THE RCKANTOIT TTOBTTJTB TUJSSDAT MOBNUTO. AUGUST 2T, :I895. Wilkes43arre. (The Tribune has opened a branch of. .flee at No. . Lanlne; bulldln. PubUo Square. Wllkea-Barre. It ta the purpose of the publishers to issue a newspaper as valuable to the reneral public as the met ropolltan dailies, and deliver It to the peo ple throughout northeasten Pennsylvania from three to five hours earlier than tne 1'hlladelphla and New York papers can reach them. BEFOREJHE MAYOR. Only Two Cases Heard and tho Calprita Get Off Keslly. Yesterday mornlna; the eight Italians who were gathered In on Sunday night by the police, at Hazle and Metcalf streets, had their hearing. Through their attorney. Krank T. McCWmack, they entered a plea of not guilty. Of ficer Wood testified that the Italians were stamping around like a herd of rattle, but In answer to !Mr. Mc Cormack's question he said he had seen no beer. The Italians nil denied making noise and asserted they were sober. The attorney made a short, but logical argument in favor of his clients and doubtless influenced the mayor In Imposing the smallest pos sible fine. The mayor said that the Italians must learn to conform to the customs of the country and as a part payment of their tuition he fined each II and costs, total 13.50. Then came trouble. None of them had the cash, and when the mayor gave the verdict the eight sons of Italy roBe as one man nnd remurked: "Me no gotta Ua mon." "Take 'em down below." snld tho mayor, and the Italians and their guards went down the stairs. When they got to the bottom, they held n pow-wow, and pretty soon Otllcer Gal lagher came up with J2S cash, on re ceipt of which the mayor discharged the prisoners. William Nener was next called up for keeping a bawdy house, hut Attor ney John P. Shea. Nener"s counsel, ex plained to the mayor that the children had been sent to cranton and that Nener and his wife had completed preparations to depart for England at once. The mayor postHned the hear ing for two weeks, and If Nener and his wife are found within the city at that time the bawdy house charge will be prosecuted. The two little children found In the house were given over In care of Humane Agent Walters. BURGLARS STILL WORKING. Another Attempt Is Made by Professional or Amateur Cracksmen. Yesterday morning another burglary was reported to the police, who have thus far been unable to do anything with the numerous other cases reported. The work was done In the early morn ing, but through the haste or stupidity of the thieves, only a small haul was secured where they might have had a big one. The house entered was that owned and occupied by William Gabel, who has been In Europe for some time. The thieves entered by raising a side window, and proceeded to search the bedrooms first. In John C. Gabel's room they secured a pair of trousers, JS In money and a silver watch. From Frank A. they secured $14 and a promis sory note which was In the pockets ot his trousers, and in the youngest boy's room they secured some change. They overlooked a gold watch which was lying on a sideboard, and the big safe, whose doors were open. In the latter was a large sum of money, checks. silverware. Jewelry, etc., amounting to many hundred dollars. Next morning when the family awoke each member experienced a headache, and there was a peculiar odor about the house. The dogs were sick, too, and it is thought that the burglars used drugs to stupefy the family before making their haul. TO MOUXT GRETXA. The Ninth's Rifle Team Goes to the Regimental Shooting Matches. Yesterday morning the rifle team of the Ninth regiment left for Mount Gretna to take part In the Inter-regimental shoot. The team Included Ser geant F. W. Innes, of Company F; Ser geant William Harding, of Company E; sergeant Arthur Everett, Company E; Private James W. Burns, Company C; Private John Leldhner. Company F. Lieutenant E. N. Carpenter. Inspector of rifle practice, did not accompany the team, but Major George Wallace had charge tf the men. Inspector Carpenter may. go down latsr in the week. The regimental and skirmish matches will take place Thursday and Friday, and Tuesday and Wedneday will be spent in prac tl:e. From the best marksmen In the state as shown In these matches, a team will be selected to represent the stateof ePnnsylvanla at the Sea Girt Interstate matches. GOING TO HARRISBURG. Arrangements Completed for tho Rice Boomers. Alt arrangements for the crowd that will go to Harrlsburg today In Judge Ttice's Interests are now completed, and It Is expected that a delegation of at least 250 will go on the special train today. Rooms for all have been secured at the Bolton house, where Judge Rice's headquarters will be lo cated. The special train will leave the Cen tral railroad depot at 9.45 this morn ing, and all who are going are re quested to be at the Republican league rooms at 8 o'clock to receive the regu lation cap and badge. The Ninth Reg iment band will accompany the party and meet at the League rooms at 8 o'clock sharp. The band, delegates and friends of Rice wll leave the rooms at 9 o'clock and march In a body to the station. The special train will be gay ly decorated with flags and banners and everything points to a rousing demonstration for Judge Rice. I. Med at the Hospital. James Murphy, a single man, who was injured at one of the Plymouth col lieries on Friday by a fall of top rock, died at the city hospital yesterday rooming at the same time IMr. (Murphy received his fatal Injuries. Slept In tho natter. On Sunday morning, near the corner of Northampton and Sheridan streets, the passers-by were considerably star tled to sec a big Polander In the gut tor, dressed only in his night clothes. The man was a somnambulist, and dur ing the night had left his bed and laid down in the gutter, where- he finished HUMOURS Instantly Relieved And Speedily Cured by when all' else -sails A warm bath with CUT1CUR A SOAP and a single application of CLTTICURA, ' (ointment), will afford Instant relief, per mlt rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent cure of the most distressing of ' itching and burnlnr skin andscalpdijeases,, . bust au uuicr mnnaai thiu I SMSjfe eaaet. V. Msnssv a 4 loss, .... ...Lw f. f Perns Setwise Cass , rHuMsnrwsi ,.mm,v.iJt;S& his plumbers. A party that was hunt ing (or him found him at last and roused Mm with difficulty. When at last the Pole realised where he was, he struck a bee-line for home at a rate that would make a grayhound Jealous. Another Criminal Assault. Yeterday morning a warrant was Is sued by the mayor for the arrest of Patrick Rowan, who was charged with making a criminal assault on a girl IS )ears of age in a field near the Conyng ham breaker. Kowun Is a resident of Bowman's Hill,' and It is said that he got the girl nearly drunk before mak ing any attempt at assault. He was caught yesterday afternoon and held for court. The City Taxes. Tax Receiver Chase reports that so far about four-tlfths of the total amount of the tax duplicate has been paid in, the taxpayers taking advantage- of the rebate offered. The largest d:iy of collections was on Aug. 13. when $3.S.3tHj was collected. iMost of the heaviest proKTty holders have paid their tax, and before December it is expected that the entire property tax Will have been collected. Suing for Damases. lar cs Clune. through his attorneys, McGovern and Ruddy, yesterday began a suit for $5,000 damages against 1'lali s township. Clune fell In a ditch on Carey street. Plains, on a dark night and broke a leg. He claims the ditch was not properly guarded, BRIEF NOTES. Efforts are being made to locate a pa per box factory In Plymouth. The necessary stock has all been subscribed. The . One Hundred and Forty-third Pennsylvania Infantry will hold tits twenty-ninth annual reunion at Shlok shlnny tomorrow. Judge Parte will be the orator and John S. (McGroarty the poet of the day. The funeral of O. I. Sligh, of Kings ton, will take place this afternoon from the residence of his son in Kingston. The Masons will have charge of the funeral, Mr. Sligh being one of the old est Masons and Odd Fellows In this vicinity. The members of Host company No. 9 have chosen William Cray as their dele gate to the firemen's state convention. Considerable mention Is being made of Attorney John T. Lenahan as one of the Democratic candidates for the Su perior court Judgeship. The gentlemen members of the Ora torio society met last evening In Dr. iMason's rooms and arrangements for the coming excursion to 'Delaware Wat er Gap on Sept. 25 were completed. 'Mrs. Johns, of Plymouth, created a very favorable impression by her fine singing at the First Methodist Episco pal church Inst Sunday. Messrs. Halsey, Gllllgan and Bohan are expected home from Europe this week. John T. Lenahan, who accom panied them, has had a surgical opera tion performed and will not return at once. The" corner stone of the Bethel Afri can Methodist Episcopal church was re laid on 'Sunday with appropriate exer cises. Peter Evers, a young man employed at the Empire, cut his head badly a few days ago by falling on some scrap iron beside the tracks. Secretary .Niven says that the local board of trade will do some tall hust ling this fall In the interests of the city. A large number of Dieu le Vent com mandery, Knights Templar, left yester day morning for the trl-ennlal conclave at Boston, The Kingston public schools opened yesterday morning with the largest en rolment yet shown. The physicians are able to give little hope for the recovery of Draper Raub. who was accidentally shot at Dallas a few days ago. This evening Elder 'Ballengor will speak on "Why 'Do the Seventh Day Adventlsts Suffer In the Chain Gang. Rather Than Observe Sunday with the Seventh Day Observers?" The address will be in the Adventlst tent at Beau mont and Washington streets, and will be an exceptionally good one. . It Is feared that IMcHugh, the victim of the Plttston shooting affair, will not recover. PlTTSTON. The Plttston office of the Scranton Tribune has been opened by H. W. Cruser, agent, at No. 6 Williams street, where con tribution of news, complaints of non-delivery, orders for Job work of all descrip tions, should be addressed and regular subscriptions received. Advertising and subscription rates cheerfully submitted. An Ink stand of polished anthracite has been presented the board of trade by Jeweler T. J. Fltzxlmmon. It will be greatly appreciated by the mem bers of the board. The design is a large base on which Is constructed two ink wells. On the base Is the Inscription, "Hoard of Trade." The work of laying the asphalt la progressing quickly. The workmen commenced on North IMaln street yes terday morning. The binder Is laid a little below Water street, while the as phalt Is .being put on where the binder is In condition to recelce it. The Plttston and Hcranton Suburban Electric Railroad company yesterday set a force of men to work to remove the T rails to the yard of the store tracks and pile up the tics In better shape which have been a source of an noyance to the property owners and residents of Broad street. The com pany Is making ready to lay the girder rail required by the city. Katie, the 18-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mary Ford, of Cork Lane, died Sunday afternoon of dropsy. She had been 111 only a short time and the news of her death will bring sorrow to her many friends. Tho funeral will take place at her late home at 3 o'clock Tues day afternoon. Interment In Market Street cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Melvln, of Drummond street, are mourning the loss of their little daughter, Mary, who died yesterday, at the age of 1 year and 10 months. Funeral Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock; Interment in Market Street cemetery. Miss Compton, of Philadelphia, was the guest of 'Miss Helen Holdcn, on Church street, Saturday. Mrs. R. Davis, of Susquehanna ave nue, has gone to Green Ridge and Providence to visit relatives. James Monle, of Philadelphia avenue, Is spending a few days In the Parlor City. . 7 Miss Mary Sheridan, of Upper Pitts ton. Is spending her vacation with Miss Kittle Haggerty, of the Electric City. A small boy. George Gllhooley, with his father, and mother, from Avoca, were spending the day, Sunday, with the family of Patrick O'Malley, on Parsonage street. While a small son of Mr. O'lMalley and the Gllhooley boy were playing In the yard, the former accidentally stabbed the Gllhooley boy In the side. Inflicting a gash which bled freely, though the wound Is not se rious. Miss Nellie Lee, of Scranton, Is a guest In the family of O. H. Mahon, on Broad street. ; Superintendent and Mrs. Gibson, of the hospital, have been visiting their old home, in Philadelphia, for several days. Miss Lou Polen Is vlsltln?. with friends In Sunbury. 3. C. (Httchner left yesterday for a week's sojoarn at Atlantic City. Plttston Rnslness Director. FOR FIRST-CLASS PLUMBINO CALL on Wright Co., 91 South Main street. ' A new range tor sale or exchange; also second-hand household goods, bought or .Mid. , ' TUN KM AN NOCK. Country schools are opening. Miss Llssle . H. Bunnell will go to fitroudsburg next week, where, she has a-position as tear her. of Greek and Latin in the Ernst Stroudsburg Normal school.--'- , V The remains of Charles W. Martin, who was found dead in bed In his 4ome near Lynn, were interred at the Lynn cemetery Friday. He was probably 55 years of age, and the supposed cause of his death waa heart disease. He had consulted a physician the day be fore his death, who told htm that he was liable to drop off at any time. He was a son of the late William Martin, a pensioner of the late war. and was well known In both Susquehanna and Wyoming counties. He leaves a wife and five children, the latter mostly grown. Rev. and Mrs. Fred L. II liter, of Dryden. N. Y., and Mrs. George Wil bur and child, of Bloomsburg, were at the Methodist parsonage the latter part of the week. Thirty-two teachers presented them selves at the high school building for examination by County Superintend ent Keeler on Saturday. It was a se cinl session to accommodate those who had not been able to attend at the regular examinations held throughout the county. Miss Lbiile Stark has returned from Scranton, where she made an extended visit. 'Snmuel iSlckler, of Evans Falls, while playing ball bsoke the bones of his arm, It Is alleged, by the mere force of throwing the ball. Tho case, if cor rectly stated. Is an unusual one. Rev. V. L. llillcr. of Dryden. N. Y., occupied the Presbytertun pulpit yes terday morning. The team of David Corby, of Eaton township, took fright at something near the corner of Tioga and Bridge streets Saturday, and lied out of town as fast as their legs could carry them. A young man was handling the lines, and succeeded In stopping them down In Limerick. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold their regular semi monthly meeting- In the Epworth league room at the MethodlHt Epls copnl church, on Wednesday evening. Miss Kdlth Rlsley, of Sprlngvllle, will tench the fall and winter term of school In the Kelservllle district, com mencing (Monday, Sept. 2. Miss Ada Cress, of Lynn, will be among the students at Mansfield Nor mal the coming winter. John Dougherty, an old resident of Gravel Hill, died Saturday morning, after an Illness of only a few days. He was a native of Ireland, but has been a resident of this country for many years, having worked on the old Penn sylvania and New York canal for a long time. When the canal was sup planted by the (allroad, he entered the employ of the Lehigh Valley Com pany, and continued In the service ns long as he was able to do anything. He was a genial old spirit, known familiarly among the railroad men as "Neighbor," and In consequence of his long and faithful service he drew a small salary from the company even when his services were of no material account. His family consists of a wife and a married daughter, the latter re siding at Horse Heads, N. Y. S. F. Smith, proprietor of the Lake House, at Mill City, Is defendant In a Bult for assault and battery, the com plainant being one Jacob Slcklcy. at Falls. The suit grows out of an alter cation during a dance at the defend ant's hotel, nnd the case will be tried at Justice Kutz's office at 1 p. m., to day. Miss Bertha DeWltt. of Falls, was a guest of Mrs. C. J. Reed Saturday. A. E. Betts, who was hurt by being run Into by one of the wild horses from Idaho, Is limping around on crutches. The antics of the untamed steeds, which were continually breaking through the streets, compelled the bur gess to order the owners to take them out of town. They are now being kept on the farm of Vine Depue, Just out side the borough limits. The prices at which the animal are selling Indicate that the first cost of the brutes was not much above zero. If the men who are selling them are rpaplng any profit. A large number of Towanda people were down Saturday to witness the ball game between the Tritons and the Towandas. The game was called at the end of the fourth Inning on ac count of rnln, the Towanda men being ahead. Both teams. It Is alleged, had borrowed men, and both sides were putting up a good game. 'Lake Carey Is said to be the lowest this season for seven or eight years, and the steamers And It very difficult to get near enough to shore to make landings. Invitations have been Issued for the marriage of Miss 'Lottie B. Sperry to Morton James Williams, on Wednes day, Sept. 4, at the First Methodist Episcopal church at Sayrc. Tho cere mony will be followed by a reception at the house. 'Miss Sperry Is a daugh ter of the genial, well-known conduc tor, S. H. Sperry, formerly o this county, and she hns many friends here who will congratulate her upon her proposed new relationship. Quite a large party of Wyoming coun ty people, who fifty-one weeks In a year stay at home and milk the cows, make butter and assist generally In breading the nation, have gone down to Williams gruvf this week to enjoy the farmers' picnic. Among those from this Im mediate vicinity are Mr. and Mrs. S. R. llrunges, Mr. and "Mrs. Fred Simpler, Mr. and Mrs. George Benson, Charles Wheel'ick, Mrs. Charles Carre and 'Mrs. V. J. Hard well. They will rent a cot tage close by the grounds and live In a comfortable, homelike fanhlon while there. Dr. Herbert iMoKown, of Plttston, went up to Lynn yesterday to consult with 'Dr. II. S. Plckard in the case of Mrs. John Dawson, who is III with heart and kidney difficulty. The Gravel 'Hill Independent school opened yesterday with Professor W. M. Wood and Hubert Hard well as teachers. Among the "boys" who have gone down to Harrisburg to see the scrap are Hon. E. J. Jordan, Captain It. W. Bannatyne, F. I, W'horlock. L. T. Burns, W. E. Kelfer and John 'H. Jennings. Of course Delegates Northrop and Bard well are there also, waiting to be asked to take a seat. To accommodate those who wish to attend the closing scenes at the Dlmock camp meeting the Montrose Rnllway company will run special trains Thurs day night ns follows: Trains will leave Dlmock at 10.15 p. m. for Montrose and at 11.30 p. m. for Tunkhannock. Miss Annie Kluge, of New York city, Is spending her vacation with her aunt, iMrs. Patrick Boyce. Mrs. George Delahanty and two chil dren of Plttston, are guests of Q, M. Heckman's people. S. F. 'Smith, who was arrested for assault upon Jacob Hlckler at 'Mill City, appeared before Justice Kutz yester day and plead guilty to the charge. We was fined $3 and costs and dis charged. The Republicans from this section who are In attendance at the state con vention are supposed to favor Judge Rice for the Superior court. 'Fred Cassidy. of Ashley, left for home yesterday on his wheel, after spending several days here and at Nicholson. Lee Stark has gone to Mansfield for the winter term at school. Frank 'Donley, foreman of the Rocket office at Wyalusing, was here over Sun day. 'Ml ss Nora iRemlngton arrived from lower Florida Saturday night. Patrick Boyce Is remodeling his house. , If the Baby Is Catting Teeth. Mrs. Wlmlow's Soothing Syrup has beta used for ever Fifty Years by Millions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfeot Suoeeas. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo, and Is Us best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In ey. ery part of the world. Be sure sad ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," aad take no other kind. Tweaty-nre canto a bottle. : - -.., GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to tbe Invalids' Hotel and surgical Institute, umiaio, i. i., com' sounded this medicine of vegetable incredl cnts which had an especial effect Upon the stomach and liver, lousing the organs to healthful activity as well as purifying and enriching the blood. By such means the stomach and tbe nerves are supplied with pur blood: they will not do duty without it any more thaa a locomotive can run with out coal. You can not gei a lasiuig cure oi Dvsoeosia. or Indigestion, by taking artl ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom ach must do its own work in its own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep with so called celery mixtures, it is better to go to the seat of the clillicully aim iccu me nerve cells on the food thev ifouirc. Dyspepsia. indtEcstion, Biliousness and Nervous Af fections, such ns slecmessncss and weak, nervous feelings are completely cured by the " Discovery. " It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the whole system. Mrs. K. IIkkkr. of A'tf. Koilh llahtnl St., Ckicufo, 111., writes : " I regard my improve- meut as slin nly wutiuert'itt. Since taking llr. Pierce's Uolum Medical li cuvery iucoiinectiuu with lus ' Hrauuit Pellets' I have Kill ed hi every reiierl, particularly In heli am! strength. My liver was dreadfully enlarned nud 1 suf fered greatly from tlysnepftia. !$o phy sician could give relief. Now, after two mouth I mil entire ly relieved of my ifinense. My appe tite U eiccUcnt ; food well digested; much iinpruved." Mas. Henkb. bowels regular and sleep A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KIND8 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE.1 WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE3, NO CHAKQB WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CKNT8. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Holp Wantcd-Malc. IjHOTO TICKET AtJKNTS AND I'lCTUBE men can learn f a Hun position by ad dresslnx WILLIAM II. l'LATT, 72u Elm struet, Camden, N. J. 1,1ANTKD - KKLiAllI.K PEKSON TO vv travel; sidiry 87 mm expenses: incloio reference and Heif addressed stamped envel ope. PUKSIDKMT, Drawer P, Chicago. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: hiir money for agents; no capital required. KDWAUD C. FIS1I CO., Borden Mock, Chloafo. 11L QALEHMEN - RESIDENT SALESMEN O wanted, acquainted with tho local and nearby driie and grocery trade, to handle our line of high erode clears. Address, irlvina; references, J. EDWARD COWLL3 Cu, Hi Chambers street, N. V. Hclo Wanted Female. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER etio saleswomen to represnnt us. Guaranteed ft) a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. Ti John street, New York. For Rent. FOR RENT BROOM HOUSE: ALL 1M prnvements; close to street car. Inquire 413 N. Irving avn. CJJO FOR 0 ROOM HOUSE; LAROE AT OlO tic and cellar, bath, hot and cold water, rang, etc . on Mitrrilleld court. ROBERT MERKU'IELD, 3111 Spruce street. I .OR RENT-FUR " ISHED ROOM,WITH or without board, suitable for two per sons. I.t! Adams av. IJOIt KENT-A LARGE, 4-HTORY BUILD in at 131 Franklin avenue: suitable for wholmala business. CAKHUN At DAVIE. Hcranton. TfOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lackawanna avenu. Adilrens THOMAS E, EVANS, near II IIS Lotertm, Hyde Pars. fOR RENT NIL'ELY FURNISHED HALL JT suitable for lodire rooms. JOHN JElt MYN, li'J Wyominu uvenun. For Sal. rpo INVEKTOHS-UKA.VD OPPORTUN .s ny. immense margin ur profit. Fine culm pile and land in heart of the Htv. directly on several of tho great railroads, suit- eiiie ror manufacturing sites, Ociiota, wuro Uoiisei or storage sites rcuulrlnir switch room and railroad facilities: almisnltnliln for huild ing lots; convenient to the largest industries of the city: great opportunity for party with enterprise and pnih; can bn mudo toj.ay m nieniulv. For particulars call upan W. Gilt KON JON KH, 311 Hprucest I .'OR SALE CHEAP I. A HUE HOUSE AND birn and one acre of ground at Dullou, Pa. Addrrss .1. I. Swarts, Dnltnn, Pa,, or H. D, Sm arts, 'ta Spruce street, city. 1oR SALE-AT REASONABLE Fit TlTIUCsi Slot of line & Co. 'a Iron lilne enmnnal. tinn I rallies, singlii and double: aho a lot of Booker cases, in pairs, some extra depth. All only slightly usii mid good as new. Address Inquiry to BUSINESS MANAGER, Tho Trio ana, Scranton, Pa. Situation Wsnted. SITUATION WANTED TO HO OUT HY the day washing and ironing; washing tnkf n homo also. Call or address L R , KJ1 N. Sumner ave STENOGRAPH Kit AND TYPKWRI i'Elt- J Young Indy. well qualified lu-gimier, do sires position. Address L . Trllmniiolllce. AWI DOW WITH ONE CHILbW()tJLD II k a place us housekeeper. Call or ad dress Die, Krnsslcr court. WANTED-A SITUATION BY A YOUNG man as Janitor or uiglit watchman; t est of city references Address L, ekrantou. l'a. 1)USrrlON WANTED-BY EXPERIENCED salesman In dry gotult; liest relereneer. Address A. M. U 'I'l l I) lino office. DRUGGIST, REGISTERED, WANTS PO sltion as clerk or manager: III years' nx porlence; city or country. Address DnUGS, care Scranton Tribune. A WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN wants a pnnltliin as housokeoper. Call or address V. M HID Cswnld court Stockholder' Mcetlne- rprlK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I stockholders of The Hcranton Forging Company for tbe election cf directors and tbe transaction of other buslnees will be held at the office of tbe company, in the city of Hcran ton, on Wednesday, August ZHth, lu at 8 o'clock p. m. E. r. CHAMBBRLIN, Sec y. . Agent Wanted. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 3.1 per ceat. oommlstlon; sample book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., Station L, New York. . tT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO L sail new lightning selline table elnth.mna. quite and house fly liquid at 10 cents and 2S cents a bottle. Sample free. BOLOIANO as'F'G Go Baltimore, Md, AGENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNI VE it sal Hair Curlers and Wavers fused with out heat), and "Pyr Potnted' Hair Plna. Lib eral eommlasioaa, ' Free sample and fall par ticulars. Address P. a Box 4t. New YorV w AKTr p - ACTIVH SALESMEN TO V handle our line, no peddling. Salary, 1 per month aad expenaM paid to all. Uoods wrelysew. Apply quickly. P.O.Box.MUs, in entirely new. Boston: 'kW OtAB taiTIMOO DIVISIOM KO.T, m, v a., l.w P. SS. Mm an requested to attend. 01 CENT CoDiiini;llfe Mid-SummoF HIS. Mil DIM, ALL GO AT A SWEEPING REDUCTION. Three Very Special Numbers in Gowns AT 65c., 75c. AN0 90c. Actually Worth Double. Our line of high-priced Gow&s, worth from $3.00 to $4.50, all go at about half price. SKIRTS FROM 50c. TO $2.25. CORSET COVERS FROM 20c. TO $1.25. DRAWERS FROM 25c. TO $1.00. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: We have received another large shipment of Crepon Silks at 59c. in new designs and colors. The enormous sale and the compliments we have had on this Silk Sale is substantial evidence that this is a bargain worth looking after. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 'SSlSJSr Sneclal Notice. J .TAT-HOW TO REDUCE IT: FULL DIET sleitsnt treatment. By "Dnrtor." Send twoeent stamp for manual. THEU. Wl.NU, Plaltifluld, Conn. VfOTK'E -ON AND AFTEBMAY I, I i.v wl 1 mnke a monthly tour of the follow Inir placos Klvinir freoopjn air advertising- ex hibitions wl;li ibo stnr.iptiiv)ii: Taylorville, Hyde Hark.-J'rorldnnee, Dlekson Olyuhaut, l't'Ckville, -Jrrrlilialil, J.rmyn. ICxhiliitious Kiveu en Wodncs'luy and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for adver tin)t ar. per month. Address tt. II. Call. Tribune office, elty. "'HE SOLDIER. IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 Von want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pit:turee,snow iiiK the foroes In actual battle, sketched ou tho spot. Two volums, iMtiu ' pictures. Hold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press eomplt'te. all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, tttl Adams Ave.. Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zines, etc., bound or rebound at Thi Tkihun olllco. Wulck work. Keaaunabl. prices, Retail liquor Dealers' Meeting. NTiiPOKTrilEETTN tail liquor dealers of this eity and vtclnitr will be held on Wednesday. August 24, at ISO p. in., at Musio Hull, Scranton, Pa. . I strayed. STR AYKD TO THE PREMISES OF CARL TON LETCH WORTH, Chestnut street, Duninort-, a largo whit, and brown St. Bar usrd do.-. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to S16 Spruce atreet. Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 208 PENN AVE. H to 3 P. M. : call 2002. DIR. of women, obstrctriue and and all ills, of chll. DR.! A. J. CONNELL bFFICE301 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Kruncke's drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vine st. Oltlro hours: 10.2U to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4. and 6.30 to 7.30 p. ni. Bun duy, 3 to 8 p. m. DR. W. B. ALLEN, HI North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. KREY, PRACTICE LIMITED iliseases of the Eye, Kur, Nose and Throat: otllee, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, 629 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. OfHce hours, t to a. m., 1.30 to a and 7 to s p. in. KeslUcnco 309 Madl on avenue. DR. J. C. UATE30N, RELIABLE SKIN. Tumor nnd Cancer Specialist. Tuesdays and Frldnys, at COS Linden street. Of fice hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAKT, PORCELAIN. Hrlilk'e nnd Crown work. Oflice, 825 Washington avenue. C7 C. LAU BACH BUROEON Dt2NTlST, No. ll.r Wyoming avenue. K. M. STKATTON, OFFICE COAL EX- ch a n ue. Lawyers. WARREN ft KNAPP, ATTORNEYS nnd Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JE8H17PS ft HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth ouilding, Washington avenue. W. H. JKSSUP, HORACK K. HAND, W. II. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX. ATTOR. neys and Counsellors at Law; ottlros I and Library building , Hcranton, Pa, R( (SWELL II. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys nnd Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKEiJCj ATTORN EY-AT-Imw. Room 6, Cuul Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Lnw, rooms W, IA and tti. Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EPOAR, ATTOUNEY-AT-1 jiw. Olllrp, 317 Spruce 'st Scranton, l'a. L. A. WATRES. A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawnna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIB "tOWNSEND. ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Hank HullillniT, Scranton. Money to loan In largo sums at 6 per cent, O. R. PITCHER, ATTORNBY-AT liw, Commonwealth building, Benin ton, Pn. C. COMEOY8. S21 SPRUCE STREET. tiTli. REPLOOLE, ATTORN BY LOANS riPKOtlatcd on real estate security. 401 Spruce atreet. bT f7k illamTat to r'nb yatvlaw, 120 Wyoming avo., Scranton, Pa. JAB. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 46 Commonwealth bid g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. IM WTOMINO AVB. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nursorymenj atore 14 Washlnnton ave nue; green house, 13TO Nortb Main ave nue; store toleuhoe 73. Architects. EDWARD H. DA VIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 24, Commonwealth; building, Scranton. E7L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OKFICB rear or wo Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce t.,r.jWaaJujive.,ScTantojni BROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price building, 124 Washington avenue, Hcranton. t Loans. THE) REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terme and pay you better op Investment than any other association. Call on B. N. Callander, Dime Bank building. Wire Screens. JOB. KUETTKL, REAR 511 LACKA- wanna avenue, Spranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. - Tsar GRAND UNION TSA CO., JONU BROS. Salo of Ladies' Muslin Undomcar, FMITURE 4 ;if REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY OS. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for collgo or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER 11. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens Sept. . Kindergarten 110 per term. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC rOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Huibert'a music store. MEGAHGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 13U Washington ave., Scran ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN CO., WHOLE aale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Clotbno West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite poatutUc Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 126 and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZIEGLER. Proprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L ft W. Eassenger depot. Conducted on the luropean plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL" Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, Now York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. Pioneer of the hotel cen ter in New York cltv. Noted for Its superb loca tion, superior rooms and excellent cuisine service. The Standard Hotel for giving MORE VALUE FOR THE PRICE than any first-class hotel In the world. Facing Central Park, Wth and 69th sts., Plata Square and Fifth avenue; reached by any uptown cars, and the crosatown cars at 69th St., which latter In tersect all surface and elevated roads; terminal station 6th ave. L road within halt a block. Absolutely Fireproof. American and European plana. Drlnkln, water and ice used Is vaporised and troien on the premises, and jertlfled as to purity by Prof. Chandler. V. A. HAMMOND. Fine Stationery Blank Books, Office Supplies. EDISON'S MIMEOGRAPH And Sappbw, TYPE WRITERS' SUPPLIES IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers and Engrarsrs, H7UCUW.KIU.iE. CALL UP Mil. KEl 1 B KLIIUE OILS. VINEGAR ' AND. , ,. i-; CIDER. OmOl AND WAfttHOUSft 141 TP HI MERIDIAN mtt Me yV- OOLLINO, M'cflY 11 BEDD Wallace 1 UPHOLSTERED. 1 11 EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, IMP Pn 6o2artd6o4 Mil LUi i Ml Its., Cor. Iduni OR. HCBRA'S 1 VIOLA tCREAn nor Tea, ana re- the skin ta Its erunV Ml hcatinsas. producing elaae and healthy oonv station. shnMriartaaffiaea feepaietlona end .perfeetly lraiglsti,ot anaUed lot 60cm, 1 VIOLA MOW SOAP is -tty O. C. BITTNiR 4 CO,, Tolbbo, O.' STrhe? MatUlw Bos and Jetl gnearae a vet Hmwmt Msmui, tmimi ISIWTOLirffliiE. you irrftnirtJ HMAvriinnnrs HEADACHE!S2 IniLSn will eere you. a wenoerfol toe to ienri tram CtelMa. Mmmm Th VI !... Breaekltls. -SMewdMsrw. AaaOeles ' newer, emiTffiteM to eerr k eoekev realty to lte oa trst taaiautoa of eoid. isUfaeuoajanurteaoraMm.yreraB4M. Prtea. Trial Jrr at bnusrlsu. Baststerea mslb . i. CCUUI, am liast, lua, B. 1 4, OTTel For by Matthew Bros, and Jen n. rn hlc. Spring House U. E. CROFUT, Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. Altltnd. nearly 2,000 fe.1 Fine irores and beautiful scenery. House new and well fur nished; but three minutes' walk from D., L A W, statloa, and 100 feet from the lake. GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Pavilion, Swings, Croquet Qrounda, etc, PKEE to Onsets. COLD SPUING WATER AND PLENTY OF MILK. RATES REASONABLE. Write for circular. id ii Bi OF SCRANTON. HI mm Special Attention Glfen to Easiness and Personal Accounts. INTEREST PAID OH TIME DEPOSITS." Stocks, Bonds, and Grain, Bought and told on New Tork Eiehugo Mid Chicago Board of Trade, either for oaah or oa margin. O. duB. DIM1ICK, 4U Ipmce Street. LOCAL STOCIS I SPECIILTT. TeleeHeeeSOOX RCOF TKfllRG l)!D SOLDER AH done away with by the use of HAS MAN'! PATENT PAINT. whUdY ooaaiate f lnredl.nta well-known to all. It oaa be) applied to Un, ralranlsed tin, afreet lro reefa, also to brick dwellaa. Which will prevent aoeoiuieir any crurakluac, eraek- lag or oreauns or tne brick, it wll reakJni out tost anninc or any kind by it rJnnlna- oi many aad It', oast does not a( the seat of tlnaiu. la AA 1 htrmlem AtU Scad fax Cbeolac. A 3PBT wi;.Ve ' VeW MEMTHllL tH aa ear. reaeoy tar IL ' H . ell rtladawaaeijesm.. Ilea. Sell KaeeaalanrwjaraCu. Weeearrsil ra Mr ror rii.Be. rn eieas. at Drw n a. Htsorbyinallpr.aia. jtaareisasabOTt. PWUItl mi v.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers