THE SCTRAyTOX TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, ',. MAHCn 8, 1895. 8 A. HOLY LAND ART PORTFOLIOS. Ill OF THE Most carefully and plotialy tracod with uottf-baols aud camera, froin s Bethlehem to Calvary And the Mount of Olives, ' teinif a gcoif raphinal nml historical account in imrnitivo mid ldcturea of the Idnwa wlmrt. L'kilst ami tlin Apustliw lived, tolled and triumphed, slmwiiiif wlnr Jusim was burn, reared, baptized, tempted. triiiisllK uml mid i rui-Hi.d. rt-viewiiiir iu oliruuo logical order the hccuos of hia prayein. tears. senium. Illiraelell utld rellfloll mhii'vemoiit, which brought to humanity the dawn of a new dav. A Super!) Rellglo-Edncatlonal, Xlyjcw- INK AIM I'llHlCATION Wlii. h is tho joint production of Hev. John 11. Yim-nt, 1 .1.1., l.UU . Uiahop of the M. t: t'luuvli: Hev. Jumea V. Lee, L). D., and II. K. M. Ham. thu I'elelnated LiiiuImchuu nud Somite riiulocranlier. Thm wholly unique and tlioiviiKlilyrp-toDaCe' tul licuti'iu tint results of months or travel ami tdiservatiou. involviuK Three .scpunito l oins of tho Holy l.uiid. Two bv llishop Vincent, and one lately concluded l.y l)U. l.KK. upon which ho was ui-coiiu:ai'.i"d at every sUmO of the journey by 111:. HA IN. with the ! puotourapu- tlomen leiun uiMier special comtniisaioii to present iiietorallv ana uiwripiirt'iy mo LaNI) K THE SAVloU. Hw very fiKt- mi os lmve theretore lueu lulloweu Willi ioiiriioV' 111 IN IU Ills .Al'i'll'--' ' '-' us shown on ihe KltiHT IMI.OKhl) MAP i in all Pi i tfollos This work is tho dual ex pression of a beautitul enterprise., and ia mi iiK'ompar tide Historical and Kelitfioua Fine Art Kiforing. An opportunity is thus L'vrn t i iini'to a delightful tour throuith T'liWs 'lie without leavintt home. This niait iiilli cnt collection of over three hundred and eighty four pliotonruplis -the finest that cir canto from tlio Kant, lull e cuieit this year and puolih 'd at an ex jieiwot llfty thousand dollars; -aliould bo in every h ime. Tl e linn whew name is appended will niaUeit p. ssil.le for every tamily to ob tain ilicse l'oi tlo.ius ou easy term HOW TO SECURE THESE SPLENDID PORTFOLIOS For every purchaser aud l cents addition al vou will I'O given one of these beautiful Art rorti'olnw. ami thus continue until you have secured the entire series o 24 numbers Tli -re are 10 beautiful views iu each l'art ur N ai:ilcr. We Kiiarantee to furnish our ciitomcra withtbe entire s-rics as wanted. V.'e wili it distinctly understood that In connection " ifti This enterprise we ittiar nnteo the VKHY Hr T yL'ALITY OK IHUUS in every departuieut at lowest livintf pri e. tVme. and b convinced. We feci nssar-d that you will bo tnoro than pleased with the Portfolios, and will le as anxtous'to uiaUe the collection of tho lit Farts as wo are to ouald--' you to do so. Very truly you: s. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT, Crj Co:ds. Millinery, Cloais, Etc., 124 a0 I2S WYOSllfiG AVE. DR, -:- Rl 413 Spruce Street, 5cranton. Dr. Ft pvr-a has h.i'l U nt; and vartJ x fterieiT'o In ho uiial anil n:ivnt itraftira an'l tf-nts all auto unci r-lironlu dUitiase r n.rn, womfjn and children. C0NSULWI3.1 A?iO EXA fWIfi ATIO? FREE. cJto of hi n -rvous py-it'm, dlMij's at the , .irt nosi ar.'l ihroat, 'tyMpoKL, ri.Mnrn.i t .ni.i. lo-t itiiuty, pn i iut ure'!ij:is or '1(ay (n both x'-xs, rt4ivoiji d'-hihty. raarrh. tumor. cain-tTh, ri-jt-t:oiiH. hl'.-'j'i-o'jivonini;, Ilr, fiiilj'y. roiion ami rrur or yoinn, man fcnoil, tA z n if, H' Tof ilia, fit. Vtns' flari'-o, mihma, l,-afH of th h.urt, luriK'V iiVr, KHim-y?, iiaoitr, fliomitui. etc. Voting Men Positively ("-tire J. Offer to the Public for aturrh. Any one ptifforlncr rith Catarrh who i:'h -n to he (rrniaT.cnTly, quickly and cha-(y cured ntny r'iciv' thrm; monthV treutmrit for only FIVK IKiLKAIt.4. The ao' tor Ihik diiu-uv-rfl a H;ciiio for this cli'-adod dinasfr. You ciu trut and cur yours"ir and Tamily with it at horn, it livi;r luiJd to euie. A trial treatment ni'I'irK TKmSrai: 0 n. m. to 9 p. in.; niiii'iiivfl. i' in nri'i a in 4 CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring (inoils. All of dm latest dssinns anil culurinus, and our prices lower any cither house in the trade, fur gauds of the same liiiilily. CURTAINS AND SHADES of cut)- description and duality. WALL PAPERS We arc overstocked and will sell at prices aliiuit one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. v J.Scott Inglis 42S LACKAWANNA AVENUE. AVOl'A. The funeral of Mrs.James McDer Tnutt took place from her late home on tlrovo Direct yesterday nfternoon. In terment was made In HI. Mary's cem etery. Deceased was 20 years of ng and Is mourned by a husband and un Infant a few weeks old; also her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. John McKlone, live In others and one sister, all of Avoca, Rev. A. J, Welsley. and John Connor, pr attended the Installation of Kev. It. O. Jones, at Taylor, last evening. Miss Lizzie Mitchell Is confined to her home by the grip. it fi El EVES Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY HEWS OFJHIS VICINITY TIIKK11ANN0CK. Rev. P. A. Doiu'y, secretary of tho Northwestern Pennsylvania Sabbath union, wua here yesterduy arransInK for dates. James W. Piatt, returned from La porte Wednesday evening and reports the judlelul contest still on. Quite a number of witnesses have been called this week, but the principal work of the Judlelul court has been tho exam ination of the election records. It Is probable that a commission will be ap pointed to take the depositions of wit nesses in this county, thus saving the travel fees to Sullivan. The general audit of tho Columbia ltlcycle company was here yesterduy and established a local agency with Al bert 1'. Miller. ihirdon Williams, a noted raftsman and hunter of the days gone by, still delights to recall the scenes of sixty years ago. ie was one of the most trusty pilots in the early days of raft ing on the Susquehanna, and the old lumbermen along the river will remem ber him well. Zibu Killings is reported considerably better. Chinese laundry Is to be estali- lished in the Oaskey restaurant build ing, on Warren street, next week by a Mongolian named Kee. The only tex tile bleachory previously operated hi re was conducted by Charlie Sing, who became dlspoiide nt. went to Missouri and sluillled off his mortal coll in un unknown, but supposedly tragic man ner. The Evangelical people are eagerly watching for news from their confer ence, which Is In session nt l'ottstown. The I.hibbsltes are negotiating for the purchase of the church edillee. which the supreme court awarded to tne Howman-KshiT faction, and upon the outcome of the matter hinges the ar rangement of the circuit In this locality. Mrs. Davis, the evangelist. Is ex pected to arrive at noon todny. The mnrrlage of J. W. PeWitt to Jliss Althea Depue, of I.aceyvllle, Is current ly reported to have occurred last week. Un tho assumption that It Is a Tact, we offer congratulations. Kcvlval meetings have been in prog ress at Laiirangi the past three weeks under tlp leadership of Iiev. George Hine, of the liitptist church, and that moral desert Is being shakon from coti- r to circumference. Reports say that m arly the whole community nas mvn gathered Into the fold. May It con tinue un' it r.'.'t r:ie Is leit outside. Mrs. Cordon Williams Is steadily fall ing. The Montrose Sentlm 1 pays It is rumored that parties from Tunklian noek will start a grocery store. So far as we are aware none of our grocery- men are loosening their tttheiin pins to move In that direction. 11 OX LSD ALE. The Amity club have just received four new members into tnf.r mia.-i. r. J. Hartung. H. Kimble, John K. Jenkins and Wlllam Watts. A social fur members of the cluj will be held next Friday evening. H. v. Charles A. Howells. II. A., of St. James' church, Jermyn, will oMiciate in Grace church this evening. Iavld Iiinman: of Kingston, was a call. r in town yesterday. James Finnerty, of the University or Pennsylvania. Is spending a few days wltliTiis parents. Thej Uaptist supper Wednesday even ing wis a very enjoyable affair and well attended. (ine of the worst nuisances that Honesdale, It seems, Is forced to submit to, Is the snowballing practiced by young boys, espcclaly those attending school. They congregate on the cor ners nnd thmw the snowballs tit each other, and th-n. by way of diversion, salute n, paxserby in a very unpleasant manner. Again the balls rrcpiently fly wide of their mark mi I do damage to objects not Intended to be struck. The snowball nuisance, n menace to the safety of citizens, should be stopped at once und furev-r. The young people of the Methodist F.piseopal church will give a social on Thursday, March 14, and hope to Fee a large attendance. Kisk's Jubilee fingers will given an entertainment nt the Presbyterian chapel Friday, March IS. .Mother! .Mother!! Mothers! !! Mrs. Wlnslow's Hoothlntr Syrup hn bcn used for over fifty year by millions of mothers for their children while, teetlilnit, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, soften the Rums, all.iys nil pain: cured wind colic, nnd Is the lust remedy for illnrrhea. Sold by driiKglsts In every part of tho world. 1)ii niro nnd ask for ".Mrs. Winning's Hoothlng Eyrup," and tuku l,o other kind. Twenty-five cents a botllu. roKKsT mw A basket social will be held by the Methodist F.plscopal Sunday school at tile home of Charles J. Young, tonight. The merchants of the borough lmve reiiie:iled the council to raise the license fee for transient retail dealers In Forest City from $!.) per month to SI ill) per month. That body bus signified Us willingness to amend the onllnanco as requested. Since the correspondent of The Trib une called the attention of tho bourd of IKjor directors to the case of I leorgc Cor- penter, tho colored man who lies 111 on Hudson street, adequate relief has been given him and he Is much Improved The directors claim they were not oc. qunlntcd with tho exact circumstances nnd gave as much relief ns was asked for at first. The next convention of the Patriotic Order Hons of America of Susquehanna county will he held at Thompson on Junn IS, IX'.ifi. That was the decision arrived at by the convention which met here Monday, II. K. Vuughn, formerly connected with the Carbondole Anthracite, was In town a day or two ago. Ho Is now In the Insurance business. Mordccal Uolid post, Orftnd Army of the Republic, will meet In HlgRln's hull on Saturday evening, March 1), at 7.30 o'clock. Hugh Wyllp, of Carbondale, lend the meeting at tho Presbyterian church Wednesday evening. Sunday next Is communion Aunday at the church and all who wish to join the membership can do so. . Fifty more mine cars with Gallagher's patent will be ordered by the Hillside Coal and Iron company from Ulooms Powd PURE burg. As soon as tho Forest City Car company gets ready for business it will have the exclusive right to use Galla gher's patent. Oeorge Harris, who has been a resi dent of this place for several months past, has secured a position as engineer on the 'Hj" road In New York city, and will move his family to the metropolis this week. TAYLOK. Rev. Robert K. Jones, a former pastor of the Hyde Park Presbyterian church was Installed as the pastor of the First Presbyterian church iu this place last evening. The Installation services were very Interesting and were attended by a large crowd of people. A large num ber of Presbyterian clergymen were also Iu attendance. Itev. James McLcod, D. 1., of the Second Presby teriati church of Scrautoii, preached the sermon. His remarks were listened to with close attention, as lie unfolded t.i the congregation the gospel truths. Hev. S. C. Logan, 1). 1)., of Scranlon, fol lowed and spoke ou "Proposing for Constitutional Questions." The charge to the pastor was made by Hev. J". H. Hrooks, of Wllkes-llarre, and Un charge to the people by Rev. X. (1. Parke. IX 1)., of Pktston. Rev. Charles K. Robiiiosn, of Seraiiton, offered the prayer of installation. The church choir reniicrcii several Ueautllul anthems. Rev. Mr. Huberts, the newly installed pastor, has preached at the church on several occasions and has made u most favorable impression on the members of the congregation. The church, since lis organization nearly two years ago, has been In a flourishing condition, and Is rapidly gaining in membership, and the financial condition of the treasury Is very encouraging. The Presbytery noting this fact saw the nccerslty of furnishing a regular pastor, and now that he has been secured It is presumed the church will continue to prospc more rapidly even than In the past. Miss Hannah Hughes,' of Hyde Park, was a visitor here yesterday. Miss Ida Sperber is visiting friends in Laflin. The concert which will be given on March i-' by the Garden Village quar tette, together with Mr. Hltchner, the Mark Twain of the Wyoming valley, promises to be un excellent affair. A pleasant social was held last even ing tit the Taylor hall. James 1-2. Watkins has bought the house of Shepherd Snow ou Union street. The grip Is quite prevalent In this place. P. J. Moran, of tho Taylor Herald, spent the lure part of this wet k iu New York city. The Young Men's Dramatic club, which Wiil perform "Tony, the Con vict," at Weber's rink on March II, is ci.mposced of the best talent In the borough. Miss Lizzie Joins, of Wilkes-Uarre, Is visiting friends In this place. Miss Lizzie Williams gave a social to her many friends last Wednesday even ing tut the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Williams, at the Arehhald mines. Numerous games were Indulged in, after which refreshments wt re served, and all departed at a lato hour and all departed at a lato hour as, ,1 with the manner that Miss Well pi. William, pr S"iiL Mary 12. llo,wells, Klla Jones, Mattie Huvard, Maty A. Oavls, Mary Winter burn, Lizzie J. Daniels, Sallle William::; Richard C. Roberts, Daniel Tublm, II. K. Wiiiterl.ui n, I'lin -r T. D::iib !., l-2va:i C. Watkins, Henry W. Hoivells. Arc you a sufferer from that terrible plague. Itching Piles? I loan's ointment will bring you instant relief nnd perma nent cure. Get It from your dealer. KEYSTOXK ACADK31Y. Principal Loomis Is convalescing nnd Is iigrtin able to uttend to his school duties. The members of "Phi Mil" Friday night adopted as the society motto "A Posm- ad esse. "From possibility to re ality." Miss Agnes Hull, of Olyphant. form erly Instructor In i locution at the acad emy, paid her sister, Mary, a visit Sat urday. The senior class met Wednesday nfternoon and commenced to lay their plans for cnmim ticeinetit. They have decided to hold ( lass-day rxefclses. The drama and farce rendered by the liryunt Literary society last Satur day were highly nppt eclated by a large audience. Tlio young ladles showed careful preparation and extraordinary ability. Samuel Lily has recovered rulliclontly to be out again, but Is not yet able to tit tend to his duties ns janitor. Louis Wbilinarsli, of Wyoming semi nary, made us a call W eiineaday. Where Is volutin two of the Standard dictionary? A class In boxing has been organized Willi (leorge (Irlswold as instructor. The senior class this year bus six teen members. OIATUANT. Professor William P. Moran died nt IiIh homo on Delaware street on Tues day night or I'.riglit'B disease. Profes sor Morn n has been a resident of this place for many years nud was n tal ented musician. He was about M years of age and Is survived by a wife and five children, namely, Mrs. Jiflui Davis, Mamie, Mabel, William and tieorge, The funeral will take place this after noon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Catholic cemetery. Miss M imle Duffy Is visiting friends nt Harford, Pa. The Adonis (dub will reproduce their play, "The Irish Statesman," which tnudo such a hit here about n month WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION Is I A!.!. Ml TO IMI HUl TMlsU ill-cat Etinllnh K( mewly. Gray's Specific Medicine IF YMI SUFFER Vor. mi mat mm in'" 1 1 r i i in toui v plllty, WenkiiMtii nf llodyund Mind, Hpnrma torrlien, mid lmimtency, mil nil iIixkhm'II that E" i fconi ovr ItidnlKitnc mnl aolf buw. nf Memory nnd Power, LiinmoM of Via I'renmturn old Ago mid mmiy othr fllic hum that lead to lnmnltT or CnnaninpUoo and u early rv, wrltn for ft tminphlot Addrmi llRAV 11KDICINU (Jo.. Utiffdlo, K. Y. Th tfrarlOo Modloint 1 aold by ail drnglta at II per pa-kttt or six 1 admire (or i, or Klit or luall on recnltit of monoT, and with arory S.(fl order UF GUhRAITEE cor or money reloaded. Vi Tivninlltit JiVOn account of counterfeits we bars opted th YvPovr Wrapper, the only kbh in. Bold la Borautoo by Mattatwi Bros. MM ago at the new opera house on Monday evening, March 18. - Mrs. Schlager, of Blnghamton, Is the guest of her fun, Druggist Schlager and family.. A lecture will bo delivered In St. Pat rick's church Sunday evening, March 17, by Rev. Father McNally, of Hyde Park. The church choir will render several sacred selections. Tickets, 25 cents. Miss Jennie Penman la visiting rela tives at Carbondale this week. The Suburban wheelmen met Wednes day evening nnd elected the following olllcers: President, C. W, Houser; vice president, T. M. Voyle; secretary, F. L. Northup; treasurer, Thomas Palmer. The president of the council appointed the following persons to constitute the board of health of Olyphant borough: Dr. A. F. Crans, two years; F. M. Will lams, four years; James Nealon, one year; Thomas Hoban, three years, and Peter Nealon, five years. Miss Sarah O'Malley, of Dunmore street, Is slowly recovering from an at tack of the grip. Miss Lulu Payne, of Harford, Pa., Is visiting friends at this place. John R. Mclvin, of Archbald, was a caller in town yesterday. CAKHONDALE. Mrs. Tlernan, of Salt Lake City, Is visiting at the home of W. J. Johnson, of Washington street. Mrs. Frank .Smith Is convalescent from an uttack of pneumonia. The Misses Morrison, of Eighth ave nue, left yesterduy morning for a visit In New York city. Mrs. J. 11. GrofT, who fur the past sev eral mouths held the position of stenog THIRD NATIONAL BANK OI-' SCRANTON. Statement March 5. 18115, called for by the Comptroller of the Currency. ui;sot kci;s. Loans $1,430,774.91 Overdrafts '280.74 I' nitcd States llonds 80,1)0(1.1111 Other llonds 2H0.55 ..!( lluiiUing House 28.074.411 Premiums tin I , S. llonds,.. 043.75 Due from I . S. Treasurer... 7.M)0.(iO Due from Hunks 203. 701. 18 Cush 15U.H7rt.HW 2,207,0011.10 LIAUII.I1TI.S. Ctipitul S200.OO0.fll) Surplus I ndivldcd Profits 72,350.00 Circulation 71,800.00 Dividends I'npuiJ 520.50 Deposits 1,037.214.00 Hue to Hanks 20.013.74 2,207,000.10 WIl.l.TtM CONNT.I.I, President. OLO. II. CA'II.LN, Vice President. WILLIAM II. Pl.CI., Cashier. PIULCTOKS. William Council, (jcorgc II. ratlin, Alfred Hand, lames Arehhald, Henry r.clin. jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. Speciul attention given to business ac counts, interest Puid on time deposits. Ian m p a ! 5jftfilft BfiPJflQr S" Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, CRANTON, PA. and BLASTING POWDER MADK AT MOOS1C AND RUSH DAL1J WORKS. Lnfflln & Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powder Kleetrlo Untterles, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Sufuty I'uati and Rspicno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives ' REVIVE RESTORES VITALITY mm Made a 1st Day. ,3 f'J Well Mar. 15th Uuy y of Me. THS QREAT nnth llaT, priHlurp tho nhore renulla Iu .10 days. It arti lumerCiilljr and quitulr. Cures when all olhera fall Voungmcuwillroijain tbrlr loat manbooO. ood old nifii will recover tlirlr yntittiful vntor br ualni I'.KVIVO. It quickly and aurelr rentorca Nervuua nitna. f,at VttalUv, liupoteuar, Nitfbtlr kmtHetoDii. bout Power, Falliiif Mi mtiry, Watmc Dlsraapi. and all rffecta of ault-aliuao orexcnNaaod Indiacrtflion ivlilrb niilltaonefnTHiiirly.biinlnMiiorniarrUia. It not onlv cure by Mtartlng at tlio neat of dlRtaae. but laatrcat nerve tonic and IiIimmI builder, brlii ii'ff back thn pink glow to pale rtierka and re itnrlim tlio lire of youth. It wards eft Inaanltj nit Cnnminuitinn. Iiiaint on haYlnt IlKVIVO. nc oilier. It can be carried In Teat roriet. by mall K 1 .00 per iiackimo, or all for S.OII, wit h a poal tlvo wrltton Kiiuranteo to rara or rofunt. Ihnnionry. Oircular free, Add rota 'OVAL MEDICINE CO.. B1 St., CHICAGO. I LI ror tela fey Matthewa Hroi Dfatrgli' Serautoa . 1'a. I il tiA Srtf - 4Z STT raM VK B V t j m t' k Evra war IT SEEMS LIKE CRUELTY To throw awny (foods at such wo 10 (io v it wou i pay to store iiioin, nnu we'vo (rot to pot rid 01 mem before April 1st. No matter what we realize, ou theiu. Wo bought tlio Htock nt Nlicrlll'Bnlo, ''for better or for worse;" wo took chances on It and thought wo were safe when wo htr. Whero do you come In at, S TOt'K lo you 011 the same terms as wo secured it at? Ak this titiestinn twice ami let your uraiu aim goou NOW COME DOWN TO Next Week Wc Offer 200 I.ndlcs' coat a, assorted; no poor oned ninoiiK them DUO pit lin coi'Heln, nil nortH nnd sixes, Huniti A 1 qualities tnnoiiK them.. 10 dox. liiidlns' rnselnatois S d I He rent stylos. Pick at tM nnlrs ull wool hlankets. 11-4 sice 2.0i .3G .30 Vnlim JB and $7. Choice now.... S.H9 This prlco from opening hour till noun onlv. !W do. all wool hnlf hnsn. Were 25a and 3Tie. Choice (Mondny sale). . don. odds slid ends underwear mil in nl grey, t'ltinela hair and scHi'let, every Ksrmrnt strictly ' wool. Choice till noon only .15 .SS 'S ;, BANKRUPT ..STOCK .'. SALE 510 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. rapher in the office of the Hendrlck Manufacturing company, has resigned her position and has accepted a similar one with a concern In Williamsport. Miss Charlotte Giles, of Lincoln ave nue, entertained a party of friends on Wednesday evening In honor of her guest, Miss Laura Davis, of Wyoming. The following were present: Dr. D. llarton, William Davis and Miss Laura Davis, of Wyoming; Miss Flora Allen, of Forest City; Miss Minnie Bowen, Liz zie Scurry, Jessie Moore and Mrs. Han nah Leonard and the Messrs. H. W. Skeels, Edward Yarrlngton, II. F. Will lams, R. M. Shepherd, G. F. Mills and II. a. Likely. Again yesterday morning the signal for help was sounded at No. 28. The acoldent of yesterday was caused by a break In the machinery of the engine that hauls the cars up the plane. As a trip of five loaded coal cars were being drawn up the 'back plane and were nearlng the top the machinery snapped, causing a slack In the cable and the sling ahead of the cars unhooked and let the trip back down the steep Incline, ut the foot of which stood a trip of load ed freight cars; Into this trip the run aways crashed. The collision over turned nnd smashed several cars, spill lug many tons of coal. Tho freight cars were not badly wrecked. Frank For roll, a trainman employed on the freight train. Jumped and thus escaped unlii Jured. This was the fourth accident that has occurred at No. 28 this week one every day. Professor F. R. Wood's new Carbon dale Jluslness college will occupy the second floor of the new liurke building on Sixth avenue. The above deal was closed yesterday morning. The profes sor expects to open his college the llrut week In April. Is the Best Blood Purifier, Appetizer and Nerve Tonic, It cures That Tired Feeling 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Our Great Stock of Huts, l'lirnishitigs. SUITS 0 g AND 0 $$033$3tO$e I0VERGQ ATS Latest Style, Right I' No Hack Numbers The People Delighted and Astonished at Such Values. Overcoats. Overcouts. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoat. worth mm Suits worth $S.oo at Suits worth $io.oo at Suits worth $12.00 at Suits worth $15.00 at Suits worth $20.00 at Boys' Double-Breasted Suits at - $4.75 5.8! 7.5 9.9 11.3 1.2 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL fluuros as those quoted below, but what nre got it at a IK tie less than 4()c ou the dnl if wo soli GOODMAN'S HANK 11 LT jucigiuenc answer it. DOLLAIIS AND CENTS the Following Speciuls : 12 dox. knit shirts. Soma all wool, oth ers half wool, etc ChenlllB tahlo covers, lutest deslitns, heavy qinillty, 4-4 Bite 42 e, 6-4 size two, 8-4 slse 1.40. 100 pieces crash toweling, till B a. m, each morning; 1 l-2a a yard. 100 pieces IlKht print ralleoos, 10 yds for no mi iu a. in. cue n mornuiK. COO dox. handkerchiefs. All kinds 2',4e each tin noon. EXTRA SPKCIAIj. 100 dox. fine lnnndrled shirts whites and prints, very extra quality 4ile. THE BELL $8 mmnffliimmmifflfflig C2 s I e? Cen nnn wnrfh ?- tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods.niliinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' -e fjgZ Wear, &c, E ID E OJB Hr-BBUfflff OBL ei The steady increase of our business fi? 1. , .1 j ji it.. compels us to enlarge ana icmouci tuc ca cjUZl tire store for spring trade, and as tne stock will be in tlie way Ml SELL AT 1 the 400 and 402 Lada. Aie., Scranton, Pa. EB, SDIEBHE1 1 W. arp Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Ta pestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets. AN UNRIVALLED Suited to All Kinds In All the Different Grades Matting 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. 1 "ECONOMY" TALK. THE ENTRANCE TO THAT HOME OF YOURS Would be greatly improved by tbe presence of one of our cle gantly designed ALL RACKS W'c show some'tifty odd designs, Hanging and Standing. Frlccs range from fifty cents to forty-live dollars. Your ideas will surely be met within this great range. Don't you think so? We were surprised at the number of visitors in our Raby Carriage department within the last few days, but wc were not surprised at the admiration bestowed on the vehicles. This season our display consists of the peerless HEYWOOD" AND THE EVER POPULAR Downing Sleeping Coach" It For which wc arc sole agouti. Mothers, we can interest yo. Our ever handy and LlltKIiAL 0KMHT SYSTEM Will aid you to give the darling baby all comforts. 1NCARPBTS We have 500 yards of Heavy Ingrain at 3'2 CCIltS a yard, worth double. Vo out-of-town buyers Goods packed and delivered t destination Free of charge. EGOfl 01Y FURNITURE GO 3C R ANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS, I N It. nf Hrw Hnnfl No- M PRICE. air, r etings ASSORTMENT OF NS I1B of Styles and Furnishing. Japan. and High Class Novelties. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Headache, prerented and cared by hartal your ere. ecieDtiflcally eiamlaed aad fitted accurately by DR. SH1MBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Settafactte guaranteed ia every raae. 305 Sprues Streat 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUli
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