TIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- FRTDAX 3IORNINU, JA2SUARY 31, 189G. Ihc Ghostly- Maifcs :. Mills' Of Ailt Irasi By ELISABETH FUIXEN, Author of "The Man from Aldone." Copyright. lMHi, lijr tarlitllcr, Jihuaon j.t BjcUollm SYNOPSIS. Mlxs Prusllla Hrorkwuy, a mnldi-n lady. SvIiik by her Heir In u villuKe m ur out- of !hi coast cities of Maln. r ci-lvrs u Kit Tall wllllo ulune In her house. She li. !omes a - iHMlrMtlen -IiivhIM, und tln-ii'y lends for her nephew und hi family fr i'ii Musaarhusetis lo oiviipy her limine h:vI Uike'rnrf of her. Coiliinu Brm-kway. his iuilKhtsr, IsellKUHed lu he inuilled to Her . i t Jeiiiiifoii, who IKes ill the elty near Ann t iJiusllhi'M, mel'thls is un uddeil 111 ItH'eRuMit. They tlml Aunt Diusllla nerv iiis and dlciuioi ial. Slir hits a room In :he front .urt of the house where she ol fc'rves uml overyees everything that Koe.-t )ii. t'oi liina roiic-enlH her ensaifiniunt Yom Aunt Druxlila, hut oho evening by ue--hleut neiai d an eiitra .etronif nip ot lea for the old lady who i kei.t awake and hears Herbert kissing Corlntui In the Dull. She summons t'orlnna'H mother an 1 li ariiH the name of i'urliiim' Intended, an I lit onre sunei ts that he Is the Kiandson Df a man with whom her father om e ha I it iiiarrel. This timix out to b the i ii -e. the idd lady Is eni-atied, and threatens to haunt th rouble if they marry. She dies, and the young people lit tip the room fur their private purlor. Tlie lalher of iiin na Insists that a eaiefully t lieilshd plin toKraph of Aunt Dinssill.i shall he Ufpt .n the room, and It Is placed In Its old place on the muntle-iilece. Kvery evening Her bert ooines out on the electric, car lo Kpend the evenitiK "h I'orlmia. I'ART I IT. Hut from the day that Aunt Pru 'lllu's iiicture wan restored to its old Mace Curlniiu'M pleasure In the room kh "What It It?" He Aslicd llcr. was subtly blighted. The next morn Jnfj When she entered It, bIiikIuk. vfltll a duster In hor hand, the llrst thlni? which- Khe saw was the photograph, that lay fucp downward tiiiirn the Moor about three feet In front of the lire place, n If it hud leaped from Its sta tion on the mantel shelf. Corinmi took It up and replaced it, without thmiRht. Hut she felt a curious little shudder. She went on Hlnciiiff In her elenr and pleasant voice while ."he dusted the hooks, arranged In neat radiation mil ml the crocheted himi mat on the table in the center of the room. All at once she saw the photograph stir, then stand upright, totler und spring toward her, fulling to the- lloor. A su perstitions terror seized Corliina: her breath stopped mid her hands became cold und moist as, she stood, not during to remove her R.iiie from the object ot hor fears. She could hear her mother beutitiK es:s:s In the kitchen, her father chopping wood in the Irnrn, the noise of the electric cur that had passed the house and was speeding down the slope of the hill toward Neighbor Dunn's. These everyday sounds dissolved the Hpell. t'orinna would not be silly: she finished her task, dusting everything conscientiously. Hut until she was Pimples, blotches, blackheads, Ted, rough, and oily skin, prevented by Cuticura Soap, the most elect ive skin purifying and beautifying soap in the world, as veil as pur- est and sweetest for toilet and nur sery. The only preventive of p;;:; ples, because the only preventive cf inflammation of the pores. Bold thf nghont t!w irnrW. UH:h trw F. J'--r-ii.T Sim, I, Kit s MwjTiUt . Irili . i'.n ., iAua A CuMUict,C"n.'.. ' iw.. ,...- i An accumulation of over $50,000 worth of Fine Diamonds, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Opera Glasses, Scarf Pins, Rings, Gold and Gold Plated Chains, Cuff Buttcms, BrcocSies, Ear Rinrjs, Musical Instruments, &c. i . These goods must be sold at once, as they are unredeemed pledges. No such opportunity was ever offered to tha public before. The stock will b- disposed of at auction, commencing SATURDAY Hours of Sale From 9 to, 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. Every body invited. It will cay you to call. Great bargains can bs pledged for small amounts, and purchasers will have an opportunity for buying at One-Third Regular Price. NO GOODS MISREPRESENTED DURING BROKERS AND JEWELERS, do finite ready to leave the room she left the photograph where It lay. Finally (he picked It up. uverting her eyes from It. und set it In Its place. Then hhe hastened away. That evening when Corlnna, accom panied by Herbert, openetl the door of tile parlor the likeness of Aunt Uru si Ma was lying upon the carpet. "The old lady lias tumbled off her perch." tmld Herbert, with scant rev erence. And he set her up again. He did not see the fright In Oorinna's eyes. All that evening the girl sat with her shoulders toward the picture; If It sprang down again she did not wish to see that. Once, indeed. It seemed to her that she heard a light thing strike on the lloor; but at that moment Her bert was reading aloud and the cur was passing, so that she could not be per tain. When he arose to go away she followed him into the entry without looking buck. At all events, tlie following morn ing fhe found the photograph prone upon the carpet, and there she let it re main. The strange contest of wills be tween herself und the. uncanny piece of pnstehourd dispirited ami wearied (V riuna. Kinally she put the photograph away In the table drawer and hoped for peace. She did not wish to conllde her fear to Herbert: of course. It was a fanciful dread, und ho would laugh nt it. Neither would she let the charm tif the parlor be spoiled for him as it was for her. Hut one evening as she watcher for Herbert's coming her father, who was adjusting: a wlndow-stinde roller In her little parlor, culled lo her: Torlnny, where is uunt's plcter'.'" She saw the gleam of the car light down the road, but she mur.t run to llnd tlie photograph. Her father took it in his hand. "A pleasant likeness. T-ooks almost pooty," he commented, He tiHd,hold ing It. ntudylug tlie face. Then he heard tlie sound of the approaching car. There, run along, Corinny," ho bade her, good-naturedly. And, nut to mar the lovers' meeting, he remained just where h" was. Rusting at the picture until he Judged II discreet to uppear and welcome young Jennlson. Then he set Aunt Hrusilla In her place and went out into the entry, (ilitd to see you. Herbert," he said, cordially. Hut late that evening t'orinna heard again the light Impact of tlie paste board as It fell to the lloor: and again she wduIiI not look at it, but waited until the wholesome daylight should companion her. when she would lift the evil thing; and put it in its own plate. More than once lu the clays lliut fol lowed Corlnna thought of destroying the photograph, but that would dis please her father. Moreover, what would be the use, since if tlie ghost of Aunt iJrusillu really took that menus of disturbing the lovers, no doubt her unkind spirit could llnd other ways to the same end. Coriuiia decided to bear tl:ese p;t-mortcm spites as she had borne the whims and railings of'Aunt lM'tisllIu In the flesh, lint the girl began to grow pule and thin; there was an anxious pucker In her pretty, white brow; her manner was listless and ner vous. Her mother noticed this change In t'orliitui; hut, having decocted und prescribed -a tonic of bitter herbs, she plunged headlong Into "spring denn ing," which from that moment occupied all her mind. Heslde ("orlnna declared that nothing was the matter with her. "And spring weather lets everybody down," Sarah Hrorkttr.y concluded. One gusty, rainy evening of late April It seemed to Herbert that as he und t'orinna entered tlie parlor together she sturted ns if frightened. "Whut is It?" he asked her. "Nothing, nothing," answered Co rlnna. lie looked at her. Her lips were apart with fear, she was pule, staring at something that lay upon the floor near tlie fireplace. Herbert was cur rying the lighted lamp; be went for ward to examine tlie object. "Why "it is only Aunt Prusilla's pho tograph." He picked It up and set It cm the mantel f-helf. "Hut but how came It down there?" said the girl with a shivering voice, "My dear child tlie wind blew It down. These old houses let in all sorts of little draughts around the windows." "No, It was not the wind," tuid Co rlnna, with the hi' t of l.o-iclers con viction. "Herbert. I meant not lo say anything about It. beinir.e. .f course, you will laugh ut me. Kvery evening, whether the wind blows or not. that picture quitst Its place. Kvery morning I find it on the floor. While you are rendlof? to me that dreadful thing tot-t"i-s forwardand then b aps off the shelf toward us. I didn't want you to know about It. I thought I could keep it from you. because you ulvvuys sit with your back that way. Hut tonight we staid awhile talking with father und mother and Aunt liiusllla had been mentioned. And and Herbert. I'm afraid of her! You know what i he said that she-would haunt us!" The blue eyes of the girl were strained, with ter ror; there was a husky tremor In her voice. "Don't be afraid," said her lover. "That was easy for Aunt Drusllla to say but they don't come back from the other world. She didn't have any commutation ticket when she went over the Stygian ferry that we read about Mill .' 'I: Sho Saw the I'hotosmph Totter and Sprlus Toward llcr. and old Mr. Charon, of Charonsville, won't deadhead her this way again." So, staid with reason and comforted with the classics or, rather, such very slight and second-hand acquaintance with them us they had the lovers passed a pleasant evening. Thrice, in deed, did the likeness of Aunt VJrtl silla stir und pilch forward as if to menace them, then stapger und drop to the floor. Much time did Herbert, who had seated himself where he could keep un eye on the Image of the hag. take her up tenderly and replace her on the Rhelf. "Will you set where you're sot?" he inquired of her sternly, quoting an ad monition of Neighbor Dunn to her youngest child, who on one occasion in Ills presence had been an unquiet pas senger in the electric car. Hut 'tis no use Jesting with ghosts; for all that we call them " old true penny" and "old mole," they chill the marrow of tlie bones and prick the hair on end. So when Herbert hud set Aunt Drusllla In place for the third time lie ceased reading find fell on thought. Corlnna watched him anxiously. Kinal ly he spoke, consulting; his timepiece: "We will read thirteen minutes more," said lie. "Then we will listen ut the same time keeping our eyes fixed on that bewitched old photograph. T'nless I am mistaken, Corlnna, we shall learn something to- our advan tage." She was puzzled, but all her trust was In Herbert. Ten minutes were gone, and she hitched her chair a little tvurer to his: when lie held out the dial of his watch to show her that twelve min utes had passed die slipped her Utile linger into his hand with the action of a timid child. Then they heard a far away sound that mixed with the wind anil the rush of the rain, but was more unvarying und stronger than those. "That is the electric car," said Her bert. "Steady, Corlnna! Look nt your aunt." And truly, Just as the car thundered by, the photograph of Aunt Drusllla reared Itself like a viper and leup.'d from the mailt I shelf. Cortnnu gave a slight scream and sturted to her feot. Hut Herbert was laughing. "I ought to have thought of that lit once," he said. "Don't you understand. Corlnna? There's a ledge of rock that runs across the street und by this sld. of the house. Thut Is the reason that the glass cannot take deep root lure, und turns yellow; that Is why the old birch bii.". pulled up stakes to tun ptvuy. When the car goes over the ledge It Juts this room and makea the photograph Jump. That Is all, truly, iny dear ghl. 1 will lay the ghos;t for you; I will bring a neat and lather solid frame for the picture tomorrow. And I warrant you that from this cut. Aunt Drusllla v.lil behave herself." Herbert kept bis word, bringing n heavy standing frame in gilt metal. Holinan livockway thought It very badsonme la the future son-in-law te do such honor to the aunt who had beer ungentle to the l;iv is. "I take It very kind of you, Heibert." he said. " Tin right, 'ti.-t accordin' p religion. You're kind o' heu:i!u' oub of fire onto her head, a-glttlu' thut nlcr frame for her picler. It shows a goi! disposition In ou, Herbert. An' tim; nruinlsca well for Corlnny's happlncs!". I guess she's (loin' well to marry you." And Aunt Drusllla as woman, ghojt ::r photograph troubled them no more. tTho end.) FKOF. COLES IOit FEBRUARY. Mars and Venus will walk hand In hand milll the 21st inst. They will hen take their departure and leuve bid Mother Karth to miner the harvest of arcs that thry have so freely sown roudcast over the earth. They will vltiiess the shadows of sorrow that the un's c( 11: ' will cast upon the south astr i n coast of South America. South rn Africa and the Antarctic oceans on he l.'Ith Inst, und that the moon's cllpse will cast over Kurope. Asia and Vfrica and in part to Australia the 11 P n y a1 m as : ft WW HE MORNING, V, eastern extremity of South Amer ica, and the Atlantic ocean on the esth Inst. These rhudows forebode trouble to nil upon whom tl".-' fail. flouth Amrricn. Africa lir-d iv-' Island In th AtUMIe and Antar-.',: oceans will be sot unm by fortl.". . i otlorts and there will he wars n: t' fearful docu'' anion? the savages for the next two or three years. Amerioa will be free from all these evllomers lui Ing the year 'of 1S56. Business wll! revive and America, "the home of the brave and the land of the free," will be the envy of all nations on earth. Mars will continue to show his au thority this month and 'will laugh at the high wind gales, storms, tornadoes, floods and cyclones that will sweep many parts of the country like mad. In our Storm and Sign Calendar In Storms and Signs, we have set danger signals on all the days from the 10th to lth, and from the 23d to the 2'Jth. Terrible gales, gales unprecedented, will sweep over many sections of the Old Country and America, between the first and the middle of the month: as the gaseous matter will pass away from the sun during that time and cause blizzards that will nearly reach the equator, unless the electric cur rents are "growned" by nature, then Instead of hard storms, an earthquake will be the result. Strange phenomena will be seen In the heavens. A new and very large comet Is heading for the earth and will be visible to the large telescopes Eome time in March or April. The comet that I discovered last fall can now be seen by the linked .eye In the Knstern horizon In, the early morn ins time after S o'clock. The position of tho plunets foretell the coming of an unexpected and serious poi.ocal question and a religious war threat. The earth la now in sign Leo (the lion), opposed by sign Aquarius (the water man), who will try to drown the earth if possible. If high wind gales pass over the country on or about the 12th. 13th or 14th of the month, then the evil forces of nature will soon retire und great prosperity, peace and happiness will be In store for America, and Amer ica or.ly. A strange Aurora light will take place In the Southern Seas on or about the 2r.th Inst. A tornado will sweep the Atlantic City sometime be tween the 1st und l.'th. A strong elec tric current has been running from the Northeust to the Southwest for 2.1 con secutive days and when the reaction sets In there will be trouble and the ele ments will war. Words of tVnrnlnu. Fearful deeds among the savages will continue In the old country In the face of all protests by Christian nations. Mars and Venus will be within one de gree of each other on the !Hh and an epidemic of diphtheria or scarlet fever will be almost sure to follow. The earth Is now In sign Hon, (tlie Hon l opposed by sign Aquarius, (the waterman) who will try to drown the earth If possible. The financial gale will continue to sweep over the country for a short time. Cheer up. AH the storms will soon be over, then we will all be rolling In clover. The position ot the planets foretell the French Injection Compound fnrft potUlTriy, qulrkly. (not merely rticrlu.) Guuruiifel ur money refunds I. Avoid dnpRci'ttuii rtmieUleft. Prii50ntHr iHittle. Six lion ! (will cure tuyeres t cue) w;nt prr paid. fcuro (iuiu observation, with on If ncteutKlciily maUu tyrluKu w any auureis iur fj.iv. ;R. LOliB'S COOK PUEE nl sufferer cf HiROt-'S OF VOL' "II, .VI VlbOK and UISEASES ot' Ml N AMi VO.HbN. 08 "rrk: c-luili bound: U'C.ou.y -at f and uinll lrte. Tr -mnmut l.vniol i li t'y cji:tldflitl', uu'l a I otitlr uniek urn in ma'-nh iM mutter hew lrmgr m.-tndins, I 11 i ot ltiTolr cur o.i. V.' ritt o- ctll. 320 X. IStn St., Philadii . In 1 yearn' ceMiiiu us vrm:t.ce. lUult in 4 weeks. For sate by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue aiJ Spruce Stroac Sera man rV SHERIFF SSALB ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS MEN'S ASd 'eOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. 111 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Corner Franklin Avenu?. EEhEI oonilnf? of an unexpected and serious ; I.d:tlcal q tics--1 ton that will affect the i cl i.-t h cr.d rtatv. ' ; -i'!s pa'.s over thp ".'. the 12th, txth or ' evil forces of nature will soon retire and great l-.oai.tty. j.tac and happiness will in More ur America, and America only. A strange aurora light will' take place In the southern seas on the first of this month and In the northern seas on or about the LT.th Inst. There will be one or two beautiful sunset scenes this month for the tlrst time since the month of November. Prepare for fearful storms or an earthquake. Watch out for high wind gales be tween the loth and 15th. America will not be able to see the eclipse of the sun but she will feel the effects of If. Ithor troubles will arise In America and lead to high crimes. Xew issues will spring up and absorb the inituiti of our law and order makers yet there Is no danger of war. War In America Is out of the question. Special Wnrniiir. Special warning Is hereby given to all pn rents to gourd their children well; for the evil influences that Mars will exert upon earth this month will excite the nt rvoiis system of all children, not born under th idanet Mars, and many chil dren will become almost Insane through the unseen evil influences that Mars will exert. And, unless they are well watched, and protected many children will have their nervous system chocked beyond all hopes of recovery. Professor C. Coles, Kdltor Htornis and Signs. Kingston, Ha.. 1'. S. A., Jan. 2H. IV.IG. - . V 11AK II WO Ot! SiOUY. This Is a Viur Harbor story, and the man who told it to me declares ,he was there when it happened. There Is a Washington family of tno ultra-exclusive sort, whose summer home Is un there on th Maine coast. They have kinsmen in the neighborhood, and one evening, unite unexpectedly, one of thflr rural unties dropped In on them to make an indefinite stay. They wouldn't for worlds have been rude to him. lint he was dreadfully In the way, so they gave him a ticket to the per formance if the "Messiah" and sent him off to hear the oratorio, lie went. Next morning at breakfast one of hhi nieces asked hint how he liked It. "Wall," said he, "I guess I klnih liked it, but it wn'n't very funny. There was nothin' funny in It, so fcr as I iw, but one thing, liosli! thut wus funny." "U'liat wus thut, uncle'."' the niece asked. , "Waal," said the old man, "there was nlRh a dozen old muids got II. and snug, i-'er unto us a Klipj: Is given; unto ua a Son is born,' An" lis miou as they said It a loi of fellows back of them Jumped up an' began to shout, "Wonderful. wonderful :' "Washing ton Post. team. MM flS t WruSJfi-'cr"' Whrn In rfouM wY tn tue for Nmow T3eK!ity. t-f cf Sxital Power (In ti&tt tt). Imifaitaih v. Atrophy, Vanrrnrle atvl tt.ier vmVni, (run iny cause, ut Sin Drain th-kM ami lull vipor .juitkl rotored. If n-cWtrd, tn-h tri.-tiM.' reti1l Uitlly. Utitt any here, Mlrl, Ur $t.ui ( tioe tvt'i ; ju. With H AL. MEniriNKCO.,C.rlfcfi.i.Oluo. ' U si M I V yjrW'lS J. Made a tct d7. ry M m fc We !l Ma 1 EWAT antli Uny. pro lurr tti"rvlnvn tculin t i ;I0 ilayi. Ii ii -'i ?ow9ifnli)r !:. ;itn'kiy. luri it Hiinn ll ettinm (ail onuaxB will rei,-ri thc.r lent maiiieiotl.uicl old mm lll tecover thrir ynniuiil vuor by uui RKVIVO. I luluir wl mrely roiiio ex h'onruua ois. I I Vlfm. 5.utn;eii':!'. K'nlitlr Km: mums. Lot Pownr. Falling M mory, Wu lim l)l' tx-j, mil til eifeciB of iielf-tiuH or zno'-iand lndtgr-.'t:ti;in. hioh cn3t one for inly. biifctnrsoriunrrUi:i. II not oali onreK by tUrtine t: Hit fut ct vkm. rt iaBrt Drrio Iraim ami Mood butldrr, brlzm liic back tho lnli jr;t,ir to ao riicckad r iioiini the tiro of vn.nl. 1 yrtiin o?T Jtujiutf nj C'oouir iitl-.n. lutist na iiaviu-.' ltKVlVOiD tiiir. It can be carriif1 in Text ii:kt-t. Uy tvir.r I .OO Er i or in tor .d.OU, with pin wrlrton icnumatce to tvjru rfuii . ie tuonoy Clrculutrve. Addr.ua 'U rCOICIMS CJ r- " CHrMOO. II tTaar US'" y KatllrraKroJ Dirwcir Scyautoa ? R cp pj fr npRpi i 1 The largest Pi ece of w EVER SOLD FOR TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wisli to assure their many paf rons that tlicy will this year hold to their usual custom of nilllinK S'lRICTLY OU WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and o'vhin to the excessively dry weather many millers nro of the opinion that tt H already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Waslihurn-Crosby Co. will tak uu risks, and will Allow tlie new wheat fully thre uionlhs to mature hetore RrinJins. This careful utlention to every detail of milling haa C laced WH&!iburnCruby Co.'s flour far above othef rands. A 9 MSffifiEL Wholesale Agents. MOM AMD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt. Knds, Turnbiicklcs, Washers, Riv ets, Ilorsa Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools aud Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL'hORSE:SHOES nud a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. BITTEH1ENDEIR 3CRANTON, PA. C3 scared, as tfi2 articles to be disposed of have been THIS SALE. 217 LACKAWANNA AVENUE TOBACCO MILL 01 qilltii;i'L!!'iii, fill ;l I
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