THE SCR ANTON .TRIJSUNE TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH "G, 1893. NORTON'S ' New Store, Lackawanna ave., Will be ready for trade On or before April i. Will open their large New stock Wall Papers, Window Shades, Stationeiy, Books, at very Interesting Prices. Wait and see. MICHAEL NORTON. $ A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE . FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston 111 Co, J, FRANK SIEGEl'S II mi AT THE FROTHINUHAM. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA AND BIND, 40 PIECES l uster Monday Night. April IS. Ticketson salj at box ofdre. uno ticket ad mitting lady itud coutleumu; extra ladies' tickets, OJe. teiTA Kcncnil invitatioii extend ed to ull present and former pupils and their friends. milSON'AL. ' Colonel I". G. Srhouimiaker has returned from a trip to Florida. Postmaster Muli;n. of PIttston, was vis iting in the city yesterday. Mi's. G. D. Kyej, of Penn avenue, 1. roeoverlns after a protracted Illness. K. M. Atwater, of Wayne rounty. Is vis iting his daughter, Mrs. (J. V. Phillips. Manager Barnie, of the Bu:-e Pall asso ciation, returned from Urooklyn last nit; lit. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Reynolds are entcr tainlnif William Wood, of Philadelphia, the father of Mrs. Reynold?. Mr. Wood s well known as an extensive textile manufacturer. E. B. Davldow left for New York city yesterday and will sail on Thursday on the Nornianla for Hamburg, and will .nuke an extended European tour previous to his return. J. E. Judd, of Judd Bios., wholesale lumber dealers, of this city, left yesterday for Aberdeen, N. (.'., where he will spend a few days at their mills and then visit relatives and friends. George IJ. Brown, president, and A. I,. Francois, treasurer, of Ihe Eureka Cusn Register company, left Tor l!lnhnniion last evening to make, arrangements for the transfer of the plant to this e'.iy. Mayor S. M. Iloyer, Chief of Police ,1. N. Tdlard, J. i. Humes, of the Altouna Mirror, and Detective I'lark, nil from Al toonn, are In the city. They called upon Mayor Cornell at the city hall yesterd iv afternoon and were taken on a tour of ob eervatlon by Chief of police Simpson. Thomas Aubrey, Ihe expert accountant, who has Just removed to the new Williams building, corner of Linden street and Washington avenue, has for some time back been busily engaged adjusting the accounts of a number of busiiiei's nouns In anticipation of Income tax usse."nmcnt. The necessity for a right apportionment of expenses to receipts, and a systematic nnd accurate method of accounting throughout, is being dally more appre ciated In commercial circles, In the light of the Inqul&itlon soon to be Instituted un der the new law. Uccltul by a Talented l ady. Miss Florence Ham, the brllllunt r-lnm-tlonlst, of Jlonesdnle, will give a recital on Thursday evening of this week ut the Providence Presbyterian church. Miss Ham will give her recltul for the beneilt of the- Guild Mission band, a small baud of self-sacrltlclng young ladles who de serve for their entertainment u Inrge patronage from the well wishers of mis sion work. Dinner ut V. W. v.. . 1,'ooms. On Thursday a dinner will be served ttt the Young Women's Christian associa tion, 205 Washington avenue, from M to ii o'clock, and supiier from i to x o'clock. Tho reputation of the ladles in rervlng a good dinner should be an Inducement t,,r all of our business men to aid a worthy cause, and at the same time revive value In full. Dinner, CD cents; supper, a cents. . MAKES PURE IJLOOI), These three Words tell the whole story of the wonder ful cures by Hood's Harsaparilla. It Is the best blood purliler und spline medi cine, . ,' HOOl:'8 PILLS have won high praise for their prompt and efllclent yet easy ac tion. "How to euro All Skin Discuses." Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tet ter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. Iluy the Weber and (at tha beat. At Guernsey Bros Ara you paying too much for plumbing? Our telephone Is 22-12. Try us. W. O. l)o ud & Co., CUB Lacka, ave. Special Prices (0 close out our sheet music and small musical Instruments. J. L. STIOLLE, 134 Wyoming avenue. Plllshury's Flour Mills bava a capacity f 17.U0 barrels a day. WAR OW THE SPEAK EflSIES Judge Gunstcr Says Court Will Find Some Kay to Stop Illctjiil Traffic. COUNTY COXSTAULES SCOKED In Discharging Grand Jury Court Uc forrcd to Saloonkeepers Who Do Not Intend to Tuko Out Licenses. List of True Hills. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the (fraud jury, having finished its work, came Into court and mudt a prpsent.i tion of the remainder of true mid Ignor ed bills, nn.l also several recommenda tions. Judge Gunstcr came on the bench In the main court room to re ceive tho jury's report, mid when he passed upon the batch of papers, he wus about to nddress the jury when District Attorney Jones wulUed before; the bur ami said: "May it picas.- the court, tho con stable of the Tweirth wurd of this city, in his return stated that he is cu the opinion that Ihiuor Is fold In that ward without a Ucens,;, but that he could not collect sulllt'lelit evidence to eouvict the persons whom' h suspects. Your honor referred the mutter to the dis trict attorney and it was laid before the grand jury, but In the absence of any evidence the bills hail to be Ignored." Jihlire iluus-tor paused u minute und then spoke us follows to the Jury: "1 notlc.' In one of the inniiiiiij; papers." meaning The Tribune, "that It is the intention und purpose of several of the persons who have been grunted licenses ut this term of court, to noir lect to take their licenses out and, nevertheless, to continue selling liquor, if that Is true it might be well for such persons to understand that inevitably they will tlnd themselves on the road to jail. This court will not tolerate such schemes, und the persons who attempt In this manner to evade the law will, sooner or later. Hud themselves In the hands of the law. "If the constables of the county do not d their duty, or If the county detective shall not do his duty, this coin t will tlnd a way to check this disn ivard of the statutes. The statutes are not upon the book of this court to be violated. "If liquor is being sold without n II-cen-v In the Twelfth ward, or In uny other pin t of this county, tin- matter will gravitate In the long run before this court, nr if uny number of liquor s ll 'is wiio have been grunted licenses neglect to take them out und lull-vo that they can do so with Impunity, let them understand that the court will be heard from If they apply at the next term of license court." HeeommeiiJutions of the Jury. The recommendations of the grand jury were as follows: First That for the better dispatch of the business and the safety of the many papers necessarily connected therewith, the door between the grand jury room ami the ollice of the dis trict attorney lie chr.nged and removed to a point in the same upartmetit mole convenient and direct in communica tion with the grand jury when in ses sion, and also the introduction of an electric bell to be placed In the district attorney's office with a button within rci'ch of the foreman of the grand jury; both of those changes would greatly facilitate the dispatch of the business and economize time and with much less disturbance and Interruption of the jury's deliberations. Second We recommend the placing of a telephone In the oltice of the dis trict attorney. This would undoubted ly prove a great saving of time and ex pense to many whus duties call them elsewhere, who have been waiting and restricted here daily. Third We respectfully recommend the employment of a regularly appoint ed Interpreter under the Jurisdiction of the court. One who Is well versed in the English and such other languages as are rpokeii by the several nationali ties called upon to appear in these courts. Our experiences during these sessions teach that the present system of prosecutors furnishing, their own In terpreters brings before the grand jury and the court Individuals possibly In interest or sympathy, hence unreliable, as illustrated during these sessions one who appeared In several cases as In terpreter was afterward Indicted on a serious charge and u true bill found against him. Fourth We suggest that coat an. hat racks be supplied for the use of prosecutors and witnesses called before the grand Jury. Fifth We nlso suggest that printed Instructions for grand Jurors b sup plied or posted in the grund jury room. Sixth After n thorough and careful Inspection of the county prison we tind all In and about the premises In good order, nothing calling for special recommendation other than that we respectfully recommend the substitu tion of a substantial Iron door to work on chain and pulleys, and nn Iron gate at the rear entrance to the Jail yard to replace the light wooden door now serving for lids enclosure; also the proper llttlmr up of one Section of the cells In the basement n" the Jail for con fining prisoners sent there, lis we Und in-many Instances where two and three prisoners are routined in one cell. We also recommend that the county com missioners In Instructed to put down a stone sidewalk along the jail frontage on New York street. Also that three padded cells be provided fit the jail. COLD AND COUCH CURES. GUARANTEED TO CHECK A COLD IN A FEY IIOUKS AND PREVENT GRIP AND PNEUMONIA. Colds b ud to roughs, coughs to Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption; therefore, I'. Is all Important to cheek a cold before It reaches the lungs. Munyon's Cold Cure will positively break a cold Inside of twenty-four hours If taken as sodu us the cold manlfestB Itself. When the cold reuehes the lungs or bronchial tubes the Cough Cure should bo used nlternutely every half hour with the Cold Cure. The Cold Cure Is guaranteed to prevent pneu monia If used in tho beginning of a cold. Pneumonia, or Inflammation of the lungs, ran bo controlled by thu use of these two cures. The Cough Cure positively cures bron chitis, tickling In tho throat, hoarseness, Iusb of voice, soreness of the chest, dltll culiy In breathing, hacking cough and all pulmonary diseases whero the lungs are not too far decomposed or .covered with tubercles. If you lire ailing step Into the nearest drug-store tmd get u 25c. vlnl of one of Munyon's Hemedlea. No matter what your disease or how many doctors have fulled to cure, It will give you relief. Those who uro In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor Munyon, 1,'iUS Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the rase and give you the benefit ot his ad vice absolutely free of all charge. The Remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of retail price. MUNYOIfS AVe also recommend the appointment of a matron ut the county jail. The true and ignored bills handed In by the jury were: . " t The True Hills. Myron J. Stone, forgery, ten Indict ments; George M. Hall, pros. Myron J. Stone, enildezzloment, two Indictments; Cleorge M. Hull, pros. Alexander M. IHckson, bigamy; Thomas Lcyshon, pros. Alexander M. Dickson, perjury; Fred Mink, pros. John Doe, alius Joseph Solioz, bur glary; A. R McCulluin, proa. John Doe, ollus Joseph Solloz, bur glary; George Keller, pros. Daniel Wulleralleld, tippling house; Thomas Leyshon, pros. loden Gordon, larceny; Mary I.. Ken yon, prox. Walter lirownlee, tippling house; K. L. Craig, pros. Charles Dlden, burglary; John Sur lier, pros. John Walsh, assault and battery; Kd wurd Stock, pros. Daniel U ullerslleld, selling to minors; Thomas Deyshon, pros. Philip liensiey, adultery; William Ki gali, pros. Philip liensiey, perjury; William Re gale, pros. Alexander M. Dickson, carrying con cc ib'il weapons; Fred .Mink, pros. John Ford, attempted burglary; P. J. Mc.Naniara. pros. Stephen llowoy, assault and battery; John Gelinskl, pros. to org:- Conibi aekUH, felonious wound ing: Alfred lianlield. pros. Thomas Jones, larceny; Martin Som ers, pros. John Schldiick, felonious wounding; Allied K.iuiicld. pros. Anthony I'.aionki, assault and bat tery; Victor I'honliuskey. pros. John Ustrolskl, larceny; Frank Mull choskl, pros. Peter Koniolik. tippling house; Thom as Deyshon, pros. Peter Koziolek, selling liquor on Sun day; Thomas Leyshon, pros. A. C. Stanton, forgery; Gustav Kam roth, pros. I.. P. Williams, forgery; G. W. tlod dard, pros. Annie Egun, false pretences; John Coleman, puis. (ius.iie Regal!, perjury; William Keg-all, pros. ( lussie Fanning, larceny by bailee; (Jeiirge Franlz. pros. William Hutch, larceny; A. H. Suyers, pros. John Divsk, felonious wounding; Al fred Huntlold. pros. K. E. tin Iner, assault und battery; Mrs. F. A. Johns, prox. Henry Goodman, perjury; Henry Hcr l ick, pros. UWiON PLUAS ('(H UT. Cases II at Mere lleuid llcforc Judges Aie.i'.-ald, Pdnards and I'lirdy. A three weeks term of common pleas court began yesterday witli Judge Ed wards on the bench In the main court room. Judge Archbald In Xo. and Judge l'urdy, of Waynu county, in No. 2. The Anna Dickinson case In the t'nit ed States Federal court was transferred from the government building to Xo. '1 court room, and then Judge Archbald turned his private room into a court room. Judge Purdy retired to Xo. II. The first case of the term and also the first one on the list was put on trial before Judge Purdy and was on at ad journment. Jackson Merry weather wns plaintiff in a trespass suit against the city of Scranton. It is ulleged that during the rainstorms of July, 1SSS, a sewer in the Sixteenth ward overflowed and undermined the basement of Merryweather's house. The allegation on which the damages are based is that the city Is liable on account of the faulty construction of the Sewer. In the main court room Judge Ed wards presided in the trial of the ap peal suit of Leary & Kase. a firm en gaged in the business of (plastering houses, against Wlllam Xealls. It was to recover the sum or STS for work done on the property of the dKcndunt. The Jury retired at 3 p. m. und at adjourn ment had not returned with a verdict. Another appeal suit war. called for trial before Judge Edwards and had not proceeded beyond the preliminary stages nt adjournment. It wns that of G. E. Powell against S. M. Sloat and Minnie Johns. Judge Archbald heard the appeal suit of Melia Dean iigainst Whit more Jones. The plaintiff ulleged that when she en tered the employ of Jones he agreed to pay her Jl.r.0 a week. She worked ten weeks and all she received, she stated, was $1.7.1, leaving a balance of $1:1.23. The jury found a Verdict In her favor for the full amount of her claim. The ninth case set down for trial tills week Is lhat of John '1. Jennings against the I.ehlgh Valley Railroad company. Mr. Jennings appeared be fore court and at his request an attach ment was issued for Dr. Carl M. Kelley, of Equlnttnk. Wayne county, Ihe most material witness In the case. Dr. Kel ley has heretofore manifested u con tempt 'for the Fubpoonn of the court and refused to come on here to testify at a fortii' i' liiul of tills case until the sheriff went after him. The genial doc tor cunt 1 that he hasn't lime to bother with the courts. Verdicts by agreement were taken in favor of the defendant In the Inter pleader suit of George L. Yost against Charlen Church. The same disposition was made of the case e T D. W. Ynughan ngaln Fred R. Jenkins. Nonsulls were ordered In the appeal cases of John Eiseiiberger vs. John J. Lavls, gar nishee, and of IgnalzPreltz vs. the same defendant. A number of cases were continued. LONDON ;.VUI Y (ilKI.S. Charmed In rue Audiences nt Iimls' Theater Yesterday. Crowded audiences were attracted to Davis' theater yesterday by the an nouncement that the London Gaiety Girls would be on the boards. The com pany Is u powerful one und opens the programme with n musical comedetta, "The Reception of the Clunis," In which a number of pretty glrla dressed In the Highland costumes sing n selec tion of topical songs. Thirteen other numbers follow nnd tho performance closes with the laugh able burlesque, "Kins Ko-Ko-Mo," which creates roars of laughter. There Is no doubt that today nnd tomorrow this popular house will lie tilled-to its utmost capacity. - Commonwealth lliilldlng nnd Loan As Mielntloit. The Commonwealth Building und Ixnn association will Issue a second series of stock on April 1. Applications for Block can now l made at tho ofllee of the asso ciation. 4-1 Luckuwiinna avenue, to O. II. Purlrldgo, treasurer, or J. C. Vuughnn, secretary. Kcmcber our telephone number Is 1242 If you want plumbing work. W. O. Doud & Co., Wi Lueka, ave. Homo Seekers' KxcurtlonM, vln. tho Nlekcl pinto Kond. to points In tho south, at oho fnro for the round trip, March D to April 2 und SO. Ask your city ticket agent for detailed Inclina tion, or address F. J. Moore, general agent, Xo. 23 Exchange Btrect, . Buff alo, N. Y. i "I wns run over by n lumber wagon. Did not expect to live. Was terribly bloat ed. My friends buthed me with Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil, and I wns cured. We huvo great faith In Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil." Mrs. Wm. P. Babc-ock, Norvell, Jackson, Co., Mich. SIEBRT SESSIi WAS BELD Hoard of Contpjl Adjourned After Hearing Committee Reports. ATTORNEY KXAIT A1T0INTED Difference Ilctwccn Hunt St Conncll nnd the Building Coinmiuco Discussed. Heme J for School (.lunrtcrs List of Delinquent Tux Collectors. At last night's mcetlnp; of the board of control Mr. Welsh, of tho buildlns committee, brought to the notice of the board differences existing between the committee and the Hunt and Conncll ootnpnny in reference to the contract for heating the new Xo. 1!) school. I!y motion of Mr. Wormscr tho building committee and the attorney of the board will consider the matter. The report of Ihe building committee recommended the substitution of a tubular Instead of u magazine furnace for heating the new high school build ing. It will represent a saving of 2 per cent. In fuel. The recommendation of the committee wus adopted. It was also recommended that speak ing tubes be placed lu the new Xo. 7 school, between the principal's room and the other rooms of the building, providing; that the cost does not exceed $r.j, and thut a door be placed between tin! principal's room and his private ollice. The recommendation was adopt ed. Buildings to He l eased. The building committee recommend ed the leasing of the following places for school purposes for the coming year: Xo. 1, high school, from Joseph J. Jermyn, $.'i"i per month; Xo. 1, prepar atory department, from J. D. Williams, $41.4-1 per month: Xo. 1, primary de partment, 3:'S Washington avenue, from C. P. Davidson, at $o5 per month; Xo. 10 annex, Prospect avenue and I leech street, from St. Paul's Evan gelical congregation, ut $12 per month; store room, 22-1 Washington avenue, from G. H. Davidson, ut $25 per month. Superintendent Phillips certified that the different quarters lhat ure recom mended to be leased are absolutely necessary for school accommodations. Vpon motion of Mr. Wormscr it was decided to engage Professor C. P.. Her man, at the salary of $;ji), which is the same as that paid him last year, to give musical Instruction for commence ment exercises. Ex-Judge H. A. Knapp wus re elected solicitor of the board for the ensuing year nt the same terms as have been paid heretofore. Tax Collectors Named. City Treasurer Reese G. llrooks sent the folhiwing list of tax collectors of delinquent. tax for the year 1SV4: W. Ii. Thomas, I,. M. Roberts, U. D. Hughes, li. T. Morgan, W. J. Egun, Harry Poust, E. M. Vcrnoy, J. M. Sehufer, C. S. Gel bert, It. T. Jayne, Harry Greenwood, T. W. Davla, F. M. Halstcad, George 11. Chase, and J. G. Xlcholsnn. The nttorney of the board will Inves tigate the stability of the bondsmen. - - COURT IIOUSi: NKWS NOTKS. The saloonkeepers were more alert yes terday In taking out their Hi discs. Forty seven of them saw the county treasurer. The bond of J. B. Gllhool in the sum of Jl.'i'.'tl, as trustee o ft he estate of Mary Fltzputrlck, who has been udjudged n lun atic, was appioved yesterday by the court. George M. Tustln. of Columbia county, and Hugh I.. Smyth were yesterday ad mitted to practice in the courts of Lacka wanna, county. Letters of administration were granted to Agnes Peterson In the eslule of her hus band, Frank Peterson, late of Old Forge; and In the estate of .Margaret l.yng, late of Ciirbondale, letters of administration were granted to Eliza Roland. In tho case of Bell & Hudson, proprlo tois of the Serauton Tiniei, against the commissioners of this county, In which the former have applied to court for a writ of alternative mandamus, Judge Gunstcr yesterday made tho rule uh-olute. The will of f'uptaln Frank P. Amsden, which was drawn up by the late Judge tlandlcy, wns yesterday admitted to pro bate and letters testamentary granted to Frar.k F. Amsden, Anna I.. Amsden and Edith D. Ainsdeii, children of tile de ceased. All application for a charter for the Green Ridge Wheelmen's club has been Hindu to court. The directors for the llrst year are: James W. Garney, Jr., Henry P. Hitchcock, Charles M. Carr, E. T. Howe, A. W. Ulandin, E. G. Stewart und William L. Carr. Court yesterday refused to reopen the healing 111 the application of William Heckclnlck for a liquor license at South Main avenue and Luzerne street, In the Fifth ward. Deckelnick's license was re fused and his uttorney, Cornelius Com egys, petitioned court yesterday for u re hearing. August IlaiTmnn was married to Ma.'y llacfmaii In Ulinjhamton on del. 2.', IksS. iiii Juneti, IWil, he alleges, Ills wife ut the residence of one James Unwell, violated her marriage vows with tin uc"ua!ntuncc namid Wil'ltim Horn. She has since, he swears, led a life of shame, mid he desires to lie freed from the marriage tie con tracted with her. Thomas Jones Davis was joined in wedlock with Mary Davis at Wllkes-llarre on Sept. 20, lvc, mid (die deserted him on the same dale. Both oT these gentlemen began divorce proceed ings yesterday. A petition was filed yesterday hi court for the Incorporation of the Scranton Training School for Nurses. The object Is to prepare persons who may so desire and lo lit them to become nurses and com petent to administer to and take care of sick people. The subscribers for the char ter are: Alfred Hand, James P. Dickson, Thomas 1. Da vies, C W. Roesler, .1. George Elselo and John F. Snyder. The trustees appointed for the first year are: Alfred Hand, James P. Dickson. Rev. J. A. O'RIelly. Thoiiius D. Duvles, William T. Smith, C. W. Roesler, J. George Elsele, John F. Snyder and K. L. Fuller. BUY SOME In our west window wo urusliow itiK Klefmnt hurp) Framed l'lo tures, ready to taUu homo nnd brighten up tlio bare- spots. Who don't love pictures? And the price, 69c. We fratno, too, wonderfully cboap. 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Picture Frames Made at short notice. High Class iu every respect lusldc Decorating in all lt braucliea. i Lackawanna Avenue. nnniT .Mil o IF YOU WANT A LAMP, DINNER, TEA OR TOILET SET Winn you move April i, BUY, IT NOW and save BIG money. WE DONT Want to move them, and are making a gen eral clearance sale' of all goods for less than cost. 116 WYOMING AVE. After April 1, will f cctipy spacious store room 134 Wyoming avenue. TODAY ONLY We have placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes winch we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want money. HERE IS NQTHER BiH In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and backs, latest styles, all sizes, button and lace, at $2.49 a pair, fomerly $3.50. 410 SPRUCE STREET. UT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coat of tho hast quality for dome.iflt use, and of all sizes, delivered in any part of the city ut lowest price. Orders left nt mv i itllco NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, tear room, llrst lloor, Third .National Hank, or sent ly mail or telephone to the nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will he made for tha laie oud delivery of buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. Win. Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy nnd Hell Stocks, Ponds ami Grain on New York Exehnngo and Chicago Hoard of Trade, either for cash or on margin. 4-12 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. G. dsB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE C.0d2. I SCHnNKS i!ri EXQUISITE FABRIC JUST RECEIVED, ft n D hi Black, Brown and Navy. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF EXCLUSIVE DRESS ROBES M EARS & HAGEN, . 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds and Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line oi IMPORTED ii UK MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. N.AJULBERTS tl II If WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH S BACK STULTZ & BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock oi first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. WELSBACH LIGHT Specially Adap;td lor Reading and Stwicg. VrVVrJ 9 Consumes three (3) feet of gas per liotir ami Kivts u efficiency of sixty (60) candles. Saving nt least 33J per cent, over the ordinary Tip Burners. Call and See It. HUNT S C0K1LL CO,, m LACKAWANNA AVENUE, rianufacturers' Agents. TAR GO Cures Colds, Lays Out LuGrippe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. LLMEX. DOR1-, Llmira, X. V., und for sale by tlie trude generally. MEGARGEL & CQUUEIL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Fa. JOHN L. HANGI, ENGRAVER, OFFICE AND SHOP ill 1 Luck. Av. nnd Stovuit's Art Store. Photo Ea0riviig for Circulars, Bocks, Cila loiies, N wjpipors. Half-Tones and Line Work. 0 1 I J fl Pure iVie i Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 25. 26 and 27, JIATl.S'LI-: DAILY. THE FAS! (JUS LONDON GAIBTY GIRL 25-AKTISTS-25 20-1'KLTTY GIitLS-20 A SUPEUB ORGANIZATION". no advance in riucns. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CESI3. iiUi:. gems down Malra reserved fur Indies and tleir 8corts. Nt Attraction A. Y. I'eui sou's Big Scealo Production, She." CONRAD'S ASSORTMENT IS THE LAR3EST. IT'S A FACT and facts aro facts. Tlu-rj is nn nrjuinj v.-Itb facta. They're real, fcliJ, tucgiblc. CONRAD HAS TEC LARGEST LINE - OF - HATS IN THE CITY. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Statement March 1SH3, called for by tho Comptroller of the Currency. KKSUl'KCMS. loans Sl,4:)0, Overdrafts ifcill." t mtcd states Uunds 80.OOU.OK Other llonds 2lt0.5J5.-J0 llunkinR House 'Jtf,07-1.4l Premiums on I . s. llonds... P-l;t."5 Hue from t'. S. Treasurer. .. 7,tsoi.00 Hue from Banks 20:1.711.18 CUbll lM'.HTOtMl J67.0OO.10 LLUULITirs. Capital.. SJOO.OOO.UO 7 2. :l 50. HO 71,800.(10 520.50 1,0.17,214.90 20,01 It. 74 Surplus I ndiviUed Profits Circulation Dividends I npaid Deposits 1,1 Due to flunks MILIUM CONM I.l, President. GEO. II. IWI I IV. lee President- Mil I 1AM U. l'LCli, Cualiicr. IUKIX TOUS. William Conncll. George It. ratlin, Alfred Hand, .lames Arebhald, Uenry Itelin. jr., William T. Smith. Luther Keller. special attention given to business no counts. Interest Paid on timo deposits. STILL IN EXISTENCE. Tho World Renowned and Old Reliable, Dr. Campbell's Groat Mafic Worm Sugar and Tea. Evory bo currntoil to five untlsfatloa or liinnoy ivfumteil. Full printed ilirotfoti f ivm a child to a grown person. It to purely vi'U"tauloand cannot positively harm thftuio!'r infant. lnsNt on having Dr. Camp toll's; aci;t no othor. At all Di ujguta, i WONDERFUL Form rVRASTnw, Pa,, Nov. 10. 1?"4. Nr. ('. YV. Campbell Diiar Sir: I hara fiven my boy, FredifK 7 yar oM, coma ot r. I'aiuplialra Mueic Worm Kurnr and 'f, and to my anrpria tnia n(trnnon about 2 o'clock ho pRBsi'd a tup.voiui nienrlr.if nucrnt S- fpt in h'tiglli, head and all. 1 It iu a UoUlrtnn'l nuv ("M-hou wit-hintf to !.! it can tin ho ly etdlina at tnv aiorti. 1 tried mimoroue other remedies rei-innmcudid for taking tnpewnriua, but all fallrd. In my estimation lr, Cimiplwdra ia the groatebl worm remedy in ilstxm-o. Youra ttv rc-aned fully, FKfcn HKFFNJiB, 7l Bc.ou Pt Note The above ia what everybody sava, after oneo tfoiur. Manufactured by 0. W. Campbell, Luncnster, F. bucceaaor to Dn Jolui Campbell JS Sua. THE ILIMITED.l CORNER LACKA. AND JEFFERSON AVE1 GROCERY DEPARTMENT Trv our best private growth JAVA nnd MiK'IlA Co II en and be convinced that we ell nuthiutf but the Purcat and Beat. Wo receive ilitlv FRESH KOCI8, and CRUAMKKY IIUTTF.R nut up In 1-pouui prints, 5 pound glass paila and tuba, Our Canned Goods, Fruit and Vegetables Are from the boat packers; the atock la re newed every llfieeu ditya In tbla depart meat, thua Inaurlug you nothing but freaa good a. 8ilo agents for "MPSoN'S" BERRIES, ot all kinds, which will be sent to us daily from Lal'lume aa anon aa tho aeaaon opeui We guarantee quick oVillvary of goods from all departments, heneat WQlghi-ajul measure on ail good! poruhaaad.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers