2 THE RCKANTON TRIBUTETHURSDAY MORNI1TG. MARCH 7,- 1895. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. THE ICE GORGE STILL REMAINS But the People Jfo Longer Sleep with Life Preservers on, aa the Water Is Reced ing-A Strike Settled-Evening with Longfellow. Plttston, Feb. 6. The lco gorge still remains intact. At the last repovt there was no change In the situation at Nantlcoke. The people of this vicin ity are entertaining no fears for their safety, as the water is steadily reced ing. An outbreak from up the river Is the only disaster that is feared. MiKh School Entertainment. The following is the programme of the entertainment to be presented by the students of the high school Friday evening, in the high school room. The exercises will commence at 7.S0 sharp. The entertainment is entitled "An Evening with Longfellow:" PAKT 1. Chant, "The Reaper und the Flowers," The School 'Address Joseph Collier Headline, "Klngltobert, of Sicily." Smile Morris Bung, "The Bridge" Charles Webber Ksaay .' Anna Kane JteclUttlon, "FumlnJ" Lizzie Ollniartlit Bong. "Ship of Stae" The School Presentation ofVolume Miss Snyder Acceptance otvolume Frof. Shlcl PAKT II. (Violin Soio Charles Bryden Pram "Courtship of Mllee Stajidlsh," Wiles Stondlsh h'Jwurd Gibbons John. Alden Charles Webber J'risMUa Ulrdella Williams ilouncil. Messenger, Indian Guests. Recitation, "Paul Kovere's Hide," Joseph Keating Bong, "The Rainy Day" The School TABLEAUX. 1. The Wedding Scene (Courtship of Miles Stamlish). 2. The Vlllatre Blacksmith. 3. The Children's Hour. 4. Meeting of KviuiselUi and Gabriel. 5. Hiawatha's Wooing. 6. Sandalphun, the Angel of I'ruyer. The entertainment Is not intended for the general public but for patrons of the school and others to whom special in vitations have been sent. Alleged Breach of Promise. Warrants were sworn out Tuesday fcy Miss Maggie Duffy, of Port Griffith, for the arrest of John McDonald, of this place, for breach of promise. Miss Duffy claims to hold letters which will prove conclusive evidence of McDon ald's guilt. McDonald left town yes terday afternoon and has not as yet been apprehended. The police of Scranton and "Wilkes-Barre have been notified, and will keep a close watch for the runaway lover. Miscellaneous Items. James D. Monie, a popular and influ ential young man of the West Side, has purchased the grocery store of F. J. Lates, situated on the corner of Delaware and Wyoming avenues. Mr. Monte has resigned his position at the Coxton office of the Lehigh railroad, and will take possession of bis new store on -Monday. We often hear the croaker say all minstrel shows are alike. But such Is not the case with Al. G. Fields' min Btrels, which will appear at Music Hail Friday, March 8. Mr. Field is noted for his originality, and each succeeding year presents new and novel entertain ments. This season he has added the gorgeous spectacular pantomime .of "Aladdin." which is said to surpass anything in its line ever attempted. Wednesday. March 20, will be the last day on which licenses will be is sued. The members' reception of the Young Men's Christian association promises to be one of especial Interest. A num ber of new features will be presented, making the best entertainment ren dered by the association this season. Subscriptions to the Scranton Trib une will be received at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. John McNamara was taking In the Bights at Wilkes-Earre last evening. Constable Bennett is making large statements regarding the velocity of his new horse. Fugitives In the future will havo "no walk away" to leave this city. B. O. Cooper and his daughter, Har riet, are spending a few days In New York city. W. J. Lewis, of Kingston, was a vis itor In town today. Miss Jeanette McFall, of Matoon, 111., Is the guest of Mrs. A. P. Smith, of the West Side. Ira Orr, of Scranton, was among the numerous visitors in town today. Mr. Russel, of Russel Hill, Is ths truest of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Bneil, at her home' on the West Side. The people of Plttston ere abreast of the times; they rpad The Tribune. About forty of th members of the local. Young Men's Christian associa tion will attend the annual gymnasium WHAT YOU NOTICE fct first, perhaps, lo taking the Carls tad Sprudcl Salt regularly, Is a de crease in weight. It is getting rid ol all the unhealthy, unnatural flesh and tissue if you have any. That is what makes it so valuable In cases of obesity. But after that, if you arc thin al ready, the firm, sound, healthy llesb that yon need conies In a thoroughly natural way. Your digestive organs are put Into perfect condition; your ap petite is sharpened; there's no waste; the food that you take nourishes you. No matter whether you're too stout or too thin the Carlsbad Sprudcl Salt brings you to the proper, healthy standard, cither way. Take no imitations sold as "Im proved" or "artificial" Carlsbad Salt, which are only mixtures of ordinary Glauber Salt and Seldliti Powder, sold ly unscrupulous dealers in order t make larger profits. The only genu ine Imported article has the signature of "Eisner & Mcndclson Co., Sole Agents, New York," and the Beat ot the city of Carlsbad oo every bottle. exhibition of the State Normal, school at Bloomsburg Friday, March 15. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. The case ot John Gerrlty vs. the Cork Lane election board, was oontlnued un til next Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. It is rumored that the miners of the sixth vein at the Exeter shaft of the Lehigh Valley Coal company were on a strike yesterday, but returned to work again this morning. The troublo was on account of a reduction of wages. The demands of the miners were ac ceded to. . DUNMORE. The Misses Ida Doty and Maud Savage spent yesterday at Nantlcoke. Do not forget the orange social at ttie Presbyterian church this evening. The Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will hold a social at the home of Miss Peckena in North Park next Tuesduy evening. All ure invited. Grip Is raging In tills borough. Our doctors are kept busy ltty und night attending to patients. Members of the Epworth logue will hold a social at the home of Miss Marian Kennoy, on Butler street, tomorrow evenlna. The Loyul Legion will hold a social ut their hull Wednesday evening, March 20. Mrs. A. C. Snyder, of Dudley street, Is ill with the grip. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Purcell, of Fifth street, are both Hi of the grip. Mr. und Mrs. M. J. Brown, of Je&uip, were In town Tuesduy uttendtug the funeral of Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Hennihan. Mrs. Murtin Ctuley, of Blughumton, Is spending u week visiting relatives in town. M. J. McHule, of Olyphunt, culled on Dunmore friends Tuesduy evening. Yesterduy a child of Mrs. Spungeu burg, of Nay Aug, accidentally set the house on lire. The child was quite badly burned about the head and fuce, The lire was extinguished before the house wa3 consumed. Mrs. Miller, of Mount Cobb, is in town visiting her son, Wllllum Miller. 110NESDALE. At 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon Miss Alice, daughter of Mr. und Mis. Rodney W. Tllion, "WiM married to Charles W. Rockwell at the home of her parents on Sixteenth street. The bridesmaids were Miss Emma Tllion, sister of the bride, and Miss Harriet Rockwell, sister of the groom. Charles Carr. of Scranton, and Fred W. Powell, M. D., of Honesdule, were the ushers. The bride wore white duchess satin and carried bridal roses; the bridesmaids each carried a bunch of pink carnations. After the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rockwell left on the Erie. On their return home they will commence housekeeping in their home on Upper East Btreet, which was a gift fronvthe groom's father. Among the guests from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tillon, of South Orange; Mrs. Mark Goodwin, Misses Goodwin, Mrs. Miner Carr, Charles Carr. Joseph Carr, Miss Monies, Miss Lizzie Tillon of Scran ton; Mrs. E. Wilkes, Misses Wells, of Port Jervls; Mrs. George U. Valentine, of Brooklyn. The accident to Mrs. William Fuller, which was reported In yesterday's Tribune, was (not as serloirs as at first supposed. No bones were broken, but the strain which she received will probably confine her to the house for some time to come. At the Allen House yesterday were B. J. Seville and George K. Kuss. of Scranton, and E. D. Welden, of Car bondale. Rev. M. Marshall of Forest City, of ficiated at Grace church last evening. WYALUSLNG. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Ingham and Mrs. Rebecca Quick spent Monday at Washington Ingham's, Sugar Run. Mrs. Charles Brown, of Newark, N. J., and Mrs. E. Decker, of Mehoopany, are visiting relatives in town. Miss Eloise Hlnes is spending this week In Scranton. Miss Bessie Slocum recently arrived home from a visit with relatives In West Plttston and Scranton. Several fine new residences are going up In town. Mrs. Bixby-Davls and Mrs. Helen Canfleld visited Towanda Friday last. Invitations are out fur the wedding of Eloise Ilines and Dr. W. O. Bunnell. Wednesday evening, March 20. iMIss Bertha Enylord is spending this week In LeRoysvllle, I'a. Major Levi Wells spent Tuesday night In town on his return from Hnr rlsburg, where he has spent the last ten days. Mls Adah Chamberlain spent Sun day In Towanda. Mlna Ida Lynch, who has been sick for a long time, Is now convalescent. John Sands, of Tennessee, Is visiting his parents In town. The Misses Flu-h, of Elmlra, are visit ing Mrs. V. A. Wells. FOREST CITY. On Friday, March IS, a concert will be held in Duvls' opera house under the direction and for the benefit of the Presbyterian church. Among those who will assist on the occasion will be "Llew Herbert," the famous bass solo ist, of Scranton. The Imperial quar tette and the Concert Symphony com pany, J wo musical organizations of Carbondale, will also take part. Meetings are being held each even ing In the 1'resbyterlan church. Rev, Charles Lee, of Carbondale, preached a very able sermon Tuesday night. "I contracted a severe cold from wet nd exposure. Bronchitis followed. Doc tors failed to relieve mo. Heverul of the members of my family hsd died of con sumption, and I thought I was doomxd. Vr. Wood's Norway I'lns Syrup brought Instant relief and perfect cure." M. I'n gur, L'nlun Corner, Northumberland Co., I'a. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. It Is now predicted that pig Iron will shortly be made In East Tennessee for $5 per ton. Thelmports of dry goods at New York since Jan. 1 have been 31 ,625,231), as compared with $17,3.12,027 In 1894. The valuation of the labor of our hens In eggs and spring chickens Is very year estimated at 1200,000,000. The Electrical Revlow says the West ern Union Telegraph company collected about $1,(00,000 last year for telling the time of day. Ontario nf Western earnings In January, In creased 1834 net, and from July to Jan. SI, there was a decrease Of $23,864.. The consumption of coal by locomo tives In' the United States In 1893 amounted to 50,000,000 tons, or about one-third of the whole production In this country. In January there were 129 railroad accidents in this country, which In cluded fifty-five collisions, sixty-seven derailments and seven other accidents, in which 32 persons were killed and 100 injured. " It Is said that a weeks work In Bir mingham, Eng., comprises, among Its verlous results, the fabrication of 14,- 000. 000 pens, 6,0000 bedsteads, 7,000 guns, 300.000,000 cut nails, 100,000,000 buttons, I. 000 saddles, 5,000,000 copper or bronze colnB, 20,000 pairs ot spectacles. The average cost of power for the manufacture of a barrel of flour In Min neapolis Is said to bo 2V4 cents for water und 6 to 7 cents for steam, while at Duluth, where steam is used exclusive ly, the cost per barrel is 2 cents to SM cents a barrel, the coal used being the refuse from the docks. An apparatus for burning coal dust has been brouRht out In Germany. The consumption of even the most inferior cluss of coal dust is attended with no smoke, whllo the heat produced is so Intense that the apparatus has been adapted 'In Berlin for smelting works, und with excellent results. The. Lancaster glnghum mills, in Clinton, Mnss., the largest Institution of the kind In the world, is completing arrangements for the manufacture of outing cloth, 'Special machines have been set up, and the project contem plates Impurtunt additions to the works, which now employ 2,500 hunds. Ten thousand tuns of freight. In cluding l.r.OU live sheep, 441 cuttle, and Hour, cotton, lurd, wheut und the like In enormous quantities Is the cargo of a single ship now on the oceuu between Baltimore und Liverpool. The ship Is the Ulstermore, a four-masted steel steamer, 400 feet long, 43 feet wide und 3$ feet deep. She cull inuke 350 miles a duy, and her cargo is worth almost $400,000. The postmaster at Chicago has under consideration the Hdoptlon of a pluu to convey malls by wire, to distribute mall matter over roofs of buildings by elec tric cars traveling on a wire cable. The Inventor says he bus discovered a new principle of hurneSHlug the electric cur rent without the use of a roturn wire. It Is estimated that a saving in time over the present method of fifty min utes in every hour cun bo made. The cost of construction is put ut $250 a mile. General Superintendent Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley railroad, has Issued nn order, In effect March 1, that no empty four-wheel coal cars must be brought from Fuckerton to the Wyom ing region except by special orders, and no four-wheel ooul cars shall be loaded for points west of White Haven. This order will prevent many wrecks that are caused by the small curs being made up Into a train with large gon dolas, and the trainmen and officials are therefore much pleased with the new order. STOCKS AXIl BONDS. New York, March 6. The stock market during the early dealings was firm and u more cheerful tone char acterized the trading. Prices moved up anywhere from 4 to 1 per cent., Dela ware and Hudson, Chicago Gas, Louis ville and Nashville, the grangers, Man hattan und Lead being prominent In the upward movement. Chicago Gas got up to "lVi on western rumors that the Ogden Gas franchise was not as valuable as at first supposed. In the afternoon there was a selling move ment In New Jersey Central, New York Central, Sugar, Louisville and Nash ville, and Western t'nlon. The transac tions were heavy, especially In Balti more and Ohio. Sugar was weaker and sold down to 91. It was currently re ported that the dlvldent will be re duced to 2 per cent, quarterly. New Jersey Central fell to :; New York Central to 95H- The anthracite coalers were not particularly af fected by the withdrawal of the Joint traffic rate by the Reading. The market closed weak and 14 to l'-i on the day. Chicago Gas gained 'i. Manhattan and Lead . The total sales were 1.40, 000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive Blocks of the New York stock mar ket nr (,'lven IHow. ThR quotations are furnlHhed The Tribune by . du R. Dlm nikk, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, 8c:ranton. . , O'pn- Hlch- Low- Clos Inir. et. est. In. Am. Tobnoro Co Wi M Kl'i fl'j Am. Cot. (ill 2li 23W 23 2.1 Am. Snirar He'g Co. W !' l- 9I7, Alch., To. 8. Ke... 4 4 3'a U ('nil. Soulh 4M, 4! Chen. & Ohio 1' I'i'i I'''. f'hlcugo Gnu "I'll "s ' Chic. N. W W'i kst M'l Chic, II. W 7 71' '. '', c. c. c. & St. I. p 3M :w Chic, .Mil. fit. P... V', W3 M M- Chic. It. I. H IT-" 1 HI1. Delaware lluil lliti'ii -l-T. IWj IW's II. . I,. W 1i7' V K.7'ii 157'i llnt. (.'. I'" 12 13 12-S 12" (ion. Elect rlc M'4 2'i WH III. Central K4'j W'i M', SI'i 1. nke Shore I.W latl'i i:wli W", Louis. & Niish 4!i's i 4i ManhnltHli Kle lfi H74 1(17', Mo. I'.Kltle 20 2"1 IKS IDS Nut. Cordani! DH f f"t f.'j Nut. l-eil 2 2W4 2 N. J. Central K7 H-V Kr.S N. Y. Central K W, r,N, Jtr.H N. Y., I,. I".. W X H Hi M., N. Y H. W 1V-i 12', 121 12S N. Y.. H. W., I'r... 37S 37'.j ST :ria Nor. I'ni illc, IV 1 14 IMj 1314 Ont. Wl KP4 I1H4 1 1H Phil. Itoad 8'i HS, 74 '. Southern It. R. ...... 9:4 H: w, Tex. Pacini! V : h' 8 wnbnnii r.s, r., r.i, r., VHbnnh. Pr 12T, 12'i Vi'j, I'J'f, West, i'nlon 87 KH Wits CHICAGO BOARD OP TRAUP! PRICKS. O'pn- ilinh- Low- Clos. WHEAT. Ing. "t. est. InR. Mny Mi., Mi 03 M't July tf.'4 t&H W'j M? OATS. Mny 2! 2!'4 2H"i 2l'i July 27i 27rn 27'., 27'n CORN. Msy 4I'4 41 44 44V, July Wt 41 44 l.ARD. May r.2 B fiO A r.2 (t.K July CM 1.70 0.116 tl.o; PORK. May 10.42 1072 10.42 10.62 July 10. S7 10.87 10.87 10.87 Soranton Hoard of Trade txchange Quo tations. No. Par Sim. Val, BTOCKfl. Bid. Ask. 4 Crystal Lake Water Co 450 20 DO Dime Dep. & Din. Ilimk 02 m 10 100 Flmt Nut'l Hunk 600 t loo First National liank (Carbniiilale) 2T,0 M 100 flreen H'gn l.um'r Co .... 110 100 loo Laeka. Lumber Co... 110 ..... G 100 Lneks. Trust A Safe Deposit Co 150 5 100 M. M. Savings Hank (Carboniliile). 140 225 10 60 Providence Ahlng- ton Turnpike Co.... Dfi 10 100 Hera'n Savings Hank. 200 1 loo Hura'n Axlo Works., 03 10 1011 Hcru'n Lc Cur. Oo 76 5 lou Scranton Forging Co 100 110 25 loo Third Nail Hunk.... 350 .. G 100 NilI'I Horlns & Drill ing Co., Pr 100 4H 100 Thuron Coal Lend Co .... W DO I'M Traders' Nal'l Bank 120 40 1110 Dickson Mfg Co 100 3 100 Scranton Heddlng Co .... 104 HONDS. t Coo Snranton Uluss Co COO a Dou Kiwn'v Steam Meat A Power Co BOO 1 100 Dickson M fit Co 1( 30 lino Scranton True. Co , 950 1 loo Carbom a la City School Honda 110 York New Produce Market. New York, March 6. Flour Quiet, steady, unchanged. Wheat (Julet, weak er; No. S red store and elevator, DHa8o.; ulloat, Wc; f. o, b.( Dnto.; uugwdsu UNYOMS GOLD AND G0U6H CURES GUARANTEED TO CHECK A COLD IN A HOURS AND PREVENT GRIP AND PNEUMONIA. FEW Colds lead to coughs, coughs to Qrlp, Pneumonia and Consumption;; there fore, It la all Important to check a cold before it reaches the lungs. Mun yon's Cold Cure will positively break a cold inside of HweMty-foun hours if taken as soon as the cold manifests Itself. When the cold reaches the lungs or bronchlul tubes the Cough Cure should be used alternately every half hour with the Culd Cure. The Cold Cure Is guaranteed to prevent pneu monia If used in the beginning of a cold. Pneumonia, or lnflummution of the lungs can be controlled by the use of these two cures, The Cough Cure positively cures bron chitis, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, loss of voice, soreness of the chest, dif ficulty in breuthlng, hacking cough and all pulmonary diseases where the lungs are not too fur decomposed or covered with tubercles. If you ure ailing, step Into the neureBt drug store and get a 25 cent vial of one of Munyon's Remedies. No matter what your disease or how many doctors huve fulled to cure. It will give, you relief. Those who are In doubt as to the na ture of their disease should address Pro fessor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Phila delphia, giving full symptoms of their diseuse. Professor Munyon will care fully diugnose the case and give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free of all churge. The remedies will be sent to any address 011 receipt of retail price. red. r,7uC2c; No. 1 northern. CSVic; options cloned steady; Alurch 58u.; May, 5S'c. ; June, 5ae.; July, 5!tc.; August, 5;4c.; September, CUV?.; December, U3a. Corn Qulut, eusler; No. 2, 48c. elevulor; Do',4o. ullout; steamer mixed, 4iHu4'Jaiu. ; options dull, steady; March, 48c; May, 4Wic; July, 48e, Oats Dull, teucly; options qulut, easier; March, 33c.; April and Muy, 33c.; No. 2 wlilto March, SliV.o.; spot prices. No. 2, 33',.c; No. white, :UiV4c; No. 2 Chicago, 34'if.; No. 8, 32c; No. 3 while, 3ic; mixed westorn, 31a3tt'.; white utute and western, 37u41c Provisions Quiet, unchanged. Lard (julet, firmer: western steuni, ti.75; city, ii.:t7; March, 10.75; Muy, $0.85; refined dull; continent, $7.15; South Atiierltw, J7.W; compound, &V4a54tc. Butler Steady; state dairy, 9al8c. ; do. creamery, old, 12ultie. ; western dairy, 8a Uc; do. creamery, new, 14a20c; do. old, loa lt'ic; do. faotory, 8al2e.: rolls, 8aJ3c; lil glns, 20c; linllutloit creamery. 10al4c. Cheese Firm, unchanged. Kg gs Firm; statu und I'unnsylvun'.u. 23c; duck, 35u.; western fresh, 23c: southern, 22a22c. Ituffalo Stock Market. RufTulo. March 6. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; on sule 20 head; market opened steudy nod closed firm; medium weight, I4.20a4.50; fair to good fat cows, J3u.'1.75. Hogs Receipts, 6.150 heud; on sale l.StW head; inarkut opened 10al5c. higher, closod strong with late sales of light mixed ut $4..rou4.55; early sales, Yorkers, $4.35al.4); pigs. 4 30u4.4O; mixed packers, S4.40u4.45; good mediums and heavy, 84.5oa4.50; roughs, J3.75.i4. 10; stags. S3u3.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; on sale, 7,000 heud; market opened Hteady for good to choice fat stock, but slow and lower for common to fair grades, cloned steady; choice Inmbs, I5.75ut; fair to good, $4. 50a D.5o; culls and common, 3a4.25; good mixed sheep, J3.oOu4: fut wethers, J4.lou4.50; ex port sheep. 844.75: fancy, $4.85u5; extra export wethers, !5u5.25. Chicago Stock Market. Chicago. March 6. Cattle Receipts, 13. Oou head; market oiiened weak and closed firm: common to extra steers, 13.S5aii.lo; lockers und feeders, $2.Hna4.uO: cows and bull, 1.5oa4.f0; calves, $2.50n5.50. Ho Receipts. 40.0000 head; market Hteady; heavy, K4.05h4.3o; common to choice mixed, f:t.i'a4.3i); choice assorted, $4.15a4.20; light, $3.9na4.1n; pigs, $3u4. Sheep Receipts, 17, lio head: market weak; inferior to choice, J2.5a4; lambs, J3.25ui.40. Oil Market. 'Pittsburg', March 6. Oil opened and highest, lu5; lowest and closed, lu5. Skin and blood diseases causing all sorts of dire disasters to human happiness lire easily and quickly cured by Burdock Hlood Hitters, from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sors. Agent Wanted. UENTS-HINIiE8 PATENT CNIVF.K I V aul Hair Curler and Wavers (nsl with out heat), nn l "I'yr l'oiuted"Hair Pins. Lib eral coiiiuiImIodi. Pros simple Mid full par ticulars. AdUrna P. O. llox 45ii. New Yurk. U 'ANTTn'r ACTIVE SALESMEN TO bundle our linn, 110 peddling. Sslurr, $7. pw iiiuutn und pxpenhen paid to all. Uoods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, 6303, ll"tnn, Mrla Lost. IVVVW I OST-A I.IU11T COLOR Ell YORKSHIRE IJ dog: aiinwrn to nnnio of "Dude." Any Information a to Ills wtwrcaboiita Till be re warded at 232 Milllin are. E.NOCH PAUE. ItT-OM SATUKOA V LAST IN ROCHE J Hi Faddoii'a liot-1, Lackawanna aronue, or at Davla' theater, small Hlnrt atud. Flndar lihrrnllr rewarded by leaving same at Repub lican ulllce. Found. ,'OUMl-A Hl'M OK MONEY. INQUIRE at linrdnitf'M China H(nr. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE HK ovlvril al the othVe of tb. City Clerk, Hrranion. Pa . until 7 III o'clock p. in., Thura dar, March, 14, 10,1, to ronatrnct aewar ava tern Section K, In I ha Tlilrle-uttl Kewar ilia triot, togHtbor with 1h necuaiMiry branclira, manhole. bsftitH, lampliolea, receivers, flx turea anil npp'inncea portMluiug thorntn. The aaid lower HVntcin la to be constructed on portions of We.it Lackawanna avanne, Knlrmont avaniin. Choatuut atreet, Lafavetta trwl. Drown Place and tha onurt running southwesterly from Hrown'a Plana, in accord ance with tha plana and epacllk-atlone tlloj lu tlm ofllre of tho oily rlt-rt . ' Each promal ahall be aceompaniacl by caih or certified check In the aunt of one hundred dollar, which 111111 Is to Ik forfaited to the city In caai of failure toaxscutu a contract if awarilnd the lame Th oily raaurvvi the right to reject any and ill blda. By order of City Council, - 14. T. LAVKLLE, City Clerk. Fcranton, Pa., March 4. Itm Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTKD FOR WAhHINO, O Ironing or oleaulug by the day: waahlng taken home alto. Call or addraaa ''L. B.," 834 North Humiier avanue. Hvdi Park, SITUATION WANTI BY AM EX' 11 Derirnced liartandor. dt 1 of county. Kelt of reference. Addraaa J. C, this of lice, C1TUATIOH WANTEtT-BY A YOU NO O man aa aaalatant book kewr or clerk for Ihe retail grocery trade; willing to work for mall aalary at tint. Addraaa "W. .T-. " Trib une offlce. S TfUAT ioVwANTBU-BYOUaf grocer clerk, late of Philadelphia; can peak English and German; baa eome expert auoe In meat cutting; referenot. Call or ad areas T. P. UllKNNAN, 127 Madison sveuue, Dunmore. C1TUATION WANTKD EXI'ERlKNUtD O double entry beok-keeoer wlahea to coui muoicaie with vhjralcian, or any professional nan who would require the ervloea of aa ao oountant a few hour eaoh day, Klrat olaaa penman; references. Address ''A. K.," Trib une offloe. A YOUNG MAN, iW YEARS OP AUE, HE sires position a olerk, or soma suitable occupation; alr education. Addreas "W, K.," 1124 Court atreet, elty, SITUATION WANTED -A POSITION aa stationary englueer, either at slope or haft: five years' experience; best of refer ence furnished, by young married man. Ad fires "F.D. R" Box 171, Dunmore, Pa. SITUATION WANTED A YOUNU MAN, student In business college, want work writing In offlceirbookkeeplngiexpcrienced. Address "K, J ," Zaranton Tribune. Connolly & Wallace LffllES3 IE SlJ?i?We claim OUr eoods to be SUOerior in Stvle. finish nnrl wnrlfninrtsriiri tn onw other line shown in Scranton. The variety of weaves most exact demand. Interlined with hair cloth or fibre chamois, fRICES FROM $5.00 TO $35.00. SILK WAIST PATTERNS Immense line to select from. Special prices rule for a few days. 31c. TO $1.25 PER YARD. CONNOLLY & Keystone IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO.; PRICES T A Word. WANTf Or ALL KINDB COST THAT UUCH, WHEN PAID FOB. W AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAKQS WILL BE LK38 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADH, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE! Help Wanted Male. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN W every town to solicit atock subscrip tions; a monopoly: bis monry fur ajuntu: uo capital r(ulru(l. EDWARD C. FitiU CO., fcordim block, Chicago. HI. (JALKSMEN KKSIDENT SALESMEN Cj wuiitrd, acqualnteil with the lexal aud nsarby driie aod urocory trade, to handle our line of falgli Brads clears. Address, giving references, J. EDWARD COW Ltd Co., H3 Chambers streut, N, Y. Helo Wanted Females. WANTED-A MIDDLE-AUED PROTEST 'I ant woman for general housework; a good home to the riht partr and good wages. .- ddreas with l.articulais, P. Drawer 457, Scranton, Pa. Wanted. "COMMON PIGEONS OR DOVES WANT Vy ed; pay hlghet market price. J. W. FULFORD. Utica, N. Y. Wanted To Rent. Alf ANTED TWO RUUMS SUITABLE FOR v music studio and slrspmt room, with good family; neutral location; reforencai ex cnanaed. Addraw MlSH L. LoL'ISE HAR DENBEROH. til Wyoming avenue. kem'onsTblT: business man wauta to rent a 1) or lu room haute with modern improvements; tlreen Ridge pre ferred Addrcx, etating rant, to "WALTER H ," Tribn o oftlo. For Rent. r-OR RENT THE PlluTOUKAPli OAL F lry formerly occupied bv C. L. Urlfliu, Incluiinir rooms fur houHekeeplng. l;eS Wyo miug avenue. HI AH. SU1LAOER. V'OR RENTBKICK HOUSE F NINE V rooms, from April let. 418 Vine atreet. Applv to L. M. HOiUON, i C'umincnwcalth Building. I 'OH RENT-A LAROE. 4-STORY BUILD 1 lug at Ut) Kranhlln arenna; suitable for wholesale buaineas. CARSON It DAVIES, Scranton. 176ri KEvr-BincirwAliiToiE- with I elevator on D L. & W. switch and Went Lackawanna avenue. Scranton Stove Work. 1;OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNrUR nished rooms at SiW Lackawanna avenu". V'OR KENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST I Lacknwauna avenue. Adilrnsi THOMAS E. EVANS, aear lll Luserne, Hyde Park. fX'It RENT N1CKLY lURNlSHED H ALL II auitubln for lodge rooms. JOHN JEH MYN, III Wyoming iivennn. For Sale. A SHARES-TRADERS RANK STOCK 'HP for Bale Money to loan on mortgage. A,D. Dean, attorney, 8.U Waahlnston ave. "fUSH MKAT BUs'lNISS FOR SALE V Profits t; to HO we kly, at s bargain. Addrexa "II.," Ti Ibflne oflice. lt'OR SALE ON F.XCEEDINOLY MOIF.R J ate terms, my house and two lota ot land, (i:a)xli), No. IT'.T WaaJington avenu. J. a FISHER, Sin Waelilnatoti avenue. Horses at Auction. I WILL SELL A LOAD OF HORSES AT Mchola' stable, 1131 Raymond Court, Scran ton, Friday, Murcb lu, aflornoou. W. nWOORE M. COU11 WILL HAVE AN AUCTION aalo of 40 head of horses on Tuesday, March 11, at 1 o'clock sharp; haa on hand li bead for private aalo; homes mnat be aa reprraentad; stables 8.U Raymond court. Notice to Contractors. Porfmt CiTv, Pa., March 7, left. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR j UK raotlou of a church building for tha Lithuanian Catholic In Forest Ity. from now uutll April M, I6IVV, The church ofll lals reserve the rlgbt to reject any or all bide. The plana and aoecitlcatlons may be seu by apply ing to Anthony Peterson, Forest City House, Forest City, I'a. Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrsnologist, 4U North Main avenue. For a abort time only. ... - - . Special Notices. W"7HJUrLliKFTo"co some party d-slrltig to aell milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, care station agent, Bkiuner's Eddy, Pa. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hlbltioDi and lentil i upon any subject de sired. These exhibitions will be illustrated, having In my possession the most powerful dissolving stereopttcons made. E. H. CALL, Trlbnse Omoe. YOU WANT THIS RELIO - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week.r War Illustrations HWl-lBU. Two Volume Vollo, 110.60; payable monthly, 2.oa Delivered by exureas complete, Prepaid. Addieaa P, U MOODY, IHUibaon street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA atiiae, etc., bound or rebound at Tin TntnuHa offloe. yulck work. Ksasonable price. . 0 C With Organ Pipe Backs. in both Cloth and Silk is so WALLACE, THE 6ELEBRATED Bed MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. (AOTION TO our patrons: AVashburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this vear hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New m heat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosbv Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 4 e e MM MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND STEEL Holts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dyes, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, Aud a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheelf, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1IE1IEIS I OT, SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE OLD GROWTHDRY. mm s i as Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of , ajand Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? t We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE Hill ONWEALTH TELEPHON I THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA, Manufacturer ot . Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Ucneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN I saadi s rallakls, Um sarsst disss Dr. Poarc Pennyroyal Plllo Tatr an aramat, aals aa4 aarUla la ranlt Th tanaia ( Dr. Faal'i) aavar 4iaa4 aaUL fiaalaawawa, ti.lM, AaonatI,BaJ.MsuisiUM UsTlaa,0. For Sslsby JOHN H. PHELPS, 6pruo Strost, Scrsnton, Pa. E 8UOT8 trre.nr tlmf u mn sntmlv tri gSr mm . " pring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue Cor. Adams Avenue, (MILL 9 CO,, SCRANTON PA. asoathly, rarnUtlnt medietas. Pair hsmlsas 111 saasM b M4, U jaa want laa bast, fat Phsrmaolst, Cor. Wyoming Avsnuo mn4 LUMBER
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