THE SCRANTON THIBUNE WEDNESDAT MORNING. MAY 8, 1895. Otir Neighbors Dou)d f be . Ualley. ace Connolly Wall WILKES-BflRRE. IThn Trltnino Jwia opc.PM n branch of fice nt No.' a), Lnnn'ng building. Public Square. Wllkes-ltnric. fur the uaiisacCoii of business. Tho publishers propose to extend tho clrculutlon of Tho Tribune In Wllkes-Barre anil tho surrounding towns, and to that end will present a very com plete department of Luzerne county news. For success In thin undcrfiilting depend enee is placed solely upon the superiority of The Trlbuno as a purveyor of all the news of the dny domestlr, foreign, local, commercial and lliinncliil. The general In terests of the people of Wllkes-Hnrre and tho Wyoming valley will have In The Trib une nn earnest advocate, editorially and otherwise. It Is the purpose of the pub lishers to Issue a newspaper ns valnoble to the general public ns the metropolitan dallies, and deliver It to the peoplo throughout northonstern Pennsylvania from three to live hours earlier than the rhllmlolphln and New York papers run reaeh them, . THE HENDRICKS CASE. Ills Counsel Aro Confident llo Will ,Do Acquitted. Another lnrpe crowd sweltered In the close atmosphere of the court house yesterday to hear the evidence In the case of Hendricks, one of the nll'wd murderers of Rttrney Hoick. The At torneys for the defense lire now more hopeful than ever of the acquittal of their client. The evidence of Wisher, one of the other accused, on Monday, has been so fully corroborated by re putable witnesses that nn ixlii-1 no far as ho Is concerned appenrs to he estab lished. 'While thU does not touch the question of Hendricks' guilt, It noes fat to break down the theory of the pros ecution. Fisher has been pointed to ns the mnn who went to Uainey Hoick- house" and lured him to his death In tho railroad company's freight yard. Fisher has proven beyond a hip stlon that he was not in Vllkes-Hanv utt'.l In the evening, and that he was sonv whero else at the time Helck was lur-d to his death .In n iseneral way thin Fisher alibi will help HemJrlcks. A great number of witnesses were called by the defense yesterday, all of whom testified either in corroboration of Fisher's alibi, story or were used to Impeach the reliability of the more im portant witnesses for tho prosecution. Michael Kearney, another of the de fendants, was placed on the stand yes terday, and he also told a story which, If corroborated, will establish an alibi In his case. Things yesterday looked decidedly more hopeful for Hendricks. The case for the defense has certainly been handled with a good deal of clever ness by the three young attorneys, and they are receiving a good deal of prais for what they are doing in a profes sional way. THE QUAY COUNTY KILL. Final Action In the Legislators Todav. Interest in the Vote. The announcement that the honre of representatives at Harrisburg will to day finally dispose of the measure known as the Quay county bill excites a good deal of interest in Wilkes-Uarre. fcut not half so much as nt Hazleton. The bill, as will be remembered, failed to command the constitutional majority on final passage, but the action of the house was re-considered in or-ler that another vote might be taken when none of the members were unavoidably ab sent from their seats. On the previous vote the supporters of th:? bill were short eleven, and some far was ex pressed here yesterday that the new countyltes may have bcTi aMe to secure the requisite number and today pass the bill. The Hazletonians have been very active and a strong delegation Is now at the state capital working for the suc cess of their pet bill. What measure of euccess has attended their labors will be known when the vote Is announced. Assurances were received In this city yesterday from supposed well-informed ources at the state capital that the bill cannot possibly command more votes than It received before when it failed. These reports have quieted apprehen sion here, still there are many timid ones who fear that the Quay county boomers from Hazleton have been doing something reckless and that the bill may pass. There would be such wall ing and gnashing of teeth, if the bill should pass, as has not been heard in Wllkes-Barre since the announcement came some years ago that the Lacka wanna county bill had passed. Wllkes Barre groans with anguish every time ehe gives birth to a new county. THE LOCAL CONTRACTORS. They Complain Thnt They Have Not Had a Fair Chance There are In this city a number of contractors and builders who claim to be able to do as good work and on as extensive a scale as men elsewhere In he same line of business. Home of them allege that Architect Myers Is standing In wfth contractors from other cities and that these will be allowed advantage over local competitors In bidding for contracts on the new court house. How much or how little foun dation, there la for such suspicions Is wholly conjectural. Popular prejudice against Architect .Myers and the coun ty commissioners is so pronounced that doubtless Injustice Is done them In many Instances. There Is an over whelming demand thait If the new court house Is to be built, Luzerne county men shall have at least an equal chance with outsiders to secure con tracts for work on tt. If outsiders Khali, In a fair contest, underbid local contractors, there will be no JuBt cause fcSr complaint. If the new court house Is built the people of Luzerne county will have to pay for It and It will be In the Interest of all that as much of the money as possible be retained In the community. Olve the local con tractors a chance! The County Clinlrmnnshlp. But Chairman Robinson says he hns no Intention of resigning. Did not the Wllkes-Barre correspondent of Tho Tribune read Air. Koblnson's denial of the resignation story some time ago? Probably The Tribune man knows of a plot to force the genial "Bob" out of the place. News-Dealer. The Wllkes-Barre correspondent of Tho Tribune knows nothing about the resignation of Chairman Robinson, nor of any "plot to forrie the genial 'Bob' out of the place." Under the rules of the Republican party of .Luzerne the term of the chairman of the county committee expires by limitation annual ly. .When a county convention has been held the candidates nominated meet and Select the chairman whom they desire to conduct the campaign. This system has worked well and Is a good one. The candidates are most di rectly Interested In the conduct of the campaign, and It is right they should Rieci me man ior xne cnairmaiisiiip. lerfSherlff Robinson has made an excel- Btatedl,!rman' Some t,me e " was that hmi, PPParfintIy &ood authority nad W desire to conduct an other campaign. When the proper time conies to select the chairman the candi dates on the ticket will say whom they desire for that responsible position. Perhaps they will request Chairman Robinson to servo once more. That will be the proper time for him to accept or decline. There Is no occasion for a resignation. If lie were to resign now his successor could not bo chosen at this time. This talk about a "plot" to force Mr. llohlnson out of tho place Is the veriest nonsense. The News-Penler seems to have forgotten under whiil system the chairman of the Republican county committee is selectvd In Luzerne. MAYOR NICHOLS' METHODS. llo Is Criticised for Making nn Attempt to Stump Out nn I II. Probably nearly every mayor Wllkes Ilnrre has ever had has made more or Icfs effort to nhollsh the bowdy house that evil which nllllcls every city in the world, ami of which Wllkes-Unrre hns, possibly, a little more than its due pro portion. No mayor of any city of con siderable size lias ever yet stamped out or even materially diminished this evil. Mayor Nichols is an earnest and doubt less a conscientious man. He has here tofore made things uncomfortable for the keepers of bawdy houses, but he has not, apparently, succeeded In reducing the number of such houses. Recently he has adopted a s,imewnat novel policy of dealing with such places. Instead of organizing a police raid on them In the d-ad hour of the night, ho simply noti fies the keepers of such houses to ap pear before him at a stated hour and then Imposes a heavy tine and costs on them, at the same time warning them to abandon their lawless occupation. If the mayor should do this at regular Intervals, sav once a week, his plan of operation might be more effective than raiding the houses and binding- the keepers over for appearance at court. The new policy ndopted by the mayor will be watched with a good deal of In terest. If it sb.ou.ld prove a success oth-, er mayors will probably adopt It. Mayor Nichols Is particularly desirous of breaking up those bawdy houses that h ive been flourishing In localities where respectable, people reside and are out raged by their disreputable neighbors. The mayor does not deserve the ad verse criticism to which he is subjected. He is dealing with a troublesome problem and doing the best he can. COURT lU'SINESS. The following business was recorded in court room No. 2 yesterday: Case of -th1 commonwealth vs. John H. Wood. Jury tlmls the defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. Frank Smith, ma llcluus mischief. Thomas O'Brien, uri s'cutor. Smith pleads guilty and s-nteneed to pay a tine of J30 and cost of prosecution. Commonwealth vs. Anthony scr- Inrdes. assaul: and battery on police olfioer. John Connell. prosecutor. Jury finds the defendant guilty. Commonwealth vs. Kosehh n Clnter. et. al., for breaking freight cars; de fendants found guilty. Heal Estate Transfers. The Diamond Coal (Land company to Albert Zboray. land In Hazleton for $250. il. (1. Merrill nnd wlf to Isaac M. Thomas, land in Wllkes-Barre for 40. Susquehanna Coal company to James Flannery, land In Nantlcoke Cor ?2-"0. O. A. dates nnd wif" to Lorenzo D. Partington, land in Ross township for 11.000. Benjamin A. Bldlaek and wife nnd Mordeeal Earl and wife, to Paul Ful mer in trust and Bertha F. Fulnvr, land In Huntington township for J.'jOO. Samuel J. Knglish and wife to Sam uel Atherhold; land in the borough of Wyoming for $1,2')0. Sophia Stross to John Donaker, land In Dennlson township for $15. Sarah H. Johnson to John Ballach, land In- Wllkes-Barre for $ioo. Stephen A. I)etrk-k to Melton F. Wlllmms, land in Nescopeck township for $.VK). Appeal from Auditors' Report. E. A. Oberrender and Henry E. Swee ney, taxpayers of Hazle township, filed an apneal from the report and settle ment by the nuditors or Hazle township for the year end'H March 4, I'M, of the accounts of Patrick Sharkey and Dan iel Connor, supervisors of said town ship. Attorney A. H. McCIIntock represents the appellants. . Will Prohntcd. The will of John Wesley Spencer, late of Dallas township, was probated yes terday. He bequeaths to Clara L. Har ris $200, to Joseph Novel ), to Peter Spencer the property he now occupies In Dallas township. All the balance or the property, real nnd personal, to his wife, Catherine O. Spencer. His wife. Catherine O. Spencer, and It. It. Ide nre appointed executors. The estate Is valued at SI 4.000. KRIF.F NOTES. On May 15 the Ninth Regiment band will appear on the streets in their new uniforms. Company F, Ninth regiment, was In spected la?Jt evening and presented a most creditable appearance. The Wllkes-Iiarre Water company Ira's Ilia Ufa- long friend, CURES Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma Lumbago, Inflammation, Frostbites, Headache, Toothache, fsod Internally an well an U(crnnly. A hrdf to A teiwnnnnfid In hnlf ft t-nmbler of wntflT mrm Htuniach troubles, Cold Chllla. Mnlnrui Fenra, Wind in the Uowuia, and All tutorntl pains. Fifty CenO a IJottlo. flod by VruegtRttt RADWAY St CO.. Now Vol U. RAD WAY'S PILLS, Purely vegetable, mtld and reliable. Cause perfect digestion, complete assimila tion and healthful regularity. Cure con stipation ami Its long list of unpleasant symptoms and rejuvenate the system. 5 cents a box. All Druggists. J M la and the WHItes-Harre Clus -company have re-elected all their old olllcers for another year. The base ball itennis or the Harry HHInian accademy nd tho Wyoming seminary baittle on Wyoming Field, Kingston, this afternoon. Tho crowd In iitondunou nt the mur der trial now In progress continues so large ns to require a force of special olllcers to maintain order. Tho olllclal board of the l'arrlsh Street Methodist Episcopal church have decided to raise the salary of their pa.-.tor to $I,2m nnd build him a new paminnge. Tho various societies in this neighbor hood are now making preparations for their annual excursions, A consider able number will take In Fnrvlew, over tho Dehtwnre and Hudson road. A Htono mason named Albert Lolp fert, residing In this city, had one of his feet crushed nt the Ice-Cuve hotel nn Monday by a heavy stone falling on It. lie will be disabled for many months. The old Luzerne house Is now nearly razed to the grountl, and the work of construction on the new building will be pushed rnplilly. It will bo one of the handsomest business blocks In the city. Now that tho court house ynrd Is shady It has onco more become the favorite louring place for idle peoplo. As the yard Is not provided with benches the Idlers squat on the grass under tho trees. Wllkes-Iiarre nnd Toronto will play again at Athletic park today. The Canadians appear to have good staying qualities, nnd have taken a good deal of the enthusiasm out of the Wllkes llarre ball cranks. Tho Second National bank building, which Is undergoing complete recon struction ns to the Interior, will soon be ready to be oecuploj, and will be one of the handsomest and most convenient banking houses In the city. The new cltyjiall, recently completed, Is greatly ndmlred by visitors, especial ly ns to Its interior conveniences and completeness In every detail. W'llkes Barreans contend that it Is vastly su perior to the municipal puilding of Seranton. This Is pay-day week at some of tho mines in this section, but tho men, un fortunately, will receive only very small sums for the- monthly stipend. Pay day at tho mines is not the Jolly event it was in former years In this valley, when full time was made. The Record has finally arrived nt the conclusion thnt Senator Kline secured the appointment of alderman for James 1!. Ford. It is altogether likely that the senator was consulted, and that he Is quite willing to assume any responsi bility that may uttach to it. According to "the official report the editlce of the First Presbyterian church of this city. Including lot and all In terior furnishings, cost S1S7.77S.97, nnd Is the most valuable church property In the city. Iiev. 'Jr. Hodge Is the pas tor of this church. The Triangular Lake association have elected the following olllcers for the ensuing year: President, Stephen Drum; vice-president, A. F. Fnrr; sec retary, H. Miller; treasurer. M. Jevons; trustees. V. H. Shepherd. C. I. Le grand, John It. Coolbaugh; and Peter Kashenbagh, collector. Some of the loonl papers have been In a stew over the announcement thnt "James Prennan, of Plymouth," was one of the Jurors In the trial of Hen dricks. There are only two James Ilrennans in Plymouth, and ns both were dally Feen on the streets of that town, some one Jumped to the conclu sion that one of the jurors was sailing under false colors. This Is the way It Is now explained: There is no James Brennan on the Jury. A man of that name was drawn and set aside, but some of the papers Inadvertantly had his name in the list instead of that of John Cay, of Dorranceton. PERSONAL. Architect Myers hns relumed to his home In Detriot, ;Mich. He did not take that second Instalment of $10,000 with him. Professor J. T). Regan, a former law yer of this county, hns returned from South America and will resume the practice of law In this city. Miss Ruth liutler, who hns been soendlng several months In this city, the guest of Mrs. Judge Woodward, left yesterday for her home In Memphis, Tenn. Captain Harry Gordon, of Dorrance ton, who hns been represented ns In a bad way mentally, was simply suffering from excessive application to his work, and Is now rapidly recovering. Alderman Davidson has been kept busy executing the quarterly vouchers for the army of pensioners In this city tho past few dnys. Many thousands of dollars are put In circulation here when the pension checks arrive. One of the famillnr figures seen almost dally on the streets of Wllkes Barre Is that of Honorable John II. Smith, of Forty-Fort. Although well advanced In years ho Is ns active as n hoy, nnd personally attends to all his large business Interests, Including the duties of president of tho First National bank, of Plymouth. OLD FORGE. William Tlnklepaugh's home -was the scene of a very pleasant gathering on -Saturday, the occasion being the seventy-eighth birthday of Mrs. Millard, Mrs. Tlnklepaugh's mother. A number of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were present. Among them were Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson and Mrs. Wllllnm Welter and family, of Avoca; Mr. ond Mrs. Nell Ferguson, of Dunmore; Mrs, 7'Vank Sanders nnd children, of Colorado; Mrs. Kilns Drakn and children, ofjlnnnom, and Mrs. Will iam Millard, of Mooslc Miss Etta Mosteller Is visiting friends In Shlckshlnny. Rev, 13. L. Hantoe and family were entertained at the homo of H. L. Edsall over Sunday. The, Hons of fit. Ooorge nnd tho Golden Eagles attended the Hrlck church In a body on rlilnday morning, The Ladles' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. E. Ilarnes this after noon. The members of .the Mooslo Methodist Episcopal church will tender Rev. E. L. Ban too a reception In the church parlors on Friday evening. All are cordially Invited to attend. John A. Wood Is making extensive Improvements on his house. Drake & Stewart "have Just received a carload of potatoes. , HhcumntlHm Cured In a Dny. "MYSTIC CURE" for Rheumatism nnd Neuralgia radically ourcs In 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the system Is remark able nnd my b tor Ions. . It removes at onse the cause and the disease Immediately disappears.. The. first doso greatly bona fits. 76 cents. Bo d by Carl Loronx, Drug gist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Seranton, PITTSTON. There wan a regular session of tho Wert Plltnton town council held In the town hall Monday evening, May 0, Sidewalks and cross-walks wore or dered laid, or In some cases permission giuntod to lay us usked for by prop erly owners. Permits fur new build ings were grunted, too, all , of which shows a continued WeHt Side Improve ment und growth. The Ixind uf L. O. Dnnlon In $H,0iH) was approved, as was also that of Lewis Gordon In same amount. Ilurgess HiMinett reported having col lected, from nil sources, f-ft during month of April. The burgess approved of tho followlng-numcd gentlemen as policemen: James Howell, It. I Hank, G. Kllllan, James Lynn, William Stroh, M. H. il limit, Andrew tjillnn, George Lewis, G. J. Llewellyn, E. W. Cnmpbell. T. 1!. Mitten. Perry Sick lor, Charles ltounni'll, Horace Cook, Ham McFeter Ich, George Htnmlon, John Grube, A. V. Coleman, John Chirk, Judson Deltrlck, Christopher Rose, Dan Van Luven, Al fred Uliigull, Henry Nichols, George Warner, John Koch, Thomas llarrott, John Curtis, John Sorlngoiis, Jr., A. M-onroo, John K. Davis. William Rich ards. A number of bills were ordered paid. A Pleasing Affair. A very pleasant surprise was 4on dored Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Owens at their home, on Delaware avenue, Mon day evening, In which nbout twenty live people participated. During ithe evening several musical selections were given In which Mr. Harris, of Kdwards vllle, and Mr. lteven, of Miner's Mills, displayed their talents ns vocalists. Miss llllss, of PlUHton, entertained he gnoMts with a recitation, nnd Mrs. and Mrs. W. II. Owens, nnd Mr. Heven with a very pleasing musical selection. Among those who were present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas P. Williams, nnd Morgan Heven, of Miner's Mills; Mr. nnd Mrs. David J. Morgan, of Prospect; Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Harris, of Kd wnrdsvllle; Mrs. Samuel Drowning, of Seranton; Mr. and Mrs .William Thomas and Daughter Hnnnah Mr. and Mrs. David W. Owens, Thomas Thom as, Mrs. George Drowning, Albert Drowning, nnd the Misses Ksther and Laura Drowning, Miss Jennie Hllss and Llewellyn F. Owens, nil of PiMston. At 11 o'clock refreshments were served and 'the many guests retired to their homes. Installation Services. ' The Installation services of tho In coming pastor. Rev. S. Ross .MoClem ents, will be held Thursday evening, May 9, nt the First Presbyterian church on P.road street. The programme: Doxology. Invocation Hov. W. Scott Stitos Scripture Reading.. ..Rev. A. J. Weisly Anthem Choir Prayer Rev. T. W. Swan Hymn No. 1023. Sermon, . Rev. Samuel Banks, of Philadelphia. Solo Miss Jessie Perrin Constitutional Questions, - Rev. W. I. Stites. Charge to the Pastor, Rev. James McLeod, D. D. Hymn No. 102S. Charge to the People, Rev. N. G. Farke, D. D. Prayer. Hymn No. RI7. benediction. Uni t on tho Kail. A son of Michael Kelly, of Puryoa, named John, was bndly hurt at the Le high Valley Water street station about 3 o'clock this afternoon. He attempted to Jump on a train while In motion, but missing his hold he was thrown near the track, when tho last truck of the last car In the train struck him on the back of the head. The blow rendered him unconscious, nnd It Is feared his skull Is fractured. He Is nbout 25 yenrs old. Ho whs tnken to the hospital, where he lies In' a critical condition. Wnkc HoMn Club Kcccption. The Wnko Robin; club hold one of Its stated evening receptions nt the home of Miss Helen Strong, on Susquehanna avenue, lost Alondny night. As Is char acteristic of the club, It was mofit en joyable, being both cnterlnlnlng and Instructive. Ncnrly idxfy persons made up the company. Ma.ny well-deserved compliments were pnld to Miss Strong and her iirenls for the roynl manner In which they generously helped the entertainment on. Two J.oso Their Lives. Kdward Hlrlch nnd a Polnnder nnmed John Wnnto both losit their lives nt tho Sitevens colliery yesterday afternoon. Ulrich was killed nt once, nnd Wanto lingered until he was carried to the hospital, where he died. They were repairing the colliery track on an In clined jiortlon of the road Just ns a Le high Valley train was passing, nnd so did not honr the noise of a trnln of coal cars on their own line, being thus cnught nnd killed. Patrick Moonoy Killed. I'ntrlck Moonoy, who bonrds with John Armstrong, nt Yatesvllle, an engi neer on tho Wllkes-Uarre nnd Knstorn railroad, wns killed at Mlddletown, N. Y., Monday evening. Ho wns standing on one trnck waiting for a freight train to pass when a passenger train came along on the track which he occupied and thus the accident. 'He wns at Mld dletown visiting wife and children over Sunday. A l-'cw Other Items. Mrs. Hrldgot Hnlley died at her home, on Church Hill, yottterdny morning. She Is survived by three daughters and ono son, till of whom nre married. The board of managers of tho Young Men's Christian Association llasket Hall league, comprising . Seranton, PRtslon, Wllkes-Hnrre and Klgston SLEEP & REST For Skin Tortured BABIES And Tired MOTHERS In On -Application ol ThS only speedy, permsnsnt and economl ! cal euro for torturing, dlsflgiirlog eczems, nnd - every apmlp of itching and burning skin and ' scalp diseases. Hrtd thmnshoat Hif worlV Britlfh ti r. Win Star Sum. I. Rlni Bi1wfd-t., London. JnTT lsuu urn. Coar Soli fropa.. Uaatoa, V, U. A. S ill IL3 IIUllliailKUlNlliilll'UTlV'fUlUILII)l i' ;., 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood tha Test ol Tlmo MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED teams, will mi'et this morning to ar range for the still undecided contest. James Corcoran, of Corcoran llros'. restaurant, was In Seranton yesterday anil witnessed 'the ball game between the Seranton and Uuffalo teams. Picture frames, easels and room moulding nt n liberal discount for next ten days. Hring In your pictures to bo framed. Largest stock, lowest prices, best work. Ives' Fine Art Store, 117 North Main avenue, Opposite Kerry bridge. TUNKHANNOCK. Oh, sing wo a song of the Jolly Spring time, when life is a pleasure Indeed; when nature is donning her green sum mer dress and brlght'ning the forest and mead; when, of all papers that como from the press, Tho Tribune's the stuff if you know how to rend. A tip on a lady's hut Is worth two In a rowboat. Leonard Carlln, brakeman on the Montrose road, was married Monday to Miss Cora Terry, of Springfield. The lire hose was attached to a plug In front of the court house yesterday, and the lawn thoroughly sprinkled- The Tho street main, on the north side of tho squnre, was tapped also, so thnt connection may be made for sprinkling the rear plat. Su Kee, the Chinese laundryman, who located here a month or two ago, has become discouraged and dopnrtod for other fields. The Lackawanna laundry, Seranton, has an agency here with V.'. R. Arnts, nnd tho Mongolian was not able to cut Into their patronage. He went to Hloonisburg with tt view to finding a location. Miss Lizzie (lelssler, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Fox, for Beveral days, returned home yesterday. George Kutz is laid up with car buncles again. Negotiations are pending between tho Gray Candy company, of this place, nnd Thomas W. Haines & Co., of South Main street, Wllkes-Itarre, for the pur chase of the hitter's baking nnd con fectionary establishment. If the deal Is consummated, the Gray brothers will remove to that city, and another of Tunkhannock's Industries will be sponged off the slate. The Wyoming county Prohibitionists will meet at the olllce of the county chairman. Dr. C. H. Dana, on Wednes day, May 15, to nominate a county treasurer nnd elect delegates to the Pittsburg convention. At the Ilaptist ministerial conference iMonday afternoon Rev. George Hi lie, pnstijr 'of tho Tunlahannock church, reported eighteen baptisms since Feb ruary, and twenty more candidates awaiting baptism. He) alsi reported encouraging results at La Grange, Gor man Hill nnd Hrookslde, which are be ing worked In connection with the Tunkhannock church. The other churches in the county mostly gave good reports, also much substantial work being done. The evening session wns occupied with an Interesting ser mon by Rev. 1). C. McGee, of Wllkes 11a rre. II. F. Might and Charles Hurgess have purchased the Helming lot on Harrison street. It Is rumored that the latter Will build. Puul Hillings & Sons, the hardware men, have purchased the hrlck block adjoining their store on the north and will lit up an elegant office therein. Tho building is now occupied by Miss Emma Titus as a millinery store. C. O. LVrshelmor, esq., and Miss Amy K. 'Rogers were married nt the home of the former on Putnam street nt 10 a. m. yesterday. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. S. C. Hodge In the pres ence of only the Immediate relatives. Refreshments were served, and nt 2.20 the couple took the UufTalo express for Denver, Col., where they will spend severnl months, iMr. Dershelmer hav ing business Interests there. They will return In September or October to occu py their Putnam street residence, which Is now undergoing a thorough remodeling, and will be In readiness for them. Mrs. J. O. .Monger, of Post .11111, is spending a few days at Airs. F. T. Knnpp's. A committee appointed by J.W. Reyn olds post, No. lis, Grand Army of tho Republic, to make arrangements for Memorial 'Dny, announce the following: The post will attend divine service at the Methodist Kplscopnl church on Sun day, iMay 20, Rev. S W. Weiss preach ing the sermon. May 30 detachments of veterans will proceed to tho various cemeturles about the county nnd decor ate tho graves of soldiers. At 12.45 p. m. they will meet at the post room In this place and at 1 o'clock sharp they will move to Oravcl Hill cemetery, headed by Temple oommandcry band. After the graves there have been deco rated an address will bo delivered by Rev. W. M. Hlllor. A number of the town peoplo will go to Mehoopany today to attend the Wo man's Christian Temperance union con vention. A party of Grand Trunk officials are doing the Lehigh Valley In recherche style this week as guests of Charles 8. Lee, general passenger agent of the lat ter road. Tho Tunkhannock 'Manufacturing company are contemplating putting In sprinkling apparatus throughout the spool factory as a protection against Are. AI. 8. Jackson was called to Rlcketts, Sullivan county,' yesterday by the se vere Illness of his slsfer, Mrs. John Cor nell. - llnrdock Blood Bitters is nature's truo remedy for constipation and kindred Ills. It acts directly on the bowels, the liver, the skin, and while cleansing the blood Imparts strength to the .digestive or SEVERAL SPECIALS IX OIK 1 Worthy of attention. PRINTED INDIA SILKS, Large variety of styles and a su perb quality. Price 31c, worth 50c. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, CARPETS CLEANED, FEATHERS RENOVATED, MATTRESSES MADE OVER, FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, BED SPRINGS REPAIRED, Etc. $3rWe don't ask you satisfied with our work. TPJ1E BH1TD1 HE CEi A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS f'OST THAT MI'CM. WHEN 1'All) Koll, IN A! VANCM WHKN A HOOK Ar'COI'NT IS MALfi, NO I'llAKCF. WILL UK LKSS THAN 25 CKNTS. THIS Itl'LIC Al' J'LIKS TO SMALL WANT ALS. KX L'KI'T SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AUK 1NSKKTED FKEK. Help Wanted Male. WANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 1? every town to solicit stock sulwrip tiom; n monopoly; bip monoy for nccnt: no capital rrciulrt-il. EDWAUD C. I'lbH 4c CO., HoruVn lilock, Chicago. 11L y7TEM B NB RWOENT SALESMEN O wanti'il, acquainted with the local nud nearby drue anil tjroccry trado. to handle our lino of high prado riuani. Addrons, eivinff references, .1. EDWARD COWLliS A Co., 1W Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. V housework; nniall family; pid wason. Mrs. Mom-go Beuore, HM South Main avenuo. rANTED -A WOOD GIRL FOR OENF.R- V al liotioework: must come well rocom mended. Apply nt UK) S. Main nvenuo. Fasted immediately -two'k- petio BaloHwonien to repros -nt us. Guaranteed ?(l a dny without lnt jrferiup with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosiiip stamp. Manpo Chem leal 'imipHiiv, No. 7a John atreet. New Yrk. Agents Wanted. V GENTS MAKE 510 DAILY KHI.LUH AL umintim iiovoliles; now process silver ware; b:ir poods; bip line, the new, wonder ful metal; delivered free: samplo In velvet lined case. 10c.; cataleptic free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., i) Hroadway. NevYork. GNTlTiNnE'SAtENTL'NiVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (ua.-d with out heat), and "Pyr l'olnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Freo sample and full iar-tk-ulars. Address P. t). Box 45d. Now Yorlc. U- rANTKlV - ACTIVE " SALESMEN TO handlo our line, no peddling. Salnxr. J7! per month nnd expenses paid to all. Uoods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, iJS, Boston, Mass. For Rent, strcot; nlso house tt'4 Green Kid ire street. ' V. E. NETTLETON. Fpwo H-ROOM HOUSES FOR RENT ON J Jefferson avenuo; also a house and lot for sale atOlenbnin; a nice summer residence, lnquiro of S. N. Callender, Dime Hank Build- nut. VuKNISHED HOUSE TO RENT-EIGHT I ...... .no. mAilnct Imnrn vemeli t.ft. UU. Green Hinge street, corner njii I Olt RENT A BUILDING ON FRANKLIN 1' avenue, suitable lor business. Addi-osa P. O. Box 4IN. .-OR KENT THE PHOTOGRAPH UAL i i ......I.. .i.t I,,. ii t. iii-iftiti. icry uirutoio ... - including rooms for housekeeping. 1.W yo- . ell iu ili'lTi.AllTiiJ? ininu nvenuo. l'Oll RENT-aI.AIIGK, 4 STORY BUILD- It . ,..i,iin .MnHa tiftalilrt r,r wholesale business. CARSON AS DAVlLs, Seranton. I Wit RENT-FURNISHED AND UNKUB ' nished rooms at .'KM Lackawanna avenuo. Ij-OH RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAd E, EVANS, aonr 1183 Luserne, Hyde Park. i?OR RENT NICELY FURNISHED II ALL J1 sultablo for lodpo rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 1IU Wyoming ovonue. For Sale. I -ton SALE-NEW SINGLE HOUSE, HIS P olive street: nine rooms: nil modern im provements Apply to T. .1. Dnirpan, rooms 14 and 111. Library building. Wyoming avonno. I IOR SALE FIRST-CLASS OR PACING .F horses nt vour own price. Come and nee them. W. Al. JKKMim, rrioennrg, i-a. Real Estate. 1ORSALK CHEAP LAKGE TKN-KOOM I house, ono acre of ground, cellnr under whole house, with a large fnrnaooand all mod. ern Improvements, bnth room, etn. ; Urge barn that will stable ten horses; five minutes' walk from depot; beautifully situnted at Pul ton, Pa , l!(l mluntes' ride from Seranton; nlso two choice lots, :mxlS), at Clark's Summit. I'm., two minutes' walk from depot: nicely sittiatml on the main street. Hero is a bargain for tho right party. Also, ono largo lot, 40xlft , on Columbia avenue, noar Washlnpton avenue, next to North Park. Address P, O. Box 600, Sorsnton, Pa. SMAL FARM WANTED - WK HAVE the names of several persons who want to buy small farms near Seranton. We exchange eity property for oottntrv. F.GYH A FRANZ Houses on Credit. H OU8ES BUILT ON CREDIT. AD- dress lock box 218, scrantotk Lost. IOST HKTWEEN CLAY AVENUE AND J Groan Kldpo depot, a silver-plated bub olf my oarrlnpo. Finder will please loavo at A. R. Gould's onrri ape shop. Found. TOUND ON WASHBURN STREET, WEST J1 Sldo, a pocketbook containing a sum of monoy. Owner can have tt by proving pt op arty and paying for this ad. Call attulsolHco. LIBERTY SATINS. 1 Another large lot received. You will find them all over Seranton at 50& Our price, 31c. GAUFFRE SILKS, Also at 31c. a yard. One of the newest weaves from the silk looms. . Worth 5oc. to pay n for Cleaning your Carpets uuless you are perfectly BE00IHS-G0. Special Notices. LARGE STOCK OF GOLD WATCHES at reduced prici-s. Wo havo pot a bip stock, too big in fact, of watches, pood watches, which wo aro willing to sell at very close fipures, barely cost, to reduce, at Mer cercnu & Connell's. ;OTICE-ON AND AFTER MAY 1. I 1 wid mako a monthly tour of the follow ing places giving free opjn air advertising ex hibitions with tho stcroopiicon: Taylorville, Hydo I'ark, Providence, Dickson olynhant, Piekville, Archba!d. Jwmyn. Exhibitions pivon on Wednesday nnd Friday of each week durinp the month, the rates for adver tising are Jl'i per month. Address E. U. CHI, rriiiuno onice, city. "rpHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 You want this relic. Contains all of t- . .,:.... . I.I ,1- tii.. ....... ,hnu. rrnna icfiie a iiuimusimi hi i n luirB.ouvn inp the foi c-.s In actunl battle, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2.WU pictures. Sold on easy monthly pnyinent Delivered by ex press com plcts li cbsres prepaid. Address P. O. Mill )DY, Gtl Adann Ave., Seranton, Pa. 11 LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA Jj xiiios, et-., bound or rebound at THg TiimuNU oflk-e. yuick work. Reasonable Situations Wanted. VANTED-A POSITION BY A FIRST class old Country pardener who under stands his business thoroughly: would at -nd tho stable; also milk a cow if desired. Please answer nt once, as I am anxious for wtrk. Address McMullen, Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED-A YOUNG MAN would like position in stjro or olllce. Ad dress B., care Tribune office. QITUATION WANTED A YOUNG MAN O with experience in bookkeeping and steu opraphy. Address E. 8., this office. ' FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS APLAc iV only for cook er pastry. Call at Ml Pres cott avenno, Seranton, Pa. C I T V A TlONW AX T E D - BY YOU N G LADY O as stenographer: has had experience; cm furnish best of reference. Address L.. 13h S. Hydo Park avonno, City. OITI'ATB'N WAN I'ED- BY REGISTERED O pharmacist; 14 years' experience; best of references. B. L., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG lady. Id yoars old, as tvp?writer and sten ogrn her in insnrnnce otiioe; writes splendid business hand: moderate salary preferred, references. Address "COMt'bTEN i" luitl Lscknwanna avenue; strictly bonast. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE O aped womnn of experience as lsdv's nurse. Call or address MRS. M. E, JOHNSON, 601 Deacon street. 'OUNG MAN WOULD LIKE A POSITION as butcher; hns hud live years' experi ence: nn speak Gorman and Knplish. Call UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Summer Law-Lectures (twelve week ly, l I'oth year ol continuance. Begin -ith June, fsitt, end vlsth Aupust. Aro of signal use 1st, To students who design to study at this or or other Law-School; 2nd, To those who pro propose to read privately; and. ;M. To prac titioners who have not had tho advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P. O , University of Va,. Charlottesville, Ya.) to.lOHN B. MINOR. Prof. Com and Stat Law. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians und Surgeons. DH. O. EDO A It DEAN HAS REMOVED to 61ft Spruce street, Herimton, Pa. (Just opposite Court Houso Sijuure.) DH. A. .i. CONNELL, OFFICE a Washington nvenuo. cor. Spruce street, over Fmm ke's drug stroe. Residence, Ki Vine Bt. Olllco hours: 10. .10 to 12 n. ni. nnd 2 to 4. and 6.30 to 7.50 p. m. Sun dny. 2 to 3 . m. DR, W. B. ALLEN, 612 North Washington avenue. dr. c.'lTT-key, ritAcYicE limited diseases of tho Eye, Eur, Nose nnd Thront: olilce, 123 Wyoming nve. Heal clenoe, fiSt Vino street. DH. L. M. OATE8, 12B WASHINGTON avenue. Oflleo hours, 8 to a. nt 1.30 to 3 mid 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son nvenuo. JOHN L. WENT,, M. !., OFFICES 62 nnd R3 Commonwealth biilldlnp; resi dence 711 Madison eve.; olllce hours, 10 to 13, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.30 to 4, evenlnps nt residence. A speclnlty mitdo of dlsensea of the e.yo, eur, nose nnd thront nnd gynecology. DkTpAHKK HA8 REMOVED HIS Of fice to corner suite over Ixjrenx Koem pel'n drutt Btroe, cor. Washington ave nuo and Linden street. Oltlce hours. 10 13 n, m., 2-4 und 7-8 p. m. Telephone No. aim. DH. KAY, 208 PENN AVE.; I to 3 P. M.s rail 2iir2. DIs. of women, obstretrlce and and all dls. of chll. Schools. BCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Seranton, Pa prepares boys and girls for collKO or business: thoroughly tralnn younn children. Catalogue at re auest. Opens September 10. lineal. v m.:v "THOM AH M. CANN, WALTER H. HUELL. MIS8 WORCESTER'S KINDERGAR ten and School, 413 Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all time. Next term will open April 8. PEAUDESOIE ..... f Black only. Quality, the best that money can produce. Value, the regular 1.50 number. Our price, $1.00 a yd. We have received a few more pieces of those BLACK WOOL CREPONS At 50c, a yard. Honestly worth Si. 00. This will be the last lot we will be able to sell at this price. 2shcSSo 3 FOR CLEARING Brussels & Ingrain Carpets 602 and 604 Lack, m, Corner Adams. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Iea4aches rToventd and cured by hjvl your eyes scientiBcally examined sea fitted accurately by DR. SH1MBERQ. KYEB EXAMINED FREE. Satisfaction Cnarantotd la every case. 305 Spruce Street. Lawyers. JESSUPR & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at law. Commonwealth, building, Washlnpton avenue HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JEFSUP. JR. WILLARdTVARREN & KNAPP. AT tornevs and Counsellors nt Law, Re publican building. Washington ave nue. Seranton, Pa. pTtTERsT.N & WILCOX. ATTOR nevs and Counsellors at Law; offices li and 8 Library building . geranton. Pa. RiiSWELL il. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attornevs and Counsellors. Common wenlth building. Room.i li. 20 and 21. W F. DOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Nos. 19 nnd So, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. FRANK- T. oKr.LL, ATTuRNEY-AT-law. Room 5, Coui Exchange, Seran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATToRNEY-Et-Luw. rooms t!3, W und fij, Common wealth buildinp. SAMUEL W. EDGAr7aTTORNEY-AT-Law. CHllce, 317 Spruce su, Seranton, Pa. L. A. WATRKS. ATT "RNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawann ave., Seranton, Pa. UR1E TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY AT Law, Dime Dank P.ullding. Seranton. Money to loan in large sums at & per cent. C. IL PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT law. Commonwealth building, Seran ton, Pa. C COMEGYSr321 SPRUCE STREET. D. R. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS" negotiated on real cstato security. 403 Spruce street. B F. K I LLAM, ATTORN E YAT-LAVvT 120 Wyoming nve., Seranton. Pa. JAS. jT H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g, Seranton. jT M. C. RANCK. 135 WYOMING AVE. Dentists. D r7 WILLI AM A. T A FT SPECIALTY In porcelain, crown nnd bridge work. Odontothreapin. Office. 323 North Washington avenue. C C. LAP BACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avonuo. R7MTsfRAT ToN,T)FF1CE COAL EX- change. I.onns. THE REI'UHLIC SAVINGS AND Ixian Associntion will loan you money on easier terms nnd pay you better on Investment thun any other associntion. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Banlt building. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. JONES BRQ3. Wire Screens. JOS.-KTrETTEl 515 LACKAWANNA avenue, Seranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 nnd 127 FRAN 1C j in avenue. Kates reasonable. P. y.lKGl.KU, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL. W. !. SCHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth St., one block east of Broadway. nt Union Squnre, New York. American plan. 3.5o per day and upward. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, 13. N. AN AISLE, Proprlelor. 8C KAN TON HOUSE, NEAR IV. L. & V. passenger depot. Conducted on tho European plun. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON STORCH. ARCHITECTS. Rooms 21, 2S ""! - Commonwealth buildinp, Pcranton. E if WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICE! rear of tn Washington yenue. 1 KW1S HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce Tst.. cor. Wash. ave.. Seranton. 12ROWN & MORRIS. AHCtUlnti'Si Price building. 129 .Washington mvtwm, Bcrsaton. SeeJs. n It CLARK & t-O-. SEEDSMEN AND Nuraervmen; store 14B Washington avo ?u green " house, 13T.0 North Main ava- ' nue; Btoro telephoe 7S2. . Miscellaneous. ilAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR bulls. Picnics, parties receptions, wed dlngi and concert work furnished, h or Verms addresa K. J. Bauer, conductor 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert s music store. Id EG A RG EE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelops, paper baps, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ve.. Scran ton, Pa -. .:- FRANK P. BROWN CO., WHOLE iale dealers In Woodware. Conlnpe and Oil Clothjjrao West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, JRXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 1 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for tho Bex Flra Extinguisher.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers