THE SCRANTON THIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 22, 1895. .3 . NORTON'S New Store, Lackawanna ave., Will be ready for trade On or before April i. Will open their large New stock Wall Papers, Window Shades, Stationery, Books, at very Interesting Prices. Wait and see. MICHAEL NORTON. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston ill Go, J, FRANK SIEGEL'S AT THE FROTH INCH AM. BAUER'S ORCKESTiU AND BIND, 4D PIECES Easter Monday ilit. April 13. Tickets on sole at bex oIHlm, one tlcltot ad mitting lady uud (O'.jtlein-u; ultra ladies' tickets, Mj. fcOTA general invitu;im extend ed to ull present uiul former pupils und their triends. PERSONA L. Tallie Morgan Is at New York on pro fessional buaine."?;. Rev. 11. J. I'onway, of Urouklyn, X. Y., wus in the otty yesterday. 11. A. Klnjfsbury having sold his prop erty on (Julucy avenue, has moved to 7!1 Madison avenue. Sheriff F. II. demons, of I.nekawannn; X. L. Hire and T. J. Price, of Summon, registered at the Lafayette luft ulaht. Phllailelpliia Inquirer. Dr. II. B. Van Per;ran, of Grem RMo street. Intends to l.-av.- this i iij- for liuf falo early In April, where he v.lll beeome manager of a mamifuetiiriii"; establish ment. rdlllor Frank P. Woodward, formerly of the Dunmore Plonker, i.i vNltiiijr friend In this viidnlty. IMitor Womlwai d, now a resident of South Carolina, conduct a Journal call-d ".Sand." Ilev. Roser iMi-ael, rector of Pt. Luke's Kplsi opal enure h, of Sen-nton. is an nounced to preach In Trinity church to morrow evening. Ho Is a preacher of abil ity, and a lnrse riudlctice will doubtless hear him. Caibondale I.'adcr. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (Undor this heading ishort letters of In terest will bet published when accompa nied, for publication, by ihe, writer s name. The Tribune will not b'i held re sponsible for opinions hero expressed.) Asninvt tho.liil j System. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: In your eriltorlul of March 10 In re latlon to capit;i punishment, you ask me 'What ou pulng to do about it?" When a muni iH koIi.k to build a house he goes to an Hrehltert, not to a tailor; when he wants a pair of shoes he rocs to a shoemaker not to u. rli.-arm.iker: still, when we are Kolntf to punish a we ret a selection of men who may be prollc lent In any other line of occupation except law, and as If to exeiiM,; the hick of skill, we rail them "an !nlcli!i;,.iit jury," twelve Rood und true, etc. . Then we i;et severe I skilful lawyers to conduct the ca and Incidentally muddle lip what dellnlte views some of the Jury may have had and then tell them "now, gentlemen, you are In proper condition lo decide this ease." I'sually thH Instruc tions of the Judirn form the main KuUlo which the Jury follow and deride, the enyc In nccortlance with the Instructions. The Jury system Is otillo.uate.1 und be. lone lo an oe when each man was bis own lawyer, preacher, rurpeiitcr, cho maker and tailor, but not to this day when division of labor Is pre-eminent, fjreat crimes ihuuld be Judged by a Jury of I lie lilKhest bKul talent puld by the stale lit a Klven amount per day. to hay no other work for the time belnir, but di elslon of the ruse In hand, decision to be it a three-fourths or four-fifths majority. This would stop all lejjal and emotional R-ymnaallcs now In vogue by criminal lawyers, ns their colleagues rould not be Imposed upon so readily u i laymen. James Jackson. New York, March 21. Say the Statements Were I'nlse. F.dltor of The Tribune. Hlr: Articles have appeared In nearly II tho dally papers purporting to act forth the state of affairs relating to the use of tho lilhle In the public schools In Waver ly boroutfh. The real farts of the case wlil appear at the time of hearing In court on Saturday morning, but we desire to sta'o that the statements there made are false In ncurly every particular. We do not know the sources of Information, but to fur as ran be aseertalned, the reporters who visited Waverly on Tuesduy con ferred only with Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Vnll on tho subject. There Is no antagon ism between the teacher, Mr. Ilnnycu, and the school board of Waverly boroiiKh. Mr. llanyen la carrying out the Instruc tions of the board as per resolutions of the board passed by vote of four to two, au thorizing him to use his own discretion In the matter. John I.. Stone, President, N. V. Maekry, John Hull. For earache put a. couple of drops of Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil on a bit of cotton and place It lit the ear. The pain will atop In a few moments. Simple enough, Isn't It? ITS GETTING OH NICELY Y. Jl. C. A Fund Increased Over Ten Dollars Yesterday. ' RESULT OP OXE OBSERVATION It Meant $2.50 for the I-und Which Will Not Stop GrowltiB-Snggcatlon to tho Boy Mcmbers-Thcir Short Let. tcrs Can Ho published. Sixteen persons yesterday responded to The Tribune's appeal for contribu tions toward the Finishing and Fur nishing; fund of the Young Men's Chris tian association. They sent a total of $10.10, which makes a grand total to date of $281.12. Following Is the detailed cash state ment up to ti o'clock lust evening: PUKVIOI'SLY ACKNOWLEDOKn. T11M TltlBl'NK UK) CO Sundry contributions 171 V2 Total .' 271 02 NEW CONTItlllUTIONft I!. D. Williams 2 00 O. X. (5. 11 !M X. Y. '. 1 mi Helper W I j. S. Todd M S. T. V M II. P. 1'rke M o'llrlen 2." Charles Knapi 2'i T. T. D 2.1 Y. M. C -fi Wlllard 2.'. F. and J. P 10 Clerk 10 Two Boys 10 llurd Vp r. Grand total i-il An i;nihuslnsric Writer. Some modest but enthuslustlc con tributur signing hiinself "LI. X. O. M." enclosed with a letter, which Is re produced as follows: IMitor of The Tribune. Dear Sir: Kuelosed please And $2.60. I have read with a great deal of Interest The Tribune s articles descriptive of the Young Men's Christian association work, and your appeals for subscriptions in uid of the Finishing und FiunUhlng Fund. The articles mentioned were very forcible and the appeals were very strong, but they do not begin to compare Willi the force of an appeal which a recent visit to the building made uion me. I am convinced that if our citizens wdio east a careful glance over The Tribune appeals while sitting ut their breakfast tabled should follow it tip by un evening visit at the building and penult one of the courteous secretaries or coiiiniUuemi n to pilot them through the liis'.luitiou, begin ning ut the gymnasium w'th Its fifty or sixty vigorous young men actively en gaged in increasing their .-tore of vigor, mid coming up to the reading an I social rooms, where they Und fully as many more engaged In reading or In social converse, and will then take a glance at the educa tional class rooms und watch for a few minutes a group of aimilui' proportions en gaged In earnest study, t lit y will, arcordlng to their ability, send you a su'osci'lptlon us 1 do herewith. Very sincerely yours, U. X. 11. M S.'iRiiton, March 21, w:. Several other letters have been re ceived with the that they be published, but a rule established at the beginning of the fund must be adhered to: Ci.mnr.tiii.'atlons must b brief, else they cannot be published, older per sons ate always interested In the thoughts of youngsters, so It Is sug gested tha: contributions from buy nieinif.Ts of the association be accom- pcnl. il by short letter. The Tribune will reproduce any short letter, provld ed the writer desires Jt. I'sc Tlii- and Save Tim.J. , . . i l ji )ud ucsire, cm mis uui nnu avuu with your contribution to The Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A. Finishing and Furnishing Fund. Amount. It is not neceii-ii v to use th oeo'ipou. which id printed ouly for your colvo uuo.ce. Anv ..mouut from l-eeat uuward will be reei-ived bv The Tribune and ae- knowlMlgod througn its culuiniH. A'1'iross: I lie Irinune . M. .. A. I inishins and Furnishing 1 und. No better sugg -stlon could have beet) made than that by "(5. X. (1. II." thai the work of the a;s icltitlon be Verllled by u visit to the building on Wyoming avenue. The rooms are open from early morn ing until In o'clock ut night, und visi tors ure always vc:eoirw. However, It Is not likely that ninny reipilre any practicnl ileniiinstiut.'on, beyond present knowledge, of what the assotdutloti Is doing. It has a renin 1, past nnd pn-setit, and a record probably not equalled by any non-.ectarlan Insti tution of its kind In the world. If the principles und good works of the .association are approved by you. I he (iicslio!i "What Ix'our approval worth?" In suggested. In other words. If you hi licve In it. help It. Hy using, the above coupon you will save time. SELECTED 1' H K A M M E. Will lie KcnJtirc. nt (iroun KldO Presby terian :h inch. The following programme will be rendered ut the Sunday school concrt of the f Irci-ii llldge Presliyleriun church this evening. In the church parlor::: PA I IT I'lltST. Overture Modern Life, Sehlepergroil, Orchestra The Puttl Wultz Hung, Pattlson, .Miss OuniK in Andante from Second Quurti tie, Haydn String Quartette Heading, Selected Miss Aeiceii llspanolii, Maxui ku Orchestra Trio, "Dream of the Shepherdess, Miss Long, Mrs. Conrad, Mr, Wldmiiyr Agltuto, Schuhoff Mrs. (', C. Conrad PAKT 8KCOND. "Xnlln." Intertnecxo rrom l,eo Didlbes Hallet Orchestra When the Heart Is Young, Dudley Muck, Mrs. Metxgar Concerto, De Herlot F. II. Wldmaycr Iteadlug, Selected Miss Acken Gavotte from Mlgnon, Haydn String Quartette Fascination, Mrs. C. F. Whlttemore, Mrs. 0. C. Conrad March,' New York Press Club, Jo sephine Oro Orchestra MRS. ROIIUWASSER'S PARTY. Large Number of Married I ndies Enter tained Yesterday Afternoon. Mrs. Joseph Rohrwnsser yesterday afternoon entertained at her home, 841 Pcnn avenue, a large company of mar ried ladies. Luncheon was nerved and Instrumental music f urn lulled by Miss Nellie Curran. Among the guests were Mrs. A. 7,enke, Mrs. L. Zeldler, Mrs. Charles Phul, Mrs. William Slssenberger, Mrs. William Kiesel, Mrs. Fugene Morse, Mrs. J. tlenter, Mrs. Ammunn, Mrs J. Ferber, Mrs. Philip Schnell, Mrs. J. H. Koch, Mrs. Charles Tropp, Mrs. J. Knlttel, Mrs. V. Hobllng, Mrs. Kueuel- stein, Mrs. Mayer, Mrs. Lohmnnn, Mrs. Phllln Kl?elman. Mrs. William Hack, Mrs. Kleper, Mrs. It. Schoenfeld, Mrs. W. Schoenfeld. Mrs. Sehlmpff. Mrs. A. Korn, Mrs. 10. Zisielmann, Mrs. F. W. Wldmnyer, Mrs. Konucny, Mrs. Peter Z.lgler. Mrs. Joseph Ober. Mrs. J. F. Fuhrenholt, Mrs. Shlvely, Mrs. P. Welnss, Mrs. Bodenbuch, Mm. Gus Hobluson. WON'T PAY JUDGE RICE. Sullivan County Commissioners Ignore a Judicial order. Tho county commissioners of Sullivan county have refused to pay the orders made by the judicial commission, Judges Rice, Archbald and Henries, who sat to determine the contest In the Sullivan and Wyoming Judicial district between Messrs. Sittser and Dunham. Tho court has, however, directed the payment of olllcluls for the collection of ballot boxes and papers und the sher iff for storage of boxes in the county building. The claim of the commission ers U that there is no color of luw for for the payment. The Judicial commis sion does not sit again until May 20. Wllkes-llarro Newsdealer, COWLKS WAS J E ALOIS. Also Objected to His Wife Wearing Short I in as:. Testimony In divorce proceedings were heard yesterday before Judge Uunstor In chambers. Court Stenogra pher W. D. Ci.ston took the evidence. Attorney llulslander nppeured for the libcllunt, Mary ("owlcs, who desires to be freed from the matrimonial yoke which she espoused with lluymolid J. Cuwles on Dee. , 1SSS. They were wedded at the house of her uncle, James llcillnnls. In the North Knd. by Kov. Z. W. Shepherd, and they lived together until Sept. 11, IS'.l.l, when, as she ulleges. through ill-treatment she was compelled lo leave him. She now resides ut Dalton. She said her first trouble was when her husband, be came Jealous. His brother, F.dward, cutiie to visit them one day and she had on u short dress. She wus scolded and rebuked for immodesty by her husband and on many occasions afterward he exhibited ugliness of temper toward her. Mrs. Maggie Williams swore she was at their house on July I, ISS'J, nnd in her presence Cowles hit his wife. Miss I.ydia Moore was present on one occasion und she heard him complulu ubout the food set before him and he was cross and ugly. Mrs. Addle Mellltmis. mint of the llbelH'.nt, was visiting their house one day and Cowl-s came home drunk in the evening, she suid. and began to abuse his wire. James llclUlinls testi fliil that Cowles wus a drinking limn. Cowles once told the witness that Mrs. Cowles put poison in medicine he was taking while he wus sick. That ended tho testimony. SEAHKOOKE TONKiilT. Will Itc Seen nt the Academy of Muslcc in Isle of lunnrngric- Thomas Q. Seabrooke w ill bring his big opera company, iiumbci In,' about sixty people, to the Academy of Music this evening, presenting "TK- Isle if Champagne," a comic op-ra by Charles Alfred Hyme and Louis Harrison, that has achieved a wide popularity In the two seasons It has been before the pub lic. "The Isle of Champagne" is a comic opera of the modern uchool, its uiin Is to amuse, and the latitude al lowed the singers and comedians to ac complish tills aim is so extensive that the performance from beginning to cud is merely a suecssioii of humorous complications set to sparklliu: music. Mr. Seabroohe has met with great success in the role of King, the part affording Ills splendid apportunlties for the exereb'e of his Inimitable and tak ing style as u comedian. He will be as sisted by a huge, ami from all ne couiks, very capi.ble company, the cast containing s-overal urtlsts that ure by no meuns Ftruiig 'ts to local audiences. The opera Is magnificently mounted, the costumes, scenery nnd other equip ments having been p.epp.recl with an evident disregard of expense. There are many special tires In the pro duction that have caught on immense ly, among them "The Spider nnd the Fly" duet, "The Sun;r of All Nations." and a solo with choitiii accompaniment, tailed "oh. Dream of Lif -." The fin-t two will be sung by Mr. S.:alifooke and the chamilng1 prima donna soubreele, K lv I n Cl"X. SEEN IN 1 til. TIIEA'I EKS. "In old Ke ntucky," one of th.; mut faithful pictures of life hivov.' the Ma '.on und Di.oli line that Is now o:i the Ameri can stu.v, entertained a large uiiibencn it the A udciny or Music la l night. Some very effective scenic effects are Intrj duci I. notably In the third act, when the uiidlcnce is given a glluipM' of the - letlor ami Interior of the park lit Lexing ton, Ky.. which Is devoted to racing. In the second net a number of (olui.-d boys, organised Inlo u brass bund, known us the Wuodluwii Wiingilooilli.i, uppeiircci aim rendered H number of selections. Coley Grant and Walter Smart, also colored, gave exhibitions of buck and Foft shoe dale lie.'. Among the members or the com pany who miule a favorable Impression weie Pu ul (Ulinore. II. II. llradley. P. .1. Murphy, M. L. Snoder, Lulu Tabor, Louise Hrnlleld und Chariot le Wliuiclt. No more elaborately staged production has ever been seen t Davis' tlieati-r than "The Police Piitrol," whli h opened a three days' engagement at that popular play house yesterday nf lernuolt. The driiinii belongs lo the realistic school nnd during the action of the piny the Interior of a Chicago police elation, it police pa trol burn and the lliiyuiarket square, the scene of the famous anarchist riots, are shown, A patrol wagon iliuivii by tv.o horses that darh across the muge muke another nallstlc feature. Tim company In a strong one throughout. Mntertainlng speclultlcs are Introduced by Little pi ley, Frank Htruvy, K. K. Henley nnd Henry Koerper. "The Police Patrol" will be pro iluced again today und tomorrow, after noon und evening, by the same company. Large audiences gathered at the Froth Ingham yesterday ufleinoon and evening to witness the Huys produced by thx Metropolitan Comedy company. In the afternoon "Function, the Crlckelt," wis produced, nnd In the evening "Lust In London." Hoth were received with much f n vor. Pl'ItlO ItlClI llLoon Is essentlul to good health, because tho blood Is tho vltnl fluid which supplies all the organs with life. Hood's SursnpHrlllu Is the great blood purlller. HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable, harmless, effective, do not pain or gripe. Nine Months In lied. Cured in 24 Hours. T. J. liluckmore, of Hullor & Ulnck more, Pittsburg, Pn., uy: "A short time since I procured a bottle of 'MYSTIC CUHK.' It got ma out of the house In twenty-four hours. I took to my bed with Rheumatism nine months ago and the MYSTIC CUHK' Is the only medicine that did me any good. I hud live of the best physicians In the city, but I received very little relief from them. I know the MYSTIC CUKK" to bo what It Is rep. resented and take pleasure In recom mending It to other poor sufferers. Hold by Carl Lorens, Druggist, 418 Lackawanna avenue, Surunton. Buy tho Weber and get th best. At Uunrnsey liros TRUE BILL AGiMNST ROSA Grand Jury Indicts Him for Crime of Killing Vito Laulsso. SCHUBMEHL IS HELD l'OR LIBEL Editor of tho Olypliunt Gazette Has Two 1-lbel Suits Now on His Hnnds-Thoso Who Sold Liquor Without a I.icenvo Indicted for the Offense. Judge Ounster at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon received from the grand Jury through Foreman (1. A. Fuller the first return of Indictments. Among them is tn Indictment of murder against eonurdo Ilosu for the killing of Vito l.auisso at Dunmore u few weeks ago. Two cases of libel ure returned against Editor W.J. Wohubniohl, of the Olypliunt liuzette. The list of true bills found Is us follows: Leonardo Ttosa, murder;, Thomas Leyshon, pros. William J. Schubmelil, libel; M. F. Fodrten. pros. William J. Schubmelil, libel; Joseph J. Jermyn, pros. Alonua Kelehard, lurceny and receiv ing; O. S. Lutz, pros. Mary Jerznots, adultery; John Jerz nots, pros. Thomas O'Hora. fornlllcation and bastardy; Nellie Mahada, prox. .lames W. Powell, robbery; W. T. Simpson, pros. William Walsh, Wllllum Joyce, rob bery; W. T. Simpson, pros. John Norton, rubbery; Nellie Ander son, prox. Jntnes O'lioyle, assault und battery; Anthony Carf, pros. Tony Vocli, felonious wounding; W. T. Simpson, pros. Charles Mitchell, larceny and receiv ing". V. T. Simpson, pros. John linker, defrauding boarding house: James Farrell, pros. Jiollo JCdwurds, dlsordery house; An nie D. Scliafer, prox. Lancelot Slowther, malicious mis chief; Henry Adams, pros. Martin Civilian, assault and battery Anthony Carf, pros. James Uetthliigs, nsniult and b:'.t tery; Anthony Curl', pros. Selling Without n License. Put tick Feenoy, Mrs. Patrick Feeney, Mrs. Kate Mullierln, selling to minors; Thomas Leyshon, pros. Patrick Feeney,, Mrs. Patrick Feeney, Mrs. Kate Mullierln, selling liquor on Sunday; Thomas Leyshon, pros. Patrick Feeney, Mrs. Patrick Feeney, Mrs. Kate Mullierln, selling without license. John 11. Thomas, selling without a li cense; Thomas Leyshon, pros. Alex. Mitchell, larceny; W. T. Simp son, pros. A. D. Saytvs, larceny; M. W. Hatch, pros. William and Walter Hamnictt, lar ceny; W. T. Simpson, pros. It. K. Williams, seduction; Anne Ed wards, prox. John Menner, larceny; Philip Graff, pros. l!. K. Williams, fornication and bas tardy; Henry Martin, pros. It. K Williams, fornlllcation and bas tary; Anna Edwards, prox. John 'Martin, larceny; Anna Heemcr, prox : two bills. John Kelly, assault and battery; Owen lirady. pros. William Hall, fait!" pretenses, An thony Seezer, pros.; two bills. Joseph Krlstinak, selling liquor with out a llceti ie. James Urunt, pointing a pistol; Yv". T. Simpson, pros. James I'ttant, carrying a deadly wciitMit; John Johlei, pdo.s. Alex Mitchell, larceny; V,'. T. Simp son, pros. Mary Snyder, larceny; Mrs. A. E. Saxlon, prox. Thomas Williams, ur?atilt and bat tery; d. E., pros. Conrad Vernon, forgery; Henry Voelker, pros. Patrick o'lirlen, assault and battery; L. P. Moore, pros. Michael l.ansjan, rape; James Ward, pros. Michael Klnish. larceny and receiv ing; John Jen' not s, pros. Samuel llevagna, ussatilt und bat tery; Michael Forkurs, pros. Lewie Search, assault and battery; Michael Forkurs, pros. John lieviigne, assault and battery; Anthony Aellto, pros. John llevagne, carrying conctal.d weapons; Mathlas Wagner, pros. Hist in hing KciL'.iiolH Services. Floyd Schoonmaker. William Kroe g. r. disturbing religious meeting; A. !!. o'Xenl, pros. Hugh Itnttle, uelllng without license; William Sonn, pros. Hugh I tut tie, uclliiqr to minors; Will iam Sonn, pros. Timothy Dougherty, nrsuult and bat tery; John Jezuriikl, pros. John Klrby, ussuult und buttery; Al bert Lcple, pros. Thomas Thomas and John Klrby, Selling on Sunday; Albert Lcple, pros. Thoiiiiis Thomas and John Klrby, selling without license; Albert Lcple. pros. Thomas Thomas, John Klrby, selling to minors; Albert Lcple, pros. John K. Thomas, Haiti. Thomas, keeping bawdy house; Thomas Ley shon, pros. Pomlnlck McKeon. Annie McKeon, nuill-loiis mischief; Patrick Shay, pros. Domlnick McKeon, Annie McKiuh, nrsuult nnd battery. John ltoyer. assault and battery; Em ma lloyer, prox. Martin Jerznots. larceny and receiv ing: John Jerznots, pros. Martin Horosky, assault und battery; Theodore Ynnkisky, pros. The list of bills that were Ignored Is appended; The Ignored Hills. John Klrby, pointing a ph'tol nnd rylng concealed weapons; A. Lcple, pros. Mlehnel lttiane, larceny; Michael Caveslon, pros. Hugh liattle, selling on Sunday; Will iam Sonn, pros. John llevnequa, pointing pistol; M. Wagner, pros. BUY SOME In our west window wo nrc, sliow lug Elegant Large Framed Pic tures, ready to luke homo nml lirlgliten up tin) bare spots, Who don't lovo pictures? Ami the price, 69c. Wo frame, too, wonderfully ch'op. LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Picture Frames- Hade at short notice. High Class In every respect Inside Decorating In all Us brouchet. 312 Lackawanna Avenue. REXFORD JEWELRY CO 213 PUTTS M. Wagner, assault and battery; John Bevacqun, pros. Mary Wagner, larceny; John Bevac qua, pros. . Michael Forkner, larceny; John Bevacquu, pros. Michael inland, John Brown, Martin Lavelle, Michael Coggins, riot; L. P. Moore, pros. Watkln Price, horse stealing; George Jones, Jr., pros. A. M. Phillips and Jacob Lutz, assault and battery; W. 11. Brenna, proB. John Kelly, carrying concealed weapons; Samuel Williams, pros. Timothy Kooney, assault und bat tery; David Thomas, pros. J. T. Jones, adultery; Mrs. Jane Jones, prox. J. T. Jones, keeping a house of prosti tution; June Jones, prox. John it. Thomas, selling liquor on Sunday; Thomas Leyshon, pros. Jnmes Grant, pointing pistol; John Johlei-, pros. George L. Middleman, embezzlement II. Schubert, pros. Patrick McGrever, assault and bat tery; Antonio Caffeo, pros. William Morgan, disorderly house Ann D. Scliafer, prox. John it. Thomas, selling liquor t' minors; Thomas Leyshon, pros. John Carf, assuult and battery Thomas Kinney, pros. Michael Kiulsh, fornication and has tardy; John ChesiiulB, pros. Patrick Callahan and Peter Engel, embezleni"iit : II, Schubert, pros. IFYOUar WANT A LAMP, DINNER, TEA OR TOILET SET When you move April i, BUY IT NOW and save BIG money. WE DON'T Want to move them, and are making a gen eral clearance sale of all goods for less than cost. IIS WYOMING AVE. After April 1, will r.ceupy spacious store loom 134 Wyoming avenue. We have placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes which we are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have 110 more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but we want money. HERE IS In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and . backs, latest styles, all sizes, button and lace, at $2.49 a pair, fumerly 3.50. 410 SPRUCE STREET. Ill SI. SCHAHKS Ml EXQUISITE FABRI JUST RECEIVED, rani 1 In Black, Brown and Navy. ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF EXCLUSIVE ESS M EARS & HAGEN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. M A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOIL BARGAIN." MARRY APLA1X GIRL IF S1IETSES APOLIO SPRING STYLES Brown and Mixed Brown Worsteds and Cheviots, the correct thing for this sea son. Handsome and extensive line of MARTIN & DELANY WYOMING AVE. N.A.HULBERTS U1UI1L WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS and Others KhRNICH & BACK STULTZ i BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock o! first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDISB, MUSIC, ETC. ABOVE THE AVERAGE CONRAD'S SPRING LINE OF HATS. 305 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. VTA TkR GU Cures Colds, Lays Out LuGrippc, Cures incipient Consumption. .Manufactured by ti. ELMEX-DOKl-, Elmiiii, X. Y., and (or sulc by the trade generally. MEGARGEL & C0NNELL, Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa. D ROBES IMPORTED I i II IS Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY. MARCH 23. THOMAS 0. SEABROCKE And His Own Opuru Company, in tuu F ,.,, (:.,. i.,...,- Flayed by Mr. Reubroolie and His Kxcel cuilent Oriraniz'ition Over 1,000 Times in nil tho Principal Ckioi. . PRICES-Lower Floor. $1 5'.l. S1.U0 and75o! Kaleoiiy, iJe. und&Oe.; (iuliery. Hoc. Kale of ueatu open Weduunday, liarch 20, at Vu. ui. ACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, MARCH 25. Fii i Time in Scrunton. Tho Dra matic spectacle, CLEOPATRA THU CLEVXR ACTRESS, MISS LILLIAN LEWIS. A Competent Company with MB. C1IAS. b. HAXKmD us AXTOKY. tJ'Kifteeii I'lioruses. 3 Ballets. 2 Premiere 9 Panoramic VlttWH, b'l MuMical lumbers 8 Tablcuux Virant, 111 Living Pictures. JU Peo ple, Grand Reentry, Cleopatra's ttari;e, Gor K?ous Costumes, Fauions Storm Se.rie. PliiCL.S-Ujc. uoc. Tic. and (1.00. Bale l seats ojiens Friday, March . A CADEMY OF MUSIC. Speelul Arrangements Have Been ilflde fur the Heappearance of IRELAND'S C H fl ffl P 1 0 t , Peter Maher And Ills Clever Athletic and gp ciaity Companr, ou SATURDAYiMARCH 23. tS-Besidea ten Spec ialty Aets t'.ie following special featuren have been arranped: PETEK M. HEK will meet PATM1CX Ml'R PHY. of this citv. for four avlentillo reund; BILLY HENXE?SY, of Boston, will meet PETEK LOWEKY, of Dublin. Hepulur prices, tale of seats opens Thuri aay, jiarca .1. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A. Y. PEARSON'S BIG REALISTIC PRODUCTION, THE Presented In Every Detail Just as Advertised. ADMISSION, 10, To OR 30 CENTS. 20c. seats down .fairs reserved for Indies and their escorts. Two corf ormuaees diily nt 2 :1J and S.15 p. ra HOUSE - S REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, Is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. Standard Instruments In every sons oC the term ns applied to Pinnos. Exceptional In holding their original fuR ness of tone. . NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. M fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 1 15 Adams Ave., New Telephone Bldg. WELSBAGH LIGHT Specially Adapted for Reading and Sewing. . Consumes throo (3) feet of gas per hour nnd gives un eflleieuey of sixty (110) candles. Having nt lenst 33 per cent, over the urdinnry Tip Burners. Cull and See It. I 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, rtanufacturers' Agents. III 1 I PATROL H fl Pure While xJ&k Si lil smp- nnd Very ttiitl
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