TUB SCBANTON THIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 17, 1895. PTc:rsoflt. Be?. "Father" Ucas's new beak, -Atotstidsm and Religion," $.$. Dr. Throep'e Book, "Half Ceatary la Scraatoa;" illustrated bj ' anmerons portraits of eld tiaers, large 8 ve. doth covers, I2.50. Taylor's New Scrantoa Directory, Peloubct's Notes Sabbath School Lessons for this year, 25 cents, aatil balance of stock cleared out; Publisher's price of this book is J1.25. 35-cent cloth bound books "Little Classics," our price 15c 25-cent paper covered books, about 100 different titles, 10c Holland's "Katherena," cloth, 50c, Hoi land's "Bitter Sweet," cloth, 50c, New edition of old favorites, which were formerly sold at $i. 25. School Lacka., beautiful new catalogue for ensuing year. Free, on call A Foo to Dyspepsia I . GOOD BREAD USB THE SnonlWe FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co. RAILROAD NOTES. Third Vice President Charles E. Pugh, of the Pennsylvania railroad, H)i that electricity is not going to take the place of steam on long distance run until some radical changes are made in the method of generating and Utilizing the electric current. Weed along the railroad track are now killed by the "electric weed killer." It consists of a ca- carrying a dynamo, which sends a heavy current into a sort of rake of fine wires drag ging among the weeds on either aide of the truck. As the wires touch them the weeds aire "electrocuted" down to their smallest roots. It is proposed to introduce the same system In farming. One of the most important meetings ever lreid of railroad presidents con vened In New York yesterday. All the roads in the Trunk Line and central Tratlic associations were represented either by their presidents or some other high official, who has authority to act on the several questions which were brought un at the meeting, nrom nent among which were east and west bound rates, which are reported as again demoralized. The latest and apparently most com' plate figures at hand give a table of street railway statistics for the United States, as follows: Number of roads. 976: miles of track and motive power electric. 10,363; horse. 1.814; cable, 632; miscellaneous, 679 total. 13.538; num ber of cars (3.29 per mile of track), 44. 745; capital stock (tij.000 per mile of track), J74S.014.206: funded debt (tiO.SOO per mile of track), $352.1 25,505; capital liabilities ($95,600 per mile of track), 11.300,1.711. The Pennsylvania railroad company now has an almost solid chain of 100 ' pound steel rails on the main line, be- . tween Broad street station and Paoll, nd they will gradually be extended along the Philadelphia division. A few years ago Bo-pound rails were consld ered very heavy,, but now they are not In favo-. The new rails are being put in gradually and without any Inter ference with the running of trains, and in many spots new and heavy ties are oeing put down at tne same time. It Is estimated by a railroad official who has Investigated the subject that recent contracts and pending orders for freight equipment amount to at least i.000 cars. Most of the contracts have gone to the well-known la-sre comnn nles. In addition to the order of fno cars recently trlven bv the rifv. land lioraln and Wheeling to the Michigan Peninsular Car company, the same rnact naa contracted with the wells and French company for 150 cars, and with the Pullman company for the tame numDer. TO PLEASANT BEACH TODAY. D I. k IV. Railroad Men Will Man Their F.teiirnlnn There. The annual joint excursion of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Mutual Aid association and Railroad Young Men's Christian association goes o Pleasant Beach and Syracuse today. The beach, situated on Onondaga lake, is one of the finest pleasure resorts to be found anywhere, affording every op portunity for an enjoyable day's out ing. 'Bathing, boating, roller-coasting and dancing are only a few of the principal attractions. A $30,000 mena- ?:erle Is one of the features that will In erest the children and older folks, too. Bands play continually, on the beach, and all kinds of eating from a clam bake to French chef's best dinner can be secured. - The train will leave Seranton at ( o'clock a. m., arriving at the beach at 11.30 a. m., returning at 6.30 o'clock p. n., thus giving the excursionists a good part of the day for enjoyment. The committee who have charge of the excursion are: General committee, Oeor M. lHallstead, chairman; A. Frounfelker, vice-chairman; Charles J. Kag, secretary and treasurer. Mu tual aid committee, George M. Hall atead, M. F. Case, Charles J. Haag, Martin Devaney. Railroad Toung Men's Christian association committee, lA. H. (Masters, William A. Stanton, F. , W. Pearsall, Ed. Swarta, W. 8. Berry. Y. W. C. A.UtJTES. The Gospel meeting for tomorrow, Aug. IS. will be led by Miss Alice Car . lyon. We have been studying about the women of Old Testament times and many of the young women of the city are enjoying the discourses. Our sub ject for Sunday is "Rebekah." We ex--poet to have some special music and all women are Invited to meet with us, 205 and to7 Washington avenue, at t.4S p. m. Tuesday evening social as usual Com and bring a friend. . THINK OP THIS. Hood's Saraaparllla a the only true blood purifier prominently m the public eye today. It cures disease whwii mn imn , Because ii mages pur blood. HOODS PILLS cure Jsundlce, bilious- pica aeaoacaa, constipation and all aver pis. OTTS tt3AD FLOW There Have Beet No Poraul PaacHoas of Aay Kind Daritg tie Keck. - THE COMING TENNIS TOURNEY It to' Awaited with a Good Deal of Ex-pectatioa-Jasscs L. Coaaell aad A. E. Coaaell Hoaas frost Europe. Personal Meatioa. Possibly never before In the city's his tory has so long a period passed with out the suspicion of a formal social event on the hill. The reason Is shown In ... .luni iMilmnnv i-kftWtd- bV 8CtreS of houses tightly closed on ail the prominent residential sirewis. -. year was characterized, socially, by the large exodus to Europe, but there was a sufficient number iett to prevent a total stagnation of social events. This season, although tne European iravr. ara a hil u J niimxrnUa Si 111 IS HI lai'uu that nttv mure deserted than last year because hundreds have for the tirst time established summer uouies In the country. Add to these a little more than the normal seaside and mountain throng and the reason for the social quiet may be understood. The only nearby event of special im portance will be the te mis tourney of the Caiiiondale ciud at farview me week of the month. On Aug. 29 John son, of Seranton, will go up and do battle for the "D. & H. rhalleuge cup, and many local enthusiasts will go along to applaud him. Torrance, of Curbondalo. has won It once ami joim sou has won it twice; If he again suc ceeds It belong to him permanently. The Seranton Lawn club has done p-actlcally no playing on Its Piatt place courts this season, DUl Beginning ht. n-wit tilav will be resumed by a few who wish to get in condition for the Carbondale tourney and before Sept. 1 the early homecomers will begin play ing preliminary to the tournament of the Seranton ciud, wnicn win pruuauijr be. held during the middle of Septem ber. e A very pretty wedding was celebrated last night at 418 Honesdale street, the parties being Edward H. Bishop and fixa l.lzxi Penman, both of this city. The wedding took place at the luxne of the bilde and was performed oy nev. W. G. Watklns, of the North Main Ave nue Baptist church. After the cere mony a bountiful repast was enjoyed by a large number of guests. The bride wore a silk Helliotrope. The brides maid, a cousin of the bride, wore cream brocaded silk. The groom was attend ed by John Penman, also cousin of the bride. Out of town guests were: Miss Lizzie Bishop, of New York; R. J. Pen man, of Philadelphia; Miss Gertie and Willie Hasley. of Sidney, N. Y.; Mrs. M. J. Davis, of Carbondale; Mrs. Camp bell, of Carbondale; Mr. and Mrs. Wat kins, of Olyphant; and Mr. and Mrs. T. Warren, Odr. and Mrs. Frank Alver, Mr. and Mrs. Laynon, Mr. and Mrs. G. Glffoid. Mr. and Mrs. McGregan. Mr. and Mrs. Burnt and family,' Mrs. Isa bella Devine, Johnny Devine. George Williams. Mrs. E. Avory, C. H. Heine mann, William James, Evan Peth rought. Miss May McGregan, Miss May Laynon, Miss Bessie Olver, Miss 8adle Burnes, Edward liurnes, James Burnes, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop were the recipients or numerous toeautliul and use ful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop left on the 5.40 train for Boston, Mass., where they will spend one week. The bride and groom departed with best wishes vi many friends. James1 L. Connell and A. E. Connell have returned to this city bronzed and invigorated by their sea voyages and month's sojourn In Europe. The greater part of the time they spent In Liverpool, London and Paris. Mrs. William Connell, theiir mother, their sister, Mrs. J. S. MciAnulty, and their brothers, Theodore E. and Ezra H. Connell, who accompanied them to Europe, are now touring Switzerland. Before returning to this country they will visit parts of Germany and Wales. On Sept. 10 they will set sail for home. At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal parsonage on Aug. 15, 1X95, Seth'W. Wrigley and Mrs. Margaret R. Acker, both of this city, were married by Rev. L. C. Floyd. On Tuesday a number of the rela tives of Mrs. Edward Loughlln, of .1626 Monsey avenue, gathered at her home to celebrate her birthday anniversary. Those present were: Hon. A. B. Dun ning, A. B. Dunning, jr., wife and daughters. Katherine and Marian; H. O. Dunning, Isaac Depew, Mrs. Saman tha Watrous, of Holllstervllle; Mrs. Kate Catterson, of Elmhurst; ..Mrs. Sarah Page, of iMoscow; Mrs. Ellen Hetzel and Mrs. Ada Buckingham, of this city, t Mrs. ChArles Ze'uler and diiiiehter, Jen n.e, of North Main avenue, left Wednesday for Washington. D. C, ami will also visit Lake George, Montreal, Albany and places of interest along the Hudson river before returning home. Misses Gertrude and Claudia Williams, of School street, are visiting friends at U.nghamton. Miss Margaret Kennedy, of Putnam street, is visiting for a few days In Oly phnnt. Patrick Cannont of Hudson street, is at Atlnnt.'r City. Airs. F. H. Freeman returned from At lantic City Wednesday. Miss- Mae Thomas returned Thursday from a visit to Lake Wlnola. F. E. Hi:i, of Nant'.eoke, spent Monday with friends on Parker street. The marriage of Timothy White and Miss Nellie Keenahan took place Wednesday afternoon at the Holy Rosary church on William street. George S.lkman has returned from Block Island. Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn, of Warren street, left Monday for a week's vacation at Atlantic City. Miss Little Cullem of Dunmore, Is visit ing Miss Clara, Weils, of filoom avenue. Miss Meta Osterhout, of Oak street, Is entertaining Miss Annie HfcElroy.of Phila delphia. A. J. Phalrn, of Brlrk avenue, a clerk In Gillespie's store, Is spending his vacation at Narragansett Pier, Newport and other eastern resorts. Walter Thomas !s visiting his parents at Sprlngvllle, Pa. w! Pel Sunday with his family at Bethlehem.1. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Gabriel, and family, of Church avenue, are spending a two weeks' vacation at Lake Wlnola. Miss Price, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting Miss Meta Oaterbout, has returned-toher home. Mrs. Keefer, of Summit avenue, left Thursday for a month's visit with friends In Canada. E. W. Tewkesbury Is spending a few weeks on the coast of Maine. Mrs. William P. Morple is at Atlanalc City. Miss Lottie Fish, of North Main avenue, and Miss Grace Arnold are spending a few days at Livingston Manor, N. Y. Has. H. I. Jones, of III Madison avenue, left yesterday on a trip which will Include Chicago, Omaha and Denver. Mrs. Jones will visit her mother, Baroness Von Troths, at Denver. fir ami Um r TLr.l. T i . " icuui, are noma. rrom As- Wllllsm P. Brewster, of the Dally Times Stroudsburc, spent Thursday In the city. Mrs. c. u. Petit, of Adams .avenue, Is1 spending iwo weens at Normandle, Asbury Mr. and Mrs. B O. Kern and daughter! ""mi, v '""""ijii, are in guests o relatives on Bcranton street. Mrs. E. Goodman, of Bradford, Pa., M's Florenco Goodman and Master Olrar have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs Jel Freeman, of the Wyoming bouse. Mrs. Sadie E. Ged.lea and Mrs, Hsttl ft'lHiltl UArfU kss ...Bl J . - "''m atoms and Levi H. Kramer left' rmwwr wr a w wesas- pleasure trip to Saratoga. Lake George, the Adlron dark and Hnaf im Among the Scranton'.ans registered at the St. Denis hotet In New York dur.ag the aat few davs ware: Mr. and Mr. C. B. Penman, -Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDowell, T. H. Carroll, Dr.-P. H. Kearney,. C. 8. Ward, O. V. MiUar. C. J. Welchel. W. B. Hockwell. K. H. Lyons will spend Sunday at Har vey's lake. D. P. Mannix Is home from a visit In Sayre. . Lloyd Cooper, the valedictorian of the class of 'K in the High school, will spend the coming year at Vt oodstoca Acauemy, Conn., preparatory to entering Yale col Lba lha sUL'reedina vear. James P. Dickson was In New York Thursday. William T. Smith la enjoying a rest from business cares at Woodstock, Vt. Miss Maggie Young, of Finley's store, Is at Lake Ariel. Frank Forsyth and Charles 8. Ward are home from a visit in New York. Mrs. C. D. Pettit. of Adams avenue. Is at Asbury Park. Miss Kate McManama, of Mulberry street, la in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlager have left Elmhurst for Block Island. President George Carson, of the board of control. Is at Atlantic Cltv. J. K. Holmes and son. of Elgin, 111., are the guests oc V . j. vt elcncl. John P. Page. Al. Schlager and A. C. Reiidhaw are in Syracuse today. XI .m Mume Hennigan, of Honesdale, Is the guest of friends in this city. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Stevens, of South Canaan, are visiting Seranton friends. J. P. Jones, of Savannah, Ua., is visiting his nephew, I. P. Jones, of Washburn street. Hon. John Kipp. a Pike county repre sentatlve in the legislature, was in this city Thursday. Miss Alice Williams has returned from visit among friends in Tunkhnnnock. D. J. Phillips, of North Purk, is on a week's visit in Square Top, Wyoming county. Mrs. John Williams and daughter, Anna, of Tenth street, have returned from At lantic City, where they spent an enjoyable vacation. Otto Schwalb, of New York, Is the guest of his cousin, Victor Koch, of the Seran ton House. Reports from Atlantic City say that Carl McKlnney continues to grow steadily bet ter. He told a friend who visited him on Wednesday that he would soon be buck amonir his Seranton friends. Professort James Hughes and Richard Protheroe, of the West Side, are in Atlan tic City. Mr. and Mrs. Barbour, of Lackawanna avenue, left yesterday for a trip to the Thousand Islands. Mrs. H. F. DeWttt, of Wilkes-Barre. has returned home after a visit among Seran ton relatives. Marve Smith and David Reedy are auendinu a few davs In New York. Miss Lizzie Miles has returned to her home In this city after a visit with Ply mouth friends. Miss Vidaver. of New York, has re turned home after a visit with her brother, N'uthun. of Gibson street. Miss Anna Clarke, of Plttston, who hns been visiting Misses Nun and Nell Eagan, of Ninth street, has returned home, Mrs. Charles L. Auer and son, George, and Mrs. Thomus H. Roberts, of North Garfield avenue, are at Luke Ariel. O. L. Auer. A. T. Stover and Abner Shufcr, of the West Side, will spend today at South Cunann. Mrs. W. G. Kaasold left yesterday for X l.cu, where She Joined her husband, and from where they left on a trip to upper New York and the Thousand Islands. Miss Lottie Young spent the week at Glenburn. Miss Marie E. de Long Is spending her vacation at Mt. Joy, near Phllauelph.a. Mrs. J. S. Cobb, of Cupouse avenue, has returned from a visit to Holllstervllle. Miss Katie Gordon, of this city. Is at Georgetown. Mrs. 3. P. Fenner ami daughter left yes terday for Rochester, N. 1 ., to spend two months with her father. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harris are spending two weeks in Jamestown and liutTulo, N.J. Miss Ella Comstook. of Philadelphia, Is visiting at the residence of Edward Howe, on Franklin avenue. Miss Louisa Stiles, of Quincy avenue, is spending the summer with her uncle, Dr. Cooper, in Newton, Pa. Lieutenant 13. K. Poore, Sixth. Infantry, V. S. A., with Mrs. Poore and daughter, were guests of Mrs. Robert M. Seranton during the week. Misses Bessie Webster and Mamie Jen kins, of Peckville, have returned home after visiting Green Ridge friends. H. A. Ward, of Monsey uvenue, returned Thursday from Lake Ariel. J. M. C. Ranck spent the week In De troit. Miss Connell, of Towanda, who spent the past three months with her sister, Mrs. Keegan, on 1'enn avenue, has returned to her home. Alexander Simpson, clerk at Frank Thompson & Co.'s, was married to Mrs. Wedner at the home of the br.de's sister In Ph.ladelphia, Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson arrived Tuesday evening in this city, where they will make their future home. Miss Josephine Campbell and brother, Thomas, of Freeland, have returned home after spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs. P. F, Lynott, of Olive street. Richard O. Lloyd, of Oak street, and Edward Lewis, of Legget street, have re turned home from Manhattan Beach and other water resorts. F. C, Hand has returned from a visit with Hawley fr.ends. Miss Lulu Hopkins Is at Kingston, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myles. Miss Suphiu Uw.nn Is v. siting Plymouth friends. Miss Reta Gurdner, of Cayuga Btreet, has returned home from Asbury Park. Mrs. J. K. Smith and daughter, Jennie, of North Main avenue, left Thursduy morning for Washington, N. J., to visit relatives. Miss Margaret Vlpond, of Throop street, left Thursday for a two weeks' visit at El mlra, N. Y. Clarence K. Bigelow, of Mulley'a store, Is spending his vacation with h.s parents at Mount Pleasant. David J. Davis, Clarence Shryer, Harry Decker and Frank Curling, who have been camping at IGrange during the week, have returned home. Wheeler B. Armstrong, of Plymouth, Is the guest of friends In town today. Gordon Wrlghler, bookkeeper for the Providence Gas and Water company, Is at Thompson on a visit to his parents. The eighth annual reunion of the Stan ton family was held at the residence of Eu gene Stanton, corner of Parker street and North Main avenue, Wednesday afternoon and evening. Miss Lizzie and Miss Millie Von Bergen. of Providence, have returned home from Lake Underwood, where they have been spending about two weeks. Miss Margaret Durkin, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Is visiting her friend. Miss Annie Law less, of Van Buren avenue. Mrs. Oscar A. Oswald, of Avenue A, has returned after spending a week's va cation at ocean Drove. Mrs. 8. J. Furman, of Lackawanna ave nue, has returned from a trip to Atlantic City, Ocean Grove and Asbury Park. Miss Hose and Aliss Annie Levy, of es pouse avenue, are vialtlng friends at Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Heche and child, of Wilkes-Barre, who have been visiting Mrs. Roderick, of North Main avenue, have returned home. Mrs. Fisher and son, or Haverstraw, N. V.. who have been visiting Mrs. C. H. Schnrar, of North Main avenue, are now slt't-, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scharar, of East Market street. Fre.vbrick J. Hedrich, of the Drop Forge work', who recently purchased a delight ful psldence In HIrhmont park, has moved his Xamlly from Capouse avenue to his new home. '. O. Parsons Nichols and daughter are th-J guests of Mrs. A. D. Blarkinton, Irs. Dillon and children, of Chicago, are visiting their aunt, Mrs, Nealon, of Swet- land street. W. H. Hagen, or Mears Haren. la In hlladelphla on business. Professor ueorge Moves Rookwell was 'called to Utica yesterday by the death of his mother. Representative O'Malley left suddenly last evening for Philadelphia. Mayor W. L. Connell and Dr. A. J. Con nell will leave today for the Adlrondacks to spend a short vacation. City Solicitor J. H. Torrey Is In Caze novla, N. Y. Miss Josephine Mahon Is In Hatleton for a few weeks. P. H. and J. J. Golden 'have gone to LMttm Ariel ior a weea. The marriage of Daniel Shea and Miss Bridget Jordan took place Wednesday morning at St. Peter's cathedral, Rev. J. S. O'Rielly officiating. The young couple are spending their honeymoon In Hartford, Conn. Mr. George, of the North End cash store, and two children left Thursday for a va cation at Atlantic City. Miss Ansa Walsh, of Christmas' shoe store, will leave Monday for a week's va cs at Eig laae, tn uusouehaaaa count. ' Mr. and Mrs. John H. Evans, of Edna avenue, left Thursday for an extended va cation at Atlantic City. Louis Roberts, of Church avenue, has returned home from a vacation at New Tork city and Atlantio Otty. William ChaDdell. of North Main avenue. will leave today to spend Sunday with his family at Lake Wlnola. 8. C. Stella, of Adams avenue. Is at Stelton. N. J. Mrs. William Corless snd children, of the West Bide, left yesterday for a visit with friends la Elmtra. ' Miss Janet Bllckons left Thursday on a six weeks' trip to Crystal lake and Al bany. General Manager Frank Silllman, jr., of me Traction company, is in Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Mame E. McHugh, of Dunmore, Is visiting friends In New York and Phila delphia. Mrs. Louisa Gardner, of Elmlra, Is visit' Ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hon man, of Maple street. Miss Maggie Cogglns. of Evnon street. left on Tuesday to iend a few weeks with friends in New York city. P. F. 'Keegan, of Olyphant. and niece. Miss Annie Wynne, of Carbon street, this city, are visiting relatives on the Hudson. Miss Ha rah O'Hara, of Green Ridge, and Miss Mary Morrlsou, of Dunmore, have returned home after a two weeks' visit at Carbondale and Archbald. Thomas K. Jones and Attorney James W. Oakford left yesterday afternoon for a tour of the Great Lakes and the Yosemite Valley, California. . They expect to be gone about three weeks. E. K. Chase is at Martha's Vineyard. Ex-Judge Knapp has returned home from bis vacation, trip along the Maine coast. Muran. of Fig street. James Hopkins, of West Drinker street, Dunmore. the night operator at the Dun more station of the Erie and Wyoming Valley, has gone to New York, where lie will spend a few days' vacation. Mrs. Warded and daughter, Llllle, of Dunmore, have returned from Elmhurst, where they enjoyed a week's outing. Attorney John I. Waller, of Hoboken, N. J., Is sojourning In the city. Mrs. G. E. Dean Is entertaining Miss Elizabeth D. Klotz. of Newark. Mrs. Josephine Koons, of Clay avenue, Is vis-ting friends at Hazlnton. Mrs. W. J. Welsh and family are at As bury Park, where they will spend two weeks. Miss Annie O'Malley and Miss Mary Burns left Wednesday for Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Daniel J. Campbell wus In Pittsburg dur ing l he week. P. J. Doyle, of Williams A McAnulty's, Is spending a week's vacation at Water Gap. Mrs. William M. Wilson, of Green Ridge, Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. James L. Roberts, of Hiughmton. Fletcher Angle, of Waterloo, N. Y., who was visiting relatives In the city, Wednes day left for home. Miss Myrtle Hughes, of East Mtrket street, has returned from Crystal lake, where she spent the past month. Sheriff and Mrs. Clemons and two chil dren, Mrs. David Clemons and Mrs. Aaron Griffiths, the Misses Nettie and Clara Smith, Misses Florence and Tillie Drinker compose a party that are stopping at the Norma mile, Asbury Park. Mrs. William Packard and children, who have been sporiding the past few weeks with her parents at Lake Wlnola, have re turned home. Mrs. Thomas Protheroe and children, of West Drinker street, have returned from a two weeks' visit at Lake Winola. Mes Ixnils Musters, of Mill street; Dun more, left yesterdny for an extended visit with friends in Jersey City and other points of interest in the east. Simon Lnupr has returned from his out ing at Long Brunch. Miss Emma Carey, of No: Ih Main ave iuc, has returned from Saratoga. Miss Evelyn Gould, f ICas'on, Is the guest of Mrs. John T. Martin, of Webster avenue. Misses Catharine and Margaret Wuters, of Danbury, Conn., or the g'.iosis of M. E. Keeley, of Linden street. Rev. W. II. Brown, pr-.'sldlt.g elder of the Pitsburg district, of Beaver, Is the guest of Rev. C. A. MuGe?. of Howard place. Among the Scrantonians at Block Island, R. I., are the following: Mr. and Mrs. William LangstalY, Mr. and Mrs. William Storrs, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Stelle, Mrs. .M. W. Torrey, Miss Torrey, Mrs. F. S. God frey, William Hackett, George Mulley, Will Silkman, Mrs. Charles Hen wood, Miss Henwood and Miss Annie Henwood. Miss Elizabeth D. Klotz, of Newark, N. J., Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Dean. , Mrs. Percy Cole and Miss Mabel Heft, of Honesdale, are the guests of Air. and Mrs. Samuel Cole, of Brook street, Dun more. Rt. Rev. Bishop O'Hara and Rev. J. J. B. Feeley returned Monday from Cape May. Floyd Decker, of Newton, N. J., Is vis iting Mrs. C. J. LaBarre, of Ninth street. Miss Lessa LaBarre, of Ninth street, has returned after spending a few days at Lake Wlnola. Misses Loretto Cannon and May Tay lor, of Jackson street, are spending their vacation at Crystal lake. The Misses Msry and Hattle Branfn, of Mount Holly, N. J., are visiting Mrs. T. A. Patten, of West Seranton. George W. Rice, night operator for the Postal Telegraph company, is spending his vacation' In Wayne county. Miss Kate Devine, of Nay Aug, and Miss Agnes Murphy, of Olyphant, returned Tuesday from New York, where they vis ited friends. Mrs. John F. Joyce and sister. Miss Ag gie Mahon, of Third street, are at Atlantic City. Collector Grant Herring sails today for home. Mrs. John Keator, of North Summit avenue, Is visiting friends at Roxbury, N. Y. Rev. George E. Guild will sail from Ant werp today for New York. He sails on the Wlesland, and is expected to arrive in New York In about one week. Mrs. William Lewis, of Edna avenue, will leave today for Cortland, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cowles, formerly of Providence, now of Long Island, are ex pected here today and will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Mulley. Dr. J. W. Coolidge find family have re turned from Crystal lake. Miss Ress'e Henwood and Miss Gertrude Guild left Thursday for a week's visit with friends at Glenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Marx, of Penn avenue, left Wednesday for a week's sojourn at Lake Chautauqua. Jonathan T. Harris, of the Delaware and Hudson sales department, spent the week at Lake Wlnola. Mrs. 8. Goldsmith and family, of this city, and Miss Florence Brooks, of New York, will spend the remainder of the month at Hotel Elmhurst. It Indnees Sleep. Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. 8. T. LIneaweaver, Lebanon, Pa., says: "It Induces a quick sleep, and pro motes digestion." WATCH US - Bell Watches. This week we holler about that $2.50 Stem Wind, Stem Sat, Naat Case, American Works, Warranted for Time. Pull It oat of your pocket and correct time greets you. REX FORD'S, . 313 LftCKlWANNA AVE. Wall Paper Styles and colorings are very fine this season. , Let us fix you np a sample room with nice ' Gilt Paper, $. nine sic lUII I li)t UsktTca Ltzi IIAVILAMD FRENCH CHINA Known the world over as the richest, choicest of ceramic pro ductions; thin, light, white, abso lutely free from cracking. It compliments the good things on the table, pays its silent tribute to the good taste of the hostess. We keep a full line of It in WHITE AND IN EIGHT DIFFERENT DECORATIONS The newest and prettiest from the Limoges factory. You can have a Dinner Set made up to suit your requirementscan buy a little at a time until you have all you want China Hall WEIGHEL & MILLAR, 04 WYOWMB AVEHUE. Walk In and look around. RUSSET SHOES You're getting them at next to nothing. Wouldn't offer them to you at such a sacrifice if we didn't really have to get rid of them to muke room for our Fall Goods, now nearly due. 14 pair Ladies' Tan Vicl Button, ra zor toe, former price $3.80. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Fox Button, needle toe, former price $3.50, Closing Out at $2.50 28 pairs Ladies' Russet, Goat Lace shoe, new opera toe, former price $3.00. Closing Out at $2.50 30 pairs Ladies' Tan Vicl, 3-Button uxioras, good style, former price $3,00, Closing Out at $2.00 24 pairs Ladies' Tan Vicl Oxfords, neeuie toe, all sizes, former price $3.00, Selling at $2.00 S 410 Spruce Street. THIS WITNESS THAT H. D. SWAttTZ & CO., Are the Leading Wholesale Areata la Smokeless Powder, GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLVERS, nshlDgTsokle, Tsriet Trsps. PIon Traps, Blae Rock TirnU ell klud of aportlne 2?4,JRJl'2 sad Tebsoce, Lumber aad Oralo. F. A. TIsDNU Manager of Qn and Bepair pepartmi.ta. We repair Typewriter. SVw laf MachlDM, Onn and BeTolvera, Bicycles, Look. Umbrellas, and make Kits to at aar klad of a look. If yon want to bay a new Ona doa't wait until the staaoa open. Now la the time to bay. Brins year old Qun with yea an.l ezchaase It with as for a new one. Satis faction irnarantaad or mony refunded, Call and t our priest Before yon buy. , Telephone. 723. Opea F.venlaga. STORE, 223 SPRUCE STREET, . Botwcon Fnn and Franklin Araa. Spring House U. E. CROFUT Prop'r, Heart Lake, Pa. Altltnde nearly 2,on0 fort, Fine jrrovea and brautiful acanery. Hourn new and wall fur. Dialled; but three tntnntns' walk from D., U W. station, and 1C0 fret from the lake. GOOD BOATS, FISHING TACKLE, Dancing Parillon, Bwlngm, Croquet Orounda, etc, FHEK to Quest COLD SPUING WATER AMD PLENTY OP MILK. RATES REASONABLE. Write for circular. TAR Curts Colds, Lays Out LaGrlppo, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DORF, Elmlra, N. Y., and for sale by the trade generally. UEQARQEL & CONNELL Ets!li Ifssis; Sertstca, Pi SLINK MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS $6.00 WHITE DUCK VESTS MARTIN & DELALW E. GRFWFR. The Philadelphia Specialist, and his asso ciated staff of English and Oormaa physicians, are now permaaenUx located at Old Peetefflce Building, Corner Pwam Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a araduas of tha lTnto. elty of Pennsylvania, formerly demoa. atrator of phyaiology and surgery at the Medlco-Chlruralcal eollege of PhUadet. specuMiies are chronlo. Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood die- DISEASES OF THE FERVODS SYSTEM of confidence, aexual ereakneaa In men wtHueii, nan rising in fnroai, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory. man. hi. . ....... A I. . w .uui-oMii cm am luiua vn one aublect, easily startled when suddenly unfits them for performing tho actual du- distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heat, depression of spirlts.evll v,wwu..a, vuw..u.v, itiar, u ream., mel ancholy, tire eaay of company, feeling as tlraH In fha mnmlr. .. i 7I - ...w. n mm wuva rvitrins. lack of energy, nervousness, tremblltua, confusion of thoUKht.depreaslon. eonatlDa llrn aaaltnua n .a.. 1 1 I. - . ma affected should consult us Immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. WeakneM of Young Men Cured. Tf .All ham V. n .1 iu . Kh . lclan call upon the doctor and be exam t-ed. He cures the worst caaea of Ner wua Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca- fta th Dllaa I- VI r i I afaT tlona of be Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. n.... ...... uiiiuin, vanoers ana Cripples 1 every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confident;. Office hours dally from a a aa n . a O I . " Enclose Ave f-eent stamps for symrpom blanks and my book called "New Mfe7' I will pay one thousand dollars In gold $t-TAniJ!tt5!.L.c!'"0 C"T PI uariiv WfltruLSlUKIi or FITS. avenue and Spruce street. ' SCHANTOM. PA. II OF SCRUiTOH. CIPIIIL 11.000 270.CCO 60,0011 Din miu Spflclil itteotloa Glien to Bulsea ind PenouJ lecouti INTEREST PUD II TIKI DBftSITi ESTABLISHED MTOJ GILHOQLS CARRIAGE W0RK& Carriages, Business Wtgoaa. TUcalrnut Boras Shoeing, Painting and Upholstering. W 821. m, fete Seventh street, Boras too. Pa. JAMES & KELLY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. Late of Pittsburg, First-Class Llyery In Connection. 205 SPRUCE ST., SCRMTOl The Seranton Training School For K tofartsr.:rs, 8CRANT0N, PA. The second year of the Seraotea Tralalng School for Klndrrgartentrs will open Septeflt ber IS. MM. Diplomas will be Swarded Jane 17, 18U6. ror droolers aad other particulars address . MISS IATHAWNB H. CLACX, , READINGS MAS DR. Ml i IN SUMMER Cooling drinks are necessary. They are the nniv.rwl antidote for eseeeMva warmth. Nothing Is so popular with the ralr aaa la Bcranton as oar soda served la all the varleae Bavoraand with cream for only a aiehel a glass. To have their attentions wall received, young men should treat their sweethearts eoolly, ana by Inviting thm to enjoy oar soda, which Is really the eooleat and meat deUghUal summer drink in the city, wholesome, health ful and Invigorating. Soda heada lbs lis of summer beverages, and the foamlag SU.MI1 from oar fouataia heada the Uit of all sodas. J.D.11BHR0. 314 UCKl AVE., SCMNTON, PL WELSDACII LIGHT SpNltllf Adapted for lndli ud biU Consumes three (8) lest of gas pef hour end glvce en effloteney of sixty (60) candles. Saving at lettet 83) pet cent orer the ordinary Tip Buxneni Call and See It. T CONNELL CO., 434 UCK1WIRM IVEIUE. flanufacturera' A cents. ON THE LINE OF THE MalADl PACIFIC R'Y are located the finest fishing and hnetlntf grenade in the world. Descriptive books oil application. Tickets to all point, la Maine, Canada and Maritime provinces, aflaaaapoll Bl PaaL Canadian and Unltsd States Msrth. wast Tanoeaver, Keattla, Taeeaaa, PsartUad, Ore., Baa Praaolsoo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through trains. Tonrltt said tally fitted with Wding, oartslss and spaa tally adapted to wants of families aay bo h4 with sacoad-elaat tlcketa Bates always leaf than via other Una for fall lnferasrle time table etc, oa application to E. V. SKINNER, Q. E. A, 353 BROIOWIT, HEW YORIL Sweet Potatoes Home Groin Tomatoes And Green Con, Fancy Jenny Llnd Cantelonpes, Bartlett Pears, Peaches, Etc PIERCE'S MARKET, PENN AYE LONG. Everybody should avail them. bcIvcb of the opportunity and visit Dr. Long. Consult the Great In dlan Doctor, FREE, each day at . v ItonltiiL Ill DR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers