2 . TflE RCRANTON TTflBUNE-TIITJKSnAY MOTTNTNTK MAY ..30. 1S93. 0(1 i WILKES-BflRRE. The Trlbuno hn3 opontMl n branch of fice, at No. 28, Lnnnir.K Uu'.lrtlnK, Tubl'.o Square, "Wllkes-Uarre, for tha transaction of business. The publishers propose to extend the circulation of The Tribune In WHkeg-Barro and surrounding towns, and to that end will present a very com plete department of Luzerne county nows. For success In this undertaking depend ence Is placed solely upon the superiority of Tho Tribune as a purveyor of all the news of the day domestic, forel(?n, local, commercial and finnnclal. Tho general In terests of the people of Wllkes-Hnrre nnd the Wyoming; valley will have In The Trib une' an earnest advocate, editorially and otherwise. It Is tho purpose of tho pub lishers to lssuo a newspaper as valuable to tho general public as the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to tho people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from throe to live hours enhller than the .Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. . WANTS THAT $10,000. Architect Meyers, It Is Sold, Makes De mand for tho Second Instalment. Yesterday It was rumored thnt Archi tect Meyers had made formal demand upon the county commissioners for tho second Installment of $10,000 under his contract with them. As has heretofore been stated In these columns. County . Treasurer Reed declares he will not honor the warrant of the commission ers for the payment of any money to Meyers for his new court house plnns, unless ordered to do so by the court. There Is very little doubt In the mind of any one that this Becond Instalment of 10,000 will have to be paid in the end. The county Is unquestionably re sponsible for airy obligations the com missioners may contract. The com missioners bound thmselves by con tract to pay to Meyers $10,000 in ad vance and $10,000 more when his com pleted plans for the court house were passed over to the commisslonern. Meyers has compiled with the condi tions of the contract, and the commis sioners cannot escape. The treasurer may compel Meyers to wait some time for bis money, but that is all. Meyers is beginning- to realize thnt there Is trouble ahead, and that no new court house will ever be built on his famous second-hand plan. The best he can do is to try to collect his sec ond instalment of $10,000, and abandon the field. In any event he will have a good thing of It. An architect does not often have the opportunity of sellinc; a set of second hand plans for $20,000. He ought to be satisfied with the $10, 000 he has already received. BOLD FIRE BUGS. Four Attempts Mode to Start Incendiary lires. Yesterday morning It became known that late during the previous night no less than four attempts had been made to fire buildings, but fortunately In each instance without success. The first fire was started at Robblns" mill on East Market street. A mass of cot ton waste saturated with oil had been placed on some timbers and Ignited. A brakeman on the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern railroad happened along, saw the blaze and extinguished It before any damage was done. The horse collar factory, near Clair's hotel, on Baltimore street, was dis covered to be on Are about midnight by Mr. Clare, who managed to extin guish the names with the assistance of a man named O'Donnell. A little later the mill of Mr. Sllvius was fired, sat urated cotton waste bavins; been ..placed against the building on the out side. This fire was extinguished by a Jersey Central braltemnn, who was passing by and saw the blaze. About 2 o'clock the watchman at Paine & Co.'s packing house discovered that the barn, which contained Devon horses, had been flreo", but he succeeded In ex tinguishing the flames before any dam age was done. They Aro Waiting. The News-Dealer asks: "What are the friends of Judge Rice doing to se cure his selection as one of the Judges of the new appellate court in the event of the bill becoming a law?" That question is easily answered. After the bill has become a law if it does tha frienda of Judge Rice will begin to think the time has come to get to work in his Interest. They will potter around for a week or two, consulting among each other as to the best methods of attaining success. Some morning they will wake up to find that the governor has made the appointments, then they will get mad and declare that Luzerne always gets left, and in that declara tion they will be Just about right. Lu zerne "gets left" simply because the politicians who are in command here lack the vim and energy that charac . terlzes political leaders In other coun ties of the state. A Young Tough. Mayor Nichols had before him yester day morning a young tough named John Drake, who has been a source of great trouble to his friends for some time. He lives in the city and is about 20 years of age. It appears that Drake entered a saloon and made himself ob noxious. He refused to leave and when the bartender attempted to eject him lie received a vicious blow in the face. The mayor fined him $5 and costs, in default of which he was sent to jail. Drake has been before the mayor on former occasions. . Fell from a Cor. Ex-County Auditor George Rymer, a crippled war veteran, who has met -with frequent accidents owing to physi cal infirmity, fell while attempting to ' board a trolley car for Kingston this morning, and received a severe shock to his spine. Medical aid was sum moned and he was removed to the home of his daughter In this city. Wives Too Numerous. , Frank Simskl, a young Polish butcher residing at Plymouth, has a good deal of trouble on his hands, ow ing to the fact that he had Just one more wife than the law allows In this country. Frank came to the United ' States a few years ago, was Industrious and frugal and soon saved enough money to start In business for himself. He prospered and wanted a wife. Finding a comely . Polish maiden he married ter, and everything seemed lovely, until Tuesday, when into his shop rushed a young Polish woman who seemed to be overjoyed to meet Women andWomenonly. Are most competent to folly appreciate the parity, sweetness, and delicacy of Crmctm Boat, and to discover new aics for It dally, i ' lathe form of washes, solutions, etc., for distressing Inflammation, Irritations,, and weaknesses of the mucous membrane, It has proved most grateful. i ' Concetti. Boat appeal to the refined and ' cnltfrated everywhere, as the most ffcctlvo skin purifying and beautifjrlngsoap.aiwella i purest and sweetest for toilet and bath. , I Data ttrawlKHrt Om fwM, Brftfih tt T. Ktw fit a tout, I, lint kdmH-rt.. l.m1oa. FotTsa , basa Cats. Guar, toi. fa Uattoa, V. I. A. V Neighbors him. Ho was not at all glad to sea her, for presently the fact developed that the woman was a wife be had loft In the old country when he came to the United States. She had followed him. Presently wife No. 2 entered tho shop, when a lively row ensued be tween the two women. Just how the little dltllculty will be solved has not yet developed. DARING ROBBERY. Four Masked Itiirelnr Socuro Flvo Hun dred Dollurs by Threats. Yesterday morning between 1 and 2 o'clock the Harvey's Lake Supply com pany's storo was entered through a window by four burglars. They pro ceeded to a room'ln the building whore a young clerk named Detesline slept. Entering the clerk's room they found him asleep In bed. They .proceeded to awaken him. When 'the young man awoke he found himself confronted by four masked men, one of whom placed a revolver at his head, and then in formed him thnt what they required of him was to arcompany them to the of fice and open the safe, threatening to fill him full of lead If ho refusiul. De tesllne complied with thi'lr demand and they took from the safe $;ioo In ensh and About $200 worth of Jewelry, shoes, etc. This accomplished the robbers took young Detesllne buck to his bedroom, tied and gagged him, and then took their departure. The clerk managed, however, to release himself nnd a little after 3 o'clock gave the alarm. A pur suit wns organized, but the burglars had made their escape. The store Is owned by Albert Lewis, who will spare no ex pense in hunting down the robber. . "CENTURY RUNNERS." Tho 'Cyclors Who Will Today Try to Cover Ono Hundred Miles. This morning at 5 o'clock a number of bicyclers, members of the West End club and others, will leave public square and start for a ride to Danville and return, a distance of 102 miles. The programme Is as follows: Leavo public square at 6 o'clock: reach Ber wick at 8, and take breukfast thero; leave Burwlek at 9, and arrive at Dan ville at 11. Those who reach that des tination on time will be entertulned by the Danville club at dinner. Leave Danville at 1 o'clock, and reach Wllkes Barre at 1 p. in. George Pelfer will be the pace-maker, nnd none of the party Will be permitted to pass him. This Is a sensible airrangem4nt. Any man with ordlhary powers of endurance who has had practice on the wheel, can ride a hundred miles In 14 hours If he goes about It In the proper way. Mines SUnt Down. ' The Hanover Coal company's mines, at Sugar Notch, have suspended In definitely. One of the officials of the company explains to a local newspaper that the coal trade has been so com pletely demoralized by the largo com panies that the lndlvdual operator has only the alternative of mining and selling his coal at a loss or not mining at a,U. Under these circumstances the Hanover company has decided to shut down and await a better condition of affairs. Other Individual operators and smaller firms do not find the situation quite so bad, but there Is no denying the fact that the mining Industry 19 In ba'd enough shape for all concerned. Afternoon Musicals. A delightful muslcale was given yes terday afternoon by Mrs. H. H. Har vey to meet Miss Annette Reynolda, of Scranton. Miss Reynolds, who ha3 a charmlni contralto voice, delighted every one with her singing. Others who assisted were: Miss Brundage, Mrs. C. K. Rice, Mrs. Harvey, Miss Brower and Miss Laclar. Among those present were: Mrs. B. I. Reyn olds, Mrs. O. M. Reynolds. Mrs. Ford Dorrance, Mrs. H. B. Hlllman, Mrs. Alex Farnham, Mrs. I. P. Hand, Misses Farnham, Palmer, Jadwin, Fuller, Jones, and Rlcketta. Memorial Day. Memorial Day programme as here tofore published In The Tribune, will be carried out by Conyngham post. Grand Army of the Republic. The graves of dead comrades will be dec orated In the morning, brief services will be held at Hollenbnck cemetery, there will be a street parade, and re freshments at Memorial hall after the parade. In the evening a pleasant programme will be rendered at Me morial hall. The Trl-Conntv Convention. , Tlie seventeenth semi-annual conven tion of the Christian Endeavor societies of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming counties will assemble at Memorial Presbyterian church In this city tomor row morning at 10 o'clock. The Wllkes Barre union will entertain all delegates who attend this convention. ' Eisteddfod at Nnntlcoko. The annual eisteddfod of the Ivorltes nt vnnHla tvlll he held tndnv. There will be the liveliest kind of competi tion lOT ine sevciai pnsstra una jiuuui.9 and according to all Indications a large concourse of people from the valley will bo in attendance. There is every prom ise of a fine success in every way. "How to Curo All Skin niscasos.'' Simply apply "Bwayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tot ter, eczoma. Itch, all eruptions on tho face, hands, nose etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment BRIEF NOTES. Mountain Parle will be formally opened for the season today by the Cedar Boat club, who will plcnlo there. Two hundred bills will come before the grand Jury at Its present setting, many of them trivial cases which will be Ignored. Postofllce hours today will be from 8 to 11 a. m. and 6 to 7 p. m. There will be only one delivery by tho carriers, in the morning. The strong Miller team of Miner's Mills, were defeated last Tuesday by the Wyoming Seminary team, which showed up much stronger than anyone had anticipated. It Is said that an effort will be marie to get Jack Warner to this city again, he having been released by Boston. Warner was one of the best catchers in the Eastern league. The benefit for George Robinson at the Grand Opera house this afternoon and evening will be a great bucccbs. Robinson Is a Wllkes-Barrean who is no longer able to appear on the stage, The funeral of the late Mrs. R. T. Handrick took place yesterday from the residence of Mr. Handrick, 7 Bar num place. The remains were taken to Tunkhannock on the 1.25 p. m. Le high Valley train. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. Mr. Magee, of the First Baptist church. PERSONALS. Miss Grace Brown, of Honesdale',-Is the guest of Mrs. Lee Demmlng, in' this city. .. Mr, and Mrs. - Thomas' Sperrlng aro rusticating at a summer resort on the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern railroad.. AVOCA. George, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Code, of West Avoca, died very suddenly at his home on Tuesday afternoon. Deceased was a bright boy, apparently in the best of health, and attended school on Friday. Sunday, DoWd evening he complained of severe pnlns in the head, but his condition did not become alarming until a few minutes before he died. Funeral will tako placo this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. John Meehan, of Elmlra, visited friends In town yesterday. Mrs. Mary Batcher, of Blnghamton, returned home yesterday after spend ing a few days with her sister, Mrs. William Miller, of West Avoca. Mrst. Edith Lampmnn, of Parker street, viulted friends In Dunmore on Tuesday. The annual examination of teachers for certlllcates will take place In No. 1 school on Friday, Juno 7. The many friends of Hnrry Haiiey, of Franklin Forks, Pa., will be pained to learn that he Is in a critical condi tion nt his home. .Mr. Bailey wns one of tho most promising young men of our town a few years ago, having been editor of the Argus. Tho Sarsfleld club will picnic today nt Lackawanna park. Athletic sports will bo the principal attraction. A game of ball will be played between the Unions, of Pittston, and the Mooslc club. The Ladles' Aid society held a social at J. H. Anderson's Wednesday eve ning. ' Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases rellovod In six ho'rs by the "Now Great South American Kidney Cure." This ney remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kldnoys, back and every part of tho urinary pas sages. In male or female. It relieves re tention of water nnd pain In passing It almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 123 l'cnn ave nue, Scranton, l'a. TAYLOR. Mrs. Charle? P. Samson, of South Wilkes-Barre, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. J.. Edwards, on Main street. The Batsmashers nnd Modocs will play a game of ball on the school house grounds this morning. Dannie Jones, of Olyphant, Is visit ing In this place. The Misses Maggie Whlteford, Susie Morris, Edith and Mary Van Busklrk nnd Messrs. M. C. Judge and Wlllard Atherton will spend today at Lake Wl nola. Miss Anna Beisecker will spend Dec oration Day visiting her friend, Misa Gertrude Rees, at the Bloomsburg State Normal school. The people of this place will celebrate Memorial Day In a gala and patriotic manner today. A large parade will be held this afternoon, In which a number of visiting fire companies and bands, the Taylor German Hose nnd nearly all the civic societies of this borough will participate, as will also the bor ough olllelals and the police. Bunting and flags were flung to tho breezes In great profusion and splendor last even ing, as a large majority of the people were decorating their residences and business places and the other people will do so today. John D. Jones will be chief marshal; C. H. Van Horn, chief of staff; aides, Charles M. Maston, D. E. James, John Schlelds, W. E. Rogers, George 13. Timlin, J. Taylor and H. P. Cooper. The orators for the day will be James E. "Watkins, esq., and John M. Harris, esq., both of this place. The Taylor Hose company No. l will picnic at Weber's park this afternoon and evening. This will also be tho opening of the park this season, and it has undergone a complete renovation. The funeral of Mn. William Reyn olds took place from her late residence on Union street yesterday afternortn. Funeral services were conducted in the Congregational church on Union street. Rev. Ivor Thomas, pastor of the church, officiated, and was assisted by Rev. Charles Jones, of Kingston; Rev. II. 11. Harris, of the Calvary Baptist church, and Rev. W. Thomas, of the Welsh Baptist church. Interment was made In the Forest Home cemetery.. The Daughters of Pocahontas and Ladlqs' American Protestant association at tended In a body. The Electrics will Journey to Provi dence today to play the Actives at that place, and will try to make that club succumb to their superiority. The postofflce will be open today from 9 to 10 la. m. and from 1 to 2 p. m. . MINOOKA. The O'Connell council, Young Men's Institute, will receive communion In a body this morning. Tho Mlnookas will battle for honors with the South Side club this morning, at Schwenk's park. The backers of McDonough and Mnn gan, two local sprinters, are arranging a 100-yard foot race, to take place in the near future. A traveling medicine company visit ed this place Tuesday evening and real ized a snug sum on their never failing remedies. When the company left the town the suckers were sorry nnd threatened to decapitate the Spanish doctors. The school board held their regular meeting yesterday. The teachers re ceived their pay. Wo show samples of high grade print Ins In catalogues and booklets The Trib une Printing Department. WE-- Give Away - )A( aPACKA0B Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. Once Uted, They are Always- la Pivot. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast ON TRIA f, i They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Bil lousnegs, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred dernng tncnts of the Stoiiiach.'f,iver nnd Bowels. 1 Don't accept some substitute said to be "just as good." ; Tfie subslitite costs the dealer lest. . It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is- in the ','jnst of good,1, WHERE IS YOURSf AddreM for Faaa Sample, World' Dhpeniary Medical AtaocUiloi," No. 663 Mala St, BUFFALO, N. Y. PITTSTON. The. closing exercises of the Pittston high School were commenced yesterday afternoon in the high school building. The following programme was ren dered In a pleasing; manner: Piano Solo La Gazelle Hlldugnrd M. Conrad. Reading ' Deciphering a Postmark" iilma O. Benjamin. Recitation "The Drummer Boy" Justine Kuhlo. Song "Tho Reply" It. Dona ltosenkrance. Recitation, "Jimmy Brown's Sister's Wedding" Fred Ditkln. Piano Solo "Gavotto des Mandarines" Sarah K. I.ockwood. Recitation "The l'ied Piper of Hamlin" Belinda J. Siegfried. Lecture "Spring Clothing" Mips Queenlc Hamlin as Mrs. Caudle. The Gypsies' Festival. AceompunlHt '....Hlldegard M. Conrad Class-day exercises of the West Pitts ton public school, given at the high school building yesterday .afternoon, were among tho, most pleasing events In the history of that Institution. J mltfe lilce rendered a decision In favor of Poor Directors Lewis, Gordon nnd L. G. Damon, In the case instigated by Dr. Campbell against the directors, nccuslng them of not complying with tho law. Since the opening of the case the directors have filled the bonds In question. The Mechanics Hose fair, which opened Tuesday evening, promises to be a grand success. The company's lady friends, ns well as the members, are putting forth every effort to make this May fair more prosperous than In the past. Tho citizens of Pittston will show their appreciation of the effort displayed by the firemen by their pres ence at the fair at Armony hall. Postofllce hours for today: Office open from 9 to U nnd 4 to 5. Ninety-two degrees In tho shade on the West Side yesterday. The death of Frank Boone occurred yesterday morning at the hospital. Mr. Hoone, on April 13, fell upon the rail road track at Avoca and received a fracture of the thigh, from the effects of which he died. Tho remains were removed to tho home of Mr. Boone's daughter, iMrs. John F. Reynold, on Nafus street, whence the funeral will take place. The cyclists of the Young Men's Christian association elected tho fol lowing officers Ion Tuesday levenlng: President, S. D. Parker; Vice president, Thomas Lloyd, Jr., secretary and treas urer, F. S. Miller; captain, George Nell son; first lieutenant, John W. Young; Becond lieutenant, Walter Kyte; third lieutenant, Thomas Lloyd; color bearer, Ed. Van Valkenberg; board of gover nors, W. I. Hlbbs, T. R. Staley, A. B. Davenport. The club decided to take as their first run, a trip to Lewis' farm, beyond the Ice Cave, today. The club will meet this afternoon nt the West Pittston high school and will start promptly at 1,30 o'clock. Judge Cool and his daughter, Mrs. Beyea, left yesterday morning for Phil adelphia. Tho clerks have accepted the chal lenge of the bartenders, of this city, to play a game of ball on Tuesday, June 4, at the Browntown grounds. E. R. Shepherd, the pioneer wheel man of Pittston, has opened a shop In the rear of Armory hall, where he Is prepared to do nil kinds of bicycle, gun, clock and light machinery repairing. Your patronage solicited. PLYMOUTH. Rev. Father T. J. Donahue Is In New York city. The examination of teachers for Plymouth and township will be held on June 10. W. Downs, of River street, had his hands mashed while at work In Par rlsh mines yesterday. Miss Lulu Blair, of Wllkes-Barre, was the guest of Miss Sadie Armstrong yesterday. All members of Hose company No. 3 are requested to meet at their hose house at 1. o'clock sharp today in full parade uniform and white gloves, to take part in the demonstration. Captain Walp will run two boats be tween here nnd Nanticoke today for the accommodation of those wishing to at tend the picnic at Hanover park or the eisteddfod. John Hicks, of Plains, was a visitor in town yesterdny. The following persons will leave on Saturday next for Wales on a few month's visit. They will nail on the Cunard nteamship Campania: Mrs. John G. Jones, Mrs. Enoch Williams, Mrs. Morgan Phillips, Miss Sarah Reese, Rev. W. L. Evans. Rev. Davis, of Laceyville, will accompany them. Oral Coursen, of Beade street, has a little one 111 with senrlet fever. While John Howk was working around the foot of No. S shaft of the Delaware and Hudson Coal company, he missed his footing and fell thirty feet, receiving a broken nose and was badly bruised about the head. O. A. Weil, Richard Martin, Henry Carver, Frank Cook, James Hlrks, D. Loderlek and Silas Mostello left last evening on a fishing expedition to North pond. John Griffin, an old and respected resident of this town, died nt the home of Mrs. M. P. Barrett on Tuesday even ing, of general debility. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services will be held In St. Vincent's church. Interment In Welsh Hill cemetery. One of tho prettiest events of tho season was the mnrrlngo of Miss Mnmc, the accomplished daughter of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Job Habblett. to Morris Van Horn, of Kingston, at the home of the bride's parents on Main street Inst evening. At 7 o'clock the bridal party entered tho room and formed a circle under an archway of evergreens, while Rev. W. J. Day, of the. First Presby terian church, Joined their hands In the holy bans of matrimony. The bride looked pretty dressed in a handsome white satin, and carried a bouquet: of bridal roses. She wns attended by her sister. Miss Millie. After tho ceremony the guests partook of a bountiful re past. Mr. and Mrs. Van Horn left last evening on a Southern wedding tour. On their return home they will go to housekeeping In Kingston. Printing for Grocers. Clrculnrs, cards, booklets, letter heads, etc., prlntod o well at Tho Tribune or flco that they will sell goods for you. Money to Loan. n2.oro. jmo to loan ii moorlty. n. rt KRPLOOLB. attnrnnv. 408 Hprm-e street ' Agent Wanted. AGENTS IHNDE'B PATENT UNIVEB sitl Hnir Curlors and Wavers (yard with out hent), and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pins. Lib oral commlutons, Free sampla and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 456, New York. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO bandlo our line, no peddling. Satarv, f7A per munth and oxponsea paid to all. Goods entirely now. Apply quickly. P.O.Box, bm, boston, Maui. Real EotaU. 1 1 iii WILL BUY s THE BRICK L ijWV building corner of Cerlar and wiuow. nant, i,nn. 01. n. uvl.ua i n. $375 to $500 lota in Dunmore, boau ttfally located; your choice of Id lots. ' ' M. H. HOLOATE. CI 9iii WILL BUY A HOME. IN DALE 91UU villa. Pa., 23 acres of land, 100 sugar maple trees, a good trout brook. For particulars call at tha office. M. U, HOLUAXE, Commonwealth BTd'g. WORD. WANTS OF ALL KIND9 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOn, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB 1NBERTKD FREE. Help Wanted Male. piIOTO TICKET AUIiNTb AND lUOfUKIJ niua ciwi iimru l a uiiu imiv:uu mi drrsinu WILLIAM 11. PLATT, K.I Elm stiuat, Caiuddii, N. J. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock sulMcriu- tlons; a monopoly: big money for agents: no capital required, euwakul. i wu iiu, lloruon uiock, t-iucufto. ill. C ALICHMEN - KKHIDENT SALESMEN O wantt'd, ncqunlntod with tho local find nenrby drug and grocery trade, to hunillo our lino of hltfh L-rnd'i rlcurs. Address, uivlnit rof.TcnccB, J. KUWAKLi UOWLKd Co., M Chambers utroot, N. Y. Hela Wanted Females. w ANTKD-OIBI-8 TO LEAUN DKKS9- miking. MHb. TIMPP, tat Adams avo- W ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER lietio Hali'swoinnii to roprcS'Ut us. Guaranteed 80 a dny without Interfering with other duties. Htaltbful occupation. Writo for particulars, Incloxlng scamp. Million Cham icnl 'Jonipany. No. 72 John street. Nhw York. For Rent. T.OR BENT-8-BOOM HOUSE: GOOD CON V dition, furnacn, gas, bath, 418 Vino stront Apply L. M. HOKTON, Commonwealth B'ldtr. s INGLE KIX-BOOM HOUSE FOB BENT Konr rai Adams avenue. OFFICES TO LET, DESK BOOM TO LET nnd Assembly Ilnll to lot. D. B. HEP- i.uui.ii, 4ua npnico street. .TURN IM1ED HOUSE TO RENT-EIOHT J1 rooms; modern improvements, 1102 uroon uiuge street, corner Wyoming. 1OB BENT ABUILDING ON FBANKL1N JT avanue. suitable lor buaiueaa. Addreas P. O. Box 448. yon BENT A LARGE, 4-8TORY BUILD V iniratlU) Franklin avenue; auitablo for wholesale businoas. CARSON & UAVIES, Scrnnton. 1jH)R BENT FURNISHED AND UNKUB nibbed rooms at SOU Lackawanna avenue. FOR RENT BIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address TUOMAS E. EVANS, aear Mil Luzorne, Hyda Park. 170B REN'rIUELY KUKNISIIEO HALL V suitable for ludgo rooms. JOHN JElt MYN, UV Wyoinlug avenue. For Sale. f5c'sA6rEl,' X1 handsome 7 room house, nearly new, all modern conveniences, quartered sycamoro trim and polished oak floors; lot 42x18(1, with access on four sides. Inqniro of WJI. KAUFHOLD, on the premises, 7U2 Electric av. X?OH SALE - FIBST-CLASS PACING -T horses at your own price. Come aud sea them. W. M. JEltMYN, Priceburg, Pa. Special Notices. LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES at reduced prices. We bavo got a big stock, too big in fact, of watches, good watches, which wa are willing to sell at very close figures, barely cost, to reduce, at Mor ccrcau & Connell's. NOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1, I will make a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free upjn air advertising ex hibitions wlih the stcrcoptlcon: Taylorville, Hyde Park, Providence, Dickson Oiynhnnt, Peakvllle, Archbald, Jermyn. Exhibitions given cn Wodneaday and Friday of each week during the month, the rates for auver tlsine aro ill) tier month. Address E. H. Call, Tribune office, city. '"THE SOLDIER IN OUB CIVIL WAR." J. You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Losllo'a famous old War Pictures, show ing the forces in actunl battle, sketched 011 the spot. Two volumes, !2,0tlU pictures. Sold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ax press complete, nil obnrges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, G22 Adams Ave., horantou, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA aincs, etc, bound or rebound at Tub Tkiddnb office. Quick work. Boosonuble prices. Proposals. SEALED PBOPOSALH WILL BE BE cei ved at the oftico of the Secretary of the Scranton Board of Con'rol until 7.H0p. m. Mon day evening, June 3, 189, for the beating and ventilating of tho propo.iod twelvo U-) room public school bniluing to be located on West Locust Htree, betweeu Ackor and Cnrbett ave nues. Fifteenth ward, of the city of Scranton, Mechanical ventilation is required and dry closet HVtm is to be used. Plans for said building may bo sein at the officii of John A, Duckworth, architect. 41 and 4o Coal Ex change building, Wyoming avenue, Scranton, Pa. The sum of SIM, in cash or cortifloa chock, shnll bo inclosed with oach proposal, which sum shall I forfeited to tho school dis trict in case of refusal or omission on tho part of tho contractor whos proposal shall lie ac cepted, to cxcciitu contract within ten days after tho awnnling of the aamo. Tha board rewrves tho right to rejeet any or all bids. By ordur of the Scranton B ard of Control, EUGENE D. FELLOWS, Beerotary. Office or tub RoAnn op Commissioned or Pl'ULIcUKDLNUS AND Bl'lLUINUS. DANIEL II. HASTlNOS, J. C. DltANRY, Buporlntendent. uovernor. Amos n. Myi.in, Auditor General. 8AMUEI. M. JACKSON, Stole Treasurer. f JROPOSALS FOB FUHNISHING STA 1 tionory, Furniture, Fuel and other Sup plies. In compliance with the Constitution nnd laws of tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylva nia, we h rcby invito scaled proposal, at prices bolow maximum rat a fixed in hcheiluli-s. to furnish stationery, furniture, fuel and other rnpplli-s for tho several dei.artmouto ot tho Stuto Uovurmwmt, and for making repairs in tho several departments nnd for tbn dmtritiu tlon of tho public docunionts, for the year end ing the firm Monday of June, A. D. I8IKI. Sepnrato proposals will bo reo lived and sep arate contracts awarded ai announced in said schedule?. Ench proposal must be accompa nied by a bond with approvod surety or sure ties, conditioned for the faithful performance of tlin eontrnct, and addressed and delivered to lb) Board of Comminiloi'iTH of Public Grounds and Kuildings before It o'clock m , of Tuesdav, the 4th day of Juno, A. D. 1PU3, at which tlmo tho proposnls will be opened and published, In tho Reception Room of tho Ex ecutive Deportment, at llarrlsburg, and con tracts awarded us hoou tberoaf tor ai practica ble. ' , Blank bonds atd schedules containing all necessary information can be obtuluod at this Departnien', J. t DELANEY, , For the Board of Cnmmli doners of Publlo Grounds nnd Buildings. Situations Wanted. YOUNG MAN. 1, WELL EDUCATED, able-bodied, wants any kind of honorable work. Addross 8. B., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY A BUTCHER, one who thorcuihly understands tha business and can give brat of Beforencos. Address. Butcher, box 804, Nloholson, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG Gorman girl as nurse plrl In a good American family, Inquire at 819 Wyoming avonue. . , ' SITUATION WANTED A9 COLLECTOR by an experienced man; Is willing to work for low wages If work la steady; can give beat of referonoa. - Address "OOLLEC TOB," Tribune offloa, goranton. ANTED BY A LADY A POSITION AS cook in private family. Call at Mitch- sirs Dining Boom, 010 Mulberry street. TOUNGHLaDY WOULD LIKE P08I- bu 1 u hud oxuerldboe aud ro furnish tb hut of'raforenowl -Addr3wl 2l!8 Sprue wtreet. PROFESSION AU CARDS. Physician! and Surgeons. DR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS KEMOVKD to 616 Bpruoe street, Scranton, Pa, (Just opposite Court. House Square.) DR. KAT, M6 PFJNN AVE). : 1 to S P. M.I call 2UU2. Dis. of women, obstretrlc ana and all dls. of chll. A Connolly SPECIAL SALE OF WOOL CH ALLIES. AT 15 CENTS 50 pieces Manchester Cliallies, both light and dark grounds, representing all the new designs and colorings. Former Price, 20c. AT 25 CENTS 30 pieces American Wool Challies, large variety of the newest effects. Worth 37c, CONNOLLY DR. A. J. CON NELL, OFFICE S01 Washington nvcnuo, cor. Spruce slroet, over Fruncke'n drug stroe. Residence, 722 Vino st. Olllco hours: 10.30 to VI n. m. and 2 to 4. and C.30 to 7.30 p. m. Bun day, 2 to 3 p. m. DR. W. E. ALLEN', C13 North Washington avenua. DR. C. L. FRIOY. I'llACTICB LI.MITKD disease!) of tho Kyn, Kur, Noso nnd Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, C29 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Ollico hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Mudl aon avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., OFFICES 52 and 53 Commonwealth building; rexl d on co 711 Madison ave.; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.30 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye. eur, noso and throat -and gynecology. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Cullender, Dime Uanlc building. Lawyers. JKSSUP9 & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenuo. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE K. HAND. W. II. JESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue. Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, ATTOP. neys aud Counsellors at Law; offices 0 and 8 Library building , Scranton, Pa. ROSWELL II. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Councilors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19,. 20 and 21. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Nos. 19 end 20, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa, JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Lnw, rooms 63, 64 and 60, Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 317 Spruce at., Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan in large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Scran ton, Pu. C. COMEGY3, 821 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 403 Spruce street. B. F. KILL AM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Scranton. J. M. C. RANCK. 138 WYOMINO AVa Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Olllce, S25 Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH, SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for roll po or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re auest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER 11. UUULL MISS WORCESTER'S" K1NDERGAR ten and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Nest term will open April 8. Teas. GRAND JJNION TEA CO.. JONES I DKQ3. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, Iil5 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., munufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 nnd 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER. Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. nnd Irving Place, Now York. Rates, $3.50 por dny and upwards. (Ameri can plnn). E. N. ANABLE, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. 4 W. passenger depot. Conducted on tho European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, Rooms 24, 25 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear ot IWo wasningion avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 435 Spruce at., cor. WaslKjLve.; Brantom BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 126 Washington avenue, Scranton. " Seeds. Q. R. CLARK ft CO.. SEED8MEN AND Nursorymens storo 146 Washington ave nue; green houac, 13M) North Main ave nua; store tslephoe 782. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conduetor. 117 Wyoming; avenue, over Hulbert'a musio store, MEQARQEB BROTHERB. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Scran ton. Pa. " ' ' " " FRANK P. BROWN ft CO, WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofllce. Agent for the Res Fire Extinguisher. & WALLACE, RE FURNITU So O b THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO TO our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many rat rons that they will this vcar hold to their usual custom of millins STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro ot the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thrco months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has E laced Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other rauds. MEGAR6EL Wholesale Agents. Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv. ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, 1 ... 1 TTEHBEMOER SCRANTON, PA. AK BILL STUFF. I TELEPHONE 482. W . Ammw. IT. a . w ,Vr i.r,m I ln.alnnt.F Kmluloa B4 44M( Uuua. real, MSBIC1MB n ' in ror Sprwee ale t JOHN H. PHELPS. Straat, Scranton, Pa. wwbIIbc AT 31 CENTS 40 pieces of the finest French, all wool, Challies; the designs are very choice and every new shade and tint can be found in the lot. Sold Everywhere at 50c. AT 50 CENTS Our entire stock of Fine Satin-Striped Javanais. Formerly Sold at 75c. UPHOLSTERED EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, REASONABLE CHARGES. TRY US. 6o2 and 604 ,, Lack Are., Cor. Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headache prevented and cured by baviai your ayes scientifically examined asd fitted accurately by DR. 5HIMBERQ. ETES EXAMINED FREE. 6atIsfaetlo guaranteed in every cam. 303 Spruce Street patrons: f & GONNELL AMD: STEEL 1 (0(L M Bld'g, Scranton, Pa, RE8TORE LOST VIGOR Will Wh wnr, ttnlll a. Bele'aMs.WlirrrM'' Kmmm nS.ilu. I.m, nf Ssxnsl Powar In aMhl HI. ftoift anv eatlM. I BMleCt4. Wflb ITOUhltt MM ' 'onmalloalaurlty,Sl.Miprtttxb?Btll,txMforsl. witk truer w a vrlltta naranue to cut at faftaa tat aBaaay, AMr. CO.. Clanluid.OliH. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avtnut and A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers