8 TITE SCBANTOX - TRIBUNE TnUBSDAT SfOliKtNO, NOVEaiiJEtt 7, 1895; AvI uuuiia iuauniy . J "O - tnost obstinate cases. Klicunintism cured la from 1 to S days. Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh positively cured. Headache cured in S minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles, Piles, JCcuralpis, Asthma and all Fcmnlo Complnints quickly cured. Munyon's Vitaliwr Imparts new life end Vigor to weak and debilitated men. Ask vour drujrist for a 25-cent vial of ore of Jlunyon's Cures, and if yon are not bene fited your money will ba refunded. This Company puts up Aoure for every disease CARBONDALE, COUNCILMAN 31EF.T. Tlio Commoners Hold Tholr Regular Mectinc-Business Transacted. At a.reRUlar meeting of the common council, there were present Messrs. Mills. MeDonouRh. Gh-nnon, Tender. Smith. Kase. Colwell, Devlne. Itaker. The bills and resolutions passed by the selectmen were then taken up. The assessors bills caused a treat disturb ance. The assesors have no limited time, in which they do their work, but go when they please and having what hours they wish. The councilmen did not like this and wished to know If there was not some way of limiting their time or pay. John Kooth got the contract of haul ing coal. The requisitions for sup plies for the Columbia and Mitchell hose companies was granted. The night lunch wagon kept by Ike Ilurros on North Main street was the next thing attacked. Mr. Olennon In troduced a resolution asking for Its re moval in twenty-four hours unless the city be paid or the privilege. Ho said the waaon occupied a space of fifty square' feet., "No one would be al lowed to b'.dld a little house 1n the street" said' Mr. Olennon and why the wagon should be.allnwed he did not un iliTPtand. The matter wns l"eed In the hands of the license committee. THE MITCHELL'S FAIR. It Will Bo Opened Nov. 14-Trogramroc of Amusements. The committee In charge of the Mitch ell's Hose company's fair met latA night and the following sub-committees were appointed: On entertain ment, (Frank Tfenmons, C. F.' Alexand er, P. Thompson; In charge of cigar booth, C. 8. Alexander; refreshment "booth, P. Hlvenburg; fancy prooils iHwrth, P. Thompson: Hoot manager, F. Ifalley. It was reported that all com panies Invited to participate on lire men's night !had accepted and would be preson. The crvmm'lt.tee have received a number of handsome contributions of fancy work. Kach evening there will bo a concert Hn ':he hall, the programmes for which lire now being arranged. One concert will be given by Jermyn talent, under Che ausrjii'ees of Renterprlse Hose eom fxny. Kdward (Jeavir, late of Homx dale, a contortionist, will he seen each evening. The last street car will stop nt the 'hall, and lue notice of Its de parture given. The fhimlnesa men of tlie town have contributed various ar lel?a, and already there Is a saod showing. FOR A NKW STREET. Tlio Councils Petitioned ry Citizens of tlio Annexed District. At 'Mr? meeting of the common coim cll one of the matters brought before that body iwa a petition from citizens of the annexed dt.-trl'Ct asking that a rtrert be opened extending from the ren'.danw of Knoch Conlnrr, on Tenth avenua, to a point on Wayne street. Th-e iiEtiitlon further described the situation of) the proposed thorough fare and prosented to the councils va riants reasons for its opening and maln talra.rioe by the city. There is now a private r.-ra 3 ne.irly :? whole distance, tut W.s has always been kept up by private cKIzons. I'.ie r.-imrs of nearly forty rOilaens were aMaohed to 'the petition. If they get ta street It will be called Diiton avenue. Tlio Proposed New V. M. r. A. Secretary Pearsall of the Hallrond Men's Christian Association is busily engnged In behalf of the proposed Itallrond . Young Men's Association. Ktatifitles have been collected which nre to be submitted to the high ofll clals of every railroad entering the city for the purpose of securing their support. Mr. Pearsall left yesterday morning for New York city, where he will meet some of the officials of the Delaware and Hudson company, as it THE DOCTOR'S COLUMN. I. Q., Xew York-Have palpitation of the heart anil pulns In the hcaj. 1'U-axu Blnte n remedy. Take Canilne, extract of the heart, in three-drop doses, three times dnllv. When your head aches take a Febrlclile Pill. Keep the bowuls regular with Natrollthlc Salts. C. K New York.-What can I rlo for mv hair? It is losing its color ami is falllnir out a Kif-at denl. Take Petrollne according to direc tions. It will invigorate the hair and keep its color. Miss R McD., Phlla.-What U a good remely for a couch? It is Irritating and afffcis my voice. Take Pulmollno as directed. Avoid draughts and keep the feet well pro .tertcd. K. N. M Troy.-Whnt can I take for bad breath that 1 believe comes from the stomach. Take a teaspoonful of Onstrlne after each meal, and twice a week a dose of Natrollthlc Salts. O. L. G., Phlla. Send name and ad dress; will advise by mr.ll. . , Fallng nrown, A. M M. D. Med. fpr., Col. Chem. Co.. ... ... , Washington, T. C. All letters of Inquiry answereil frer. -THE ANlflAL EXTRACTS. CEREBRINE, From th Brain. MEDULLINE, From the Spinal Cord. CARDIS. From the Heirt. TE3 TINE. OVARINE. THYROIDINF. N ROUIHIC SALTS, for Constipation fiASTRINE, for Dyspepsia. CATARRHINE. ECZEMICURE. and oth-r special ty's o' the COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO., Now at all druggists. Send for literature Bold by Matthews Bros., 3X Lack'a ive. TEBMt-StricUr CASH During Thll Sat. fURPETS. OIL CLOTHS. LINO V Icums, Draperies, Window Shades, and Wall Paper, 419 UCXAWAKNA MZftllE. GREAT ALTERATION SALE. Wo bare derided on Sweeping Rednc. Hon rathor than cover np onr goods dnr Ills' onr nxtanslro improvement, and hava (narked down every thin? In th atom at coat and leas. Bee onr Window Itaplar, which will tatafiuiUsto what w any: Ingrain Carpets from tSc. to 50c'.. Worth 2Se. ts 75s. flrumli Carpets, 40c. to 80c., Worth 60c to 99. .Wall risers, lc, Worth 10c, And every thing olso la proportion. J. scottInglis CARPETS ilD WILL PIPERS, seems advisable to Interest them first If possible. The committee have se cured the option on some desirable quarters, but for good reasons do not care to tell where they are. People will await Mr. Pearsall's reixirt with Interest. " WRECK AT POWDERLY'S. Loaded Mine Oars Knn Down tha Plane. No One Injured. Quite a serious wreck occurred at the Powderly collery on the South Side Tuesday afternoon. A trip of mine cars was being pulled up the plane which leads from the mine to the breaker. When they reached the top of the plane the rope broke tnd the cars ran down the Incline at a rapid rate. Some of the cars Jumped the track, but they continued on their way, tear ing up the plane as they went down. The train ran into the outside door of the mine, breaking it Into splinters. The damage was so great that it could not readily be repaired and work was stopped for the day. A WJNCII OF KEYS. The Fanny Comedy to no Presented nt the Grand. Saturday evening will witness an other goad play ait fne Opera house, when Hoyt's "A l!un;h of Keys" will be pr;sented. Although not now It Is very popular, at.'.! is everywhere met wl;h crowded 'houses. New music, songs, dances and other rpeolaltlos nave been added, which will make the comedy ven ibtUer than heretofore. A l.-jrge amount of scenery Is carried by t'h? trcuiie, which adds attractiveness and finish to the play. Mr. Tiftony's Contract. A. E. Tiffany, one of our most en terprising business men. has secured the contract for the rebuilding of the Methodist church at Hjpbottom. which was burned about four weeks ago. It was at or.oj deddid that it be rebuilt, but will be made much larger and finer than the old one. ' Mr. Tiffany has been in liopbottom, where he has made arrangements for starting the work at cr.ee. 'Men were e.nt there yesterday to commence the foundation, and the woik will be pushed along rapidly. ncrniiril Mullady injured. Bernard Mullady on. Tuesday after noon drove to "Way mart. .Mr, Mul lady drove down Canaan street. Near the head ttious-e at cNo. 1. a farmer was driving up tho hill, but Mr. Mullady failed to see ih'tm, and the result was a collls'Ion. Mr. MuJlady's carriage was overturned. The horse bijname frls'htenfd and ran down the AMI at a rapid rate. The carriage was com pletely trailed. Mr. 'Mullady escaped without very serious Injuries. PERSONAL AND OTHER lTILMS. The Hendrlolis Missionary society held a very interesting meeting at the liaptlst rhuroh Tuesday evening. This society wns but recently organized, and yet is forging to the front In Its ac tivity anil Interest shown In church work.'-.At their meeting Inst evening It wns unanimously decided to hold a turkey supper xm Wednesday evening. November 20, nt the church parlors. Committees wore appointed and ar rangements nre feeing made for the entertainment of a -large number of friends. Miss Mary Grady, of Mayfleld, is be ing entertained at the home of Miss Mary Nealon, on South Main street. Among those who saw the "Urown les" In Scranton Tuesony evening were David Hoese. Frank James, Hnrbnra Mang, Frances Schafer, Mrs. 8. Sin ger, Crllof Moses, Hattie Iutchins, Mary llurke, Nellie I.nftus. II. II. Tral les, Mr. and Mrs. T. V. I'owderly, J. II. Paul, Miss Werdman, T. Levlson and J. 1). Cameron. Mrs. Mary Andrews, -who has been visiting In this city for tho past two weeks, returned to her home In ilkes Karre Tuesday. Mrs. John I'rlost, of Hlakely, ts visit ing Mrs. A. S. James, of South Wash ington street. Mrs. J. M. Nenlon Is lying 111 at her home on South Main street. The Ancient Order of Hibernians, Hoard of Krln, Division No. 3, hnve rented several rooms and the meeting hnlf In the Opera House block and have furnished the rooms very hand somely. The society is a very large one and the members have parlors that will cnmimre favorably with those of the social clubs In the city. A case of diphtheria has been report ed from the home of James Lynady, of Peck avenue. Nearly the number required to form a new branch of the C. M. 1J. A. have expressed a willing to .loin. Joseph A. Murray will leave town to day for Paterson, N. J where he has secured a position with the Press, that city's leading dally newspaper. Hugh Gallagher, of Scranton, was In town yesterday. Mrs. Mary O'Orady, of Salem ave nue, who has been on a business trip to New York, returned home Tuesday. Miss Mary Morrison, of Belmont street, Is 111. Dennis Ilogan, of Fermoy, called on friends In town yesterday. Mrs. Edward Dempsey, of Fallbrook street. Is 111. Misses Anna Delaney and Kate Coo gan, Mrs. P. F. Coogan, Master Thomas Coogan and James J. Gorman spent, yesterday nt Crystal Lake. William Iloblnson, of Huffalo, N. T., called on the business men of this city yesterday. Mrs. Alfred Pascoe and daughter, Mrs. Avery Reynolds, have Issued In vitations for a six o'clock tea on Fri day, November 8. Mips Tessle Kelly, of Scranton, who has been visiting Mrs. Martin Jordan, of Sand street, returned home Tues day. Mrs. George Benton and sister. Mil-, dred Tyler, are visiting Mrs. Arthur I,cwsley, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellphalet Wilcox, of Nineveh. James J. Welsh, of tho South Side, spent Tuesday in Scranton. George Tolley, of Philadelphia, Is In town to-day. W. V. Gruver, of Waymart, spent Tuesday in this city. PECKVILUE. Mrs. P. Flnklepaugh, who has been making a tour of Luzerne county for tho past two weeks, returned home last Tuesday. Mrs. George Cool Is visiting relatives at Susquehanna. , The employes of the Grassy Island, Delaware and Hudson coliery, were paid yesterday. John . Day moved Into his elegant new residence last Tuesday. M. D. Wademan made a flying trip to the Electric City last evening. . Mrs. Wlllam Allen Is visiting friends at Ashley and Wllkes-Barre this week. Mrs. W. Ft. Baker and Miss Edith Baker, of Carbondale, spent Tuesday with Mrs. E. H. Barber, of Main street. Tho election of officers of the Ladles' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church was held at the Orand Army hall yesterday afternoon. Most of the ladles connected with' the society were present and an enjoyable time was had by all. The business transacted was of more than usual Interest, It being the anual election of officers. The follow ing were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Joseph O. Hell; first vice president, Mrs. E. H. Harber: sec ond vice president, Mrs. William reek; third vice presldent.Mrs. John English; fourth vice president. Mrs. S. M. Rog ers; fifth vice president, Mrs. William Page; sixth vice president, Mrs. Thomas Pope; recording secretary, Mrs. G. A. Megargel; assltant, Mrs. P. Snedicor; financial secretary, Mrs. George Trev erton; assistant, Mrs. Wlllam Johns; treasurer, Mrs. F. L. Taylor. Mr Margery Readey, wife of George Readey, died at her home at Grassy Island lost Tuesday morning at 11:30, aged 66 yean.' The deceased was born In the county of Mayo, Ireland, and came to this country . twenty-three years ago. She leaves a husband and eight children, five sons and three daughters, James, . John, William, Charles and George and' Mrs. Charles Lnke, Mrs. Ralph I ake and Mrs. Join.ie: Scott, of Hyde Park. The funeral will be held at her home at . urassy this Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will be conducted by the Episcopal minister of Scranton. Interment will be made here In Prospect cemetery. Tho W. C.'T. U. will meet Thursday afternoon, November 7, at- Mrs. J. B. Sickle's for special business. All mem bers are requested to be present. Mrs. W. J. Guest, who has been dangerously 111, Is better at this writ ing. Her Infant daughter, born at midnight Sunday, was burled on Tues day afternoon at four o'clock In the Callender lot. Prospect cemetery. HONESDALE Wayne courfty has again placed herself in the 'Republican column giv ing a majority for every Re-publican candidate. Judge Peter P. Smith ran ahead of the other Democratic can didates'. Many Republicans giving him a complimentary vote. The vote is as below. Republican, tate treasurer, Benjamin -3. Haywood, 2,111, Demo crxiiv:, Benjaimln F. Meyers, 1S04. Judges Of tha SupeHior court, James A. Beaver, 2.2:10; Edward N. Wlllard, 2,211; Jchn J. Wickham, 2.209; Charles E. Rice. 2,203; Howard J. Reeder, 2.202; George B. Or lady, 2,19; Deimocra'Mc, llarman Veikes, 1.B99; James 8. Moore'nead, L 594; Charles Henry Noyes, 1.59S; Peter P. Sntih, 1.944; Oliver P. Beehtel. 1,597; Christopher Magee, 1,689. County troasurtr, Ropulblican, Joseph Boyd. 2. 234; Democratic, George 'E. M ase, 1,893. Ccroner, Clarence E. Foster.2.292: Dem ocratic. Samford A. Kelly, 1.825. The Prohibitionists polled 379 votes, the People's party 20 votes, and the So cially. Labor party, 3 votes In the county. Isaac E. Tibbl'tt's has purchased a lot 10x100 feet, at the corner of East and Fourteenth streets, of the Torrey c.-tate, ami has let the contract to KreLtner Brothers for 'Che' erection of a m'otfcrn cottage on the saimc. ' The engagement of Miss May Foster and William J. . Ward, both of this place, has been announced. Mrs. H. M. Gordon and. Mrs. Levi Van Etten, of Port Jervls, are visiting at the home of L. O. Rose, on Four teenth street. The apple 'Industry Is booming Just at present. CortrlRilitt & Son have a contract to deliver 6,000 barrels !n March. Apples of fine quality are be ing retailed iby the farmers at from 7" cents to $1.00 per bus'hvl. Potatoes are being sold at from 30 to 35 cents per bushel. AVOCA, The funeral of the late Katie Murphy took place on Tuesday after noon and was largely attended, many people from surrounding towns being present on the sad occasion. The lloral offerings, presented by friends of the deceased were beautiful. After ser vices at St. Mary's church the cortege moved to St. Mary's cemetery where Interment was made. Miss Mamc McCrlndle spent last evening with friends hv.Plttston. Milo Howell, John Buglehall, Ben Webb and John McKenzle left 'yester day for a few days sport In the wilds of Susquehanna county. 1 Sylvester Tobln, who was Injured at the Traction company's crossing on Monday afternoon, died of his Injur ies on Tuesday morning. Mr. Tobln's pnrents and sisters who reside In Kaston arrived an hour before his death. His brother worked with him and was also present. His remains were sent to his home in T'nlon Springs, New York, accompnnled by his sorrow ing parents and friends. . Deceased was 38 yenrs of age and is survived by his wife and two children. ' Miss Mamc Mahon, of Scranton, re turned home yesterday after a pleasant visit with friends In town. Messrs. Ruddy and Rosar, of Scran ton, were visitors In town yesterday. We are pleased to state that at the late election the people voted by a large majority to have the "lignts" and "fire plugs" extended In different portions of the town. FACTOR YVILLE. A hefte number ifrom t'hls place At tended Palmer Cox's "Brownies" at the Frothingham, at Soranton, -Monday evening. Mrs. D. C. Post waa buried at Mill City yesterday. Mrs. Post was a Bister of Mrs. Pardee, of th'ls place. Several people from this place attended the funeral services. The Ladles' AM society met at the napttet churcli Wednesday afternoon, White Swelling Came on my leg after typhoid fever, and pieces of the bone camo out. Rheumatism Joined tho scrofula to put me in misery. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved just the medi cine; relieved me of pain, gave me a good appetite and I laid: aside my crutch and cane.-Having taken 10 bottles . Hood's Sarsaparilla my limb is entirely healed and now I am perfectly well." Gkoboe W. Cromwell, Mt. Pleasant, Maryland, fl; six for S. Hood's Pilk euytobnj.easytotaka, ttaear vmi HnmaT Mmut Aonis.mn itmnoL INHALER lituf vmi I M I UHHH HEADACHE5SSSSS inu, LjK 11 win ourv yon. M .wonderful boon tojutrann rramCalria. IntvThM., IaSmnra. raitt. or II AY FKTStt. AtorZ "in.HWMnimi ill f uivmn M B4Mkt,rMdf to J on ant Indication of '.-old. raatlajiaa Ifw okta rtnutit e.n. PfaaloiMraamrtMdisr money refunded. Prle. rtm. Trial freo at pmuiita. Beatitarad nalk MENTHOL 2arS" and aafrat maenr for Bbmrnid gore., Bum., 'uu. VaerTal rem ?TJ,TF,'t'E. "'ta.atpnu(.Dai M jtu or by mull prepaid. Addri-m MaboTi. O A ! X p. ..1. ku aa.ni n . ' . ConQlexlca Piesoiici DR. HEBRA'S VI0LVCREAL1 aabara and: Tan. and ro tores tha akin to iti drift ual fraahnass. vroauoina' a tear ana healthy cora-j pMHon. superior 10 ui iocs trfirUorii and twrtoctly fcaiuilaaV At oll jnrutyttqorniauoaiortucia, exnqiotiaroum. VIOLA OJCIN MAP U eta h'liinim as a sua tU7 ana, awyilal Of m MM, a-4 vttbiM SIcTbITTNEr' CcCtslkdo, Ok Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report E aasssa u ys& whtn thty elected new officers for the ojmins year. Eup,!er was served. A large nuavber attendod. Uorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Jam:s Ellas Thompson, of Fu-acciryvllle, Nav. 4, a laufihirtr. I'ae Sullivan Comedy company, who was hera Friday, Saturday and Mon day cvenlr.3, was very good, ailhouch Cit y had a poor Opera, house to per .'oi'm In on account of stage room. Oscar itlalstead's ne w residence, on A'Cademy etrset. Is nearly complete. It Is expc'tt'd to' be ready for occu pancy iy Nov. IS. Miss Jennie "Gardner Is visiting Ttisndj at Scraa'ton. Ira Ir.on'.as a,nd family have moved :f.to th?Clharles Clark 'house, on Maple street. OLYPHANT, Mrs. Geonre Ilaidy. of Grassy street, died suddenly Tuesday mornlne; ait the Ji'Se of 50 years. Mrs. Raldy. was do ns her usual 'household work, appar ently ;.i Ro.id heaU'h. when Bhe was ;vr!cken wi.'ii paralys's, and died In ibout an h:;ur. She Is survived by a auvband and five children. The fu neral will take place, this afternoon it 3 o'clock. Interment will be made in vh Peckvllle oeimetery. Mrs. C. J. Kvar.3, of West Plttston, :3 tihe Rruest of relatives at t'hls place. U. P. James, of Hyde Park, was a waller 4n town yesterday. The deba'ts 'between the .Cathnlla You.nsr iJ'J.'n's Ttotall Aibstilner.'; and Benevolen'i soc'iety and . the Loyal Xnlfi'hts of America, which was an nounced to take place tomorrow eve ning, has been postponed to Friday, Njv. 15. Mra. John M. Gallagher Is lying dan srerlously IU at her home, on the Wert Side. The Suburban Wheelmen iwtll give a -lag social In tiht'lr rooms on Scott street 'next Tuesday evening. A yours child of Mr. and Mrs. Mo lllnlss, of the Hack road, was burned to death yestorday afternoon. The fu neral win take place this alHernoon. Burial iit Vhe Oatiholtc crmetery'. . Mrs. i.M. J. O Malley, ot'Dunmore street;, Is seriously 111. ' Plttston Itnslncss Directory. FOn FIUST-CLASS PLUMFirNO CALL on WrlKht ft Co., S7 South Main street. A new ranso for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. IS HERE Facts tell the story not wind. Here are the facts: Our partnership must shortly expire De limitation. 1 he balance of our stock must GO ID IK) (IK, Any hour of the day, any time you please, you will find our staff of polite and attentive salespeople ready to please, ready to serve, and you save big money on every article you buy, fflOB Intend to purchase either Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades or Upholstery Goods of every description, our Dissolu tion Sale provides a splendid opportunity for all who WAI TTO SAVE1 The stock is entirelyuew and has been marked down to first cost, many , goods even below cost. t?At our Branch Store, in addition to our Carpet and large line of Furniture. KERR, SIEBECItER & CO. 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. jri - Itcsuit la 4 week. For sale by JOHN H. PHtLPSPharmaolit, cor. Wyoming Avenv and Spruce Stra3c Scranton Pa. ; THE ONLY HOUSE IN SCRANTON That Has a Full and Complete Una of Underwear Is the EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, 616 Lafekawanna Avenue, WE HAVE " Und rwenr for Men, Women und Clilldren, nv prle and dirtVivnt fradfd. You can find with us Naturni Grcya, Carnal' Hair, Fleeced lined Red, Grey Merluo. Tbey are bought fur pot ciwh at tlmea when goods were at the lowest figures. This was in April 1895. and tho only buyer in Underwear that understands quality is Mr. llenry Goodman Manager u( the Cut Price Store, . . LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEXT WEEK'S SALE In Underwear, Jersey dvershlrts I ri different styles. We. will' not quote - any prices, but we are willing to take off 25 per cent straight than usual prices elsewhere. We Are Also Direct Afnts I For the Soperlor HyglenA Vhflcrwear Company Non shrlnkable, the best for.health. Wo guarantee them to bo equal to ' the ones you pay $5.00. Our. price on them, for Shirts $1.50, or $50 for ' . .the Suit. Come and see them. Largest assortment of Wool Hosiery, . . nweaters, laruigan jacaeut, HENRY GOODUAlf; Dili CLARK'S GHIECN, Llsale Fr;ce Is aim eanflncd to her bjd. M.s. Edward Lutry '.3 r.T.t rfcovcrlnj as fart as was an'inaicd. S. I. Parkor, cT Pittsion, called on fi'lendd .here cn MoniJay and Tuesiay last.. Election papstd off very quCtoly, wlih a very li'ght vote. .Mrs. A. I. Ackerly returned heme from an extended vlz.':t aixor.g frjend In N jw Tark. Rev. F. H. Par-ns Is balding ri-,tolal mri;ir.gs e-t the Summit. Mri. J. A. MciLean '!ef; hera on Tues day mornlr.ij for Stroud; burg. '; OLD FORGE, Mr. and litis. M. V. S:ark. Mr. and Mr.3. E. Drake ar.d II Ira Jennie Drake attiricd the "CrowniesV at Scranton a Tuesday. Th Ladies' AVI toclcty will meet r.'i fhu iiome ci Ulrj, Le.wis Kdsall this afternoon. Mr. Dicker, df Wycmlng seminary pjrese-hed at the U.-.-k church and Maotio on Sunday l:i the place of Sir. Georga Drake, jr., returned f;om a threa wc-eks' ihun.ilr.jr excursion In Illinois on Tuesday. lie reports a rleajant.tr.-1.. .KEYSTONE The final examlraiims for fhe first quai':cr ere .be.lnjt 'hfid Wiis week. Al ready there are enrolled several new students for 13 vMinter term, e.nd more are exipected sosn. Prcfessor Whitford, who hroke hlf leg several weeks ages is slowly re coverylng and expects to lay aoido hlf crurchM in a short time. A lai'je number oif the students r.--ter.'Jed -the Christian Kndeavor social held .In th? Kaptist church last Sat urday evening, and all apparently en Joyed a pleasant evening. If tlio Dnby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while TeethiiiK with Perfect Success. It Soothes th' Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain Cures v:nd Col e, nnd is the best remeth for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for '"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," am take no other kind. Twenty-live cent n bottle. fl SflL Church street, Carbondale, Upholstery stock, we carry a RESTORE LOST VIGOR 0 NY When In doubt what to we for Nervoui Debility Lnti of Sevual Fewer (In either text, Iitirtoteoi-f. AUophy, Varicocele tnd other wetknntet, from njr caute, ute Seiine Pi lirltne iheikhl and full vigor quickly restored. If neglected, such trouhlen refult fatally. Milled anywhere, acaled. for$i.ooi 6 boxes for I5 00. With every fj.t nrder we ifive a letfll rii.irAnlM to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICI Nli CO., Cleveland, Ohio. 1, 516 LAGKA. AVE (Action- to our patrons: Washburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many tmU rons that they will tWs year hoW to their usual custom of milling S1KICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. ew wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that It is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thre months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'a flour far above other brands. ... 4 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. HoosiG Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commoweauti Bld'& SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOSIC AND RU8I. DAL13 WORKS. Lamin & Rand Powder Co."a Orange Gun Powder Electric Hattorles. Vvms for xplod tng blasts, Bafoty Fuse and ficpanno Chemical Co.'s HigtiEiplosiya (IT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of the bout quality for Jometl so, and of all sicca, delivered in mat fart of the city at lowest price. Orders left at mv Office NO. 118 W ,MING AVENUE, Clear room, ti. -i floor. Third National Dank, or sent by mall or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the late tad deliver' of Buckwheat Cool. W iVl. T. SMITH. GOAL THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of LocoiQOtives, Stationary Engines, Boilers. H0ISTII1G AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. For Fine Furniture is becoming well es tablished you have dermnde -we have obeyed and it's not alone fo you, Mr. Banker or .Mr. Millionaire it s for the Masses "The Economy" has always catered to the masses, and its ever liberal Equitable Credit System enables the masse to indulge in the luxury of a grand furnished home There is no reason for wanting as good a furnished home as your employer Mr. Laborer or Mr. Mechanic The Economy is with yon and for you Express your desires our space is over 20, 000 square feet of" show room covered with a complete line of Home Furnishings from cellar to garret is at your com mand Prospective housekeepars we want your attention in person. We can give you wholesome advice it's free and may be appreciated It's about furnishing homes Our experience is great in this respect. ; s Oh, yes! That clothing department only eight week old -is doing the business of a concern as many years ol It's no surprise to us The way we sell goods is boun to gain your appreciation, and naturally the support wouH follow. We remain, yours with thanks, CLOTHIERS; Y. M.C. A. Bunding . llAS1. IVJTlft rCIIVlle7llCI7t S (MILL THE. Pennsylvania Hoofing Co., 326 Washington A?ecia, scranton, Fi TELEPHONE 555. Ebonite Yamisli, Gravel Roofing, Pipe Covering, Building Felts, Sheathing Papers, ; I SI O i All kinds of roofing work dons. All kinds of gravol or slag roofs made. ROOF fHiillNG AND SOLOERIRC All done awny with by the use of HATIH LAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consist of Ingredients well-known to all. It can b pplied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dweling. which will firevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ntr or breaking of the brick. It .will out last tinning of any kind by many -yea-ra. and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth tha-t of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by the Jofe or pound. Contracts tnken by ANTONIO IdAltTllA'N, W Birch Bt- 4 "ef WW" ATV ) v.- i:;-.v:..vCL;;.':!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers