I" TIIE SCE ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1895. V Sornnton..... 4 Wilkes- Hnrro 4 Providence U Springfield o Itnffnlo. 3 Toronto.... Rochester.. Syracuse. ....1 2 The games of the Eastern lonfrue clubs yesterday do not change the aver age list positions of the day preceding. Scranton won out In the ninth from Buffalo after one of the most thrilling games of the season; Wllkesnarre won from Toronto In a pitcher's battle; Sprlnpfleld played without an error and used the stick to win from Syracuse; Providence prevented a Ilochester player reaching second until the seventh and won hands down. All the games form a peculiarity In that the four leading clubs won. Standing of Kastcrn League Cluhs. V. W. Tj. P.C. Springfield 8 1'rovldence 7 Wllkes-linrro 7 Scranton G Syracuse 0 Toronto S Rochester 7 Buffalo 7 .S' .sr.7 .711 .MM :.x .:;" .in Today's Eastern League dames. Buffalo at Scranton. Toronto at Wllkcs-Hnrre. Rochester at Providence. Syracuse at Springfield. LEEWE'S COSTLY ERROR. With Oases Filled It Let In Scranton's Needed Han-Captain Field, of the Duffalos, Fined and Ordered from the ti round. One of the most exciting: 'games of the season In this city was won out In the ninth inning by Scranton from Buf falo yesterday by a score of 4 to 3. The game Itself was heartbreaking from start to finish, but there were plenty of side Issue features to add zest to the thing. Captain Field, th Huffa to the thing. Captain Field, the Buffa ordered from the game in the fifth inn ing, and finally ordered from the field. Pitcher Vlckery, Buffalo, was fined $5. None of thet extreme measures was taken by Umpire Gaffney until he had been Insulted by Field and had cau tioned both players. Field had succeed ed In disgusting many of the 1,200 spec tators and by frequent petty kicks had delayed the game ten or fifteen min utes. There had been plenty of trouble which led to Gaffney's summary and Just action. Up to and after Field's re tirement the contest was replete with close decisions, which elicited the same old base ball groans or applause. Gaff ney was as accurate and fair as a hu man being could be, and neither club got the worse of It. In every Instance Field took occasion to protest. As a captain, he had the right to ask an explanation, but Gaffney, In the third Inning, cautioned him to cease argu ment. ' " . Field flatly contradicted Gaffney In the fifth, when Ward was declared safe after a steal to third. A fine of $10 was Imposed. A moment later he disputed the decision that W. Johnson was not caught napping at first. He was then ordered from the game and another fine of $10 was Imposed. After reaching the bench Field muttered some profane ref erence to the matter and was told to leave the grounds. Scranton scored one In the last of the first. Brady made a hit and wns brought in by hits by Clark and White head. A hit by Vlckery and a two-bagger by Bottenus scored one for Buffalo In the third. Bottenus tried to reach a bag too many and went out from Brady to Radford to Whitehead. It was a pretty play. For Scranton, In the third, Brady was given his base on balls. Johnson sacri ficed and Clark was thrown out at first by Leewe. Brady scored on White head's corking triple to right field. Houle struck out. In the fourth Buffalo made two runs and held one run to the good until Scranton won out In the ninth. Shearon went to first on balls and advanced to second on the four balls given Wise. Shearon reached third on Drauby's foul out to Clark and Wise stole second. On Rogers' passed ball Shearon scored and WlBe got In on Rogers' poor throw to Delaney. Lcowe Gave Assistance. In the ninth Radford reached first on , Dowse'B error. . Rogers sacrificed from vfVIcJtery to Dowse. Delaney had the third strike called on him. Ward was purpose given four balls and advanced to second on four balls to Brady, who filled the bases. Leewe, at short, lost the game for Buffalo by a fumble of Johnson's grounder, on which Radford crossed the plate and tied the score. Clark tirought in the needed tally by a smash into right center near the fence that would have been good for two bases. -.. y . . The score: - BCRANTON'. R. H. O. A. K. O. 1 4 2 13 3 0 2 2 0 Ward, 2b Brady, If W. Johnson, cf. Clark, lb Whitehead, 3b Houle, rf 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 Radford, ss... Rogers, c, Delaney, p.... Totals 4 11 27 BUFFALO. It. 0 0 , 1 1 ,'. 0 t 0 II. 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 Bottenus, If.. Field, lb Shearon, rf . . vWiBe, 2b...... Drauby, 3b... Leewo, ss.... Clymer, cf... : 0 Urquhart, c 0 Vlckery, p 1 Dowse, lb 0 Totals 8 7 2C 17 6 Two out when winning run was made. Scranton .'.......'.4 010 0 00024 Buffalo 0 ,0 1 2 0 0 0 0 OA 3. Earned rins Buffalo 1. Two-base hltB Bottenus,- j Vlckery, ; Throe-base hit a Whitehead. Stolen bases Wise, Vlckery, Ward, Brady. ' Double ' plays Clymer, Wise and Field. First on errors Ward, Johnson, Radford.' Struck out By Vlck ery. 2; Dy Delaney, 2. First base on called balls Off Vlckery ,8; off Delaney, 3. Left on bases Scranton, 10; Buffalo, 7t Passed balls Rogers. Balk Vlckery. Time Two tours. Umpire Gaffney. . TORONTO TOBOGGANING. J. Smith's Error Helped WMkcs-Ilnrre to Win the Game. WHkes-Barre, a.. May 7. It was es sentially a pitcher's battle from start to finish this afternoon between Toron to nnd Wllkes-Barre. Until the sixth Inning, only thirty-four men had been at bat. A single by Keenan, Lytlo's double and J. Hmlth's error on a dif ficult chance gave the home team enough to win the game. Brilliant plays were numerous, aud to sum nil up It was the finest exhibi tion of this season. Weather fine. At tendance, 800. Score: WILKES-BARRE. 11. II. Lytic, If l 2 O. 3 3 r A. 13. o o Shannon, lib 0 tletts, cf Lnzotte, rf.. Karle, lb.... Dlggins, c... C. Smith, 3b., MoMahon, 8 Keenan, p..., Totals : .. 4 TOUONTO. H. 0 27 12 O. 1 1 15 1 Meara, If Slppl. 21i Lutenberg, lb., J. Smith, 3b Luke, rf Di luent, ss I'asey. c... fnngulton, Grey, p.... cf.. Totals 1 Wllkes-Burro 0 0 0 0 B 27 0 2 0 0 0 0 14 2 0 24 0 11 Flr.n Toronto 0 0 0 0 Karned runs Wllkes-llarro, 1. base by errors Wllkps-Hurre, 2; Toronto, 3. Left on bases Wllkes-Barre, 4; To ronto, 6. First base on balls Off Kceniin, 1; off Grey, 1. Struck out Ity Grey, 2. Three-base hit C. Smith. Two-base hit Lytic. Sacrifice hit Lake. Stolen bases Marie. Double plays Keenan to Shan non; Luke to Lulenberg; Slt-Mahon to Shannon to Karlo; Shannon to ICarle. Hit by pitcher By Grey, 1, Umpire Doescher. Time of game 1.20. FOUR DOU1SLE PLAYS. Providence's Splendid Fielding Won the Game from Rochester. Providence, R. I., May 7. Up to the seventh Inning today not a Rochester man saw second base owing to the splendid fielding on the part of the Grays. Rudderham pitched a superb game, but two hits being made by the visitors. One of these was a homo run by Lush In the eighth Inning, which saved the Rachester team from a complete shut out. Attendance, 1,000. Score; . PROVIDENCE. It. H O. 7 0 3 9 1 3 0 3 1 A. K. Lyons, Bassett, Knight, Rogers, cf 1 1 3b .1 1 If 1 1 lb 2 2 ss 0 2 2b 0 0 rf 1 1 Cooney, Strieker, Murray 0 Dixon, c 0 Hudderham, p 0 0 Totals 0 10 27 13 ROCHESTKR. U. H. A. E. 2 0 Daly, If Lush, cf 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 3 10 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hamburg, lb Smith. 3b Shlnnock, 2b , Payne, rf , ente, c Lang, ss... McPartlln, i Totals .... 27 0 0 0 0 Providence ..01800 1 1- 0 2 0-2 Rochester 0 0 0 0 0 Earned runs Providence, 4; Rochester, First base hy errors Providence, ?; Rochester, 1. First base on balls Orf Rudilerham, B; off McPartlln, 4. Struck out By Rudderham, 2. Two-bnse hits Bassett, Dixon. Sacrifice hit Rudderham. Stolen bnses Rogers 2, Murray 2, Smith. Double plays Cooney, Strieker and Rog ers; Payne and Hamburg; Lnng, Shlnnock and Hamburg; Daly and Shlnnock. Um pire Snyder. Time of game Two hours. PLAYED WITHOUT AN ERROR. Springfield Put Up a Gilt-Edged Game Against Rochester. Springfield, Mass., May 7. Spring field put up an errorless game of ball this afternoon and won handily from Syracuse. Captain Donnelly was able to play again, and much better ball was played than yesterday. Syracuse started to hit Callahan hard. but the youngster steadied down, and after the second inning Syracuse got only four hits. Springfield could do nothing with Day for three Innings, but got the, team started and after that runs came easily. Score: . SPRINGFIELD. R. ir. O. A. E. 13 2 0 0 12 0 3 4 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 10 .2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 C 2 0 10 3 0 11 20 10 0 II. O. A. E. 13 0 0 2 4 0 0 12 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 . B, " 3 0 . 1 ' 2 3 2 2 " 3 1 0 0 0 3 0 9 27 12 3 0 0 2 0 1 B 0 0 0 0 0 2 Shannon, ss 1 Donnelly, 3b 0 yneh, If 3 Seheffler, rf 1 Gilbert, 1b 0 Garry, cf 0 Gunson, c 1 McDonald, 2b 0 Callahan, p 0 Totals .' C Eagan out on Infield fly. SYRACUSE. ' R. Welch, cf 1 Simon, If 0 Mlnnehnn, 3b 1 Orlttln, rf 0 ower, b. . . . 0 . 0 .' 0 . 0 . 2 0 3 0 0 En gun, 2b... Mops, ss Hess,' c.'..... Day, p Totals Springfield Syracnso ., Enrned runs Springfield, 3; Syracuse. 2. First baso by errors Springfield, 2. Left on bases Springfield. 11: Syracuse. 7. First bast n balls Off Callahan, 2; off Day, 1. Homo run Lynch. Thrdi-baso bit Mlnnehnn. Two-"bnso hits Lynch. Schefller, McDonald. Simon 2. Stolon bases Shannon, Lynch, Gilbert, Griflln. Double plays Mlnnehnn and Eagan. Hit by pitcher By Callahan, 2; by Day, 2. Wild pitches Day. Passed balls Hess. Umpire Swartwood. Tlmo of game 1. CO. STATE LEAGUE. At Lancaster- Lancaster . ....3 0 001 0310 S Reading 6 6 0 0 fi 1 0 0 20 Hlts-'Lnncnster, 11; . Reading. 18. Er rorsLancaster, 6. Batteries Callahan and Arthur: Scheiblo and Bmlnk.- At Harrlsburg , . Harrisburg ..0 0 t. 0 0 1 0 0 8 C Allentown .....2 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 8 HUs-.Harrisburg, 11; Allentown, 9. "Er rors Harrisburg, R; Allentown, i8.s Bat teriesWillis Charlton and Roth: Bt.kolv and Mllligan. ' '- .. i.-, ' . A t Hassloton ' ' - '" .V , ;,; ; . Hazleton ...........3 2 0 0 00' 00 27 Shenandoah' ......1 200000003 Hits Hazleton, 7: Shenandoah, 7. Er rors Hazleton, 3; Shenandoah, 4. Battcr Ijwweener and Westlako; Mattorn and NATIONAL LEAGUE. Rairn caused a second postponement of the Philadelphia-Louisville game at Louisville, and wet grounds caused a postponement of 'the Baltimore-Cleveland gome at Cleveland. Brooklyn had Pittsburg beaten in the fifth Inning, when the game was called on account of wet grounds. The Giants lost to tho Beds; St.' Louis drubbed the. beaneat ers, and Chicago won by a single tally from Washington. Standing of Nutlonal l.oacuo Club. p. w. l. r.i. Pittsburg . ............ 14 ' 1 4 .715 Cleveland 12 , 8 4 XW Boston 11 7 4 .CM Chicago 14 8 0 .:! Ilaltlmoro 0 6 4 .I'M lirooklyn 11 6 fi .m ('liu-innuM 15 8 7 .IKf New York 12 B 7 .417 Philadelphia 10 4 .4 K) Louisville 12 4 K .SIB St. IaiuIs 13 ft 10 .Ml Washington 11 3 8 ,2T3 At Pittsburg Brooklyn 1 0 4 2 2-0 Pittsburg 1 1 0 0 35 Cnlleil at the end of the fifth Inning on account of wet grounds. lilts lirooklyn, S; Pittsburg. G. Errors Brooklyn, 2; Plttuliiivfi- 1 Pnttnrtcil I.llclil nml flflm Hart, Mennfec, Klllen and Sugdun. Um pires 31 urray nnu L.ung. At Cincinnati New York 4 000001 1 0-C Cincinnati t 2 001000 3-7 llltu Mi.iv VnrL- fc Plnnlnnntl U l.. rors New York, 3; Clnclnnnti, (i. l'.attef- Ics ..MeeKin and I'lirreii; 1 'Juries, 1'hllllps and Murphy. Umpire Keefe. At St. Louis- Boston 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 (I St. Louis 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 3 10 Hits Boston, 11; St. Louis, 11. Errors Boston, (i; St. Louis, a Hntterlos Wilson nnd Ganzell; Hlaley, Breltensteln and Peitz. Umpire Emslle. At Chicago Washington 0 2 0 0 0 B 0 9 o- n Chicago 0 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 1-10 Hits Washlndnn. 1(V f'lilcn.rn 11 Ei- rots Washington, 1; Chicago, 3. Batter iesMercer, Mularkcy nnd McOtilm; Terry and Donohue. Umpire McDonald. DIAMOND DUST. Watch your uncle Radford he's great. Johnson and Brady each made a dim cult catch. Buffalo vs. Scranton at the Base Ball park nt 4 p. m. today. Wlnkleman will be substituted for Houle in right field tod.i. T. Juhnrcn and Rogers will be In the points for Scranton today Hlekey, ifhe extra Scranton catcher, has been released to I'.lnghamton. Clark covers ground faster than could be expected of so hpavy a player. The prettiest running catch of yes terday's game was made by Leewe back of third base. The steals by Ward and Brady yes terday were the gilt-edged and des perate varit that sent the rooters crazy. 1 ' Paul Radford Is doing good work for Scranton. Toronto hoped to secure him up to the last moment nnd needs him badly. Ex. According to Nick Young, Pitcher Hudson must go to Cleveland Instead of Philadelphia, as the Spiders had first claim on him. Whitehead made two of the nontost utops seen on the field this season. His snappy base throwing was one of the features of the game. The Hustlers would like to play the Morning Glories, of Dunmore, on the Intter's ground. May 12. Answer through The Tribune. James Logan, captain. No catcher In the league can be bet ter at keeping a pitcher Pteady than Rogers. If a player steals second on him there must be some extenuating clrcumKtances. A rumor that Manager Barnle had wired Quarles to report Is not true. Mr. Barnle stated last night, however, that Quarles might be asked to join the team soon. Billy Zecher, who captained Scranton In ISM, is anxious to go out with some club this season. It's prettv near time Billy climbed up on the shell. Ex. BALL NOTES The Athletics, of Coary Hollow, chal lenge tho Young Elect 'cs of Taylor for a game on May "0. . nswer through The Tribune. Adam Fnsshold, mana ger; M. J. Kane, captain. The second team of the Young Men's Christian association visited Taylor yesterday and lost by a score of 12 to !). Hayes and Leyden were in the points for the Kloctries, and Surdam and Bennntt for the Young Men's Christian Association team. The suits of the Wllkes-Barre players are quite attractive. The shirts are of white flannel, with Wllkes-Bnrre spelled across In navy blue letters. The pants, stockings and caps are of navy blue. The caps are of the Boston style. The belts are tan leather. Captain Sweeney's Injury has been found to be more serious than lit ap peared it first. A careful examination by a surgeon yesterday showed ths.t Sweeney's collar bone Is broken. He was told to refrain from any kind of exercise. It will probably be several weeks before he is able to play. Manager Maddock has signed another pitcher, Mnson, lnte of St. Louis. This probably means that Shaw is released. Barney McGarry has a sore arm and Southard is lck, so that the Torontos are badly off in the box. Mason joined tho team in Wllkes-Barre. President Ryan has Instructed Maddock t0 strengthen the team at every weak spot. The Buffalo players mot secretly Inst night and deckled to boll to death A. D. Bachclder, of the Buffalo Courier nnd who has been with the club throughout the trip. Mr. Bachelder remained In New York on 'Monday and the team won Its first game of the season. He arrived In Scranton yesterday morning nnd witnessed the game in the after noon. WHY SUFFER When you can get your eyes scien tifically tented " FREE. Any loss of vision from nge or defect can be corrected by the use of the Acro-Crystal lenses, which will stop all pain in the head. Have no other. The Acro-Crystal lenses are sold only by DeWITT, EYE SPECIALIST AND JEWELER. Hours: Dally, tf to 11 a. 1 tofiand 7 to II p.ra 203 tACKA. AVE., SCRANTON, PA. JUDGE AND MIKE LEONARD. Scranton Boy to Go Against a Good One on Monday Night. A limited round boxing bout has been arranged for Monday night In the Frothingham between Mike Leonard, of Brooklyn, and James Judge,' of this city. They will spar at catch weights. Leonard arrived hero Monday after noon with his backer, George W, Turn er, and his trainer, Lee Allen, Leonard recently bested "Dick' Burgh, of Australia, In six rounds In the Seaside arena at Coney Island, and previously made a gooti Hhowlng In a four-round bout with "Jack" MeAu llffe. lie has bested Miles Clark, "Jack" Cushlng, Dannie McVeigh and "Chuck" Connors. Judge holds the championship of Northeastern Pennsylvania. His friends are confident that he will make Leon ard know that he has been In a fight, They will spar at about 135 pounds. A number of other contests have been ar ranged for the night. OFFICIAL MICYCLE NEWS. Latest nullctin from Chairman Gideon of tho Itncing ISoiirJ. The latest bulletin of the League of American Wheelmen racing board reads as follows: Tho quarter-mile, half-mile and two- mile nutlonal championships have been assigned to the Asbury Park Wheelmen July 11, 12 and 13. Additional national circuit dates have been assigned to Scranton, Pa., June 24, nnd Carbondale, Pa., June 2", these clubs assuming the risk of rain. At a recent meeting of the Scranton olub It was decided not to hold the meeting. WIIkes-Harre gets two days of the cir cuit, June 21 and 22. Gilmore. New man and Corser, of Scranton, will en ter nt Wllkes-Barre and Carbondale, class A races. NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE. An electric light has been erected at tho corner of Remington avenue and Locust street, a 'spot where darkness needed to be dispelled, ns It wns tho favorite loafing corner of a gang of young rowdies. On Tuesday evening, May 28, the Sun day school class of A. C. Meyers, of the Cedar Avenue MethodlHt Episcopal church, will hold an entertainment In tho church. Thomas Farrell, of Plymouth, has returned home after visiting friends on the South Side. A game of base ball will be played on May 12 on the Stillwater grounds be tween clubs selected respectively from the day and night forces of the Lacka wanna Knitting mills. It Is said that some clover players are among tho workmen, nnd a great game Is expected. Miss Jennie Rogers, of Mill City, is visiting relatives on Cedar avenue. A meeting of the St. Aloyslus society of St. John's parish wns held last even ing and a question box was one of the features. The members took much In terest In this novel addition to methods for creating enthusiasm. Miss Annie Burke, of Plttston, Is vis iting acquaintances on Fig street. ' The Forest band will open the picnic season at Centraf 'Park garden on Sat urday, May IS. ' Conductor James Dowllng, of Locust street, resumed work yesterday after being idle for more than a month. Alfred Tolemlo, of Cedar avenue, left for a visit yesterday to New York city. PIMIOKE DOIXfiS. On May 22 the Young Men's Institute will respectfully call upon the public In general to attend a book reception, to be held nt their rooms In the Manley building, on Chestnut street. As this is one of the first motives In tho so ciety (to establish a good library and promote Intelligence among Its mem bers), the public should not hesitate, but contribute ns liberally ns possible. They have Just completed nn elegant antique oak book case. In which they will place the books donated. Aside from the reception an entertainment will,take place In the adjoining hall, to which admission will a book. Tho best musical talent, both local and out side, has been engaged. The Dunmore Iron and Steel company paid Its employes yesterday afternoon. A drama, entitled "Tho Three Fairy Gifts," will be produced In the Odd Fellows' hall, Monday evening, May 13, for the benefit of St. Luke's mission. Following Is tho programme: Fairy queen, Tltanla, Florence Urban; fairies, Minnie Saxton, May Hughes, Jessie Moffatt, Grace Urban, Mamie Weber, Nettle Penneil. Florence Weber; Cyn thia, Bessie Shepard; Violet, Ellen Branson; Vera, Anna Oliver; Rupert, Molly Healey. OLYPHANT. Yesterday afternoon an Interesting game of base ball was played In this place. "Jud" Brugler, the sportsman, picked a number of the best ball players In town, including mnny of the Browns, and secured the services of the Dun more Morning Glories' crack battery, Caiwley and Flnnerty, played seven in nings with the Olyphant Base Ball club, when the game broke up In a wrangle. Tho Rcnrp stood ft to ft in favor of the latter club. Vl'alsh and Pettlgrew held the points for tho home team, very few safe hits were secured off them. "True Irish iHearts" will be at the opera house tomorrow evening. W. J. Evans returned home from Reading Monday. WYOMING. A violet tea will be given by the Ep worth league In the Methodist Episcopal church parlors this (Wednesday) even ing. A fire broke out In the old barn on the Breese property In the rear of Baldwin's shoe store Monday night, about 12 o'clock. Had It not been for the quick work of the Wyoming Hose company, that side of the street from the Method ist Episcopal church up to Townsend Bros, shoe store would have been In ashes yesterday morning. Much credit is due the Wyoming Hose company No. 1. Ilcllcf in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages, in mnlo or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing it almost Immediately. If you wont quick relief and euro this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Drugeiat, 123 Penn ava nuo, Scranton, Pa. IShen Baby wns tick, we gave her Ctstorls. When sbo was a Child, she cried fqr Caatorls. When she became Bliss, she clung to CoKtorlx H'hon she had Children, she gave thorn Castor! BY AND FRESH HER IN 1 POUND PRINTS. Try it and you will use no other. 24c PER FOUND. LUCE BROS. OB OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Sitlc of the City Noted. A MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE llo Was tho Son of Mr. and Mrs. Mctlugh of North. Main Avcnuo Now Hooms of Robert Morris I.odgo Formally Opened Other News Notes. Andrew, the 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. .Mc.Hugh, of North Main ave nue left for school n,t 8 o'clock Monday morning a.nd has not returned home since. The boy Is of large build, is red- haired and wears a suit of blue clothes. He Is an attendant at St. Patrick's parochial school, on South . Sumner avenue, and left home at 8 o'clock In order to take a lesson on the violin at that Institution. Inquiry at the school elici ted the fact that the boy had not been- there Monday or ye-ster'day. His parents nre prostrated. Diligent search has availed nothing. Andrew's habits were of the best. Relatives, both far and near, have been communi cated with and In each Instance the boy had not been seen. Lieutenant Williams and his corps of men are on a lookout for the lad, but as yet no clue has been discovered. His companions have not seen him since ho left home and his absence Is becoming more and more a matter of concern. Any In formation ns to the lad's whereabouts should be directed to his parents or the police. Opening of the New Homo. Robert Morris ball and social rooms. on South Main avenue, were opened last night, with an entertainment and social. Many members with their lady friends were In attendance. The rooms as they are now embellished form one of the most cosy lodge homes In the city. A large front parlor Is tastily furnished with the best that money can buy, and several smaller apart ments combine to make a commodious suite of rooms for social purposes. On the- southern side of the lloor Is the lodge room or meeting place of the mem bers. This has been newly papered and furnished. In the rear are two largo kitchens furnished with hot and cold water facilities. Bath rooms complete the new home, and talk of an additional gymnasium Insures a menns for phy sical culture for the members. Last night David J. Davis, In a neat speech. Introduced those present to the chair man of the evening, President K. D. Jone3. The following programme was rendered: Selection, Lewis Davis Glee club; solo, Clara Saunders; cornet solo, Will Stanton; duet, Caleb Kvans and James McNulty; solo, Miss Maggie Jones; violin solo, William Allen; solo, rhlllp Warren; solo, Ulchnrd Thomas. Cake and Ice cream were served after the entertainment, and a social time was spent In the parlors. Dnmngc hy Storm. Sunday's storm did some damage on this side. A barn in the rear. of the house of George Weltxel, on Prink street, was an object of the llghning's nttack. The slippery fluid entered at tho eaves, ripped nlong the rafters, and after killing several chickens and smit ing a pig, It lit with stunning force on the forehend of a horse. The animal fell nnd wns unconscious for several hours. It may finally recover. The barn was damaged to a great extent. A fnmlly named Jones on western Jackson street, near the rnllroad, was within a few seconds of death. The father, re turning home during the storm, saw his lnfnnt child sitting Innocently In a doorway, which was open, forming a direct draft with n rear door. Mr. Jones hastily grasped the child, re marking at Its danger, and removed It to another pnrt of the house, a few seconds afterword, a bolt of lightning entered the rear door nnd rushed through the hall, ripping off a pnrt of the front door, where the child snt a few moments before. The dwelling house of Andrew Lnnce, on Jackson street, was visited and badly damaged. Other houses were also attacked. Ministers Jlcct. West Side pastors held a regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Rev. E. It. Lewis, on Academy street. A paper on "What Is Preaching?" was r.ead by Rev. L. C. Floyd nnd discussed by those In at tendance. Rev. Mr. Peck, of the Ply mouth church, will, at the next meeting, read a'pnper on "Christ the Atone ment." Rev. Mr. Bell was elected sec retary of tho association In the stead of Rev. Mr. Cooper, of the Hampton street church, now of Hawley. A com mittee consisting of Revs. Floyd, Hughes and Bell was. appointed to look after a legal observauce of the Sabbath on this side of tho river. Soda water fountains will be closed and Sunday-opened saloons will be looked after. The association will back Its committee In prosecutions if legal steps are neces sary to enforce the law. On tho Diamond. The Achilles base ball club met and defeated the Patagonia Maroons yes terday by a score of 17 to 12. A large crowd witnessed tho contest. Thomas Williams and Lem Phillips formed the Maroon battery, and Harry Davies and William Kvans did the work for the victors. A second game was played by the Achillas with a team, from Wood's college. Wood's team winning by a score of 11 to 6. Batteries: Wood's, John R. Thomas and Cooper; Achillea, Harr Davis, John Thomas and Evans. Smaller Notes of Interest. ' This evening at 8 o'clock nn entertain. ment will bo given In tne First Welsh Baptist church under tho auspices of tho Bcllevue Band of Hope. Mrs. Owen Jones, of Garfield avenue, Is 111. Mrs. iM, H. Rclnhart, of Eighth street, is seriously Indisposed. Anthony Qobrosky, of Price street, was Injured In the Hampton mine Mon day evening at 0 o'clock by a fall of coal. The injuries were chiefly on the head. Berkshire hams, 9 cts., Clarke Bros. It ts Alderman Daniel Moses now, and ex-iAIderman T. T. Morgan. T. Reeves Jones, of New York, Is visit ing his parents, Mr. and iMrs. Robert Jones, of Academy street. The funeral of the late Mrs. William Thomas, of Twenty-second street, oc curred yesterday. A Boclal and entertainment was held last evening In the Washburn Street Presbyterian church. Boys annoyed the members of the Salvation army last night, and Lieuten ant Williams was called to disperse the crowd. The hoodlums got away before the officer arrived, however. Miss Hattie Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eieazer S. Evans, was the re cipient of a surprise party, tendered her by a number of friends, Monday even tng. Tho street and bridge committee of the West Side board of trade will meet this evening In the ofllce of A. M. Morse, on Jackson street. Berkshire hums, 0 cts., Clarke Bros. Thomas, a S-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Pltchford, of Evans court, died yesterday. West Side lltislncss Directory. PHOTOOrtAPHKIl-Cablnet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself hy calling at Starner's l'liolo l'arlurj, nil und 103 South Main avenue. OK iCEItlKS Revere Standard Java Coffuo Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of tlio day. For sale only at V. W. Ma son & (Jo. l-'lno Groceries, 11(1 South wain avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE-CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, StoveB, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1U1M and 1U2U jacKson street. WALL PAPER do to Fred Reynolds, 2011 North Alain avenue, nnd see his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints and window Shades, jual openeu wun new stock. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 North Muin avenue, docs llrBt-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. FACTORYVILLE. Dr. John HI Harrln, president of Bucknell university, filled the pulpit of the First Baptist church Sunday, and preached a very able sermon to a crowded house. Dr. Harris was former ly principal of Keystone academy and pastor of the First Baptist church at this place. Our new town hall Is nearly com pleted, and will be quite an addition to the town. The Christian Endeavor society, of First Baptist church, will hold a match social Friday evening at the church. Our graded school Is closed for the summer. F. Lincoln Reynolds is finishing the Interior of G. W. Carlton's new resi dence at Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. Danbd Langstaff have moved from Scranton to their summer residence on Academy street. Charles Blower has purchased A. B. Rought's property on High street. Mr. Bought will build himself a new resi dence. Rufus Lindley has purchased Charles Brower's property and will move there at once. The Salvation army will be nt this place Sunday and every one Is re quested to come to the services. KXPKKIENCK Till: lll-ST TKACIII-K. Tho great value of Dr. David Ken nedy's Favoritu Remedy In curing diseases of the blood, particularly the Ills of wo men, has again been demonstrated. Mrs. W. J. Anderson, of Bruyn street, Kings ton, N. Y., In speaking of her experience, says: "1 was an awful sufferer from troubles common to my sex, was reduced to 70 pounds; four physicians prescribed for me, but I kept growing worse. Until I began the use of Dr. Kennedy's Favor ite Remedy I never knew a well day. By Its use I grew Btronger, the pain less fre quent, until It entirely dlsoppearcd. I now weigh 1-5 pounds, and am a well woman. I must know a dosen women who suffered similarly and have been cured by Its use." i:stahi.isiif.( I870.1 GILHOOL'S CARRIAGE WORKS. CnrrlngM. Biislnens Wngrns, Repairing Horse Khopitikc, PniiitiiiRunil Upholstering. Ncs. 8111, :i'l, HZi, &!5 Uuvouth strcot, Scranton, Pa. riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of tho best quality for domestl Bso, and of all Bises, delivered In anjp part of the city at lowest price. Orders left nt my Ofllce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or tolephono to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for th tola wad, delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. Moosic Powder Ge Rooms 1 and 2 Commovealth Bid's, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALIi! WORKS. Laftlln tt Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powder Electrlo Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repanno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive! lljr unicg th "Btowie tftovo 1'oliHhing Mitten" fur shinmit your tores. B uy mitten of your grocer for 16 oauts nnd got tun-rent box of STOVE NE FREE. The ehinn on your atovn lasts twice us long when polished with Htovene ss when biiick end with other Btove polishes WOMEN SAVE YOUR HANDS RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehltthaud Miaijuohauuu Divuioa) Anthruoto coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. U'iMK TAULK UN KFFKUT MARCH 25, 1HH5. Trains leave Bcrunton for Plttston, Wllkes-Barro, etc., at 6.20, 9.10, 11.30 a.m.. 12.45, 2.o, 3.1. 5.00, Lis, p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, Ji.lG, 7.16 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 1.20 (express) a.m., 12.15 (express with Buf fet purlor car), 3.06 (express) p.m. Sun day, 2.1B p.m. For Muuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlo hem, Kiiston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a.m., 12.46, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p.m. Buniltty, 2.15 p.m. For Long Brunch, Ocean Grove, etc., at S.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. For Reading, Lebanon and IlarrlBburg, via Allutitown, 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 6.00 p.m. (Sunday, 2.15 p.m. For pottBVllle, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib. erty street. North river, at D.10 (express) a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m. Lcavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9,00 a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Bumlay 6.27 a.m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vanco to tho ticket agent at the ntntlon. II. P. BALDWIN, Gtei. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUDSON ItAIL ROAD. Commnnelntr Monday, day, July It), aii tr-ln wlllarrlvo at new Lack awanna nvcnuo station as follows: Trutnu will leove Scran ton station for Curbotitlulo anil In termediate points at 2.2'J, 5.43, 7.O. 8.2.T. and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2,20, 3.55, 6.10, 6.15, L'io, 9.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farviow, Waymart and Iloncson.a at 7.00, 8.2S and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20 und 6.15 p.m. For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondnclu and Montreal at 6.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. For Wllkos-Barre and Intermedin?? . jltitn at 7.45, 8.45, 9.S8 and 10.45 a.m., 12.1 1.20, 2.38, 4.00. 6.10, 6.03, O.lfi and U.SS p.m. Trains will arrlvo at Scranton Btaticrt from Carbondale and intormo'Hate polntd at 7.40, 8.40, 9.31 and 10.40 a.m., 12.1.0. 1.17,2,'JI L40. 4.54. 5.65. 7.45. 9.11 and II.. ',3 li.m. From HoneHdale, Waymnrt and Fnrj view at 9.24 a.m.. 12.00, 1.17, 3.40, 5.C5 an 3 7.45 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc, at 4.54 and 11.8.1 p.m. T-..vm iri1,r.u-It..-A nn.l (nt.m,lt,l,' points at 2.15, 8.01, 10.03 snd 11.55 a.m.. l.iy IX t.si, o.iu, ti.ua, i.Z'J, v.iu ana u.iu p.m. Del., Lack, nnd Western. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex- frons for New York and all points East, 40, 2.60, S.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m. ; 12.65 and 3.50 p.m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, C.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a.m., 12.55 and 3.60 p.m. Washington nnd way stations, 3.55 p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (i.10 p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, EI mira, Corning, Hath, Dansvlllc, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.3." a.m. and 1.24 p.m., muklng close connections at Buf falo to all points in the West , Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a.m. Blnchamton nnd way stntlons, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 5.15 p.m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Kxpress, COS p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.35 and Bath 9 a.m. nnd 1.21 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wllkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbtirg nnd Dan ville, mnking clone connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington nnd the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tions, fi.00, 9.65 a.m. and 1.X0 r.tul 0.07 p.m. Nnntlcoko and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains For detailed Information, pocket time tnblos, etc., npply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofTice, 32S Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket ofllce. Nov. 18. 1S94. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via I. H. K. K. at 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.38 and 11.38 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. It., fi.00, 8.0S, 11.20 am., and 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Plttston nnd Wllkes Barre, via D., L. & W. It. U 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., 3.50. 6.07, 8.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Ha zleton, Pottsvlllo and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. & W. V. R. R., 6.40 a.m.. via D. A; II. P.. R. at 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.34, 4.00 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00, '8.0S, 11.20 a.m., l.Co, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Harrlsnurp and all intermediate points via D. H. R. R., 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.3K, 4.00, 11.38 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. it., 6.00, 8.0S, 11.20 n.m., 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhmnock, To wnnda, Elmlra, Ithnca. Geneva nnd nil intermediate points via D. & H. R. K., 8. ij a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 8.0S, 9.55 a.m., 1.3ft p.m. Ix?avo Scranton for .Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago nnd nil points west via D. - H. R. R.. 8.45 a.m., 12.05, 9.15, 11.38 p.m., via P.. L. & NV. R. it. and Plttston Junction, 8.0K, 9.55 n.m., 1.:,0, 8.50 p.m., via E. & W. V. It. R.. 3.41 p.m. For Elmlra ond the west via i-a'am.mca, via D. H. R. R., 8.45 a.m., 12.05, il.nf, p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R., 8.0;i, 9.55 a.m., 1.30, and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre nnd New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. BOLLIN TI. WTLBI'R, Con. Supt. CHASiB.LKE.Oen.Pnss. Ast., Phlla., Pn, A. W. NONNEMACHEU. Asst. Cjca. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on tho Kri rail road at 6.-35 a.m. and 321 p.m. AIpo for Honesdale, Hawley and local points ut 6.35. 9,45 a.m., ond 3.24 p.m. All the above aro through trains to and from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.40 a, m. and 3.41 p.m. SCHANTON DIVISION. In Effect Sept. 10th, 1804.' North llinnd. Notllil ISolllld. 205 203 201 2Oi2OI20U Ullftfl! etat'n9 ? i f i 8 g (Tmlnsnnlly. f & J S J 7. - Except flimilay) 0 ,. 1 r M Arrive Leave A w .... 725.. . N Y Franklin St .... T .... .... 710.... West 4-.'nd Si .... 7 5.'- .... .... 700.... Weehawken .... 810.... r M T M Arrive ' Invc A M P II .... "Sao lis.... Hancock June, tioo .... 810 10U .... Hancock 6 00 a 11 ..... 7 58 19 56 ... KtnrllKht 6 1f 2-- .... 761 1D40 .... ProstonPark 0 25 8.11 .... 745 1340 .... Como 63J S 41 .... 7 38 1925 .... rovntelle 6 40 S .... 7 88 18 18 .... Uolmont 6 4.". Sf .... 7 2;! 1303 .... rimsantMt SKI 8 06.... 71BfU5U ... Unlomlnle fOnS 800.... 708 1140 4 M ForsetCitV 710 3 10 P II 6 61 11 34 91 Carnonrtdle 7 SI 8 3t 5 31 6 48(1130 91-i Whlto Bridge 7 27 f3:H SJ7 (6 48 WOO Mnyflelii f7 Si f3 4-1 fS43 641 1183 903 Jei-mvn 73 845 845 6 85 1118 8 57 Archibald 7 40 8M 6 51 6 33 (1115 854 Winton 7 41 3M 554 6 39 1111 8 50 Pecliville 7 4 3 Ml 5 59 6 35 1107 8 41 OlrphunC 753 4 01 8 04 6 31 1105 8 41 Pickson 7M 4 07 607 619 1103 830 Throop 7 5l 410 610 614 1100 8: Providence BOO 4 14 614 f18 flow 8 8.1 Park Place 8 03 ft 17 616 610 10 55 Hat Bcranton 8 0S 4 30 OSi) r M A M A v Tnve Arrive A MP HP u All trains run dnily except Sunday. f. slKnilles that trains atop on signal for pas sengers. . . Secure rates ls Ontario ft Western before purchasing tickets snd nave money. Day sad Nlakt Express to the Went. J. O. Anderson, (Ten. Pass. Ant, ' T. Flltcroft, Div. raw. Agt., ScroDtou, fa, ;B! FUEE ! FREES YGUf.3 RaEt4, ATTENTION ! DR. HACKER, "THE ENGLISH SPECIALIST." vVlll for the Next Thirty Dnys, Give Abso lutcly J-'rco, All Consultations, Kxarai. nations ond Professional Services. H-membr, this Is for SO DAYS ONLY. Avail yournulvos of this raro opportunity. Tliiionly apnliento cascb of nervous troubles riHhi frnm Errors of Youth. Our hpeciuliHt in trcutmont of nil Cntarrhiil and Throat troubles niso gives FIRST TREAT iiliNT IUEL'. Deafness positively cured. DR.W.H. HACKER 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite Xnw Hotel Jormyn, Scranton, Pa. OFFICE UOUU8-8 TO B. WEAK, KERVGUS MEN. Why rot 'rent with a phynlclan to whom yon can toll your troubluH and will CUHU you'' Why fend your money miles away from homo to some ono you never saw, whin yrui have the Kreatcst fipeclallst near yon with whom you can talk H over u ml b- cured. Dr. I!r ,-r, 412 Spruce strcot, Scranton, by h:s new and specific methods and remedies cures nil the following: Impot cm y. !.;! .Manhood, Variooocele, fionor-rhcc-i. iyMiii's. i'.iood Poison, Niphtly Lns.", 'ct-.ire. PetnlnnI Weakness, Re yloces j,ntH Vitality. Lost Memory, Eradi cate! nil the bad effects of ,8clf Abuse," 1-:.x:( sslve Vcnery, 1'ur'lles the Blood, He. stores "Shrunken Parts" to their normal size, Arrests decay nnd makes you a well and hearty man ngaln. If yolt aro nerv ous, have a rapid irrltnblo heart, tired, dull fiH-Pnc In the mornings, Offensive Breath, Constipation, pains back of neck and h-riil, or any of the above diseases, call and be examined. It will cost you nothing and you may benefit largely by rt. Mverythlns strictly secret nnd confiden tial. OFFICE HOURS Dally 9 to 9. Sundays, 10 to 4. PR EhVTx N'- r't2 pPmco Street, Llli IIi.L0C.Oj sen AN ION, pa. THB TRADERS Rational Baa's of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1O90. CAPITAL 250,C0O ' SURPLUS, $3i5,000 SAMTTET, TTTVF.S, President. Vv'. V. WATSOX, Vloo-Presktent. A. 13. WILLIAMS, Cashier. ninECTor.s. Pnmuel TTlnes. .Tam?s M. Everhart, Irv Intr A. Finch, l'ievce It. l-"lnley, Joseph J. Jormyn, M. K".nerer, Charles P. Slat thews, Joiin V. Porter, W. W. Watson. Hi LIBERAL. This bank Invites tho patronage of bus tness men aud linns generaiy.' 0wt$h Standard Instruments in every senss of the term as applied p Pianos. Exceptional in holilins their original ful ness of tone. . NEW YOrtK WAREHOUSE, NO. tt Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.G. RICHER &CO 113 Adams Ave, New Telephone BldjJ- LAGER BEER BRET Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY a f 00,000 Barrels per Annum TKE SCRANTON MlIILE ma"l!lFACTUnlflG CO., MMttai or SHALE PAVING BliJCK PM EUSLDING BRICK Ofllce) 320 Washington Avenue Works: Nay AuR, Pa IS. & W. V. It. R. m. hTdale, General Sales Agent, Scranton, Pa PiLSElR -LIOEI SEER
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