV . ftlCMMD. Imm. W. W. OASIS. lnwiN Hmmmi. W. W. VOUNM. Aw. Maae-a. i At in wmmM at muim, Tianeaf Ink the NstBM )nnl ad tkaaa bbi Taa IcautM taim M ihe tvartptat MMuafa Hatlhinuni teaaajrlva. av Tiailir ur rma W wm. iBRMd Kvarv Oeaauae Twain tUaeanae Sana. wUh au Abua- aaaat ef Nraa, fleaaa. aad WalMDHS Miami biv. ht Tkaaa Wka Ounat Taa Thm Daily Tauraa, taa Wtekir la Reeonowodcd aa tba aan Margaia using, uatj i a i aar, la jtuvaucv. Baa Tanoaa la Ibr Bala Daily at ifaa ft, la and W . Watloa at Hoaokaa, , BCRANTON. FEBRUARY 25, 1S96. The Tribune Is the only Repub Mean Dally In Lackawanna Connty. And so the reason why Mr. Scran ton turned the city government over to the Democrats was beranse he was not bought off! This Is a line confeS' slon, truly, to come from a preacher of political "purity" ami reform." The Trouble in the Salvation Army. As nearly as can be ascertained, the trouble In the Salvation army which has resulted In the resignation of Oen eral and Mrs. Balllngton Booth arose from a lamentable misconception of the American spirit by the commander-ln chief of the parent, or English, oreranl cation, and Ms advisers. In England the army's discipline?! 'Is exceedingly strict, and Implicit obedience Is not only demanded but secured. As a result of this thorough subordination nf the English rank and die, the army In Kng land partakes of the nature of a the ocracy, with the elder Booth as a Rood Mt of an absolutist In purpose and In methods. v But the younger SBovth, ably guided by his admirable wife, tercelved ut an early period In his American regency that to attempt to organize an urmy In America along the lines which hud proved successful enough In Great Bri tain would be t restrict the personnel of the army within limits far too nar row for effective work; und would drive away the very classes whom it vas most desirable to enlist. He, there fore, adopted broader and more liberal methods, which, while eminently su cessful here, were misunderstood In England und gave ground for suspicion as to the fidelity of his purposes. It seems singular that between father and son, both of wlda spiritual and mental horlson, such a misunderstanding could arise; but the explanation which we have given la taken from authentic sources, and probably closely approxi mates to the truth. Yet the disagreement, after all. Is typloal of a class common in more fields than that Of religious activity. It Is suggestive of two antithetical human pendencies, everywhere in evidence, une to fit the coat to the man, and the other to fit the man to the coat. We, in this generation, have, for example, seen In Catholic ecclesiastical policy the tri umph of the former over the latter ten dency, on Illustrated In the supremacy of the Archbishop relund and Cardinal Gibbons si;fpvjlike school headed by Anhbisho,iniJgan. With pres cient sagacity the Vatican has Inclined toward: the more liberal American wing; and It would doubtless be to the Salvation army's distinct advantage if at Its head there were more of the pru dent diplomacy Und far-sightedness which characterize the headship of con temporary Catholicism. .. u i Is the Republfcan m.J going to ac cept the Truth's GUO challenge, or Is It going to rest under the odium of having been self -convicted of lying? To a "dold-Bug" Organ. The Chicago Times-Herald Is an able paper which has battled so strenuously against free ullver coinage on the economic frontier of this monetary dis cussion that, Mf'ud many other worthy pioneers', 'ft has become head strong and Illiberal. It hot) actually worked Itself up to the point of conceiv ing a violent antipathy for silver as a coinage metal, and Is apparently ready to club any man who so much as hints at International bimetallism as a desir able future possibility. It Is now training its guns on Speaker Reed, for having suggested another in ternational monetary conference, for the purpose of arriving at such an un derstanding among the nations favor able to bimetallism as would ultimately force the gold monometallic nations in to the bimetallic camp. This sugges tion Is a year and a half old, Mr. Reed offered It, tentatively, In an article printed at least eighteen months ago In a British Journal of economics. We are "surprised that the Times-Herald had not learned of It earlier and should therefore jump to the foolish conclu sion that It is merely a campaign dodge. If the Times-Herald will take a poll of the world's best thinkers, it will dis cover that the Bingle-metallists, wheth er favoring gold or silver, are in a marked minority as compared with those who believe In a conjunction of the two precious metals by internation al compact. These blmetallists are not scoundrels. They are not debt-repudl-ators. They are not cheats. They are men of bralna and character who be Iteve, after due study and deliberation that the civilization which restricts Its currency base to any one metal takes needless risks with the welfare of the common people, and puts dangerous power Into the hands of the profession al creditors. . - -. . Indications Increase that Graver's mantle Is to be confided to" Secretary Olney. , Well, Quay c6uld beat' Olney; . t ' According to Broker Benedict, -Mr. Cleveland will soon announce that he Is not a candidate for re-election. The people, however, without reference to his wishes, have already determined to act on that basis. The "readerlesa Tribune," it may please Mr. Scran ton to know, never had a larger circulation than it has today; and the total lias within a month been swelled by more than 400 names of readers who formerly took the Demo cratio "Republican," but who now want a live Republican daily. No Quarter for Traitors. While The Tribune has no wish to prolong a discussion of the recent Re publican defeat in this city, fairness to the party rank and file requires it to expound Its reasons for refusing to be bulldozed by the Democratic organ edited by Congressman Scranton. Mr. Scranton complains that he wus not accorded a share of the party patron age last fall; and that no committee waited on lilm to solicit his support for the ticket. He Intimates that unless he Is bought over, he will in future con tinue the light on Republicanism which he waged in the recent city canvass, thereby causing the election of the Democratic 'ticket. His statement as to patronage Is a deliberate falsehood, and he knew It when he wrote it. Since ho became of age he has been a steady pensioner on the Republcan party, receiving from it, In salaries, perquisites and enforced contributions, an aggregate sum esti mated to exceed J:lW).0iH). Kven after ho fought demons und Thomas, on the ticket which last elected him tocongress, he was rewarded for that treachery by half the patronage of the county com missioners' office, and more than half the work In the sheriff's otllce. His ac knowledgement of that recognition took the form of a successful plot to turn the city government over to the Democracy, So much for the patron age issue. As to the statement that he was not Invited to support the Republican ticket, the same can be said of The Tribune. Since this paper was started. no man and no committee has ever had to ask It to do battle for Republican principles. It has not sulked nor hung back In the hope of forcing terms from the Republican candidates. Even when Scranton himself wus nominated in '94, it swallowed the pill, bitter as It was, and gave him the best support In its power. It did this through no love of Scranton; through no confidence in his fidelity and through no expectation of receiving a syllable of thanks. It did It because Scranton was the party nominee, representing however un worthilyRepublican national princi ples; and because The Tribune was then, Is now, and proposes In the future to be a loyal, aggressive and uncompro mising Republican paper. Had the question of patronage Influ enced tis, we might easily have de clined to support 'Scranton for con gress, since his election meant a di rect loss to thia paper. But we were not constructed on the J. A. Scranton basis; and when we fall so low as to have to use The Tribune as a club for the bat tering of backsheesh out of reluctunt party hands, we will sell out and quit the business. The Tribune hopes to see the Republi can party in this city re-unlted. It realizes that a divided party means Democratic victory. It does not ignore the lessons of one week ago. It coun sels conciliation and forgiveness for all who were misled. But it submits for the consideration of the "honest Re publican masses that such a reconcilia tion cannot safely be made on the basis of a strengthening of the arm that strikes the knife of assassination Into the party's vitals. There can be no security, no true harmony, no lusting unity of purpose and of action so long as men red-handed In the work of party betrayal ure permitted to dictate terms of peace and lay down the lines on which conciliation shall be effected. How many "dollars' " worth of party patronage" does It take to keep Mr. Scranton from jumping his party traces? and In lie worth the price? The Money Cost of War. Mr. William E. Curtis, the Washing ton correspondent, contributes to the Chicago Record some figures which em phasize, from an economic standpoint. the need of a speedy realization of that hoped-for millennial era when war, and the dread of war, shall be no more. His first compilation is a table showing the expenditures for military and naval purposes during the year 1S94 by the various governments of the world. The separate items need not be given; their total is $1.6SS,71S,400. This, says Mr. Curtis, does not include the hundreds of millions of dollars invented In fortllk-atlons, chips of war, arms, ammunition, arsenals, arm ories, navy yanln, military and naval schools and other requirements for de fense and the maintenance of armies and navies'. Nor does It Include the hundred of millions of dollars that are paid every year aa Intercut upon money that has been borrowed by the civilized governments of the world to carry on war, to supply means of defense ami to support arndes, nor does it Include the hundreds of mil lions of treasure that is stored away In the vaults of the fortresses of the .Euro pean nations, where It is always kept Idle, but available for use in the time of military emergency. The amount of coin thus maintained by the government of Russia Is supposed to be somewhere be tween )TUO.OOO,UUO and tl.OOO.OOO.OUO, while in the casemates in the old fortresses of Bpandeau in Germany la stored 1,000.000,000 marks In gold, which represents the In demnity paid by France as the price of peace fn 1871. The aggregate bonded indebtedness of the civilized nations of the world In 1894 Is figured by Mr. Curtis to be equal In United States gold to )34.456,G74,000, of which $23,000,000,000 probably repre sents expenditures in war and Invest ments In war material. Great Britain alone has a debt of t5.C!)5.Sj.OO0. and supports an army of 717.700 soldiers at a cost of J90. 400,000 a year. - besides a navy of 4S ships of war and S3.400 sea men, at a cost of $S1.8'.j.S6: a year. The following table shows the cost of wars to Kngland during the last two cen-. turiea; and doubtless the cost to the other countries In Kurope In that period would represent another equal sum: Spanish war (1739) S7,UM,6flO Seven years' wur (17X J;r7!,iW.0tt American revolution (ltitf) .'!, 11)1.670 French war (17M) 1.44S.!K7,' War with Napoleon tl803) l,W.9),ai6 American war (1812) 4(C',W3,6IO Crimean war (ISil) 1H5,13i),S( Conquest of India 3.0.311.SI5 Wars with China (IfWO-ISGl)... 301. M, 175 Kgypt and the Soudan 1,Sj4.7iu,(H Other Aflutlu wars (estimated) JO.OHI.OOO Other African wars (estimated) :uh,1hi,UK Totul t5.10l.8r5.H5 Finally, there remains to be consid ered the factor of the value of the labor of over "5,000,000 men now permanently drawn from farms and factories to 1111 the ranks of the armies and the navies. It Is probably fair to estlmute the aver age annual earning capacity of each of these men at $:0. which would give the enormuus yeaily aggregate loss nf $0, (H'O.OOU.OUU. Adding ail these figures to gether, and remembering that thia $i;.000,ow.00d 0)i through the non-pio-ductlvciir-ss nf milituiistii has been sustained by Kuro.xe for perhaps three centuries, we should prubably not go fur astray If we should estimate that war and the war-like spirit since the discovery of America have cost enough money to give to every living man. wo man and child in the l.'nlted States, could the total be distributed, u net cash present of $'.'3,000. Can '.his drain ever be Stopped '.' We confess that that Is another question. Th" uniform lesson of the sexual scandals and tragedies of the past year from Durant's case down to Scott Jackson's is that "the wages of sin la death." It is time this lesson were studied by the young. It Is Interesting to note that Pugilist Corbet t, the king-bee in the business, himself admits that prize fights are no longer feasible on American soil. What a relief It would be were the same also true of talking about lights. The Philadelphia Record hears that Congressman Scranton (Dem.) Is to be re-elected. This will probably be news In the Eleventh district. If an embargo could be laid on James J. Corbett's mouth, the man who should do It could run for president and sweep the field. It Is rather mean in Ueneral Maceo to revive so soon after being officially killed by the Spanish press censor at Havana. UNCLE SAM AS MEDIATOR. According to Walter Wellnran's Wash Ins ton correspondence In the Chicago Tlmes-Heruld.'theCnltedState and Great Hi'ltain are un .the eve of coming to a definite und (union bio understanding in regard to the Venezuelan question. Im portant negotiation of an Informal char acter have been going on between Lomlin and Washington during the lat ten days, with the result, it la said, that Greut Britain is desirous of having the United States act as mediator In settling the diffi culty In regard to the o-ralled Cfuan Ind dem, to re-establish diplomatic relations between (ireat Britain and Venezuela, and with (the prime and ultimate object An view of amicably settling the boundary dispute. Administration authorities tire intensely uleased over the new anil fuv,v. able aspect the long-pending controversy nas assumed. Arbitration, the authorities In Washington are now convinced, Is ab solutely assured. For some time It was thought that somo third power other than the I'nited Stutes would have to act as mediator In order to restore diplomatic relations between Oreat Britain and Venezuela. In fact, reliable disputches from Ixindon show that Oreat Britain was anxious to have the Brazil government undertake the task of bring ing the two countries together. It Is also known thut the Chilean government was approached on the subject, and when the United States learned that there were ob stacles In the way of either of the.te countries acting In that capacity, efforts were made here In Washington to havo the .Mexican government assume the role of inediutor. A proposition was made to have Mr. Homero. the Mexican minister. go to London for the purpose of using the good offices of h! country to restore dip lomatic lelatlons between Great Britain and Venezuela. All the countries con cerned were sounded cn this matter. Ob stacles were found In the way of accept ing .Mexico as a mvdla'.or, but the dis cussion which ensued served a good pur pose. It haa resulted In a decision by the British foreign office that the 1'nlted States is after all the proper country to t us mediator. The administration Is of he same opinion. Just how far Secretary Olney has gone toward patching up the difficulty about the I'luan incident cannot be dtilnltely ascertained, but i: Is known thut negotia tions are now In progress not only In re gard to that question, but In conmvtlnn with the boundary dispute. During the last few days Important dispatches have passed between the state department and Ambassador Bayard and between Lord Salisbury und Amluvador l'uninefoie. Two days ugo the latter ha 1 a long .in f'rein'e with Srcrttiry olney ivl.iilve to the Venezuelan ipiestlon. Ambassador 1'auncefute's call at the ttate department, it Is bellevej, was for the purpose of mak ing known to Secretary olney the desire of his sovernment to ncc-"t tile good of fices of the I'nited States, it Is not defi nitely know JiKit how (irat Britain and Venezuela are to be brought together, but there Is a strong tit; jhtbillty that Sir Julian l'auncpfote and Minister Andrade will, through thi efforts of the I'nited States, he directed by life govrnmcnts re spectlvely conrerned to undertake ntrotia tlons for a settle mem of the que-uiun In dispute. No confirmation can be obtained of the report that cither Creat Britain or the I'nited States has proposed a Joint Kns lUli and American commission, but there are good grounds for believing that Lord Salisbury ha expressed a wiillingne? to submit to an International tHbiin:;! or some kind ur.y differences thai may t e found to exist from the British side of the ease as It will bf submitted to tho British parliament and to this country and the final cor.clusion.4 of he American boundary commission now silting in Washington. TEX .MONTHS' SIIOWIXO. From the Textile Ilecord. M'e have at this writing statistics of Imports to this country for only the first ten months of last year. Comparing them with the Imports for the corresponding period the year before (under the Mc Klnley tariff) we And that there have been great gains for the European manu factures: Imports for ten months. 1891. ISM. All dutiable mer chandise $234,918,479 t3KI.3n9.403 Cotton hosiery..' 4.0B3.440 6,021,IK3 Woolen hosiery isKUs 1.98S.349 Cotton fabrics 19,896,801 27,717.'H Woolen goods 13.H81.3V8 49,899.717 Silk goods 20.9S2.3CiA 27.&&5.042 Wool, pounds s3.221.K4 211,057,0-tg Shoddy, etc., pounds. 1,081,441'. 17,824,008 The" totui loss to manufacturers all kinds has been $UJ,49,2W. The loss to American kuitterj. H. 443. pa The loss to the wool growers 1 enormous, and to th-t woolen nmnuljcturvra nearly l-'ii.UUO.ij"). ThU Is what has been done for tha tex tile industries of the Cntted Statti In ten months bv a tariff bill uf which Its au thors ,,M'lare that domestic industry will beneltt b It. TUT SII.F.XI STATE4.1UX. Few but Lord Salisbury's Intimates know that he Is by nature one of the most silent of men; ipalte a Von Moltke In that respect. Kven as i boy at Kton (Vanity Fair records) he was much given to soli tary mooning through tho playing tlelds, wMh only an occasional game of "six penny" cricket. He was not popular generally, except with bis own form, for which he did all the work; und was always put on by his tutor to construe, which he did so well thut no one else had to expect a turn. His taciturnity has st'ick to him; und the writer remembers that when at the India office liu greatly disappointed some high official who hud to see him on some great question. "What do 1 think of h!m? Very little. Why, he heard all 1 hail to Fay then bowed me out with "Good morning, and not another word." AKK().'S lvh l'OlNf. .1 11. ,itil.l 1'iKnnmii f 1 tmvl Vfl 1! I 1 who is Just retiring from the senate, was carefully trained In the art of politics by his father. Lincoln's famous secretary of war. In the days when the clan Cam eron ruled fvunsvlviinla with absolute power one of Its faithful henchmen was culling upon Bliuoii Cnintron, und In the roui-p of the conversation remarked: "Senator, why U It that Don haa never made much of u success of politics'.' lie seems to have talent, and he has the ad antage of your prestige and IntlueiicV "Well. Hon is u likely fellow," replied the old man. "Uon will get on ull rlht. You mutt remember I stalled 111 life with a big udvaiuase over Don." "What was that?" uaked the visitor. "Hovcrty." - - ni'Tsimc tiik dhkast works. From the Wllke?-Barre Record. The question of the hour I-', what will Hon. Josejih A. S. r::ntoa gain politically by the defeat of the Kcmbllcan ticket in Scranton'.' it Is nat likely that a Dem ocratic city government will give him a monopoly of the patronage while a straight Democratic newspaper like the Times Is to the fore. Neither can he ex pect the support of tile Connell faction should he look Tor any political honors In the future. It Is mure than likely that the Democrats, having used Mr. Scian ton and his newspaper to elect their can didates will throw him overboard and be stow whatever favors may be lying about upon men of their own political faith. OH CTASF. Pl.AVIXli TKAITOKS. From the Scranton Itepubllcan (Dem.). The Itepubllcun party or Lackawanna countv ne?ds no reorganization. All that Is neves ary to Insure lis future suc cess is for certain gentlemen who aspire to leadership to drop their bull-dozing methods and act on the square. HIS PROMPT REPLY. Vlsltor-"Tommy. I wish to ask you a few questions." Tommy "Yes, sir." Visitor "If I give you the sentence, The pupil loves his teacher,' what Is that?" Tommy "Sarcasm VERY AILCI1 AIR AID. "Johnny," said the minister, "I hope your father lives In the fear of the Lord." "1 guess he does. sir. He never goes out on Sunday without he takes his gun." TOLD BY THE STARS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajauohus, Tha Tribune Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: 3.11 a. in., for Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1MW. It will he apparent to a child born on this day that the. word "Chamberlain" is a hoodoo for Scranton investors. Now that Thompson Beans haa had bis say upon causes and results in the recent campaign, business can go on again n usual in the city. With the Salvation Army in a row and Deacon. Scranton busily engaged In con gressional duties, Sa.tan seems in a lair way "to have a high old time unrestrained. Ajocchus' Advice. To ambitious porcelain artists Always bear In mind that nothing decorates china so effectively as well cooked food. HILL & CONNELL, 131 IND 133 N. WASHINGTON ME. Builders AND Makers OF AND 131 BID '33 fi. WSH!?GT0:i ME. Lyon's Patent Quickest, Best AND Biost Durable. Price 25 Cents. Will beat I to 13 Kggs rerfeclly and produce more Frosting. ( Kill do more tcoi k and do it better than any 60 iit or $1 Jimtir made. china; crockery, glassware 'AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. THE 423 UCKIWMNA VENUE. OFFICE SOP LIES MO GOLDSMITH'S i New Spring Patterns iu Tapestries, Body Brussels, Velvets, Moquettes, Axminsters Wiltous and Ingrains now open and ready for inspection. Greatest Yamato Japanese Rugs of the Very iS x 34 36 x 36 . . . . 2 ft. 6 x 5t . . . . 3 ft. x 6 ft. . . . . 4 ft. x 7 ft . . . . 6 fi:. x 9 ft . . . . 7 ft. x 10 ft . . , 9 ft. x 12 ft . . . CSTMr. James H. Griffin, formerly designer in Drapery Department of Shep ard, Knapp & Co., of New York City, is now with us in the same capacity. THERE anisteip's THINK OF IT! All our Men's and Ladies' Shoes that were $6.00, now $3.98. All onr $4.00 Shoes now $2.48. All our $3.50 Shoes now $2.28. . All our $2.50 Shoes now $1.78. All our $2.00 Shoes now $1.38. All our $1.50 Shoes now $1.08. Is It Any Wonder Our Store Is Full or Shoe Buy ers All the Time ? niMicTrn'c . dhwio 1 ciio, Stationary That Isn't Stationary. Nothing stands still nt our establish- nicut. It very rarely happens tbat we raise prices, but ua to lowering them well, Jut call around and see uh, nud we think we can interest you. We are now located iu tho HOTEL JER&1YN BUILD'C WYOMING AVENUE REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers and Engravers. YSTERS Wa are Haadiuart?ra for Ojrittr and are dandling tb Celebrated Duck Rivers, Lynn Havens, Kcyports. Mill Ponds; also Shrews bury, Kockaways, .Maurice Hiver Coves, Western Shores and Blue Points. IWV maka a Spacialty of dcUr.rinj Blue Point on bnlf .hell In carrier. PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AYE $25,000 WORTH OF Hust be sold in thirty days. Call and see our. prices. 91 a 1, Lacks. - Ays. Carpet Department Rug Sale on Record. Best Quality. .39 . .69 . 1.25 . 1.49 . 2.23 . ' 4,49 , . 5.39 , 7.50 27 x 54 27 x 63 27 x 63 24 x 48 IS NO HALF WAY BUSINESS Shoe But a great houseful of Good Shoes that must be sold. Our object makes us reckless in the sacrifice of prices. . corner of Lackawanna and Bicycle Repairing. In a short time th riding season will open. Then we will get our wheel out and And that It warita some reualrlns-. We would surgest that you look It over now and if It needs anything done, such as nickel plating or enameling, have It done now before you need It. We are In shape to do flrst-claaa work. If you have no bicycle call and see It has no Imitations; everything Is original. G. LI. FLOREY 222 Wyoming Avenus. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. IS IS 01 Of 'S SPRING STYLES. 305 LACKAWANNA AVE. 326 Wa&ngton Art, SOB ANTON, PA. TELEPHONE 5! CONRAD lllllll 11 CO., 3A1AA1 Wilton Rugs. a Velvet Rugs. a Moquette Rugs. Oriental Rugs, Reversible. $1.39 1.25 x.93 4C ABOUT Sale Children's Shoes for 58c. and 68c. that are worth from 75c. to $1.00. Misses' Shoes at 88c. that were $1.25. Boys' and Youths' Shoes at $1.08 and $1.18 that were $1. 50 and $1. 75, And Other Bargains Too Nuinerons to Mention. Come and Con ftnee Yourself. Wyoming Avenues. The Cleveland Has more imitations than any other wheel on the market. YOU WANT THE BEST. COME AND SEE IT, FOOTE SHEAR CO. 1:9 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Do Y0I1 See As Well flsYoii Wolild Like? IF NOT Consult our Optician, Mr. 0. P. Adams, who will fit your eyes rerlectly by scientific methods charging nothing for tilting, fur nishing Spectacles and Eyeglasses in modern styles and best quali ties at low prices. 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. After April 1 at No. 132 Wyoming Avenue, Coal Exchange. ON THE LINE OF THE 1 IAN PACIFIC R'Y are located taa tnaa flattnf aad hnatJaf STonadaia tha world. Descriptive book oa application. Tickets to mil points tm alalaa, Canada and Maritime rroruaoaa, Mlanaapolia, Bl Paul. Canadian and United Bastes North. watta, YancoBvar, BaatUa. Teeoau, Portland, Ore, Ban Franeiseo. First-Class Sleeping snd Dining Cats attached to all through trains. Tearait ear follf fitted with baddlajr. aortal na aad tp lallr adapted te waata of famlUaa may he haft with eacoad-olaat MckoSs. Bates always lass thaa Ma other Una Ftor fall -r iiHaa. tiaa tablet, eta, e apnttaatlenvts K. V. 8KINNCR, a. fX. A. S3 ISIDriY. NEW TOM. mERCEREAU CONNELL CANAD
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