THE SCRA2TTON TBIBITNE-MOXDAT MO!TI?lr. FEBRTJAKY 3. 189B. Neute 25-LB. SACKS Guaranteed to Be the Best Made. AT Luce Bros. Scranton and Taylor. WEST SIDE EVENTS. The Pennsylvania Glee Club Organised. . Nam of Those Who are .Membara of It. A number of musicians met yesterday afternoon at the loom of the Robert Morris lodge for the purpose of organ ising a male party to compete at the nlsteddfotl to be held at the Frothliifr ham next month. The following ottl-i-er were elected: J. R. Kd wards, president; Roland Thomas, vice-president: Robert Wllllunis. secretary; David Phillips, treasurer; John Jenkins, con ductor; .Mrs. D. II. Thomas, accompan ist. The following. are the members of the party: First tenors. W. J. Davis, Lewis Davis. Jenkln Jenkins. Thomas K. Jones, William Morgan. Kdwin Bow en, William Reese, Roland Thomas; second tenors, Thomas M. Watkins, William Parry, William U. Williams. Thomas James, Alfred Powell, Joseph Kvanx, Aaron Lewis: first bass, Thomas O. Evans, William Lewis, David Phil lips, William W. Evans, David Beynon, Will Evans; second bass, John W.Jones, Mosim Morgan, William Joseph. John Kkhafils, Edward James, Morris Thomas (Llew Clro). John R. James, Benjamin Jenkins, 12. Lord. The name of tho organization is "The Pennslvanla Glee club." They will inee ; next Tuesday evening: at the First Welsh Baptist church at 8. HO p. m. Death of Mr Sullivan's Father. Mrs. Kate Sullivan, the efficient so prano soloist of St. Patrick's choir, re ceived a telegraphic message Saturday nl'ternoon that her father. Charles Doyle, was seriously ill at Newbury. Ind. Mrs. Sullivan left Immediately for the west. A few hours after her de parture a second message arrived here telling of the death of Mr. Doyle. Mrs. Sullivan will probably not hear of the death until she reaches Newbursj. The deceased was formerly a resident on the West Side, but for a number of years past has been a progressive busi ness man in the western city. lie was 68 years of age at the time of death. Annie Sullivan, of Lafayette street. In grandchild to the deceased. A wlf and one son. James, survive. The Interment will be made at Newburg. A Viaduct Masting. A meeting- of the cltlxens of Bellevue Heights will be held tomorrow evening; nt tha Bellevue Baptist mission school (or the purpose of booming the viaduct and also to form a political club. John M. f'arr, Oaylord Thomas, Howell Har ris and others will deliver addresses. The viaduct working committee will also attend. Every citizen of this sec tion should attend the meetalng. ; An Instructive Paper. Rev. John Griffiths, the present pastor of the Sumner Avenue Presbyterian church, read a thWightful paper on the subject, "Does Fear of Punishment or Hope of Reward Most Inlluence Men." at Saturday night's meeting of the Welsh Philosophical society. The ef fort was an ambitious one, and a cur tailed report of It cannot be given with Justice to well defined line of thought. There was a large attendance. ' John Meokreth Married. John Mackreth, of Sumner avenue, and Miss May Haugbory, also of this side, were married last Saturday by Rev. D. P. Jones, pastor of the Taber nacle Congregational church. Mr. Mackreth la a well-known young man Illlfll 40c' The full Dress Suits we sell at $25.00 and $35.00 being full silk lined, will fit as well, look as well and wear as many years as those you leave your meas ure for and pay double. If our suit does not fit exactly we make it fit--at our own risk; if you don't like it you needn't take it. Wo carry about 50 Dross Coats and Veota especially .for hiring out for an ovoning. of tb? on this aide. The marriage was kept a secret to the friends of both. News Notes a ad Personal. Charles Smith, a member of the Wy oming Seminary Olee club, is visiting at the home of Ms aunt, Mrs. M. a. Hnvce. of Jackson street. D. Phllio Williams, of this aide, and J. T. Porter, .if the central clty.Mvlll leave tomorrow for a twp months' busi ness trip throughout the west. A B-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, of North Lincoln avenue, died Frldav eveninar. Mrs. Frank Caswell, of Oak street. Tnvlor died Saturday alter a snort Ill ness. The deceased was a kind and neighborly woman, and her presence will be greatly missed by the residents of that section. Miaa t.umricv. of Atlantic City, is vis ltlng Miss Jane Davis, of Merrlfleld m'o.iinn- nf the Hvdt Park Llterury and Debating society will be held this evening. Miss Ella Godshall, of South Sumner avenue, is seriously 111. T M J.inett. former uroDrletor of the Star Drug store, left Saturday for Wales, where he will take up a perma nent residence. Mr. Jones came here about' twenty-eight years ago. ay thrift and shrewdness In business trans action he became quite Wealthy and a few months ago Mr. Jones retir?u irom active life, though still a young man. He haa many acquaintances here. Ksdraa Howell. the well-known sulesmuii. Is 111 at his home on Wash burn street. , . John Malla. of. Jackson street, left last week for Colorado In search for renewed good health. Will Hutson. of North Hyde Park avenue. Is recovering from an illness. Mrs. William It. Freeman, ot South Main avenue. Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Von Schroeder, of Ottowa. la. Mrs. Henry Fellows, of Colfax, la., is visiting her brother. Eugene D. Fellows, of North Sumner avenue. Mrs. John H. Lewis read a tiaper on "Armenia" at last night's service at the Jackson Street Papttst church. . The Philharmonic Choral society, un der the conductorship of ThomaH G. Ev ans, will rehearse this evening at the Flist Welsh Congregational church. "Edward Hughes, of Division street, who was compelled to desist from study at Blooinsburg State Normal school be cause of an Injured knee. IS able to be about again after a few weeks' confine ment at his liome. Sam Mccracken, of 'South Sumner avenue. Is ill. Henry Gregory has returned to wales after a three months' visit to hla father, 1'aniel Gregory, of Ninth street. Misses Cora and Jennie Oakley, of Chester, have returned home after a visit to friends here. West Side Busiusas Director v. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, III North Main avenue, does flrat-olass Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. BARBER Hair cutting and shaving done In a first-class manner at John H. Reyn old's Barber Shop, at Falrchlld s Hotel. FLORIST-Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 104 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Dtvls, florist. . . BICYCLES repaired, scissors .round, tools abarpaned, saws filed, keya fitted, machines repaired by W. L. Steenback, dealer in Guns, Fishing Tackle, undor PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 11.40 per doten. Tney are jusi iotbijt. -..-vlnee yourself by calling at tarpr Photo Parlora. Ml and 10.1 South Main avenue. . x t GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cor. fee Is unexcelled. The loading, , the day. For sala only at F. W. Mason Co. Fine Groceries, llfl South Main SKCOND HAND FtlRNITt'RE Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C King, 1024 and KBtt Jack son etreet. Special sale of Holiday Wines for fam ily use, tt cents per quart,, at James F. Bests, JOS Cedar avenue. NORTH END. The Young Men's Christian Association and Company H teams played indoor base ball Saturday evening, the former winning by a score of IS to 11. The Big Four will hold a social thi evening In Brown's hall, on the corner of East Market street and Sanderson ave nue. . . An entertainment wtll be held on Feb. 10 In St.1 Mary's hall, on West Market street by Hugh Franey's minstrel troupe for the benefit of the Cumberland Hose company. The funeral of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. David Reese took place yesterday from his late home, on Wayne avenue. The funeral was private. Interment was made In the Washburn Street cemetery. The young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Chappell la III at her home, on North Main avenue. Mrs. Oerrlty is seriously III at her home, on Mary street. The Friendly Social club will hold a so cial this evening In Company H armory. The club will hold a social on Monday evening of each week at the above hall. Charles Evans, of Olyphant, spent yes terday with friends lu this part of the city. - Read Banister's special ad on page 4 today. ee Stibtirbs. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Resualieaa News Gatherer Makaa tha e Same Old Cry Beeaaae Someone Elae Old Not Do Hla Work . The following Is a complote list of ladies and gentlemen preaent at the Germanla hall on Friday eveitlg, whleli was omit ted from Saturday's issue owing te" luck of space and because of the contemptible actions of certain persons, who, instead of furnishing the list as had been prom ised, sent it to the ottlce of their favorite paper. From the South Side column in yesterday's Republican. After tne above extract came a few lints of splenetic charcter, and then the list of names Is given. Tho Republican repor ter deviates from tne facu and bolsters up In very amateurish style his explana tion for nut having the names on Saturday and getting them In a duy lute. In the tint place it Is not a complete list that he glvvs. nor Is It over half complete, lie gives two reasons for missing the item and one antidutes the other. If the list could not be printed "owing to lack of space," why, then, does he charge the non-appearance of the list to the ."con temptible actions of certain persons, who. Instead of furnishing the Hat, as haa been promised, sent it to the ottlce of their favorite paper"? , Tho Tribune secured the names of tha young folks at the social without the exercise of any favoritism on the part of any person. A reporter was assigned to cover the event and got a complete report because he worked with that en.i In view as trulned newsgutherers usually do. If he had spent his time In a nearby drinking place telling of the exciting ex periences of men who serve on election boards before they are naturalised he would doubtless have hud the same kind of "hit and miss' report that the Republi can man furnished to the public. It Is cowardly and unjust for him to abuse the excellent young people who conducted the event becuuse he neglected to attend to business. T. V. Powderly Will Deliver an Address. Neat Sunday evening there will be a concert in the hall of St. John's church. under the auspices of the Holy Name so ciety of the congregation. The chief feut ure will be an addrens by Hon. T. V. Pow derly, the subject of which has not yet been announced by him. The rest of the programme will be as follows: Piano overture. Mis-) ivuue nearuon: vocal soie. M. j. Coyne; uuet, Daniel ana Mary Jor Ian: fantasle mllltalra bv Misses L. Mi- Andrew and Katie Barrett, first banjos; Laura McDonough and Master J .(.'oiiboy, second banjos; Mamie Roland, Nellie Gal lagher, Nellie McUulnness and Mary Gallagher, gultara: Msmle Dunleavy and W. Urambo, mandolins; Masters J. -Mo-Andrews and A. Rose, violins; F. IJoland, pianist; Grecian Maiden drill by the pupils of the senior department of St. John's parochial acnooi; a solo by miss iicriaie. of Dunmore: chorus bv a Quartette from the church choir, and a solo by Miss Wini fred Melvln. Admission will be 10 cents. Shorter Paraaracha nf Mew. Masses will be celebrated at St. John's church this morning at 7 ana o ciock. The pantiles will then be blessed. The report Is In circulation that the South Steel mill will resume operations on Monday. Feb. 17. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Schler was held yesterday afternoon at i o ciock. Services were conducted at the house by Rev. William A. Nordt, pastor of the Hlckorv Street Presbyterian church. In terment was made in PlttJton Avenue cemetery. It will be noticed that the Twentieth ward heads the list in the matter at new buildings for he year 1896. BASE BALL GOSSIP. The rumor that tha Cleveland franchise will be transterreu ur welroit has not been verified. The Baltimore, Cleveland and Chicago teams probably will make fewer changes than any of the other National teams. Wllkes-Barre and Syracuse base baTl writers have resumed 'the exchange of compliments (?) which featured the cleae of last season's play. Tom Burns, of Springfield, has Just re turned irom a pony hunt. He has se cured pitchers Will Inks, a brother of Bert, from the St. Joe club, and Jack Easton, of the Iron and Oil league, Burns has not yet obtained terms from Captain Donnelly, Leahey and Gruber, tha "Jol lier." Ruale. Van Haltren. German, Olaason and Burns are the only players on tha New York reserve list who have not ac cepted terms. Meekln and Terrell ara both under contract by written accept ance. With Gleason It is purely a Ques tion. Van Haltren has probably been asked to take a drop from last year's fig ures and is sulking. Uerman's profound silence will not cause Insomnia among the New York cranks. The Kurekas nf the North End have re. organised for 189. On the team will be Captain M. Moran, short stop; H. Conk lin, center field; M. McManamy third base; S. Gallagher, first base; P. Regan, catcher: F. Regan, second base and pitch er; T. RafTerty, right field and catcher; P. McNulty, pitcher and right field; J. Horan. left field and pitcher; W. Domn. left field; subs, M. Fox, J. Corcoran, W. Moffttt and M. Mulloy. IS NOT THEIR FAULT. That the Street and Sidewalk Grades Do Not Conform. The property holders on Luterne street, between Twelfth street and the basin, will ask the estimates committee, through Councilman Oliver, to appro priate $250 for the re-grading of that portion of the street, so that they may comply with the ordinance directing them to lay sidewalks. When the city engineer gave sidewalk lines It was found that the grade of the street was so high that the laying of walks would be a useless expenditure of money. The property holders have al ready paid for grading the street once and do not think they should be com pelled to do so again. DR. ROTH ROCK COMING. Pcansylvsnla's Forestrr Commissioner Will Lecture In this City. Forestry Commissioner J. T. Roth- rock, under the board of trade's aus pices, will on Februury 21 lecture In the Young Men's Christian association hall on "Beautiful Pennsylvania." Dr. Rothrock is one of the best known botanists In the country and Is very wen acquainted with all portions of this state. THE JUNE HANDICAP. Coney Island Jockey Clab Announces Conditions for tha .nbnrean R-cos. New Tork. Feb. 2. The Conev Island Jockey club announce the following conditions, entries and weights for the suburban race which wilt be run at Sheepshead Bay race course on June 23 next: A handicap for 3 year olds and up wards, of SCO each or 125 If struck out by February 20. starters to pay $100 additional; . the winner to receive $6, Ooo, tho second SI .000 and the third toOO. Weights to be announced February S. Winners after announcement of weights of two raoes of any value, or of one of $1,000 four pounds extra; of two or f l.oou. or one of $2,000, 8 pounds extra: of three of $1,000 or two of 1L- 000, or one of $4,000. 12 pounds extra. in the cases of horses handicapped at lib pounds or over, these penalties shall apply to the extent of one-holf only; In the case of those handicapped at 122 pounds or over to the extent of one quarter only and In the rase of those handicapped at 130 pounds or over, they shall not apply at all, penal ties in tne case ot norses tnree years old shall not make the weight exceed 115 pounds. One mile and a quarter: Henry or Navarre (& ri; Clifford (6) 12G; Domino (5) 122; Keenan (4) 122; Laitarone (S) 120; Halma (4) 117: Do rian 46) 11; Counter Tenor (4) 115; Bright Phoebus 44) 114; Sir Walter (6) 113; Nankt Pooh 4) 11!; Hornpipe (6) 119; Belmar (4) 110; The Commoner (4) 10; Senator Orady (5) 10; Dutch Bkater (5) lot; Vlncentor (4) 107; Handspring (3) 1M: Saragossa (6) 104; Lakeshore 5J 104; Connoisseur (4) 102; Kmma C. 4 100; Stephen J. (S) M; Flora Thornton (6) OS; King Ar thur II 44) 96; plaudlus (6) 13; prim rose (4) M. The penalties accrue from February $ at noon. PROCLAMATION. syo-' Office. City of Scranfon,' Pa. In compliance with Law and the OrJ! fluce of the City-of Scranton, I..W. U Conceit, Mayor of said CUy, do hereby give notice that an election will be held at the places of hololng the Municipal Elec tions in said City, on Tuesday, the Eight eenth Day of February, being the Third Tuesday of February, l&M. tor the pur pose of obtaining the assent of the elec tors of said City to an increase of Bonds In the amount of 1160,000.00, for tho pur pose of procuring land or and construc Ing a Viaduct parallel with West Lacka wanna avenue from Seventh street to Ninth street, as provided In Ordinance of said City. File of Select Council, No. 47. ItSi, entitled: "An Ordinance Provldir.b' for Increasing the City Debt for the Pur pose of Procuring Land for and Construct ing a Viaduct Parallel with West Lacka wanna Avenue from Seventh Street to Ninth Street and Submitting tho Question of Such Increase to a Vote of the Electors Thereof," approved January 17th, 1898. As required by law, the following infor mation is given to electors: First The amount of the last assessed valuation of taxable property in said CUy Is 18.6f"..7M.0. ;. , Becond The amount of the existing Debt of said City Is ltUo,79.7. Tt-'-d The amount of the proposed In ert of debt U $160,000.00. Fourth The proposed Increase of debt Is .00SU9 per cent, of the City's valuation iSS-'., exclusive of occupations. Fifth The purpose for which t.he Indebt edness is to be Incurred ure hereinbefore stated. Annexed hereto is the City Controller's official statement of Indebtedness and He sources of the City, also copy ot City or dinance. Witness by hand and the Seal of the City of Scranton this 17th Day of Janu ary, A. D. HTM. Seal of CityJ W. L. Council, Mayor. - . FILE OF SELECT COUNCIL, NO. 47, , 1S95. AN ORDINANCE Providing for Increasing the City Debt for the Purpose ot Procuring Land for, and Constructing a Viaduct Parallel with West Lackawanna Avenue from Seventh Street to Nintlt Street, and Submitting the Question ef Such lnureasa to a Vole of the Electors Thereof. Section 1. Be It ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Scranton, and It is hsreby ordained by the authority of the same. That for the pur pose of constructing a viaduct upon th& southerly aide of and contiguous to West Lackawanna Avenue, from Seventh Etreet to Ninth Street, In the Fourteenth Ward, and for the payment of compensation for property to be taken, Injured or destroyed thereby, an increase of the City Debt, by Issue of City Bonds in the amount of Oho Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, is hereby authorised, subject, nevertheless to the consent of (he electors ot the CI j ef Bcranton as herein provided. Section .The question of assenting I. the above proposed Increase ot the City Dobt shall be submitted te a vote of tto electors ef the City ot Scranton at tho next ensuing general election ocourrim not less than thirty days after the pas sage ef this ordinance. Section J. After the passage of this or dinance, and at least thirty days before said election, the Mayer shall publish a notice of the election hereby authorised in three daily newspapers af the City, and tha statement required to be published In such notice shall be furnished by the City Controller. W. L. Connell, Mayor. Approved January 17. 1$96. OFFICE OF CITT CONTROLLER. Scranton, Pa., January t, 18M. Statement of the Indebtedness and Re sources of the City of Scranton, at tha close of business, December 31st, 1895: BONDED DEBT. Consolidated Loan Second Series, due December 1st, . 1I9C, 6 per cent ....1100 000 00 City Improvement Loan.lUt, 4 per cent. Due July 1st, INS, and annually to year ISM, rate $1.600.00 1 500 00 Due July' 1st, 1M7, and annually te year 1M, rate ta,80.0o.. 20 000 04 Due July 1st, 1907, and annually to yaar 111$, rate $3,500.00 J5 000 00 Funding Loan, ltU, 4 per cent. Due July 1st, 1S9( 15 000 00 Due July 1st, 1901 15 800 00 Due July 1st, 1904 15 000 00 Municipal Building Loan, 1190, 4 per February 1st, 1900, Nos. 16 to tt inclusive 20 $00 00 Due February 1st, 1906,'JVos. $ to 40 Inclusive 25 000 00 Due February 1st, 1910, Nos. $1 to M Inclusive SO 000 00 Municipal Improvement Loan, 1891, 4 per cent. Due December 1st, 1901 22 000 00 Due Beoeme.r 1st, 1900 23 000 00 Eua Deeember 1st, 1911 12 OuO 00 ue December 1st. 191$ 23 000 M Redemption Loan Series, 1893, tVi per oent. Due June 1st, 1903, Nos. 1 to 34 Inclusive 31000 00 Sue June 1st, 190$, Nos. 35 to 68 inclusive 34 ooo 00 Due June 1st, 1913, Nos. to 10S inclusive 33 000 00 Due June 1st, 191$, Nos. 107 to 144 Inclusive 3$ 000 00 Bridges Loan Series, 1894, 4H per cent. Due June 1st, 1904, Nos. 1 to $0 in clusive $0 000 00 Due June 1st, 10$, Nos. $1 to 140 Inoluslve 60 000 00 Sue June 1st, 1914, Noa. 141 to 190 inclusive 50 000 00 Due June 1st, 191$, Nos. 11 to 250 inclusive CO 000 00 Total , $709 600 00 SUNDRY CLAIMS. Unpaid Warrants, De- eember 31, K9S $11 $6$ 7$ Contracts and other ac counts subject to adjust ment 38 61$ M 99 877 69 Total Indebtedness of City $860 377 6$ RESOURCES OF THE CITY. Cash In General City Fund $S7 107 80 Cash In Interest and Sinking Fund 92 290 72 Delinquent Taxes and other Items Collected.. 35 000 00 224 393 02 Net indebtedness of the . City $C3J77 In addition to the above atated assets, the City of Scranton purchased bends of the Issue of 1893. 4H per cent., to the am ount of $121,000.00 and one $500.09 Bond f the issue of 1$7$. per cent.. No. 80. for the benefit of Its Sinking Fund an exchange was effected by which $17,090.00 was trans ferred from the 1893 issue to that of 189C. leaving a balance of $104,000.00 In the 1K3 Issue and giving the 18M Issue a credit tf $17,60.00. . , Statement ef the amount of last pre ceding assessed Valuation of the Taxable property of the City of Scranton, Pennsyl vania, being the assessment for year lip. Occupation ?1 "i SJl Real Estate and Personal 1$ $7 7M Total $W The proposed increase of Debt amounts to $159,000.00 for the purpose of building a Viaduct as per ordlnunce attached and is equal to .0009 per cent, of the City val uation 1$98 exclusive of occupation. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, County of Lackawanna, ss.: On the sixteenth day of January, A. t. 1896. personally appeared before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public, duly commis sioned and residing In the City of Scran ton, F. J. Wldmayer, who being duly sworn, doth depose and say that he Is the Controller of the City of Scranton and to the best of hla knowledge and belief the foregoing statement of the finances of tho City of Scranton is Just, correct end true and that ether foregoing statement is also correct. frD. j. WIDMATER, City Controller. Sworn and subscribed to before me oo the date above mentioned. Witness my band and seal ot office. ISea'.l EUOEXE D. FELLOWS. Notary Public. TOM KEF.Il'S ADMISSION'. The following anecdote appears In a recent number of Leslie's Weekly: "After he was graduated from Bnwdoln college ex-Speaker Reed thought ser iously of becoming a minister, but he studied law Instead of divinity and went to California to hang out his shingle. The story of his admission to the bar there IS Interesting. 'Tom,' said the judge, l the legal-tender act constitutional?' 'It Is, sir,' answered the young lawyer, who knew hla ex aminer's bent. . 'Ton shall be admitted,' said the Judge, and the ceremony was over. This version spoils an excellent anecdote. The story as It occurred is as follows: When Tom Reed was to be examined for admission td the bar, Judgt W. T. .Wallace was then on the j supreme bench and the candidate ap peared before htm for examination. It was In the early 'Go's and the- country was convulsed with varying opinions on the legal tender act. It Is true that Judge Wallace said to the candidate: 'Is the legal-tender act constitutional?' It Is, sir," was the reply. 'You are passed, sir,' replied Judge Wallace at once. 'Any young man who can decide grave constitutional questions like that off-hand requires no further examlna tlon.' " j Ranker Rliss Dead. New Tork, Feb. J. George Bliss, the senior memlier of the banking Urm of .Morton, lilies t'o.. died at 1 o'clock tills morniiiK. .Tlio retire of death was paraly sis of the heart. Mr. Bliss was In hi ninetieth year. . . . For Sals ljR 8ALE-2POOL TABLES. L'BILLIAKD x taulxeaml un. comninstion table; also I'srtaFns in new .ml second usnd rlntre and b.lla Jnt now. J. B. VA.1 KLECK, West minster ooi itoom. DUPONT'S IIUR6, BUSTIBG MO SPOflTIRB POWDER Haa of acta red at the Wapwallopen Mills) aerae oountr. Pa., sad i mmgtvo, Delaware, HENRY BELIN.Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. m WYOMING AVE, Soranton, Pa, TaM Ks-aaal Bask Btflliag. THOB. TOED, Httaeas, Pa, John b. smith bon. Prnaoatk-Pa S. W. MULLIGAN, WilkssaireTiV ageats. nr . Hepaaas Cbemlo O ay's Bags Bxpk-Tea. -aaaifcctsrenottaeO-sbnta PILSENER LAGER DEER . CAPACITY $ 100,000 Barrels per Annua VELSBACII LIGHT IfccliUj adapted lor Betdliif ud Set iij. Orwrames tbrae (8) test of g Pr hoar ind gives an efficiency uf sUty (OOlcmndles. Baring at least 83, pet oank ott ttw esruinary up tfurnen, C$01 and Se It. HUNT j CONNELL CO,, 434 UOMWMM tVERUL rU-ufactursrs' Agent. ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. Ill LACKAWNA AVENUE Corner FrankliffS venue. Pn.lrkr.t Maa Brass. ENNYROYAL PILLS re.,) ail r art rellakst). utoics ask uragvut lor ,Ticafr Kn)lih Via fMNi Bfm4 it IU(i aa1 Jvid wctailic Itmiw. imlfAi wit's, bine rlhttuti. Tk Mtha iVfriiMsfrttaaii-sf,fMe f lent and ImlWioH. A t Uruxiaif. or 4 In Maw ft tmr tmril'ialara. twi.taoaiaU $) "Utlicf tor Ka4lf,M it t'ur, ? ef.r V Malt. 1,X rt-tit-Mlt-t. AssitiVMr lllkssl4i.iaL.ti,-.lla, 044si kf $U Lmi Ufuuioa. hUtdm.t J war Mi. Vivo RESTORES VJTAUTT. Made a $Ds-11 Well Ma UtB Day, of Me. THI BAT totts tke abor. reralu In 10 Sava. Mats vvpHimir aiuoaiy. uura nasi eeaasaeuj Yoeaf SMS will raeu. loot Btttbao4.sa4.ld asaa will sssosee tfeilr iwaibfal ewor s sssst SfIT. M aaleair orlr fsrtoreo Hottsue MS, Lsn YltalltT. laipoteasr. Stftatlr IsatioM, ss rwww, rains- atessety, wasens all esMs at eeebe or a mi Hss) a- obo tor stany. tsslaiss ee ssa laae. It aetealr ears, k? tterttac at Ike east ot tlssass, kul Is a anal MnatWi nl hi nad ka lla-. Mu leg set tte s4ak glow te) jss caeeka aa re mtUs ah. are af roatab It ward, est tassaitt seas sptioa. las 4m ea ketiaf KKTtVO, ae Is as ka rrlaS la - - i i UM see ar eta sat , wt aaMsl 4e -tetesa naraats It int a mfmt laeaaaasy. Ouealar-ea. ilatiss mi M0lCf$jf. CO.. M titer sVCft$sette It, Sat a att-ea -re. fjaif t in M LAGER BEER BREWERY. ' n inn 9 MM SHERIFF'SSALB OFs, I i P CVI? WM mr ar ,T um faar. EhejFaslinoe 308 Lackawanna Ave. 308 OUR GREAT ANNUAL SALE . This is an opportunity . PaT k t $, per tcnu less man 50 pieces of Wool Henriettas, all colors, 40 In. wide, '50c ralue, Sala Pries 25c 25 pieces of Novelty Dress Goods, 40 in. wide, 50c value, Sale Prici 35c so pieces of Xovelty Dress Goods, this is special 75c value. Sale Price 49c Big reduction on all black and col ored Dress Goods. - $1.50 Lace Curtains, extra wide and long, Sail PltCS $ .83 2.50 Lace Curtains this is special, Sgja prJo l.gQ 4.00 Lace Curtains, only a few pair left, $ Pfg 2.50 6.00 Lace Curtains, extra value, : SaiS PliCS 3.E3 ULiey DHE-I1F PRICE. "r: :; IT'S A FLYER na the velocity of wind, staam and wings are suggested by bis progress. The bicycle is tha rtioet Important Inno vation In means of travel since the Intro duction of the locomotive, and we ara In the Infancy of Its use, construction and means of propulsion. Healthr-mlnded people ara those who commend and practice its use, To such we need hardly say. Your bicy cle should be the latest and best. Call and examine ours before buying. J. D. WILLIAHS SRO. 312 IND 3(4 L1CK1WMM IVe. Moosic Povdor Go, EonEsludaCcrZeie-aEU'l, SCRANTOft, PA, t'JNIKQ ci CLASTIC POWDER MAO- AT MOOno AMD ! DA WOKU -ana A Kaa iVvdef Oa Orango Gun Powdd Bleetrts Bartsrtes, INwm Car tg blasts, a-faty Ihssa ipwtCa-ieal Co.'i Biatiplefri fllLLIAU & UILUR, Alderman $t Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 8. Oaa and Water Co. ullsllna. COMES WT0M1RQ Alt AW CEHIU It OFflCI ROOM tram T.M a at, to p. B.) U aoar laterauaBwa tor amn.r aaa sapper. PirtlMlirlttenaon dies to Collection Proaipt BettleoMBt Qaaraarieed. rOORBOSIRESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOUCtTEB Talephena No. 134. flT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. (Seal ef tke hmt aualltv tmr iIiim.-Ii ase, and of all alias, delivered ta aaa cart of thectty at loweat prtoa. NO.tlB WYOMING AVCNUB, Rear ivobb, nrsi neor. Tnira NaossMI or seat by mall or telephone to taa tne. win reeelvo promnt att. bTuob. tttenUoo. cootrassa win oa made no ssj delivery of Buckwheat Ce-T WM. T. SMITH. edie ...scdled llmiF 37 Dtl-w it ef Fl..r, Theif Knk Wrapper VrnOt Ooeskse a a fcwrH. Ur Ertng mi Driakkig. Cwers vwi$ef. THE FINEST HALF-TONE CUTS That you can got anywhere. At one-half tha old pries. J.L PHOTO-ENGRAVER, 3HLCiAW!M AVE. k m mm ICE SKATES L 7. 435 SPRUCE ST. lares JR to purchase Dry (foods . regular prices. $5 Misses Newmarkets, for all . ages, in choice colors, Sals Pries $2.83 One lot of Ladies' Newmarkets, sold for 15 to 515, v &!s Pries tU tii Ladles' kersey Jackets, fonr bntton efiect, nobby, Sals Pries $7.43 fi4 Caterpillar Jackets, only a few left; don't miss it Sals Pries $IS3 AMUSEMENTS. TflE FROTfllNGfllR J-f f Aj !- " M"r ALL THIS WEEK. PROM LONDON. BNOLANO. The areetest Uvlsg nessseslet. rp' hi . " ONE WEEK COMMENCING l:)t Ftbruaiy 3. THE COMEDIAN. sad his comedy company, looladtng Miss Etta it.d: "Penisg in Bartley Csnsaell'a great play in fire acts entitled THE GALLEY SLAVE Carload elaborate scenery. Bleotrlo aad, calcium lights. Handsome casta os, PRICES 10. 20 AND 30 CENTS. Ladiee free Monday evening when aocom rinied br a paid Ms ticket pareaasaa before o. Bk of that day. ACADEMY OP MUSIC, Monday Evening, February j. BARTLEY CAMPBELL'S OREATEtT SUCCE55, I HE Regular prices, Sala ef seat opens Friday morntag, Jannary 11. ACADEMY OP MUSIC, . Taesasy, February 4 ABSOLUTELY NON-SOPORIFIC. GIRL WANTED Intredadng FRANK bHJSM aad a Ce-pasy al ParcaosMdy Faverttes. SIHOONS OP LAUQHTER RegnUr prioes. Bale of seats opens Betur day DAVIS' THEATER MONDAY, Tt'ESDAT,WEDNESDATa FEBRUARY 3, 4, 6, 1896. LITTLE KATIE ROONEY Za Charlea A. Taylor's Oreat Baelaf Flay, THE DERBY MASCOT ate THE Oreat Derby Rsee. THE Beautiful 8mas fteene. 0LL THE HeaUsttc Oallows Hreae. Tbettel.bratedLeapine Horse "King rare' in bis wonderful leap orer gates ef railroad oroaeiag. Car Load Special Bcener. 11 New tlech.nical Effects. Tea Buck and Wing Dancers. Two Thoroughbred Raoe Isrses, "Xing Faro' aad "Ur.y Priaca" Amission, 10, 20 and 30 Cents THF NEW NO, 2. Contain all that aaa made -aatwaad Wertl faaaa aad MSW. KOTtL aad CasfVL ka. ST.Tm.nta. 'Banaead Worai aaa CillOfWo) of Hssfead gopeewrtty." ' -a-es falao tae cntarlaa ef sbwb4 Pevartty.H Baaa stead Xe. s. "The Perfect TjeoaVI a, S aaise It aad be eon.iaoed. Ft)sd.aMo braacb at Tae Baaaoad Type writer Os, Ut S, eia-t titreet, P. A. t A. J. B-LANDAj 4M tsraet lt teraatai laarislaslii- PROF. JOHN REYNOLDS CORSE PAYTO.I HAnn0i:DTYFE7fllTET
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