THE SCRANTON TKIBUKE MONDAY MOKXDJG. -OCTOBER 14, 1893. CARBONDALE. A QUEER ACCIDENT. A targa Pin In liar Flngor for FIT Week. Mr. S. A. Dllts. of Belmont street, hut been sufTerlnic a great deal of pain for the last five weft's, the result of a nueer Occident. Mrs. Dilts was en raged in washing some garment tt'ne11' home at the time of the accident. Sud denly she felt a very sharp and sudden rain In her thumb and on examination found that he had run some sharp In strument Into her thumb. She tried to get It out. but it was too deeply Imbed ded. From that time the thumb has grown worse and the vain Increased and whether the results would be se rious or not was not known. Mrs. Dills derided to go to the hospital and have the obJtCt tuken out. Doctors Shields and Jenkins performed the operation and after considerable diillculty the cause of the trouble was removed. . It was not a needle, as supposed, but proved to be a piece of a hat pin which had become broken off. It was about an Inch long. The pin had worked Itself around In several directions and when removed was some distance from where it had entered. Since the operation the twin In the hand has nearly ceased and as soon as the wound is healed the hand will be as well as ever. THOMAS JONES BURIED. The Services Largely Attended on Satur day Afternoon. Saturday afternoon at 2.30 the re mains of Thomas Jones, of Clarke ave nue, who died last Wednesday, were placed In their lust resting ptsee. Al though the weather was very bad. the , funeral was largely attended. Kev. W. A. needier, pastor of- the fecond Presbyterian church, and Kev. Chailes Lee. of the First Presbyterian church, conducted the services. Thut Mr. Jenes was respected and esteemed w.ns shown by the number of people who visited the house to take a last look at the deceased. Tho tloral offerings were also very large and beautiful. The six young men who acted as pallbearers and who bud been firm friends of 'Mr. .Tones presented a large wreath. Other friends sent larire bouquets and cut Dowers. The pall-bearers were: Kvan I.itrlilge. William Allen. Samuel Kvans, Thomas Waite, Richard and Harry Cumow. Tiie remains were Interred In Erooks.dt cemetery. ANOTHER MAIL. New .Mall Pouch Has llccn Placed on the Uravltv. During the past 'the business and ether people have experienced some In convenience with the mall system be tween this city and Honesdale. Here tofore but two mails were sent each day, but beginning with today a change will be made which will be received with great pleasure by the people. Another mall pouch will be added, which will leave this city on the It. IS o'clock train and will close at the post office at lO.oO sharp. Arrangements have been made between the Krie and Wyoming Valley and the Delaware and Hudson whereby the mail will be Im mediately transferred from the differ ent lines and taken through direct to all points between Seranton and Hones dale. PASSED AWAY. The Angel of Death Once More In Our Midst. At the homo of her son, James B. Oil hool, of South i Main street, occurred the death of Mrs. Martin Senate, on Saturday morning. Mrs. Senate's first husband, James Ollhool, was killed in an accident at the Powderly mines forty-two years ago, and her second husband passed away two years since. Mrs. Senate was the mother of eight children, all of which, but one. she has burled In this city. The deceased was born In Ireland. and when but 12 years old came to tills rtty, where she has since resided. At the time of her death she wa3 70 years of age. The funeral will be held at St. Rose church today at 9.30 o'clock, when a ruquiem mass will be said. FIERCE FOREST FIRES. The Hnin Quenched tho Fire Nono Too Soon. The forest fires which have been rag ing In this vicinity for the past week, have caused the people who have been near considerable uneasiness. It was not without cause that they were un easy, for the fires assumed very dan porous proportions and the under growth on the mountains was threat ened with destruction. The heavy rain of Saturday, how ever, proved a Qod send, as It complete ly ouenched the fires. A few years ago the fires destroyed all the growth on the mountains and they presented a very barren appearance. With a little protection a considerable forest would clothe the mountains on the west. Peculiar Complaint. The condition of John McArdell, the chief clerk in J. B. Thannsus & Co.'s etore, Is unchanged. He Is afllictcd with aphasia, which I a disease of the nervous system. He cannot.ompletely articulate all the syllables In a sen tence. AH save the last word may be complete, while the next sentence will be all right. He knows what he de sires to say, but 1s unable to say It. The trouble Is not dangerous to life, but the patient Is unable to do business. ' ' Officers Elected. At the annual meeting of the Lack awanna club held In their rooms. In the city building, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President. W. J. Hamilton; vlce-presl-dent. Charles Orchard; secretary, Ed. Yarrlngton; trustees, R. A. Jadwln and II. Q. Daker; house committee. R. D. Stuart, D. L. Crane and H. Tor rence, Jr. New Crosswalks. The carload of flagging recently or dered by the councils has arrived and the Btones are being distributed around the city preparatory to constructing crosswalks. Those which will be place are as follows: Across Canaan street at 'Hunter's house and Jeffrey street across Salem avenue at Terrace, Wy oming and (Hltrh streets; Across Ter race street at Seventh avenue. TERMS Slrfelh; CASHDuring This gait. p ARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, LINO y leums, Draperies, Window Shades, and Wall Paper, 419 L1CXIWANM AVENUE. GREAT ALTERATION SALE. W bate decided oa a Sweeping Reduc tion rather than cover tip our goods dur ing our' extonsivo improvements, and have marked down everything to the tore at cost sad less. Sea our Window . Display , which will substantiate what we i sy: t tfiirilfi Ctrssll from 15e. Is 60c. Worth He. I 7Bc. rutnll CarptU, 40c. to 50c. , Worth 60c. to 90. -Will 'sport, 8c, Worth 10c, ' , ' And everything else in proportion. J. SCOTT INGLIS CARPETS AXD WALL PAPERS, 4 UCKIWMM AVEItUE. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Captain 13. E. 'Morris, who until last Saturday was advertising solicitor for it he Herald, has accepted a position as advertising manager on the Seranton Truth. It was not until very recently that Mr. Morris decided to accept the position, as he Intended to manage a large business concern In this city. The offer of the Truth was so flattering that he changed his plans. Mr. Morris has proved himself an honest, pains taking business man, and will be missed by all who have had any rela tions wlfh him. All his friends join in wishing him success. i.Mrs. George Lensley, of High street, has returned from a week's visit with Plttston friends. Emmons L. Peck, who Is attending Bucknell university, spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Miss Mattle iSpettigue has returned from a visit with friends In Honesdale. Charles Perkins, who was operated upon for appendicitis two weeks ago, 'is so far recovered as to be able to sit up. Miss Mary Green, who resides at Washington place, Is sick at the homo of her brother, at Hopbattom, Pa. tCdward IBurke, of Brooklyn street, who Is running between Butler and Pittsburg as mall clerk. Is visiting his parents in this city. M'lss Maud Turpln, of Kingston, Is the guest of Miss Ella Mitchell, of Canaan street. I. L. iJoveland. of this city, wns called ito Windsor by the Illness of his wife, who Is visiting relatives there. Miss ltena Manaton, of Aldenville, Pa., Is .the guest of (Mr. and Mrs. Henry Manaton, of this place. 'Robert Hawkes, of Brooklyn, N. T., is the guest of James Farrell, of South Wyoming street. Miss Bessie Kills, one of the clerks In Poscoe, Scurry and company's store, has resigned 'her position. Miss Kills hits decided to take a course of Instruction In kindergarten' In Seranton. She will be missed very much by her employers, and patrons of the store, who wish her success In her undertaking. Miss Jennie Harding, who has been spending the summer at the home of her mother, in Tunkhannock, has re turned to this city. Mrs. Miller, of Kingston. Is the guest of Mrs. E. M. Peck, of Washington street. Miss Verna Killam, of Ariel, Pa., Is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. E. IM. Olver, of Darte avenue. Announcement Is made of the mar riage of Miss 'Mary McDonough. of Brooklyn Ptreet. and Martin Carden, of Fallbrook street. Tomorrow evening the Women's Re lief corps will conduct a supper at the home of Mrs. O. Demock. of No. 1 Chestnut avenue. A good supper and good time is promised all. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carpenter and daughter, Nellie, of Montrose, and Mr. and iMrs. E. D. Carpenter, of Bing hatwton, are the gues-ts of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. A. Tlngley, at the Ameri can house. Mrs. Julia Ayers has returned from a visit at Seranton. Mrs. H. Lister, of Washington street, wno nas neen vlaitlng friends in Pitts ton for the past week, has returned home.. If the Itnby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes tho Child; Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. MOOSiC. At the last stated meeting of Bennit lodge, iNo. 907, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, District Deputy John S. Taylor and staff installed the following otficers: Noble grand, Luke Clark; vice grand, John A. Brown, treasurer; Rol lln Bellas; assistant secretary, E. J. Roberts. iMiss Lillian Wilson, of Luzerne borough, Is visiting her cousin, Miss Nina Labar, of 'Mlnooka avenue. iMiss Blanche Tregallas, of Main street, was visiting in Lake Ariel on Saturday among Intimate friends. Samuel A. Boam, of iMooslc, and Miss Lottie Edward, of Lake Ariel, were Joined In the bonds! of matrimony on Saturday afternoon at the bride's home. 'Alex. Young acted as best man, and Miss Blanche Tregallas as brides maid. The sacrament of the Lord's supper was observed at the .Methodist Episco pal church last Sunday morning. Rev. E. L. Santee officiated. John Hessler. of Wlikes-Barre, was a caller In town on Saturday. All adults who will present the Wo man's Christian Temperance union 15 cents or children 10 cents at the home of Mrs. John Labaron, Mlnooka ave nue, Thursday evening. Oct. 17. will re ceive a reward of a No. 1 supper, ana will be royally entertained with music and recitations. Come one, come all Mrs. 'M. E. Brown, of Rlalrstown. N. J., has been visiting her niece, Mrs. John Labar, the past few days. Reliof In Six Honrs. Distressing K'dney and Bladder diseases relieved In six hours by the "New South American Kidney Cure. This new rem edy Is a great surprise on acount of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back, and every part of tho urinary passages, In male or fe male. It relieves retention of wnter and pain In passing it almost immediately. If you want qulek relief n'nd cure this s your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drug gist, 125 Penn avenue, Seranton, Pa. MOSCOW. The Infant son of iMr. and Mrs. Dixon was burled on Saturday. P. o. Rev. uavin omctated at the funeral. (Mrs. A. 'D. David spent a few davs at her home In Waverly last week. Mrs. o. K. Vaughn Is attending the Women's Christian Temperance Union convention at (Harrlshurg. iRev. A. (David, Frank Posten, Misses Ruth Gardiner, Ethel Bourn were the delegates sent to Wllkes-Barre by the Epworth league. iMrs. M. P. Rhodes Is the delegate to the Women's Christian Temperance Union convention at Harrlsburg. HALUSTEAD. A man by the name of Chrystal, who lived on M. S. Lowe's farm, went away about six weeks ago in search of work, and as yet no, one of his family have heard from him. The family are very much worried over his absence. F. E. Ross, George Hatfield, W. W. Adams and W. W. Adair will go as delegates to the young Men's Christian association convention at Erie p Oct. 24 to 27. ' n" The' Delaware, Lackawanna and Saturday V'S"Cd thl" place on MY OLD CLAY PIPE. I would the skjes were ever blue And life from sorrow free; Or else that friends were always true But that can never be. ' The hand of fate across the loom Oft weaves a dusky stripe, And then I seek amid the gloom My old clay pipe. 'TIs wise to laugh one's ills away. And hum a merry song, But Where's the heart that's always gay When everything goes wrong I Bo If a sulky pout J see On dear Hps', red and ripe, I And the friend still true to me, ' My old clay pipe. I used to think that I could make Or life an endless smile, And dreamed of one who, for my sake. Were loving all the wh'le; ' But now I check the useless tear ' I'd be too proud to wipe. And bless the friend that's ever near. My old olsy pipe. 8. M. Peck In, Boston Transcript. PITTSTOIJ. tThe P'.ttston office of the Seranton Tribune is loeated at No. & William street, where all advertisements, orders for Job work and '.terns for publication will re ceive prompt attention. Otlice open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m.l OUR ELEVEN VICTORIOUS. They Down tho Kingston Athletic Boys In a Lively Game. A lively game of foot ball was played on the West PHtston commons Saturday afternoon between the newly organized eleven of this place and the Kingston Athletic boys. The weather was very unprnpltlous for the game, the grounds being In poor condition; but, nevertheless, a big crowd was on hand to see the game The home team won the game by the score of . to 0. The average weight of the Plttston team Is 164 pounds, while that of the Kingston team Is but 133 pounds, so It will be Heen that the home team la by fur the heavier, and It was owing to their superior strength In this respect thut they won the game. The feature of the contest was the splendid team work of the Kingston boys, the 50-yard run by Buckley and the fine playing of Men raw. Fltzpatrlck and Blackburn. The teams lined up as follows: Kingston B. Colley, right end: Ily man, right tackle; Starblrd, right guard; Williams, center; Rollins, left guard: Welter, left tackle; Shaver, left end; Hoyer. quarter; W. Colley, left half: Q. Colley, right half; Kinkle, full back. Plttston Andrews, right end; Fltx patrlek, right tackle; Oaughan, right guard; Bryden, center; .Francis, left guard; Blackburn, left tackle: Bren ton. left end; Kyte, quarter; Buckley, left half; Keating, right half; McGraw, full -back. Umpire, H. 'Dean';, referee, Charles Foster; linemen, D. Lamb, Walter Bry den. The members of the Plttston team desire to return thanks to D. C. C. Bowman, of William street, for his liberal contribution toward defraying the expenses of the visiting team. BREVITIES AND PERSONALS. St. James' Church Ladles' guild will open a fair and festival In the Sunday school rooms next Friday evening to eont'lnue three evenings. The Mechanics' .Hose company have organized a lacing team to go to Johns town next year. Passenger trains on the Austin branch of the Lehigh Valley railroad have been discontinued. , Burglars attempted to loot the Sus quehanna avenue station of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road 'Saturday evening but were dis covered before gaining entrance and made their escape. An Interesting game of hand ball was played here Saturday afternoon between Peter O'Boylo and Ed. Oilroy and P. F. Joyce and M. W. Donnelly. Three ' Innings were played, O'Boyle and Oilroy taking the first and Joyce and Donnelly the second and third. A return game will be played at Upper Pittsron next Wednesday afternoon. Dr. C. J. Barrett, having recovered from his recent attack of illness, on Friday last gave his testimony, the re sult of the autopsy he held several weeks ago on the body of Ignoz Slm- onosvlcz, the Polander who was mur dered at Upper Plttston last month, before the coroner's Jury, which met at Alderman Jordan's office, up town. The doctor said there was evidence of the man having 'been shot In the body and head, and of his skull 'having been badly fractured by some blunt Instru ment. The Jury accordingly rendered a verdict that the deceased was mur dered by parties unknown. John Pelkonis. one of the four Polanders arrested on the charge of murdering Ignoz 'Simonosvlcz, and com mitted to the county JaH by Alderman Jonus, was brought before Judg wood ward Saturday afternoon on a writ of habeas corpus. Lawyer Thorn ton represented Pelkonis. The Judge, after hearing the evidence- offered, re manded the prisoner to Jail to await the action of the grand Jury. At a meeting of the school board Friday evening the contract for build Ing an addition to the Upper (Pltts ton school was awarded to a. K. Wil son, of this place, his hid being $7,300, The other bids were: William O'Mal- ley. 16,500, which was the lowest, but as Mr. O'Malley had not stated any thing about the "stock." his bid was thrown out; A. S. Phillips, J7.532; Henry sneii, I7.44S; Michael Lynch. $8,065. John Dessoye was awarded the con tract for supplying; the schools with coal this term. John Smnll. single, 23 years old, and Joseph Oerrlty, 21, were burned by an explosion of gas at Hoyt shaft Satur day. iSmall's condition, at last report, was very critical. George H. Smith, formerly proprietor or tne ismunviiie 'prick yard here, but who 'has been In th Insurance busi ness at Pottsvllle for Home time. An Saturday morning committed suicide ny nanglng. Me was a brother of Al bert Smith, of the West Side, and a nephew of Captain George Smith. He was 41, years old, and leaves a wife and four children. Rev. Courtnay Fenn and family, who have been In thp country the past three months for medical treatment, sailed Saturday from San Francisco, on their return to China. The delegates to the Primitive Meth odist conference, now In session here, on Saturday afternoon paid a visit to No. 6 shaft, and were piloted through the workings by Benjamjn Harding. Plttston Bnsiness Directory. FOR FIRST-CI.AS3 PLUMBING CALL on Wright A Co., 97 South Mnln street. A new range for sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or sold. To Woman. I've thought of everything on earth To tind for 'thee A simile, To Justice do thy beauty's worth. In vain! So turning from the human, I think the while A seraph's smile. Once strayed to earth and made thee, woman! Memphis Commercial-Appeal. What Ton want of a medicine is that it shall do you food purify and enrich your blood, throw oft that tired feeling, and glv you health, strength, court go and ambltloa. Hood's Barstparllla is the only true blood purifier prominently in the public oya today, and it meet these requirements perfectly. This is proved by the testimony of thou sands ol people. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bnlldi op the nerves by feedlnf them on pare blood, create an appetite by toning the digestive organs, overcomes That Tired Feeling by giving vitality to the blood, and give aweet refreshing sleep. Yea may realize that Hood's Heroaparllla this by giving it fair trial. Insist opoa Hood's and only Hood's, f 1; tlx for fa. 0 Opnnui S THE LARGEST PIECE Of BOD TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR 1 CEMT GREAT DISSOLUTION SALE. According to announcement already made, we com mence Oct. 14 to dispose of the entire stock contained in our two large stores. The goods have all been marked down to hrst cost, many goods even below cost. in If you have any present or prospective need of relia ble goods be sure you come while this sale lasts. But the earlier you come the better for you. We mention below but a very few of the II 1 ll The stock is entirelv new and includes the latest ideas in design, texture Carpets, Rags, Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Draperies, Window Shades and Upholstery Goods of Every Description. PClf you intend to Dissolution of Partnership Sale places before you the lowest prices ever quoted in Seranton. KERR, SIEBECKER & 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Mosnnarugssaewa eeaooa. u yea waai tae wi, goo Dr. PoaPo Pennyroyal Pills Tbey an snoisi. sole aaa oortela la fossil Tko raalne (Dr. Pool's) mmt tiara, notat. lUat unbin. 11.00. AaaToa Fsai. Masjcua Co.. ClaveUad. 0. For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS Sprue Street, Seranton Pa. TIIE ONLY HOUSE IN SCRANTON That Has i Full and Complete Line of Underwear Is tha EMPIRE DRY GOODS COMPANY, 516 Lackawanna Awnua, WE HAVE " Underwear for Men, Women and Children, any price and different grades. You can And with us Natural Greys, Camel's Hair, Fleeced Lined Red, Orey Merino. They are bought for spot cash at times when floods were at the lowest figures. This was in April, 1895. and the only uyer in Underwear that understands quality is Mr. Henry Goodinuri Manager of the Cut Price Store, LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEXT WEEK'S SALE , In Underwear, Jersey Overahirts In different styles. We will not quote any prices, but we are willing to take off 25 per cent straight than usual ' prices elsewhere. We Are Also Direct Agents For the Superior Hyglena Underwear Company Nou shrlnkable, the best for health. We guarantee them to be equal to the ones you pay $5.00. Our price on them, for Shirts 11.50, or $2.60 for the Suit Come and see them. Largest assortment of Wool Hosiery, Hweaters, Cardigan Jackets. IfllflCi of 1 and manufacture in the line of buy, now Is the time. Our GO. EVERY WOMAN aMsee a tollable, saoathly, roceWlat aieaMoo. On If h mrmlwo I&4 Pharmaolet. cor. Wyoming Avonu and CAUTION TO OUR Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pafr pf milling SrRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop Is f ully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of ti,.?ipl.nion n1.? U ?,readv cured proper condition for milling. Washburnroshv i!n. will tlka no riMKs, ana will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. ffiEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 CommoieaJti Bld'f, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE! WORKS. Lamin ft Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Puses for explod los' blasts. Safety Ku . and EepannoChemical Co.'s Hi&hExplosira riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domestlt se, and of all sizes, delivered in any fart of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Ofllce NO. 113 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to tko nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be roado for tko late and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. X. SMITH. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationery Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. It Is Like This: If you've been able to save a little money out of your earnings it is very discouraging to be compelled to use that little for the purpose of furnishing your house or even buy a suit of clothes you'd almost prefer going without the furniture or cheapen the clothes, but you needn't do that. You can buy these goods of us on CREDIT. Self Praise Is Half Scandal. Sometimes when in a medi tative mood we build castles in the air like .other fellows. But never have we reached the point which prompted the rid iculous statement to the effect that we sell the ONLY PER FECT GOODS ON EARTH. HERE is a statement we CAN verify, that as complete a line of Dining Room turniture is displayed on our several floors as can be found in the state Suggestions are shown in our window. ' $24 Buys Now Sideboard tk Indies long, SO Inches deep, 77 inches high, Ux.lO. bevel mirror, plash Hoed draWer, liberal site linen drawer, CLOTHIERS, Y. M. C. A. Building 1 . HOMr FURNISHERS, aas-aa7 Wyoming Avt. Do,1,-, patrons: THE. Pennsylvania Roofing Co., 326 Washington kitnt, seranton, Pa. TELEPHONE 555. i Ebonite Yarnisb, Gravel Roofing, Pipe Covering, Building Felts, Sheathing Papers. All kinds of roofing work done, gravel or iag ruofa made. AU kinds of ROOF imm AND SOLDERING A1! $82waf wltn b.v tn vt ot HARTV MAN'S PATENT PAlNT, which consist of Ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwelingi, which will firevent absolutely any crumbling, crock ing or breaking of the brick. It will out lout tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the jokt or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAKTUANN. 627 Birch St. high polUh flnih-s high carved bsjk cane teat chairs- -foot Extension Hi lar Table-all piecM of line (elected oak tuck. And $24 represents about two-thirds of actual 'worth. Other sets at $150, and be tween prices. Heating Stoves Some of those we!re not profiting by are here. Get our prices you may profit thereby. 87c. Velvet Carpet. Roll after roll has been cut and fitted to your rooms. We are now ready for others. "What's the size?" Jut received a lot of Tapestry BraaselS we're going to sed at Vo. a yard. I I CONNELL IIEIIR LI 516 LUCKA. AVE Hood's Pills SL' 1 1.. L- II1II1UI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers