TIIE SCRANTON TKIBTJXE THURSDAY MOIlNINGr, MAIiCI! 28, 1895. EQUALLED AND FRESH IN 1 POUND PRINTS. Try it and you will use no other. 24c. PER POUND. lucfTbros. ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Some Events of the Day on the West Side of the Citv Noted. SUDDEN DEATH OP MRS. WEBER It Was Due to Uoart Trouble from Which She Uud Been a Sufferor-l-'uneral of Jerome D. Uoyce, of Jackson Street. Mr. Sablna Weber, wife of August Weber, of 333 North Sumner avenue, was found dead. In her chair nbout 8 o'clock yesterday morning, by her young eon. Seaman, air, Weber was away from home on he is employed at Port Jervls. His wife has been 111 for the past year with a aevarro henrt trouble, and as the experienced pain in laying; down, she often spant a groat part of the night in her easy chair. ' Last evening after the children re tlred, airs. "Weber seated herself as usual, and about 9 o'clock was chatting with her friend and neighbor, airs. George Klncrim. The latter went home shortly afterward, and airs. Weber was not seen again until httr son came down stairs and found his mother dead. An investigation proved thut Mrs. Weber had been dead several .hours as the body was stiff and cold. A tele gram was sent to air. Weber and he arrived- home yesterday about noon. During tha deceased's last illness. Dr. Allen, who was attending her, stated that she would probably die suddenly, as the condition of her heart was very uncertain, airs. Weber was born in Germany, and came to this country with her husband about fourteen years ago. She was 3$ years of age, and a woman of admirable qualities. She was a devout member of the Chestnut Street German Presbyterian church, and connected with the Ladies' Aid society, airs. Weber Tvas also a mem ber of Martha and Rebecca lodges, In dependent Order of Odd Fellows. Two young children survive her. They are Seaman and Lizzie Weber. The fun eral notice will appear later. Burial of a Veteran. Funeral services over the remains of the late Jerome D. Uoyce, who died at his home, 1.318 Jackaon street. Sunday morning, wer conducted at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Rev. I. J. Smith, of Wyaluslng, oltlclated and preached an eloquent funeral sermon. A dele gation of Scranton ' Typographical union, of which the deceased was a member, attended. Mr. Boyce was a member of tha First Massachusetts Calvary, and served faithfully during the late war. Considering the fact, the Grlflln Post. No. 139, Grand Army of the Republic, attended In full uniform and gave him a soldier's burial. The handsome casket was draped with a large American flag, and the post mem bers wens taken in a special car to the Forest Hill cematary. where Interment was made. His co-workers on the Trib une, where ho was employed as com positor, presented a handsome floral tribute, shaped to represent a printer's composing stick with the Inscription "Tribune Co-workers, Time, 7.40 a. m.' The Scrnnton Typographical union gave a pillow Inscribed "3. T. IT., No. 112." The flower bearers were Arthur Stover and Peter Peuser. The pall bearers were, Joseph Oliver, L. N. Con ner, Joseph Gibbons, George Field, Louis Senker and C. L. Auer. Fire on I.uzcrno Street. The alarm of Are which sounded from box 32, at the comer of Hampton street and Main avenue, about 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon was caused by a alight blan In the cellar of a two-story building on Luzerne street occupied by Peter Clancey and family. The Frank lln and Columbia companies responded and the former put on a stwim. The flames were extinguished but not be fore a considerable portion of the In terlor was burned. The cause of the fire Is supposed to be carelessness In throwing away a lighted match, .Vra. ohn Knalisb Hurled. The funeral of Mrs. John English, who died at her home on Jackson street, on Monday morning after a short Ill ness, took place at 9 o'clock yesterday morning from tit. Patrick's church. A largn number assembled In the una clous auditorium where the avrvlces were conducted by Itev. D. A. Dunne. The floral offerings were many and In- WIND-UP SALE TUESDAY, MARCH 2C. .ODDS AND ENDS At your own price. Tomatoes, Pickles, . Squibs, Baking Pow der, Oil Cloth, Bas kets, Tubs, Pails, Etc., Etc. r HI BUTTER 1. 1 inns, ita eluded a number of choice designs. The remains were conveyed to the Hdye Park Catholic cemetery by Undertaker M. F. AVymbs, where Interment was made. The poll-hearers were, John La velle, Patrick Campbell, Michael To ban, James Lavelle, Thomas Cawley and Thomas Cumpbcll. '. Hank Directors Meet. A mooting of the directors of the West Sldo bank was held yesterday for the purpose of organization, when the following were present: Hriijamln Hughes, Reese O. Brooks, D. M. Jones, Richard Nlcholls, John Gordon, W. It. Williams, John T. Wllliums, AV. Guy lord Thomas und Thomas D. Davles. W. Gaylord Thomas was elected chair man pro tern, after which the following otllcers were elected: President, Benja min Hughes; vice-president, Reese G. Brooks; secretary and treasurer, Thomas D. Davles. A seml-unnnul dividend of 4 per cent, was declared, the balance being carried to tha surplus fund. Hi lef Notes of Interest. Miss Jessie O'Malley, of the Fashion, Is on a business trip to New York city. Miss Nellie lllnes, of Moscow, is the guest of ailss Ktta Moyle, on North Hyde Park avenue. Police Otllcer William Hetzeroth, of North Hyde Park avenue, has recov ered from an Illness. The West Side Field club held n meet Ins last evening and made preparations for playing tennis during the coming season. John 1!. Kdwards was chulr- inan. A large portion of the celling In the store of Johns Bros., on North aialn avenue, which was damaged by fire, fell yesterday with a loud noise. For tunately no one was hurt. No word has yet been received con cerning the whereabouts of William Oakley, who left his home on Price street last Sunday to visit ut Reiulham. His wife is grief stricken over his ab sence. ailss Kthel Porter, of Meridian street, entertained a number ot her friends lust evening ut her home. The evening was spent In music, dancing and games, at the close of which refreshments were served. The funeral of airs, atary Brentshe, of Jackson Btreet, took place yesterday morning. Interment was mado In the Hyde Park cemetery, airs. Urentshe died on Tuesday at the Lackawanna hospital. The funeral of George Seal, of North Keyser avenue, will occur this after noon from the home at 1 o'clock, and from the Jackson Street Baptist church at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Washburn Street cemetery. After the Lenten services in St. Pat rick's church last evening the choir, un der the leadership of Professor Haydn Evans, rendered the classical pro gramme published In yesterday's Issue. The concert was greatly appreciated. The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Rich ards, of Hampton street, took place yesterday afternoon and was largely at tended. Rev. David Jones, of the First Congregational church oUiciatod. In terment was mado in the Washburn Street cemetery. Hyde Park castle, No. SS. Ancient Or der Knights of the Jlystic Chain, initi ated two candidates on Tuesday even ing. They were Jonathan A. Davles and John L. Jones. The lodge will hold an entertainment and social In Hart Garl hall on Tuesday evening next. The Ladies' Aid society of the Welsh Calvinisttc Methodist church held a de lightful entertainment and social last evening in the church parlors. The programme was Interesting and well rendered. Refreshments were served by the ladles and a general social time was indulged in. William Lewis, the 14-year-old son of John Lewis, of Bellevue, was taken with an epileptic fit while walking on South Main avenue. The young man ffll to the pround and for a short time wrlth lng In agony. A couple of men who were passing rubbed the young man's hands and he soon recovered. These fits are of frequent occurrence. West Side l.iisincss Directory. PHOTnonAPHKn-Cablnet Photos, J1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at S'nrner's Photo Parlors. 101 and 1U3 South Main avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standanrd Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Tine Groceries, Hi South Main avenuo. BKCOND HAND FURNITURE CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1CC4 and lOJil Jackson street. WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds, 20S North Main avenue, and sea his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints and Window Shades. Just opened with new took. PLUMBI NO William D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenuo, dofis llrst-elasa Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gns Fitting. Satisfaction la strictly guaranteed. NORTH END NOTES. Mrs. C. F. Crossman, of Throop street, Is suffering from the grip. Robert I-ster, a prominent contrac tor of Northumberland, visited friends here yesterday. airs. M. B. .Sanders, of Church ave nue, entertained her sister, airs. John Hummed, and airs. W. 11. Hoy, of Northumberland, yesterday. The Keystone Dramatic society Is re hearsing "The Fisherman's Lurk." which they Intend to present In Com pany II armory, on Knitter Monday, tinder tho auspices of the Lilac Hoclul club. Miss Mary Davis returned to Fast Stroudshurg yesterday afternoon, where she will resume her studies In tho Slate Normnl school, after a few days' visit with her parents, Itev. und Mrs. W. F. Davis, on Wayno avenue. The programme for tho free enter tainment which will be held In Arch bald's hall tomorrow night has been arranged, and consists of songs by some of the best known of our local talent. A small prize has been offered for the best rendition of the tenor solo "Y (larreg Wen." ailss Florence Ham, of llonesdale, will take part In the entertainment which the Guild Mission band will hold In the Providence Presbyterian church tonight. Others who will take pnrt are Mrs. Lizzie Hughcs-Hrundage and Mrs. Mary J. Boston-Williams. Refresh ments will be aerved at the close of the entertainment. The following programme hns been arranged for .the free nntertnlnment given by the Providence Kpworth leugue Friday evening, when Rev. W. O. Wutklns will give an address on the life and works ot Oliver Wendell Holmes at 8 o'clock: Duct i. Misses Evans and Davles Reading. "The Ono Hose Shay," .Miss (leorgla Kittle Address Itev. W. O. Watklns Recitation, "Our Yankee Girls," Duet. '..'...'.. Messrs. Hummers and Thomas Piano Solo... Mix Lena Kyhart Duet.. Miss M. Duvles and J. ifc'ddl Tenor Bolo Mr. K. Price Sterling silver ehatolnlne watches only $!.-; warranted to keep perfect time, nt Davldow Hi o., 217 Laeka. ave. Are you paying too much for plumbing? Our tolephono is mi. Try us. W. U. Doud 6 Co., 006 Lacks, ave. PHOSPECTSF0R RACING Scranton May Enter the Southern New York Circuit. PLANS UNDER CONSIDERATION Old Buildings at tho Driving Park are to Come Down end Modern Structures' Tuko Tbolr Plaoos Miscellaneous Items of Sporting News. Tho signs of open weather and warm sunshine aro being accompanied among the element of athletics and sports by an anticipation of what tho coming summer will bring forth In line of outdoor amusements. Varied pro jects which are yet In an unsettled or unhatched state are talked about, notably tennis, bicycling, horse racing and amateur athletics. For horse racing, outdoor spectacular shows and sports possibly there Is to be un opportunity offered on a scale similar to that of such large cities ns New York and Philadelphia. Last fall, when a syndicate purchased the Driv ing park property and the land adjoin ing it, Thomas Moore, 13. J. Goodwin and Harry B. Reynolds obtained the privilege of leasing the Driving park proper for a period of live years or of iiirclinsltig It outright. Neither option hns expired, and Mr. Monro and Mr. Reynolds are now in New York Inves tigating the possibility of securing open-air spectaculars for the coming season. Tho result of the trip will prob ably decide the pluns of the men men tioned. New Grand Stand at tha Park. A proposition has been made to them to join the Southern New York Trotting circuit, which, if accepted, means two 3-day meetings, ono in June and an other In September. Irrespective of the flnul decision In either the trotting or spectacular matter tho work of tearing down the present ramshackle grand stand and stalls will be begun at once preparatory to re-bulldlng new struc tures after modern Ideas. The build ing plans have been made and the work will soon be let. It Is proposed to use the property for any manner of outdoor event, such ns bicycle meetings, athletic contests, football, which requires such man ner and extent of territory. A gentle man with whom a Tribune . reporter conversed about the matter yesterday did not particularize about tho New York trip of Mr. Mooro and Mr. Reyn olds, but from Ills remarks it was in ferred they are Investigating such spectaculars ns Palne's fireworks at tractions, "Nero, or the Fall of Rome," "Pompeii," "Siege of Vlcksburg," etc. Gentlemen's Privitis Clnh. Among tho members of tho Gentle men's Driving club la being considered the advisability of continuing the amateur trotting races which produced so much enjoyment for gentlemen drivers last year. The Indications are that the racing will be continued, al though nothing tangible will be known until after a meeting to be held soon. NUBS OF SPORTING NEWS. Jerry Marshall, the Australian feather weight, knocked out John Perry, of Home- stead, in twenty rounds at heeling, V . Ya., on aionday night. Sylvester S. Bumstead, a member of tho American championship rifle team that went to England In Pftii, died at Spring- field, Mass., on .Monday. The latest Chicago Insheot at Anson Is that tho veteran doesn't caro very much whether his team wins or not, providing he can make a couple or hits In a game. Frunk B. Kills, of Pennsylvania's track committee, lias received an acceptance from Lehigh to enter a relay team In tho races tho university will hold on April 20. Evan Lewis and "Farmer" Rums will wrestle In Chicago on April .'i for the heavy-weight championship of tho world. Tho tlrst 'W of tho forfeit money bus been posted. Tho dates for the Yale track games liavo been decided on as follows: For run ners, April ti; regular spring games, April :7; handicap games, open to ull eastern colleges. Hay 4. Corbet t and llrady still have their high opinion of I) Donnell s ability a.i a boxer. Peter aiaher Is reported to be extremoly anxious for tho time to arrive when he Is to meet the Australian. For VM J. H. Thayer, of Lexington, Ky., has sold to James Douglass, of Louis ville, tho fast bay gelding Alkoron, y Robert McGregor, dam Buzz Medium, by Happy Medium. Tho horso has a trial of 2.1S'',. According to a London cable, George Johnson and Tom Causer are matched to light for (J0 a sldo on April 2:'. Johnson Intends to como to America If he wins. O'Brien, whom Craig, the "llnrlem Coffee Cooler," defeated, has challenged Slavin to box for $.",!" u side. Jack Skelly, tho Brooklyn feather weight. Is out with a challengn to light Tom Denny, the Australian pugilist, for a stake and nurao before thi Seaside A th letio club next month. If Denny declines to meet him, Skelly Buys his offer Is open to any other feather-weight. Dr. Wood's Norway line Syrup brings Instant relief In rnsea of asthma, broil chltls, and all throat ami lung diseases. down to the very borderland of consump tion. "AS WELL OFF AS THE RICHEST." Charles V., Maria Theresa, the Em press of Austria, Goethe, ISccthovcn, Bismarck, the Princess Louise of Eng land, Count Von Caprlvl, and a host of other celebrities, have visited the fa mous Sprudel Spring of Carlsbad, and we arc not all Goethcs and Hismarcka, but we may cujuy the greater advan tage of having the Spring with all its benefits brought directly borne to us. The more rapid means of transit and the march of invention Is bringing everyone within easy reach of every creative blessing. The Carlsbad Water bottled at the Spring, or the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, the solid evaporations of the water, may be bad of any druggist, and arc without an equal in all disor ders of the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, prostrate, kidneys and bladder, aud in gout and diubctes. Beware of imitations. E'sner 8. Mcndclson Co. Sole Agents, New York. s IN LOCAL TITEATERS. New and novel features are promi nent throughout the performance of George Thatcher and Carroll Johnson's minstrels, who will appear at the Acad emy of Muslo on next Saturday even lug. From the first flash of lights upon the magnificent first-part scene, will disclose Its beauties in the way of novelties and groupings, graceful danc ing, gorgeous costumes, superior en semble singing, harmony, popular bal lads, duets with mandolin-guitar ac companiments, comedy of a superior grade, orchestral excellence and tho masslveness of tho grand first-part. Following the flrst-iart Is the olio mado up of the very best vaudeville novelties now before the publla and up to the Thatcher-Johnson standard, presented In a bright, entertaining manner and thoroughly up-to-date. It Is predicted that all who see this performance will come away with a feeling of satisfac tion and genuine pleasure. The following Is from the Indianapo lis Journal, npiklng of Miss Carrie Louis, who will be seen at tho Frothlng hnm next Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, supported by the Walte Com edy company: "Carrie Ixmis and her comedy company played 'The Little De tective' nt the Grand Opera Bouse last night. The house was well illled with spectators, an evidence that the star and her support made an excellent Im pression upon our thater-goers on tho llrst night of their appearance here. The play abounded In specialties which gave various members of the company ample opportunity to be seen at their best, und tho numberless characters In which Miss Louis Appeared In the role of the llttlf detective displayed her versatility In an admirable manner." Palmer Cox's "Brownies," which will bo ut the Frollilngham, in Scranton, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, April 4, & and 6, with a matinee Satur day, April 6, Is a charming extrava ganza, with Its glittering costumes, Its graceful dancers, Its beautiful ballets, Us wonderful scenic effects, Its pretty music, and Its comical German band. It Is a performance absolutely with out offense, and thoroughly artistic to the minutest detail. So mnny and so novel are the effects Introduced that It would be useless to attempt to enu merate them. The eye Is at all times charmed, fascinated and attracted by the elaborate stage pictures, and the stage every moment is a Bight well worth Heeing. At Davis' theater today, tomorrow and Saturday afternoons and evenings A. T. Pearson's big production of "She" will be given.. Tho world-famous romance of lllder Haggard Is too well known to need much outline of plot, but it may be snld that the book Is closely followed. For scenery and scenlo ef fects the author's Ideas have been thoroughly Mud led and carefully sup plied. The last act, where "Ayesha" steps Into the mysterious fire and Is reduced from a beautiful woman to the hideous condition of a mummy, pro duces a sensation to be long remem bered. NEWS OF THE S01T1I SIDE. Death of Mrs. Mary Juno Mc.Mullcn and Mark O'llojic-I.. D. Powers Celebrates Mis Fiftieth lllrtliday-Otlicr News Items. The death of airs, atary Jane Mc- aiullen, ono of the brst known and a widely respected womun of this side, occurred yesterday morning at the homo of her son, Samuel Mc.Mullcn, of 27 Stone avenue. Sho wus also the mother of airs. Michael Holland, of Stono avenue. Tho funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock with a high mass of requiem at St. Peter's cathedral. Interment will be mude in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Death of Murk O'Boylo. Another pioneer resident of this side passed away yeBterday In the person of Mark O'Boyle, of Cedar avenue, who hud been III Th- two weeks of the grip. Ho was 70 years of age, but possessed a strong constitution. He was re spected for his rugged Integrity. The funeral arrangements have not nut yet been made. lias Lived a Half Century. Yesterday was the fiftieth annivers ary of the birth of L. V .Powers, the Cedar avenue druggist, and he was kept very busy acknowledging the con gratulations of friends. Mr. Powers has lived the past twenty-two years at the same place he now resides, and among his neighbors Is prized very highly ns a most accommodating gentle man. The sincere wish of his friends Is that ho may be spared another half century of usefulness. Shorter Paragraphs. Martin Nealon, of Trospect avenue, Is dangerously 111. Steel Blower Gustave Bowers, of the South works, Is 111 of tho grip at his home on Cherry street. Tho funeral of the infant son of Jumes Cunningham, of Orchard street, was held yesterday afternoon. A horse owned by Grocer Baker, of the central city, ran away on littston nvenno yesterday, and at Cherry street tho wagon collided with u post and was smashed. Kducatlonnl clusses were last night organized nt the rooms of Columbus Council Young aieu's Institute. Belect Councilman Thomas J. Coyne will teach nrlthmetlo' and tho common branches, and Attorney M. J. Donahoo will have charge of tho literary branches, air. Donnhoe will deliver a course of In structive lectures on constitutional his tory ami civil government. "How to Cure AH Skin Diseases." Blmpty apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eexeniH, Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nosn etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its grrnt healing on. I curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swnyne's Ointment. Money to loun on rollnterul security. Davhlow Bros., 1T17 Idieka, nve. Itcmcbor tinr telephone number Is ftt2 If you want plumbing work. W. U. Doud & Co., G09 Lucka. ave. Homo fleckers' t'ictirilonj, via. tho Nickel Plate HomiI. to points In tha south, at one faro for the round trip, March t to April 1 and JO. Ask your city ticket agent for detailed Infoma tlon, or address F. J. Moore, general agent, No. 23 Exchange street, Buffalo, N. Y. n - - at -A t Sterling silver . thimbles only 15c. nt Davldow Bros, 217 Lacka. ave. When Eaby va tick, we gare her Curtorta, When ihe win a Child, the cried for Castorla, When eh bocame 311ns, she clung to Castorla, When ilia had ChllJtcn, alia gave tbua Castor! 1 -., . FIRST TREATMENT FREE FOR ALL DIMS OF THE !!!! $100 Given for any Case or In complicated Catarrh We Cannot Cure. DR.W.H. HACKER Hns associated with lilmstdf a G'ATARHHAL Sl'liWALlHT from WAB1IINUTON, D. U., wliostrietly folliws out the method of tlje celebrated "KNUI.ISll SPECIALIST," Silt mntilfH.T. Mi-KIOMZIM In tha treatment of niTllJUll IlUfiV-WI'Cl4 AMTUMAunil all THKOAT n'nd LIJNO trouble; also ALL DlV FEUTS of I11CAH1NU, uriiing from catarrh. 327 SPRUCE STREET, Opposite New Hotel Jet my u, bcranton, Pa. OPflU HOUUB-S TO 8. RESTORES VITALITY i - . r. mane a -VWcil Mar. 18th Day. of Me. THE QREAT 30th hay. x'n.xaso'oxz: n.xmanxn'sr produces the shove reiutts lo'UO days. It fti powerfully aud nukkly. Cuien wbeu U otuorn fall VouuKtueo will regain their lost manhood, and ole men will recover their youthful vmor by uiinj Kt VI VO. It quickly and aurely reatoics NervouH Deu, Loht Vitality, Impoteucy, NiKhtly Emission, Loat Power, I-'atiiriK ilimoiy, Wutlna Pluc-anrB. and all effects of aell-abuae oreiccuand Indiscretion which unfits one for study, butlnuua or marriage It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but lsagreat nrrtntnnlo and blood builder, bring lng back the pink glow to pale cheeks acd re storing tho flro of youth. It ward- off Insanity and Consumption. Tnjlgt on having RfeVIVO, nc other. It can bo carried la vest rocket. By mail 1.00 por package, or tlx for CS.OO, with a posl tlve nrltten guarantee to cure or refuiit the money. Circular free. Address rf)YAl MEDICINE CO., E3 river St., CHICAGO, 11 1 re sala by Kattbaws Bros., Draft;11 Scranton . fa. Kstemie rr Twf Hishist MtoioaL Aomeamt t'CMCMTUSI luitRtm 11 IXTJAI.FTl Will enro fun. A wonderful Immiei to PutTcren from fold, MoroTbroata IaffneT7a Rrtincbltu, orliAT l- F.Tlifi. Aor4i immtHati relief. An efficient iviiiivlv. cnnvAitlant in nmrrv 111 porttflt, iKlT to n on Urn indication of cold. OB(lnad til Kiffects Xermaa.nt Tare. pKtlsfacUonrTiarancedorinAnoTrti'undkd. Price, J40 rta. Tried fro at Drufgttus. Roistered mail, ftj coal 1. 5. CUSEiUS, Mir., Ttne Kiwi, ILcl, 0. 8. 4, PJirMTUni miratt and u1it retDOrtf for III Ctl I nUL ailflklndiMmiCi, rciema.ltorj.Balt UtacumLotrt HnrM, Burn, (Nit. Wonderltil rem 0rtrfnrPIlKM. Price. S eta. at Drue- D i &! glti or by mail prepaid. Addrrug asahora. PfluiTl For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Photos. CGispIcslon PrscmcEj DR. HEBRA'S i VIOLA cm Remove Fraoklet, Plmpla( Liver Molee. Blackheads, ftenbarn and Tan, and re ia1 Nhnr:u TMrrv ltnintr a anil hMilthv rnm. ? ,1 1 M.tA.,,!. It ell iiu3isu3,orniailcdiot50ota. lieud for Circular, VIOLA SKIN 80AV liUy lawapankla as a Un purir; las aMp, aatqcftk O ths tftttat, and wturaut a tltsl fee tb mtury. .bwlutrlr jmi ao4 Atlkauly aui. sua. ari-lm. Price 2J Cer.ta, G. C. BITTNED& CO., Toledo, O. . For sale by Matthews Bos. and John H. PhelBB. ThliFnrooui IComod cwpa quickly And tx r- nmncnily ull iifrvium Olriisona Pitch a Wrnk Mi litary, Imnf Urn hi Iiw,m J muinche. Wake fiilnc'iM, lnat VKntMy nifflidy om1nmmn, evil ilrr:tni. Itn potency U't't wast Inti tlltcai'lciiuMil hy jouthrnl irroifl or ftrftjpi. Cnntnlnn no oplnh'. M ft nrrvo tmiloatid lilotl litillJfi. Miikcjfhc pal on ml puny M rutin n ml plump- Kuslly rarrlctltn votit iir!('i. 1 pfrhox; lorH.t. f Hint I prtiprtltl wltli a written tninnnitet' to euro nr money rofumlfM. Writ 11 fr (Vvn mriilrul ticmk, Mnt wnlod In plain wnvppor, which con tuln totiHinonlitiK ami tintinciui n'f.'n'in'in. No rhira roiiiiltittliie tUwirnf tnitf Hn. Hold h 'iir iiilvnrtiwMl aut'rit. or ntldr.s KKKVF.kCKlXO., MnunloTetnple.4'hlraa-o H(U.1 IN SCRANTON, PA., IT. C. WANPKUSDN WAM1IN(1TUN,CUH. W'KVi E, DltrliIST8. Moosic Pawdsr Go, Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT M clonic AND KU8H UALU WOltKS. Lam In & Iiund Powder Co.'a Orange Gun Powder Eloolrlo Ttnttprlen. rtisot for exrilod lUK blujita, Biifety Fume and RepMino Chemical Co.'s Hifiti Exploslvoi ROOF TINNING AM) SOLOERIRG All flone away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATKNT PAINT, which connlata of InirredlentH well-known to all. It cun be applied to tin, Ralvaiilaari tin, aheet Iron roofs, alHo to brick dwellngi, which will prevent ubeolutely nny eriitnbllntr, crack. Ino; or breaking of the brick. It will out. lavt tlnnlim of any kind by many yeara, and It's rout does not exceed one-fifth thai of the cost of tlnnlnir. la aold by the Job or pound. Contrite! taken by ANTONIO UAUTil.Vhi.V, 617 Blroh BU mil? iilSlllP (Action TO our patrons: WaKhburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many paN rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLI WHUAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owirm to the excessively dry weather many millers ar of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully thrca months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed VVashburu'Crobby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents.. ITE PINE OLD Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of and-'i Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. I THE COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE 432. Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turubuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE11EIIEB SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. ,vM lfW ditcoTctT. JuaRAN ifctf to Our For tale By JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton. Pa. nT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of tho hast quality for dorr.estle use, nml of nil kIsch. delivered in any part of the city at lowest prito. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, lust Moor, Third National Hank, or nent liy mall or teli v'liono to the rlno, will rorolva prompt attnnilon. Rliecial rontraotx -ill bo mndn for tha tola and delivery of liw kvvheul CoaL WM. T. SMITH. Win. Linn Alien 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and foil Stock, Bonds and Grain on Now York Kxchaniro and Chicago Hoard of Trade, cither for cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A BPKCIALTV. G. duB. DIMUICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6.002. CALL UP 3G8Z Ill CO. OILS., VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M's'r. BLANK BOOKS Of oil kinds, manufactured at short notice, at Tlic Tribune Oihce. MILL GROWTH Hit CO., SCRANTON PA. B LLsa visa ua restore: LOST VIGOR Will toc tcti ootn k. Po'd with VBITTS liroQPbility, I.oav of Scxum rower id Uhti Mr, k OOon ' cot)unipii(n or laifcinty, S).0i(por hot bt mml, A t"xri fo; fcA. T'itt rx g?. cirir vo fr wr itua suaiavott to cur m r(aua lit tbttti Ad4r, rlL UtblCiM. CO. CUfUna.&hi. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenut and E. liis Si LAGER BEER BREWERY. t Manufacturer, of tb Clebrat4 PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITVi (00,000 Barrels per Annum HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert la Horseshoeing uud Dentistry, is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the llriUjie. ROYAL ""rfc ROYAL UDIES'ONLyi prefsed and nairfut tnrrninmtton, nd.rtain PREVENTATIVE ?' .11 frmala lrTt-suUiuita. bald with a7tlttnCsTtstutoCsrt SendaCc atatnp lor paTlicitlarand"rutde for Idir." Imi'X on bnving Ii Serai PmTiwa! tatlrtl ibdOmrcSratl) Mdrim VhKlra.UOttl.MllU. CO. Urn. u vsrt bm's r.o. , tax, w lu-a For nalo by JOllN II. PHELPS, Drug Cist, Wyoming ave. and Syruca atraab
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