THE SCRAXTOX TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1895. V LUCE BJ50S, GASH STORES, 122 H. Main Avenne, ScraBtoa, : 363 Main Street, Taylor, Pa; Luce Brest Best Patent Hour. We guarantee this to be the ' best Flour made, per barrel, $3.65 ej pound;) Granulated Sugar, ' 1.00 Feed, Meal and Cora, . - . 1.00 iduz. Guest Cold Packed Tomatoes .SO 25-lb. Suck Buckwheat, - .55 I gallon Pure Maple Syrup, .HO 5 lb Extra Choice Teas, - 1.00 Clurk & Suover Tobacco ' ' .35 Best Butter," - - .'J Try Our "Strawberry Brand" of Smoked Meats. ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Some-Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. tTSEKAL Of l'ETEK MORTON Atfctilunt to .Mix I.orenu Archer, of Sum ner Avenue, ut I'itts'on-Lust of the Inltiul Suppers ut Simpson Meth odlwt Episcopal Church, The funeral of the late Peter Morton. Who Uied ut his home U02 Keyset' uve mie, last Saturday mornitiK. took place Rt 3 o'clock Yesterday afternoon from the family home. Long; before the ser vices hud commenced, large crowds of people had gathered at the home to pay their last tribute to the deceased and view the remains, which were placed In u handsome black casket. Mr. Morton, who had for years been a foreman at the Capouse mines, had possessed a genial disposition, and the heads of his fellow workmen who attended in a body, as the Accidental fund, were bowed In sorrow. A delegation of Lodge No. 301, Sons of St. George, were also present. Rev. V. C. Hughes, pastor of the Jack Bon Street Baptist church, preached the funeral sermon und referred with feel ing to the many kindnesses which the leceased had performed during life. The shop hunds sent a beautiful token In the shape of a pillow inscribed "Shopmate." An anchor was presented by the relatives. The funeral proces sion, measuring the length of three blocks, moved to the Washburn Street cemetery, where interment was made. The pall-bearers were: From the fund, Philip Thomas, Kmanuel James and ."William Williams; from the lodge. John C. Morris, Ueorge Maylin und James Thompson. An Initial Supper. The ladies of the Simpson Methodist Kpiscopal church whose Initials com mence with any letter from M to Z in clusive, will give their tlnal initial sup per for the season tomorrow evening. A large number is expected to attend. The supper is the last one prior to the annual accounts of the church festtvals which have been held during the year, and which will be summed VP at thu i'bnfernee In April. The ladies have worked industriously with these sup pers and the proceeds have been large. Their report at the conference will no doubt be a good one, and they are to be highly commended on the provisions furnished and the excellent talent se lected for their entertainments. liroko Her Arm. RIls Lorc-na Archer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Archer, of North Sumner avenue, had her arm broken yesterday morning. Mr. Arrhe'r went to Plttston to meet his daughter, who was returning from a college in Phila delphia. . They drove about the city and Intended coming home In a few hours. During' the drive, the spirited horse became frightened ntid the occu ' pants were. thrown out. Mr. Archer es caped without Injury, but his daughter, who was less fortunate, broke her arm near the wrist. The couple took a train for -Seranton and arrived home yester day afternoon. Dr. P.. (. lieddoe was summoned and set the bone. Tht young lady Is now resting comfortably. Brief Notes of Interest. John H. Williams, of South Main ave nue. Is In Danesvllle, N. T.' ' Charles Hartley, of Kynon street, Is Improving after a severe Illness, Miss Scanlon, of Lafayette street, has returned from New York City. The members of Company V held a drill In St. David's hall Inst evening. John Davie, of South Muln avenue, lias been seriously 111 for the past ."month. - William Powell, of Kingston, has r.i ' urned home after a visit with friends on this side. The committees of th Lewis Wutoyn Glee club, will meet tonight In Jones' hotel on Jackson street. Misses Mary Davles and Anna Jen kins, of this side, have returned from u Visit with friends In Duryea. Hydo Park singers are beginning to rgunlze for competition In the Wllkes Barre eisteddfod, whjch will be held in June.. . ' A general prayer service will be con ducted In the Plymouth Congregational LAST WEEK BARGAINS IN shoes, rubbers; oil cloths, pails, : ' tubs, baskets, and wringers. Cold Packed Tomatoes, per doz., 75c .Good Butter, per pound, - 15c 2 Pint Bottles Pickles,,. 25c 1 lb. Good Baking Porier, .- 10c BIG CUT in Teas, Coffees and Spices. " JOS, H, 'DEARS; S.Val?Ai church this evening by Rev. Thomas A. JJell. Ira Davles, of Washburn street,, and Hurry Voy, of Tenth street, have re turned from a visit with friends In Car bondale. Dr. Thomas , Jenkins und brother David, of Albuny. N. Y., have returned home after a visit with their parents on Jackson street, J. K. Edwards, of Lafayette street, wishes to correct the appearance of his name as a bottler In yesterday morn ing's Tribune, as he received no license. The X. Y. Z. circle will conduct an entertainment tomorrow evening In the Washburn Street Prosbyteriun church. An excellent programme will be ren dered. The Ludles' Aid society, of the Scran ton Street liaptlst church, will hold u supper on Tuesday evening from 6 to S o'clock. Tlie public Is cordially in vited to attend. Richard Smith and Miss Mury Powell, both residents of Dellevue, were mar ried on Monday at Wllkes-liarre. The young .couple returned yesterday und were warmly received. A team belonging to William & Co., groc,rs tin South Muln avenue, be came frightened and ran away yester day mornli.g. After a shurt run the unlmals were captured. West Side llusiness Dirci'tory. PIIOTOORAPHKH fublnet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling ut Siurner's l'hoto Parlors, 101 and 103 South Muln avenue. HOR8E3IIOEINC5 N. Bush, practical horseshoer. Work done only In a flrst manner and guaranteed Huttxfitu tory. Shop. Price street, close to North Alain avenue. GH'K'EIUKS Ilevere Rtandanrd Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The lrudiiiK coffee of the day. Per sale only ut K. W. Mu- ' son & Co. Pine Groceries, lit! South Main avenue. SHCONO HAND FURNITlUIC-fASlI for unylhing you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call und see the stock of J. C. King, lU-i und 10.11 Jucksuu street. WALL FAPliU-Clo to Fred Reynolds, StOti North Muln avenue, und see his complete Hue of Wall Paper, Faints anil Window Shudcs. Just opened with new stock. FH'MBINd-Wllllam D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue, does Urst-eliiss I'lunibliiK. Steam Iteut and (Ins Fitting. Satisfaction is strtotly guurunteed. OYSTERS K. E. Davis, market house. Denier In Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Oysters served In every style. 310 North Main avenue, next to Clarke's. - - NORTH END NOTES. Miss Ailella llurns, of Putnam street, Is visiting friends In Prompton. Miss Margaret Price, of Spring street, is visiting friends In Curbondule. Miss .Elizabeth Williams, of New Haven, Conn., Is visiting her father, William H. Williams, of Oak street. William Eldrldge received a hand some dray yesterday afternoon from New York, which he purchased there last week. Patrick Barrett, of Blilom avenue, got on one of his periodical drunks yester day and went home' for amusement. He asked for his supper and claims that his wife handed him the dish cloth for the first course.. He was not satislled and, determining to teach her a lesson, he kicked her out of the house. She went to Alderman Roberts nnd swore out a warrant, which was served by Constable Davis. Barrett spent the night In the Providence station house. Mrs. Thomas J. Williams died very suddenly yesterday noon at her home, at Wayne avenue and Spring street. She has been a resident of this place about thirty-eight years, coming here from Minersville with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopkins. She was married about thirty, years ago, and is survived b' her husband and sK chil dren, Margaret Ann, Estolla, Thomas. James, Alfred and IJenjamln. She was D3 years of age and wus among the first members of the Welsh Congrega tional church. She has been suffering for a number of years, but was uble to attend to her household duties until taken ill rather suddenly last Thursday morning, but seemed to be recovering Sunday. The funeral announcement will be made later. m:ys of tiii: railroads. Robert F. McKnna was sufficiently recovered yesterday to pay a visit to the machine shops. Conductor Then. Polhamus, of Elmlra, visited the city yesterday, and paid vis Its to many friends. It was reported yesterday that en gineer Lou Whltmore will be assigned to his old favorite Xo. 90. Engineer M. J. Sweezey Is rejoicing at the arrival of a buby-boy nt his res idence, on North Lincoln nvenue. The additional series of lectures on the "Air Ilrnke" will be de livered next week, but final arrangements have not yet been made. Work has been, commenced by the Pennsylvania on a new type of eight wheel, compound, consolidated pass enger engine, which, It Is thought, will be faster and of greater traction than any englnf yet built. The New York Central, the Erie, the Lackawanna find West Shore pompun les will Issue no more "clerical orders." Many of th other roads have refused to do this, but the former roads have decided that It Is not prolltiible. A special detective has been assigned on the Dels ware, Laelrawannn nnd Western road to watch for persons stealing rides on frieght trains. Any person caught In thu net Is liable to a penalty of $10 or twenty days Impris onment. An ususual cargo of frieght passed through Carbnndule yesterday, being a special train of twenty-four car loads of Philadelphia root beer, forwarded from Philadelphia to Huston via the Philadelphia and Heading nnd Dela ware and Hudson railroads. This Is regarded as'the most extensive ship ment of one commodity made. The consignment Is siilllcleut to make near ly three millions of gallons of beer and has been sold to wholesale dealers of New England. Engine No. ft. "W. V. Hallstead," ran a trial trip yesterday morning to Great Rend, and was reported to have nnswered the test quite satisfactorily. The appearance of the engine was a great surprise to the railroaders who had not seen her In the shops. The rah Is handsomely Mulshed with wal nut nnd bird's eye maple punels, and the front hand rails and driving wheel cover bunds urn of polished brass. No one disputed tho right of the engine to the first position on tlie system nnd railroaders generally were proud of tho handiwork of the local shops. President Ashley, of the Wabash, hss, published a new plan for pensioning nd providing Insurance for employes. The company will setaslde a certain sum of money each year, to be Invested as an Insurance fund, the men to be paid according to length nf service and good record. Five years from now, In WOO. representatives will he pntltled to 91,000 nt the death of tin employe. For five years' service thereafter, $1,000 addi tional will be paid until the limit, as provided. Is reached. The (dan also provides for a pension under which em ployes who become disabled, or grow old. In the service will receive stated amounts. NEWS OF IHEJOUIH SIDE New Officers of the Cedar Avenue M. E. Sunday School. LAKGU INCREASE IN MEMBERS. Death of GcoigcOtto, of Mlrch Street, One of the Old Residents of This I'nrt of the City I unciolof Chris tla ii Metiicr. At a recent meeting of the members of the Sunday school of the Cedar ave nue Methodist Kpiscopal church, the following ollicers to serve for tlie com ing year were elected: Superintendent, Thomas Grltllths; assistant, 10. O. Jones; secretary, Albert E. Morgan; assistant, A. G. Hewitt; treasurer, D. J. Clearwater; organist. Miss Maine Goddard; ussistaiit organist, A. 10. Mor gan; superintendent of the primary de partment, Mrs. A. C. Meyers. The next meeting of the Siindny school will be held on Sunday, April 7, immediately after the morning services. Reports of the retiring otllcers were read and showed that u wonderful In crease in mt Miners and active work had taken place within one year, The Easier music ut the church will be In charge of the Sunday school und Misses Maine Goddard, Mary Sullivan und A. G. Hewitt were appointed a committee to select the music und make all ar rangements. Death of u Well Known Oltien. George Otto, one of tlie best known citizens of the South Side, died yester day morning at his home, .ml Hlrch street. The deceased 'took up his resi dence on this side when It was, very .sparsely settled, and by his uniform uprightness of character he gained friends beyond number. Ills wife und a grown up family of sons and daugh ters survive him. Tomorrow afternoon at 1! o'clock funeral services will he held at the house, and Interment will be made In Forest Hill cemetery. 1 uncial of Christian Mctncr. Refore the funeral yesterday after noon of the late Christian Metzner, ser vices were read at the house on Cedar avenue by Rev. F. I loiter, of the Cedar avenue Lutheran church. The funeral cortege contained large assemblage of people. Interment was made In North Washington avenue cemetery. The pull-bearers were: George Krause, William Koch, John Reider and Adam Wlck.l. Shorter Purugruplis. Miss Emma. Meckel, of W'estpfahl's store, is confined to her home with Ill ness. Mrs. John Cawley, of Hrook street, Is very seriously III und her deuth is hourly anticipated. Mrs. William Hanim, of Cherry street, Is able to be around aguln after an accident that recently befel her. The Seranton Axle works will re sume this morning after a two days' Idleness resulting from a break In the machinery. Mrs. Mary Ann Richards is danger ously ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Richards, of Pitts ton avenue. The Junior members of the Young Women's Christian association enjoyed themselves with an entertainment at the rooms yesterday ', afternoon at 4 WE DOB'TRUN A LOTTERY, . SELL POKER CHIPS NOIt DEAL IN ROOKS, PICTCRES, NOIt PATTERNS. WHATEVER MAY HAVE REEN TRl'E IN VERDANT DAYS OF YORE, THE FACT IS NOW THAT WE DO . . . PRINT A .NEWSPAPER. DEVOTE ALL OCR TIME TO IT. CONCENTRATE ALL OCR KV- ERUIES UPON IT. AND GIV10 ITS READERS THE REST THAT'S GOING. HOT 1 1 IN NEWS AND LITERATURE. IF YOL WANT TO RUY LOTTERY CHANCES. DON'T TAKE THE TRIB UNE. ;, I IF YOU 'WANT ".TO. PURCHASE POKER CIIII'S OR CAPTURE U1G PREMIUMS, .DON'T . TAKE THE TR1LSUNE. RUT IF YOU WANT A I ION A FIDE NEWSI'APER, WITH SOMETHING OF LIVE INTEREST IN IT SIX DAYS OF EVERY WEEK, YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE THE TltlHUNE OR YOU WILL NOT GET THE REST. THERE ARE PERSONS LIVING WHERE THE POSTAL ARRANGE MENTS RENDER IT INCONVENI ENT FOR THEM TO TAKE A DAILY PAPER, WHO WOULD WELCOME THE CHANCE TO GET A FIRST CLASS Weekly paper .at a MODERATE PRICE. TO SUCH .WE OFFER TDK 12-PAGE SATURDAY TRIBUNE. WITH ITS GREAT FUND OF yARIED READING. AT t A YEAR THIS IS PRE-EMINENTLY T"1 V -vs. .. , ".. " '. BIGGEST ' BARGAIN GOING o'clock. Vocal and Instrumental music j and games were the features of tlie pro gramme. ; ... Tomorrow will be pay Jay at the Meadow Hrook anil National collieries of William .Council & Co. Suturday will be pay day at the Greenwood col lieries. The funeral of Gerald, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. May, of Prospect avenue, took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment wus made In Hyde Park, Catholic cemetery. The funeral of John Stefferd, of Meadow avenue, will be held thlB morn ing at 9 o'clock. High mass of reiiulem will be celebrated at St. Mary's Cath olic church wild Interment will be mude In No. 5 German Catholic cem etery. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. (Under this heading short letters of In tel est will be published when accompanied.- for publication, by the writer's name. The Trlhuno will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed.) THE LIQUOR QUESTION. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: lu view of the fact that there Is such widespread discussion ut present on the grunting of ho many liquor li censes in this county, will you kindly give space lu your widely read paper to the following little story, written and copyrighted by myself, about two years ago, und of which over 1,000,000 copies have been sold, though seen by very few people In this neighborhood. Yours truly, Tullie Morgan. A Terrible Cliurao. "Prisoner at the bar, have you any thing lo suy why sentence of deuth shall not be pussed upon you?" A solemn hush fell over the crowded court room, anil every person waited in III almost breathless uxpectutioii for an answer to the Judge's question. Will the prisoner uhHwei '.' Is there nothing that will muko him show some sign of emotion? Will he maintain tho cold. Indifferent at titude t hut he bus shown through the long trlul, even to the place of execution? Such were tho questions that passed through the minds of those who hud fol lowed thu cose from day to day. The Judge still wuiled in dignllled si lence. Nut a whisper wus heard anywhere, und the situation had become painfully oppres sive, when the prisoner was seen to move, his heud was rulstd, his hands were clinched, and the blood had rushed Into lils pale, cure-worn face. His teeth were tlrnily set, und Into his haggard eyes cume a Hush of light. Suddenly he urose to his feet, and In u low, llrm but distinct voice, said: 1 HAVE! Your honor, you huve asked me u question, und I now ask, us thu lust favor on earth, that you will nut Interrupt my answer until I am through. "1 stund here before this bur, convicted I of the wilful murder of my wife. Truth ! fill witnesses huve testllled to the fuel Unit I wus a loafer, a drunkard, anil a wretch; thut I returned from one of my prolonged debauches und tired the fatal shot thut killed thu wife 1 hud sworn to luve, cherish ulul protect. While 1 have no remembrance of committing the fear ful, cowuidly und Inhuman deed, i have no right to complain or to condemn the verdict of the twelve good men who have acted us Jury in this eese. for their verdict is In ai tui'ilance with the evidence. "Hut may It please the court, I wish to show that I A.M NOT ALONE RESPON SIBLE FOR THE ML'RUEK OF MY WIFE!" This startling statement created a tre mendous .sensation .The Judge leaned over the desk, tlie lawyers wheeled around and faced the prisoner, the Jurors looked at each other In amazement, while the spec tutors could hardly suppress their In tense excitement. The prisoner pause. 1 u few seconds, and then continued In the same fli in, distinct voice: "I repeat, your honor, that I am not the only one guilty of the murder of my wife. The Judge on the bench, the Jury In the box. the lawyers within this bar, and most of the witnesses, Including the pastor of the old church, ure also guilty before Al mighty God, and will have to appear with ine before Ills Judgment throne, where we all shall be righteously Judged. "If twenty men conspire together for the murder of one person, the law power of this land will arrest the twenty, and each will Is tried, convicted and executed for a whole murder, and not one-twentieth of the crime. "I huve been mude n drunkard by law. If It huil nut been for thu levulized sa loons of my town, I never would have be come a drunkard; my wife would not have been murdered; 1 would not be here now, reudy to be hurled Into eternity. Had It not been for tlie human traps set out with the consent of the government, I would have been u sober man, un Industrious workman, a tender fa! her and a loving husband. But tuUXv liny home is de stroyed, my wife murdered, my little chil dren God bless and care for them ensi out on the mercy of a cold and cruel world, Willie 1 um to be murdered by the strong arm of the state. "God knows, 1 tried to reform, but as long as the open saloon was In my path way, my wtuk, diseased will-power wus no match ugalnst the fearful, conaumitik. Hgiin'..liig uppitlte for liquor. At last, 1 sought the protection, cure und sympathy of the church of Jesus Christ, but at the communion table I leeelvt.l from the hand of the pastor who sits there, and who has Untitled uitalnut me lu this case, the cup that contained the same very alcu hollc serpent that Is found In every bar louin III the laud. It proved too much for my wink Immunity, and out nf thut holy place I rushed to the last debauch that einli 1 with the murder of my wife. vj'or one year our town hud been with out u-saloon. For one year 1 was a golicr man. For one year my wife und chil dren were supremely happy, and our lit tle home a perfect paradise. "1 was one r,f those who sinned remon strances iiguliisl reopening the saloons In our town. The mimes of one-half of this Jury ciin be found today on the ielltlon certifying to the hood moral ehurucler t ?l of the ruinsellers, snd falsely saying thut the sale of liquor wus 'necessary' in mo town. The prosecuting ettorney on this case was the one that so eloquently plead ed with this court for the licenses, nnd the Judge who sits on this bench, und who asked me If I had any thing to suy Is-fore sentence of den Mi wus pussed eu me, grunted the licenses." The Judge made a motion us If to stop any further speech on the part of the pris oner, when the speaker hastily said: "No! no! your honor, do not close my Hps; I am nearly through, and they are the Inst words 1 shall utter on earth. "I began my downward career ut a sa loon BAR IcgnllJed nnd protected tiy the voters of this commonwealth, which has received annually a part nf the blond money from ' the poor, deluded vlctluu. After the state hud made me a drunkard and a murderer, 1 urn tuken befure an other BAR the bar of Justice (?) by the some power of Ihw that leuallsed the first bur. and now the law-power will conduct me to Tho place of execution and hasten my soul Into eternity. I shull uuienr be fore another bnr-the JfliOMlCNT BAH OF GOB, and there you, who have legal ised the Unfile, will have to appear with me. Think you that the Great Judge will hold me the poor, Weak, helpless victim of your triilllc alone responsible for the murder of my wife? Nay, I In my drunk en, frelisleil, Irresponsible condition, tiue murdered ONE, but you have deliberately and wilfully murdered your thousunds, and the muiiler-inllls are In full operation today with your eonssnt, "All of you know In your hearts that thrse words of mine are not the ravings of an unsound mind, but God Almighty's truth. The liquor traffic of this nation Is responsible fur nuarly nil the murders, bloodshed, Hots, poverty, misery, wretch edness and woe. It bretks up thousands of happy homes every year; sends the hus band and father to prison or to the gul lows, und drives count less mothers an I little children Into the world to suffer and die. It furnishes nearly all the criminal IN 44 STATES, , In Each City, Town and Small est Village. Its Wide Use Today Over Three Continents.. Tis (he One. I ndisjuitctl Kcnu-dy That Cures. Ordered by Physicians Wherever One Practices. Wli-rover the English language Is spoken und English newspup ers und medical Journals are rend, there you will find I'alne'H celery compound In, or dered, forall forms of weakness. At home, as well as abroad, throughout the United States, in every state, city and village the one undisputed, strongly commend ed, unfailing remedy for the spring !s Palne's celery compound. As it nerve strenglhoncr and regula tor, blood purltter and bodily Invigo rator there Is nothing that bears any relation or nt all resembles or In any measure equals Palne's celery com pound. It stands by Itself, unrelated to any sarsaparilla, nervine or tonic the world has ever known, and as fur superior to them us the diamond Is to ordinary glass. Its discovery by Professor Edward 10. Phelps, M. D., L.L. D., in tlie laboratory of Dartmouth medical school was as noteworthy an event In medicine, as the wonderful cures It bus effected have been remarkable. Where everything else fails, Palne's celery compound cures! Try it! business of this nnd every other court, und blasts every community it touches. "Tills Infernal t rattle Is legalised ami protected by the liepubltcun and Ileum ratio purtles, which you sustuln with your bulluts. And yet some of you huve the uudacity to suy that you are In favor of prohibiting the traffic, while your votes go Into the ballot box with those of the ruinsellers and the worse elements of the land In favor of continuing the business! Every yeur you ure given the opportunity of voting u protest ugalnsl this soul-umi-body destroying business und wash your hands of ull responsibility lor the fearful results of tho trulllc; but Instead you In form the government by your Democratic or Republican ballot that you ure perfect ly satisfied with the present condition of things, und thut they shall continue. "You legalized the saloon that male me a drunkard anil u murderer, and you are guilty with me before God und man fur tlie murder of my wife. "Yor honor, 1 am done. I um now ready to receive my sentence and be led forth to the place of execution and murdered according to the laws of this stale. You will close by usklng the Lord to have mercy on my soul. I will close by solemn, ly asking God to open your blind eyes to the truth, to our own Individual re sponsibility, so thut you cease to give support to this hell-born tralllc." lihciinintiMn Cured In a Bay. "MYSTIC CURE" for Rheumat'lsm nnd Neuralgia radically cures in to 3 days. Its action uooii the system is remark able und mysterious. It removes at oii.'o lhe cause and the d H-ase immediately llsuppcurs. The llrst dose greutly bemj llts. 7i cents. So d by Curl Loreiis, Drug gist, tis lickuwuiinu avenue, Seranton. VWn Uaby wan slot, we cave her Cuftorlt. NYhrn blio nas a LluiJ. lia cried fur Catoi-la, (Vara she became Mira, sho clung to Ortoria. Vbca the bad C'hlMreu, ihe gars tiuvu Cantoris, N. A. HULBERT'S (f u Y Ml II WYOMING AVE., SCRANTQN. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH t BACK STULTZ I BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of Ilrst-clus9 'organs MUSICAL nnRCHANDISE. MUSIC, ETC. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DB. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged I'xpcrt in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, is Now PerniHtiently Located on Went l.ackawunnu Ave., Near the Itrldge. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING AH ??ne w"y with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists ot Ingredients well-known to all. It run be applied to tin, ( tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will firevent absolutely any crumbling, crack ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning or any kind by many years, nd It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO liAKTliAMN. (ft Birch 81 (ACTION TO our patrons: Wushburn-Crosby Co. wish to usstirc their many rat rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milllnK S1KICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and ovvinn to the excessively dry weather many millers aro ol the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, und will allow tlie new wheat fully three months to mature before Ki'indiii",. This careful attention to every detail of milliM has placed Wushburn-Crosby Cos flour far above other brand. MM MEGARGEL & CONNELL Wholesale Agents. I AND Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use iu stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, OTTEMBEIDER SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE OLD GROWTHDRY, Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of 44, 54', 6 4 and j! Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock aud can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE CGlnMGNWEALTH LUMBER CO ll!IH TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN '' v SomttiBM ralinblr , monthly, rwnldlnc nwllcln. Only hirali ni M, , T the purMt drofiibuld b lueJ. 11 you lut Vh bal, (el Or. Foal's TbtT in prompt. mleti1 crruin In nralt. The runnlne-(Dr. Pml'inTr4iip 'oolnt. Bent u noio, Sl.uO, Addraaa f aii.UsBioua C Clerelmd, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Seranton. Pa. Win. Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, lluy nnd noil Stock, Honda and Oraln on Nrw York Kxrhaniro and Chicago Hoard of Trade, either for cush or ou IllUIKlll. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL, STOCKS A Sl'ECl A LTV. G. duB. D1MMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE G.flOl CALL UP 3G32. CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Conl of th bout quality for domcatle , and of all, dnllvored m any part of thu city at lowest price. Orders lft at my OAlne NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Itwar room, firm floor, Third National Hunk, or Rent by mall or tvlnphone to Ui nine, will receive prompt attention, Riwrlnl contract will he made for the tale and delivery of liuckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. French Injection Compound fnrw piMltlVi'lt', quickly, (not tnetvly ehn-ki.) (lunittiitvfd or UMtntty refunded. Avoid dAiiffru mnt'Uli. rrlceaoeeaiapur bottle. Mia Hot lire, twill rule M"nrt camt gent proiiald. aecure from otnvrvatlon. with only clouiluuuTy uuule iiruigu. ,. lony nu.lmuIorlJ.oo. 3 LH.'J l.J.I . HMj: IT lilillMTWH STEEL CO. 3 5CRANT0N PA. Pennyroyal Pills Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenue and LAGER BREWERY- Manufacturers of tlie Celebrate PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY : 100,000 Barrels per Annum Moosic Powder Co, SCRANTON, PA MINING and BLASTING pnwnFR HADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALbJ WORKS. Alumni m. nanu rowuer vo y Orange Gun Powdcf Electrlo Ilatterlxs. Fused for exploit ing bliuta, Safety Pum and I RepaanoChemlcal Co.'s RiglLExposlYtf ill's IS
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