THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, ' JANUABT 29, 1896. CARBONDALE. Headers will not that advertl Inents. orders for job work, and Items for publication left at the establishment of Shannon A Co., newsdealers. North Mala treet, will receive prompt attention; of fice open from k a. m. to 10 p. m. THOUGHT THERE WAS A FIRE. Constable Neary Returns to 1'lnd tils House Full of Smoke. Constable Edward Neary, of the Sec ond ward, returned to his home Mon day evenlnu about 11 o'clock and found the place filled up with dense smokw. The family was soon aroused. He made a thorough investigation of all the apartments of his household, but could not discover any trace of fire, nor could he account for the presence of the smoke. It then struck Neary that the smoke must have emanated from the stove of 8. Bolton, over which he resides. He ran down and went to the street. lighted a match and being convinced that the moke came from the inside, called out the Columbia and Mitchell Hose com panies. Neary was asked to enter the premises and the hose companies held themselves in readiness to turn a, Stream of water on. He broke a. pune of glass, got inside and very soon dis covered that the smoke emanated from a stove that had been dumped t-arly In the evening. There had been pluced a quantity of waste muterlal put on be fore the coal and hud not lighted up. hence the smoke. TOWNSHIP POLITICS. A Republican Caucus Held Last Satur day Night. The Cuiboiidale township Republi cans last Saturday evening ussembled nnd Jiumed a full ticket to battle for their principles at the next election The following ticket was named : Su pervisors, Daniel Delnpsey and Jacob Henry; poof director. Thomus II. t'uni rhlngs; treusurer, John Wulker; school directors. Luke Parkin nnd Fulrkk Joyce; auditor, Patrick Walsh; town Clerk, Patrick Barrett; Justice of the peace, William Williams; constable, Wllllunt Bradley; register of voteis. Northwest district. Allchu'l Hrudy; Judge Of election, IVtnr Colcorun; lli spoctor. I'hilo; register of voters. Northeast district, Tvrris lliilibard; Judge of elect Ion. William l'.irinliitrhuiii; Inspector, Fled Keoplnr. White Crook Corainc. The popular spectacular atu! ex travaguiizn entitled the "White Crook.." will be pluced on the boards of the Opera Ibmse on Thursday night, Jan uary SO. The coittpuny of comedians and bullet girls are reported to be the exceedingly strong und the pleoe Is aid to be u worthy twentieth contury production. There will be special scenes and new costumes. Pioneer I ndcavor Society. The Kirst Presbyterlun church Chris tian Kndeavor society, of this city, will celebrate their anniversary on Febru ary 2&. An enthusiastic committee has a programme in course of preparation This society is one of the oldest in this country. It was organized very soon after the development of the Christian ICndeavor Idea and is one of the must active in the city. Needle in Her knee. A painful and serious accident oc curred to the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. Roc-tor, of Dunduff street. It appears that she was playing near the window and falling on to the lloor, a needle went into her knee. It broke off, leaving about an Inch in the tlesh. Dr. Thompsoh, huvlng been summoned, made an incision and removed the needle. Olive Leaf Lodge Entertainment. A contract has been signed by the en tertainment committee of the Olive Leaf lodge with W. A. Coles, a blind ventriloquist and elocutionist, who will be the star of their coming entertain ment that will be given In their hall on March 16. Vocalists of renown in the city will also assist. . ' The lllock Crook. This 'company paid a visit to our Opera House last night and a lat'Ke au dience was there to greet them. The play was thoroughly appreciated and It will be booked again. The frequenters nf the house appreciated the orchestra under Prof. Pitts. John Farrell Klllod. This afternoon John Farrell, of South Church street, was killed while at work Don't Get Excited Waa what the doctors told me, and they aid I must not run, on account f flat terlnf of my heart. I was sick oyer a year with dyspepsia, could not sleep or est la oomfort, was generally miserable. Hoocl's Sarsaparilla gave mo refreshing sleep, steady nerves ad better health than ever. I have great la'.th In Hood's. H. H. Prick, Reading, Pa. flood's Pills SSS"U' Wall Paper Wall Paper ' Wall Paper We are in the midst of our exten sive alterations and have reduced everything in the store to make room. BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS J. SCOTT I NG LIS v: - 419 Lackawanna Ave. on the Delaware and Hudson No. S breuker. PERSONAL AM OTHER ITEMS. News has Justt been received In the city that the Kew Abram Jones. Con gregation minister of Williamsburg, la., but late of this city, in commemoration of the tenth year of his married life was given a ttn wedding surprise party by the members of his flock. The peo ple here have missed the services of this excellent naan, but feel proud of his reception in his field of labor. Mr. Jones la a brother of the Rev. D. P. Jones, of HyUe Park. Thomas Kvans. of Rock avenue, was called by a dispatch to Nanticnke to at tend the obsequies of his brother-in-law, and left yesterday morning. William Rees. a well-known young man who left some time ago for Frost burg, has co mo to reside again here. H. A. Purple, the undertaker of Salem avenue, has just returned from & visit to New York. Oeorge Klots. of the silk mill, Is In New York city. The Berean Kndeavor society will hold tonight their annual banquet. Kevlval services are being held this week in the Methodist Episcopal church. ARC H3ALD Last Sunday was an Interesting time at the Archibald Presbyterian church. The sacrumetit of the Lord's supper was administered by the pastor. Kev. V. A. Beecher. Twelve new members were received into the church, ten on profession of faith and two by letter. Six persons were baptized. The funeral of tlte late Thomas J. Healy, who died suddenly on Friday night, took place yesterday morning from his late residence, on South Main street. The remains were seen during the early morning by hundreds of the friends and ut'dociutes of the deceased, from all parts of the valley. The body rested In a black casket in the parlor of the residence, and it was surround ed by many floral offerings from sympa thetic friends. At lO.Jtt o'cIock the fu neral cortege proceeded to St. Thomas' church, where a solemn high mass of requiem wus ming. He v. T. J. Comer ford, rector of St. Thomas,' was cele brant of the muss; Kev. J. V. Moylun, of liazleton, vu deacon, und Rev. Dr. Lucas, also or St. Thomas', was stib dcucon. Seated within the sanctuary were !.-v. N. .1. Mi-Muiius, of Provi dence; Kev. John Loiit;hian, of Ml noul:u; Kev. I '.. J. Alrlley, nf South Si-iaiiti.ui: Rev. .1. A. u'Uellly, of St. Peter's cuthedi-iil; Hoc.. T5. II. Walsh, of Moscow: Itev. l. .1. llrei'ii, of Ml imiika: Rev. J. A. rieu. of Sugar Notch; Rev. J. A. .Martin und Rev. James Jor dan, of Wilkes-Hurre. The service was most Impressive. After the benediction Father Conierfurd preached a funeral sermon, taking us his text the words of the evangel tut: "Verily, verily, I say unto you. If any man keep these sayings of mine nf shall not taste death." He bore testimony to the character of the dead, to his quiet and unassuming charity, his readiness to ussist any worthy movement and his willingness to do what was expected of him as a Christian and a citizen. The remains were interred In the Catholic cemetery. The jall und Mower bearers were selected from the three organiza tions to -vhicli rhe deceased belonged: The pall-bearers were John T. Swift and Thomas Oaffrey. of the Catholic Mutual Hem-lit association; Max Klap fer and Juiiicm J. Walsh, of the Ilepta sophs. and K. A. Jones and Henry My ers, of the Hose company. The tlorul designs were carried by Peter Brogan and Peter Mnule, of the Catholic Mu tual Ueneflt axxoctation; William Phil bin and William Murphy, of the Hepta sopti, and Thomas Cool lean and John Flnnerty, of trie Hose company. All three societies attended the funeral in a body. The cortege was very large and Included many persons prominent In business and other pursuits from this and Luzerne county. At 4.'M o'clock yesterdny afternoon Peter .Kearney, a well-known young man of the Kast Side, was killed by a full of top coal In the Delaware and Hudson mine. The young man was employed as a laborer and had about finished work for the day, when his life was crushed out. The remains were taken to the home of his father, Thomas Kearney, of Salem street. The de ceased was about 23 years old. He was a steady and industrious young man, who was very popular among his asso ciates and there will be much regret expressed because of his untimely death. He wan to have been married within a few weeks to an estimable young lady of the Kast Side. The fu neral arrangements have not yet been made. Miss Nellie Clark has returned from a brief visit with relatives in Dick son. The iew residence of Rev. T. J. Comerford Is very nearly completed, and has been open since Monday for Inspection. It is gratifying to know that there is little debt due on it, thanks to the energy and untiling industry of the rector. The Catholics of this bor ough may point with pride to their church property, which is among the finest in this part of the state. IALLSTEAD. Mrs. A. F. Merrill visited at Windsor last week. An accident occurred to the five-year-old daughter of William Sullivan on New York avenue. Tuesday afternoon. The child cllmoed up In a chair to get a pitcher. Her foot slipped and she fell to the floor and In some manner the edge of the pitcher cut two-thirds of her thumb off. John Barber, of this place, and Miss Katie Madlgun. of Susquehanna, were united In marriage on Wednesday morning at Susquehanna by Rev. Father Broderlck. John M. Murphy, the "blacksmith evangelist," of Vestal. N. Y.. will ad dress the gospel meeting next Sunday afternoon In the Kallroad Young Men's Christian association. . M. Carpenter and wife leave today on a southern trip. The Susquehanna County Medical so ciety will conduct their quarterly meet ing at the Mitchell house on Tuesday, February 4. Dr. K. F. W II mot, one of the oldest practloneers In the county, lies In a critical condition at his home In Great Hend. A special meeting for men only will be conducted in the Baptist church Thursday evening. Prof. T. J. Davies gave his class in vocal culture their llrst lesson Monday evening. His intention is to give les sons here weekly for about three months, and clone the term with an excellent entertainment. If tho Baby Is Catting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnalow'o Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for their Children while Teething-, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Oums, Allays all Palo ; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and avak for "Mrs. Wtnslow'a Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Indispensable In Diphtheria is Bovinine, as has been attested by thousands of physicians. One of the many testimonials we have received is one from Dr. Arthur P. Ginn of Omaha, which reads, " I used Bovinine in several cases of diphtheria, and was success ful with the cases. This to me is sufficient evidence of its value, no other food being used during treatment, except the milk used as vehicle for its administration." Bovinine being a food product, made by a special cold process from lean beef, is easy to take, quickly assimilated, speedy in its life promoting properties, is invalu able as a life-giver when it is necessary to maintain strength to carry a patient over the crisis of a disease. In diphtheria and other throat troubles where it has become impossible to take nourishment by the mouth, Bovi nine has sustained life for weeks, administered as an injection. WILKES-BARRE. THAT EARTHQUAKE. . Tho Humbling Noises Were Mode by Mis chievous Hoys and Dynamite. The rumbling noise that shook the earth in this locality last night for twenty miles around, und startled the residents in a number of towns, was not un earthquake, us supposed. It Is learned today that It was an explosion of dvnamite ntar the town of Parsons, four miles north of this city. A iiurty of boys stole a lurge case of dyiiumlte ut the Pine Ridge colliery and took it to a field a. half mile away and burled it In a culm pile. They at tached a ca: and wire to it und then set It off. The boys had a narrow es cape from being blown to pieces. Murder in tho Second legree. The trial of Giovanni Oustavus, who killed his companion, De Angelo, at Plttston, a few weeks ago, came to an abrupt termination this afternoon by the commonwealth accepting a plea of murder in the second degree. The pris oner will be sentenced on Saturday next. HONESDALE. The vestry of Grace church have ap pointed the following committee to have charge of the men's supper in the Sunday school room on February lit: Reception committee. Rev. John N. Lewis. Messrs. Greene, Hardenbergh, H. Menner, L. J. Dorflinger, Nielsen, R. W. Brady, Conger, Buuman, Fred Furnham, W. S. Birdsall, Judge Wil son, Uenung. Terrel, Duslnberry, M. D., Thomas, H. Whitney, ii. Gardner, sr., W. J. Relf, John Gale; soliciting committee, Messrs. J.Welch, chairman, R. W. Ham, Greene, Dudley, M. Bailey, Arnat C. Hawker. James, Lobb; finance committee, W. M. Gardner: kitchen committee, Messrs. G. White, chief cook; assistants, D. Menner, R. Welch, Schuman, T. J. Ham, W. II. Ham, Van Drlesen, O. White, Oow, J. Bauman,' Merrlthew, Wm. Holies, J. T. Brady, Baker. R. Duslnberre, O. Schueller. C. P. Priumo, J. Welch, Holland, Ham, Gray, C. F. Meyer, C. Dodge; waiters, W. F. Suydam. Messrs. Russell, Row land, C. Dorflinger, Frank Farnham, Lane, George Whitney, Prentiss, Dim mlck, Lindsay, Lambert, W. P. Bau inan, I Holies. P. W. Gardner, I. Ham, T. Fuller. J. Hawker. G toner, Wylie Kimble, Donovan, Leine, J. Smith, Geo. Meyer, B. Kimble, Dolmetsch, Register, B. Gardner. Jr.. F. Whitney, Brigga, Cole, Cook. Motzgar; custodian of sil ver, W. J. Van Keuren; musical com mittee, J. Broad; printing committee, H. W. Ham, Homer Greene. The gen tlemen will give an elaborate supper for CO cents. Some of the celebrated local chefs on the kitchen committee Insure many a delicate and tempting dish. Charles Rose, of Scranton, waa the guest of his brother, Lyman CI. Rose, over Sunday. Mrs. W. M. Gardner passed yesterday in Scranton. Misses Vinnle Rose and Antonette Ball have returned from Rondout. An assembly will be given at the Opera house Friday night. PHICEBURCi. Julia, the bright and interesting 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Langan. of Snyder avenue, died yesterday at 9 a. m. of diphtheria. Thomus Meehan, of Lincoln street, was a visitor In Carbondale yesterday. The candidates' nominated by the different political parties are as follows: In the First ward by the Republicans, for council, George Gleason: school di rectors. Reese Davis, William Perris and William H. Morgan; for constable, Richard Barron: judge of election, John Klderkin. In the Scond ward, for coun cil, Joseph Hall. George Rles; school directors, John Eley, Frank Lunnis and John Miller; constable, Henry Dlerks. In the Third ward, tor council, William Snyder and S. K. Koehler; constable. Max Koehler. The Democrats In the Second ward nominated for council M. F. Fadden and John Altken; school di rectors, James Paygle, Fred Rles and Andrew Kommskl; constable, Walter Yuzoskl; Judge of election, Joe Glllpal lon; inspector, Anthony Grafauskl. In the Third ward, for council, M. C. Don nelly and Lewis) Vesnlfskl; constable, Adam Taetco. Kdlth, the 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke McGuIre, died yester day after a short illness. Kev. B. Iwanoskl, who has been seri ously ill for the past week, Is recovering rapidly. NEW rVllL.P'OftD. Tha New Mllford Dramatic society Is rehearsing nightly the drama "Foiled," which is to be presented at the opera house on Friday evening of this week. A grand hop will follow the entertain ment. The next lecture of the Baptist lec ture course occurs at that church on Wednesday evening of this week. Dr. Taylor, of Btnghamton, Is the speaker. The shop department of the tannery will be ready for business next week, and will soon commence to boom. About twenty men are now employed with a prospect of about seventy more during the month of February. K.'E. Brooks Is stopping at the Rich mond, Washington, D. C. About seventy men are employed In the ice business at Heart Lake. Sev eral small accidents have occured among the workmen. Harry Hartt and wife, of Danville, Pa., spent Sunday with his brother, Charlie, in this place. WAVERLY, Welton Warner, of New York city, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Warner. ' Mrs. J. H. Wilbur and son. Austin, of Westford, Ootego county, New York, and Mrs. William Bouck and daughter, Marguerite, of Cortland, N. Y., are vis iting Mr. and Airs. Charles . Lee and Mrs. Wilbur's sister, Mrs. Kromer, at the Waverly house. At a cltlsens caucus held at the band rooms last Friday night the following nominations were made: For justice of the peace, E. J. Feehley; school di rectors. John Miller and M. W. Bliss; council, E. a. Carpenter, W. D. Spen cer, A. C. Mahoney, John Shlppy, John R. Johnson, Charles Hall, Sam Whal ing; high constable. Grant Tllman; con stable, George Sherman, Judge of elec tion, E. O. Carpenter; Inspector, Will iam Hall: auditor, N. D. Smith. Professor F. C. Hanyen dismissed the scholars of his school last Friday, ow ing to the prevailing high wind. This Is the second time Mr. Hanyen had to dismiss the scholars owing to the in security of the building. Mr. Directors, If the school building la not safe, make it safe, or give us a new building. The newly elected officers of George Fell post. No. 307. Grand Army of the Republic, were duly installed In their respective offices by Comrade Myron J. Hall last Saturday night. The newly installed officers are: Commander, Frank M. Hallstead; senior vice-commander, J. VV. Mershon; Junior vlce commander. Virgil McManus; quarter master, H. II. White; adjutant. Comrade Wolf; officer of the day, C. A. Sherman; officer of the buard, B. M. Green; chap lain, A. Bergen Browe. 1 The Ladles' circle of George Fell post. Grand Army of the Republic, had their installation of .their newly elected offi cers last Saturday afternoon. In. the evening the Ladles' circle gave a grand supper to the members of the post and their friends at the band room. Charlie Bolce and Charles K. Basset, president of the Delaware County Loan and Trust company, returned to their home at Walton. N, Y., yesterduy after a pleasant visit with John M. Court right. Fresh bread, pies and cakes every day at Martin Bold's "Little Delmonleo." CLARK'S SUMMT. Frank Stanton Invited a few of his intimate friends to his house on Wed nesday evening last. Home friends were there from Foster, Scranton and New Jersey, like entertainment consisted of games. Refreshments were served at a late hour, after which the guests de parted well pleased with the enjoy ments of the evening. Elery Thornly, engineer on the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, will occupy the tenement house of Ashley Bought. April 1. Mrs. Pullman, of Kust Lemon. Is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Bought. Mrs. Sarah Lewis, who has been vis iting her niece, Mrs. R. Klmbal. has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rlker is visiting friends here. F. M. Young culled oh Nicholson friends Saturday und Sunday. ELMHUR3T. The . Democratic and Republican caucuses will both be held on Thurs day evening, January SO. Mrs. S. H. Finn Is visiting her brother and mother at Yatesvllle. Mrs. George Detrlck has returned from Bellevue hospital, New York, im proved in health. The officers of Washington camp, No. 280, Patriotic Order Sons of America, for the ensuing term, will be Installed next Saturday evening by District President A. J. Coluorn, Jr., of Scranton. The concert given in the Baptist church Saturday evening by the colored quartette was highly appreciated by all present. 3 DON'T WEAR A TRUSS all your life. It tn nnnoying. and not always safe. It will not cost much to Have your Rupture Cured. ' 1 do it by h new m-tno-". No sur gery, no detention from tmshioxs. You will only need to m.ku Irem four to e'ght weekly visit to my ofhV.. Csll or write f r tf,:innisls. A. P. O'MALLEV, M. D., Rupture Specialist, 60 8, Wah I,. tin m.. 1km TlarrcPj. Ruptured for Forty Vears. Mr. J K. hwa,sse, employed in the Central railroad ahopa, llTrs 12 Urmn street, Ashley, Pa., sya: "Forty years ago I became rnptured. I ani now closr to 65 years (if szt. I miffnrrd pan, incflnvenienco. nnd, I night ad-l, tnrturo at times. I nver kuuw ram fort, as I now liars it. for years. A fow months ago I heeatne lnfer sted in the many atlTi rtiements of 'Hnp ture Cured,' ly Dr. O'Malley.and hein a sufferer, I underwent treatment. To my snrprlw, I em happr to say that I am now w ell. 1 w rk cvm y day now and enj-y life. I make this state ment for the benefit of my f How snf fere s, whom I know are anxiimstnb cut oil of a ttnublv that makes lit" mlK erahle, and which wily tha-o who suf fer understand. Tribtine Almanac 1896 no PA0E3 iS CENTS, POSTPAID GREATEST CLEARING SALE Ever Witnessed The Kmplre Dry Hoods company mutt remove their stock from 518 l.iiLkawunna avenue and therefore they offer their en tire stock; must be sold regardless of cost. The stot'k is tremendously lurice, packed full of woods from the basement to the second floor, and we must reclin e stock until April 1. We will quote you only a few numbers and styles of roods, and you can Imaclne for yourself the prices unci quality of goods. Five bales of Hill's Muslin,. vents, 10 yards to each person only; 5 bales ef Atlantic P Muslin, everybody knows the manufacturer' price, our price Is 4's vents a yards. It) yards to each buyer; 1 bale of Hope Bleached Muslin, manu facturer's price 4 cents, our price price 6 cents, 10 yard to each buyer; 1 vase of hulf-wool plaid goods, manufacturer's price 10 cents, our price 7 cents, 10 yards to each buyer; 4 cases of good towliug, 2!i yards to a roil. S cents a yard, manufac turer's price 3-j cent. . Stock of Shirts We guarantee to have today 2,00 dozen of Top Hlilrt on our hands, not a single one In the lot that has not the best labor and 30 Inches long, neck bund and double stlchcd, clearing sale THE CUT PRICE STORE, THE TRADERS NATIONAL BARK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1890. CAPITAL SURPLUS $250,000 40,000 JOHN T. PORTER, President. W. W. WATSON, Vice President. A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel lines, Jsmes M. Ererbart. Irving A. Kiu. b, Pierre H. Finley. Joseph .1. Joimyn. M. 8. Kcmerm, Charles P. Matthews. John T. Porter. W. W. Wataon, Charles, Uchlugsr, L. W. Hum. AND LIBERAL. This bank invites the patronage of business men and flrius tfenarally. Ren.'l cents for -mole package. Faultless Chemical Company, Balti more, Kid. AVo-ltlvfOtt rift,. V LOST MANHOOD ., V and all attending' afWnt and all arttmuDit allmmt.i, 1W both of young and aud ita. 't arre t r.icn and women. The Ikwr Its of treatment. Tuitions, tnxlurtiir weak neas, Nenrons Pebllliy.Sliihtly Italians, Consumption. Inranlty, Exhaunt nr dralusand lorfiof nower cf the G?a entire Orrniiaunlllllnx one fonrtuiiY, ac J map. rlairoijoult'klTcuredhvli. ItoJrlia..K...i.k v. . Crulria. Thi T not only cure by ktnrtinifatthi's. at'nf tftfl.Ltr f lrrt KKKVK NIC sad IILOOB) lllll.prit, bringi'iil huok I bo pink alow to sate elieeba and real orlnt Ilia FlltK Ml'' Vol Til to the pal lent. ly mall, el.llo iter hrx or II for Sr, with writ ton runrunlre to rare or refund t-e miieeT, hook , ..,i..i, v-Pr - l--- vl8.AlewY.... For tale by JOHN H. PTTRLP3. Drug Ust. TVynm'ns sve. anil Pprtire treef. French Injection Compound Cnree poattlyely, quirklr. (not merely cliei-k.1.) liiiaranteed or money relundixl. Avoid dangerous rstnedles. FMooSuecnl per little. Nix Kutilra (will cure nevereit case) sent pretMUd. necurefrt.m oluerratliin. with only Kloullfically nude syrlugs, to any address for I3.U0. I roof TisiNiNr. un cninFMBR ATI dene away with by tha use ef HAOTV MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consist cf Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, Rnlvani2cd tin, sheet Iron reofa, also to brick dwellngs, which will revem absolutely any crumbllac crack is; or brceJclne of the brick. It will out last tlnnlns; of any kind by many years, and It's coat does not exceed one-fifth that of the coat of tlnnlnp. Ia fold by tha lob r pound. Contract taken by i ANTONIO UAKTMAJ:n. a Birch L in This County. price 3 cents each: -T. dozen of a Pine Per cale shirts, :i6 Inches lon. 2 collars a n I cnffH, for IW cents a piece; thp lai-K-Kt variety In White .MuMIn Shirts, in uny grade, we have them ut 4:, :& und 75 cents fof the New York Mills Muslin. This la u greut chance for uny house hold; we huve Imported about Ii ruses of Fine Table I.lnon Covers, they were slight ly wet on the steamship; they were In sured, and we huve got our claim settled. We shall give a great opportunity to buy ers on them: will sell 2 yards ull Linen Table Cloth In the lines! quality only nt US cents; ill, yurds, same quality, ut 1.2; 3 yards also a very fine cover, at n pays you to buy a dozen of them, us we are positive you are buying- them for one holf. Oreat bargain in White Quilts. Cot'ton raised 3 cents on u pound, but we will sell a 4-pound White Quilt for 7 cents. Hosiery, hosiery, hosiery There Is not one jobbing house in the county that noils as many hosiery as we do, und we huve a fine, line for ladles; nilsfes' and men's hose In both wool and cotton at such, a figure that you can't buy the row mut-rl u for the money we offer them. Come and delight yourself with bargains. ft GOODMAN, MANAGER ml mm BBW aasssss-- 71 - IT ESTABLISHED 1873 GARPETINGS Yott can save money by purchasing now. Carpets of every grade are advancing in price. We antici pated this and bought accordlingy. There is no advance in price with us. A special line of Rugs Combination Angora, Fur, Royal Axminsters, Wiltons, Smyrna and Japanese- AT LESS THAN THE USUAL COST PRICE. New and beautiful designs for the spring trade in the highest grades of Wiltons, Axminsters, Vel vets, Brussels and Tapestries at prices which will be sure to suit you. All goods purchased now will be stored free ot charge until wanted. S. G. KERR, A f O Lackawanna Ave. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS AND PAYS 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. OLD WHITE PM TIMBER For Heavy Structural Work. ANY SIZE, AND OP TO FORTY FEET L0HS RICHARDS LUMBER CO 22 Commonwealth Bide., Scranton, Pa, Tiltthoni 42Z THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA,, Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ocaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA I nrm raoi co., ! csuii.osjjpj, amn 91.00 hhor im the woeia "A tUUmr tatti it a OvUmr rnrti." t TUsUMIIea-sMIrt Preach DeesjelaKldBssV sat Beat dettvefes bee anywhere la the U.S., ea reesi woiveso, aiueaj uimi. or l'osul Mete tsr v& stares fee Kqnate erery way sold tm ell retail t'i.aO. We BMke tale heat earasrna, therefore we iaer nnut we jh, tnm ana snr. and M any oee at ec we win r ersandaaolhraelr. Odsb oe or I'oeneoa piim. widths 0, TV B, fc KB. k sites 1 to I aad heal 6nrfjreie4ss UJU M. Illustrated lotas MEX Shoe Co., FEDERAL ST., zXm BOKTOX. J fjiwai raw io oesMre. III '"laiA I II t-m 1 IB r-:ves. v urns wji I4J 11 mm. g tfopij um PMyTm SL ' 218 WjMnln. m 1 Need a Carpet? We are now prepared to submit to your inspection our line of brand new '96 patterns, fresh from the loom and fairly bristling with new and beautiful etiects. This line embraces all the standard productions, including some rare designs in Moquettes and Vel vets, of which we are justty proud. We Want Your Opinion of them, and as a means of attracting your imme diate attention to this department we offer the fol lowing inducement for one week: 45c INGRAINS at 28c For the benefit of some of our old customers who came too late to pro cure one of those Rockers men tioned in, a previous ad. we have decided to extend another oppor tunity. Oak frame, upholstered seat OUR FEBRUARY PREMIUM Terms (ALL CASH or as PART CASH and Usual I BALANCE HONTHLY. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN CLOTHING DEPARTMENNT TELEPHONE 8184 SON &CO. Opp. Main Entrance Wyt Hx call ut seta. EM Oil AKD UK! OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPFIOE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 181 MERIDIAN STRESf M. W. COLLINS, tVTs LADIES' HOCKEllS $1.49 SALE BEGINS MONDAY 1 1
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