TTIE KCBANTON THIBTJNE TUESDAY MOHNTOTK OCTOKER 29, 1895. THE PREACHERS MEET. Address .Mado by lr. Hard and Rev. Wilson "IrclMe. A tin imrting of Ihe SWthodtet Kpte xaiJ miroistera tiehd yesterday tnorn- Insr hi the First M-cimodifit Episcopal chucoh on likIi Fr-ank'lin Rtivet, Rev, J. V. iYilJjamd presided. The opening dewttoniri exenviwes were conducted by Dr. 'Mumley Ulard. after which the rearvtiarv read the minutes of the pre- vnis mefthiff YrtiJWi were alo?ed. Ti v. J. o. j,jckma,n.pTt.VliinR- filler, tihrm lircetfv aid-drepsfd It-We mectilmr. v.-Jih kbmh cement In thw outlook of the wurk of t'he district. lr. Hard then briefly onitliined 'his work am! Hhs t fort oip he txk to Fort Uewton, Spoilt. He ppoke of the heroic mlnie"- aid ;h ir smh-ndM mrt, mm nM thait Mi Infills!! h-s a very Ktromff hoM In Montana. At H.-dnnia -the confer fi:v wsv.-t .held. The tlocitor spoke of Hi-'lira n.r?d 1'ts pi.icer iiii-nlnp. or Ha Kiiat pmM resoaiirces, and of Uuitte with i:- iiohl nnd. not a flower or preen -tihi;-nir to le sunn. Yet wk-ked-niesH was nt i premium. Inibv-id Untie Is the wicked fft city the doctor 'has been in. Im rt.ra',i:y, 'the wumain 1n scarlet, is posi uivtiiy to tihe front, but iHwre Is even In tli!i city tihe leia-ven of the gospel navl tnit wJH evinitiul'ly blav-en the whole lump. T!ie Vctii.r spoke of his love for u yrnwnp vailley a-nd the proirretisl ve rves of 'Wilis region by comparison with nine west. Tb; ncker of the session wis Rev. "W. TreJble. and lulls eubjert me "T'he Rila-tliM! of the Holy C.h.iwt to Revlvwll Work." The Holy Ohost 1s of frrcnt tmnortnnce in revival work cl.thons'h W l.ld not nirwn as much mi nor the old d!.--piiwatlo'n s It ibnes to His. It wis Mien simply 't'he nnnie for 1Hie -Invisible, a Kra.twl ami riem unroui hiR of the Godihend. nl Us miainlfested a. the spiritual tntlueirce of a present Cod. Revival are piicr-e-ssful in proportion as the revrrall Holy Chnst Is pre-sewt wiilch Its power. No evn.npelist, how evrir renowned, mirlvt lr lake the place of the paistor of the church, and the 1 Wor mbmorped into 'the H'Oly Swlt it wiiM find that e 1ai tihe ffroatewt re vival iiowcr. Tlie pastor 1s the over- i-tr of the Hirwy CShost to the chuivhcs. Jle muot inrpac'h for the omens of tihe eptrlt mml not for the plaud'M of nin. The IMy (ihost Is related to iirayer. The 'Holy Ohowt milft Ire the direct- r of (Ihe fHmn service. Choirs and lev. '.Uii reed an inspiiu t.lon of 'Hie Holy fMio In order to slnu the pospel nnl wlth oirt Ifithe rtniirl'ns can-not he efr.'ctllve. (How fan -the ihuroh 1e led ltito ep!r timl power? Ily 't'he church livliix In Wie spiirlt. The spirit ts the author of Ohr'B'tlnn life. (Mvo the memlir-r pen ticoit'.il taptlHm ani'd the Jhurch is no'dy f ir ootHiuet 'm revival work. lAftfir Mr. TiYillile's pntior, a hymn wins suiik and -Iter. J. V. 'Warner led in prayer. Tht-re was no dusciwslon on JKtxaptr. bint It was h-ifihly comni"nl ed by all tihe tnlintS'tTirs present. Itev. J. K. Peck rewMiti-'d Hlhat Dr. Oairs-s, of IClnr.ston, would present o paper on the pubject of "Propivps" at the next meot Jm. A wt-e of thanks was twdervil Mir. Tretl'lil anH the meeting wens d! mlwsed wJth ih benfidMlon by Dr. Mock. . ITie following mUnis-ters were In alt-tfntla-nr: Utexis. J. F. AVIMI-ams, Ijii-Zi-nne; T. Fnrey, Wwnmi!"; J. 1. Kekman, Sermnton: M. S. Hard. J. K. Peck, H. C. McDfirmott. Kl-'iirstop: J. H. Sweet, Aftti'ley; O. 1. Peversom, 'I'ly moutlh! J. U. Snmnrr, 'Xontleoke: J. V. Wli.rner. O. K. 'Muirir, WHkes-iH'iirre: Y. C. Sm'iNh. AVest inttfton; Abel Wrh?. -y, OovcnUon; J. T,a HnT. W. Ttvlhle, VyomlnK; J. M'sxUnnn, .7. Jones, Ii!lts on; N. J. Ha.wley, Trucksvllle. r KillcJ onlhc llrldcc. Yesterday mornltiffian Italian scissors grinder wag walking across Plymouth hrldge.iwhen he was nt ruck by an en gine foining ibehiini Mm and instamt- 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Call your special attention to the following departments, where will be found a com plete line of all the latest nov elties! Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery, Silks, Velvets, and Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Makings, Blankets, Comforts, Lin ' en Sheets and Pillow Cases, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, Gents' Famishing Goods, Ladies' Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Feather and Far Boas, Cloth and Fur Coats. At prices to suit everybody. We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. All express charges on mail orders prepaid by us. Bill, 3 '''' ' ' Hilfl ly killed. The engine was No. .5 owned by the LiChlgh tuid Wllkes-Harre coal company. The poor directors took charge of the .body and ent tt to uxr- an's undertulrinff establishment for tutriul. .No oik eeemed to know the man's name, eithoutfo it waa eald that he lived at Xjatiimer. TWO EQUITY COURTS. Two Courts la Kquity Were Running Yesterday Morning. Jud-ffe Lynoh had before him' yester day tin c:-ee in eaulty r the common' w.uith ex. rel. vs. The lMttston itridge company. The itroulile arises from the foimuny s rvfusal 'to burnt tne eian whioh -was burnt down In 1SS5 eo as to reach the .Main street without an extra piT. The pier they wan to put at a point in un oMi public road. The case took until 12.J0, when Juifte i,yncn oa iourned k until today, when the hear ing will be completed. H. W. lalmer and O. JI. and J. S. Hanling for plain tiff: Alex. Ji'arnham for defendant. Judge llcnnctt heard the case of Ha- ilcton itorouKh ve. Harry Jacobs, con troller of Huzleton, to force him to sirfn an ordinance passed by council to n- ter 'into en agreement with an F.-lectiic LigiM company to furnish light for a term of yeiurs. Jacobs will not sign, al leging ittvat the cWy's funds do not war rant the expenditure. Oeorge II. Trou.tman and H. W. Palmer fr Uie fend'ant; John T. Lcnnhitn and Thomas F. MeXitlr for plaintiff. The court took the pampers. The Committees at Work. The lAnoiemt Order of iribernlans of Ijacknwanna. and Iuzerne counties lwvo lii'gua work at raising money to help FuiMivr JoTdam build his new churrth at KenlWi-am. Divisions 1, IS and 12, Aim-lent Ordvr of Hibernians, of this cl.ty, have finally consento-d to enter imtn a contest against three diivi- sionis of 'Lackawanna county for a silk lla-g for ithe bein fit of the church of St. Lawrence at Hcrnd'ha-m, Iickawannci county. The following executive com- mltteiy was wlepted to conduct the con- tcKt for LitEerne county: From Dlvl- Blon 1, Iti'i-mml O'Keefe, Anthony W-alssli. IVitrick 'Mullen: Division 1S, John Hunt, iMivInl O'Drmnell, jr., AV'ill- !to J. K-!ly: Divlsi un 12. John 1!. Iloyle, Thomas IM. Dullard, J Minus Fox. The executive connnlittee held a medtiiig yesterday afternoon and lected the follow hm ollicens: IPrepidcnt, Tlwimim M. Dullard: swretiary, Ikn-nlel (VJJon- nell; treactirer, Herniard O'Keefe. .Mckinley Will Come. Yesterday tnorn'ln'g the prefrldent of t'he Oratorio or iety received the fol lowing letter, w'hidh explains itself: New York t'lty. net. Ji, i-M'ii. John B. niiHHell, president Wllkes-Kurre OrntDi ln Horli'ty. Dcnr Sir: Your very kind fnvor received and It in with picture that 1 nt once re ply to any that If you desire my pervicefl for the evening of Nov. ( you can have them most willingly without compensa tion. 1 have always regretted the Illness that prevented my iittenillng your festival last June and really reiolrB for tills oppor tunity to show my honesty of purpose to legitimately make nmemls. If you will let me know how ninny songs you will want from mo I will nt once forward my selec tions. Wishing your society every success, I remain very truly yours, . J. H. McKlnley. I'tinernl of Mrs. Conns. The funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph Coon was held yesteritay afternoon from her late 'home, on North Washing ton street, and many friends assembled to take their last view of the deceased. The casket waa covered w4fh many hnnuMfiil floral offerings, and ltcv. Mr. Fuerll'dht. or -Scnvnton. preached the sermon A t the hous-e. The psvll-bmrers were Henry Hoffhelmer, -Edward 0"n fftilive, Ig Freeman. iKnae Tng. Hernflrd Hitrgunder ami S. J. Strauss. Inter ment was made lit, the Jewish cemetery ait Hanover. BRIEF NOTES. The funeral! of -the late Mirs. Mar garet Tjynrnt, of tMs city, wa'S'helil from !lnir Into !-!! IJHitpe rn N. irWii-i m p.'i in s'tTeet yert-erd'ay morning. A requiem mia-3 was celebrate'd' nt St. Muiry's clhurtfli. At the new p!1k mill now being erecit eVl la A'voca, Jntmis SlattTiry ami John Kitterlk were baidly hurt yesterday by failMmg from a ncalTo.ld. Tomorrow Us 't3i e annual donation day at the Slome. The fourth annual ball af the Clerks' OFBOcia'tlioin wiIliI Itw giwin tomorrow evening In IiOomls' htill. The grand Jury 1s In ses!on tthiifl week and Kirnest V. Koth, of Wilkts Bairre, was mode chairman. An action for libel In the amount of $10,000 wa yesterday lvrouglvt by Frank Koons against A. Warmagarls, pr Uwing defiiimatory language. Jtimes L. Lonahan reprcEcmta the plnlntliff. Dait.rlckl Oairr was yewterdny ifliiis- c'harged from court unoVr the In'solvont law, Do Wilttte, the Veill-knowhlecturleir', will give ih'la oplen'dld I'lIuwtTaitieid leotiure In ho Young srem' Christlian assocla tbcun iroorns thtoevetvlng. Ptepheti Acwew. of Ituffalo, am old smVllpr, la at police headnuarteirs n tlhlls city tn neerl of help. An effort is being mude to got Mm Into the Old Bold'lers' Home. Hey. W. ID. Johnon wti prc-oeritied wltih a hantlwome Victor bicycle yes terday wUh the compliments of a num ber of h.! friend's ami parwlikmers. TheYoung Womem'a Thritton a-pso- chitlon of this cHy will have a bazaar on Nov. 6 nnA 6 ait their rooms on Boutlh Franklin street. AVOCA. All reTsons desirous of subscribing for the Horanton Trllnine will leave their orders with Robert Golden, Main sltreet, tiar the Delaware and Hudson station. I'rompt delivery assured. James OamplKMl, of West Avoea, is lying -dfl'nigerously Ml of typhoid fever. IM-Vss H. Murphy, of Hyde J'arK, re turned home yesterday after pen'din'ff a few idaya wttth iM Isw Ka te IVmgher. Mips Kmtin Dunleavy, of Scranton, MiesHrs. P. J. 'Noone arid 'Frank Day, of Pfitltnton : M. Ooliden and M. Oorman, of W!HkesJUarre, were entertained o.t the Murphy residence, on the west Side, yesterday. Miss iMarlai Barrett returned home yesterday after a iileawaint trip to Ire land. She has been greatly benefited In her theaHth. ihavlnu been a'bsenlt several .months-. YesteTdTiy morning, wnlle John K'lt- terlck and James Slattery, employes of the Bilk mill, were performing theilr dutiles, the waffotdlng gave way and the men were tpredlplitaited into the founda't-Vnt. a tdiifftainoe of elbow thirty feet. IWith received eevere tnjurle.1. Mr. Slnttery s arm iwnn broken Rnd Kltterlck sujftnilm?!!! (mternal injuries. They were removed to their homes, a Short distance away, amd medical aid immediately summoned. It is expected that they will be oiround in a Short while. ' A11 cltleens iln'terested In the Improve ment of tihe town Should vote for the light" att the coming election, Nov. 6. Miss 1lxsle Iteno'lman waa a visitor In Seranton yertenliay. Mrs. Newton Hosklnfl spent yester day with friends n PHtston. . Miss H. Qlhbotm, of Sera nt on. was) a visitor at the Olbbona residence on Sunday. IMilsses Lvala anoi Teresa Connor, of drove intreet, went Sunday with friends tn ftoranton. A tileatianit KaKherln of young folk collected at tihe home of Mr. and Mrs. W-tlllam Brown, on IMwIn street, at evening hi honor of Mr. Brown's (birth day. Refreshment were served and various amusements were Indulged In, after which they repaired to their re spective homes, after v"rratulatlna; their host and wMhing Dlir. . -any happy returns. - siot-cvT Olles Pontln and Alfred Wlteomb. both of Mountain Aah, South Wales, were visiting; Mr. and Mrs. Solmon, at this place last week. Preparations are being made for an oyster supper at the Sibley Union church on Nov. 28. Mary J. King, daughter of George King, of the Sibley, Is seriously 111 with tvohold fever. ' Miss Mable Salmon was visiting Miss Poly Ueuchon, of Uellevue, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Johns and family, of Main street, Ilendham, have moved Into the house on Sibley avenue, made vacant by Mr. ond Mrs. Haker, who have moved into their handsome resi dence, on the corner of Main street and Sibley avenue, Kendham. Miss Margaret E. lirownell, of Dun da ff. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Riven burg, at the Sibley. Mrs. K. Itobathan. of the Sibley. Is visiting friends in New Jersey. Joseph Doyle, of Rendham, has moved into Casper Tropher's house, at the Sibley. Miss Rose Celsel Is home from Peck vllle, where she has been visiting friends. PECKVILLE. Mrs. Hannah Ieyshon and Mrs. Cora Sherman, of PWtston, are visiting at the home of I.M r. and t.Mrs. Corey Jenkins. J. U. We.lwter, of Scranton, spent Sun day with 'his stster, Mrs. A. H. Jenkins. ..Miss Cooper, of Jcrmyn, has been spending the past few days with the Mtascs Sarah and Hannah Coaites. 'Hairtry Jennetit, of Scranton, spent Sunday with this cousin, Thomas Rich ards. AIIfs Minnie "Warner, of Orange. N. J., Is visiting her -parents, Mr. andlMrs. W. C. Warner. Revival services will be held In the (Methodist Episcopal church, every evenlg this week. John JJay Is iprepanlng to move Into his elegant now hmie, on Main street. Floyd Grlever met with a severe ac cident la-t Friday evening by havUng the top of his finger cut off in his sau (vigft machine. jf- Miss Edith Dennis, of Oar lion dale, ta spent 1'inig a few days with Mrs. Kendall, on Main street. William Kt-Mtell, who has -been very sick for the post few weeks, Is Improv ing. Carlon, ITio 12-year-old son of .Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cheney, lis sick with pneu monia. The Young People's society of the Presbyterian church 'Is making exten sive prcipa rait Ion s for a. Oar-rolval of Days in the near future. The publto schools of this .borough will be closed t'hiis week, on account of the teachers' Institute at Scranton. HONESDALE, No clue as to the whereabouts of the Il-awley fliu-rgiars and -murderers has as yet been obta'ined. The 'last seen of them was at Port Jervls, where they left t'he train that they h'ad boarded n.t Da'cka.waxen. They recmed to have plenty of money, and cannot be classed with ordinary tramips. They were evi dently pmfesi'ionial burglars. John Kallig'han met with nil accident at 'the Krie pockets yesterday morn ing that came nenr proving fatal. He was cleaning one of a train of cars when another car bu-m'ped Into the rear ear. The F'hock threw him off ahead of the front cmr and as the tmin began to move he was caught under t-ho brake iH'aun antji bruised. Dr. llrady was called nnd found ihlm siifferl-ivg from oIshxniMon of the thigh, about which there were several deep cuts. He was also bruised about the face and body. Kugene Ham, wife and child, of Scranton, aro visiting his parents here. Notice of the sale of the -property of John Howe has been given iby thosher 'Iff. Attorney Ttursell Dlmmlck nnd Dir. U. AV. Tlurns, of Scranton, passed Sun day here. A large conwregatlon gathered nt boi'.-h the morning and evening services of Grace church Sunday to listen to Rev. Rogers Israel, of Scranton. nHKtTMATISM Is rnused by lactic ncld In the blood. Hood's Snrsnparlllu neit trallzes this ncld nnd completely ami per manently cures rheumatism. Be suro to get only Hood's. HOOD'S PITjT.S cure nausea, slek hend nche. Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggists. ' THE DOCTOR'S COLUMN. I.. A. R., Detroit. I weigh ?-Tfl pounds nnd am growing stouter ull tho time. What can t take? Take Thyroldine, extract of the Thy roid Gland. In three-drop doses, three times daily, on the tongue. Keep the bowels regular with Nntrollthlc Salts. L. O. D., New York. What can I take for bronchitis? Take Pulmollne, according to direc tions. Tt '! n-n excellent rcmeldy. William F., New York. Alternate Cereblne, extrnct of the brain, with Testlne, In five-drop doses, on the tongue, three times dally for a week. Tnke snline bnths, using our sen, snlt; sleep In a cool room, nnd avoliT alcohol, tobneco ami spices. Henry. N. Y. Answered as nbove. '. M. H New York. Please give ime a good remedy for chronic catarrh. Cntarrhine, If taken faithfully, for a month will cure yon. C. Fallng Drown, A. M., M. D., Washington, D. C. Med. Dept.. Col. Chem. Co.. All letters of Inquiry answered frea. THE ANiriAL EXTRACTS. CEREBRINE. From th Brtin. MEDULLINE. From lh Splniil Cord. CAROINF. From th Hoarl. TES- P NT, 0VARINE. THYROiniNP. NUtROLITHIC SALTS, for Constipation. GASTRINE, for DysimniiH. CATARRHINE, ECZEMICUXE. and otb-r spoclnl- tics or tho COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO., Now at all druggists. Send for Literature. Sold. by -Matthews Rros., 320 Lack'a ave. Clairvoyant. MRS. KENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND .V.. In . . II Ana T ... - u, in, hi i-i-. Aiu.M.i iiiium uauiir wnnns iwrnip. tills week only Real Estate. $I2.2-JI VVH L BUY ONK OF THE K1N- e.t nomes on Jfinerson avouuu; owner leaving town nnd will mil nt a oraut sacrifice. For partlcnlsrs nU at office, M. ii. ntjiAiAi a, I ommonwealtti U'l it'u. Real.EstateJcency r,,0"0 KUY8 A (lOOT) BRICK noU8K ON Providnnee Bond; doable lot, liH ft. deep. (M,) BUYS DOUBLE HOUSE, WEB8TEB i sveniin. ;Oll flOO.OiiO I WILL HELL YOU THE street car barn on Linden street. ffljl2,(KI0 BUYH 1(1-BOOM HOUHE; ALL MOD U era Improvements; Jefferson avenue; very fine; look at It. dtllfiin BUYH 12 ROOM HOTTHK. AWl. MOD. 'I? era Improvements; iVonroe ave. ! good. "10,800 HUY8 S HTOR .8, 2 DWELLINU8 ? and barn West Main street, I rovidenoe. $1,600 BUYS 8-ROOM HOU8B, COltNEH OF Electrio and JenYrton aTennoe. $H,WI0BUY8 DDI BI.E HOUSE, 13 BOOMS, yuliiey avenaei one of the finest. OM.000 BUYS OOOD HI V OLE HOU8E.PKN N O avenne, Orein Ridge. 1,00 BUYS A liT, WOODLAWN PARkT f corner lot, Wyoming avenue. (D4,fl BUYS OOOD DOUBLE HOUHB, PINE O a reet lf( 0110 BUYS OOOD BRICK FLOUR AND feed mill: irreat onDortuiiitv! m41 fnrn&r. tlcnlare. 18.000 BUYS AM ELEGANT IOiINO tt.KT i, renn are., adjoining naptut onnren. i.M0 BUYS FINE 8 KOOM HOUSE, WEB 3 or arenoe; all modern improvementa. SOOBUYS FIMB S-ROOM HOUSE, PBE8 9 Havana 1 JI.8W BUYS NICE HOUSE OK OBOV3 ' eveeo saaap. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN Al VANCK. WHKN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CIIAHGK WILL P.K LESS THAN 2Ti CKNTS. THIS RI'I.K AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS AND HELP WANTED. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED-A GnOI) PATTERN MAKER; ? yonng man piefprred. Apply to Tlio National Elovator and Machine Co., Honeie dale. Pa. Vr ANTED FOUR OR KIVK ENEROETIO V men; Bond louitimnto linsinesa; steady employment; noue but hinders need apply. Call Wednesday morning, between 9 and 10 o'clock: illl Lackawanna avenue. ANTKD.T7nAO j ktTn EVERY SEC V lion torjinrnos: f 100 to$" OUadoy made; s-lla nt sight ; also a ma'i to sell Ktaple Ooodi to dealers; liest sldo line j V.'i 01 a month: sal ary or largo i-oniininHion mado; experience unnece&Hji' y. Cliftou Hutp nnd Afantifactar ing Co., Cincinnati, O. Ur ANTED A HUTCHElt WHO HAS HAD experienei at the bimlneHa; munt ronio well reoomniemlud. Address T. O.' M., Trib uno ottlc-e. DENTS MEN WANTED, ALREADY iV traveling, to enrrv lubricating oils as a side lino. MANUfrACTUKERS' OIL CO., Cleveland, O. WANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 11 every town to solirlt stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big money for oents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., llorden Monk, Chicago. 111. CALKSJI EN HI-sTdkNT SALESMEN O wantetl, ncrpiaintod with tho Io':d and nearby drug and irrocerv trade, to handle our lino of high erndo cigars. Addreas, giving references, J. LhWARD CoWLES & Co., 1U Chambers utreet, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. l l ((etio wileswonien to repree nt us. Onnrnnteed $iidy without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, ineloin; stamp, Maniro Chem. ieul Coin;mny, No. .Inlin street. New York. Agents Vanted, GE.NTS WANTED EVE U Y W H F. R E TO J V canvass for onr New Holiday .luvi nilo Books, four Chrwtinns Ilejmiies: kcII at. siglit; liberal terms. Aihh'.-m Hl'ECIALTV, Sub station No. 2. Pliliad-Iphia. l'n. AGENTS WAXTED-TO SELL CKIARS; Jeri per month salary and expenst's paid. Atldres. with two-cent etanip, FIGARO CI GAIf CO., CliiRngo. UKNTS-TO SELL oV'it I'KACTICAL J gold, silver, niekel nnd copper electro phitci'H: prii'o troin S:i upwanl; salary nnd ex pontes pa il: out fit free. A'ldies-t, with stniup, .MICHIGAN AiFG CO., Chirago. GENTS TO SELL cm A IIS TO PEA LERSj il weeklv anil 'Xpense: experience un neeemMiy. t )NK( iLi DATED MFG. Co., Van Itureri nt.. cli:f-a-;o. tlAI-EBMAN To CARRY SIDE LINE; "." 0 pi-r loat. eonimiHHion; samiii't book mailed fro. Address 1 N. CO., Maliou L, New Y'ork, T (iNCE-.'MJEN'IS AI'I'OIXTEI) To 1 sell now liulitninc sellim; tul 1" cloth. mos. rpiitoaii'l houe llv iiimid nt 10 e"nts nnd '.'." ro'ds a ho tie. 'S:iin)ito fro-. I'.OI.GIANO M'F'G Co., Pnltim.'re. Md. T GEN'TS-lllNHE'S "PATENT" UNIVEt J sal Hair Curlers ami Wiiv-in fiis.'d with out heati, and "l'yr Pcinleil'MI.-iir I'i'ii. Lib eral ronnniHion. Free s.-miple and full par tieulnrs. Aihli-em P. o. H..X I5ii. New York. Wanted. U 'ANTED A Ki:ilSTI IIF.I) 1'ILMi.MA cit of goi-d elMiiaeter, Apply lit once to SALOL. ran' .-f 'l ivl.iine. For Rent. 1 -( 1 U RKST-THE PKKMISI-.S RECENTLY L oiri-upi"d bv 'I'lie Serunt"ii 'J' rib ne.iiiiow n rs the lll.-eier Itnllilinir, c rii"r of Si rueo St. niifl i enn ave. lNmossion tdveu iinme-iiatoly. Tlie pi-end es consist of the It ililins in the rear of the builduiK on tlie crnerif ".nice -treot and I enn nwnuo, teeln r wit( til" liii' oment. nnd 'il-io tlie enti'-e lo-irth tloor "f tlie eoi-ner hnildinir. Tlio elnvat'-r helonefliLT to Tho 'I'riliiiun Piililis'iinu' Co. will be sold to tlio lesH''o on rnaMiimiil'i ternin. For particu lars iinnilt-c on tlie preniiie-i, . f Rudolph liloeser, or ut thi ofliee of Tlio Scranton Trib une. I. 'OR RENT STEVENSON FIM'IT FAR SI, I ( lark's Green, for a t"rm of years. Ap ply to GEORGE I!. DAVIDSON, Attorney. nl2 Spruce troet. I '01MtENT- iTcTpoUSH AVENl'IiTfl 1 room lnme; latest Impioveinoiits. jp ply J:i:i Cnp'Hise avenue. 'I'Wo'oKFICES. CLOSIcfTsTITAM HEAT I ru:ini"g water, ilei-ornticn'. trout, cin" spicuous; $11'. W. GIBSON JONES, ail Spruce st reet. I Vi X I-.ST il At 'fl El.o ft A PA tit M E NTS IN I' ritv; st-'iiin heat; linniisonie suito; nil comforts nnd cheerful: s cure it. iptik. W. GIHSo.N .lONLS, ;ll Spruce street. CUPKI 10U IlnL'SE To" LI'. r-MADISON 0 nvenne I'.esurnto not niiH-t B"'iut this before renting. Also house mi .I'-(T'Thuii. W. GIBSON JONES. "II Spni'-e street, i-H)lt ltl-'.N'T ON'E-H Al F ilol'SE, NO. 1 Norili Main avenue; 11 ri-oms, cas, water, furnieonnd bathriMim and burn. Iniiiire ut Anderson's News Rooms, l'rnvidenee Mpiare. IOR liEN'T-Vfl! IS11EI) P.O. i.M. WITH 1' or without beard, suilalilo for two pei sons. III2 Adinns nve. TxiR KENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lnekiiwnnnn nvenun. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, near ll'ii Luierne, Uydn Pur:.-. i;OR KENT NICELY FURNISHED II ALL V suitable for luil;ro rooms. JOHN JEH MYN, Ull Wyoming ovenilo. For Sale. OYSTER HOUSE FOR HALE ON AC count of other business. Box 701, Ring hamtou, N. Y. good" young-cow fi iit sai.e clieap I. T. KEEXE, DL'S Electrio nve mie. Dunuioro. P.i. l.'OR SALE FARM, STOCK AND ALL I farming utonsili. Inquire or J, M. SHEF FIELD, "II Sernnton street, Scrnnton, Pa. Business- Opportunities. I'nsIDE POINTSON 8T)CKS and grain) Definite advance informntiou ns to the fu ture coui so of the markets Wo are not bro kers, but confidential advisers. ur faniliti' 8 for securing direct insiile information are per fect, vt rito ns If you are Inn-rested in spi-eu Ution and we will give yon some points that will make you money. LINCOLN FINAN CIAL BUREAU. 47 Bfondwav. Now York. Public Sale. tmospXTootTb ofHleiT ricks, dump ears, wire ropes, boiler and stark, steam drill, dump enrts, lumlicr wag ons, stoves, blacksmith tools, etc. hate posi tive. V. T. FORD. Money to Loan. 1JROMPT LOANS ON REAL EST 'TE :E cni lty. U. W, CRUDER, 400 Lackawan na avenue, Socelal Notices. wl'l make a monthly tour of the follow In places giving free op -n air advertising ex hibitions wl b the stereopilcon: Tnrlorvillu, Hyde' Park, Providence, Dickson Olyplmnt, Pi-ckville, Archbald, Jermyn. Exlnlntlons given on Wedmaday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver-tls-ng are Ilo per month. Addreat E. H. Call, Tribnne office, eity. 'THE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR," X You want this relic Contains all of Frank !.cslio'B famous old War ing the forces in adnnl Isittle, sketcbed on tbn spot. Two Tobuaes, li,(0 pictures. Sold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press com pie to. all o liar nee prepaid. Address P. O. MChJDY, trii Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA alnoa, etc, bound or rebound at Tin Thibuss office, gulek work. Ucaaonable prices. "THE DBVIL) AND TUB DBEP PEA" Htad The Tribune eerly-Ui No vember, j., . c OS1B10 ' TAFFETA All Stripe Effects, in varied tints ofliglit, medi- 0110 DDI PC JJOft urn and dark shades, universally sold at $1.25. UUll I ItlbLj OuUi his CONNOLLY & Situations Wanted. SITUATION WWNl'Kh To HO Ol'T UY thn i.-ty wnsliinif ; wnshinit talii,n luim, iiIho. Call or ittllros4 L. Ji, :IIU N. Kunmor avoniio. llyrio I'.-irk. "c I T I T A T I o X V A N J' K t) UY AN T O cotintrv K"nin win un'tiMHt.-iniIs burn work and hornet: ran h well rtT.ummomlrtl. Adir'Hi Mc, 'J r. Initio ollir'. Si J KATloX VA 'I Kl IiY A Yol'Xrt linn in huti'hor with two vt-a's oxpcri' itci-; h -Nt rnf r ,ii, d In n I fur ninned, if r niiv1. K. t'., Tri Imno uthro. Situation wan'iku-v.y a Yoi xTt man ns third hand liukir or iiuv kind of work or trade. Aldi o-.s lila Stuno avt'tmo, (0irt:ATiox""vAXTi:i -iiy" a" vin'Mi O lady as olltc irl or cltrk: has h:id soiiiH ktiowltMlj'' ot butirikoopin. Adtlri'S L. M., TribiiuootlMv. rOUXG i A1Y WHTId UK 13 POSITION I iih HtoiiOuiMpl) t and 1 ypfwriter; also to nsist In ItiioU kfi-pliii;; h:m had oxin'rinnco and ran ulvn thti hiKt of rofur.-UCt. vddrusii 1'KKsoNAL. Lo. k i;.x LVi. riy. U;an . KU-i'osrnoN as jii:skki:h. or in Hinull f.-imilv, npiHiiiirK''. Addn-ss MFIS. ,1. k WILLI V.MS, ti Adams avcuuo. SITUATION WAMIv'-A Y( tl'N U (il l? O man tnan, nini'I", vmiid lik wnk of nuy kiiiu. Ad irt'.-iH l M.. him H'tct't. -'ASTk.1-A I'msIToX UY A 5IUd)LH ' aui'd old muiitry f-nt li-iu;i n -.t any thlnif wh.'i-H lit fin lut useful and litid n homo. Addrt-MM Mi-M , Trili-ni.. ofiic'. Literoturc. Xnii'OUTAN TN'VIN THKWi'KLI) 2 id IrtttTn is tin' ptthlicut ion i.l' tho lJiUo History, pfojerred n:id - ilU'-d by Dr. Lorinn-r, with an introductory rhaidor by Mr. (Iad ston. Ainonir tlio niithf r nr Prorp irs Savo, I' t. i'nrt t and iJivirv, and D m. 'ap'n, Hiin.anliiH, PontiTONt, MaAi tliur, Hart, Jib foti, l;ilnnd 1 uni on l avrar, tv 'I ha text t lliu-ti'nt ' I witli two linndrcd ropi inluctintm Sii 1 -I tho oi l inastors of faniouti paint Iv.:h and ') hin aro lfi!rorhH of tho Hib'.o, but this voIuiikmh tho only Ihblu lli.stot y n work in tnri inij an I itia'tinr rlom in th" liht of Mm to. 11, h Cuntnry HclndarHliip tb oiitiro Si'l-'pMir.'s. This vabmbbt p-dilimthni will bo m i l for ra- (1, r on tlm rmifu 1 onr d-l. vrii'H on o:hv nitnrhly ptyrni'MM S:i ittHM f olncation and ability will In etnvh'ViMl'in tho H;do. Cidl or ad iioHH Till Tllo.VpSOX IN KMSIIIXO t() . No. :.' South Sixth S'., IMiiladdp ihi. Horses at Auction. 'IMtoTTIXO AN1 UOAl 1HU KH AT I au ii' n at S ration Mi ivinu I'ark,' limn- lay. Oft. itl. Anions ttu It nro nwrh trottrr- as t)oinini'r I'J.Ll; 11 ad bmr wook ao); .1, M. it. CJ.-H); I Jcssio Hozaut ('2 r, Lady NcNoii (-.'iV and othrta 1 rJtuttu much Npood. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J)cntisl I)U. WILLIAM A. TAKT. I'diifKLAlX. r.viiiirc nnil Cimvii work, utllce, tS Wtis'lilnKWin neniic. C. r. I.At'HAPIl. SI'IflKON' JHCNTId'P. No. lie WyomiiiK avenue. TT.M" STItATTO.V, OKKlt'U COAL KX- clia use. rhyslciaiis and StirRCDim. nit. ('.. KI!AK DKAX TI A3 KKMOVKH to r.lft Sirnee street. Krriiilnii, 1'a. (Just oiipiiMlte (V.m-t JIC.H--I- Siinnre.) lilt. K A V, m I'KNX AVK.: 1 to I call ii":;. I 'is. nf women, obi'Wi-trlcs and (i ml nil ills, or I). nit. W. K. ALLK.V, r.12 Xortb WaHiliiKton nvelitte. nit. v. n rniiv, ritACTH'i-: limitko, iliseases of Hie I'.yc. Knr. Xnso an 1 Throat; olllee, 1'J2 Wyoming uve. a" denre, r.Lfl Vine sirrct. iH. L. M. OATKS. WASlllXHTuX avenue, ndien hours, s to !l a. in . 1.:!i to :t anil 7 to 8 p. m. KcsMcnee 311:1 M.uli pon nvoniic. nit. J. r. i! Ti:sox. and Krlilays, nt W Limlen atrect. Oilice hours' 1 to 4 p. in. Lawyers. WAHIUOX"- KN'APr, ATTMKN'KVH ami CoiinselloiH nt Law. nepiilillcan bulldlnif, WnHhlliKlan avenue, Krrati ton. l'a. "jr.rtsnrfl k- hand, attoiixkvs axp Counsellors nt Law. Coniinonwcallh bulldlnc, WashlnKton nvpnne. w. il .ttwrp, llOHACi: K. IIAVn, W. II. .IMSSri. JR. PATTKHSOX W1LCDX. ATTOH ncys anil (-ounnellors nt Law: ollices U and 8 Library building;. Sernnton. l'n. niiSKWKLL 11. PATTIMtSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFHT'in HAND, WILLIAM J.' 1IAXI', Attorneys nnd Pounsellors, Common weulth bulldlnif. Hnoms 1P, 20 and ri. FHAXK T. OK FILL, ATTOP.XKV-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Kxchnntjo, Scran ton, Pa. JAMF.S W. OAKPOUP. ATTOHNKV-nt-Lnw, rooms (IS, M nnil 6., Comnion wcnlth bulldlnR. ! SAMt-EL w. Enn An. attohnkv-at- Law. Oltlcc-, S17 Spfticc St., Scrantun, Pa. L. A. WATRHS, ATTOnXF.Y-AT-LAW, 423 Tncknwnnntt avp Hcrsnton, Pa. lTniR TOWNflKXD, ATTOHXKV-AT-Iw, nimc Hank Hiilldlnir, Scranton. Monoy to lonn In largo sums at E per cent. , C. n. riTCIIRR, ATTORXKV-AT-Inw, Commonwealth building:, Scranton, Pa, . H. C. 8MYTHR. ATTORXISY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMKfl Y8.J21 8PRUC K STItIO RT. D. n. nKPLOOLK, ATTOIIXKY LOANS ncRotlntcd on real eatate aecurlty, 40S Spruce strpct. , B. F. KILLAM. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyomlna ni" . Scrnnton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON ATTORXEY-AT-law. 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. IM WYOMlNCt AVK. Clairvoyant. PHRENOIiOGTStTXnD CLAIRVOYANT 518 Meridian Streot, Park Hill. Wire Srecns. JOS. KUETTEL, BEAR 511 L.ACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufaj - turar Wlra Bcraaaa. WE OFFER A LARGE LINE OF xcepfionaS Silk Offering. WALLACE, TRY US. 602-634 LACKA. AVE., COR. ADAMS. Schools. SCHOOL OF Till'. LACKAWANNA, Scranton, l'a., prepares lyn and Kills for colli Kc or liu.-iiie-'s: thuruiigliiy trains yoimir children. Calaloiiiio ut re quest. Opens Sept.-niher il. KKV. THOMAS M. PAN'S, WALTER 11. Bl'KLL. MISS WORCKSTEIt'S Iv I X 1 H-l 1 1 A I tTl IN and School, ill' Adams avenue, opens Sept. !. Kiiulcxnrb-n $M per term. Architects. KUWAIM) II. T1AVIS. AIICHITKI'T, Itonins 21. i"t and 2H, Commonwealth lniildltur. Si'rantorK 10. L. WAl.TICIt. AltClHTKCT, OFFICII rear of mi'l Washinpton avenue. LF.WH HANCOCK, .lit., A ItClIITC'T, I::.". S.ruee st., cor. v'ash. nve., Scrantun. HIi'lWX & .MoltltlS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, M Washinstoii avenue, Scrantun. Loans. Tin-: REITIlLH SAV1XOS AND linn Avsoi-liitiun will loan you money on easier terms nnd pay you betu-r on Investment than any other nspoclaMon. Call on S. N. Callnnder, Llmo Lank i.llll-llllL-. Kccils, (1. It. CLARK K CO., SKKOSMEN AND Niu-seryu'eii ; store l iil Vnnhlntfton ave nue; Ki-cen hoiiMe, 1:1.11 North .Main ave nue; store tidi phono '2. 3Iisccllaiicotii4. H.M'l-lHS nneilKSTHA MPSIC Foil balls, ldcnlcw, parties, receptions, wed dinus and concert work furnlnhcd. l-'or leinc; iiddri-r.r It. J. Hmipr, conductor. 117 Wyoinlnir avenue, over llulbert's mii.-de store. M IK 1A IM iEE i:i:i ITI I ER3, PRINTERS' supplies, cnvi'lopes, paper bails' twine. Wareioii.-., i:fn WnsbliiKlon ave, Scran Inn, l'a. V PANIC P. lilioUN - CO., WIIOI.K sale deal.-i-jj in Woodwnre, f'ortlac nnd oil Clolh, Weft Laelt.'iwnnna ave. THOMAS ACHIIEV, EX PERT Ac countant nn.l amliliir. Roonis 1t and 2i, Wii'ilims Htlll.lltl-r, oppn-ilt" pntotTlee. An. nt for tlio Lex Vile- Extinguisher. liolcls and Restaurants. Till-: ELK CAFE, 127 and 127 FRVNIv- 1 1 11 uvenuo. Hales r.'.-eninlil.'. P. ZEHil.'IU. Pronrlr-tor. SCItANTON lloi SI-:, NEAR !., L. & W. passeturer depot. (tn.iiie!fi on tlie European plnii. VICT'Mt Kocil, Prop. WF.STMINSTIHt IM iT EL, Cor. Sixteenth St. iind Irving Place, New York, RiiIps, ?:T0 per day nnd upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANAltLK. Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (L. l.ii-.h anil Sus(ueh.inna Division.) Antiiiaelto cotil used exeltisivo.y, insnr iiiK eleanllnesH nnd comfort. TIME TAHLE IN E F I 'ECT .IPNE 2. IMG. Trains leave Scriinlnn Tor Plltstoa, Wllltes-IIiiri-c, etc., nt K.2.I. D.1.1. 11.. 'Id a.m., 1.2:1, 2.1". ::.n'i. .7. mi. 7.1a p. m. Sundays 0.00 a. 111., I.11H, 2.1.7, 7.10 p. th. For Athinll.- city. S.2H n. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, R.2iMi'XprcfS n. ni., 1.2:1 (expri-ss Willi l:nf 1 ( t iKirlor car. S.n5 (express) p. m. 81111 ilny, 2.1.7 p. ni. Train leaving 1.2.1 t'. tn. arrives at Philadelphia. It-ndim: Terni, 11.21 p. in. nnd New York (i.i.'i p. m. For .Munch Chunk. Alleniown, Hothlc hein, Ea.'-ton nnd Philadelphia, S.20 a. m., 1.2:i. XO'i, fi.ii'l (exci-itt Philadelphia) p. ni. Sunday. 2.1.". p. ni. For Uiiik Hrani h, Ocean drove, etc., at 8.20 a.m.. 1.21 1. rn. For Rtadlnv;. Lehnnon nnd llnrrlsbnr?, via Allentown, f.20 a. m 1.23, 5.i p. ni. Sunday. 2.I.7 1. ni. For pottsvlllp. 20 a. m., 1.23 p. m. Upturning leave New York, foot of Lib. arty rtrc. -I, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., I.lo, I '". 4.30 (express with Huffet narlor cal l p. 111. Sunday, a. m l-avc Plilladclphlit. Reading Tfrmlnal, 9.00 a. m., 2.1m and 4.30 p. m. Sunday B.27 a. m. Tlirough tickets to nil points at lowest rates may be bad on application In ml vace to the ticket nwent. 111 the stall 111. II. P. HA LI 1 WIN. (Ion. Pass. Agent. J. IL OLIIAl'SEN, Ocn. Snpt. DELAWARE AXD HLliamN' RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, yjtjck'xfi J'"y ' n" fams win a II M UT arrive at new i.HCRa m U MH wanna avenue atatlon rlr ' as follows: r Trains will leave Scran ton station for Cnrbondnlp and Interme diate points at 2.20. 5.45, 7.00, 8:23 and 1.10 a. m., 12.00, 1.20. I.a6, 6. IB, 6.15, 7.26, S.10 and 11.20 p. ni. For Farvlcw, Waymart ana Honesdnlc at 7.00, S.2S and 10.10 a. m 12.00, 2.20 and S.15 ' Tor Albany, Bnratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montrpul at 5.4r a. m. and ! 20 p. m. For Wllkea-Ilarre and llUnnnedlate isiints at 7.4."., 8 4:., . and 10.46 a. m.,12.X, I.2II. 2.3X, 4.00, B.10. S.0R, 9.16 and 11.38 p. m. 'Trains will arrive at Scranton ata-llnn from Carhondnle and intcrmpdlatp points at 7.40, 8.40, 9 SI and 10.40 a ,m., 1t.n0, 1.17, 1 34, 3.40, 4.61, 5.65, 7.45, 9 11 and 11. M p. m. From Honnsilale, Waymart and Far view at i.M a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 1.40, 6.55 and T.46 p. m. , From Montrenl, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkps-Barra and Intermedlat. rolnts at 2.15, 8.04, 10.05 and 11.55 a. m., I. II, li I S, 6.10, (.Ot. 7.30, .! and au p. m. BP! m vavvy or 209 Washington Avenue," Opp, Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Oyer Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Train loaves Se'raiitoii for Plilladclnhla nn.l New York via l. II. R. U. lit 7.13 11. m 12.11"), 1.20, 2 3S an. I 11.:is p. m., via !., L. & W. R. it., tl.ou, ts.dS, 11.20 u, in., and 1,50 P. 111. Leave Scranton for rMttston and WllkPs. Ilnrre, via li., L. & W. 11. 11., B.O0, 8.08, 11.20 n. m., 3.M1, I1.H7. N.;,2 p. rj'- Leave Sernntoii for Wbite Haven, lln. 7.1eton. Pottsvltle nriil nil polnrs on trio Heaver M.-adow ami l'ottsvllle branches, via E. K- W. V. II. 15.', i.4u a. in., via V. A II. II. It. at 7.15 11. m.. li.(, 1.20. 2 M, 4.00 p. III. . via li., L. K W. 11. II. 0.00, 8.0S, 11.20 a. in.. i.::o. :: r) p. m. Leave Scranton for Totblehem, Enston, ReadiiiK. llurrisbnrK and all Intermediate points, via 1. X- II. 11. 11., 7:45 a. in., 12.W. I. 20, I.ihi 1i.:is p. m.. via IL, L. & W. li. Jt IS. on, 11.20 11. in., I. SO p. m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhnnnock. To wanda, i:imlni, Ithin-a. C.cneva and all int rni. iliatc points via I. II. It. It., 8. 45 a. 111., 12.1'.". ainl 1l.:ir p. m., via D., L. & VV. II. H., S.0S. n.65 11. m., l..-ii p. ni. Leave S.-ranton for Ilochester, Hnffalo), Xlnirar.-i Falls, Di-trolt. ChlcaRO nnd nil ix.lnts west via I). 1 1. It. It., 8.45 n. m. 12.0T,, n.16. II . IS p. m.. vim I).. L. & V. 11. Jl. nnd Plttston Junction, S.'ci. 9.55 n. m., 1.30, S..".op, m via E. W. V. II. It., 3.41 p. m. For Klmlra and tin w-st via Salamancn, M l II. At II. II H.., a.m. 12.0"., n or. p.m., via 1)., L. W. K. It.. K.US, 8.55 u. m 1.30, and 1: 07 p. in. 1'iiiiiiiaii parlor nml fleeplnir or L. V. ch.'iii" cars on all trains between L. & It. Junction or Wilkes-Ha rrn nnd New Yo-k, PHIadelphia, HutTalu, and Suspension Hrldfe'e. KOLL1N II. WIT.TU'R. Ocn. Supt. C1IAS. S. LEE. (len. I'.ims. AKt..I'hlla.,Pa. A. W. NoNN'EM AM I KH, Asst. Gon. Pass. Aitt.. South ISethl. bcm, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. FfT. , t Monduy. Juno 21, 1811".. Trains leave Sernnton as follows: Kx press fur New York ami all isiints East, 1.10, 2.".i. "..!,", 8.1W ami ..".. a. in.; 12.63 and 3.24 p. rn. Exprcs for I'aston, Trenton, Philadel phia atul the 8.(X) and 9.65 a. m., 12 .".." ni"! :; .:t p. m. ; Washington an.l way sitatlons, 3.55 p. m. To'oyliani a ni'i oiniiioil.'i lion. 6. 10 p. m. Expriss for pini-.liamton. OsweRo, El mira, Corning. Liith. Unnsvlllc, Mount .Morris and H11IT11I0, 12.10. 2.3". a. m., and 1.21 p. 111., maklnw close eoiineetiona at poiffalo to nil points Hi tho West, North writ nnd Southwest. Hath accommodation, f n. m. and way ntntions. 12.37 p.m. Nicholson uccotnmoilatlon, nt 4 p. in. and C.lo n. ni. Hlnchamton and Klmlra Express, 6.05 p. ni. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Osweiro) I'lic-i ami Kli btlcld SprinK-s, 2..15 a ,m. and 1.2I il ni. liliaca, 2.33 and Hath ! n. m. and 1.21 p.m. For Noi-lliiinibei-lntiil. I'ltts.ton, Wllkes Ilane. Plymouth. Hloomxbiirir and l)an vllle, ninkini? close cniinr:rlons at Norlh iinil.eilind for Willlnmsiport. Il.'irrishiirff, Hnltlnmre. Washlnirton 11 ml the South. Northumlierlnnd and interniedliite sta tions, turn, 9.5T. ..m. nml 1.:i and 6.07 p. m. Nan.tlcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.W nnd 11.20 n. m. Plymouth nnd inter 111 -.Hale stations. It.lo iin'l S..".2 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coai hes on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tirna tables, etc. imply to M. L. Smith, city ticket olllee, 2S Lackawanna avenue, or ilepot ticket oilice. I'.rio nnd Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York nnd 'inlermc.iiiile point on tho Erie rail road at 7.110 a. ni. nml 3.24 p. 111. Also for Honesdale. Ilawley nnd local points at 7110. n. m. and 3.24 p. m. All the above. are tlirouwii trains to ana fTr" Ins'h'-sve'for Wllkes-Barro at 6.39 a. m. rnd 3.15 p. m. sntiviov invisiof. In V.tlevt Septembor -2ind, ISilS. Ikorlli lli.untl. miiiiIi llounoV 2(13 2011 Ot I" I Stations 5 p. w (Trains Dally, TCx. s. ceH huiiuay. ) p a Arrive Leave ??. N. V. Franklin s 7 10 West 4,.'nd utreet 7 not " Cf haw ken p u Arrive Leave! 1 l.'.llunnHik function 1 Mi llsncis-k ISM !9'l HtiltllKlit rrejton Park ,4'ninn Poynirlln ItelD.ont Mt tlnlonitnle . Forsel rlry Ca.b indnici line Uridine Mnvrteid Jenny n Arrlilbnld Vlnion Pcekvillo , Olvt lmiit Mckson 'I hroop Prnvldennn lark place MM 1:: tM 19 14! fll.-W II O, (1ft '111 ill tn 4fi itv.ty a ta ....1 IMt tl S3I as'.iit isi (iwritiN DM II 111 II t; II t7 A "1 1 0". m 11 01) in 11 H e lvlncfTi 10,10 w rcrauton v ' a L ave Arrive all trnliis run dally except enndny. f. slviilflea that tralna atop on alnal tor paa Knirers eenre rate via Ontario Western nefor lurrhasina tickets and save rnouey, Pay ao4 SluxLKipfetalotho west. t iO. A ndnrson. Oea. Paal AgW . T. FUtomft, blv. rasa. Aft. Beraatoa, fa, . ' .Mav 1 . Vi m0,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers