THE SCBANTOH TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MOHKING, . MAY 11, 1895. Oiir Neighbors Douto f be lalley oronolly & Wallace G WILKES-BflRRE. tTh Tribune- ku opened a, branoh ot flo at No. 29, tannins; building, Publlo Square, Wllkes-Barre, for th transaction of business. Tbo publishers propose to stead the circulation of The Tribune In iWllkea-Barre and the surrounding- towns, and to that end will present a very com pute department of Lucerne oounty newy. Far suooms In this undertaking depend ence le placed eolely upon the superiority f The Tribune as a purveyor of all the news of the day domestic, foreign, local, commercial and financial. The general In terests of the people of Wllkes-Barre and the Wyoming- valley will have In The Trib une an earnest advocate, editorially and etherwtse. It la the purpose of the pub lishers to Issue a newspaper as valuable to the genera publlo as the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the people throughout northeastern Pennsylvania from three to five hours earlier then the Philadelphia and New York papers can reach them. KIGHTS ON THE ROAD. Have Whsolman Any Rights on the Streets of City t TW mra In the city of Wllkes-Barre number of men not a few of whom are persona of more or less prominence who seem to think that wheelmen have no right on the public streets that they are bound to respect. Driv en of private carriages as well as those of all manner of other vehicles take special delight la annoying wheelmen, frequently crowding them purposely Into places where they are compelled hastily to dismount to save themselves from Injury or their wheels from dam age. It is tkme that an example be made of some of these malicious driv ers. Wheelmen have precisely the same rights on the streets as drivers of car riages end wagons. Wheelmen ask no greater rights, and as a rule they are always mindful of the rights of others. There Is an abundance of space on nearly ail the principal streets of this city to assure safe travel for All. One of the annoyances Is the faot that driv ers of all manner of vehicles persist In going In either direction on both sides of the street railway tracks. This Is especially the case on East and West Market and .North and South Main streets. The police should receive per emptory orders from the mayor to ex ercise their authority, as Is done In other cities, to impress upon drivers. wheelmen end others the necessity of "keeping to the right." If this were done not half so many accidents would occur. . The West End Wheelmen's club Is a strong organisation, and is composed of the most respectable cyclists of the city Many of the members of this club knotv that what is here said is the truth. They frequently are subjected to the annoyance and dangers com plained of. It woutd be entirely proper for the club to take up the course of any wheelman who has a good case against maliciously disposed drivers who purposely subject wheelmen to personal peril. An example should be made that would serve to remedy this wrong, which appears to be on the in crease in Wllkes-Barre. HIS FRIENDS INDIGNANT. They Deny Thst the Late Warden Jona Was Faithless to HisTrast. The friends of the late Jail Warden Jones are very Indignant at the slur cast upon him as a trustworthy official by the convicts who have testified in the Reick murder trial. Half a dozen or more of these convicts have, under oath, alleged that Warden Jones warned Hendricks that Simpson "was a detective and placed him on his guard against placing any confidence In him. When the Reick murder case was 'placed In the hands of the Barring ft McSweeney detective agency the latter conceived the plan of sending Simpson to the county jail for the purpose of gaining the confidence of Hendricks with a view to securing Information from him that would lead to the detec tion ot the murderers. Of course War den Jones had to be taken Into the con fidence of the detectives and it was naturally supposed he would co-operate with them In furthering the ends of justice. Warden Jones placed Simpson ta a cell where he would have the op portunity of making the acquaintance of Hendricks, but if the evidence ot the convicts is believed then Warden Jones defeated the cause of justice by first Informing Hendricks of the real char acter of Simpson. The friends of Jones deny very emphatically that the war den was that kind of a man and do not hesitate to brand the convicts as a lot of vile perjurers, who would not have dared to give such testimony if Warden Jones were alive to defend . himself against such an attack upon his honor. It is only justice to the memory of War den Jones to say that none of the con victs claim to have received such in formation direct from Warden Jones. They all allege to have received their knowledge from Hendricks. There . ON THE VERGE Of Giving Up the Fight-An El mlra Citizen's) Last Resource Proves a Success. (From the Elmlrs Qasette.) Do you know Mr. J. 8. Dodder, of 214 South Main street? Me has been a busi ness man and permanent resident of El mlra for over twenty years. A man whose statement cannot be disputed. Well. Mr. Dodder's case In a nutshell is that he has been a sufferer from kidney disorders, but doesn't suffer any more. We will let him tell what has brought about the change. Here Is how he spoke of his case to our representative: "I have never been well since the closing of the war, where. In the service of my country. I contracted kid ney and bladder disorders. The complaint has gradually been growing on me, I had sharp pains In the small of my back, just bacH of the hips, and when they left It was only to be followed by a dull, heavy pain which remained continually. I could He In but on or two positions In bed or the pain would be almost unbearable. I was always very sore over the kidneys, and the urine emitted a strong odor. At times I felt existence a task. I tried this, that and the other thing, to no avail, and was on the Verge of giving up entirely when I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised. I thought as a last resort I would give them a trial; .they were highly recommended, and I would Use just this one more remedy. I began taking them, and I am very glad indeed to give my statement, that suffer ing humanity may receive the some benefit I have. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills satisfied ma they were helping me. Now, the pain la all gone, and I am entirely well this, after years of sickness. My sleep at night ts good and refreshing. I do not feel any more that tired feeling I used to on rising, all thanks due to Doan's Kid ney Pills." " - Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by' all dealers. Price CO cents per box, six boxes tor 12.60. . By mail on receipt of price by Voster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. T., sole agents tor V. 0. certainly Is a, reasonable doubt as to the alleged dereliction of the dead war den and laumln4d people will c hear- fully give him the benefit of that doubt. There Is nothing in the life or known character of the late warden to give color to the belief that he would stand in with a lot of criminals to defeat the ends of justice. THE HENDRICKS TRIAL. at Last an alibi for the Man Who Is on Trial. Yesterday, for the first time during the twelve days' trial of Hendricks has been . In progress, the defense turned their attention exclusively' to the prisoner ait the bar and nwule an attempt to establish an alibi. First some of Hendricks' relatives were put on the stand. They teatlned that Hen drlcks was In Wllkes-Barre during the day preceding the murder, but that he was im Avora, several hours before and up to the exact hour when the crime was committed. These witnesses completely oontradloted the testimony of Ray Buyer. Hendricks himself was placed on the stand and gavs, In very elaborate derail, his movements on the day and the evening of the murder of Barney Bek-k. He denied in toto the evidence of itay Uoyer and the detec tives that he had made confession to them admitting his complicity In the murder. He declared that this murder had not been alluded to In any of Ms conversations wrth the detectives, and also that he knew at the time that Simpson andKelghron were detectives He also said Warden Jones and one ot th watchmen at the jatl had Informed him that Simpson was a detective. Some of the wrtneasea examined yes terday became badly "rattled" under the severe cross-examination by Attor ney Lenahan, who never falls to make witnesses shown any weakness they may be possessed of. There is not much doubt In the mind of any one who has been In etendance on the trial that many of the witnesses had been very carefully "coached" before they went on th stand. H Is also apparent that there has been an extraordinary amount of perjury committed on one side or the other. To which side the jury will credit the perjury will be shown when the verdict comes In. The case will not end- today, and the jurors will therefor be compelled to spend a second Sunday In seclusion. It la not probable that the judge will charge the jury before Monday, and a verdict Is scarcely to be expected be fore next Wednesday. As has already been stated In these columns, the defense has from the first depended solely on establishing an alibi for each of the four defendanta This has now been done, and In a manner that does Infinite credit to the three young lawyers O'Boyle, McGowan and Shea who undertook the defense. For the prosecution John T. Lenahan has fought the battle alone and he certain ly has done what lay In his power to make out a case against the accused. It has been from first to last a hard case to handle. No one sawxthe crime committed, and the prosecution were compelled to depend almost wholly on the evidence of a notoriously disreput able woman and several detectives for a conviction. The woman's evidence may be worthless, and unfortunately there Is nearly always an unreasonable prejudice against professional detec tives. There ta not now much doubt that all four of the accused will go free. Whether guilty or innocent they alone know to a certainty. WHAT BECAME OF THE BODY ? The Coroner's Jury Could Not Find the Corpse of an alleged Suicide. Reference was made In The Tribune of Thursday to the supposed suicide of a young Polish woman whose body was found in the river below Plymouth. The remains were taken from the water and removed to the establishment of a Plymouth undertaker. A coroner's jury was summoned, but when that body proceded to view the corpse they could not find it. It had been removed to Nantiooke, as was supposed, for In terment In the cemetery of the poor dis trict at Retreat. It la alleged that K was not interred there but was for warded to some medical college. It has not been positively established that this was a case of suicide. The unfor tunate young woman was engaged to be married to a young- Polander who suddenly disappeared the day before the woman's death. There are those who express the opinion that the girl may have been murdered and the body thrown into the river. This Is only sur mise as yet, but under the circum stances an Investigation would seem to be necessary. The case Is In the hands of County Detective Eckert,- who will endeavor to trace the body and ascertain what disposition has been made of K. The county detective states that this Is not the first Instance when undue haste has bean made to dispose of the remains of Polanders who came to their death un der circumstances that called for Inves tigation. Th faot that the body of this woman was found floating on the surface of the water within a few hours after she had been seen alive arouses the suspicion that she did not come to her death by drowning, as, under such circumstances, the body Would have sunk. BRIDGE THE FLATS. a Long Deferred but Nossary Pdbllo Improvement. It was hoped that before the fall floods came the low places on the lower road between Wllkes-Barre and Kings ton would be spanned by viaducts tjaat would prevent the Interruption of travel and traffic over that road when ever the water In the Susquehanna rises) to a certain height. This subject has been periodically discussed for years, but for some reason the enter prise in lacking to carry out any of the simple and comparatively Inexpensive plana that have been suggested. Many thousands of people have a direct in terest In making this Improvement. The Wllkes-Barre Bridge company. The Traction company, the city of Wllkes-Barre, the boroughs of Kings ton and Edwardsvllle ar all alike In terested In uninterrupted communica tion over this great public highway at all seasons of the year. The two com panies named could well afford to make the Improvement at their own expense, but It is now evident that nothing will be don this year. Several years ago m company was or ganized to construct a bridge opposite North street, and also to bridge the two places In the road to Dorranoeton. This) was done and communication is never cut off on that road. Whenever the water in the river rises sufficiently to cut oft travel on the lower and more convenient road the North- street bridge and the continuing road Is used, to th great Inconvenience of the publlo. Toe Traction' company baa tracks across both bridges, but does not use the North) street Una except when com munication is cut off across the more convenlont Market street line. Publlo sentiment should assort Itself to com pel Uie Wllkes-Barre Bridge and Trac tion companies to make this desired and necessary Improvement. It is not a great nor an expensive undertaking. PROPOSALS ASKED FOR. The County Commissioners Mske Their Next Move. Yesterday the county commissioners advertised for proposals for furnishing materials and labor required for build ing and completing a fire-proof stone court houso at Wllkes-Barre, accord Ing to the plans and specifications furnished by 10. K. Myers, which can now be seen at the office of the county commissioner. The bids will be re ceived until 12 o'clock, noon, May SI, at which hour they will be opened. It Is evident that Uie commissioners mean to go lUiead, even though no site for the new court house has yet been se lected and neither have the plans yet been submitted to and passed upon by the court, as required by a recent act of assembly. The situation Is cer tainly an anomalous one In every way Architect Myers seems to b the mov ing and directing spirit in every thing that la done. POLITICAL POINTERS. Honorable J. C. Harvey, representa tive from the second legislative district denies that he aspires to the seat In the senate, now occupied by Senator Kline. It is Intimated that Mr. Harvey will not decline a third term In the house If the Republicans of the dis trict shall urge him to accpet another nomination. He has made an excellent representative. If tho new county of Quay should be erected the Republicans of old Luzerne will unquestionably bring out a candi date fur congress next year to contest the nomination with Honorable John Lelsenrlng.Luzerne will not be recon ciled to having a representative who re sides in another county especially Quay county. The Wllkes-Barre News-Dealer con tinues to prod Chairman Smoulter, of the Democratic county committee, to make a movement in favor of an early county convention. Chairman Smoulter is not moving In that direclon, but he might if ex-Dlstrlct Attorney Oarman, the real leader of the Luzerne Demo cracy, should give the word. . Ex-CongresHman Hlnea Is lying low these warm days, and seems to be In different to future political plane, but when the proper time comes he will be found as active a factor in the local Democracy as ever. Nothing short of death can divorce Honorable William H. Hlnes from politics. In the mean time Mr. Hlnes will summer at his re treat In Bear Creek township. Recent Republican successes in Lu zerne county will bring out a host of candidates for the several county oflices to be filled this year. There will be less activity among the Democrats for places, still there will be no dif ficulty in filling the ticket. BRIEFNOTES. IA train will be placed on the Harvey's lake branch of the Lehigh Valley rail road leaving this city at 6.30 a m. to accommodate people who desire to spend a day at North mountain and return In the evening. Some changes have been made In passenger train schedule of the Jersey Central road and travelers would do well to consult the new time-table. A passenger engine has been turned out of the Jersey Central's shops at Ashley which on Its trial trip covered mile In forty-three seconds. The en gine la No. 93 and Is a beauty. The spring concert of the Concordia society, on May IS, will be on of the most enjoyable musical events In re cent years In this city. The indications are that a large number of the musical ly Inclined from Scranton and other cities will be present. The jurors serving in the trial of Hen dricks are fortunately all able-bodied men in good physical condition, and none of them have broken down thus far. fiteamboatlnra In 'the Susquehanna river between Wllkes-Barre, Plymouth and Nantlcoke is played out. The elec tric railroads monoollze the travel. Base ball has thus far been fairly profitable in Wllkes-Barre, and the com munity Is as yet content with the home club. The first meeting between Wllkes-Barre and Soranton Is awaited with Interest. Wllkes-Barre will have to win or there will be a howl along the Busquehenna. Yesterday morning John Ballentlne, an ok! soldier, aged about 60 year, was found lying dead at the foot of the stairs In his house at Plymouth. His skull was fractured and the supposi tion is that he fell down stairs. He lived alone In the house. Mrs. Martha tllakeslee, widow of the late Whltmore Blakeslee, well known In this city, died suddenly at Freeland, Thursday afternoon. A Slav named Theopold Kopusky at tempted to board a moving train near Plymouth junction yesterday morning, fell under the wheels and was fright fully mangled. He was removed to the hospital and will not be likely to re cover. AVOCA. James, John and Patrick O'Malley. of Olyphant, were visitors at the home of Edward Gibbons yesterday. P. J. ailhrlde, of Hawley, spent Thursday with friends In town. Rose of the Valley Lodge, Sons of St. George, of this place, and Lily of the Valley Lodge, Sons of St. George, of Parsons, will contest for a silk flag for the benefit of Luzerne lodge. The pupils and teachers of the publlo schools spent an enjoyable afternoon yesterday In the woods. 'An lmprotiant meeting of the St. Aloyslus society will tek plaoa Sunday afternoon. They will elect officers for the ensuing year, and also two dole- gates to the convention which Is to be held at Carbondale, All members ar requested to be present. The jury which was empanelled to Investigate th O'Malley and Delaney accident, met Thursday afternoon, but owing to the absence of some of the principle witnesses In the cass they de cided to adjourn until this evening at T.30 o'clook. '- Rhsnzsntlsm Cared In Dsy. "MYSTIC CURE" for RHEUMATISM and NEURALGIA radically cures In 1 to I days. Its action upon the system Is re markable and mysterious. It removes at one the cause and th dlseaa Immediate ly disappears. Th first dose greatly banal! ts, eenta atoid by Carl Lsrens, Druggist, CIS Lackawanna avenus, Serin, ton. s PITTSTON. Arthur O'Malla, one of th vlotlms of the railroad accident at West Avoca, was burled In th Market Street ceme tery, from his home In Browntown, Friday morning. Many persons at tended his funeral. Rev. Father Oreeno conducted the services. The funeral services of the other unfortun ate man of same accident takes plaoe this morning (Saturday) from the faml ly home on Price street, Oregon, at 9 o'clock. The burial will also be In Mar ket Street cemetery and mass of requiem In St. John's church. Enjoyable Entertainment. About 100 people assembled Thursday evening at the homo of Miss Cooper, on Susquehanna avenue, to enjoy a musl cale given by the ministering circle of King's Daughters. The rooms were profusely decorated with flowers. The programme rendered was as follows: Rondeau Urllla-nte Weber Miss Ketcham. Burst, Ye Apple Buds .....Emery Miss Kva Patterson. Fantalse do Ballet Da Uerlot John Farrar. Recitation Selection Miss Ina Hltchnur. A Little Song .....Selected Miss Marian McDougall. "Rltournelle" Chamlnade Miss Dreuger. Nocturne, Trio Behr Messrs. Wyllle, Law and Miss Albright. In a. Shady Lane ..Edgar U. Bmlth Wllllum Howarth. Recitation, "Jem's Last Ride," Miss Kdna Brune Impromptu, A Flat Schubert Miss Gorman. My Noble Knights Meyerbeer Miss Eva Patterson. Minuet Schubert Miss Albright. Bewsre of Pickpockets. P. K. Richards, of West Plttston, went with a number of friends to see Buffaki Bill's Wild West show, and when boarding a car at Wllkes-Barre to return home In the crowd, was the victim of sharpers, who relieved him of about $30. In the large pocket-book were a number of notes, checks and other valuable papers of no use to any one but himself and for the return of them he offers a reward of $5 and no questions asked. The small purse con tained a Spanish dollar which he has carried as a pocket-piece for more than forty years und which Is about 100 years old. He would be very thankful for the return of the papers, as they are a serious loss. Brief Notes of Intorest. Mine Inspector John M. Lewis and wife are In town. The Vienna Baking company have their bread, cakes and pies fresh every day, at Thomas' lunch rooms, Exeter street. The funeral of Mrs. Helen McMillan, who died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, 380 South Main street, will take place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial at Pittston cemetery. She was 89 years of age. Yes, we have summer underwear Just your size and price. J. H. Rlcketts. John M, Armstrong has Just moved Into the house on Washington street lately vacated by Rev. P. J. Kain. When? Yes, it Is. Buy a etraw hat of J. H. Rlcketts. Harry Lee, of Parke street, a brake- man on the Lehigh Valley railroad, met with a serious accident at Brock- port, Thursday evening. His collar bone was broken by a bolt projecting from one of the) cars when he was try- ingv to make a coupling. Wall paper from 7 cents a roll up, at W. F. Moyer & Bros., 98 South Main street. Bicycles at a slaughter. A $100 wheel for $05. Guaranteed for two years. Any weight desired. Wheel repairing promptly attended to. W. 8. 8heKon, 85 South Main street. Relief in Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls. eases relieved In six hours by th "New Qrat South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on aocount of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys. back ana every pan or me urinary Das- sages, In male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. TUN KM AN MOCK. The Junior Epworth league will hold a festival In the Methodist Episcopal church parlors on Friday evening, May 17. Mrs, Wilcox, wife of the Rev. W. 8. Wilcox, who has been so serlouRly ill at Eotonvllle since conference, has so far recovered that she will be removed to Askam, her husband's new appoint ment, today. He will return next week and ship their goods. Dogs made a raid on A. J. Barton's flock of sheep a night or two since and slaughtered several of them. Sheep kllllng dogs manage to keep the county bankrupt continually, so far as the fund used for that purpose Is con cerned. Rev. Herbert Pease, of Jackson, Sus quehanna county, has accepted a call to the Eotonvllle Baptist church and will begin his labors there next month. He Is a bright young man, Just starting Into the ministry, but has made a very favorable Impression upon the people over there. Miss Dornblozer organised a Young Women's Christian Temperance union FOR BABY'S SKIN Scalp and Hair USB Themojt effective ikln purifying and beat, tlfylng toap in the world, m well as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath, and nursery, For distressing facial eruptions, pimples, blackheads, irritations of the scalp, drv, thin, and falling hair, red, roueh hands, chafings, and simple rashes and blemishes of childhood, It Is absolutely Incomparable. SaMtkmetiftatdMsefld. Brku depot I Nsw. by, , Kim Edward n , Uodoa. Porns Dauo Chsh. Cose., Sola Props., Uottoa, U.S.A. ODD FELLOWS. Masons, P. O. It of A, O. A. It., ft. f V., O. V. A at., la faot all lodges and societies ' intending to ran excursions can have the best printing In the city at lowest prices by calling at Taa Tribuhb Job Department. AN EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY. We offer ' SWIVEL . SILKS The quality Is the highest grade ever produced In this weave and the DESIGNS - ARE - EXQUISITE. THEIli ACTUAL VALUE IS CO CENTS. Our Special Price Is 31c. Per Yard. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, CARPETS CLEANED, FEATHERS RENOVATED, MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, BED SPRINGS REPAIRED, Etc. 5SrWe don't aslc you satisfied with our work. TH with thirteen charter members at the Methodist Episcopal church, Thursday night She delivered a temperance lec ture at Meshoppen last evening. The Montrose "train made the home run In one hour and fourteen minutes Friday night, Including usual stuns. There's no concealing the fact that the new enslne Is a corker. Mrs. MoCollum, wife of Justice Bruce McCollum ,of the Supreme court, was a guest of 8. Judson Stark's people Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brunges go to Wllkes-Barre today to bring; home the former's mother, who has been 111 there for a long time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Scouten. William B. Harding has returned from Southern Pines, N. C, much Im proved In health. Triton base ball club have been en deavoring to arrange a game with the Actives, of Scranton, but a telegram to them iyestf(rday brought he re sponse that they were not sufficiently practiced to play yet- The Tritons will play tho return game with Keystone academy, at Factoryvllle, on Wednes day next, and will try titles with the WHkes-Barre Toung Men's Christian association team the following Satur day. Charles S. Harding Is reported much worse, and probably cannot live. Robert W. Bardwell has gone to Batavta, N. T., to put In a month at the Johnston Harvester company's works, after which he will go on the road as salesman for their machines. Rev. George Hlne, pastor of the Bep tlst church. Is still very 111. Mra Robert Bardwell has gone to Lake Wlnola to spend a couple of days. The second base ball nine, of Vesper club, are passing around a subscrip tion 'paper, soliciting the Blnews of wtir. A correspondent of the Democrat furnishes the following: "Benton L. Houser, the blind man, returned home last Friday, May 3d, from Elk Point, 8. D. He went there to testify In the Interest of the great fortune left to the heirs of the lane John Heustermacher, who died at Portland. Oregon, In 1S91. He left an estate valued at $300,000. Mr. HouserMs to receive five per cent, of the whole thing when settled, which will put him on a pretty good footing with the world financially." Complaint Is made that the sidewalk on Turnpike street, near SwhII Brook bridge, Is In a dnngerous condition, be cause of loose planks. 8. L. Garrison Is now braking on the milk train. Hut-dock Blood Bitters Is nature's true remedy for constipation and kindred Ills. It acts directly on the bowels, the liver, the skin, and while cleansing the blood Imparts strutigth to the digestive or gans. T A WORD. WANTS OF ALT. KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHKN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. W11KN A HOOK ACCOUNT 19 MADR. NO CHAltOB WILL BK LESS THAN CENTS. THIS Hl'LbJ AH PLIES TO SMALL WANT A 1)8, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH A Kid 1NH1CUTED KHKB. Help Wantsd Mala. iJo'YiPw'ATupTf 1 Applystthsoftieenf the Sursnton Uloss Company, (Ireen Ridge street WANTK1) WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to suliiilt stock nihsorlp. tlons: a monopoly: ha money for nuenni; no cspllsl rsuulred. KDWAKDC. l'IBll CO,, Borden Block. Chlamro. 111. cJaUesMKN - RKHIDKNT BALKBMEN (9 wanted, anqiuilntod with th loenl Mid nearby drug; ana uroonry trade, to Bundle our line of hliih ersil cigar Addrosa, giving rfrno, jf. RDWARO VOWLES A CO., 143 Chambers street, N. V. Held Wantad Famalaa. '"ANEcTlXoooirOHHr si housework: most com well recom mended, Apply at IW ei. Main areim. W AN? KD IMMBDIATELY-TWO RKRnV setlq saleswoman to represent us. Guaranteed t dftjr without inVrforlu with other duties. Healthful occupation, writ lor particulars, Inuloolng stamp. Msnen Chem ical Oumpsny. No. 7a John street. New Vork. Houses on Credit HOUSES BUILT ON CREDIT. , , AD dress lock bos Us, Bcrsatoo. Horses at Auction. HORHBh AT AUCTION-"-! WILL HAVE drivers. draUKlil sod business horses at UualokssUbl to U Friday, May 17, sfter noon. W. B. MOORE. E 8MTI1 BEDDING ML " 0 C J for a few days a large purchase of to pay u for Cleaning your Carpets unless you are perfectly Special Notices. LAROE STOCK OP GOLD WATCHES at reduced price. We have pot s big stock, too big fa fact of watches, good watcbeH, which we are willing to sell at very clone nirures, Dareiy cost, to reauce, at jner cereau Is Connell's. "V7ITHIN THB GOLDEN CIRCLE:" it latest tinblication on CrlDole Creek and 1U mines; aandaoini-ly illustrated; mailed tree wltn maps. The wooat investment iah, Colorado Springs, Colo. : XTOTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1. I i. i will make a monthly tour of the follow Ins claees ririna free open air advertising ex hibltions wlib the stereoptlcun: Tarlorrille, Hyde I'ark, Providence, Dickson Olynhaut, PrckviU, Archbald. Jermyn. Exhibitions Riven en Wednesday and Friday of each week during the month, tbe ratee for adver tising nre $10 per month. Address E. H. uaii, 1 rmnne omoo, city. "fHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X Vou want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslies famous old War Pictures, snow- ln the forcoe In act ul battle, sketched on tbe spot. Two Tolnmm, 2,(M) pictures. Bold on easy monthly payment. Delivered br ex press complete, all el artes prepaid. Address F. O. MOODY, G22 Adams Ave., Scranton. Pa. BLANK BOOKH, PAMPHLETS, MAO A ilnos, etc., bound or rebound at Tna Tkibcmb office, vulck work. Reasonable Agent Wanted. AGENTS WANTED-TO SELL ANTI Headache. Nothing sn prevalent as headache and nothing so absolutely sure to car Immunity from this curse for 24 oenta Sold on guarantee. Wis.- aei-nU will write ns at ooee. THE OUPPY DRUG STORE, Au gusta, name. WANTED - GENTLEMAN WHO CAN give bond, to take oharro of a buslnras In Soranton. Addrcas THE CHAMPION M'F'G CO., Middletown. Pa. AGEXTtt-OL'R MEN ARE MAKING $S to $126 per weok. Send for proofs Fast est seller in existence. LYONS F. 8. & H. K. CO., Goshen, Ind. C GENERAL AGENTS W ANTED-SELL-T Ing new aiticlee to dealers: exclusive ter' ritory, no competition, no capital required; HA! to mm per cent, profit. Columbia Chemical Co., W Oearborn at., Chicago, HI. AGENTS WANTED FOR LARGEST LINE Aluminum Novelties. Bar Goods, Table ware in America. Profit Immense. Steady work. One agent sent !" reorder Delivered free. Sample Hie. Illustrated catalogue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., 335 Broadway, NewYork. GENTS HINPE'8 PATENT UNIVER sal Hair Ourlcre and Wsver fused with out heat), and "Pyr lVinted"Hair Pine. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address PO. Box M. Now Vort. antTd -"activk SALESMEN TO handle our line, no peddling. Salarr, t'ti per month and expenses id to all. Goods entirely now. Apply uulckly. P. O. Box, &.M, Boston, Mas Salesmen Wanted. UALRSMKN WANTED - STBDMAN O Hutchinson Library of American Litera ture; new edition; epleudiit seller; high class agents wanted, experienced or Inexperienced: give references anil permanent address. WILLIAM KVARTS BENJAMIN, New York W" ANTED TWO FIRST CLASS "Scheme" Salesmen to soil our specially to the dry goods trade. Address with refer ence, THE INTERNATIONAL M F'O CO., Iowa City, la. SALESMAN WANTED-IIW to $1 PER O month and expense. Staple line. Posi tion permanent, pleasant and desirable. Ad drees, with stamp, Kiug Mfg. Co, D. tl, Chicago. For Rant. VOR RENT-HOUSE CONVENIENT FOR r hoarding or roomora. 10!1 8pmr street; IfOH RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ' with or without board. IS Adams av. fWO a-ROOM HOUSES FOR RENT ON 1 . a . ....... a . 1 . . kitiiM .nH li . . M. JIMlum'MI 1 i " .... ava sal at Glenburn; a nice summer residence, u M iVll.mlar. Dime Rank HulM. I n. 1 BURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT EIGHT ' rooms; modem Improvement lift. Green Kidge street, corner Wyoming. FOR RENT ABUILDIKGON FRANKLIN avenue, suitable lor business. Address P. 0. Bot I. FOR RENT THE PHOTOGRAPH OAL lery formerly occupied by G. L. Grlfltn, Including rooms for housekeeping. 138 Wyo ming avenue. CHAB. HCHLAOER. T.10R RENT A LARGE, 4-8TORY BUILD V Ing at 1 Frauklln avenue; eultablo for wholesale buslnaas. CARSON. & DAVIES, Scranton. , FOR RENT FURNISHED AND UN FU fi nished rooms at ft Lackawanna avenue. V-OR RENT-six ROOM HOUSE ON WEST JC Lackawanna avenue. Addrem THOMAS K. EVANS, scar USS Luserna Hyds Parlfc IOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL 1 suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JBH MYN, 110 Wyoailua oveno.. For Sal. Uotf AiTFtROLAaS PACIN3 X1 horse at your own price. Come and see them. W. M. JERMYN, Prlotbnrg, Pa 209 Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. ONLY 3 CENTS FOR CLEMIN6 Brussels & Ingrain Carpets and 601 Lack, m, Comer Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headache prerented and cored by havta your eyes scientifically examined and fittod accurately by DR. SHIMBERQ. EVER EXAMINED FREE. BatlsfaetM guaranteed la every case. 305 Spruce Street Real Estate. 10 a m. sale; small amount buy s-room house with a number of equallv fine chances. Good opportunities every alondar, id a m. 1;OH SALE CHEAP LA KGE TEV ROOM bouse, one acre of ground, cellar under whole bouse, with a large furnace and all mod ern improvement, beta room, etc ; large barn tbat will stable ten horses; Ave minatrs' walk from depot: beautifully situated at I Wal ton, Pa 80 miuntes' ride from Scranton: also two choice lota 3UX1S5. at Clark's Summit Pa., two minutes' walk from depot; nicelr situated on the main street. Here is a cargaln for the right party. Also, sue large lot, ttxliit, on Colombia avenue, near Washington avesue, next to NortB Park. Address P. O. Box but, Scranton, Pa. Situations Wanted. WZANTED-A SITUATION BY A Yol NG v V man willing to do anything Address a,, care irinnne omce. WANTED-A POSITION OF TRUST BY ' a trustworthy man. who comes well recommonded, and can give securities if re quired. M. B., Tribune efflce SITUATION WANTED TO WATCH, sell, coll-ct or any light ork; middle age; references. Address J . H.. Tribune office. S ITU ATIOSTWAN tTu YoC-SuT M A N OF good, steady habits, would like position at driving: well experienced in the care of horses: can sire best of referenos. Address M. J., care Tribune office. SITt"A'l ION" WANTED A YOUNG WO man would like position at light hots work, with privilege of keeping a girl of a Would accept a position in city or country. Address 310 swell curt. 11 ANTED A POSITION BY A FIRST ? class Old Country gardener who under stand his business thoroughly: would attend the stable; also milk a cow if desired. PleAe answer st one, as I am anxious for work. Address McMullen. Tribune omce. frUATION WANTED- A YOUNG MAN would like poeition inftsrsor office. Ad dress B., care Tribune oflic. SITUATION WANTED A YOUNG MAN with experience in bookkeeping and sten ography. Address E. 8.. this office T FIRST-CLASSCOOK WANTS A PLACE. J only for cook or pastry. Call at S01 Pres cottavinue, Scranton, Pa CITUATloNWANTEb-BY YOUNG LADY O as stenographer; has had experience; can furnish boat of reference. Address L, 13s 8. Hyde Park avenue, city. OUNG MAN WOU1J) I.IKsi A POSITION as butcher; has had five years' experi ence; can epeak German and English. Call 331 Franklin avenue. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THB L at Soranton, In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business. May 7th, ls: HKSOl'RCfc'.S. Loans and discounts $1,575,11$ 5 Overdrafts, secured and unse- cured T76S5 it, s. Honda to secure circula tion 80.WOM Premium on V. 8. Bonds.., U 78 Stocks, securities, etc 290,554 Bunking house, furniture, and nxtures 2S.7S4 03 Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) 11,283 M Due from State Hanks and Hankers 13,471 W Due from approved reserve agents 1J1.S79 99 Checks and other rash Items.... Z5.729 71 Kxi-hanires for clearing house... 7.377 Notes of other National Hanks.. J.6U5 W Fractional paper currency, nick- els and cents 757 81 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, V Specie rO.827 27 Legal tender notes .. 410110 00 11J.2I7 ff Redemption fund with U. 8. Treaeurer (5i of circulation).. S.600 00 Due from V. 8. Treasurer, other than C redemption fund 3,000 00 Total $2,276,540 39 t.tAUM.ITlES. Pnnltnl stock paid III $ X 000 00 Burplus fund S70.0O0 (W Undivided profits, loss expenses and taxes paio oo,ou. National Hank notes outstand- . . T non no Due to' other National Banks.... 79,149 S3 Due to state HftiiK ana oanaers. i,m ii Dividends unpaid 12,048 ft) Individual deposits subject to i 1. 1 KKft 9TI 14 Demand certificates of deposit.. 13.631 75 Certified checks v 1,917 25 Cashier's checks outstanding-... 129 43 Nntai and hills rediscounted.... Nono Bills payable None Total .32,278,546 39 Btate of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss: I, WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier of the above named bank, do solmenly swear that the above statement Is true to th best of my knowledge and belief. Wfti, l-l. j-cuiv, uasmer. Subscribed and sworn to before m this 9th day of May, 1895, MAM u w. Kiiu.aK, jNoiary jruvuu. Correct Attest: WM. CONNELL, GEO. H. CATLIN. HWRY BELIN, JR., Directors.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers