THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. K EIGIIT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCIJAXTON, PA., THURSDAY MOISNIXG, JANUARY 2, 189C. TWO CENTS A COPY New Aid M Price The Jackets that came to us on these conditions lust wtwk represent the most Impressive bargain value that eyes ever rested on. They lire new In every sense of the word, for the Oaths Are fee Newest Styles tie Latest, Foralsllip fee Best To cut It short, these Jackets con sist of the nobbiest mid-winter pro ductions, and the only reuson for our getting hold of them on such advantageous terms Is because there ure but one or two of a kind. In no cane over a hr.lf a dozen. We guarantee, every garment perfect. Home ure full line), some three quarter lined, and all are warrant ed not to cost you one cent over half their actual value. Are tie Figures: We're Busy Stock Taking And ' the balance of our entlrp cloak stock Is offered at prices that will seem ridiculous to the intelli gent buyer, but w make It a rule to carry over no stock from one sea eon to another. . &LOBE WAREHOUSE Mere $475 $625 AND WHITE HOUSE RECEPTION Xcw Year Congratulations Arc Re ceived at the National Capital. THE PRESIDENT '$ CALLERS Diplomats from Lvcry Nation Gather at tlio Kiccitlivo .Mansion and Pay Their Respects to President and .Mrs. Cleveland. Washington, Jan. 1. The w hite house In roomy, but lis capacity was taxed to the utmost today by the crowds that passed In and out of what may be termed the state upartinents. namely the blue room where foreign ambassa dors and ministers have their first for um! interviews with the president, the red roum. the green room, and the spu clous east room, the scene of so many inet'ideuts that have become historical, und lastly the generously propor tioned corridor, extending near the en tire U-ni:tli of the mansion with which all these apartments communicate. Wherever the eye wandered In the blue room, the corridor, the east room, or the other chambers It was met by groups of spreading palms and tall, drooping rubber trees, by (lowering rose bushes from the deepest of crimson Poinsetla blooms, to the most delicate of white rosebudd. The mantels, the liiv places, the window embrasures were banked with floral beauty. The chandeliers were almost hidden In wreaths of green smilux. Ferns waved delicate branches from nooks und cor nels wliile stutely and graceful speci mens of the screw pine stood alone In alcoves more Impressive In their soll tud :. The reception was set for 11 o'clock nml Just at that tltne the members of the receiving pHvty comprising President snd Mrs. Cleveland. Vice President Stevenson and the cabinet officers and their wives enme down the private staircase Iruding to the corridor, pre ceded by Colonel John M. Wilson. I. S. A., superintendent of public buildings und grounds, In full uniform. When tin; Hand Played. Entering the blue room, the president and Mrs. Cleveland placed themselves i.t the right of the line and the others were ranged In accordant e with oiuclul precedence. The march from the pii- .ile siiiai'tnients above the stairs mid i bei-n accompanied by music from the i I nlted Stule.4 murine band under Prof. Kuniilulll. which wus stationed in the I public lobby. The cabinet ladles in the receiving line were Mrs. Olney, Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Lamont, Mrs. Wilson, Aliss Herbert and Anss Morton. According to custom, the members of the diplomatic corps were lirst tecclved und they came in force, headed by their denn. Sir Julian 1'auncefoie, the tall and heavily-looking British ambassa dor, attired In his court uniform, who shook hands llrmly und exchanged smiles with the president, as though there had never been such a thing as "a Venezuelan note'! or a message to congress on Urn. Monroe doctrine. Mis. fit vcland's. gown wus lavender and white striped satin, trimmed with point lace and high neck, as were all tne gowns of the members of the receiving puny. AnJ Mrs. Yunc Vn Smiled. It wus a matter of stneului- note Hint nearly all the members of the diplo matic body were accomuanlcd bv the ladles of their families, if they had any, or by the ladies of somebody' else's luniuy ir iney nau not. And it so hap pened that one of these women attract ed more attention from the spectators than any of the male members of the fuivlgn contingent, despite their red and blue, yellow and white coats and braid anil side arms. She smiled sweet ly on Mrs. Cleveland and then went smiling und bowing down the line, and continued to smile during her progress to the eust room, apparently wholly unconscious of the great interest she m ated. She w as Mrs. ting V u. the wife of the Chinese minister, who found herself the cynosure of all eyes. Where ever she went her progress was greeted with whispers of "Isn t she pretty. What beautiful silk, " hat an odd head dress." All the diplomatic officers and the ladles accompanying them left the white house shortly before noon in or der to partake of the annual diplo matic breakfast at Secretary Olney's. Dignity in Line. Plain black frock coats and black coats of other cut, succeeded the kaleidoscopic array of diplomatic at tire. The chief Justice und associate justices of the I'nited States, supreme court headed the Democratic contin gent. Chief Justice Fuller, accom panied by Miss Fuller; the broad shouldered Justice Harlan, the gigantic Justice (Tray, the venerable Justice Field, leaning on the arm of his wife for support; Justices Brewer. White, Brown and Shiran. The justices of the I'nited States court of appeals for the District of Columbia, heuded by Chief Justice Alvey and other district judges, assistant secretaries In the government departments, and a host of senators and representatives, many of whom had wives and daughters with them. Tnter-state commissioners, directors of various public Institutions, the com missioners of the District of Columbia. Bureau ollicers of the executive depart ments, and many others homing official positions Hied back in endless array. The Yellow Sash Appears. Then came the army ollicers. Major General Miles heading a line of his sub ordinates, making his first official so cial appearance as the major general commanding the army, georgeous In yellow sash and all the appurtenances of the commanding general's costume. Then came the navy bluff and courtly old sailors and spruce young lieuten ants and ensigns, all walking with na val swing. , , A host of other civilian ofticials fol lowed the naval ofticials and then fol lowed the associated veterans of the war of 1846. carrying the battle tings; members of the Orand Army of the Re public, the Loyal legion, the I'nlon Veteran legion and the oldest Inhabit ants association of the district of Col umbia. The Promiscuous Shake. Between 12.30 and 1 o'clock the public reception to citizens began. All the morning those who fell within this category had been assembling outside the white house until at the time stated they numbered many hundreds and stretched In a long line, two deep, down the driveway to one of the main gates and out into Pennsylvania ave nue. Several of the cabinet ladies and a large number of those behind the line had left the white house by .this time to attend receptions of their own. but the president and MrB. Cleveland stuck bravely to their fatiguing task and had a handshake and a fmlle for all who came. At 2 o'clock the doors were closed and the annual official re ception was over. Held I p by Bandits. t'klah, Cal., Jan. ' 1. A stags running between this city and Harris, Humboldt county, was robbed this morning by marked highwaymen. Wells-Farg-o's treas ure box was taken, also registered mall package. Tns amount of plunder taken Is unknown. REAR-END COLLISION. Fireman Hurled to Death-Other Train men Injured. St. Louis. Jan. 1. A rear-end collision occurred between a Wabash passenger train and the Diamond special on the Vandalla-llllnols Central In the tunnel at 9.03 last night. Fireman Harry ltothweiler. aged 27, of the terminal sec tion, was hurled to death and Kngineer Milton White, aged 27, and C. C, Cham bers, express messenger, were injured. The wreck vas cuused by the Wa bash train slowing up at a curve In the tunnel. MORTON A CANDIDATE. Xew York's Popular Uovernor Will Seek tlio Presidential Nomination at St. I onia Convention. Albany. N. Y.. Jan. 1. Governor Levi P. Morton hns finally announced to his friends that he will stand as a candi date for president before the national, Republican convention to be held at Ht. Louis. He stuted his position at the dinner given nt Chauncey M. Depew's residence in New York city on Monday night. The others present were Hon. Thomas C. Plutt. Benjamin F. Trac y, Hon. Warner Miller, State Comptroller James A. Huberts, of Buffalo, and ex Cnlted States Senator Frank Hiscock. of Syracuse. These gentlemen had ut a dinner tendered Governor Mrtrtun In New York city ten days' previous as sured him that he could have a solid delegation from this state and the un divided support of the Republicans of the state without regard to loaders. The llrst step in securing him this unanimous endorsement was the resig nation of State Comptroller Roberts as president of the State club, which was organized by John F. Milholland. of New York city, us an antl-Platt or ganization. Mr. Roberts Is preparing a statement which he will give out for publication tomorrow afternoon in which he will emlnrseGovernorMorton's candidacy and show why in his Judg ment Mr. Morton should be nominated. Mr. Piatt and other prominent Repub licans will also be Interviewed tonight or tomorrow and give like statements to that of Mr. Hohrrts. These publications will be with Gov ernor Morton's full knowledge and con sent and he Is now satisfied that the Republicans of the state are anxious to give him a hearty and unqualified endorsement. WAR IN TUB KAFFIR REGION. ICnalimd Cannot Pat the Drake on Dr. Jameson-Command an Army of 5 to He Lends His Troops Into Transvaal. by the Right Hon. Joseph Chumberlaln, colonial secretary, to Dr. Jameson, the iidmlnis'.rn'or of tho British South Af rican company, ordering the return of the force o' live hundred armed men which Dr. Jameson is alleged to have led Into the Transvaal to assu ie I'lt landeis. or foreign 'residents of the He puhlic, to enforce their demands, can not reach him' unfil he arrives at Jo hannesburg, at which nlaee there are nrms enough to eiulp 30,000 men for lighting. Mr. Chamberlain sent a dispatch to the British South African company ask ing them to repudiate Jameson and ma acts. To this dispatch the company re plied thut they were entirely Ignorant of Jameson's acts or nuronses. Mr. Cecil Rhodes, prime minister of the Cape colony, in connection with this re ply stated that Jameson had acted without authority. Ho (Rhodes) had tried to stop him when he learned that he had gone Into the Transvaal, but found thut the wires had been cut and thut consequently he could not com inunirntc with him. Dr. Jameson wrote a letter to the com mandant nt Marlcoland refusing to withdraw from the Transvaal and avowing that he would proceed upon his originnl plans, which In acceptance of the Invitation of the principal resi dents of Rand were to assist them In their demands for justice. It Is rumored here that advices have been received announcing the arrival of Dr. Jameson with his followers In Jo hannesburg. Berlin. Jan. 1. Considerable excite ment prevails here over the crisis in the Transvaal, and the attitude of Great Britain is denounced upon ull sides. CONFESSED TO FORGERY. After .Making Known His Schemes an Ohio Swindler Lscnpcs. Ottawa. O., Jan. 1. John J. Jones, an agricultural Implement dealer at How ling Green, on Saturday confessed to W, S. Lenhart, holder of a $600 note, that it was a forgery. Jones then took the train north and is. supposed to have gone to Canada. Subsequent Investigation indicates an aggregate of 125.000 forgeries through five years, affecting farmers, banks and business houses. Many Chinese Slip In. , San Francisco. Jan. 1. Through the treachery of an officer in the custom house two carloads of Chinese from the Allantu exposition have slipped through the fin gers of a score of United Stutes inapt-tors and ure now somewhere in Chinatown, safe from Interference. The Chinese were landed in this elty before daylight, and wer hurried In carriages to the Chinese quarters. Atlanta imposition Closed. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1. The work of break ing up the exposition begun this morn ing. Exhibitors were busy packing. All the buildings remuined open, however, ex cept the ffoveriiment building The expo sition receipts will hardly meet the ex penses, but the deficit Is small. The ex act amount has not been ascertained. Kalncy Employes Satisfied. Scotdale, Pa.. Jan. 1. Notices of an ad vance in wages have been posted at all the Ralney plants. Ralney will pay the Prick scale of wages except In one Instance. In which the Krlck rate will be higher. The Ralney employes are satisfied with the turn the affairs have taken and there Is no prospect of any trouble. Four Brothers Burned to Death. Pittsburg, Kan, Jan. 1. Near Frontenac four brothers Robert, John William and Arch MeFadden were burned to death In their house while asleep. They were 1S, 1. 12 and 11 years old, respectively, und the two oldest were miners. There are l:ints of oul play. STATE SNAP SHOTS. Stockholders have ratified the new Read ing Traction combine. Dr. Ieonard Pearson, of Philadelphia, was appointed state veterinarian, at a salary of 2,500. Henry Gelvia. and his wife, of Merts town, died of fever the same day and will be burled together. Richard Stevens, of Hoboken, N. J., had a fine yacht, the Alleen, launched at Roach's, Chester, yesterday. Two tramps fired on a locomotive crew who tried to drive them from the railroad near-Lebanon yesterday. President Cleveland Announces the Five Men Selected. MR. BREWER HEADS THE LIST Sketch of the .Member Whose Decision .May Provoke a War with tncland. The Leading Commissioner Is a Republican in Politics. Washington, Dee. 1. The president tonight announced the composition of the Venezuelan commission, which will consist of five members, as follows: Duvld J. Brewer, of Kansas, associ ate justice of the supreme court of the United States; Richard H. Alvey. of Maryland, chief justice of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia; Andrew D. White, New York: Frederick R. Coudert, New York; Daniel C. Oil man, of Maryland, president of the Johns Hopkins university. Sketch of the .Members. Judge Brewer, the leading member of the commission, was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, in, 18.17, his father at that time being one of the American mission aries in that part of the world. In 1S"8 Judge Brewer removed from New York city to the west where he engaged In the practice of law In Kansas City. He has occupied various Important posi tions, Including that of judge of the First judicial court of the state of Kan sas, and from 1870 until ISM lilted the place of Justice of the Kansas supreme court. He was appointed associate justice of the I'nited States supreme court for the Kighth circuit by ex President Hurrison in issy. in politics he is a Republican. ' Judge Richard Henry Alvey Is a na tive of Marylund. He was on the Ju diciary committee of the constitutional convention of 1SU7 and was elected chief Judge of the Fourth circuit under the new constitution, and was re-elected in 1N82. He was designated by Governor Hamilton us chief justice of the court of appeals of Maryland to succeed Judge liartol. This place he resigned to accept the office of chief justice of the fedenU court of appeals in the district of Columbia. Upon the death of Chief Justice Waite some of the justices of the supreme court urged the president to appoint him chief justice of the United States. This the president was disposed to do, hut. It is understood, was deferred by the fact, so it has been said, that Judge Alvey Is a southern man and It was feared that for that position to go to the south, might create animosities. Daniel Colt Gilman Is distinguished as an educator. In 1877 he was elected the first president of the Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore. Mr. Oilman is said not to be ullillated with any politi cal party. but his tendencies are Inclined to the Republican organization. He is a native of Connecticut and is In his 6'ith year. Andrew Jackson White, of New York, is also distinguished as nn educator. He Is a native of New York, was born In that stato In --Mr 32, He was president of the Rtubllcun state con version of New York In October, 1K81, nnd was United States minister to Ger many from 1S70 till 18S1. Mr. White was also one of the United States com missioners to Santo Domingo and allied in preparing the report of thut commis sion. Not Officially Notified. President Cleveland has not yet noti fied the auuolnteeB to the Venezuelan commission of their selection, but lie has the nssurance from each that they would accept the high olliccs If tendered to them. It Is stated that Justice Brewer's name appears at the head of the oflielnl list given out tonight. It does not nec essarily mean thut that gentleman will he chairman of the commission. The selection of presiding oflleor will be left to the commission Itself, when an or ganization Is effected. It Is the president's Intention to have the commission meet as soon as possi ble, but Information received tonight Is that he has not yet decided when to call the primary meeting. Frederick Coudert Is the head of the law firm of Coudert brothers of New York city. He has a world-wide repu tu'tion as an advocate and an authority on International law. He served with distinction on the Behrlng sea commis sion and was complimented by the president of the French Republic for his speech before the commission and was entertained at the palace. Mr. Coudert was nresldent of the Manhattan club for several years and Is now a member of nearly a dozen prominent New York clubs. He is a Democrat and Is classed as antl-Tamniany. MISSIONARIES IN DANGER. Turkish Authorities I nuhlo to Check the Bloodthirsty Mohammedan Motis-foreign Representatives Indifferent. London, Jan. 1. The Constantinople orrespondent of the United Press tele graphs under date of Dec. 31 that Unit ed States Minister Terrell has received telegrams from Alntaba, Asia Minor, saying that slight disturbances had taken place there In which three per sons were killed. The telegrams also said that there had been a bloody out break at Orfar lasting two days. Miss Corin, missionary at that place, the dispatch said had received the as surance that they would have a guard and be protected. The apathy of the Washington government in regard to the consulates authorized to be estab lished by congress is the subject of much comment and harsh criticism, the consulates at Harpoot and Elierout not having been filled. The concensus of opinion In Constan tinople Is that the scheme of a petro leum monopoly which It was reported had been granted to a Russian syndi cate, will fall through. London, Jan. 1. The correspondent of the United Press at Constantinople, telegraphing under the date of Decem ber 31, says; "The Porte has evasive replies to the foreign diplomats who have offered to meditate between the Turks and the Armenians for the sur render of Zeitoun, which place Is now in the hands of the Armenians. The foreign representatives, accordingly, held another meeting today and decided to make another effort to induce the Porte to accept mediation and named the foreign consuls at Aleppo as medi ators. "There were disturbances at Orfar on December 28 and 29, but nn details have been received."; TOM J0nNS0NA(X'tSED. Alderman l.lclit, of Detroit. Makes Seme Serious Charges Against the Street Railway Mnsnnto. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 1. There Is much talk of boodle In connection with the amended ordinance which was passed by the common council yesterday giv ing the Detroit Citizens' Street Rail way company a new franchise running for thirty years. One of the stories la to the effect that there Is $70,000 In the It. ' Alderman Frank Llcht, of the Sixth ward, says that Tom E. Johnson, presi dent of the street railway company, offered to loan him $4,000 yesterday without a scrap of paper as security, to be repaid whenever Llcht found it con venient, if he would vote for the amended Btreet railway ordinance. Mr. Llcht says there was no doubt of Mr. Johnson's Intentions. The charges of boodle will undoubt edly lead to an linnieilinto investiga tion by the grand Jury of the method which obtained In the passage of the ordinance and some sensational de velopments are expected. Vice Presi dent Hutchfns, of the company, does not believe the story. Hon. Tom. L. Johnson wus called upon In Cleveland this morning regard ing Alderman Llcht's statement of boodle. Mr. Johnson denied Arderman Llcht's statement, but acknowledged having had a talk over the matter of street railway franchises In which Llcht's vote was usked. TRACTION TROUBLES. Manager p.ccicn and Ills Men Cannot Arrange Terms of Settlement-Strikers IHiisntlsficd. Philadelphia. Jan. 1. The committee of employes of the Union Traction com pany in whose hands it was supposed that the question of deciding for or against another strike was placed, after they had met the general manager of the road, had a conference with that gentleman tonight. General Man ager Bettem maintained the posi tion assumed by the company, which gives the men that struck their old posi tions on the road, but he refused, as was expected, to grant the demand of two dollars for a day of ten hour. The principal tight by the committee wus ninde on the point of the recogni tion of the Amalgamated association of street railway employes. The company lias announced that In the future all new men who arc taken on must sign an agreement that they will belong to no labor organization. Mr. Bectem ab solutely refused to recede from his posi tion and In the end the sentiment of the committee was in favor of surrendering this point to the company. The men representing the Market street, tile Ridge avenue and the Darby division even signed the agreement on behalf of the employes of these lines. The men representing the other divis ions said that thy were willing to sign the agreement, but they were confident that their action would not be endorsed by the men. The committee then left Mr. Bectem and went to a mass meeting of the employes to report the result of the conference. What the result of the muss meeting will be cannot be stated. Many of the men who were assembled awaiting the return of the committee were In an excitingly Irritated state of mind and were loudly In favor of a strike. The muss meeting was being held lute tonight and the committee will meet Mr. Bectem ngain at 7 o'clock in the morning and report to lilm the de cision of the men. CREWS SUFFERING. Pive Days Without Pood or Water and I'.sliausled When Discovered. Galveston. Texas. Jan. 1. Captain II. F. Rich and the crew of eight men of the American schooner Julia A. Ward arrived here last night from Menus teau. La., on the schooner M. L. Weaver. The Ward was driven to the shoals nt Cheiner-a-Tigue, on the Louisiana coast, on December 20, and ten minutes later she sank, compelling the crew to take to the mizzen rigging, where they remained until the next day. when, the sea having subsided, they built a raft of what material they could get, and on the morning of December 22 boarded It and were carired In a westerly di rection. On the night of the 23d they landed on the beach near St. Joseph's harbor and camped In the brush. Next morning they searched for fresh water, but, not finding any, they took to the raft, and at 10 o'clock on the night of the 24th arrived In a famished nnd ex hausted condition at the plantation of Arthur Franklin, where they were cared for. They had been without food, water or sleep five days. The Julia A. Ward is owned In Bos ton, and was hound from Bay View, Mass., for Sabine Pass, Texas, with a cargo of rock. CAUGHT BLACKMAILING. A New York Policeman Caught L'xtortion from a Woman. New York. Jan. 1. Daniel Redncr, a patrolman of the Twenty-third pre cinct, detailed by Chief Conlin to special duty In the office of Acting Inspector Cortrlght, wus arrested on u charge of extortion late lust night by Detective Mason and Acting Sergeant McKerval, of the central office. Superintendent Dennett, of the Society for the Preven tion of Crime, had called the attention of the chief of police to the suspicious conduct of Rcdner In connection with Kmma Bachman, a prisoner whom he arrested two weeks ago for conducting a disorderly house at 230 East Ninth street. All the preparations were made to catch the blackmailing pouceman by Dennett and Chief Conlin together, and last night he was taken "red-handed." The two arresting officers and Superin tendent Dennett saw him receive money from the woman In her home In Ninth street, and, springing out on him, made him a prisoner, nnd found in his pocket $199 in bills previously rr.arked. Redner was taken to police headquarters. Chief Conlin tore off his shield, suspended him from duty pending trial. Dennett and the detecfives hid them selves in Mrs. Buchman's house, at 230 Kast Ninth street, yesterday afternoon. At G o'clock Redner Called. Mrs. Bach man had a conversation over the his tory of the case, drawing admissions of previous exchanges from Itedner. Then she told him she could pay only $190, which, added to $C0 already paid. made $2S0. The rest she would pay after the trial. Redner grumbled about the ue lay, but finally took what was offered. The detectives came out from their hid ing places, and, arresting hiin, searched for the money, which they had seen him put into an Inside pocket, and the case was complete. In the Essex Market police court Red ner was held by Magistrate Slmms In $5,000 ball to await the action of the grand jury. DONNED THEIR WAR PAINT. Troublo Brewing Among Klllispoo In' dlnns on Account of a Murder. Victoria. B. C, Jan! 1. The steamer Danube, which returned from Alaska yesterday, reports trouble brewing at Sitka over the murder of a young. In dian of the Kllllcpoo tribe. In connection with which two men of the United States cutter Waleolt, together with a couple of miners and thirteen Kaka Indians, have been arrested. The Klllispoo tribe have donned their war paint and taken up arms to avenge tne ueatn oi tneur tribesman. SILVER ly OLD THE KEY Senate Committee Kill Report a Free Coinage Bill. POSSESS A CLEAN MAJORITY Indications Are That the Bond Bill Will Be Destroyed in the Cominittee-A ' Scheme tp Get the Presi dent Upon Kecord. Washington, Jan. 1. The senate finance committee will hold Its llrst meeting under the reorganization to morrow morning. Although llnal ac tion may not be taken on either the bond or tariff bill recently passed by the house, some members of the committee will urge speedy action and If possible nn Immediate report. The best judg ment of the situation seems to indicate that the bond bill will be destroyed in committee and a substitute in the shape of a free coinage bill reported. Nothing short of thin will satisfy the silver men on the committee, nnd they have eight votes. Mr. Wolcott, ofCol orudo, one of the new men added to the committee, has not been In Wash ington this winter owing to ill health, but his absence makes little difference, the silver still having a working ma jority of two In committee and a clean majority in the senate of 10 or 12. It is probable that the tariff bill will be reported to the senate without amendment. Republicans; hnve been making every effort to get together on these measures nnd the silver Repub licans who will vote for free coinage as a substitute for the bond proposition. It Is believed, can be persuaded to re frain from putting such an amendment In the tariff bill. Republican leaders hope to see the bill pasB the senate us it came from the house. It Is believed the president will veto It and It Is thought by Republicans to be good polities to put the president where he will be compelled to veto . measure thut Is Intended to Increase the receipts and provide adequate rev enue. Whether Republicans can bo lined upon this proposition and per suaded to not Insist upon amendments Is n question no one can yet answer. It Is not unlikely that after the bill is reported a Republican extra caucus will be held to discuss the subject and de cide upon pulley. CHERRY BOARDS PROBABLY. Philndclphions Discover tlio Platform I poll Which George Washington Was Inniiciiraud President. Philadelphia, Jan. 1. A very Interest ing relic of the early days of the Repub lic was discovered today by worklng men who are clearing out and remodel ing the old senate chamber In the court of common pleas builillng, adjoining In dependence hqll. The apartment has long been discarded and It Is now being restored to its original state of colonial times. In the course of the work the court platform was removed nnd under neath It was found an old platform which the members believe was that of the sennte chamber and they agree that there Is little or no room to doubt ITTut upon these very boards George Wash ington was Inaugurated president. The historical associations of this building, particularly of the room in which the old platform was found, are thus briefly recorded on the tablet placed on the Chestnut street wall: "in this building sat the first senate and house of representatives of the United States of America. George Washing ton was Inaugurated president, March, 17D3, and closed his official career when herein, also John Adams was Inaugur ated second president of the United States March 4, 17H7." The platform that was discovered yesterday was raised about fourteen inches from the lloor and the front wus curved, forming the half of nn ovnl. It was In excellent preservation and the paint on the upright boarding, that ex tended from the edge of the plafTorm to the floor, was as bright as If It had been there only a year. The framing for this was Bawn out In a lino and the foreman of the workmen said that the style of carpentry was entirely different from that employed nowadays and represent ed many times the labor that would now be needed, with Improved methods and morticing appliances. KILLED INTRUDER. Woman Near Clrclcville, Ohio, Shoots on Unwelcome Visitor. Clrclcville, O., Jan. 1. Mrs. Josle Pur ee!! shot and killed Ed Miller at Darby ville at mldnlKht last night. The. woman was ulone at home when -Miller forced his way in by kicking open the front door. Mrs. Purnell retreated, foiuvl-e Tevolver and shot Miller, who had been in the liublt of visklng her, but had been forbidden 'o do so uRHin. When Put-cell arrived home this morning he found Miller dead nnd his wife In hysterics. He took her to this city, where she surrendered herself. GOLD IN AN OLD TABLE. Curiosity of an Appraiser Reveals tlio Hoard of a Dead Grocer. Jndiannpolis. Jan. 1. Following the death of Henry Rodewald. a prosperous grocer of this city. It became necessary to appraise his personal property. Among his effcts was a rickety old tuble, standing in an unused corner. The appraiser placed Its value at 10 cents ond It wus thrown aside. Curiosity after ward led him to open the drawer in the table, and he found therein a package containing $1,700 in gold. Will NoMilvcl'p Trinidad. Rio l)e Janeiro, Jan. 1. Before congress adjourned yesterday the minister for fort-bin affairs explained the Impossibility of accepting the arbitration proposed by (ireut Britain regarding the dlsmitud own ership of the islund of Trinidad. Killed by a Train. Wayne, Ind Jan. 1. West-bound pas senger train No. 1 on the Nickle Plate struck n horse ami sleigh ut C'layport, forty miles west of here, about 4.30 this morning. The occupants of the cutter. William DoderlilKe And Daniel Rhoads were killed. SPARKS FROM WIRES. Mrs. ,T. W. Nally. who shot and klllod Flunk Doherty while he was attempting to assault her at New Hope, Ky has been acquitted. William Connors, alius J. J. Williams, wanted at Jackson, Miss., for stealing llil.iiuo worth of diamonds hus been arrest ed at Loiilscvllle, Ky, The fifty-two brewers In the English companies, huviug a capital of tiio.oij i.iUhi. huve formed a trust with t ho Anheuser lluseh company, In Chicugo, 111. Judge Peckham has filed his resigna tion as a member of the New York court of appeals ami will take up his residence In Washington during the present week. Two of the crew of the Tilted States cut ter Wulrott, at Sitka. Ala .ka, are charged with being Implicated In 'ho murder of a Klllispoo Iiiiliun, The are on the GeorKO W, Dice, who was arrested n Kunsas City, Mo., and taken to Atlai1" Ga., Is said to be the leader of a gam "f counterfeiters who have nut In rlr'mla- uon tiuv.wv wortn i spurious inon FffllEY'S QffiAI AIMIAL LIE! SEE fiay.Bcccmkr 30, ami Our annual clearing sale of table lln ens, previous to Inventory, has alwaya been looked forward to with Interest by Intelligent housekeepers, and judging? from the many inquiries already made concerning this one It will be no excep tion to any of its predecessors. The values we offer are always appre ciated, and during this sale 1RRK SISTIBLE BARGAINS will be brought forward from day to day and will com prise everything throughout the de. partment, from a table linen at Twenty five Cents a Yard to one of our Double Satin Damasks, at Two Dollars and a Half or over; also, In table napkins from One Dollar a Dozen up tb Fifteen. Quotations on goods of this class axe no criterion of their values, but are often misleading. Therefore we Invite you to a personal inspection of our stock, knowing that you will not only be Interested, but that we can save you nt least Twenty-five Cents on every, dollar invested. Extra choice line of Dinner and Te Sets, Lunch Cloths, Center pieces, Doy lies, etc. Our usual fine assortment of German "Silver-Bleach" Damasks. Agency for John S. Brown 8c Sons' lin ens, "Best In the World." Sale commences Monday morning an4 will last for ten dayo. 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE A Happy New Year to the Peaceful, Honest People of the World. Lewis, Rellly A Davlea wish the peace ful, honest people of the world a happy New Year. We are happy because we live in one of the most prosperous cities, in one of the best countries. In one of the largest states and the greatest country that man Is prlvilcited to live in. Among the cities, towns, etc., that we wish to remembor la a particular way ure the following; Wllkes-Barre, Conklln, " Kingston, Great Bend, Kennett, New Mllford, . Forty Kort, . Alford, Wyoming, ' Kinsley's. Parsons, Foster, Af!ners Mllls Nicholson, Mill Creek, Factoryvllle' Latlln, La Plume, Yatesvllle, i DalSnn, Pittston, Glenburn, Duryea, Clark's Summltg Lackawanna, Chinchilla, Taylor, MayftVM, Avoca, , Nay-Aug, Mooslc, Imnmore, Mlnonkn, Wlmmers, Hancock, Muplewood, ' StarliKht. Lake Ariel, Preston Park, GeorRetown' Lake Como, Hawley, s - Poyntelle, Tlonendale, . Belmont, ! Waymart. . Pleasant Mount, Klmhiirst, i a Unlondale, ' Moscow, M Forest City, GouldsboroV Carbondale, Tobyharna, White Bridge) Mount Pocone, Jermyn, 1 'ocono Summit, " Archhald, Creseo, Winton, Henryvllle, Peckvllle, Hprauiievllle, Olyphant, Portland, Dickson City, Stroudshurg, Throop, Water Gap, , Scran ton, Delaware, Biiighaniton, Maminka Chunk, Conklln Center, May they live long and prosper Is th wish of Lewis, Rellly & llavles, the hon est and most extensive dealers In boots, shoes, rubbers, etc., in northeastern Penn sylvunla, Nos. 114 and 114 Wyoming ave nue, Scranton, Pa. WEIODEL TIE JEWELER WISHES EVERYBODY A Happy New Yean Great reductions in prices before taking inventory in .... si - ir . eiiirw JIIOl'l.S. Patrol tr'- lomcr'o Cemeteries of So- 1n jb. .Mo. - fir th .Inn. 1 .ThA nfliKtlnal ied guard city are being patrolled it to kil. who have instructions itrutlon If they see anv unusual some t' ' P-aves nnvenie n nan ueen Known that Expose at T been robbed here, and the ' exeitenien'JPeko has aided In creating an ghouls. which may prove serious la tVEATIIER REPORT. ar eastern PentiHylvanla.. fair ftntf A ' vrtu i z 1 Via byl toi "'Kr V A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers